Oregon union. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1897-1899, December 17, 1897, Image 1

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VOL. , I.
NO. 25.
all Parts of the New
and Old World.
Co nprehenslve Review of thm Import
ant Fappenings of the Cur
, rent Week.
A French expedition' ia reported mas
sacred. The Chinese are endeavoring to settle
matters with Germany.
The Chickasaw and Cherokee Indians
are to colonize in Mexico. . ; ' ...
A vessel has sailed from Portsmouth,
N. H.. for the Klondike.
The National Guard asks for an - ap
propriation of $2,000,000.
There is a possibility of a rate war
between Western railroads. ,-',,'
A party has left San Francisco to
survey a new route to the Klondike.
; San Francisco merchants" are being
prosecuted for selling adulterated olive
oil. f . ..
At Salinas, Cal., two burglars clever
ly jailed the jailer and a deputy
A tremendous rich gold strike is re
ported on Dog creek, a tributary 'of the
Yukon. ......
The son of a'New York millionaire
died in the county hospital . in San
The Georgia senate wants to send
state convicts to Cuba to right for the
insurgents. "'"', . . ;
Senator Perkins has introduced a
joint resolution authorising the presi
dent to appoint a committee to draft a
code of laws for the territory of Alaska.
The man who helped c hang Frank
Butler, the "murderer of : the, moun
tains," in Australia, was arrested in
San Francisco,! accused of larceny of a
coat. ; . .'"-;
One of the most horrible lynchings
ever known in Nevada has occurred at
Genoa, 14 miles from Carson. . Aram
Dber, who last week shot!, and killed
Hans Anderson in a Millerville saloon,
was taken by a mob of masked men and
hanged to a Cottonwood tree - half a
mile from the jail. When taken from
his cell, the victim had nothing on but
a shirt. This "was torn off by the
lynchers, and the nude body was left
dangling in the air for six hours. As.
the body was being pulled up the mob
riddled it with bullets. When satis
fied that the man was dead the vigil
antes dispersed and returned to their
homes. : : " .
E. L. Hewes, the Wichita mountain
boomer, who has been at Wichita for
three weeks trying to organize a party,
has left for Olkahoma City without a
single follower.- At different times he
claimed to have from 500 to 1,000
boomers ready to. follow his lead into
the country.
Toru Hoshi, envoy extradordinary and
minister plenipotentiary from Japan to
the United States, was' a passsenger
from the Orient on the City of Peking,
which 1 as just arrived in San Fran
cisco. He will leave for Washington
b onqp carrying with him instructions
in reference to the Hawaiian , treaty of
annexation which will be considered
by the United States senate.
When the German reinforcements,"
consisting of four companies of ma
rines, numbering 23 officers and '1,200
men, and a company of naval artillery,
arrive at Kiao' : Chau bay, .for- .which
point, as already cabled.they will soon
set out, they ''"will ' bring -the - German
force there up to 4,566 men, the lar
gest body Germany has ever sent be
j yond Eropean waters. - It is understood
"I Surgeon-General Wyrnan, of .... the
marine hospital service, has submitted
i : i -.L. a c .. .. l n - Ti
iiib aunuai icpuih lis oeuieLuiy viuge.- it
shows that during the fiscal year ended
June 80, 1897, the total ' number of
patients treated at hospitals and the
dispensaiies connected with the service
was 54,477. Although the total num
ber of patients treated was 673 in ex
'ess of those treated during the pre
vious fiscal year, the expenditures were
$538,536, which is ,$21,000 less than
the' previous year.
The annual report of James H. Eckles,
controller of the currency, for the year
ended October 31, 1897, opens -with a
brief resume of the history of the legis- -lation
which constitutes the present i
National-bank act, and invites the at
tention of congress to amendments to
the law recommended in former reports,
without ' specifically repealing' them.
The controller renews his recommend
ation of last year, urging that national
bank examiners be paid an annual sal
ary instead of fees, as new.-
Further information' from 'Washing
ton respecting the proposed canal and
locks for the channel at the dalles is to
-the effect that it is proposed to push
the work with a deal of rapidity. The
contract system and modern methods of
.excavation and building have made it
clear that years need not be spent upon
a work of this character. If the- con
tract for improving the Columbia by a
small channel at the dalles is adopted
it will no doubt be stipulated that the
' work must be done with rapidity. -
The insurgents have literally wiped
. out the Spanish town of Guisa of 800
'inhabitants..'! .
