Oregon union. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1897-1899, December 10, 1897, Image 1

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NO. 24.
From all . Parts of the New
and Old World.
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Kappenings of the Cur-
rent Week
A terrible railroad accident has oc
curred in Warsaw. While a passenger
train was stationary at the terminus,
a heavy freight train ran into it, owing
to the error of a pointsman. Eleven
persona were killed and 22 others were
seriously injured.
Thereceipts of the customs so far
this fiscal year undoubtedly will fall
considerably short of estimates made
by the managers of the new tariff bill
during its pendency in congress. At
that time it was estimated that the
customs would yield about $180,000,
000 duringhe first year. The indica
tions are now said to be that the re
ceipts from this eouroe will not aggre
gate more than $165,000,000.
A plate of armor, representing a lot
of 500 tons for the turrets of the battle
ships Kearsarge and Kentucky, was
tested at the. Indian Head proving
grounds Tuesday. s For testing pur
poses, two eight-inch shells, one a Car
penter projectile and the other a
Wheeler sterling, were fired at the
plate, one at a high and the other at a
low velocity. Neither penetrated nor
cracked the plate, but both partially
welded themselves into it.
Word comes of a wreck on the Santa
Fee near Williams, Ariz., in which
three men lost their lives and much
valuable property was destioyed.
After the first section of freight train
No. S3 had pulled out of Williams the
air that controls the brakes gave out
and the train dashed down the steep
grade with rapidly increasing velocity.
The hand brakes were unavailing to
about 10 miles west was reached the
train left the track. Two engines were
coupled toJthe train, which was a very
heavy one.- Engineers Newton and
Watsons and Firoman Berry were pin
ned under their respective engines and
lost their lives, it is said, by being
burned to death.
The celebration in honor of Oregon's
martyred missionary, D . Marcus Whit
man, was begun in Walla Wall:, Wash.,
Monday. Large crowds were in attend
ance. The opening address was made
by Rev. L. H. Hal lock. A monument
is to be erected over the grave of Dr.
Senator Lodge, of the committee on
foreign relations, was at the state de
partment early in the week. He would
say nothing about the Cuban situation
except that the committee' had accom
plished a great deal. The first business
would be to confirm the annexation of
Hawaii, which would be done by rati
fying the treaty, or by legislation.
' Asphyxiation .caused the. death of
three men in the Grand Trunk railway
tunnel at Fort Huron, Mich" The
train which was being hauled through
to the Canadian side, broke in two.
The engine backed down to get the de
tached portion of the train, but for
hours nothing was heard oi the crew.
Finally a searching party found the
dead bodies, and also rescued two brake
men, in an unconscious condition.
Three members of the searohing party
were also overcome, but were rescued
by another party. The tunnel gas
arises from the hard coal used by the
Colonel Domville, M. P., who went
north in the interest of the Klonkide
Yukon Stewart Company, of London,
says his company will build a wagon
road through YVhite pass, placing steel
bridges over the canyons,.- Work is to
commence immediately, and the road
is to be ready by February. They will
build steamers to ran from Lake Ben
nett to White Horse rapids, around
which they will have a tramway.
From the end of this trawmay they will
have steamers to run direct to Dawson.
These steamers, he says, will be ready
when the river opens. The wagon road
through White pass is to be followed
immediately by a railway.
One of the bills that will be pushed
in the coming session of congress is
that introduced by Kepresentative Sha
froth, of Colorado, which provides for
changing the time when congress shall
meet. It is a very sensible bill, and
ought to be passed. The first session
of congress after ah election would be
in the January following the election
in November. This session could last
as long as would be necessary. The
congress elected in November could
legislate before another election was on
hand. The second session could meet
in December previous to the coming
congressional election, and the congress
would -expire before the election took
place. As the matter now stands the
first session of congress is given over to
politics by representatives who wish to
be re-elected. The short session is
often a discredited and defeated con
gress and oftentimes enacts very bad
legislation because it will not be called
to account before the people. Pos-;
sibly, Mr. Shafroth's bill will get a!
hearing, though such reforms as this'
move very slowly. J
Emperor William opened the session I
of the German reichstag in person for j
the first time since 1894. The cere-
mony took place in White hall, in
royal castle. His majesty read the
speech from the throne. I
The steamer San Bias has arrived in
San Francisco from Panama nnrl wav
ports. She brings, the news that the
Salvador coffee crop for this season I
will beone-third larger than ever be-'
fore, and will do much toward . makiDg !
tip the loss occasioned by the revolu-j
ties .
