Oregon union. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1897-1899, September 17, 1897, Image 2

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Published every Friday at
CORVALLIS, - - - - - -: OREGON.
JOHN D. DALY, Editor and Pub.
Subscription Rates
One Year .1.50
".n" s . .75
ilo. tas 50
paid in advance, One Dollar per year.
The much dreaded yellow fever
has made its appearance in several
of the Southern states. At New
Orleans the epidemic was spreading
at last accounts and towns in Miss
issippi and Alabama were seriously
afflicted with it. The latest news
is that it is spreading.
It is now evident that the gov
ernment is getting ready to deal
with Spain vigorosly. The board of
officers of "the naval, intelligence
bureau has had a conference as to
the scheme Gf naval operations to
he adopted in case of war with
Spain. A plan which was worked
out in details some time ago was
diwusred, and after a few altera
tions to bring it up to date, it was
adopted. .-
Tf Oresron farmers are wise thev
r a.
will not be carried away by the de
lusion that present conditions mean
a permanent boom for them. Let
them make the most of their good
year and lay something by "for an
other year that may not be so good.
They are in great luck, but such
luck cannot be depended upon to
last. The man will make the most
money out of this boom that does
not lose his head and branch out
to much. . " '
A miners' strike in the East that
has been dragging along close to the
edge of riot and bloodshed' for four
weary months at last has drawn to
a close. An agreement was reached
at a cn v'ention of miners held in
Columbus, Ohio, on September
1 1th, to accept the proposition of
the Pittsburg operators. The Illi
nois men will be called in con ven
tion at Springfield on the 19th
of September to determine what
shall be done in that state.
All accounts from the upper
Yukon agree that there is sure to
bo suffering and death from starv
ation up there. And the accounts
also agree," that gold in unlimited
quantities is to be found there. In
the spring every man who can raise
the necessary funds, and is not
otherwise engaged, will go up there,
and it is not improbable that the
population of Alaska may be large
enough to claim admission as a
state, with a better showing than
Nevada had.
-" .Not only are the South'a crops
increasing in value, but manufac
turing there is advancing with great
strides. Theestimated consump
tion of cotton by Southern mills
during the past year is placed at
1042,671 bales. Eight years ago
the mills in that section wtere con
suming about 546,890 bales. In
other words, the cotton manufactur
ing capacity of the South has doubled
within a decade. No section of the
country can show an equal progress
in industrial activity.
. One of the miserable abuses of
power which is inevitable when it
is placed in the hands of a fool oc
curred at Hazelton, Pennsylvania,
on Saturday last. . A .sheriff and
150 deputies armed with repeating
rifles fired into a harmless band of
Hungarians, who, it appears, were
marching unarmed from one mine
to another in the interest of some
kind of a strike. . The dastardly
business was criminal in the high
est degree, but the blackest part of
it is that the mob was fired into
while they were trying to escape.
Between twenty and thirty were
killed outright, and fifty more
The Booth Tucker colonization
scheme is receiving warm commen
dations from every quarter. He
proposes to settle the poor of the
overcrowded cities in the East, on
email farms where they can main
tain themselves and have a home.
It is a most praisworthy effort and
will undoubtedly succeed. Offers
of land are coming to him from all
quarters, and assistance in money
is also freely forthcoming- In the
hands of anyone else there might
be some doubt of the success of the
scheme, but in Booth Tucker's
hands, there is no doubt about it.
His zeal and energy, are almost
supernatural, and his success in
every effort suggests plainly super
natural strength and guidance,
The Salvation Army under his di
rection has greater influence for
good in its fields than all
churches in the land.
The Status or State Politics. J
The republican psrty in Oregon
is reasonably harmonious. There
is but one disturbing influei.ee in it,
and that we have had so long that
we are used to it. The only hope
of the allied opposition is that they
may irritate that one wound, and
cause a serious breach. That hope
is groundless and they will fail.
The populists, instead of being the
second party in tho state, have
fallen to a bad third and they are
badly demoralized and divided.
Their organization is in bad shape,
and they have no head since Pen 11
oyer left them and transferred his
headship to the Bryan democracy.
It is possible that the populist
state organization may decide
against fusion, and run a straight
middle-of the-road ticket. But the
county organization will .-quu-tly
ignore this everywhere. They will
put up a divided ticket and get
swindled everywhere as they did
here in the last county election.
