Oregon union. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1897-1899, January 27, 1899, Image 1

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NO. 31.
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
An Interesting Collection of Items From
the Two Hemispheres Presented
in a Condensed Form.
Chauncey M. Depew was elected to
he United States senate from New
Senator Lodge has been re-elected
from Massachusetts, and Senator Davis
from Minnesota.
Francis M. Cockrell was elected - to
the United States senate by the Mia
souri legislature.
A fire broke out in the Wheeler
mine at Denver, Col., on the night of
the 18th. All the miners escaped,
The fire in confined to one room.
A state faneral almost majestic in it
impress veness was given the late Rep
resentative Dingley in the house of rep
A Madrid dispatch says the premier.
Senor Sagasta, in an interview de
clared that he only awaited the United
States senate's ratificatioin of the peac
treaty to convoke the cortes.
The secretary of the interior, in
communication with the house com
mittee on Indian affairs, said an in
vestigation shows the reports of a
threatened uprising of Indians of the
Northern Cheyenne reservation are un
founded. Reports from Finar del Rio, Cuba,
say that the province is being ravaged
by bandits, who have broken away
from the insurgent forces. Thus far no
great damage has been done, and the
crimes committed are not of a serious
natute, but the ranks of the outlaws
are constantly inoieasing, and the raids
are beooming more daring.
At the annual meeting of the Busi
ness Men's League at St. Louis, two
hundred merchants and capitalists were
present. A resolution was adopted
heartily endorsing the aotion of the
delegates from the states and territor
ies comprised in the Louisiana pur
chase in deciding to commemorate the
event of the purchase by holding a
world's fair in St. Louis, and pledging
full support to the undertaking.. .
The congressional subcommission on
- agriculture and agricultural labor of
the industrial commission has made
publio its syllabus of the topical plan
of inquiry on the condition of labor
and capital employed in these pursuits.
The plan is divided into three general
heads, viz.: Labor employed, capital
employed, and remedial legislation.
Under the general heal of each are
questions on which the subcommission
desires information. They embrace SO
in all, and thoroughly cover the field,
wbich the subcommission has in hand.
Witnesses making responses to the
questions asked are required to give
facts rather than opinions except in
snoh instances where suggestions are
King Humbert, of Italy, has signed
a decree amnestying or reducing the
punishment of the rioters who . took
part in the disturbances last spring.
About 700 persons who were sentenced
by court-martial and about 2,000 who
were condemned by civil courts have
been liberated.
The secretary of the interior has for
warded to the senate the papers bear
ing upon the proposition to remove the
-Northern Cheyenne Indians from their
reservation in Northern Montana to
the Crow reservation. The secretary
states that the Cheyennes are averse to
the change, and he recommends that
they be allowed to remain where they
are, and that legislation be enacted
looking to the improvenient of their
Uerr Schmidt, a socialist member of
the German reiclistag, . has voluntar
ily informed the public prosecutor at
Madgeburg that he was Bolely respons
ible for the publication in the Social
ist Volks Stimme, of the article pur
porting to be a conversation between
the Prince of Bagdad and his tutor, on
account of which the editor, Herr Au
gust Mueller, was sentenced last week
to 49 months' imprisonment on the
charge of lese majeste. The whole
oaBe must now be reopened. The
Madgeburg court interpreted the alle
gory of which Herr Schmidt confesses
the authoriship as an insult to the sec
ond son of Emperor William, Prince
A most daring attempt was made by
three youths of Boise, Idaho, to wreck
the Oregon Short Line pay-car a short
distance west ot Mountain Home. A
heavy log chain had been tied around
the track, but was lortunately dis
covered and removed by some section
men before the pay-car passed the
point. A search was instituted in the
neighborhood, which resulted in find
ing Emmet -Allen, Hugh Breen and
John Richardson, boys of Boise, rang
ing from 16 to 18 years of age, in hid
ing near by. They subsequently con
fessed to the attempt at wrecking the
pay-car for the purpose of getting the
moDey. They are now in jail at
Mountain Home.
Minor Sievra Items.
President Snow, of the Mormon
church, says the law against polygamy
is being Btrictly obeyed in Utah.
The Miller Electric Construction
company of Pittsburg, Pa., has invent
ed a new plan for utilizing the power
of Niagara falls.
