Oregon union. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1897-1899, October 29, 1897, Image 4

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Qalen Sabe who know is a phrase in
very common use among the Spaniards,
and helps over many, many difficulties. It
is expressive. What the weather may be
the coming winter,-who knows? It may
be snowy, wet, stormy, cold, freezing, and
full of sickness and pain, who knows?
Some of us today, hale and hearty, may
lie on beds of torture, or hobble about on
crutches, who knows ? Before the autumn
merges into winter many may have symp-
toms of approaching trouble, of the old
rheumatism coming on, or of first attacks
begun; who knows ? That's a conundrum.
But there is one thing everybody knows,
the best thing to do is to be ready for the
weather coming and to take hold of what
is. Everbody knows what is best. With
St. Jacobs Oil in the house, everybody
knows they have a sure cure for rheuma
tism, acute or chronic. It is likewise
known that in any stage of it, the great
remedy does its work of cure perfectly. If
we suffer, we need not ask who knows,
when it is so well known what is best.
Great Gifts to Education.
M. Eulogious Georgieff, the founder
of the Sofia University, who died re
cently, bequeathed 2,0000,000 francs to
the Bulgarian government to be applied
Uithe country'B needa; 6,000,000 francs
for a technical school to be established
at Sofia and large sums for other pub
lic institutions.
All Eastern Syrup, so-called, usually very
light colored and of heavy body, is made from
flucose. "Tea Garden Drips" Is made from
ugar Cane and is strictly pure. It is for sale
by first-class grocers, in cans only. Manufac
tured bv the Pacific Coast Syrup Co. All gen
uine "Tea Garden Drips" have the manufac
turer's name lithographed on every can.
A Fair Inference.
When the continual aqd unreason
able attacks upon the courts are con
sidered, orderly people are apt to take
a liberty with the poet and make his
couple read: "No rouge e'er saw the
halter draw with good opinion of the
law." Stockton Independent.
Of 73 historic kings of Scotland 61
are said to have died in battle or to
have been murdered.
- An outlaw, three moonshiners and
two other men were arrested at the Sun
nelton camp meeting at Kingwood, W.
It is estimated that the lumber cut of
the Miramiohi and tributaries, Canada,
will this season amount to 112,000,000
- An ostrich lives about 30 years, and
the average annual yield of a bird in
captivity is from one to fonr pounds of
Caesar did not say "Et tu, Brute."
Eye witnesses of the assissnation de
posed that he died fighting, but silent
like a wolf.
Nearly every man,' woman and child
in Egypt is a smoker of cigarettes, and
a pipe is hardly ever seen in the mouth
of a native.
The largest winged insect in theaj
world is the Atlas moth of Central Bra
zil. Its wings extend 14 inches from
tip to tip.
One of the severest penalties to which
criminals in Holland were in ancient
times condemned was to be deprived of
the use of salt.
A strong microscope shows the single
hairs of the head to be like coarse,
round rasps, but with teeth extremely
irregular and jagged. ;
Great Britain and Ireland contain
380 banks, the most important being
the Bank of Enlgand, which has a caD
ital of $73,000,000.
The Coliseum at Rome was built by
Vespasian to accommodate 100,000
spectators. It covers five and a half
acres and was 120 feet high.
The oyster is one of the strongest
creatures on earth. The force required
to open an oyster is more than nine
hundred times its weight.
After forty years of hard, dangerous,,
and expensive missionary work there
are in Japan today about 110,000 native
Christians, in a population of 42,000,
000. Attempts have been made to produce
spider silk, but have failed, the fero
cious nature of these insects not per
mitting them to live together in com
munities. It is computed that all of the houses
in London and New York could be
built of the lava thrown out by Vesu
vius since the first recorded eruption in
A. D. 79. -
Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder.
Paper Underwear Tested.
