OREGON UNION. Published every Friday at CORVALLIS, OREGON. JOHN D. DALY, Editor and Pub. Subscription Rates. One Year $1.50 v" Mont'is -75 -3G Mot ths 50 It paid in advance, One Dollar per year. ' FRIDAY, DECEMBER io, 1897. YAQUINA BAY. The Newport News of last week contains a well written review of the harbor inprovements at Yaquina bay. It is too long for republica tion lay us and there is no place in it where it can be aeperated without mutilation. It- ;.was undoubtly written by R. ABerr'sell who has been actively and usefully connect ed with the '.matter from its start; but the matter has got past talk now, and past newspaper discus sion too. It will be a calmity for the Willamette valley, and for Eastern Oregon, as well to ' have this appropriation fail. With it they will have a competing railroad service and an independent water way to the sea; but without it they will not, and forever must pay trib ute to Columbia river pilotage, tow age, and warehouses. Add to this the other fact that if the appropri ation fails the O. C. & E. R. R. will never be extended into Eastern Oregon, for without a deep water entrance to Yaquina it ' would be fnllv to hnild it. Mr. Hammond says it is his intention to extendi the road over the mountains if the harbor improvements are con tinued, and h3 keeps all his promises; but he cannot be expected to do it if the matter of improving the harbor is . discontinued. Then there is the other fact that the money already spent on it by the government is wasted unless the work is finished; and it is a'burning shame to leave such vast interests in such a condi tion. Surely something will yet be dore to avert what can only be termed such a calamity. A BE A UTIFUL DEATH. If death can be beautiful and there is on reason why it should not, it is beautifully exemplified in the death of the mother of the president of the United States, who after a well rounded life of more than the allotted years, filled with all the strugglesand triumphs of such a life, peacefully lays it down at the com . mand of Him who gave it. Calmly she sleeps in blissful unconscious ness, waiting for the angel to set her soul free from the poor old faithful body which encumbers it, while above her bends the head of the ruler of one of the greatest nations on the earth, who with tears streaming down his face and in a choking voice says between his sobs, "Mother, don't you know me?" and when no answer comes, kisses for the last time the lips that have kissed him so often, and then with a heavy heart hurries jff to his duty at the head of the nation. It is all so beautiful and so like what it should be that we feel glad rather than sad at the splendid death of Mother McKinley. EVIL OB GOOD. Sensational newspapers are being condemned by all respectable people everywhere, and the most hopeful sign for its discontinuance is that the farmers of the country are taking it up, and in their grange and institute meetings are condemn ing it vigorously. There i3 no place where this yellow literature can do as much harm as on the farm. Criminal and filthy lives are pictured out with minute and elaborate detail, that shows a famil iarity with that kind of life. No clean life is ever so pictured; so the only idea of life that readers of these papers get is a filthy one, and men with families should exclude all such papers from their homes. No one disputes the fact that news papers exercise a great influence in educating the people. The sole question then is, shall this be for evil or good? The decision is with you. 75 THERE A SANTA CLA US? The following from the New York Sun is reprinted in Mc Clure's Magazine for Dec, from which we copy it. It is beautiful, and al though the grim old assistant secre tary of Var has written tons of matter, this will outlive it all. "We take pleasure in answering at once and thus prominently the communication vbelow, expressing at the same time our great gratifi cation that its faithful author is numbered among the friends of "The Sun-:' "DeAb Editor: I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends 'say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says "If you see it in the Sun it's so." Please tell me the. truth; is there a Santa Claus? Virginia O'Hanlon 115 West Ninety-fifth Street." Virginia, your little friends are wrong.; They have been affected by the skepticism if skeptical age. They do not believe except