X S TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1909. THE MOUNING ASTORIAN, ASTOEIi, OBEOON. The Daily Market Report! Bring in Your Want Ads TVDaV rORTLAND, May 17,-Orrgon strawbcrrlea in considerable quanti ties may be expected the- litter part ol tlili week, barring unfavorable weather in the district from Rose burg to the Culifomla state line, but there It small likelihood oi the home' grown supply this week being heavy enough to nmke it the chief factor In the berry market. Next week In all probability Oregons will coma In a liberal way. from Southern Oregon and the Hood River country, and the demand (or California fruit wilf then soon disappear. Late reports received by Front street dealers Indicate that the straw berry crop in Southern Oregon will be a compaartivcly short one this year ,the result of adverse weather conditions, white in The Dalles and II ood Kiver district the prospect Is for a full yield of good quality fruit. Heavy shipments from the last-uam ed places are not expected much be fore May 25, but a steady increase in the site of offerings from Southern Oregon is looked for this week. The heaviest berry receipts for the ! seaion were reported by dealers this morning. There were probably not less than 5000 crates of California as the yards and in the market at the opening today, a considerable proportion of the stock being carried over from Saturday. As a result the market was a rather weak one An the whole, though for fancy fruit there was a fair demand at the prices that prevailed at the close of the week. Dollars were quoted at 75 cents to $150 a crate and Jessies generally st 75 cents to $1. Cherries are still coming in a slow way and selling in about the same manner, the best going at $125 a box snd common fruit as low as 60 to 75 cents. There are plenty of gooseberries in the market for the limited demand, the best offerings moving fairly well at 10 cents a pound- Ion, $275; per sack, $4.M; Toke Point, $1.90 per 100; Olymplas (120 pounds), $6;OIympias, per gallon, $2.25. Fish Halibut, 6c pound; black bass, 20c; striped bass, 18c; herring, Sic; flounders, 6c; catfish, 9c; shrimp. utc; torn cod, 8c; perch, 6c; stur geon, IZic; sea trout, 15c;- salmon. fresh steelheads, ,8c; Chinook, 9c: shad, 516c. Clams Little neck, per box. $2.50; raior clams, $2 per box; crabs, $1 1.50 per doien, Canned Salmon Columbia River, 1-pound tails, $2.00; 2 lb. talis, $3.00; fancy, l ib, Hats, $2.15; Mb. flats, $1.25; fancy, l ib. ovals, $2.75; Alaska tails, pink 95c, red $1.40; nominal. 2s, talis, 2. 10. TWENTY WORDS OR LESS, ONE WEEK FIFTY CENTS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE THE MORNING ASTORIAN Want advertiseaients Arc Read Every Morning by 10,000 People. The Want Columns of THE HORNING ASTORIAN art coo. suited every morning by hundreds of persons in search of real estate bargains. Articles of sale, lost or found and people looking for em flojrment Rates: Twenty words or lean , three times, 25 cents; six times, $0 cents; one month, $2.00. HELP WANTED. JOBBERS' QUOTATIONS. "ALADDIN" THE NEWEST, most simple and perfect Kerosene Mantle Lamp; makes and burns its own gas; will revolutionize lifthtintr methods Sugar, Coffee, Etc. everywhere: unlimited monev maker p . . . -. - - . . augar isbck oasis) u. u., SOUS; local, countv. am general atrents uesj, 3 03; uoioen 5.1S; extra wanted. Mantle Lamp Co., Desk 2, v.., mm powdered, S0.15: fru it or Port and. Or. oerry sugar, J0.5Q; boxes. 55c cwt advance over sack basis (less l-4c If WANTED A GOOD WOMAN TO paid for in 15 days). help lady in cleaning up flat when voiiee Mocna, UQMc", Java, moving in. Waterman's Dept. Store. unity, tJiaoc; Java, goou, U(&'c; Java, ordinary. 