Danger of the Importation of Asiatio
Washington, Dec. 7 Surgeon-General
Wyman, of the marine hospital
service, has submitted his annual re
port to Secretary Gage. It shows that
during the fiscal year ended June 80,
1897, the total number of patients
treated at hospitals and the dispensaries
connectetd with the service was 54,477.
Although the total number of patients
treated was 673in excess of those treat
ed during the previous fiscal year, the
expenditures were $538,536, which is
$21,000 less than the previous year.
The number of immigrants inspected
by officers of the service at the various
' ports aggregated 232,327. The surgeon
general says: .
. The necessity of legislation to secure
proper shelter for deck cVews on West
ern waters, to which my attention was
called in the last report, was met by the
act of congress requiring every steam
boat upon the Mississippi river and its
tributaries to furnish a place for the
crew with protection from the weather.
This subject is one that has long en
gaged the attention of the marine hos
pital surgeons, who have made frequent
reports thereon, and this action of con
gress will be productive of much relief,
although the acfc-does not take effect
until June 30, 1898. To meet the
growing demands for the service, new
regulations have been prepared, and
will shortly be issued. " ..'..
The surgeon-general invites attention
to the excellent work by officers of the
corps during the recent visitation of yel
low fever in the South. Officers were
assigned to, infected districts, and, a is
though a number of them were not im
mune to yellow fever, nevertheless they
responded with alacrity and performed
their duties with judgment and effi
ciency. Three officers contracted yellow
fever and one lost his life by accident
in the line of duty. ;
Three Persona Killed and a Score In.
jured Near Detroit.
Detroit, Dec. 7. Two suburban cars,
carrying some 20 passengers, and both
running at a speed of 25 miles an hour,
collided on the Detroit & Oakland elec
tric railroad, at 1 o'clock this afternoon.
Three men were instantly killed and a
score of persons injured, several of them
seriously. The dead are:
John Savage, superintendent of the
road; Charles M. Whitehead, motor
man; John Kelly, of Detroit, book
agent. A dozen others were more or
less seriously injured.
The exact cause of the accident is not
yeT known. According to the schedule,
a car leaves Detroit and Pontiao every
hour, and there are three sidings along
the road: Today the cars were behind
time. The one bound southward for
Detroit had passed an outbound car at
a switch two miles from Pontiao, the
crew apparently being ignorant of the
fact that another outbound car was ap
proaching them less than two miles
away. The weather was foggy and the
rails slippery from sleet. The collision
occurred near a gravel pit half way be
tween Pontiac and Birminghay, at the
foot of two steep grades, down which
the oars ran at full speed. The cars
were driven half through each other,
and were crushed to pieces.
Had it not been fpr the stout con
struction of the cars, both of which
were new, it is doubtful whether any of
the occupants would have escaped alive.
As it was, nearly all of the 14 passen
gers in the southbound car suffered
some injury. Some of the injured were
taken to farmers' houses, others were
brought to city hospitals.
The Matter Arranged.
Washington, Dec 7. It was official
ly announced at the White House today,
on the return of the president to Wash
ington, that Governor John Grigg", of
New Jersey, has been tendered aud has
accepted the office of attorney-general
of the United States, which will be
vacated by the nomination of Attorney
General McKenna to be associate jus
tice of the United States supreme court.
It has not yet been settled when Gov
ernor Griggs shall assume his new
office, but it is probable that the date
will be about the beginning of the new
Will Give Spain a Trial.
