The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 19, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1909.
r. j i
EtfathhthrH 1X7.1
Published Daily Except Monday by THE J. S. DE LUNGER CO.
By mail, per year... $7.00
By carrier, per month . 60
TheP uzzler
1 1 ii ii
By mail, per year, ia advance
Entered as second-clase matter July 30, 1906, at the postoftice at As
toria, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1S79.
Orders for the delivering of The Morning Astorian to either resi
dence or place of business may be made by postal card or through tele
phone. Any irregularity in delivery should be immediately reported to the
office of publication.
Oregon Generally fair.
Washington Showers.
greater force on one man than the
other. At all events, it is worth try
ing out. if only for the sake of temp
prizing with a nation that is waking
rapidly to the tout injustices of the
federal tariff and getting into the ex
act and baneful humor to resent and
resist it. 1
There are appreciable signs every
where that the officers of the law :n
this city and county are getting busy
wiih the first and most essential of
their duties, the enforcement of the ! Mayor Smith's proposals for the
laws, municipal and statutory; and the establishment of public play-ground
people are taking sharp notice of it. for the children of Astoria is a step
They do not fail to regard these the direction of safety, economy
things nor to rate tnem at their 'and moral sal vation, that should meet
proper valuation, and always to the J with spontaneous and generous aid
credit of the officer and the depart- j and sanction in the Council and out
ment he represents; they are always 'of it. It is one of the saving elements
glad to know that the delegated j of municipal life, these open-air valves
authority they have passed to the of- j for the ebullient youngster, that con
ficer is understood and made full use j tribute immensely to the reduction of
of; they do not discriminate among criminal costs later on in the lives of
men. as to wno snouia ana snuuiu , wiu.
NEW YORK. May 18.-A story of
dfath and hardship due to mosquitoes
was told by Captain Frederick Weeks
navigator "of the Vcreston, a small
British steamship now in port from
Kingston. The vessel was brotiRnt
to New York by a crew of negroes
htr.-in.te nearly all o( the regular crew
are dead or recuperating from malaria
fever due to the insect bites, tne
Vereston had gone up the Maderia
River, a branch of the Amazon 1700
miles from Fara, with railway sup
plies. There was a stop at Porto
Velpo for 21-days and although the
men were screened m at night, they
were bitten in the daytime by huge
mosquitoes. Of the 23 members of
the crew 18 contracted the fever.
Two firemen were so emaciated
when thev cot to Kingston that their
Tthe homeward trip started March 25
as the Vereston went down the river
The day before Kingston was reached
another man died and -the next nigh:
a fireman died just as the ship was
making port.
not be dealt with; the individual cots
no ice with the public, as it some
times does with the officer; they want
an honest play of the law with all
whom the law touches, for the law
never touches any man save him who
offends it; the people never fail to
reward the man who does his duty,
no matter what the duty is; it is the
best recommendation an officer can
hav in the popular estimate, and is
the invariable reason why the reliable
and straight-forward officer nearly
always succeeds himself in place.
It is simple matter for the officer
to establish; once he is known as a
man who cannot be tampered with
nor deflected from the rigid course
prescribed by the laws and ordinances
that record clings to him like a gar
ment and does him credit every time
it is quoted; while, on the other hand
every time he serves a private in
terest in derogation of the mandate
he should enforce, he weakens his
standing with the people and cuts
the ground from beneath his own feet
It does not matter that he is, tenta
tively, under the momentary sway of
the man "higher up" that never yet
dtood for an instant, with the people;
the man above is the man the people
are after and the officer who has th
courage to kick down the pedestral
on which a "boss" stands, does a favor
almost, incalculable for his constitu
ency and deserves, and gets, the
grateful recognition he has won.
We, with all men, here, hope ih:
good work will go on, until this city
is brought to a pass, where no man
will have a solitary civic advantage
over his neighbor in the eye of the
law, and that the officers who bring
this about shall fore-gather all the
merit and credit coming to them by
reason of their good faith to the peo
ple whose votes and money maintain
' And it is not alone in this direction
that the grounds given over to the
children effect decisive advantages;
the moral and physical health are
safeguarded in the freedom of the
spot devoted to them, in the games,
the clean exercises and engagements
that keep them from the grosser al
lurements about them, and make for
finer and more dependable results and
people, when the inevitable burdens
and privileges of real citizenship over
take them.
It were well to take large interen
in this scheme and do all within ou:
power to foster and perfect it, and
re can begin none too soon upon the
wise and wholesome program.
No. 410. Endlaat Chain.
All the words deerlled coutaln the
Mtn uoniber of tetters. To form the
second word take tho last two letter
of the Aral word; to form the third
take the last two letters of ttiu second,
and ao on.