- Senator MoBrlde of Oregon, has in
troduced a bill'in the senate to aid in
the construction of an aerial tramway
and railway line 'from Dyea to vLake
Bennett.; ;,V. ,;' S-
Three thoausand horses, worth $300,-
- 000, lie beneath the show ore-the White
- pass trail. - Six hundred Campers Vep-i
t resent an investment of $500,000 .for
Outfits and provisions.
The President and Other Member! of .
the Family at the Deathbed.
Canton, O.. Dec. 14. Mrs. Nancy
Allison McKinley passed from this life
at a few minutes past 2 this morning,
with all her children and other imme
diate relatives at her bedside. She did
not suffer any in her last hours, but
gradually passed from the deep, palsied
sleep, in which she had rested almost
constantly for the past 10 days, into
the sleep of death. .
No word could be secured from the
house for some hours before dissolu
tion. At 2:85 an undertaker was sum
moned and the first publicity was given
of the death.
The end was almost beautiful in its
peacefulness. She seemed to sleep so
soundly that it was difficult to tell
whether she had yet breathed her last.
This condition continued for half an
hour. The president and all of the
family were by her side.
There was no recognition, however.
Her last consciousness was hours before
her final taking away.
The tenth day of Mrs. McKinley's
illness was marked by a number of
material changes such as improved the
condition of the patient, and as dark
ness approached it was -felt by those
around her that she had - finished the
last day of her life's journey. .She was
resting comparatively easy at that
time, but was a great deal weaker, At
the dawn of day it was felt that the
end -was at hand, for about that time
she experienced one Of the sinking
spells common to the illness, and for a
long time seemed so nearly inanimate
that it was thought no rally was possi
ble; but the rally came, and with it a
small. amounted -liquid nourisnrnenV
the first she had taken since Monday.
This was followed by such peaceful re
pose as to revive the hope, which was
realized, that she would live through
the day. -,'- . '.- ;' "
In the afternoon another period of
anxiety was experienced by the watch
ers. "Another sinking spell came, and
for a time it seemed as though it would
be the last After that, she continued
weak and low.
The doctor oalled at 5:30 q'clock and
reported that . he found a material
change for the worse, such as he regard
ed as certain tor bring about final disso
lution during the night. " He had not
even a faint hope that she could live
until morning. -.- -:'"
Trying to Fix the Responslbity
for the
Smith Murders. -
Hazelhurst, Miss., Dec. 14. In an
open field, without a house in sight, on
a high hillside, with a crowd of eager
men waiting to avenge the terrible
murder that has taken place in Law
rence county, in .case a . conviction was
reached by the impromptu . court, the
scene lighted, by flaring pine-knot
torches held aloft in the hands of the
waiting mob, the three negroes, Giles
Berry, Will Powell and Tom Wallen,
were standing trial for their life last
night at Bankstone Ferry.
The negroes were arrested with
Lewis, who was lynched Friday, at the
place of the original crime, but were
released on their promising to appear
next morning as witnesses. They did
not put in an appearance " when the
trial was ready to begin. Search waa
made for them by the mob, and the
negroes were caught and brought baca.
Then the suspicion that they were im
plicated in the original crime arose.
According " to their -own story, thei
were with Lewis the night before. -Th
three men testified that they slept in a
cottonhouse a mile and a half from the
Smith house, where the terrible butch
ery took place, and that Lewis was
with them all night; at least he war
there when they went to sleep and wa
there when ihey awoke the next morn
ing. There are about 200 men in the mor
constituting a committee of the whoW
for the. trial. Reliable reports today
from a messenger who was at the soeno
say that the mob is very moderate in
its acts, and has cooled down consider
ably. Berry and Wallen, though badly
scared, maintain .their .denial of any
complicity in the crime.
A telephone message from Hon. Wal
ter Catohings, of Geogetown, states that
two "other negroes have been arrested
on suspicion. ..
