or i ETC General Kews. A letter 'from Camp Bidwell in the Winnemucca Silver State, indicates that the Indians in tha section are getting sensitive as , the warm weather approaches. Five Indians were arrested at VJlidwell, on the Gth of April jbr threatening to make 'trouble .-and kilj some one. The Silver State thinks that this bad conduct and threats against the whites, shows that there is a probability of another Indian outbreak this spring among the bands which range from Modoc County, Cal., through North-western Nevada and South-eastern Oregon, and that the greatest vigil ence on the part eff the military is nec essary to prevent the ndians from committing depredations and murders. "When a Bodie girl receives the attention from a gentleman she inquires with absorbing in terest, "how many men he lias killed?" Exchange, aii Elko girl under the same ci renins tan ces wants to know how manv mustangs he has broken. Times Review. Boise City girl would enquire how many quar ter sections of fine gold placers he owns on Snake river. Ida ho Statesman. Albanv girl asks if he takes the Democrat, airl if he pays for it promptly, and if he is in favor of Foulwcathor as a Harbor of Refuge. Demo crat, au Idaho City fair one thoughtfully inquires. "What do the clea,i-ups from yours mine average, and how much ore have you in sight."' Idaho World." Our Grant County maidens asks if he owns any Monumental or Phil Sheridan stock, and if he has subscribed for the Graut Couiity News. The Lewiston Teller savs the Indian who figured so consoic- uously at Washington with chief Joseph and was such a lion at the President's mansion under the name of Yellow Bull, is no other than Chotlin Mox Mox the murderer of Mrs. Manuel and child near the moulli of White Bird creek, on Thurs- day the 1 3th day of J une, 1877, the day before the outbreak on Camas Prairie. It is stated upon good au thority that the wheat stored in the Dallas warehouse has been purchased by Mr. Yokum, of Oregon Cit', and that steps will be taken at once to finish the narrow-gauge rail-road to Dal las to move the wheat. There is about 20,000 bushels. a Pittsburg preacher in one of his sentences remars said: "The marvelous niultitudinousness of the minute of the corroborating circumstances are the insur mountable difficulties which un mistably prevent the skeptic from discovering truth." I am inclined to think the following an excellent story. What do you say? "Mrs. Muriel took great in terest in parish affairs. Last year-she promised to assist in decorating the parish church. One illuminated text she thought would be well over the chancel screen, and she reques ted her husband to bring it from town, as might have been, ex pected he forgot the text, and wired to his wife for particu lars. To the surprise of all the telegragph clerks this message came lashing over khe wires: "Unto us a child is born, nine feet long by to feet broad",'r London Letter. A little stean? luuch running en Ya (juina bay hur.-t a steam pipe ou the 39th, near Toledo. No serious dncjngc TlT Hagestonm, Md., Globe Ebys: -Ae felt proud at having seen the- im prftit of a mastodon 5 foot nc;ir tlie South mountain. IJtcly we learned that a liarrisbiirg girl Inrl been ah-J ering nutumn leaves i Uiat vieinitv last fall- The Secretary of the Treasury an nounces that in consequence of tee pro posal or the syndicate to take S157.0Q04- 000 of prr-cent. bnndr, and 40,000 . 