they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Vir ginia, whether they be men's or children's, are little. In this great universe of ours man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligenca capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge. "Yes, Virginia, there isa Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there ,$vere uo Vir ginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no" romance, to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguish ed. JNot believe in banla Uiaus! you mignt as well not believe in lames You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmaa Eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if they did not see Santa Claus comjmg down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not; but that's no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world "You may tear apart the baby's rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strengih of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in al this world there is nothing else real and abiding. "No Santa Claus! Thank God! he lives, and he lives, forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood I wish at this Christmastide every young girl who reads these words might bring her mind to hunt out some aged saint, and bring new brightness into that life by some holiday thought or attention. A bunch of bright flowers can bring a year's sunshine into a sunset life Let the gift be ever so simple: the attention ever so small: but let it be bright: let it be suggestive of cheer, of hope, of freshness, of youth something that will bring the sparkle to the eye, the tinge of color to the cheek. - It is for the young to prolong the life of the aged by just such little attentions as this. If there is no aged saint in your own home, Lor within the circle of your acquaintance, seek out some neglected soul in an "Old Ladies Home,' or institute. It will be a double Christmas for you; a fresh, new Christmas for the old, while to you" my girl, it will mean more than you think. We always gain more than we give by associat ing with old people. The poorest old lady in the land is rich in knowledge for a young girl. It al ways does a girl good to come in contact with an old lady. The girl may be the most brilliant college graduate who ever addressed a valedictory to her class, but in the comfortable chair before her sits one who has learned from ex perience what the girl has learned from books. As a man takes off his hat to a woman, so I think a young girl should always bow with respect to an old lady. Let our young girls think over this with the approaching holidays, and seek to throw a bright ray of sunshine into some old lady's life. Let every girl who can, see to it that it shall be no longer said that young people care very little for,old people thes days. , There are hundreds of dear old ladies in our land whose lives would be lengthened by some freeh, bright Christmas thought from ' the. hand and heart of a young girl. Formany such it would be a new Christmas: a sunrise at sunset. Ladies' Home Journal. ' ! Statistics which have bees' pre pared for the annual number of the Oregonian, which will be issued on January 1, show that Oregon will produce more gold this year than the Klondike produced during the working season of 1896-1897. Receipts . of Klondike gold at Portland and other Pacific coast ports since the news of the great discoveries arrived, have been, ac cording to the reports of returning miners, about $4,250,000. Careful investlgation has reduced this total, and the receipt of the gold at the mints has caused an additional shrinkage, so the actual amount received from Dawson probably has not exceeded $3,500,000, if it reach- edthat figure. Certainly, $3,000, 000 is a very liberal estimate. Un ion county this year will produce $2,172,000 of gold; Baker county, $2,000,000, and Grant ccnty $200 000, making the total for three of Oregon's leading mining counties, nearly $4,400,000. , When full re ports are in from the rich placer diggings of Douglas, Jackson and Josphine counties, Oregon's gold product will reach nearly $5,000, 000. Oregon's gold product, at the present rate of increase, may reach $7,500,000 in 1898. Klondike's output during the working season of 1897 and 1898, may, under fav orable conditions, reach $10,000,000. If the conditions are unfavorable this winter, as late reports from Dawson indicate they will be, the Klondike