New York, Dec. 7. A special to the
Herald from Washington says that con
gress will concur with the wishes of
President McKinley and give a trial to
Spain's new scheme of autonomy. The
Herald poll of the senate and house
shows the following results:
Senators against action; 42; senators
who favor, but do not expect action, 24;
senators for immediate action, 9; sena
tors noncommittal or not seen, 14; rep
resentatives against actios, 178; repre
sentatives for action, 159; representa
tives noncommittal or not seen, 18.
Burned to the Water Line.
Chicago, Dec. 7. The steamer
George VV. Morley, of Cleveland, was
burned to the water's edge on the beach
at Evanston tonight. Her crew of 13
men got ashore without trouble. The
Morley was boand from Milwaukee to
Chicago without cargo, and when off
Evanston a lamp exploded in the engine
room. Before the pumps could be
started the fire was beyond control, and
the boat was beached, the crew wading
ashore. The Morley was a wooden
steamer, and was valued at $35,000.
Ardmore, I. T., Dec. 7. At the close
of the performance of "Sam'lof Posen"
by the Curtis company tonight, Nellie
H. Fillmore, the cashier, disappeared
with the evening's receipts Later she
was arrested and released on bond.
Miss Fillmore claims that Curtis owed
her, and that she took this means of
paying herself.
The convicts with a good record in
the Kansas state penitentiary now wear
nits of cadet gray instead of striped
Austria and Hungary Appar
ently Drifting Apart.
Faction Drawing Up for a Great Strag
gle Can the Kinporer. Bring
Order Out of Chaoa?
London, Dec. 7. International ques
tions have been temporarily, over
shadowed by the gravity of the' situa
tion in Austria, where things are as
gloomy as imaginable. In addition to
the imminence of a civil war, the next
few hours may possibly witness a revo
lution in the relations between Austria"
and Hungary, which might mesk the
reconstruction of the map of Europe.
It is hardly an exaggeration to say that
the factions are drawing up like con
tending armies. The Germans have
appealed to their compatriots on both
sides of the frontier, and have appar
ently prepared U run all .risks to keep
the hated Czechs ,in subjection. The
Czechs make no secret of the fact that
their finaraim is to abolish the dual
empire, and to make it a triple empire
by placing Bohemia on an equal footing
with Austria and Hungary. To grant
these demands would set Hungary on'
fire and destroy the foundation of the
present imperial system. It looks as .
though the employment of force is the
only solution of the question, but
against which faction wili it be used?
The question of the provisional aus
glich bill (or agreement to prolong for
a year,, instead of 10 years, the compact
between Austria and Hungary, pending
arrangements for a longer compact), is,
if possible, more grave than the threat
ened civil war. The Hungarian diet
has given Baron von Gautsche von
Frankenthurn, the Austrian premier,
till Monday next in which to state
whether he can reasonably expect the
ausglich bill to pass, and, failing a de
cisive answer, Baron Banffy, the Hun
garian premier, will introduce Monday
a bill whereby Hungary will act inde
pendently as regards the duties to be
levieU, continuance of commercial rela
tions with Austria and the charter of
the Austro-Hnngarian bank. This
compact between the two portions of
the dual state may be maintained tem
porarily. ' Hungary will establish her
caim to the right of independently
disposing of these questions.
It is easy to see that victory will only
whet the Hungarian appetite, and that
it will be a short step to the dissolution
of Austria, wbichf in turn, will hurl
Europe into a furnace of terrible possi
bilities. Apparently the only hope of escape
is that the personal ascendancy of the
old emperor will once again enable him
to solve an apparently impossible situ
ation. Failing in this, the reichsrath
will be dissolved and a reign of abso
lutism will begin in Austria, and, tech
nically, Hungary will have resumed
her independence, the first step toward
a federation, as distinguished from - a
dual Austro-Hungarian monarchy.
lUoting in Bohemia. .
Prague, Dec. 7. At Taber last night
Czechs attacked the houses of Hebrews
and broke the windows of a synagogue.
Several rioters were arrested. -The
local force of gendarmes were called
upon to assist in restoring order. A
mob of over 1,000 persons at Brannau
last evening attacked ' the bouses of
Czechs, and in spite of the efforts of
the gendarmes smashed the windows
and did other damage. Quiet was not
res io red until midnight. In Prague
I the military patrol was fired upon, but
uone oi me pauoi was wouuueu.