1720c; Costa Rica, fancy, 18S20c; Coiia Rica, good. 16 18c; Arbuckle, $17.63 cwt.; Colum bia coffee, He pound; Salvador, Hi fflHsc pound. DRESSMAKING. WANTED AT ONCE WAIST finisher and experienced girl to oo Kice-impenal Japan, No. 1, $6.55: crate electric motor. Elizabeth Southern Japan, $5.75S6; broken, 41c Hawks, 519 Duane. head; fancy, $77.7S. Salt-Bales of 7S-2s, bale, $2.25; bales of 60-3s. bale. $2.25; bales of 40-4s, bale, $275; bales of IS-10s. bale, $225; bags, 50s, fine, ton, $15; bags, 50c; genuine Liverpool, ton, $17; bags, 50c; genuine Liverpool, ton, $17; bags. SITUATION WANTED. MAN WITH 12 YEARS' EXPER lence as steam shovel engineer for .Northern Pacific Railroad, and fou years as foreman and master mechan il WHOLESALE PRICES. Grain, Flour.JIay, Etc Wheat-Track prices: Club, $1.18; blue-stem, $U71.30; turkey red, $118; red Russian. $1.15; Valley, $1.17. Flour-Patents. $6.25; straights, M5.40; exports, $4.70; Valley, (5.60; 1 14 sack graham, $5.60; whole wheat, $580; rye, $5.50. Barley-Feed, $34035; rolled, $36 17. Oats No. 1 white. $3940; gray, I3839. Hay Track prices: Timothy Wil amette Valley, $15(2516; Eastern Ore tou. fancy $18020; mixed $1617.50; .Haifa, $12; clover, $12; grain hay, il3ai4. i Millstuff-Brain, $25(!26; mid lllngs, $31.50; shorts, $2829; chop, 20(225. I Meat and Provisions. Hams-1012 lbs, 151c; 1416 lbs., He; 18-20 lbs-, 15)e. ! Dressed Meats Hogs, fancy, 9 Oc, ordinary 78c, large 6c; veal jttra, 819c, ordinary 718c, heavy t; mutton, fancy 67c Bacon Breakfast. 1516222c: denies 5c; cottage roll, 11c; regular short irars, smoked 141c, do unsmoked lie; clear backs, unsmoked 121c. do oked, 141c; shoulders, lie. . ,ard Kettle leaf, 10s, 15c; do 15 l-8c; do 501b. tins, 141c; steam hdered, 10s, 14c; do, 5s, 13 7-8c; inpound, 10s, 9 l-4c. S0i. J-oronnH. ti.rto. inn. , n. " "' wisnea steady, " " '7:: ' local employment: wi II take ! w v El Tfl c il i - - - - - n v r n il ...... . -- -vnvv,. canons, i.s; uv references eiven. . Adlre Fn!n.r - -I I At, I . crpuui, lump, per ion. fai. rtstorian. Dried Fruits Apples. 81c per lb; peaches, 103)I2c; pears, lll14c; "ANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Italian prunes, S(S;6c; California figs, white, In sacks, 71c lb-; black, 67c; WAMtU-ROOM AND BOARD bricks. 7Scfil$2iS ner box: Smvma. . ' '" ,a,c.."u""y ..?" My- ,vtn iiiimni 'm6 10. i i.annrirv. eitv imuis wainuts. utc per pound: filberts, terms, "R. L.,M Troy $20c; per 16c; Brazils, 16c; pecans, 14 hickory, 10c; Virginia raw TO RENT-HOUSES. peanuis. oc; japan, eiuc; cnestnuts. 1U KliiNT-SIX ROOM HOUSE; Italian 10c, Ohio 25c; cocoanuts, good neighborhood. AddIv Bank- dozen, 90c8$1.00; pine nuts. 10 "(? Savings i: Loan Assn., 166 Tenth street. 12c; almonds. 13c pound. Raisins Loose muscatels, 3-crown, 8-ROOM OK 4-crown. 7c; bleached seedless Sultanas, 9k. Oils, Lead, Etc Benzine V. M. and P. Naptha, cases, 201c; iron barrels, 13 Jr. Linseed Oil Raw, 5 ban el lots, 66c; 1-barrel lots, 67c; in cases, 73c; boiled, 5-barrel lots, 68c; 1-barrel lots, 69c; in cases, 75c. Turpentine In cases, 62c; In bar rels, 591c gallon. CoaJ Oil-rearl and astral oil, cases, 181c; per gallon; water white, iron barrels, 11c; eocene and extra star, cases, 211c; headlight oil, cases, 20c; iron barrels, 18c; elaine, cases, 28c Turpentine In cases, 65c; in bar rels, 621c uasoline Union and Red Crown, barrels, 151c; cases, 221c Motor, bar rels, 16k; cases, 231c. 86 degrees, barrels, 30c; cases. 371c Engine dis tillate, barrels, 9c; cases, 16c Lead Net weight, packages ton lots 71c; 500-lb. lots, 8c; less than 500 lbs., 81c; red lead and litharge, 1c higher than white. HOUSE FOR RENT modern; central location: fine for a boarding house or Inree familv: rent 5- See Mr. Waterman. Waterman1 Department Store, Ninth and Com- mi-rcial streets. FOR RENT-ROOMS. iU Lfc. 1 ONE LARGE- 'AIR V room with closet, to gentleman of steady habits. 