output may not exceed $5,000,000. All things taken into consideration, .Oregon stands a very good chance of producing as much gold next year as Klondike will produce. The first regular session of the fifty-fifth congress convened in Washington pn Monday last. So far only routine business has been done except the introduction of some 200 pension bills. The dis position seems to be to get down to regular hard work, and there is an a undance of it to be done, so let us hope there will be no serious effort made to block legislation, that all parties agree is necessary. The president's message is lengthy and meets the usual criticism from all parties, just as they agree or dis agree with the policy of the admin istration. One thing which seems to be in its favor is the fact that England don't like it. In the early days of the state government the important matter of school lands was so badly under stood, and the imperfect laws re garding these lands' were so badly administered, that often in the history of state lands, their title became a matter of equity. The jumping case of the Star land, near Monroe, is only an imitation of other deeds of that kind that have always been settled against the jumpers, and when this case reaches the secretary of the interior, if it ever does, he will decide it as his prede cessors have done, in favor of the man who bought it and did every thing he knew to comply with the law. Dr. M. M. Davis has just re turned from Portland where he had an interview with Mr. Hammond, the owner of the O- C. & E. R. R Mr. Hammond says it is their in tention, if the harbor at Yaquina is improved, to build the road into Eastern Oregon. This is important news to the people of the valley, and make3 the condition attached to it a more serious proposition than we thought, for the presumption is that if the appropriation fails, so will the extension of the road. Last Sunday's Oregonian merci- 1 ssly scores the present city ad ministration of Portland, and if one half it says be true, the government of that city is in a deplorable con dition. One fact in the accusation is glaringly true of Portland, and all other cities where it occurs, and that is when the police department becomes a tool in the hands nf , ... VlAhTlAQ I m n mnn I n 41 li" . "fu'"", tue wenare ana morals ot trie city are on the road to the Devil. A reward of $1000 has been offer ed by the insurance companies and others in Portland for the appre hension of the fire buz. who has It The f fund for the relief of the Klondikers is rapidly growing in Portland. If congress will furnish transportation, and do it at once, relief may be on the way by the 1st of January. V-N . A Hero. ."There goes a hero," said my friend to me as we sat at a window in San Francis co, at Christmas time m 1869. . I looked in the direction he pointed and recognized the j man, who was" a prominent Cali fornian in those days. ""Why," said I, "that is Senator X. "Yes," answered my companion, ''but he is more than that to rn, he is my hero ; I' have known him all his life; let me tell you how I first formed hs acquaintance," And He then related the following wich is fact, not fiction. ' "Forty years ago, when I was a boy of seventeen; a' little crowd of us boys all about my age had gathered at the corner of -a public square in the town in which we lived. We had met accident ally, and were planning some sport or mischief, as boys of that age are apt to do when we observed a little fellow trudging along on the other side of the street with a big basket covered with a white cloth. The basket appeared to be very heavy, as the little fellow walked slowly and rested often. Some spirit of devilment prompted Jack S., one of our fellows, to remark: 'That is one of them flat boys, little Jimmy X. Let's go and see what he's got in the basket.' So we all stepped across the street and con fronted Jimmy. He was about twelve years of age, with a big head on . which was a tangle of short, white curls, and in which was a pair of as resolute looking blue eyes as you ever saw. He had on a torn straw hat, a pair of patched pants turned up at the bottom, a blue cotton shirt, and was . barefooted. 'What you got in your basket, Jim?" demanded Jack S. 