Kurt her Particulars of the Disaster in
the Philippines.
Seattle, Dec. 7. The steamer Kago-
shima Maru arrived here today, 16
days from Yokohama, bringing Orien- I
tal advices up to November 19. The
following additional particulars have .
been received of the terrible typhoon
which swept over the Philippine
islands October 6, devastating the prov
ince of Leyte, Manilla, and causing
ihe death of several hundred persons. '
About 250 Europeans are reported to
have perished, and the number of na
tive victims is put at from 400 to 500.
The typhoon seems to have done its
worst damage at Tacloban, the capital
of Leyte, where the whole town was
converted into a mass of ruins. The
bodies of 120 Europeans were recov- .
ered. The government house, treas- '
ury, barracks, etc., were destroyed.
The coast is strewn With the wreckage
of vessels torn to pieces by the hurri
cane. It was reported that the town of
Hemoni, 6,000 inhabitants, had disap
peared. :
Assaulted With a Ball Bat.
Junction City, Kan., Dec. 7. Cor
poral Fennell, battery B, Fourth artil
lery, at Fort Riley, died last' night.
Fennell was one of the two victims
whom Private Leach, of the same bat
tery, some days ago, endeavored to kill
with a ball bat, attacking them while
they slept. Fennell's skull was broken.
Private Riley had his jaw fractured,
but will recover. The tragedy is the
outcome of a drunken quarrel. "
Dark Palouse Crime.
Palouse, Wash., Dec. 7. An un
known man was found dead yesterday
on the track of the Northern Pacific,
one mile south. The body was mangled
beyond recognition. The man was 5
feet 8 inches, dresesed in a blue checked
suit, sack coat and brown overcoat.
The coroner's jury returned a verdict
that the man came to his death by hav
ing his throat cut, but whether by his
own hand or the hand of another they
could not say. ',
The Strangle for Supremacy In
Asia la
; Waxing Warm. '
San Francisco, Deo. 6. The Call
says: The report that the RnRsian gov
ernment is buying large quantities f
' army supplies in the United States haB
j been verified. Cable messages from
i Vladiovstock asking merchants to bid
on large lots are frequently received.
J Yesterday Dodge, Sweeney & Co., of
I this city, received a Vladivostock cable
to figure on 1,200 tons of supplies.
Travelers arriving from Asia report
I that the garrison at Vladivostock has
' been largely reinforced by the arrival
of troops on steamers and sailing ves
sels from the Black sea.
j The concentration of .Russian troops
at that-point and the haste that Japan
'is making to increase her power on the
sea leads some of our merchants to
predict that the impending conflict be
tween Russia and Japan may open as
early as next summer. The recent
heavy orders for army supplies to be
forwarded to Vladivostock are regarded
as significant of important movements
- in the Orient.
j It is believed the completion of the
trans-Siberian railroad with its ter
minus at Vladivostock will largely in
crease the trade of San Francisco, and
there is talk of establishing a line of
steamers to that . place, touching at
Alaskan ports. A local subsidy of
$35,000 a month has already been sub
scribed for an Alaskan line.
the Ditch
la Said to
Be One-Third
Washington, Dec.-6. Consul-General
Gudger, at Panama, has made a
report to the state department on the
condition of the Panama canal. He
says it is whispered that England is
doing all in her power to obtain control
of the canal. France may not push
the work forward, but some other na
tion or some other company will surely
do so if those in charge forfeit their
rights. ,
The canal, when completed, will ex
tend from Colon, on the Atlantic, to
Panama, on the Pacific, 54 miles. All
along the route are sheds full of new
and costly machinery. It is estimated
the latter has cost $100,000,000, and
there has been expended on the canal a
total of $275,000,000. A conservative
estimate is that the canal is about one
third finished, but with the 'new ma
chinery on hand, it is said the remain
der of the work can be completed for.
Wreck in Minnesota.