Six convicts driven mad by idleness,
were taken from the King's county
penitentiary in New York to asylums
ior the criminal insane.
Rmatatw""n, of Illinois, has been
Informed that curing 1899 all federal
contracts for Indian supplies will be
placed in Chicago.
Boston capitalists are said - to have
made an offer of $3,500,000, Spanish
gold, for the San Jose warehouses and
wharves at Havana.
Hundreds of cattlemen are in Den
ver to take part in the convention of
the National Livestock Association.
The attendance will be large.
General Russell Hastings, of Massa
chusetts, has been chosen for appoint
ment as director of the bureau of
Amerioan republics, to succeed the lato
Joseph Smith.
Bank notes to the value of 60,000
have mysteriously disappeared from
Parr's bank, in Bartholomew Lane,
London, England. It is supposed that
they have been stolen.
A dispatch from Omaha says: The
Twenty-second infantry has leceived
orders to move at once' for San Fran
si sco. - The regiment has orders to sail
from San Francisco on the 28tb.
A bill has been introduced in con
gress which provides that "no person
living in or practicing polygamy shall
be eligible to be a member of either
house of congress, nor shall such per
son be permitted to hold seat therein."
The secretary of war has completed
the organization of a colonial commis
sion to undertake the adjustment ot all
natters of detail respecting the govern
ment of territories acquired during the
war occupied by the United States
Rev. Edward H. Budd, who was
thought to have been lost on the Paul
Jones, is alive. The vessel was de
tained in Pass a La Outre so long by
foggy weather that Mr. Budd grew im
patient and left the party, retnrning to
New Orleans.
As a result of the assignment of the
battle-ships Iowa and Oregon to the
Pacific and Asiatic stations respective
ly, and the decision to dispatch the
sruiser Newark to tne Pacific coast, the
30m missioned naval forceof the United
States is about equally divided be
tween the two oceans.
The treasury department has given
instructions to the customs officials at
Sitka and Skagway to stop the trans
portation of liquor under convoy from
Canadian ports through the White Pass
to the Northwest territory. Informa
tion has reached the department that
instead of being shipped across the bor
der into the territory this liquor has
been teturned secretly to the locality
3f Skagway and disposed of thcie, con
trary to law.
The Infanta Enlalie, aunt of the
king of Spain, is visiting England.
The president has nominated . Ed-
mnn U. Wiggin, of Washington. D.
C, to be register of the land office at
Weare, Alaska.
The Rome correspondent of the Lon
don Times, referring to the rumor that
Italy is about to seize a port in China,
says he believes it absolutely devoid of
Advices reaching New Orleans leave
no further doubt of the loss of the
yacht Paul Jones. Parties are search
ing for the bodies of the unfortunate
members of the pleasure party.
Henry M. Hoyt, assistant United
States attorney-general, has been or
dered by the department of justice to
go to Santiago and advise General
Leonard Wood on legal questions.
The strike of the dock laborers at
Colon, Colombia, is fast assuming a
serious aspect. A batch of 46 Panama
dockmen arrived last night, and stones
and revolvers were fired at the train as
it neared Colon.
Sharkey, the pugilist, and his spar
ring partner, Robert Armstrong, were
arrainged in the municipal court at
Boston and fined $15 each for partici
pating in an exhibition which the po
lice maintained partook of the nature
of a prize fight.
A dispatch from London says: Arch
bishop Ireland, after his visit to Rome,
wiU come here to consult with the
French bishops on the subject of Ileck-
erism. The bishop of Orleans baa in
vited the distinguished American ec
clesiastic to preside over the fetes in
honor of Joan D'Arc.
A recent dispatch Bays: The real
truth as to the situation in the Congo
State is being bidden. The whole
country is in a ferment, and the rebel
lion is not beins put down. The gov
ernment troops appear to fear the reb
els and the prenilija ft the whites has
been much impaired.
The gi 1 ?si gathiing in the history
of Alaska Indians is scheduled for Au
gust 1 next at Klawan, on the Chi I
kat river. At this grand potlatch, the
tribal war of the Wrangel and Chilkat
Indians, which has been raging for
many years, will come to an end. It
Is estimated that over 3,000 Indians
will be present.