'None of your ' business,' promptly answered Jim. '" And then to forestall what he'clearly saw was Jack's intention to pull off the cover he strad dled the basket.,. It was not to the credit of the rest of us' that we stood by and 'watched the unequal struggle, for Jack was twice the little fellow's size. It finally ended in the overturning of the basket, out of which .rolled a beef head and a quart jug of whiskey; and then Jim sat down on the sidewalk and cried, I had the grace to pick them up, restore them to the basket, and help the boy part of the way home with his cruel load, since which time we have been fast friends. For Jimmy the little flat boy and Senator X. are -the same; and now looking back through the( shadows of forty years I believe that little incident has and a greater effect for good on my life than anything that ever happened to me, That boy has been an inspiration to me all my life. His struggles would fill a volume. His home he never likes to talk about, and I won't. No one ever helped him ; he would not have it. He educated himself, and he will tell you that he got all his inspiration in a Sunday School. You know what he is; the cleverest man and brightest statesman in California today. '-And he walked right up to his present position-out "of poverty rags, and has prayed as he1 fought every step of the way, for he has been a member of a Christian church since hia boyhood. lie never drank a drop of intoxicating liquor in his life although it cursed his youthful home, and he stands today for everything that is bright and good and pure in manhood : God bless him." To Whom It Bay Concern. This is to certify that I am a member of the Fraternal Union of America, and that I met with a severe .accident by scalding, disabling me from work for three weeks. I made proof to the Stt preme Lodge for my loss of time and have promptly received the accident ben efit covering the said loss of time, and 1 take pleasuae in recommending the Fra ternal Union to all those who desire life and accident insurance. Respectfully Yours, Mrs. S. P. Herbert. The Oregonian. In an advertisement elsewhere it will be seen that we offer the Weekly Oregon ian and the Oregon Union both to one address for the small sum of $1.75 a year in advance. The Weekly Oregon ian will give you all the news of the state, the nation and the world, while the Union will give you all the county news, and in no other way can you pos sibly get this so cheap. The Oregonian needs no recommendation at our hands, and the Union, too, speaks for itself. We wish to say one thing with reference to ourselves. Enemies of the Union are circulating the report that it is only a temporary affair, and will not last. This is false. We have the best newspaper office in the county; it is entirely out of debt and is already on a paying basis. It came here to stay, and the encourage ment we have aWmAv a.o,i,a1 Unr. -- --- uaa ... placed its future success beyond a doubt Its subscription price alone is Si a vear I in advance, or $1.75, in advance, will get the Weekly Oregonian and the Union for one year to one address. Send in ... your names at once, as congress will , meet soon, and important measures come before it that you should know. will been trying to destroy the city, is supposed that he is insane. thwMmmm I 11 IP WILL SOON H ERG Photo Albums, 50c, $1.00, $1. Jo, $2.00 and upwards.' Celluloid and Silk Novelties at various prices. Toilet Cases, from 75c to $10 Dolls, Bisque and China, Cfel2:6,75'ce,,t",, MANICURE SETS WORKBOXES MIRRORS COLLAR & CUFF BOXES GLOVE, HDKF. BOXES SILK UMBRELLAS SILK HDKFS. MUFFLERS SCARFS CELLULOID p?rRF? i- Dressgoods, men's and boys' clothing, such as is suitable for a holiday present and something that anyone will appreciate. Also a full line of men's boys', misses' and ladies' shoes. S. L. KLINE, REGULHTOR OP L.OSfl PRICES Additional Local. ' Be wise! Have Vogle fit your eyes. Orders taken for O. A. C. regulation uniforms at $14.50. S.L.Kline. All kinds of job printing at ' reasonable rates at this office. County warrants taken at par for mer chandise at Nolan and Callahan's. To rent an elegantly furnished lower front room near the court house, apply at this office,. PURE CIDER vinegar in any quan tity, for sale only at Corvallis Cider Factory. The foundry people desire to say that Saturday is the special day set apart for sharpening plowshares. To Trade For Corvallis property, house and four lots in Waldport. Will pay difference in cash Inquire through P. O, Box 25, Corvallis, or at this office. Kings Valley Items Mrs Rice is very low at the present time. Mr. and Mrs, Roiley are