Wesson, Miss.", Deo. 14. The three
negroes arrested in the Monticello
neighborhood in' connection with Char
ley Lewis, the negro lynched for the
quintuple butchery of the Smith family,
after a long trial were declared not
guilty, but were given until Monday to
leave the. county. .
. '--- Convicted of Wife Murder.
" Bakersfield, Cal., Dec. 14. David
Davidson, the Randsburg wife-murderer,
was today convicted of murder in
the first degree, with the penalty of
life imprisonment. He is said to be
the son of a prominent St. Louis phy
sician. The defense was insanity, and
during the trial Davidson appeared ob
vious to bis surroundings, but expertf
declared that he was shamming.
Education of It-f Children.
Washington, Dec. 14. The house
committee on education has reported
favorably the bill to aid the educators
in the states and territories in teaching
articulate speech and vocal language to
deaf children before the are -of: school
age. . ..
. ' A Mexican Execution. . ;,.
Matamoras, Mex., Dec. 14. Panta
eon and Victoriano Guillen were shot
in the jailyard this morning for the
murder of Dr. Manuel Carpio. Five
policemen were in the firing platoon,
and neither manwas killed by the first
Vs : Ti '
"fcntigo, Wis., Dec. 14; L. E. Buck
man,.; cashier of the' defunct Antigo
bank,, was arrested today on a charge
of embezzlement. His shortage wiU
reach $18,000.
Convention to Consider Pri
mary Election Reforms.
Conference Will Be Held in New York
In . the Middle of January Ef- -feet
on State Legislature. -'
"New York, Dec. 14. The following
call was given out tonight by Ralph M.
Easley, secretary of the Civic Federa
tion of Chicago, who has been acting
for a committee on reforms of quasi
political organizations for the past
three weeks: - -' r '''. --; '.'.-'.
"The object of this conference is to
bring together men with practical ideas j
from all the large cities, and especially
from states in which substantial pro- j
gress has been made in reform. : ; The '
programme will include speeches made J
by men of national reputation in both
political parties, .as well as reports
from practical ' men" as to the working
of the various laws now governing pri
mary election caucuses. Considerable
attention will be given to the question
'How to get voters out to the primaries,'
after fair laws are secured. . Special in
terest "will be taken in reports from
New York, Massachusetts, Maryland,
Illinois, New Jersey and Ohio, where
legislatures" will be in session. - Head
quarters 'will" be opened at the Hotel
Manhattan, New York, December 27,'
1897. ' -" -
. . "Believing that our caucuses or pri
mary election customs or laws lie at the
very root and source pi ' our. entire elec
tive franchise system and that the re
sults in our larger cities are due in a
large measure to the defects in such
practices and customs, it, therefore,
follows that to purify this system is to
take a long step in the direction of hon
esty, economy and efficiency in every
branch of the public service; and fur
ther believing that the enactment of
laws to prevent corrupt practices and
throw the safeguards of a regular elec
tion around the caucus or primary will
encourage many good citizens to take
part therein, we, the undersigned, tor
the purpose of discussing and discover
ing, as far as possible, the precise de
fects in the various systems which now
obtain, and the remedies, and; take
Buch action as may seem necessary in
the premises, do hereby join in calling
a conference of persons interested in
said questions to convene in-theicity of.
New York, on the I5tb day of January,"
1898. ' ;. - ".;
"We deem it desirable that the con
ference be made up from men of all
parts of the country and withbut'regard
to party or factional affiiationsl"
The call is signed by prominent men
from all sections of the Union, '
Ceng-res Will
It In s General
Washington Deo. 14. The indica
tions are that this congress will pass a
general bill for the entire rehabilitation
of Indian territory. The ' measure as
now planed is to make " it embrace
everything that has been sought to be
accomplished in the past by the. Dawes
Indian commission,' which is still nego
tiating with the five civilized tribes,
but which will be here next week to
report the discouraging existing condi
tions. The bill covers all the questions
of citizenship, allotments of lands, dis
positions of townsites, mineral lands,
jurisdiction of the United States courts
over the present reservations and other
matters bearing on the extinguishment
of tribal organization. The first steps
in the matter have been taken by the
Indian committees of both the "senate
and house.