253 Commercial St. NICELYFURNISHED ROOM FOR rent; good location; price reason- abel. Inquire. Astorian Office or phone Main 1511. . LOST AND FOUND LOST-A GENTLEMAN'S OPEN face gold filled watch; Howaid movement; finder please leave at As torian office and receive reward. (tl Butter, Eggs, Poultry. putter City creamery, extras, 28c; icy outside creamery, 2527c;' re. 18fii20c pound. pggs Select Oregon, 24241c. Cheese Full cream twins, 17 c; full cream triplets, 17171c; Jung America, 18c; cream brick, ; Swiss block, 20c; limburger, 18 0k. poultry Mixed chickens, 1415c; ncy hens. 15c: roosters, old 10tf) iei broilers 25rtB.Me! HiVH nndltrik ' mon of I ner oound hisher: ducks, live. 18 Rrati 20c: ceese. ve. 9n)Wr- tnrkv. LnamDeriain s to 17s19c; dressed 20221c. H I t Fruita and Vegetables. I'resh Fruits Oranges, $2.003-00 Hope, Wool, Hides. Etc Wool Eastern Oregon contracts. 1618c per pound; Valley, 1819c Hops 1909 contracts, 10c; 1908 crop; 771c; 1907 crop, 3c Mohair Choice. 23231c. Cascara Sagrada (chittlm bark) 5 6c per pound. LOST-A SPITZ DOG: REWARn will be paid for return to Pete Durell's. cor. Sixth and Asror. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND UP- right Fisher piano; fine tone; good shape; $125 berfore June 1. W. A. Ogden. Knappa. Or. RIFLE, 32-40, HIGH POWER, smokeless "Marlin"; lots of am munition, loading tools; most com plete uuint; bargain. Address "Mar lin," The Astorian. H, SWEDISH MASSAGING. THYRA KOHLANDER, ROYAL graduate in Swedish movements. physical culture and massage; office, The Most Common Sense of Suffering Rheumatism causes more pain and 545 Franklin ave-, second, flat; hours: suffering than any other disease, for 9-11 a. m-, 3-5 p. m.. Telephone Main the reason that tt is the most com- 4111. all ills, and it Is certainly J8 gratifying to sufferers to know that PRIVATE LESSONS BATH HOUSES. BATHS-TURKISH AND Rus sian, at the natatoriura of George Hill, 217 Astor St.; rational prices; absolute cleanliness; private rooms; separate service for ladies; rheuma tism and skin diseases treated with perfect success 10-25-tf DYE AND CLEANING WORKS- CITY STEAM DYEING & CLEAN- ing Works, Herman Enke, proprie tor. Dry cleaning and dyeing of every description. Main works. East Third and Ash streets, Portland. Or. HOUSE HOVERS. FREDRICKSON BROS-We make a specialty of house moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention to all orders. Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. ' RESTAURANTS. CAMELLIA RESTAURANT. 612 Commercial street; first class meal. IS cents; coffee and cake, 10 centa. U. S. RESTAURANT. 434 BOND street. Coffee with pie or cake, 10 centa; first-class meals, 15 cents. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE TO ESTABLISH GRADE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Astoria has declared Its de termination and intention to establish the grade on Eighth street from the south line of Niagara avenue to the north line of Clatsoo avenue, so that the grade when so established will be at the following elevations above the base of grades as estab lished by Ordinance No. 71 of the City of Astoria, to-wit: At the south line of Niaorara avenue at an elevation of 273 feet above the base of grades; at the north and also the south line of Klaskanine avenue at an elevation of 239 feet above the base of grades; at the north line of Clatsop avenue at an elevation of 216 feet above the base of grades; that! Detween tne points above designated the grade shall be upon an even and gradual slope. By order o. the Common Council ( OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the Cify of Astoria. Dated May 5, 1909. PROPdSALS. TOKIO RESTAURANT, 531 BOND street, opposite Ross. Higgins & Co.; coffee with pie or cake. 10 cents; first-class meals; regular meals 15 cents and up. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS-Al-LAW NORBLAD ft HEMPLE Attorneys-at-Law Suite 3 and 4, Page Building lztta and Commercial Streets HOWARD M. BROWNELL. AT- torney at Law, Deputy District Attorney. 420 Commercial Street DENTISTS DR. F. VAUGHAN. DENTIST. Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. DR. W. C. LOGAN. DENTIST. Commercial Street, Shanahan Bldg. NOTICE TO RE-ESTABLISH GRADE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Astoria, has declared its de termination and intention to re-establish the grade on Twelfth street from the south line of Harrison avenue to the south line of Kensington avenue, so that said grade when so re-estab lished will be at the following cleva (ions aDove tne Dase of grades as established by Ordinance No. 71 of the City of Astoria, to-wit: At the south line of Harnson ave nue at an elevation of 137 feet above the base of grades: at the north line of Irving avenue at an elevation of 149 feet above the base of trades: at the south line of Irving avenue at an elevation of 151 feet above the base of grades; at the north line of Jerome avenue at an elevation of 166 feet above the base of (Trades; at the south line of Jerome avenue at an elevation of 169 feet above the base of grades; at the north line of Kensington ave nue at an elevation of 189 feet above the base of grades; at the south line of Kensington avenue at an elevation of 192 feet above the base of grades; that between the points above desig nated the grade shall be upon an even and gradual slope. ' By order of the Common Council OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. Dated May 5, 1909. ... OFFICE OF C Q. M., Vancouver Barracks, Wash., May 15, 1909- Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock a. nv June 15, 1909, for furnishing a two months supply of forage and bedding for posts in Department Columbia embraced within boundaries of United States, for period commencing July 1, 1909. Deliveriea of supplies to commence July 1, 1909. Informa tion furnished here or by Quarter masters at posts. United States re serves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Envelopes containing pro posals should be marked: "Proposals for at ," addressed John E. Baxter, C. Q. M. THE ASTORIA RE8I1K NOTICE TO RE-ESTABLISH QRADE. THE FAST AND COMMODIOUS STEAMER CHAS. R. SPENCER Commencing May 2, 1909 Astoria to Portland On the 5cenic Columbia Leave Astoria. Callender wharf, at 3.-00 p. m. every day except Mon day, arrive at Portland 9:45 p. m. Leave Portland, foot of Washington street at 7 a. m. daily except Mon day, returning tame day, 9:45 p. m. Way Landings between Astoria and Portland as follows: Altoona. Pillar Rock, Brookfield, Skamokawa, Cathlamet, Eureka, ( Oak Point, Stella. Rainier, Kalama. St Helens. Through Freight accepted for Port land and The Dalles. Fare, $1-50 Renowned for Speed, Comfort and Couiteous Treatment For further particulars tee CALLENDER NAVIGATION CO. Agents, Astoria, Oregon. 399 Bond Street Will Continue Under the Man.. meat of MANQ HINQ The Finest Meals Served in Attorns. Your Patronage Solicited. Courttoac Treatment to AIL 1 Dr. Reeds CUSHION SHOB Easiest Shoe on earth. AGENT FOR Bergman's Logging SHOE A. 1 QUALITY S. A. G1MRE OppositeRoss, HigginsJCo. 