During the war between Japan and
China the Chinese soldiers wore un
derclohting made of paper. Experi
ments made with these goods in the
Prussian array proved unsatisfactory, as
they were foundto last only two or
three days. "
Ton cannot have nerve trouble and
keep your health. In ninety-nine
cases out of a hundred the womb, the
ovaries and the blad
der are affected. They
are not vital ortrans.
henoe they give out
Mrs. Lydia
E. Pinkham's
. Ve ge t a b le
om pound, by
uilding up
the nerves and
restoring woman's or-
ganism to its natural
sstate, relieves all
these troublesome
uterine symptoms. In
confirmation of this we, by permission,
refer to the following women, all of
Whom speak from experience : Miss
Csua VaiT HOBKi 1913 Sharswood St.,
Philadelphia, Pa.; Miss Grace Col
tOBD, 1434 Eastern Ave., Cincinnati,
O.; Mrs. Neweli,, 50 Eyerson St.,
Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mss. Isabel Obejig,
220 Chestnut St., Woburn, Mass.; Mrs.
A. H. Cole, New Kochelle, N. Y., and
. many others aT-;
Women suffering from any form of fe
male weakness are invited to promptly
communicate-with Mrs. Pinkham at
Lynn, Mass. " ' -
You can talk freely to a womiin when
It is revolting to relate your private
Ills to a man
1 1 Beat Coach Byrup. Tastes Good. Use figl
The Indian ,WaIla Tonka, come back to be shot
jmP&$4&, ( ) world during th-e past season was the play- ffl&l moment h . . , -wjm U. WM J&lm
mkmU in of a team composed exclusively of In- Ji Kihrt his rW "(IPl!f ?y flllut IM1 f
dians from the Indian Territory. One of them at- MM JpbKOUgN the yJ Jgf0, ' T f
mml I tracted more than usual attention by his unusual rwS, y$h&jzj. heOff. i0!&&&
PW skill in playing, and many came to the conclusion IT gjg5
"Wjll that he was the equal of some crack players. His .Ea 12
fk name was Walla Tonka. He had a peculiar his- IJmmK
'l I tory. It was as true as it was romantic. An In- 0? I
iSslillll7 1 I I Mian's verbal promise is said to be as good as the mMii r'' '&v
WISsB!kJi lilt I if white man's written contract. This has certainly fiimiVif
I K llfhlll ' b11 verified in the case of Walla Tonka. Three M .f
V ulnMMl y119 a& Walla Tonka attended a green corn 1? lSffl ' Ttt0W& Y-jB-l-
i l&yl I '''' ' '7 danoe at Ultima Thule in the Choctaw Nation, SlSg&$ il M I vtk. W!3 I
' WlMryM " '' near the Arkansas line. There he met a beautiful EmiMi f, J JM$wW?
l I y i I Indian maiden named Tookah Ingamore, who fShfMmf KJJIUBL
l tWli I WmMiA ) I I ' completely captured the affections of the young 1 f&lWip1
) WmmWMiidl I ' I Ml I that he had a rival. He bore the euphonious name pP-iSaJBl JtZ8 'k. X.
MMmimmmi m, i I f Eaie Jt that he was more favor-1 "
Wl liWt m ab,y recved y dusky maiden than Walla - ' j
liWtl AlwMaV mMimUr Tonka.- But this did not deter him in his resolve. I
l iWlUnmf'Wml I He offered Tookah's father thirty-five ponies for - j
' Jm i I iwMllW ' I nis oausher. To his consternation he found out -. . i,. ... : 't
A ' 1fiIf that Ms rival had been there ahead of him and 1 1 At last ihe oy arrived when Wofo sbouJJ be shot. His wife "1
' ' 'iLli I the deal had been closed. This was too much for ; wo5 inconsoabe. I
NE of the striking features of the base-baU
world during the past season was the play
ing of a team composed exclusively of In
dians from the Indian Territory. One of them at
tracted more than usual attention by his unusual
skill in playing, and many came to the conclusion
that he was the equal of some crack players. His
name was Walla Tonka. He had a peculiar his
tory. It was as true as it was romantic. An In
dian's verbal promise is said to be as good as the
white man's written contract. This has certainly
been verified in the case of Walla Tonka. Three
years ago Walla Tonka attended a green corn
dance at Ultima Thule in the Choctaw Nation,
near the Arkansas line. There he met a beautiful
Indian maiden named Tookah Ingamore, who
completely captured the affections of the young
brave. He fell madly in love with her. He deter
mined to claim her for his own. But he learned
that he had a rival. He bore the euphonious name
of Eagle Eye. It appears that he was more favor
ably received by the dusky maiden than Walla
Tonka. But this did not deter him in his resolve.