A race agaiust time from Seattle
to Dawson lor a purse of $6,000 began
Sunday, when Richard Butler, a
wealthy Klondiker, started for Dawson
on the steamer City of Seattle. Joe
Barrett, another wealthy Klondiker,
bet Butler K-i J00 that he could make
the trip from Seattle to Dawson in 25
days or less, and $1,000 more that he
could not make it in less than 20 days
The population of India increases at
the rate of 3,000,000 annually.
Profanity is forbidden by both the
army and the navy regulations of the
United States. I
Charles Newton, of Bradford, Pa., '
was blown to pieces while shooting an
oil well at Orchard Park.
The extension of American authority
in the Philippines, Cuba and Porto
Rico will lead to the abandonment ot t
some mi.:L.ry posts in this country. J
Captain .Eaton, of the Resolute,
sent s an Insult.
New York, Jan. 25 A dispatch from
Havana sayb: Captain Eaton, of the
auxiliary cruiser Resolute, captured a
20-foot Spanish flacr in the harbor and
j incidentally taught the Spaniards a les
, son in manners
A Spanish schooner of about 70 tons
sailed alongside the Resolute, where it
hove to, and with a cheer of defiance
from the men aboard, an immense
Spanish flag was run up to the mast
head, with the Cuban flag beneath it
Captain Eaton was forced to recognize
the insult, and ordered Naval Cadet
N arrant and Marine Officer Thorpe
with a file of marines into a steam
launch, which speedily overtook the
Spaniard. The captain refused to obey
jthe order to lower the flag, whereupon
the marines went aboard and took forc
ible possession of the Spanish flag;
leaving the Cuban flag flying at the
The occupants of the schooner were
then completed to give three cheers for
the Cuban and American flags, after
which the vessel was allowed to pro
oeed. The captured' flag will be held
as a prize.
Aguinaldo Is Now Showing- His Band-
Bequest to the 1 atlcan.
Madrid, Jan. 25. Premier Sagasta
declares that Aguinaldo has made the
liberation of Spanish prisoners in the
Philippines conditional upon Spain rec
ognizing the Philippine lepublic, and
allying herself thereto. Aguinaldo, it
is added, has similarly demanded the
Vatican's recognition of the Philippine
republic. A dispatch from Manila says.
"Time in which insurgents have al
lowed Americans to recognize their
independence expires tomorrow, and
hostilities are expected to open
Aguinaldo has requested the Vatican to
send a commission to negotiate for the
release of the clericals.
Must Act Cautiously.
London, Jan. 25. The Madrid cor-
resdondent of the Standard says:
'"Aguinaldo's attitude regarding the
prisoners in the Philippines obliges the
government to act cautiously in order
to avoid a conflict with the United
States. While endeavoring not ' to
make the condition of the captives
worse, the authorities do not like to
countenance the private direct efforts
of the families who are. disposed to
offer ransoms for imprisoned friends."
Northern Pacific Beaten.
' Washington, Jan." 25. In the United
States supreme court today, Justice
McKenna handed down an opinion in
the case of the Northern Pacific Rail
way Company vs. the Treasurer of
Jefferson County, Mont. The case in
volves the right of state authorities to
tax railroad lauds within the Northern
Pacific grant which are unpatented be
cause their character with reference to
mineral has not yet been determined
The railroad company contended that
such right had not existed but the de
cision of the circuit court was against
the company, and the supreme court
upheld this opinion. Brewer, Shiias,
White and Peckham dissented.
Alien Exclusion Law.
Victoria, B. C, Jan. 25. At a meet
ing tonight in support of the govern
ment candidates for parliament, Attorney-General
Hun. Joseph Martin
said there was a possibility of the Do
minion government disallowing the
alien exclusion law. He intimated
that even in the face of such a disal
lowance, the provincial government
would persist in their right to make
laws for the best interests of the prov
ince, regardless of what might be done
by the Dominion government in an at
tempt to gain concessions in the joint
high commission.
Belease of Civil Prisoners.
Madrid, Jan. 25. A telegram re
ceived her6 from Manila savs the in
surgent congress at Malolos has author
ized the release of all civil prisoners,
and will shortly cause to be liberated
the military prisoners held by the
revolutionsts. The Spanish steamer
Salus Tregui, from Havana, has ar
rived at Cadiz with repatriated Span
ish troops on board.