L Ireland. .2. Within. 8. A constel
lation. 4. Spley, 6. Tart of a molding.
. A labyrinth. 7. A Orwk deity. 8.
Occupied. 0. To prepare for publica
tion. 10. Ao article. 11. A lurga WtJ.
12. A pitcher 11 Ireland.
No. 411. Enigma.
Ppon iuch trinket! ISlam-li may ttote.
I nvr cara th taut about them.
Indued, ! think her rouiut. while Ihroat
Locka rathar prattlxr without than.
At church t noticed trday
A nun among the wor!ilrr.
And while the people knelt to pray
She allently wna .lylii tiara.
Today I aaw a hunter lad
Jut drawing on upon a rabbit.
lie mlsaed hi prey, and 1 u Kind.
For daughter never ui my habit.
On graaa and treea they aparkted bright
Till, aa the lunahlne srvv to torrid.
They vanished totally trora alght.
And then 1 felt them cn my forehead.
CHICAGO,.. May.. 17.-Siiknes
among postoftice clerks in the Chi
cago Federal Building it laid to have
been more prevalent in ttie last two
or three months than at any time
since 'its erection and the rcspoual
bility is charged by (he Chicago Post
oftice Clerk Association to poor ven
tilation, roor effects of $KK,0iK) ven
tilating system, it was said, had cam-
eded its disuse with result that there
were no ventilation at all. Frenident
F. McCnrmick of the association lint
been instructed to appoint a commit
tee to confer with Postmaster Camn.
bell to obtain relief.
No. 412,-How Many Children 1
The census taker askoJ Deacon
Brown how many children he had.
"Welt, there John and Ms sister Mary;
they're twin," began the deacon. "You
ncodu't name them," Interrupted tht
census taker. "Just give the number."
"Sir," replied the deacon with great
dlgult.v. ' I bave elx boy, and each boy
baa a sister,"
"Before this week ends, the dead
lock on the senatorship will be
broken," says one of Illinois' solons.
But there is no indication that Hop
kins is taking any interest in the proceedings.
Burglars have forced an entrance
into the Alton Pesthouse and carried
away the infested bedclothing. That
the old spirit of heroism still survives
in Alton has had many high proofs.
but none higher than this.
The rise of temperance sentiment in
this country can be best estimated
from the fact that it was a Kentucky
colonel who brought over the Jordan
River water which has just been emp
tied into the New York sewer3.
In blocking the wheels of govern
ment the popular branch of the Porto
Rican Legislature is not profiting by
its American coaching. American cit
izenship and territorial government
are not to be won in that direction.
For the sake of the poor man of
this country we agree heartily to the
income tax, graduated to meet the
ratios of income as a direct ta
should, and we believe the ordinary
run of poor men will consent to it
freely and gladly if it may be used to
spare them the harder and harsher
indirect tax upon their substance,
wrought by an inspired tariff.
We would like to see at least one
half the cost of Uncle Sam's main
tenance provided for from this source,
and taken from the hampering bur-'
dens now thrust upon all men by the
trade combinations of the country.
The people are becoming restive;
they know 'hey are being robbed any
way, and have a rational preference
for the realization as to just how
nmch and whence the theft is and
hails from; knowing the source and
amount, they might be more tractable
and yield their share less grudgingly;
but the knowledge that they are vic
tims, and the ignorance of the loss
and the real thief, makes them dis
trustful and cantankerous and likely
to do some extraordinary voting in
the near years to come.
A small, well-adjusted millage upon
every income in the land over $1,009
per annum, should raise the millions
essential to the Government's obliga
tions and general dignity, and we fail
to see why it is not used; it would be
immensely fairer than the system now
in vogue, and would fall with
Experience is a dear school, but all
fools will not learn even in that one.
In, spite of many warnings, another
American heiress has married another
European title, and it remains to be
seen whether her experience will
make her wise or not.
Five hundred pianos were found in
the sultan's palace when the army of
the Young Turks invaded it. Music
had not the charm to soothe a savage
breast or the revolution might never
have revolved. It may have been a
good thing for the fame of Poder
cwski that he had cancelled all his
American dates before this happened.
The downward turn in wheat prices
registers the favorable weather which
is reported from the great producing
states. It also gives objective exprej
sion to the fact that the spring wheat
acreage promises to be much larger
than that of 1908 or any preceding
year. The latter fact will hit th
gamblers on the Chicago Board oi
Trade harder than any cur6 which
could be adopted by the lawmaking
bodies at Washington or Springfield.
N'eil Campbell, one of the best
known and most popular messengers
of the Western Union staff, departed
last evening for Portland, where he
will take up other work, and rejoin
his own family now resident there.