It is understood that in a few ' days
there will be a session of the commit
tees at which these matters will be
gone over ' and Steps taken, in the way
of settling the problems, by congres
sional enactment. ;v In view of the large
amount of work necessary to be done,
bowever.it is? not -probable that any
bill can be passed till well toward the
end of the session. , . - .
Baa Philadelphia Fire.
Philadelphia,' Dec 14. Fire broke
out shortly before 10 o'clock tonight in
the six-story building at 809 and 811
Chestnut street, occupied by the manu
facturing firm of John & James Dobson
as their wholesale and retail rooms.
The fire had its start in the basement,
and the flames shooting up the elevator
shaft destroyed the entire interior of
the building and contents. General
Manager Berry, of the Dobson carpet
house, stated that the stock in the
building would amount to 1500,000.
The building was owned by the. firm,
and was valued at about 160,000. .
Haytian Ministry Resigns.
Port Au Prince, Deo. 14. The min
istry has resigned. As yet, thi com
position of its successor has - not been
definitely settled, but several well
known men are mentioned who will
command the confidence of Haytians
and foreigners alike. This morning,'
while attending mass at Notre Dame,
President Sam made a circuit of the
city on horseback escorted by his staff
officers, but without special - military
display: ' ; " '- 1 "" .
China Forced to Yield.
Peking, Deo. 14 -The German-Chinese
difficulty is practically settled.
The Germans refuse to discontinue the
occupancy of Kiao-Chou bay. The gov- '
ernor of Shan Tung province has been '
removed from office, but will not be 1
any further degraded. No monopo'.y 1
of mines and railroads is conceded Ger
many, but that country is given a pref
erence.. Finally, the area immediately
surrounding Kiao-Chou bay is set
apart exclusively for Germany. China
yields on all other points.
The Cnban Patriot Raleased From Ca
banas Fortress.
IT a van a ' Tlo 19 fnr a.ot Uiva..
the insurgent leader, who was captured
in March last in Pinar del Rio by the
Spanish troops under General Hernando
de -Velasco, and : who was recently par
doned by royal decree, has been released
from -Cabanas -fortress, where he has
been : imprisoned for several months,
and sailed today by the steamer Colon
for Cadiz, his home. '
' The Colon also carries back to Spain
800 sick, wounded , and otherwise in
capacitated soldier v . ,
In the skirmishes of the last ten days !
the insurgents have.Iost 113 killed and
1,000 prisoners. Eight chiefs and offi
cers and 53 armed privates have surren
dered to the Spanish. ' The Spanish
column, in the same period, has lost
five officers and'22 soldiers killed, with '
11 officers and 110 soldiers wounded, I
Juan Cossio, who was in charge of
the insurgent . dynamite corps in the
province of Puerto Principe, is dead at
the insurgent camp. He was a cousin 1
of Evangelina Cossio. ' " ",' !
The-insurgents fired a cannon Bhot
into the machinery of the plantation of
-Mr, Rigby; an American, in the Man
zanillo district, destroying the ma
chinery. The insurgents have forbid
den grinding in : that neighborhood, 1
under threat of burning the fields.
-The Fight in Pina,r del Rio. '.
Havana,- Dec; 18; Latest reports oi
the late fight in Pinar del Rio province
show 'the Spanish loss was more than
claimed. The dead or wounded include
one colonel, one major, seven captains, 1
11 subordinate officers and 74 privates. 1
Most of the wounded will die. The
rebel loss' was 14. ..The rebels used ex
plosive bullets. . - ' . . -
: Want De Lome Recalled. '
- New York, Dec. 13. The Spanish
colony in . this city has been divided by ,
a petition sent to Madrid at the time
of the assassination of Premier Canovas, j
asking for the appointment of a strong
successor to Senor de Lome. According
to the World the petition was drawn so
as to attack . Senor de Lome without
mentioning his name, and among the
40 prominent Spaniards who signed it '
were several friends of the minister .
who did not see any attack upon him
in ' the apparently harmless recom-j
mendation. The result is a bitterness
among the factions almost as strong as
their hatred of the Cubans. The peti
tion says: '
'For Spain to succeed in her rela
tions with the United States he must
have in Washington a representative of
ability and firmness, whose heart will
beat with the pulsations of our mother
country, and with a head balanced to
base all his diplomatic ' relations on an
indisputable right, and not allow the
right to be curtailed in the least by un
founded demands or unjust pretensions
from the opposing party."