Fergus Falls, Minn., Dec. 6. Aooast
train on the Great Northern, west
bound, was wrecked near Barnesville
last night. A switch engine at Barnes
ville was pushing a couple of carloads
of coal up a chute. In some way the
engine refused to stop and the cars be
gan to go over the trestle,' dropping 25
feet. The engine was reversed and the
engineer and fireman jumped, and just
as the engine reached the dropping-off
place the coupling broke and it backed
down onto the track. It then went
west at a furious speed for two miles,
where it struck the coast train, whose
engineer Fred Griswold, and Fireman
j Carter jumped, and were badly injured.
' The engines' came together with ter
rific force, demolishing both and throw
ing five cars off the track,. - The dam
age will reach $15,000.
Luetgert Juror Under Suspicion.
Chicago, Deo. 6. One of the ftmr
men selected as jurors in the Luetgert
trial is under suspicion- Reports have
come to Mr. TJeneen which imply
that the man is interested in the de
fense, as he has for 20 years been a
friend of the sausage-maker, and has
declared his belief that Luetgert is in-
nocent. Tonight Mr. Deneen had two
: of Inspector -Schaack's trusted men as
I signed to him and placed the investiga
' tion in their hands. A report is ex
pected tomorrow, and it may result in
the discbarge of the juror and proceed
ings against him. No additional jurors
were secured touay.
The Alasba Boundary.
Ottawa, Dec. 6. Hon. Clifton Sif
ton, minister of the interior, has re
turned from an extended trip to the
Klondike. Speaking of the Alaska
boundary question, he said:
"There are certain phases which
have to be looked carefully over, and
Mr. King, our chief astronomer, went
out with me for that purpose. ' As to
whether there will be a commission to
settle the question appointed by the
United States and ourselves, I do not
know. The subject is a very grave
Sifton will cause the mounted police
force in the district to be increased.
China Declines to Yield.
London, Dec. 6. A special dispatch,
from Shanghai announces that the em
peror of China has declared he would
rather forfeit his crown than agree to
the conditions demanded by Germany
as redress for the murder of the two
German missionaries, Nees and Henle,
and the destruction of German property
in the province of Shan Tung.
Admiral Deidrach, the German com
mander of Kiao Chou Bay, the dispatch
further states, has proclaimed martial
law in the district around Kiao Chou.
China, the dispatch concludes, asks
that her dispute with Germany be sub
mitted to arbitrators appointed by Hol
land and Belgium.
Russia on Her Guard.
St. Petersburg, Dec. 6. Great re
ticence is observed in official circles re
garding the political situation in the
far East. The opinion prevails that
Germany will not permanently occupy
Kaio Chan .bay. Russian newspapers
protest against the occupation, as being
calculated to injure the interests of the
Russians in the far East, and they say
that the Russian government ought to
demand its evacuation or else its equiv
Spaniards Discredit It in the
Absense of Proofs.
Santa Clara the Reported Scene of Pan
do's Last Fight Smallpox
in San Domingo.
, New York, Deo. 6. A Herald dis
patch from Havana says: A report
that General Pando, who was placed in
charge of military operations in Cuba
by General Blanco, has been killed in
an engagement' with insurgents '. in
Santa Clara province, has just reached
Havana. This has caused the utmost
excitement in palace and social circles,
and every effort is being made to get
news from General Pando's force- to
verify the startling news.
No details of the killing of the com
mander have been received, but the
statement is that he was, shot in a bat
tle with insurgents while on the march
from Sagua la Grande to the southern
coast of Santa Clara, where he was to
take a ship for Manzanillo.
' Officers at the palace declare that the
story must be thoroughly confirmed be
fore they will believe it.
General Pando's plan was to march
right through the heart of the territory
where General Gomez' forces are said
to have control. Simultaneously with
the report of Pando's death comes news
of a battle near Matanzas in which the
Spanish forces were driven from the
field. This engagement was bitterly
fought, and it is asserted that the
losses of the Spaniards was very heavy,
v The same report says the Cubans
will not allow any cane grinding, and
also that the Spanish towns do not fa
vor grinding, because they hold the
zones of cultivation and grow tobacco
with cheap labor, which they would
lose if the reconcentrados return to
work on the estates.