Captain John Reed came in from
his ranch yesterday and will take
over the Wallula once more, after a
pleasant week with his family.
Dr. B. Owens-Adair was in the city I
- - . i : ci. .1 i
yesieraay on Business, out ucpanti
this evening for Portland, after at
tending the wedding of Mr. Schribe
and Miss Elmore. The doctor will be j
gone for the better part of three
weeks, and will take in the annual
gathering of the Oregon Pioneers.
G. W. Roberts, of the O. R. & NV
Co., spent the day in Portland yes
Mrs. A. B. Coe, mother of Artist E
r. Coe, who has been wintering at j
Waucoma, Iowa, will return to this
city in the course of a few days to
rejoin her son.
Mrs. O. W. Whitman has returned
to her home in this city after a visit
of several months with friends in
California, which she enjoyed to the
W. S- Hamilton, of Altoona, was a
bu-iness visitor in this city yesterday.
Alfred Forsythe, of St. Louis, spent
the day in this city yesterday and !
was registered at the Occident.
R. W. Peterson, of Portland, was '
among the visiting hundreds in As-1
toria yesterday.
W. Nelson, of the metropolis, was
a business visitor here yesterday.
O. Hill will leave for Finland on a
summer tour tomorrow morning.
Howard Leighton and Alec Dun
can, municipal legislators for the City
of Seaside, were business visitors in
the city yesterday.
Senator and Mrs. J. G. Megler ar
rived here last evening from Brook
field, and will be guests at the Elmore
Schriber wedding here today.
Thomas Irving, of Cathlamet, came
down on the Lurline last evening,
on a business quest.
L. Euck, of the Portland Flouring
Mills, arrived in this city last evening
on a business trip.
Dan Moore, of Seaside, passed
through the city last evening, cn route
to the metropolis.
Fred F.nquist leaves on this morn
ing's express for St. Martin's Hot
Springs where he intends to sojourn
for two weeks for the benefit of his
Bad Attack of Dysentery Cured,
"An honored citizen of this town
was suffering from a severe attack
of dysentery. He told a friend if he
could obtain a bottle of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, he felt confident of being
cured, he having used this remedy in
the West He was told that I kept
it in stock and lost no time in obtain
ing it, and was promptly cured," says
M. J. Leach, druggist, of Wolcott,
Vt. For sale by Frank Hart and
noLeading Druggists.
No. 413. Pictured Game.
a a a a a a tvv m i i
The Most Common Sen of
Rheumatism causes more nain ami
suffering than anv other diseaie. for
the reason that It is the most com
mon of all ills, and it it certainty
gratifying to sufferer to know that
Chamberlain's Pain Balm will afford
relief, and make rest and sleep pos
sible. In many cases the relief from
pain, which is at first temporary, has
become permanent, while in old peo
ple subject to chronic rheumatism,
often brought on by dampness or
changes in the weather, a perma
nent cure cannot be expected; the
relief from pain fhich this liniment
affords i alone worth many time its
cost. 25 and SO cent sizes for sale by
Frank Hart and Leading Druggists.
X '!. " 1 111 ' " . " iM.
jlllianil IIIIIIWIHIIF TIIBIM innni'i- i ' mmmmmmrmmfypmy
I H KLT L jar
DaTim Powder
n i i 4oluUly Tare
Renders the
food more wholesome and su
perior in lightness and flavor.
Tb only baking powder
made irota
Royt Grap Cream of Tartar; 4tJ
4k ?im Jawf1
J...,, (.. L...:
i.i. m-,.jH!j,iiw,u'n M
'A 17?
rTS, i
"Ift. 1 at,.
:! Hi
No. 414. Riddle.
Take the name of a ship of the des
ert, Insert a consonant and find the
name of a celebrated mountain; tlien
Insert a vowel and find a popular confection,
No. 415. Hidden Foreign Cititt.
I sunt Mllly on several errands.
I saw a tulip bulb at Hart's llowtr
Was Nero mentally sick when he
burned thu city?
I love to see Cecil on Donald's horse.
Why should grandpa risk tils health
on such a stormy day?
Lived 152 Years.
Wm. Parr England's oldest man
married the third time at 120, worked
in the fields till 132 and lived 20
years longer. People should be youth
ful at 80. James Wright, of Spurlock.
Ky., shows how to remain young. "I
feel just like a 16-year-old boy," -he
writes, "after taking six bottles of
Electric Bitters. For 30 years Kidney
trouble made life a burden, but the
first bottle of this wonderful medi
cine convinced me I had found the
greatest cure on earth." Thi.vr a
Godsend to weak, sickly run-down or
ma peopie. iry tnem. sue at (jhas
Rogers & Son, druggists.