The democrats got all the paying
officos, and gave the populists what.
they did not want. To fuse they
must get some kind of an issue, and
this will-be manufactured out of
some local affair, lied about and
enlarged upon to suit the occa
sion. See if this is not a prophecy.
Many populists will come back to
the republican party but most of
the disaffectvd will join the ranks of
the Bryanites. Between the gold
standard democrats and the repub
licans no difference exisU. The
tariff business is settled on lines sat
isfactory to them, and on all other
questions they seem to agree. The
republicans of the state have shown
on every occasion t'eir acknowl
edgement of the noble service the
gold democrats rendered in saving
the country at the last election and
the desire to consult with them as
to future policy. There is nothing
separating them but a sentiment,
and as a distinct organization for
them in- this state seems uncertain,
the republicans of Oregon may
reasonably expect their aid to defeat
Bryanism in the next election in the
state. So, with harmony in the re
publican ranks, and the assistance
of our sound money allies, the defeat
of Bryan'sm is certain.
A bank in Kansas has actually
refused to receive any more depos
its. It has more ioney on hands
than it has use for, and refuses to
take any more and be responsible
for it; What a . singular ring this
news must have to the people of
that state who have been so persist
ently howling that money is too
scarce to do . the business of the
country with, and insisting that we
should have 1 fiat money or every
thing would go to ruin. It is said
there are over 100 towns in Kansas
that have each shipped an average
of 30 carloads of wheat a day for the
past five weeks. It is no. wonder
that money is so plentiful th iy do
not know what to do with it.
A special to the New York Herald,
from Washington, under date of
September 13th, says: The senate
of the national legislature of the
republic of Hawaii has by this time
ratified a treaty of annexation Of the
Hawaiian islands tt the United
States. This assertion was made by
Mr. Lorin M. Thurston, charge
d'affairs to the United States. Mr.
Thurston said that the senate of
the Hawaiian legislature had been
called to assemble on September 8,
and that it is unanimous for annex
ation. He has no doubt that it has
ratified the convention without a
dissenting vote.
The chamber. of commerce of the
city of Portland have agreed to
appoint, from the members, a board
ot immigation whose duty it shall
be to advise intending settlers where
they can get farming lands. This
is an excellent movement and will
give confidence to those seeking su-;h
information. There is plenty of
good land in' Oregon . and in the
Willamittevalley, especially, that
ought to be sold, as it is now pro
ducing nothing, being held for spec
ulative purposes only.
A new strike has taken place in
the Pennsylvania coal mines, near
the scene of the attack on the mob
by the deputy sheriffs, which bids
fair to rival in extent the strike
that has just been, settled.
Dr. Thompson's theme for the
morning service at the Presbyterian
Church will be "The Transfigura
tion." The topic at the evening
service will be ''The Right Estimate
of Values."
PURE CIDER vinegar in any quan
tity, for sale only at Corvallis Cider
Factory. ' .
A Summary of News From
Thursday's Oregonian.
The Latest Occurrences and Present
Phases of Engrossing Questions.
i Fatal Hop Yard Row.
Independence, Or., Sept, 15. A
row in D. L. Hedges' hopyard, two
miles north of here, last night at
7:30 o'clock, resulted in the death
of Enoch Sylvester, of Lebanon, 45
years of age, father of a family of
five: and the arrest of Allen Logan,
aged 16, charged with the crime of
murder, 1
The circumstances of the case are
about as follows; . Four boys' named
Logan, Burns, Chambers and Van
Cleve, from Toledo, in Lincoln
county, were camped and picking
hops. In a party from Lebanon
were the deceased, Green Fitzwater
anM Huston Ta3'lor, the latter also
a mere boj. The Toledo boys had
been "guying' the Lebanon boys
about a' white horse, which was in
rather poor condition. Last night
the Lebanon Doys came down to the
Toledo boys' camp to "settle" the
boys for "guying" and words came
to blows, and three of the Toledo
boys pitched into two from Lebanon.
As the fight proceeded, Sylvester
started to step in and see fair play,
his wife trying to prevent him from
taking any part. Young Logan,
who had taken no part heretofore,
it is said, then rushed up and dealt
Sylvestej a heavy blow on the head
with a piece of hop pole aud knock
ed him senseless. Seeing what he
had done, Logan ran, and was pur
sued and caught, and dragged back
to the crowd that had assembled.