A letter received by a local paper
from a correspondent in the East gives
news of big fighting last week near
Bayamo between the rebel Chief Rabi
and General Linares. General Rabi
had only 500 men when General Lin
ares had two columns. No details of
the fight are at hand, but the Spanish
loss is said to have been heavy, one col
umn being nearly destroyed. .
A force of 1,000 Spaniards, with ar
tillery, have forced the rebels into the
hills of Pinar del Rio. They must re
main there or come out and fight, a
thing the Spanish commanders think
they are not likely to do. Small bands
are still moving about with great cau
tion. Reports of the condition and move
ments of rebels in the east are most
conflicting. It is said that Gomez is
coming west with 40,000 men, but it is
also said that Gomez is still at the
camp where he has been for the last 10
months, and is being attended by Dr.
Candea, staff surgeon.
Smallpox in San Domingo.
Havana, Dec. 6. The deplorable
condition of the country grows more
and more apparent. Refugees and re
concentrados are growing more and
more miserable. According to reports
from San Domingo smallpox is making
terrible ravages among the concentrados.
Since April last more than 4.000 have
died in the city alone, to say nothing
of the suburban towns, which are like
wise affected.
The local authorities take no steps
whatever to check the mortality. The
streets of the city are thronged with
famine stricken wretches, who succumb
to disease under perhaps some lonely
porch, and sometimes fall dead in the
gutter, where they remain.
Big War In
rive Soon.
Bates to A r-
Milwaukee, Dec. 2. The war in pas
senger rates between Chicago. Milwau
kee and St. Paul is likely to continue,
and railroad men look for the liveliest
kind of cutting in rates further west,
owing to the big rush to the Klondike.
A well-known railroad man said today
that since the rate dropped to $7, reduc
tions in fares will likely result as far
west as Portland. The nominal rate is
$49.70 second-class on the St. Paul road,
and $59. 70 first-class. With $7 from
Chicago to St. Paul as a basis, the fare
will probably be changed to $47 second
class and $57 first-class. He added that
this was merely a preliminary for the
establishment of an entirely new sched
ule of rates to the West January 1,
which will be much lower. All the
roads are preparing to make special
rates to the points nearest the Klondike
region, and each road is after all there
is in it.
Outlawa Were Frustrated.
St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 6. A special
to the Post-Dispatcn from San Antonio,
Tex., says: "Advices were received
here this morning of an attempt to hold
up and rob a passenger train on the
Mexican National
rai i rnad naa rvi rn
terey, Mexico, by
; mQCwi ,i
well-armed Mexicans. The passengers
made resistance, and the outlaws were
unsuccessful. They are being pursued
by soldiers, and if captured will be
Killed Her Babies.
Philadelphia, Dec. 6. Anna Nig
gle, the young wife of S. Niggle, a pic
ture frame dealer, living at 738 Jackson
street, tonight killed her two babies,
one aged 3 years, and one aged 6
months, by smothering them with illu
minating gas. The woman attempted
to committ suicide in the same man
ner, and the returning husband found
bis children dead and his wife in an
unconscious condition. She may re.
cover. -
Brief RaVlew of the Week Throughout
. the State.
Salem has at last a chamber of com
merce organized and in working order.
The government improvement work
at Bandon has stopped, the appropria
tion having been fully expended.
An old-fashioned freight train ar
rived in Lakeview from the south last
week. It consisted of 10 wagons and
32 horses. '
The entrance to Coos bay harbor is
marked lay a new whistling buoy
placed there by the lighthouse tender
Manzanita last week.
During the recent heavy storms the
oyster beds at Willapa harbor were
buried in drifting sands until at least
half the crop will be lost.
The Baker-Canyon Telephone Com
pany now has the long-distance line
between Baker City and the Grant
county town in forking order.
Lyons' broomhandle factory, in
Coos county, shipped 40,000 of its best
product to San Francisco last week. A
portion of the consignment will be
forwarded to Australia. - .
Captain Berry, the aged lighthouse
keeper at Port Angeles, died in the
Sisters' hospital at Port Townsend
Sunday. He has been keeper of the
iight at Angeles for the past 20 years.