He offered Tookah's father thirty-five ponies for
his daugh'er. To his consternation he found out
that his rival had been there ahead of him and
the deal had been closed. This was too much for
poor Walla Tonka. He determined on revenge.
In an unguarded moment he shot his rival through the heart. The excitement was intense. Walla Tonka was brought before a judge selected from among the
tribe tried and sentenced to be shot While the trial was speedy the execution of the sentence was delayed. The condemned man was given three years in
which to make his arrangements, for death. He was not cast into prison, but was let go on his parole of honor that he would return to receive the sentence impos
ed by the court. No one who knew the young brave doubted that he would return to be executed. Not long after the killing of his rival, Walla Tonka went again
to the father of the maiden and renewed his suit. The old warrior was willing and agreed that the wedding should take place.. His daughter was beginning to
forget her dead lover and to admire the bravery of Walla Tonka. Walla and Tookah lived together happily for three years. During this time Walla had become a
proficient base-ball player and was earning a handsome salary. He was a faithful husband and provided liberally for his companion. They lived in a little cottage
in the heart of the Indian country, and while they must have often thought of the coming doom for Walla, there was no visible sign of anything but happiness. At
last the day arrived when Walla should be shot His wife was inconsolable. Having arranged as well as he could for the future, he bade her an affectionate
farewell and started for the place of execution. No guards accompanied him. He went alone. A great crowd had assembled. His approach was the signal foi
many manifestations of approval. After blindfolding him, his hands were tied behind him. His breast was bared and a small piece of white paper placed over
the heart The next instant there was the sharp crack of a rifle and the murder of Eagle Eye was avenged. St. Louis Republic.
Wonderful Power of a Man Who Is
Sorely Afflicted.
One of the most remarkable newspa
per men in the world and perhaps the
most remarkable Is Aaron Smith, edi
tor of the Mount Pleasant Times-Review
of Texas. He writes his articles
with his toes or with the pen held in
his mouth, nor does he consider this
achievement as at all extraordinary.
Mr. Smith is a native of Miller Coun
ty, Arkansas, and was born without
arms. He acquired the gift of using
his feet for hands early and as natur
ally as other children learn t-3 use
their hands. When quite small he
learned to feed himself with his feet,
and at the age of 7 had learned to
write. About this time he entered
school, standing at the head of his
classes. He was no less at home on
the playground, where he engaged in
games of marbles, croquet and ball,
becoming an expert in marbles and
At an early age he began to map out
a course of life and to realize the im
portance of a thorough education.
Want of funds, however, prevented
more than a high school education, but
he afterwards finished the courses of
philosophy and logic and others at
home,To this fund of knowledge he
has added by extensive reading.
Mr. Smith's boyhood days were spent
In Cass County, Texas. He moved to
Mount Pleasant, Texas, in Novemler,
1888, where he studied law and was ad
mitted to the bar the following spring
at the age of 20. Success attended his
efforts from the first. He built up a
good law practice, and his ability as a
lawyer attracted immediate recogni
tion. He was particularly strong In his
arguments before a jury. In Septem
ber, 1893, he formed the idea that the
newspaper business offered a more in
viting field to one of his physical disa
bilities and, finding the Mount Pleas
ant Times-Herald for sale, purchased
tion. He Is also a member of the Tex
as Press Association.
In writing Mr. Smith holds the pen
in his teeth, sitting at an ordinary
desk. He also writes with his toes,
either with a pen or the typewriter. By
holding a lead pencil In his teeth and
striking the typewriter keys with it he
is enabled to write at a fair rate of
speed. He is' a tireless worker and an
accomplished scholar.
, Fad of Climbing .Mountains.
Then newest fad among Parisiennes
at the moment -is mountain climbing
for women, and there is so much oppo
sition made to the bold and even reck
less manner in which they go about It
that the authorities have taken steps
to have the matter well considered and
the safety of such undertakings pro
nounced, upon. The fair ones are con
testing the honor of becoming the
Bride of Mont Blanc, as the daring
climber is called. This Is not the first
time that the ascent has been attempt
ed by women. Early in this century
Mile. d'Angeville, opposed by fill who
knew her, and even by the citizens of
Geneva, ventured upon this, then whol
ly unheard of, enterprise. She accom
plished It after great fatigue and In
tense suffering.