The Morning Astorian contains full
Associated Press reports. The local
news is unsurpassed. Delivered by
carrier for 60 cents per month.
No. 416. Anagram.
Both men and left the linking- boat. 1
Th farmer were saved and kept afloat.
On land once more, the Jolly ,
They eought to aee the
They might aa well have used their
To buy themaelve a I
Key to the Puzzler.
No. 408.-C'hnrndcs: L Fraud, yew,
Lent fraudulent. 2. Auk, shun, ear
auctioneer. No, 404. Word Square:
o s a a i
A L I B f
a o b o
No. 406. Egg Crate Puzzle:
Q 0
o o
O 0
""la..!! -a
o irn...
The, Ulugratu shows bow. the edu
cated ben In Id twelve eggs In her crate
without having more than two eggs on
a straight line.
No. 40fl.-8tates of the Union: Ind.
Ia.-Indln; Fla. Mc-flame; S. C. Ore.
scoru; La Me. lame; B. I. Me. rime;
Ga. La.-gala; Del. La. Delia; Ga. Me.
game; Mo JJel. model; Cal. La.
ealla; O. Me. Ga.-Omega; La. S. C. Ala.
Laucala; Col. O. N. Y. colony; Ga.
S. C. O. N. Y.-Gancony. '
No. 407. - rrogresHlve Numerical:
No, 408.- Concealed Words: Lace,
thread, needles, floss, buttons, pins,
shears, spools, bodkin, worsted.
No. 400,-IIIdden Reversed Rivers: L
Volga. 2. Elbe. 3. ObL 4. Lena. 6.
Nile. 0. Ottawa.
Summer Rates
East P
During the Season of 1909
Oregon Railroad
Navigation Co. &
Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Tac
onia, Walla Walla and all points
on the O. R. & N. line
19 Ml G
Mb cm
19 si. lis i
I tti Ren - $72.50
and to other principal cities in
the East, Middle West and South
Correspondingly low fares
On 3ale June a, 3; July 3, 3;
August ii, 12
Is Otmei ii Return n
On Sale flay 17, July' i, Aug, 11
f.oliiK trumll lOUnyn a-uin ilnt of aula
flnnl rt-lurn U111II October .lll.
TliMir tti'kd promt om very at Iran
live liiilur,- In the way ot tlopuver ,rl v
I Icift-M, Htid thile rtiulvw: tliiTtthy mmltl
Iiik riKi'm to tnnke U!f tr! to many
Int. ri-Hilin ,ltu.
RuntliiK on tho return trip tlirowih Cnl
irurnlu limy b Iik'I at a light auvance
over the niton itloU'iI.
Full parthniUra, IiwiIiik rr imwvb
tloua and tlrki-ti ltl lie rurnlnhei! I,y any
O. U. dt N local ii' iil,or
General Passenger Agent
The Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, and v.McIt lias Lccu
In mo for over 30 year, !uu boroo tho tlgiitittiro of
bwn, nuttlo under lila per
, "on Hpon lalon nine It lutoney,
Wfy AHownonetolooitveyoulu thla.
All Counterfeit, Imitations and" Jiit-n-Em"nro but
KxiHu-lutcut tlmt trlilo with taiA enduniftT the health of
Iufiiuta and CUUdrcu Experience ngalnat Kxperiiuout
Caxtotin Ia n hnrmloaa anbatltuto for Coator Oil, Par,
gorlo, Drops and Soothing 6yrups. Jt 1 IMwiMutt. II
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other 'urootli
anbHtuneo. Ita nro U Jta guarantee Jt dentroy Worn
nd allays FercrlwhueM. It cures Dlarrhua and Wln4
Colic It rolleves Teething; Troubles, cure CunatlpaUosl
And Flatulency, , It tuudinlhito tho Food, reirulntc th
Stomach and llowela, giving healthy and lutturul ileefte
Tho Chlldrvu's l'ttuucc-Tho Mother's Friend.
Soar the Signatoro o!
He Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
to) aamaua mow, tt atvaa araHT, a naa vn
Scow Bay Brass & Iron Works
IroA and Brass Founders, Land and
Marine Engineers
Up-To-Date Sawmill Machinery Prompt attention glvwi to all repair
18th and Franklin Ave, work. TeL Main 2461.
MUMMtMlinitlttltll tt'MHttlltlMMIMI
First-Class Liquors and Cigars
02 Commercial Street
Comer Commercial and 14th. ASTORIA, OSEOON
n i fj
there's just 100Z whiskey in
MmlJM an old fashioned hlend of pure
old straight whiskies
a guarantee of purity with every bottle
take no chances
, Ditributn t
San Francisco , Astoria
ir - '