The excitement was intense, the
boy screaming for,rnercy. He was
arrested and brought here and plac
ed in jail.
This morning at 11 o'clock Sylvester
A coroner's jury was summoned
this afternoon, and the witnesses
will testify at an inquest, here to
morrow '
The father of young Logan is a
well-to-do merch mt at Toledo.
Enocb Sylvester , was a farmer,
living - eight miles "from Lebanon,
and -leaves a wife, son and two
daughters grown, and two young
dhildren." . .. .
. Yellow Jack Spreading.
Jackson, Miss., Sept. 12, All
fears of the citizens of Jackson in
regard to the sickness prevalent at
Edwards have been realized. Dr.
Gu'teras, the expert, has confirmed
seven ca,ses "of yellow fever, and says
there are several suspects. ;
Fir3t, the cases were reported as
malarial fever, and then after a time
they became dengu fever. Another
wait, end they were pronounced
suspicions,-and finally declared to
be genuine yellow jack.
During all this time the disease
has been spreading rapidly at the
rate of five or six new cases daily,
until there are now 40 cases in ex
istence at EMwards." The evolution
of the disease from malarial to
yellow fever was such that the
people now regard dangue as a
more convenient: term than yellow
fever. ;
Judge C. E. Moor, has gone to
Portland on business connected with
the Settlement of an "estate. s
- The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Houck, who reside near Mon
roe, died on Wednesday. The
remains of the little one will be
buried in the Catholic Cemetervj at
Corvallis this afternoon.
. The W. C. T. TJ. wish to call the
attention of the people of Corvallis
to the fact that the state convention
of the W. C. T..U. will be held in
Albany Sept. 28 to Oct 1, inclusive.
Further notice next week.
The Occidental Hotel is about to
change hands, P. M.. Abbey for
many years proprietor of the Bay
View House at Newport, will, as
sume charge of it as soon as, the
preseni occupants can move out.
Win, Schmidt " who has had the
management of the hotel since his
father went to Alaska, decided that
he did not want to take another
lease of the place, as it was possible
the whole family might soon join
Mr. Chas. Schmidt, the husi and
and father, who is doing business
in Skagauay, Alaska. They will
move their furniture into the
Hotel Corvallis and may possibly
open the new hotel for business as
soon as some points of law are de
cided upon, which will not be
lone-. ' , ".-
Short and Sweet.
S. L. Kline leceived about 28 to ns of
msrehandise from San Francisco last
week. -'" ;
C. H. Markham, General Freight and
Passenger Agent of the S. P. R. lines in
Oregon was in Corvallis yesterday.
A second hand sewing machine in good
condition for sale cheap, at ,the repair
shop of T. W. Dilley the bicycle repairer.
Messers Weatherford and Watson, two
well known attorneys from Albany were
in town yesterday, attending to legal
matters. -'
Edwin Stone and wife returned
Wednesday from Sodaville, where they
had been at the mineral springs for a
A. J. Fisher of the Corvallis Mills
went to Toledo yesterday to. start the
building of a warehouse in connection
with his store down there occupied by
Mr. Gowl. '
Prof. Shaw left yesterday for Portland
to meet Dr. Whitney, of the U. S de
partment of agriculture. The deparument
at Washington is giving our college more
attention now- than ever before in its
Dr. B. R. Job returned from Alaska
on Tuesday, whither he had gone to look
over the 'grounds with a view to settling
for the practice of his profession. Dr. Job
does not say why he came back and may
possibly return, in the spring.
Tommy Jones the well known manager
of Graham 5c Wells' drug store went to
Toledo the other day to visit his brother,
B. F. Jones, the county clerk of Lincoln
County. During his absence Mr. Black'
bum, of Albany, is in charge at the drug
store.'' ' '
J. R. Smith, who. has. been for a
number of years Janitor at the court
house here, left with his family yesterday
for California. He will locf te somewhere
in Southern California but has not yet
decided where. Mr. Smith will be a
useful citizen wherever he locates. " He
leaves a first-class name behind him. "
Miss Dorothea Nash, Piano Instructor
of the O. "A. C, has returned from Port
land after a summer spent in study with
Mr. Gifford Nash, and is prepared to
take pupils in" Piano study. Anyone
wishing to make arrangements for lessons
can call at the Ladies' Hall any afternoon
next week between 4 and 5, or at the res
idence of Rev. Geo. F. Plummer.
At her residence in this city on Thurs
day morning last, of consumption, Mrs.