Insurgents Near Havana.
New York, Dec. 13. A dispatch to
the World from Havana says: An iin-'
portant battle is expected hourly. , The
insurgents have planned the most for-'4
midable demonstration against Havana1
of the year. General Parrados has
started from this city with a strong
column of troops to meet tne insur
gents. Senor Caneljas, the confidential
agent of the Spanish government, went
with him'to ascertain the real condi
tions in Havana province.
General Rodriguez, with the com
bined Cuban forces under Juan Del
gado Ladarez and Rafael' Zeckardinas,
is encamped about 20 miles south of
here. He has fully 1,000 men;1: who
are well armed and is said to have a
Hotchkiss rapid-fire cannon.
Emio Consalo has hanged Antonio
Rivera and a negro named Osman. j
They went to Consalo from Blanco with
money and a proposition that he layj
down his arms and- accept autonomy.'
A note was pinned on the breasts ol
the hanged men announcing that any
one coming'on a similar mission would
meet a like fate. . ' ' - -
. , Starring Cubans in New York.
New York, Dec. 13. The Journal
and Advertiser says: WeylerV policy
of extermination, which he called re-
concentration, has resulted in an enor-
VUULCIJliniivui il til. itaujiivu 111 u ciiul'i
nious influx of Cubans into New Yoik.J
. . ... . .... t
Hundreds if not thousands "of them are
dying of ' hunger here. : The number of
these refugees is variously estimated!
from 12,000 to 20,000. Peihaps the
great majority are absolutely without
means. . There are -men and women
among them who were , worth thou- j
sands of dollars before the war began,
but are now penniless. Some of these
are- working as waiters, porters or
seamstresses.- ' ; j
Emilio Agremonte, president of the
Marti Charity Association, says that
many of them have actually died from
starvation, and that the majority have
preferred to live quietly in misery
rather than let their desperate wants
be known to those who could help
them, but who have in the past known
them to be people of wealth, influence
and refinement.
Spain Accuses Cubans of Cruelty.
New York, Deo. 13. A Herald dis
patch from Madrid says: A storm oi
indignation has been provoked ' here by
news of tortures inflicted by the Cuban
rebels upon, inhabitants of Guisa,
where women and children are alleged
to have been bound and burnt alive.
The details are given by the Imparcial, '
a paper by no means favorable to the
present government's policy, and the:
news is now officially confirmed. One
of the ministers says that as far as
known at present the only crime the
unfortunate creatures appear to have
been guilty of is that they favored the
acceptance of autonomy.
Reno, Nev., Dec. 13. A wreck oc
curred on the N. C. & O. railway about
nve mnes norm oi tnis city tnis morn-
ing. Two or three passengers are re-
ported to have been injured.
s Supposed to Have Been
Set by Incendiaries.
Ten Millions of Railroad Tickets Were
Thought to Have Burned On
of Them Tarns . Up.
New York, Deo. 13 Facts have
come to light that- suggest the possi
bility that the mysterious fire -that de
stroyed the great immigrant buildings
on Ellis island a"few months ago, was
started by thieves, who had carefully
planned a $10,000,000 robbery, says
the Journal and Advertiser today. Ten
of the trunk lines leading to the West,
including the New York Central, the
Pennsylvania, the- Erie, the Dela-vare,
Lackawanna & Western and the. New
York, Ontario & Western, unite in
maintaining a railroad on the island,
a a11 times there are quantities of
tickets there.
: General Ticket Agent
Robinson, of
the Ontario & Western,
says that on
the night of the fire a conservative es
timate would place tne value of tickets
in the island office at 110,000,000.
.' The- tickets, with much cash, were
locked in drawers in wooden cases and
.desks, and the entire parcel was sup
posed to have been totally destroyed.
-The different roads posted notices that
'if tickets of a certain form and series
should be presented, they should be
taken up and fare demanded.