The farmers who supply the Coquille
creamery received 26 cents a pound
for butter fat, delivered during Ooto
ber. Two thousand dollars was dis
tributed among those who supplied the
A Polk county farmer has been ex
perimenting with tobacco culture, and
has been so successful that cigars made
with tobacco grown- by him are said to
be as good as the average cigar smoked
in Oregon. '.
It is said that the next grand jury in
Curry county will not meet until Sep
tember next. If this is the case, it is
apt to be a long time before the Van
Pelts will have to answer the charge of
killing A. Coolidge,
A drove of about 125 nice trim young
mules, which had been bought in Lake
county, were secured at the low average
price of $15 per head. They will be
taken to Huntington and then shipped
to the Eastern market.
Joe Siver, who is making a tour of
the United States from New York and
return on a bicycle, was fined $10 in
Harrisburg for riding on the sidewalk.
He was allowed to go on condition of
his leaving the city at once.
The checks for the second dividend
declared by the controller,, of the cur
rency in favor of the creditors of The
Dalles National bank have been re
ceived by Receiver Wilson, and are
ready for delivery to the owners.
The Albany iron works is a very busy
place these days.. The company
shipped out 10 tons of machinery last
Friday, including a quartz mill manu
factured for Southern Oregon mines,
and machinery for the state pumping
station at Salem.
One hundred and forty-four bales of
hops, aggregating over 27,000 pounds,
belonging to five, growers in the vicinity
of Laurel, were sold Monday for 18
cents per pound. Tuesday 43 bales,
aggregating over 8,500 pounds, were
sold to . J. M. Russell & Co., for 11
cents per pound.
The grain acreage in Jackson county
for the coming year will in all likeli
hood suprass in extent any year in the
history of Rogue river valley, and if
conditions prove favorable, the greatest
number of bushels of grain in the his
tory of the county will be harvested in
1898. This, says the Tidings, is the
opinion of well-informed persons.
During the last few months a Crook
county firm has purchased 16,000 head
of sheep, and are now handling about
22,000 head. They are all in their
winter range, and each flock is within
convenient distance of big stacks of
hay, more than sufficient to carry them
through the hardest winter. The
sheep are all reported- to be in fine con-'
ditien and thriving.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Albert celebrated
their 60th wedding anniversary in
Salem Monday. They were married
at .Wheeling, W. Va., in 1837. Mr.
Albert is 82 years old, and Mrs. Albert
81. A reception was he'd at their
home and a large number of friends
paid respects to the venerable couple.
The guests included seven children, be
sides grandchildren and great grand
children. The controversy between two quarrel
some members oi tno VernOnia churcn
was submitted to a jury, or committee,
of church members. One of the mem
bers was expelled. The other was cen
sured and reduoed from full member
ship to six months probation. It was
ruled by the committee that no one in
the Nehalem valley is entitled to
church membership unless he is imbued
with love and righteousness.
The Eastern Oregon Sheep Associa
tion of Baker City offers a reward of
$1,000 for information that will lead
to the arrest and conviction of any per
son or persons found guilty of wilfully
injuring tlie sheep or property of any
member of the association. And a fur
ther reward of $250 for information
that will lead to the arrest and convic
tion of any person or persons gulity of
robbing sheep camps the property of
the members of the association.
Messrs. Rice, Flint & Co. have
struck a vein in their Black Repub
lican tunnel, in Michael creek mining
district in Southern Oregon, showing
very promising ore containing pold and
copper. No assays from this lowest
level has been made. The third tun
nel is in 210 feet, and. will be pushed
some 50 feet further to crosscut this
and another parallel vein further in.
Promising ledges are being uncovered
in the district. A number of placers
are running light.
German Schools In Prague
Attacked by Rioters.
Incendiary Firea Started In All Parts
'of the City Ten Thousand Sol
diers Now on the Scene.
Prague, Bohemia, Dec. 6. A procla
mation establishing martial law was
made in all parts of the city and sub
urbs today. Detachments of soldiers,
beaded by an officer and a police com
missioner, marched from point to'
point. After tatoo on the drums the
commissioner read aloud the imperial
decree ordering a military government.