David Osborn, alter a lingering illness of
8-months, .during which tims she ' was
confined to her bed. v -
The funeral will take place from the
new M:;rE.;"Churcn at 10 o'clock. a, m.
on Sunday morning. . - " " -.
The Mills.
At the Corvallis Mills every one Is
busy and grain is coming in steadily
Not much is bei. g sold. Veiy little
damage" has been done to grain that was
exposed to the late rains
. Shipments of flour continue as usual.
They ship it as fast as they can make it.
Their warehouse at Peoria . is . filling up
. At the Benton . Mills much, . the same
conditions exist excepts that they receive
a great quantity of wheat by railroad,
and it can be dumped from the car into
the hopper. ' .
Graham & Wells are making a
specialty of students' supplies. A
full line of books, stationery, draw
ing instruments and other neces
sary articles for college students.
Greater preparations are being
made for the advent .of a larger
number of students at the O. A. C.
this year than ever before in its
history. The term will, begin on
Monday . next..'- The. teachers are
all on hand, and the dormitories
ready for their reception, and from
the number of inquiries made, and
the great interest being . manifested
everywhere, we think the -attendance
will be unusually large.
. To Farmers.
Purlt.g the coming year we will exchange
40 pounds of flour for one bushel of wheat.
This applies only to farmers who sell to or
.store their grain with as. We are also
buying oats, or we will ship them for farm
ers and no commission will be charged.
Notice to Creditors,
the undersigned has been duly appoint
ed Administratrix of the Estate of James
h. Eglin, deceased, by the County Court of
the State of-Oregon for Benton County,
All persons having claims against the said
Estate, are hereby notified to present the
same to me a' the office of W. 8. McFadden
in the City of Corvallis, Benton County,
II h.a ... V I . ...O UVUI .111.1 VI II 1. 1 1
Verified as by law required. . .
uaten septemoer ist, iss7.
Administratrix of the Estate of James
L. Eglin, Deceased.'
C. B.Cacthorn.. j E. H. Taylor.
Dentistry of everv description done in first
mass manner, ana saiisiaoiion guar
anteed. I
Office over Zierolf 's grocery store, opposite '
inc posr omr'e, oryams, uregon. i
To the Bread Winner of the
Family in Behalf of His
Loved Ones at Home.
The fact is now so generally admitted it
needs no argument to convince those upon
whom the duty rest1;, that life insurance is
the best protection for a man's family, his
estate and his old age. The question with
most men is, what form of policy will best
discharge the duty and in what company
to place so sacred a trust.
The Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance
company offers to persons needing insur
ance an insurance policy of the most
definite character perfectly adapted to all
legitimate wants, conceived and admin
istered in perfect equality, guarded by
ample and undoubted security, at the j
lowest cost that economy and" good man
agement can accomplish consistently with
absolute and perptual safety.
A policy which after two or three prem
iums paid becomes by its own terms and
without surrender, fully paid up for an
amount each year stated in printed table
upon the policy.
A policy which, at the end of 10. 15, 20.
25, 30, 35, etc., years, may be surrendered
for a cash sum stated iia table printed
in the policy.
. A policy participating in the surplus
earned which there are no stockholders to
share, so that each member's insurance
costs bim only just what it costs the com
pany. A record of fifty-one years of business
economically, conservatively and success
fully managed. Its strength and stability
are unquestioned, its reputation unsullied,
the care and economy with which its
business is managed and the resulting
benefits to its members unsurpassed. It
invites investigation.
Since organization in 1846 the Connecticut
Keceived in premiums 192,111,805 65
Returned to policy holders or their represen
tatives: . . ...
For death losses and endowments 102,683,616 37
For surrendered policies 23.803,729 22
For Dividends 56,966,763 64
Total returned to policy holders 182,454,109 93
Keceived irom policy holders In
excess of amount returned 9,657,695 72
Received from interest, rent, etc.. 8432.793 65
Expenses of management & taxes. 33, 81 7 76
Saving fiom interest earnings.... 51,32,975 61
Net assets January 1, 1897 60,981.671 61
Other assets. 1,970,677 27
Present admitted assets heid for
policyholders 62,952,338 88
In the administration of any trust this
tells the whole story.
i The Oregon general agency , rooms 12 and
13, Hamilton building. F. M. & J. W. Ma
tbena general agents, Portland. Oreg-m.