keeping house for MrMcVicker while they are away. There will be a Christmas tree at the new church on Christmas Eve. All are in rited. Nellie McField is quite sick with nervous prostration. She is at her uncle's, Jake Chambers. Mrs. Tillie Rodgers will take care of Mrs. Rom bough's children while she is at Klondike, where her husband is. . . The members and friends of the old church have built wagon-sheds at the church, and it is a good thing as people can have their horses in the dry while they are at the services. Rev. McVicker and wife were called to Dayton, Yamhill county, to see Mrs. Z. Spangle, Mrs. Mc Vicker's sister, who is very low with consumption. Therefore his second Sunday appointments are withdrawn. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Corvallis, Oregon, Does a general and conservative banking business. C. B. Cauthorn. j E. H. Taylob. CAUTHORN & TAYLOR DENTISTS. Dentistry of every description done in first class manner, " and satisfaction guar anteed. - CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPEC ALTY. Office over Zierolf 's grocery store, opposite me post omce. (jorvallis, Oregon. W. E. Yates. J. Fred Yates. YATES & YATES, Atomeys-at-Law, Corvallis, Oregon .J Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed by the ecutor of the estate of R. C. Gibson, Aarcii oorl All norenna l- u rJr cr rlima against said estate are required 10 present jatPXlVoffl of J. I? Gibson, Corvallis, Oregon, withio six months from the date hereof, Dated this 22d dav of October. 1897. R. E. GIBSON. Executor of the Estate of E. Oibson, Defeased. 9i And for the Holiday Trade of 1897 we have a larger and better assortment of Fancy Goods and Nov elties . than ever before shown in the city. 'A TIMELY WORD" To the Bread Winner of the Family in Behalf of His Loved Ones at Home. The fact is now so generally admitted it needs no argument 10 convince those upon whom the duty rests, that life insurance is the best protection for a man's family, his estate and his old age. The question with most men is, what torni of policy will best discharge the duty and in what company to place so sacred a trust. The Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance company offers to persons needing insur ance an insurance policy of the most definite character perfectly adapted to all legitimate wants, conceived and admin istered in perfect equality, guarded by ample and undoubted security, at the lowest cost that economy and" good man agement can accomplish consistently with absolute and perptual safety A policy which after two "or three prem iums paid becomes by its own terms and without surrender, fully paid up for an amount each year stated in printed table upon the policy. A policy which, at the end of 10. 15,20, 25, 30, 35, etc., years, may be surrendered for a cash sum stated in a table printed in the policy. A policy participating in the surplus earned which there are no stockholders to share, so that each member's insurance costs him only just what it costs the com pany. - ... A record of fifty-one years of business economically, conservatively and success fully managed. Its strength and stability are unquestioned, its reputation unsullied, the care and economy with which its business is managed and the resulting benefits to its members unsurpassed. It invites investigation. Since organization in 1846 the Connecticut Mutual Received In premiums 192,111,805 65 Returned to policy holders or their represen tatives: For death losses and endowments 102,683,616 37 For surrendered policies 23.803,729 22 For Dividends 56,966,763 64 Total returned to policy holders 182,454,109 93 Received irom policy holders iu excess of amount returned 9,657,695 72 Received from interest, rent, etc.. 84,n32,793 65 Expenses of management & taxes. 83,208,817 76 Saving from interest earnings.... 61, 329,975 61 Net assets January 1, 1897 60,981,671 61 Other assets ; . . 