534 Bond Street. Astoria, Ore. The"KMUne Steamer - Lurline Night Boat for Portland ani Way Landing's. . Leaves Astoria daily except Sunday at 7 p. m. Bite nrar gfam?ii Stxtst Bm 3tattrt8r a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Astoria has declared its de termination and intention to re establish the grade on Cedar street Leaves Portland Da3y Except Ssndai fn, s OSTEOPATHS. DR. RHODA C HICKS, OSTEO- path. Office: Mansell Bldg., Phone Black 2055. 573 Commercial Street BLACKSMITHING. ASTORIA WAGON & BLACK smithing Co., Twelfth and Duane. are fully equipped to handle all wagon and iron work. Horseshoeins a !-1. pcciauy. Fain Balm will afford reiief( and make rest and sleep pos sible. In many cases the relief from pain, which is at first temporary, has become permanent, while in old peo- rtgerines, $1.25(5)1.50 box: lemons. 'Ple to chronic rheumatism, S04; bananas. S5k per pound: ,0.ften .bW' " by dampness or Associated Press reports, all the local fawberrics, 75c1.50 crate; cherries, 'changes in the weather, a permit- n deliver b carrier ents GIVEN IN. SHORTHAND AND typewriting; terms reasonable. See Lenora Benoit, Public Stenographer, 477 Commercial street. Morning Astorian contains all the 001-50 bo Apples Best, $22-50 a. box; mmon, $11.75. Onions Bermudas, $1.351.50 per e. egetables Cabbage, $2.504; hot jse lettuce, $1.25 per box; cucum- $1.251.50 dozen; celery, $3.50 1,50 per crate; artichokes, 80c per fen: neas. 6(7D7c oound: tomatoes, J&ican $1.75, Florida $3.253.50 per crate; peppers, $i.a per dox; cauuower. si..iu ner crate asoaraeus, SfiBiOc ner nound: rhubarb. 21(2)4c per pound, per hundred; new California, 45c hundred; new California, 415c nd; sweets, $4 per hundred. Oysters, Clamt, Fish. fysters Shoalwaler Bay, per gal- month. PROPOSALS. nent cure cannot be expected; the relief from pain fhich this liniment affords is alone worth many timesf its cost. 25 and 50-cent sizes for sale by Frank Hart and Leading Druggists. OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCT' ing yuartermaster, fort Stevens, AUCTION AND COMMISSION. EVERY SATURDaVatIi X "li! we will sell to the highest bidder a targe consignment of furniture; make your' own prices; during the week furniture will be sold at auction prices; tee Martin Olsen for up-to-date , upholstering work, mattress making, etc-,, will repair your bed In one day, calling for it in the morning and returning it in the afternoon; will sew and lay carpets. Olsen & Ecklund, Commission and Auction House, 110 Fifteenth street Or., May 12, 1909. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received at this office until 2 o'clock p. m., May 26, 1909, and then publicly opened for the construction, plumbing and elec tric wiring of a frame fire station at Fort Stevens, Or. Plans can be seen, specifications obtained and full infor mation furnished at this office. The United States reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing pro posals should be marked "Proposals for construction and addressed to the Constructing Quartermaster, Ft. Stevens, Oregon. iui MISCELLANEOUS. rIOT OR' COLD Golden West Tea Just Right CLOSSET & DEVERS, PORTLAND, ORE. Unprecedented Sitccessea of II I IE 11 TBI GRIAI CSHIXSX DOCTO) Who is know A throughout the j United States ot ,iSSiccount.f "is wos derful cures. No poisons or 'drag used. He guarantees to cure catarrh asthma, lung and throat trouble rheumatism, nervousness, stomach liver and kidney, female complaints and all chronic diseases. SUCCESSFUL HOMS TtJEATMXVT If you cannot call write for symp toms blank and circular, inclosing cents in stamps. THX C. GEE WO URDICIKI CO. 162s First St., Corner Morrison PORTLAND, OREGON Please mention tbe Astorian from the east line of 50th street to the west line of 52nd street, so that he grade when so re-established will be at the following elevations above the base of grades as established by Urdinance No. 71 of the City of As toria. to-wit: At the east line of 50th street at an elevation of 40 feet above the base of grades; at the east and also the west line of 51st street at an eleva tion of 49 feet above the base of grades, at the west line of 52nd street at an elevation of 79 feet above the base of grades; that between the points above designated the grade shall be upon an even and gradual slope. By order of the Common Council. . OLOF ANDERSON, . Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. uaiea in ay 3, ivuy. mi. NOTICE TO RE-ESTABLISH GRADE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Astoria, has declared its de establish the grade on 51st street from the south line of Birch street to the north line of Date street, so that the grade when so reestablished will be at the following elevations above the base of grades as established by Ordi nance No. 71 of the City of Astoria, to-wit: At the south line of Birch street t an elevation of 30 feet above the base of grades; at the north and also the south line of Cedar street at an eleva tion or 49 feet above the base of grades; at the north line of Date street at an elevation of 100 feet above the base of grades; that be tween the points above designated the grade shall be upon an even and gradual slope. By order of the Common Council. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. Dated Mav 5, 1909. ,, PLUMBERS. 1J.1WI! PLUMBER Heating ContractorJinnei AND Sheet Iroa Worker ILL WORK GUARANTEE! 425 Bond Street at 7 a. j. Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf Landing Portland Foot Taylor I . J. J. DAY, Agent Phone Main 276 LAUNDRIES. ROUGH DRY FAMILY WASHING May We Call For a Trial Package? TROY LAUNDRY Phone Main 1991. 10th and Duane Sts. TJHSISTAEESS. J. A. GILBAUGH & CC Undertakers aM Embalmen Experienced Lady Assistant When Desired. Calls Promptly Attended Day or Sight. Tatton Bdg. 12th andJDuane Sts ASTORIA. ORE.GON Phone Main 2111 The Cornelius "The House of Welcome" Corner Park and Alder, PORTLAND, OREGON A' hotel where the North west people will find a hearty welcome and receive Courteous Treatment at moderate prices. C. W. CORNELIUS. Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS. Plate Racks, Wall Pockets, Music Racks Clock Shelves Just in See us Hildebrand & Got Old Bee Hive Bldg. .!-..,.,... : jh Best location in the City. At Modem Convenience. Fireproof BuOj&g! European Flu. Rtten from $1.00 per diy ind up. ' Ktten with bnth, $1.50 per dynd up. Summer Rates East During the Season of 1909 VIA THE Oregon Railroad Q Navigation Co. j& OREGON SHORT LINE Q UNION PACIFIC Railroad FROM Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Tac oma, Walla Walla and all points on the O. R. & N. line II II M lf s i deli - JGf.M and to other principal cities in the East, Middle West and South Correspondingly low fares On 5ale Juno a, 3; July a, 3; August 11, 12 ii On Sale flay 17, July 1, Aug. 11 Going' transit 10 days from date Of saio final return limit October 31ut. These tickets present some very attrae tive features in the way ol upovor priv ileges, and choice routes; thereby enatilV lnt: passengers to make side trips to many Interesting points. Routing on the return trip through CW Unrnla limy be had at a slight advance over the rates quoted. Full particulars, sleeping car teserra tlous and tickets will be furnished by ar 0. R. dt N. local agent, or Wm. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, ORE. FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. FLORENCE " AUTOMATlCoE stoves for warm weather cooking; second-hand furniture bought i4 sold. Zapf Furniture & Hardware Ce.