Disturbance in Belgium.
Brussels, Jan. 25. According to the
Patriote, serious disturbances have
arisen between King Leopold and some
of the ministers on the question of the
introduction of the uni-nominal elec
toral system, which the king advocated.
It is rumored that the premier, M. De
Smet De Naeyer, will resign tomorrow,
and that the cabinet will be recon
structed. Glassblowers' Strike Threatened.
Millville, N. J., Jan. 25. An official
of the Green Glassblowers' Association,
stated that 8.000 nonunion South Jer
sey blowers would strike this week il
the firms refused to pay the union
wages. Meetings were held in the dif
ferent towns today, and the workers
have decided to join the union.
Hawaiian Navigation Law.
Washington, Jan. 25. The senate
committee on commerce today author
ized Senator Nelsor ii n-aun a favor
able report on the &'! extending our
navigation laws to -;aii The com
mittee amended the b:il so as to make
it include not only the laws relating to
navigation, but also those concerning
commerce and merchant seamen.
Esterhazy to Testify.
Paris, Jan. 25. The Major Comte
Ferdinand Waslin Esterhazy, the re
puted author of the Dreyfus bordereau,
who arrived here Wednesday evening
from Rotterdam to testify before the
court of cassation, wrote yesterday to
M. de Freycinet, the minister for war,
asking to be released from his oath of
professional secrecy. M. de Freycinet
today acceded to his request, and it is
believed that Comte Esterhazy will
appear befoie the court of cassation to
morrow. He continues to decline to
receive visitors.
Whalley'a Grain Bill Is Attracting'
More Attention Than Any
Other Measure
Salem, Jan. 24. The bill that is re
ceiving the most attention in the house
just now is the Whalley bill, provid
ing for the creatieifSof the office of
state grain inspector. The" bill pro
vides for an appropriation of $2,500
for a commission. The commission is
to consist ox tnree members, to be ap
pointed bv the governor. : One of the
three is to . be - th-; grain inspector,
whose annual salary'shall be $2,500 in
addition to all expenses. . The other
two members are to receive $50 a year
each and expenses, as not much work
wil be required of them. ' The bill also
provides for a secretary "at $1,000 a
year, a number of chief deputy inspec
tors at $1,800 a year and a number of
other deputies at $85' a . month each.
In addition to establishing grain grades
and inspecting all the grain that leaves
or is brought into ths.. State, the duty
of the chief inspector will also be to
inspect scales at $5 ekch. - Liberal fees
are allowed for the inspection of grain.
A bill has been introduced in the
house for the protection of upland
birds. .The bill is ; an 7 amendment of
the general game law's enacted by the
legislature in 1895. Jt provides that
every person who shall," within the
state of Oregon, between the first, day
of January and the first day of Novem
ber of each year, take, kill, injure or
destroy, or have in possession, except
for breeding purposesor, sell or. offer
for sale any pheasant,'- Mongolian
pheasant, quail or partridge, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor: ' provided,
however, that it shal be unlawful,
within the state of Oregon, to .'kill or
destroy any ring-necked Mongolian
pheasant, or any of the various kinds
ot pheasants imported ; into this -state
by the Hon. O.- N. J Denny, or any
auail, bobwhite or - pheasant in that
part of the state of , Oregon lying east
of the Cascade mountains.!. That every
person who shall within, the state oi
Oregon, at any time enter, upon , prem
ises not his own with'intent to catch,
recover, take or kill irty jbird or "ani
mal, or permit any dog, with which he
shall be hunting, to ,do ' so for- such
purpose without permission ; of the
owner or person in charge thereof, or
shall shoot upon any promises not his.
own from any public highway, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor.. ; That - any
person violating any of the 'provisions
of this aott shall be jaiMA
misdemeanor, - and" upon conviction
thereof shall be punished by a fine of
not less than $50 nor more than $100,'
and in default of pavment of fine im
posed shall be imprisoned in the coun
ty jail at the rate of one day for each
two dollars of the fine imposed.
In the house this afternoon, the My
ers resolution donating $2,500 worth oi
books to members was rescinded, and
indefinitely postponed. A resolution
directing the sergeant-at-arms to gather
np and restore to the secretary of the.