A few days ago a ticket issued by
.the Ontario & Western from Chicago
to Kansas City was received from a pas
senger and found to be one of the tick
ets supposd to have been burned. The
part of the ticket calling for passage
from New York to Chicago has not yet
been presented.
: Now the officials are asking how
many other tickets out of the $10,000,
000 worth are in existence. y It is
deemed not impossible that the entire
lot was stolen and held until conductors
should forget the warning.
Commissioner Senner, who was in
charge of Ellis island at the time of the
fire, deems the hypothesis by no means
- "The origin of the fire was never
learned," he said. "It began in a
tower of the main' building some dis
tance from the offices occupied by the
railroad people. . Every one of the gov
ernment guards were busy getting the
immigrants safely out. . It is not im
possible that thieves deliberately start
ed the fire in the expectation, justified
by events, that the ticket office would
be quickly deserted."
General Ticket Agent Robinson said
he could scarcely believe that any such
wholesale robbery had taken place.
"I have communicated with other
roads, and they have had no such tick
ets presented as yet. I think it more
likely that the report of sales for the
'day preceding the fire was not correct.
Of course, though, if someone had used
that ticket, if it was honestly disposed
of, it should have turned up sooner.
An investigation will be made."
Several Lives
lost In
White Horse
. Victoria, Dec. 13. Five or six, and
perhaps seven, lives have been lost in
the White Horse rapids, Lewis river,
iduring the last two months, according
there today. A boat built for four or
six men was found below, the rapids one
morning, but there was no trace of the
occupants. They must all have been
I idrowned. Other parties lost their out-
fits, but managed to save their lives.
y There is now very little open water
' between the rapids and the lakes, most
of it being frozen over.
' At White Horse rapids there - are
labout 80 people, and there are 35 at the
-foot of Marsh lake. There are at least
100 more below White Horse rapids,
and many others have gone into thr
Hootalinqua country to prospect durii
- :
the winter. Hepburn had heard of no
, - -i i . i tt a . l :
strikes being made on the Hootalinqua
or tributaries, but a man named Davis
washed $1,600 from the river bars last
summer. - Hepburn believes that rich
strikes will be made on the Hootalin
qua this winter.-
At Tagish. house, the ' weather was
.bitterly cold, the thermometer regis
tering 42 degrees below. People were
met making their way down all along
the route to ' head of Lake Bennett.
'Among the goldseekers was a woman,
who was pulling her sled all alone, and
she was making fair time.
Lake Bennett was still open 15 miles
from the foot, on November 17, and
the mercury stood at 24 below.
Attempt oh the Sultan's Life,
London, Dec. 13. The Athens corre.
sponden't of the Chronicle says that on
Monday last, two soldiers in the im
perial service at the Yildiz Kiosk, the
palace of the sultan, made an attempt
on the sultan's life. - This was frus
trated by the attendants of the sultan.
The sultan had the men tortured in the
hope of extracting the names of the
instigators, but both succumbed with-
out revealing anything.
China Gives In.
London, Dee. 13. A dispatch from
Pekin says that today the tsung-li-yamen
telegraphed the viceroy of the
province of Pe-chi-li, north of the prov
ince of Shan Tung, that China, having
complied with her demands, Germany
undertakes to evacuate Kiao Chou at a
date to be fixed hereafter, and will re
ceive instead as a coaling station the
Saai-Suh inlet, in the province of Foo
Kien over against the island of For.
Brief Review of the Week Throughout
the State.
Thirty-four marriage licenses were
issued by the Marion county clerk in
Fishermen on the Umpqua are ship
ping sturgeon overland via Drain to
Four panthers were killed near Marsh
field last week. One measured 7
feet from tip to tip. "
Manager Dorwin increased the force
at the Jewett mine and will hereafter
run night and day shifts.-
Samuel Henry, a veteran of the civil
war, celebrated his 94th birthday an
niversary at Jacksonville last week.
It is estimated that over 20,000 boxes
of apples have been shipped from the
Coquille valley this season,! and there
are several carloads yet to be forwarded.
The owners of the Oregon Bonanza
mine contemplate running a blind tun
nel, to begin on the Powell creek side
of the mountain and extend westward
a distance of 800 feet. .