000 refunding certificates, the circular offering bonds for sale will be recinded- Old maids who have passed safely over the line can cnnirraiulate their, selves uron f scientific discovery hat "most people I ceome inr-atie between tho a:es of twentv-iive and thirty.'' f V Some people may imagine that old maids ran find consolation in this fact but the hardest thins to find is au old maid over thirty. A year ago a bind ofladies in Buf falo, pledged themselves never to P30 cia'o with young turn who drank intox icating vi nds. Now, these ynunt: ladies a- ihov think tlie htrfunie of otovcr :s rar more (irjicatt :ui d plea. ant tlinn Ir-liolropo. A Jersey City wnm-in vas recently ;r rested fr nias'un Iicr hushand acro.s the nose vit h red and yc'low M-orj5t'd mo to bourin" thu v.rds, "Cod hioss onr honie.'' A woman tcvit fi'ids It.df as much fadiisfaotioo in th: s rmou a.s she do s in a j'oaso spot on the back of the woman's dn-ss in iront of hcv. I'ho peopde of Dalles have rub n a peaceful a'id pnctical mot hud of irak. ing the Oil in i -so go; and the ladies of the town are at the bo'tnm of it. A destitute widow having anived at th'il plaee, two ladies circulated a sub setiprion y.apor and secured stifiieiutit uioucy to furnish a sirall hnu-o plainly. and induced a number of families to transfer lh ir iaundrv liatronane foin 1 the local Chinese es'ablishmo-t t: give her con;.nnt employment. Good; and hujrah fin the w.iu.nir Deer are more numerous in the hills and mountains iilonif the sourses of jiiir Butte creek thau th?y have b'jen for several yerus. The very late and continued tain are a blessing to Southern Oieuon keeping up the supply for mining pnr poses and a?stiring tlie heaviest erojs of rrain ever raised in tiiis'vallo v. Cin Leu the bn?s Chinaman of Lit. tie Apdlcgate, cleandd up lat week after twenty one da v. run and washed out one hundre.l an 1 fifty-eiiilit ounces of dust worth 2077, or -SI 27 per day. Len has plenty of such ground left. Jacksonville Sentinel: The spring has been very backward in the high lands along JSijr and Little Butte creek in consequence of the late cold rains. No gardening has yet been done, ami et will be some time before the iiround is in condition for the plow. t Postmaster j-Ielmau of Ashland has beeu instructed to find a responsible party and relet the nnil contract on the route between Ashland and. Lake. view. There have been twenty-three failures in the connection reported py P. M Helman. and many more from the other end of the line. A Jacksonville paper leporls that Geore Jackson of that county has recently raised i-omo corn from seed originally brought to the United States from the Fgypthm catacombs, where the germ had bem preserved fjr th u - ands of years, and it is said to be ex cecdingly prolific, yeilding as much as eighty bushels per acre. , In Walla Walla they havo young onions and lettuce. j The 0 S. N- Co an independent Conpany am running lines of poats on the Upper Willamette- L::inbertson, who shot West in Polk cnunty a few days ago, was bound over in the sum of So 00. Chinese rookery was p timed down en the 24th at saleni. Loss to the Chinee 300. The buddings were worth less A number of handsome laurel tress on the place of Mr. Bush, near snlem. j iiave recently been "girted" by wanton persons. Miss Minnie ILonlt, daughter of Hon E. Hon It, of Harrisbu rg, came near dying last week frem the ellecti of poisou un!:. "-Ji?-'N-v-ft h TTffT'ryiiy'fi GRANT IJOHTY (L I A J i 11 "3 ft if. i rn CYcry i L l A fa M :1 v Canwn City, Gkant Co., Ogx. ill 3 Olciel Fepr is) GRAWT COUsniTY- INDEPENDENT IN EV0 PAPER NEAEEll THAN OUR iiOTTO:--CKAXT COUNTY 'J IJST, AN l.)Tj i li WOULD A ITIlK WAllDS. SUeSCRSPTflON PER YSAE, $8: Advance. a- I hi c Hue Ossa 6S mum ? nTO'nTVTf?! m V V5 1 Tho Qtoiiiop Uniion 1IIU LHUlJliUI iiUUlJU. 