Btate the stationery and supplies at tliii
close of the session, was, after a spirit
ed debate, indefinitely postponed.
A bill has been introduced in the
house touching on railroad taxation, is
being considered by Portland railroad
men. Ihe bill provides for the licens
ing of railroads, as a substitute for the
established system of taxation, to ap
ply generally except on lands not occu
pied as a right of way. It is modeled
after the law prevailing in Wisconsin.
Twenty bills were read the second
time and referred to the proper com
mittees, and the following bills were
passed: To require doors of public
buildings to open outward; to provide
for the dissolution of municipal cor
porations upon the payment of all out
standing indebtedness; amending the
code relative to attachments so as to
obviate the necessity of posting notices
on property attached. A petition
was presented from 10 Polk county
lawyers, praying for the letention of
the second circuit judge in the third
judicial district.
A petition from 129 citizens of Wash
ington county, for a change in the law
so as to require householders instead
of voters on petitions for saloon li
cences was presented.
A petitif n praying that the state ap
point three commissioners to buy the
Mount Hood and Barlow wagon road,
the paper bearing the names of 64 resi
dents along the road, was introduced.
Haines, of the special committee ap
pointed at the special session to in
vestigate the Lowenberg contract at
the penitentiary, submitted a long le
port, showing that 37,669 was due the
state on the contract, part of which
was not secured. It recommended that
$32,500 be acceptedlri' full payment
The report was adopted.
Mulkey, of the committee to exam
ine the affairs of the secretary of state,
reported that he had found everything
accurate and satisfactory, and the re
port was filed.
A joint memorial was passed, urging
the attorney-general and the United
States supreme court to advance cases
Affecting the title of settlers to land
n the forfeited Northern Pacific grant
in Oregon.
A formula for the production of
crystal alumium bronze consists of a
powdered aluminum, powdered glass
in "diamond dust," and sulphate ol
zino in certain-specified proportions.
He Does Not Clerk Now.
A clerk in an Australian hardwaro
store bought the Australian pate-it
lghts to the pneumatic bicycle tire for
$115, and after realizing a fortune
sold his interest for $200,000.
In a new form of drawbridge, aside
from tho ening and closing mechan
ism, the lei feature of interest is, that
gates are provided that close the path
way when the. draw is open, so it is
impossible to go through.
Considerable Business Disposed of Dur
ing the Past Week.
Salem, Or., Jan. 21. The house
disposed of much business during the
past week, and . many new bills were
introduced. Among the proposed
measures are bills to change the name
of the Ashland college to the Southern
Oregon State Normal school, and place
it under state control, and appropriate
$15,000 for its maintenance; to create
a state library commission and a sys
tem of traveling libraries, and appro
priate $5,000 for maintenance the first
year, and $3,000 annually thereafter
to exempt honorably discharged sol
diers and sailors from the operation of
the peddler's license law, and to ex
empt state products from the provisions
of the law; to prohibit altogether the
sale of cigarettes or cigarette materials
on pain of a fine of $50. A bill incor
porating the town of Dallas was passed
In the senate Chairman Fulton, of
the judiciary committee, submitted an
adverse report on the bill to add two
judges to the supreme court. Mitchell,
of the committee, dissented, but did
not submit a minority report.
Daly of Lake's bill to extend the
time for counties to pay the state tax
from April 1 to June 1, was passed un
der suspension of the rules, as was his
bill to require county clerks to ceitify
pension vouchers without charge,
there being no objection to either.
Foster Ahead for Senator Other Leg-is
latlve News.
Olympia, Wash., Jan. 21. Five
more, fruitless ballots for senator were
taken in joint session of trie legislature
today, each resulting as follows: Fob
ter 27, Wilson 27, Humes 21, Ankeny
7, Lewis 24.
Including the one vote detained at
home by sickness, Foster practically
bad 28 votes today, the highest num
bei yet attained in the senatorial con
In the house the committee on print
ing and supplies was, on motion of
Kingsbury, instructed to thoioughly
investgiate the subject of state printing
with a view to cheapening the cost of
public printing, it being desirable to
reduee greatly the cost, which is be
lieved to be out of all proportions in
its expensiveness.