"In this age," said a summer traveler
recently, "most people are content to
go up Vesuvius and the Rigi on the
comfortable funicular, since the view
from the summit is the object, and that
remains the same whatever the means
Miss Elliott, Champion of Her Sex as
a Woman Jockey, in a Race.
While it has been of common occur
rence for women to participate in
races here and there over the country
during the last few years, it usually
has been their practice to drive either
to wagon, a four-wheeled vehicle, or to
cart. At the Taunton fair, in the fall
of 1870, Miss Julia Woodard, a young
lady of twenty, drove In competition,
with several gentlemen for prizes to
be given to the best family horse. MJss
Woodard drove a top buggy, and vbs
awarded a prize. In Kansas, some three
years ago, a woman campaigned a
stable of several trotters, but although
she was the active manager, and often
drove the horses in their work, she
did not drive in the races. At South
Farmington, for several years past,
the management of the fair annually
held there has given a purse for which
only women drivers were eligible to
compete, and the race has always bean
one of the most interesting of any on
the program. The majority of those
who have driven in these races have
been married women, driving to light
road wagons or to carts, no special
style of dress being demanded for the
So far as the writer knows, Mrs. I.
F. Crosby, who is the owner of Cape
Cod , farm, was the first woman to
mount the sulky just like a man and
drive in races, which she did some two
or three years ago. She proved her-
it. He has managed It with great suc
cess, making It one of the best county
papers In Texas. All this time he has
taken an active Interest in politics. In
1894 he was the Democratic nominee
for county judge tmd was a member
from Titus County of the State Demo
cratic convention In 1896, which elect
ed delegates to the Chicago conven-
of ascent. But since Mont Blanc has
no funicular, and the ascent is an in
teresting feat to perform, naturally
women are ready to endure anything
to accomplish it."
Mrs. Rorer's Cafe Parfait.
In making cafe parfait the cream
may be flavored with chocolate, vanilla
or strawberry, the parfait taking the
name of the flavoring. Use good, thick
cream, very cold; add to it half a pound
of powdered sugar, and a gill of black
coffee; mix thoroughly; stand the basin
In a pan of cracked ice, and with a wire
egg-beater beat to a froth. This will
take about five minutes. Put the mix
ture Into a mold, put on the lid, cover
the joint with a piece of waxed paper;
pack it in coarse salt and ice, and stand
aside for two hours. Or it may be
packed in the freezer and served In
tumblers. Ladies' Home Journal.
A- man with a bicycle has the same
feeling toward a professional bicycle
thief that a mother has toward kid
napers. We find that the reporter who writes
the obituary notices is always in first
class trim for writing a complimentary
marriage notice.
self a handy driver, and possessed of
a cool and level head under excite
ment, which is an essential requisite to
one who aspires to drive in a race.
Mrs. Crosby is not at all bold or ag
gressive, but, on the contrary, is a re
tiring, modest little woman, who loves
horses. Last year Mrs. Harriet Winch
of Middlebury, Vt., drove to cart at
many of the large fairs throughout
New England, the fast pacer Major
Wonder, and it was an easy task for
Mrs. Winch to drive the steady-going
fellow miles around 2:12.
It has remained for the season of
1897, however, and the state of Maine,
to give the full-fledged horse race
where all the drivers were women, the
horses hitched t sulkies, and the fair
sex barred from no right extended to
men under the rules of racing. It was
at Pittsfleld, Me., that these women
drove their initial race, and here, as at
the state fair at Lewiston, Miss Leola
Elliott, the . twenty-two-years-old
daughter of a farmer-who lives In
Orient, Aroostook county, was the win
ner, although Mrs. Crosby -who won
second money, drove the fastest mile
of the race, which was in 2:25. Of
the four women drirers, all but Miss
Elliott are married. Mrs. Mary Wood
cock, winner of third money, lives at
Ripley. Mrs. Henry Meader drove
Pilot Morrill, who is owned by her
husband. Miss Elliott has always
lived upon a farm, and has devoted a
great deal of her time to caring for
domestic animals of all kinds, but the
colts and horses have been her hobby.