1 ,970,677 27 Present admitted assets held for policy holders 02,952,338 88 In the administration of any trust this tells the whole story. The Oregon general agency, rooms 12 and 13, Hamilton building. F. M. & J. V. Ma thena general agents, Portland, Oregon. -Any information desired in regard to the j same win De turnislied by John u. ualy, editor and publisher of the Oregon Union, Corvallis, Oregon. f The Weekly OREGONIAN -AND- For one year to one address for 1ST in advance. No such offer has ever be fore been made. We give you all the news of the State, the Nation and the World, together with all the County news for 1.75 a year. Send in your names at once. Corvallis Lodge Directory. C CORVALLIS LODGE, No 14, A P & A M, meets first and third Wednesday of each month, in Masonic hail. Fisher brick. FERGUSON CHAPTER, No 5, R A M, meets second "Wednesday in each month, Masonic hall. REGON COUNCIL, No 2, R& 8 M, each meets lourtn Yvednesdav in month, Ma&onic hall. ST MARY'S CHAPTER. No 9, O E S, meets every Friday before full moon. Masonic hall. BAKNITM LODGE, No 7, 1 0 O F, meets every Tuesday evening in I O O F hall, Farra & Allen brck. QUI VIVE ENCAMPMENT, ;No 26, meets first And third Fridays of each month in I O O F hall. ALPHA REBEKA LODGE, No 34, meets second and fourth Fridays of each month in I O O F Hall. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, No 14. A O V W, meets first and third Thursday of each month, in I 0.0 F hall. NAOMI LODGE, No 26, D of H, meets second and fourth Thursday of each month in I O O F hall. C CORVALLIS TENT, No 11, K O T M, J meets second and fourth Wednesday of each month in I O O F hall. CORVALLIS HIVE, No L O T M, meets the first and third Wednesdays of each month in I O O F hall. VALLEY LODGE, No 1, K of P. meets every Monday night in Burnett's hall, over J H Harris' store. Burnett block. MAR5TS PEAK CAMP, -No 126, W O W, meets second and fourth Fridays of each month in Burnett's hall. MARYS PEAK CIRCLE. No 14, meets first and third Fridays of each month in Burneti's hall. T7LLSWORTH POST, No 19, G A R -MJJ meets first and third Saturdays of each month, in Burnett's hall. ELLSWORTH RELIEF CORPS, No 7, meets first and third Friday afternoon, in Burnett's hall UNITED ARTISANS, No 23, meets second and fourth Thursdays of each month, in Burnett's hall. FRATERNAL UNION OF AMERICA meets first and third Tuesdays of every month at A. O. U. W. hall. EAST ahd SOUTH VIA Souitierii Pacific Joote. Express Trains leavs Portland Daily. , b:30 p. m. I Lv Portland All 9:S0a.m 9:40 P. M. I Ar Corvallis Lv 6:00 AM 7:45 a. m. i Ar Sau Francisco Lr I 8:00 p.m. The above truins stop at all stations between Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Halsey, Harrisburg, Junction City, Eiiffese, i otttige (rrove, Drains, Oaklaiid7 and all stations from Roseburg to Ashland, iu ClUsiVC : . KOKfeBURG MAIL DAILY -' - 8:30 a. M. I Lv Portland Ar t 4:30 p. h. Lv 112:30 p. M. Lv 7:30 A. M. 12;2o P. M. 5:20 p. M. Lv Albany Ar Roseburg LOCAL PASSENGER TBAIN DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY) .10 A. M. Lv Albany Ar ! 10:30 A. M Lv I 9:30 A. M. Ar7 0ft p. h. Lv 6;00 p. m. 9T00 A. M. 4;50 P. M. 5:40 P. M. Ar Ibrnon Lv Albany Ar Lebanon Uinins Cars on Ojjden Route. Pullman Buffet Sleepers AND... Second class Sleep ng Cars, Attached to all through train.". West Side Division, Between Portland and Corrallis. Mail Train Daily (Except Sunday). 7:30 a. M. 12:15 p. m. ' Lv Portland Ar Corvallis Ar Lv 1 5:50 p. M. 1:05 p.m. At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains, of Oregon Contral & Eastern Railroad. Express Train Daily Except (Sunday. 4:50 P. M. 7:30 P. M. 8:30 P. M. Lv Portland Ar McMinville Ar Independence Ar j 8 ;25 a. h. Lv 5:50 A. M. Lv 14;50 A. M. THROUGH TICKETS To all points East nd South. For tickets and information regarding rates, maps, eic, call on company's agent, A. K. Mil ner at Corvallis. R. KOEHLER, Manager. E. P. ROGERS, Asst. J. F. & P. Agt. Portland, Oregon. OREGON CENTRAL & EASTERN YAQUINA BAY ROUTE. Connecting at Yaquina bay with the San Francisco & Yaquina Bay Steamship Company. Steamship President Sails from Yaquina every 8 days for San Francisco, Coos Bay, - and Humboldt Bay PASSENGER ACCOMMOD vRIONS UN . SURPASSED Shortest route between the Wil lamette Valley and California. Fare from Albany and points west to San Francisco Cabin $ 8 00 Steerage 6 00 Round Trip good for 60 days $17.00. To Coos Bay: Cabfn... $8 00 Steerage. . 6 00 To Humboldt Bay and Port Orford: Cabin .-.$10 00 Steerage........ 8 00 RIVER. DIVISION. Steamer "Albany" between Port land and Corvallis, through with out, lay-oyer. Leaving Corvallis 6:30 a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays; leaves Portland, Yamhill St. Dock, 6:00 a. m. Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays. EDWIN STONE, Manager. J. C. MAYO. Supt. river div. Cor vallis, Oregon. H. H. CRONISE, Agent, Corvallis, Or. The Union, $1 a Yejir