House bill 23, 'making it lawful-to
call to the witness-stand and cause to
testify the adverse party to a suit at
law without making . him the witness
flifrsJers;iry, was passed; byuTraii PTtI
mous vote. ; .
"Bills introduced were: To license'
the keeping for sale of opium, mor
phine, cocaine, etc.; prohibiting the
taking of food fishes except with a hook
and line, on any of the rivers of Puget
sound, whereon hatcheries are looated,
or in Skagit bay; to enable receivers,
trustees, guardians, executors, etc., to
give regular surety companies as surety
on bond; appropriating $5,000 for con
ducting the agricultural experiment
station at Pnyallup; providing for lo
cal option on the question of hogs as
free commoners; imposing a fine of
from $50 to $250 for spearing and dis
posing of bass, pickrel, carp, trout or
other fish from any stocked lakes.
Killed Thirty Bills.
Olympia, Wash. Jan. 21. The ju
diciary committee oi the house today
completed a remarkable record. Out
of 31 bills referred to it for considera
tion, it has killed 30.
Anti-Contract Labor Law.
Washington, Jan. 23. The exten
sion of the anti-contraot labor law to
Hawaii is strongly uregd in a report
made today by the house committee on
labor. It says thousands of contract
labobrers, mainly Japanese, have been
taken into the islands since the rais
ing of the United States flag over them.
On the day following the receipt of the
news of annexpation. 2,867 Japanese
laborers were admitted.
Opposed to Seating Roberts.
St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 23. Members
of the reorganized Church of Latter
Day Saints in St. Louis oppose the
seating of Congressman-elect B. H. L.
Roberts, of Utah, on the ground that
he is a pronounced polygamist. A
vote was taken, resulting in the adop
tion of a resolution requesting congress
men from this district to use their ut
most efforts to prevent seating the
Utah man.
Shafter In, Merriam Oat.
San Francisco, Jan. 23. Today, Ma
jor-General Merriam issued an order
relinquishing the command of the de
partment of California. Immediately
thereafter, Major-General Shafter is
sued an order announcing his accession
to the command. General Merriam
will go to ' Denver to assume oommand
of the department of the Colorado.
Two Thousand Quakers.
Halifax, Jan. 23. The steamship
Lake Huron, with 2,000 of the 5,000
Quakers who are emigrating to the
Canadian northwest, arrived in quaran
tine tonight Tomorrow afternoon the
steamer will proceed to St. Johns, N.
B., where the passengers will land to
take rail to their futuie home.
Assay Office at Seattle.
Washington, Jan. 23. Senator Wil
son's amendment to the sundry civil
bill, appropriating $50,000 for the
ereotion of an assay office at Seattle,
has been favorably reported.
Transporting Spanish Prisoners.
Washington, Jan. 23. The war de
partment has issued an invitation for
bids from responsible shipping con
cerns of all nations, for transportation
of Spanish prisoners in the Philippines
from Manila to Spain.
Favorable Report Ordered.
' Washington, Jan. 20. The senate
committee on foreign relations today
agreed to favorably report upon the
nomination of Hon. Jos. H. Choate to
be ambassador to Great Britain.
There Were Only Six Totes Against It
in That Body.
Washington, Jan. 24. The Nicara
gua canal measure, known as the Mor
gan bill, has passed the senate by a
vote of 48 to 6. An impoitanl amend
ment was first adopted which is as
"That if the president shall be un
able to secure from the governments of
Nicaragua and Costa Rica such conces
sions as will enable the United States
to build and perpetually own and
control said canal, the president is
authorized to negotiate for a control of
or a right to construct, maintain and
perpetually control some other cunal
connecting the Atlantic and Pacific
oceans, and the president is required to
negotiate for the abrogation or modifi
cation of any and all treaty obligations,
if such exist, as shall in any way in
terfere with the construction, owner
ship and perpetual control ot any such
canal; provided that no payments
shall be made under the provisions of
this act to or for the benefit of the
stockholders of the Maritime Canal
Company, or" for any of its property,
unless the president shall deoide to
keep the canal under the concessions
granted to said company."
Hospitals Filled to Overflowing-
Indigent Sick.
Dawson, via Port Townsend, Jan. 24.