Another shipment of Wallowa coun
ty beef cattle was made from Elgin the
latter part of last week by a Chicago
dealer. He paid 3) cents for the
steers weighed at Joseph.
' A lot of cattle were recently bought
on Smith river, in Lane county, and
driven to Harrisbnrg. The average
weight of 16 of the band was estimated
to be 1,750 pounds each.
A three-foot ledge of bituminous coal
has been found in the south end of
Jackson-county, as good as that pro
duced in eastern states. Indications
are that the vein is very extensive.
The judgment in favor of the state of
Oregon and against Baker county has
been recorded in Baker City.' and a tax
levy will have to be made to raise the
amount of the judgment, $10,928.60.
It was blowing a gale when the Chil
kat crossed the Coos bay bar Monday,
and two tremendous seas boarded the
little steamer. Her stern was stove in,
and she is at North Bend, undergoing
An old store building; a landmark,
at Utter City, Coos county, collapsed
during the recent storm. As many sur
veys started from the old building as a
corner, some trouble will be caused in
running lines..
It is a foregone conclusion that we
will be treated to the operations of a
first-class English mining company, in
the Ashland district very soon, as one
of the best and largest quartz mines is
now being listed on the- London mar
ket. At the Clackamas hatchery about 1,
000,000 young fish have been turned
out so far this season. There are now
about 5,000,000 eggs in the troughs in
all stages of hatching. The eggs were
obtained from the Little White Salmon
river station,, in Washington.
.There was a heavy run of . salmon in
tne Siuslaw this year, and at the
Florence cannery 8,500 cases of canned
salmon and 600 barrels of salmon were
reoently shipped to San Francisco.
Mr. Hurd says that 10,000 cases could
have been put lip had the market price
During the fast two months one man
has shipped from Brownsville, to out
side markets, 1,150 turkeys, 650
chickens, 71 geese and 95 ducks, mak
ing a total of about 15,000 pounds of
poultry shipped by him -alone. There
are several other poultry buyers in
Brownsville, who have shipped a large
amount also.
There have been shipped from Med
ford station this season thus far about
40 carloads of apples, and there re
mains to be shipped yet 20" carloads
more of merchantable apples. This
includes fruit hauled from the Apple
gate and - surrounding country. Two
carloads of dried fruits of different
varieties have been shipped eastward
from that station, too, and about eight
carloads more remain to be shipped.
The Alabny Fruit Company has
shipped to Davenport, la., 600 boxes of
Oregon winter apples. The company
is also arranging to ship a carload of
winter apples to Missouri. There is a
good demand for Oregon apples in the
East, but they must be salable.- This
company has dried 8,000 pounds of
apples, which were not good keepers.
It is also now arranging to carry out
the experiment of drying vegetables
for the Alaska trade.
While workmen were excavating, a
ditch in Elgin, at the intersection of
Front and C. streets, last week,, at a
depth of two feet or a little more they
began to uncover human bones, and in
a short time almost the entire skeleton
was unearthed. . A few feet further on
they unearthed portions of. another
skeleton. From the shape of the skull
found, the remains are undoubtedly
those of Indians, buried long before
the whites settled there, says the Elgin
There has been received at Astoria a
fish from the life-saving crew at Fort
Canby that no one seems to recognize.
Some pronounced it a devil fish, and
others are certain it is an octopus. It
is about three feet long and of dark
brown color. Its girth is probably 10
or 12 inches and from the tail to the
gills varies but little in size. The
head is attached to the body witba
sort of swivel, and the mouth is hid
beneath a clump of tentacles about a
foot long.
A Lake county man who left last
June to assist in driving 8,000 head of
sheep to Amadee, Cal., has returned.
He says that the sheep were bought be
fore shearing or lambing for $1.78 to
$2 a head, and that Flanagan & .Dunn,
the purchasers, have made a little for
tune on the speculation, as the culls of
the band are worth $3 a head at Ama
dee. He thinks their profit will be
nearer 200 per cent than 100. They
bad a successful drive and spent the
summer in the Sycan country, in Lak
county. -
McBride Brings Up the Relief
Question in the Senate -
Pension Matters Were Considered in
Both Houses Beginning of m
, " lengthy Debate.