By evening "order had been restored,
which has not been broken since. ..
Throughout the early morning anarchy
reigned. The window smashing and
looting was varied with constant fights
between the rioters and troops and po
lice. The shops of the principal Ger
man jewelers were plundered. The
rioters drank their fill in German wine
cellars and then let the contents of the
caskets run out.
Incendiary fires were started in many
directions, and the fire brigade was
ptept galloping from one end of the city
to the other for hours.
When the firemen arrived at the
scene of a - fire, the mob would drive
them back. ' '
In some cases the rioters wrecked the
railroad engines. During the day spe
cial trains were employed carrying re
inforcements to the scene. There are
now 10,000 soldiers here, fully equip
ped for along campaign.
Official returns for the 24 hours pre
ceding show that four persons were
killed and 150 dangerously wounded.
Three hundred and fifty received lesser
injuries. Twenty shops were burned
out. The authorities are not confident
of the continuance of order, the . appe
tite of the mob having been whetted by
successful plundering which has been
directed in a systematic way by the
leaders of secret societies. Some Jews
saved their premises by placing cruci
fixes between lighted candles in their
shop windows. . . ."
An Exciting Day.
Prague, Bohemia, Dec 6. This
afternoon a mob attacked the German
schools. The infantry fired four vol
leys. One report says 25 persons were
killed and scores were wounded. The
city is in a panic and many are fleeing.
Nearly 3,000 reinforcements left Vi
enna for this city tonight.
jrroposes to 1 urn me vnicago i&iver in
to a Boulevard. . -
Chicago, Dec. 6. Twenty miles of
docks on the lake front and the trans
formation of the Chicago river into a
boulevard by covering it with a oulvert
from end in find in what Pharlns TV
Yerkes proposes for Chicago.
The street-car magnate appeared be
fore the city council today and vigorous
ly opposed the proposed deepening of
nels. He urged that the city should
grant the land front it owns between -Randolph
street and Park row to a cor- ,
poration with $50,000,000 cash to
mi lid vii rinnlra an a mil ltna whtort
at the end of 50 years will revert to "
the city at the bare cost of construe-'
"Build them of stone," said be,
"and Chicago will have the finest
docks in the world, not excepting those
at Liverpool."
Mr. xerKes trankiy declared it to te
his opinion that money spent to Veauti.
fy the lake front is merely thrwnl
away. If his lake front harbor pianf-
was carried out, he suggested .that the '
river be covered with culverts and made
into a boulevard, extending from the
mouth to the ends of the North and
South branches, making, the speaker
said, the most magnificent boulevard in
the world. 1 -
The Sad Fate
of a Child
Near North
North Yakima, Wash., Dec. 6. The
home of State Senator Lesh, a few
miles from this city,' was totally de
stroyed by fire last night. Mr. Lesh's
1 J-year-old child was burned to death.
The child's nurse had a very narrow
escape. The fire originated in an air
tight stove in the nursery. Mr. Lesh's
wife died 15 months ago in giving birth
to twin .girls, one of whom died three
months ago, the other being the. vic
tim of last night's fire. The remains
of the little one were recovered today,
and the funeral will be held Saturday.
Senator Lesh started home today from
Washington, where he has been for sev
eral weeks in consultation with Gard
ner Hubbard, president of the Moxee
Company, for which Lesh is local
- The dwelling burned was the property
of the Moxee Company, and cost $11.
nnft. Th contents were insured for
$1,500 in two companies, but one policy
for $1,000 expired a few days ago. -j
Horseless carriages have been Intro-
duced in the fire-department of Paris.
Life-Savers Drowned.
Margate, England, Dec. 6. JL Volun-
teer lifeboat casized this morning off
Naylad rock. Of 14 men comprising
her crew, 10 were drowned. When
the accident occurred, the' lifeboat was
on her way to the rescue of the orew
of the Persian Empire'. Later in the .
day the Persian Empire was taken in
tow for London. The Carlisle City,
with which steamer the Persian Em
pire had been in collision, proceeded on,
her voyage,