The situation here is gloomy. The
number of sick is increasing, and the
six hospitals are full.
The mounted police have donated for
the help of the poor some $30,000 in
cash from their treasury. This leaves
them with but $4,030 cash on hand.
Commissioner Ogilvie called a meet
ing to decide on ways and means for
relieving the situation, and a memorial
asking for aid will be sent to Wash
ington. It is estimated that $9,000 a
month will be required to pay for the
treatment of indigent patients. The
death rate this winter has been almost
as great as in the summer.
Several stampedes to new fields have
recently occurred, but in each case the
goldseekers were disappointed.
Gold Standard Bill.
Washington, Jan. 24. The house
ooinage, weights and measures commit
tee by strictly a party vote ordered a
favorable report on the substitute for
bouse bill to fix the standard of value
in the United States and for other pur
poses. The bill provides in substance
that the standard of val.? '&-the
nited States shall be the gold dollar;
that all contracts existing and in fu
ture shall be computed in reference to
the standard: that thnre shall h Mt"n:H
nsnea a treasury department of issue
and redemption; that greenbacks shall
be retired and that upon their retire
ment gold bills Bhall be substituted
Archbishop Ireland Win.
Washington, Jan. 24. The secretary
of the interior has affirmed the decision
of the commissioner-general of the land
office in the famous case of Archbishop
Ireland, involving title to 33,178 acres
of land in Minnesota. He holds that
under the first contract made with the
St. Paul, Minnesota & Manitoba Rail
road Company, July 17, 1880, Ireland
was not the purchaser, but that under
the second contract, adopted March 30,
1883, he was the purchaser. Accord
ingly the lands covered by the first
contraot will not go to Ireland, while
he will receive those covered by the
second cont ft.'t.
Reported Murder of Spanish Officers.
Labaun, Island of Labaun, British
Borneo, Jan. 24. She steamer Labaun,
which has returned from the island of
Palawan, in the southwestern portion
of the Philippine archipelago, reports
that the Spanish governor of the island
and a number of Spanish officers were
rmirdered by the natives while issuing
from church. The natives then re
tired to the hills, taking, the women
and children and some men as prison
ers. Killed in a Mine. ,
Baker City, Or.. Jan. 24. S. W.
Johnson was instantly killed by a pre
mature blast of giant powder in the
May Queen mine, near the Red Boy
mine, today. Johnson was aged 47
years, and lately came from Indiana.
His wife is at the May Queen mine,
and he left two brothers and other rel
atives in Indiana.
Memorial Tablet to Bagley.
Annapolis, Md., Jan. 24. The
memorial tablet placed in tho naval
academv chapel in memory of Ensign
Worth Bagley, who was killed on the
Winslow off Cardenas in-the late war,
was unveiled today in the presence of
a large number of naval officers and
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty.
London, Jan. 24. Tha Daily News
editorially today says: "The Clayton
Bulwer treaty is a singular document,
signed by a weak American, adminis
tration in peculiar circumstances, and
for Lord Salisbury to insist upon its
unconditional observance now would be
neither gracious nor wise."
A Denial From Rome.
Rome, Jan. 24. The Tribune an
nounces that the Italian cruisers Elba
and Etna are shortly going to China,
but that the rumor of the Italian gov
ernment's intention to seize a Chinese
port is premature.
Schley Given a Sword.
New York, Jan. 25. Rear-Admiral
Schley was presented tonight witn a
jeweled sword by his brother members
of the Royal Arcanum at Carnegie Mu
sic hall, in the presence of 4,000 per
sons. More Troops for Cuba.
Savannah Oa .Tan 51 Tlin TTniloil
States transport Manitoba Bailed today
for Havana. She had on board six
troops of the Seventh cavalry, which
arrived this morning from Macon.
"President" Lopez Replies to
President McKinley.
Lope Says the Revolutionary Govern
ment Antedates the Paris Treaty
by Two Years.
Manila, Jan. 24. President Lopez
of the Visayan federation, has replied
to President McKinlev's proclamation
of the 9th. Ho claims that the revolu
tionary government antedates the Paris
treaty by over two years. He says he
has never been officially notified of the
existence of the treaty, and that there
fore he declines to recognize American
authoiity, and refuses to allow Ameri
cans to disembaik in force, without ex
press orders from the government nt
Malolos. General Miller, the com
mander of the American expedition,
replied that the Americans cannot rec
ognize President Lopez's authority, be
cause the Filipino republic is not rec
ognized by the powers. , He .also ex
pressed regret at the determination of
the Filipinos to resist just claims.