Washington, Dec. 11. The senate
did a con'jideralbe amount of business
today, although no very important
matter was considered or passed.
There was very little debate. Senator
Gallinger, chairman of the committee
An nnn uinna iallAl Dflnnfinn i (h. .
increasing demand for private pension
legislation and requested senators in
the future to be careful to see that their
bills for private pensions were meritori
ous before they were introduced. An
attempt was made by McBride to secure '
an appropriation for the relief of the
Klondike miners, but the net result
was a resolution calling on the secre
tary of war for all . information, he had
on that subject. -.
An hour was devoted to the consider
ation of private pension bills and 45
were passed. v
The resolution of the Pacific rail
road committee asking information re
garding the sale of the Kansas Pacific
was passed which gave Gear and Thurs
ton opportunity to make short speeches
congratulating the country upon the
settlement of the Pacific railroad ques
tion. Some work was laid out for next
week. Carter securing the right of .way
Monday and Tuesday for his census
bill, and Lodge had the immigration
bill made the unfinished business dur
ing the week. .
In the House.
The house today entered1 upon the
consideration of the pension appropria
tion bill and stirred up a debate that
promises to continue for several days.
Several Southern Democrats offered
criticisms of various classes of pension
ers, and Private John Allen, of Missis
sippi, who led the assault in a speech
replete with his characteristic humor,
presented a series of amendments de
signed, as he said, to correct some of
the glaring evils. They prohibit the
granting of pensions to widows whose
applications were not filed during their
widowhood, and the granting of pen
sions to widows whose applications were
based on marriages contracted after the
passage of this act, and to permanently
insane or idotic minors who had reached
their majority. The Northern Demo
crats, however, vied with the Republi
cans in their professions of friendship
for the'soldiers, and one of them Nor
ton oi Ohio declared that the Republi
cans could not make the bill too large
for him. It was admitted on both sides
of the house during the discussion that
the $140,000,000 carried by the bill
for pensions would not cover the ex.
penditures, but as congress would be in
session, Cannon said it would be easy
to make good any deficiency that might
occur. - " - -
Financial Legislation Will Not Be Un
dertaken Immediately.
Washington, Deo. 11. Although-no
formal action has been taken, a pretty
general understanding has been reached
by leaders in the house as to the course
of action in the near future. ' It ' in-
eludes the disposal of . appropriation
bills as fast as they are ready. .
The bankruptcy bill will be reported
before the holiday recess, but will not
be taken up by the house until after
. It is understood that for the present
there will be no effort to take up finan
cial legislation on the floor of the
house. This is due mainly to the im
pression that the committee on bank
ing and currency will not be able to -reconcile
many conflicting interests in
side the committee. When it becomes .
evident the committee on banking and
currency is at standstill, then the ways
and means committee will frame a bill
on broad lines, calculated to meet the
present financial requirements. The
disposition of house leaders will be to
keep radical legislation to the rear. ;
. The Aided Railroads. -
Washington, Dec. 11. In the house
today, Mr. Fleming, of Georgia, intro
duced a bill authorizing an investiga
tion of the books, accounts and methods
of railroads which have received aid
from the United States. It provides
that, in the president's judgment the
secretary of the treasury shall redeem
or otherwise clear off the paramount
lien, mortgage or other encumbrance
of government-aided railroads by pay
ing the sum lawfully due out' of the
treasury, or may bid and purchase for
the United States the property, subject
to such encumbrance, at any sale or
sales made under any order of the court
or any judgment or decree of foreclo
sure of such encumbrance, or of any
lien or mortgage or interest of the
United States. .
Indian Affairs. -
, Washington, Dec. 11. The house -committee
on Indian affairs today be
gan its investigation of. tne proDiems
in Indian territory. It was a long ses
sion, and the result was a call for the
Danes commission and all others inter
ested to appear before it next Tuesday.
St. Louis, Dec. 9. The dead body
of Loo Fook Guey, known as the king
of the highbinders, who several days
ago tried to. rob another Chinese,' was
found tonight in a room in Chinatown r'
At the time of the attempted robbery
both men fired at each other, and a
trail of blood left by Loo Fook, while
making his escape, showed that be had .
been wounded. . v .,