Any information desired in regard to the
same will be furnished by John V- Daly,
editor and publisher of the Oregon Union,
Corvallis, Oregon. -
Corvallis Louse Directory.
M, meets first and third Wednesday of
each month, in Masonic hall. Fisher brick.
meets second Wednesday in each
month, Masonic hall.
meets fourth Wednesday in each
month, Matonic hall.
meets every Friday bfefore foil moon.
Masonic hall. - " . '
BAKNUM LODGE, No 7, 1 O O F, meets
every Tuesday evening in I O O F
ball, Farra & Allen brck. i
meets first and third Fridavs of each
month in I O O F ball. "
meets second and fourth Fridays of
each month in I O O F Hall.
X; W, meets hrst and third Thursday of
each month, mlOUf hall.
fAOMI LODGE, No 20, D of H, meets
.1 secona ana tourtii nmrsuav ot each
month in I O O F hall. - V
meets second and fourth-Wednesday
of each month in I O 0 F hall. .
meets the first and third Wednesdays
of each month in I Oo F hall. , .
VALLEY LODGE, No 1, K of I meets
every Monday night in Burnett's hall,
ovcrj H Harris' store. Burnettblock. v
W, meets second and fourth Fridays
of each month in Burnett's hall.
first and third Fridays of each month
in Burnett's hall. '
Xli meets first and third Saturdays of
eacn monm, in Burnett's hail.
meets first and third Friday afternoon,
in Burnett's hall '
second and fourth Thursdays of each
month, in Burnett's hall.
W. E. Yates. . J. Fred YateS.
- Atorneys-at-Law, .
Corvallis, - . ' Oregon."
3.1. KLINE,
Corvallis, Oregon,
Shipping and
Commission Merchant.
Consignments of Oats and
Wheat Solicited for. the
. Portland and San Francis
co Markets. . ;
Liberal AJvancss to Consignors.
....KEEPS THE... j . " '
Banner .Harness' cl th 'World
oauuies wui ox oitmi. oil
: Quality and Price.
Give us a call and be convinced. " '
Administrator's Notice.
Kotice is hereby given that W. A. Jolly
has been appointed by the County Court of
Benton County, Oregon, Administrator o
the estate of George M. Porter, deceased.
All persons having claims against said es
tate are hereby Teqnired to present tlte
same, dulv verified as Dy law required, at
the office of Yates & Yates. Corvallis, Ore
gon, within six months from this date.
W. A. Jolly, Administrator.
Dated, Angnt 20. 1897.
sn I ID 'kL
ftai Fall- Still
Has Commenced to Arrive,
And we are prepared to show you the Finest
Line of
Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits, ,
Trousers, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoe-s Rubbers,
and Rubber Goods o- all kinds Alsq the
Greatest Line of Furnishing Goods
We'have ever opened up for the inspection
of the public; for the price We are Head
quarters for Buckingham t& Hecht's Farm
ers' Boots. None better.
dsrvallis, r.
Suits Made to Order by High-Art Tailors.
I Chairs
Chair to match. . .
Tf tk r n P t Q Mattings, and Linoleums
, P ? Receive our most careful
attention. Carpets Sewed Fre6? Meas
ure your room accurately. We do the
' rest. - -
Wall Paper
Albany Furniture Co.
I .;::::v;;;A.-HODES,.- I
ffii - DEALER IX Cl
fi ..... -
1 Foreign and Domestic Groceries 1
Fine Teas and Coffees a Specialty
Provisions. Notions, Cigars, Etc. Etc.
' T Kept Constantly on Haml.
(OIVALiLiIS, , - - - OREGON.
; Simpson, Huston & Co.
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Agricii -tural
Implements, Farm Macfiinery, Paints
and Oil, Guns, Ammunition and Fishing
Tackle. .
To Hop Growers' Interests.
, Because you can save from 6 to 16 per
cent by baling your hops with the
If you have 105 bales of hops vou save the
cost of this baler. ...
Because no hops are. tramped and broken by the
FRANKLIN BALER. Every bale is square cornered and
standard size for shipping. Buyers pay the best price
for nice hops. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE. Be
sure to see our baler and get our price. '
Franklin Machine & Foundry Co.,
Corvallis, - - - - Oregon,
the Coast on
One Dollar buys a Fine Cane
Seat Rocker. . 65c buys the -
See our Picture and
Room Mouldings.
In all Grades.