Miller's Troops Landed.
New York, Jan. 24. A special to '
the World from Washington says:
General Miller's expedition has landed
on Guimaras island, three miles from
Ho Ho, without opposition, General
Otis cables from Manila. Landing was
necessary because of the crowded con
dition of the troops on the transports.
Experience has proved that soldiers
lose spirit and fighting qualities when
confined long on board ship, so the war
department asked General Otis to as
certain if it was possible for General
Miller to land his expedition near Ho
Ho. He cabled that it was, and was
then instructed to order a landing.
It was deemed inadvisable to advise
this expedition to return to Manila
without having landed, because it was
feared the natives of Luzon would think
the Filipinos at Ilo Ho repulsed the
The Officers and Crew Had an Kxperl
enoe on an Island.
Corpus Christ!, Tex., Jan. 24. The
United States revenue cutter Alma was
TTnveB-on i'adre iiliruTaboul rPjnires
south of here" Wednesday during a
storm, and all on board escaped to land.
There were several revenue officers
aooara. xne party niviuea anu eacn
wandered over the island looking for a
sail. James A. McEnery, special treas
ury agent of the district of Texas, and
Bedford Sharp, of San Antonio, assist
ant United States district attorney,
sighted a craft and signalled it and
werejtaken off the island and brought to
the shipyard at Corpus Pass. Today
another vessel was sent to Padre island
to look for the rest of the Alma's pas
sengers. .
Admiral Cervera's Watch.
Wichita, Kan., Jan. 24. Admiral
Cervera's watob, it is claimed, is owned
by Lieutenant Betts, company IS,
Twenty-third Kansas volunteers, a
negro, who is -home from Cuba. It is a
fine gold watch, the case set with
diamonds and rubies. Inside "Paschal
Cervera" is engraved. The watch was
secured by Betts, according to his
story, from a Spanish pilot the man
who guided Cervera's ship out of San
tiago harbor July 3. As a rewaid Cer
vera gave him this watch. Being in
straitened circumstances and wanting
to go home, he sold it to Betts for $52..
Beef for Manila Soldiers.
San Francisco, Jan. 24. The trans
ports Scandia and Morgan City, which
are soon to sail for Manila, will carry
a large supply of California meat to
feed the soldiers stationed in the Phil
ippines. On the Morgan City, 4,000
cates of canned meats have been
placed, while 40,000 pounds of frozen
beef will be put on board the Scandia
next Sunday morning.
Dynamite Attempt
South Omaha, Jan. 24. About
o'clock this morning an attempt was
made to blow up with dynamite the
residence of F. B. Towle, the manager
of the Omaha Packing Company. A
flickering light on the porch attracted
a passer-by, who stamped the fire out.
Examination developed that it was a
fuse connected with a package contain
ing six sticks of dynamite.
Another Big Trust,
Milwaukee. Wis., Jan. 24. The
National Enameling & Stamping Com
pany will be the name of the Granite
ware trust, which includes the Kieck-
heifer Company, of this city. The
company will be organized under tne
laws of New Jersey, with a capital
stock of $10,000,000 seven per cent pre
ferred stock and $20,000,000 oommon
' Commissioners From Aguinaldo.
St. Louis, Jan. 24. Lasoda Maiti
Burgos and J. Lunaa, commissioned
representatives of Aguinaldo, the in
surgent leader of the Philippine
islands, passed 20 minutes in St. Louis
today, en route to Washington. " Their
mission is to persuade Uncle Sam to re
linquish his bold on the Philippine
Copper Boom Opens Mines.
New York, Jan. 24. A dispatch to
the Herald from Valparaiso, Chile,.
says: me copper Doom is creating
great enthusiasm among the miners.:
Caravans are starting to work new
mines, and those that were olosed down
are now in full activity.
Relief to Go to Manila.
Washington. Jan. 24. The hospital
Bliip Relief has been ordered to Manila.
The vessel is now at New York, and
will go via the Suez canal.
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