0 u I MEWS o o O ivtitiiVi'a II 1 H KH M ! X U K X III i t 11 hi I I I 1 I 1 1 I I I ! IJ EJ u y ijiLiiuiii u mujjuiLiuii OltEGOX, Aro receiving th:ir Heavy Stock of SDring & Summer Goods -CO.MIM1IKIXG- DllY GOODS GROCERIES, HARD. WA RE , R E AD Y M A D E CLOTH; ING, IIATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SiHOES, ETC. ETC. (TXU'l Strrk if rrinnlcte nrrf inshBftabl.i. J iMn.',r.p Crnp SuppHes iu endless qurr. -t.d at reuHonuble j-rioes. New Goods.of Every De scription. -A full Sr vk .' CUOCrCERY, CLAVAIxM, PAT. KNT M 13 1 I ( M N K', PAT NTS, OILS, SCHOOL liOOKS, , STATIONARY AND MOTIONS, WHO. on hand. We havo tho bost ?olcc?oi? an'l brj'js? Stock o( General Mrchnndis3 in (Jraot County. flSCall and ?co for joursolvor '. Crny & Jiron. !woq City MestW V;ishir.i;lon Street, CANYON CITY, OK KG ON, GRAY Fropriotoi-Q D E A L E RS ITi -11 3ESl2.23.ClS of mimn meats. rr..as:. lly VI)oks:tle and IsHsiil. Orders- Filled on S2iort IMoticc. Frank SlcCa!Iym?s Variety Store, John Day City, - - - Oregon. OKA I.KH in ciioici-: cnorKitiKSj TOUACCO, CMC A Its, sjrATlON'KISV, I KUT: A.N' I) coxi'KrTiu.VKi; v, K'!V., KTC. Woul'l rcpc.tOilly poHe.it n'xhira n' tho pat ri'nno r.f hb Kitiz ns of Jubo D.v and inirru -.ding country. MAIN ST., J'illX DAY", ORN. I I fill 3 Opposite the Odd Fellows' flail, DKAL.BK IN FAMILY GROCERIES TOBACCO AND CIGATLS, CROCK HHY, GLASSWARE. GENT'S rUPJIISEIKG GOODS, WITH A .MOST COM PLETJ3 A SSORTM ENT OF TIIK Latest Style Hats. A lo a well Htdectfd stock of Ladies' and Gents' Soots and Shoes. CAN D IKS ANI NUTS, ' SEWING MAOHIXE NEEDLES, AND OIL. NAILS, AXES, HOPE AND CUTTLEHY, In fact a thousand other articles too numerous to mention. p ALO AOENT,FORTIIE PACIFIC TZTJ''ZTTJLm Life Insurance Company, GAL1FOUNIA. Is n monthly. 100-jmKoScrnI Book of tho cream of tho World's Literature. SiW? eppy, 20c., or 2 per year An Oil C'hromo 0'J) inches) of "Vodemito. Valley." j)nce, $3. M BlAck hheep." a S1.50 book, in. in lutmov, or in oi-cunt 1'fHtago Ktamps. Agents wanted. Most liliAjraltorms. hut nothiriKont free. Address S. S. Woctfa, Tnbuuc UuiltUUtf, ew 1 ork Oitj. Can vox Qrh I O paper miming; v-urisi"" o vxiaiju.v, u hook, in pnpt-r biiiilini.anuasamplucopyof "Wood'a 1 IoiiM-holil Ala"nziiiu all post-paid, for only SO oento ... Dealer in General Kercliandise, kWoold most resreolfnlly snnonnco to thBsPuhi- Ijqih general, (bat he bas jest receivedand will keep constantly on band, a. full line of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Lard and Bacon. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Elects, Shcos, Clothing, Cents' fur--r.ishing Coco's, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TODACCO, CTGARS, 4 PATEMT SEDIGIMES- OILS AND 'AI.n4s, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONEUV AND NOTIONS. A LL oroprs for Goods will hp as usual, nllf-d Jl'VL iromi)f) and pa,!tff"Oforilv. N. JV Rtt iv will Ijc c o?otl hereafter at won on Sutid.iy's. CA.svnri Citv, Onrco.v. liLAuikiiii ofllir Peter JiiiM, Propt'r Csnycn Ctty; Oregon. RUGGIKR, WAGOXe, PLOWR, aiirl nil woi k in his line nifido l r 1 l jiiKi rujjiureu 111 si wunviuamiKe lnnnncr. lir:ieu!ar attention paid to Hoirteli. FEED STABLE hi ennnoction with the shop f have a eonmioilioiio -lMie4 -Stable. Horses boaiclcd at Heaccnable Prises. - T PETKR KTI1L. V fh Ik 11 o- lit Irffi, CANYOX CITY, OGX. JOS-fM HERESURCES Dealer In Choice iMUTTQN, VKAIj, I'OltK, HAMS, 3JACON, UORNKD I1EKK, TONGUES, POULTRY and GAME In Season. JE&fGoods promptly delivered UIIARUK'Sr c. BAG PKA I.V.I HOOTS AN SHOES. IIAUUWARK.WfUOCKEKY, GEO- riiKUKS, LIQUOKS A NI miners' Goods ")f livery l)ecripti-n. vie a UKAKT UOUNTV, UltEOON. i ilso keep a Hotel, where theyweary can find rest, and pLenty to eat. A. HUPPRICH, FASHIONABLE BOOT Am SHCE- CANYON CITY, OREGON. 5jfc"y prepared to turn oat Grst-claBS work iout ol' tho verjr bed tautorial and finest fia- P.8nc:::D neatly ac?l cbcaply ucta. f V