She Is little of form, rather delicate on
the whole, in appearance, yet what she
lacks in physical powess, is more than
made up in tact and an ingenious use
of her limited muscular strength. She
wood, and has given her a record of
2:29. - '
Uncle Sam Grinds Bank Notes and
Greenbacks Into Pulp.
"Every working day in the year Un
cle Sam destroys a million dollars; de
liberately tears up and grinds to pulp
one million dollars' worth of paper
money genuine banknotes and green
backs," writes Clifford Howard in the
Ladies' Home Journal. "A million dol
lars In one, two, five, ten, twenty, fifty,
one-hundred and one-thousand dollar
notes are daily punched full of holes,
cut Into halves and thrown Into a ma
chine that rapidly reduces them to a
mass of mushy substance.
"Whenever a piece of paper money
becomes soiled or torn it may be pre
sented to the United States treasury
and redeemed. Sooner or later every
note that circulates among the people
becomes unfit for further service, for it
Is bound to become dirty or mutilated
by constant handling, and the United
States government stands ready to
give the holder of such a new note in
exchange for it; or, in other words, the
government will redeem it.
"The majority of the clerks employ
ed in this important department of the
government are women, many of whom
are the most expert money-counters
and counterfeit detecters in the world.
In fact, only experts can proprely per
form the work that is required; for
not only must the soiled and mutilated
money be accurately and rapidly count
ed, but all counterfeit notes must be
detected and thrown out. When we
consider that some Counterfeiters can
so cleverly Imitate genuine money that
their spurious notes will circulate
through the country without detection,
and are not discovered until they are
finally turned Into the treasury, some
idea of the proficiency of these experts
can be gained, especially when we bear
in mind that these notes are often so
worn that the imprint on them can
scarcely be deciphered. It not infre
quently happens that these bad notes
are detected simply by the feel of
them, which, in some cases, is the only
way of discovering the fraud; for while
a counterfeiter may occasionally sue-
mm mk
ceed in so perfectly imitating the de
sign of a note as to mislead even an ex-
fpert, it Is next to impossible for him to
Counterfeit the paper used by the gov
Importamt Recent DUooTery.
The Smithsonian Institution baa re
ceived a collection which is of import
anca to the archaeologist It is known
as the Seton-Karr contribution, having
been discovered by this Englishman in
Somaliland, on the eastern coast of Af
rica. The implements were purchased
from the discoverer by the Smithsonian
Institution. There are about 50 pieces
in the collection, made of flint, of qur
tide, and ranging in size from an inch or
so in length to half a foot, some
weighing several pounds. The objects
are supposed to be spear heads, battle
axes and wedges, truncheons, blud
geons or whatever they may be termed.
The discoverer had this to say on the
subject of his find and the locality
where the objects were unearthed:
"Certain landmarks as to the four
rivers mentioned in Genesis led me
think that the Garden of Eden, if it
ever existed, may have been here, and
that these very tools had been made
and used by Adam and his numerous
descendants. At any rate, my discov
eries in Egypt and Somaliland lead me
to the idea that man's original home,
or the place where he was gradually
evolved, must have been in Africa, or
at least, in a tropical land, where
clothos were unnecessary and food plen
tiful to hand."
Yes, wake up to the danger which threatens
f ou if your kidneys and bladder are inactive or
weak. Don't you know that if you fail to impel
them to action, Brights disease or diabetes
awaits you? Use Uostettcr's Stomach Bitters
without delay. It has a most beneficial effect
upon the kidneys when sluggish, and upon the
bowels, liver, stomach and nervous system.
One of the visitors to the Tennessee
Centennial was a Rutherford county
man, 84 years old, who, until his trip
to th 3 Nashville exposition, had never
been on a railroad train.
We are asserting in the courts our right to the
exclusive use oi tne wora "CAbruRiA," ana
" PITCHER'S CASTORIA," as our Trade Mark.
I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hy an nis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of " PITCHER'S CASTORIA,"
the same that has borne and does now bear the
fac-simile signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on
every wrapper. This is the original "PITCHER'S
CASTORIA " which has been used in the homes
of the mothers of America for over thirty years.
Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have always bought, and has the
signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the
wrapper. No one has authority from me to use
my name except The Centaur Company of which
Chas. H. Fletcher is President,
March 8, 1897. SAMUEL PITCHER, MJX
The sooner you begin to
use Schilling's But tea and
baking powder, the better your
opportunity to get some of
that $2000.00. .
And the more you will en
joy your cake and eating.
A Schilling ft Compaay
San Francisco
A Confederate Roll of Honor.
An effort ia being made to com) ila
"a roll of honor" for the Gonfedert ta
Museum, in Richmond, Va., of all the
soldiers and sailors who served the Cm
federate cause, with a verified report of
the various commands to which they
were attached during the four years of
the war. Survivors and friends of those
living or dead are appealed to to make
up the record.
A floral curiosity is on exhibition in
the Temple Gardens, London. It ia a
$5,000 orchid from Venezuela. It has
a white flower which in shape resem
bles a sea-gull with outspread wings.
Cardinal Richelieu hated children
and loved cats; when he died his favor
ite Angora pet refused to eat and soon
Handel, the composer, used, when
traveling, to order dinner for three, or
if hungry, for five, in either London or
The relatives of Joe Sullivan, who
died in Oakland, Cal., and was seven
feet eight inches in height, have put a
guard over his grave, fearing that a
showman will steal his body.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its stages
and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive cure new known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires aconstitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Care is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the svs
tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and assisting
nature in doing its work. The proprietors have
so much faith in its curative powers, that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it
fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address, F. J. CHENJJY, A Co., Toledo, O.
. Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
' One of the most enrions results of
the investigations made by doctors in
the Russian jails is the statement that
each group of criminals has its own
peculiar color of the eye. ...
Piso's Cure for Consumption has saved
me large doctor bills. C. L. Baker, 4228
Regent Sq., Philadelph'a, Pa., Dec. 8, '95.
Diamonds have been discovered, in
rare instances, in the meteoric stones
which have fallen to the earth.
Is Life -
The cause ol
all disease is the
waste of energy
the organs of
the body have
not sufficient vi
tality to keep up
their natural ac
tion. They re
quire aid. Elec
tricity gives it
through the prop-
peruse of
This belt fills the nerves with electrical energy
which quickly goes to the assistance of Ihe
weaker functions, renews the life in thera, and
they are enabled to throw off disease. It' is
simple cure and never fails. Dr, A. T. Sanden,
famous as a physician and student of science
and medicine forthirt- years, has published a
book. "Three Clases of Men," upon the cause
of wf sknets and disease and its cure by elec
tricity. It is worth 1,000 to any man, and la
sent free, close I v tealed, to anv address or can
be had at the office. Call or address
53 West Washington St., Portland, Or.
Please mention this Paper,
Vegetable, Grass
and Flower
Bulbs and Roses.
-Fruit vnA Sfa1
TreesJ Spray Pumps jjJee Supplies
Fertilizers j Catalogs Free
T ITPTUltK and PIT..E9 enred; no pay ns
lY til cured: send for book. Dlts. Manbfii,d
A Puetkrfisld, 838 Market St., San Francisco.
X. P. N. V.
No. 44, '97.
WHEN writing to advertisers, please
mention this paper.
Buy Your Furs
This Handsome Cape represented by this cut, a combination of
Electric Seal and Astrachan, with twelve tails, regularly sold at
f 20, will be sold during this month for $15. Our stock of Alaska
eal (raw and manufactured) Furs, is now complete. The ladies
from all parts of the country are requested to send for prices
and catalogues. Highest price paid for all kinds of raw furs. '
SCilvoiiotl Leading Fur Manufacturer,
. OllVCrilCIU, 143 Third St., Portland, Or.
'www v ???tffttfffmttm
Hercules Special
(2)4 actual horsepower)
Price, only $185.
Power that will save you money and
make you money. Hercules Engines
are the cheapest power known. Burn
Gasoline or Distillate Oil; no smoke,
fire, or dirt. For pumping, running
dairy or farm machinery, they have no
equal. Automatic in action, perfectly
safe and reliable.
Send for illustrated catalog.
Hercules Gas
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