THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREQON. SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1909. Ladies Outfitters J3 tShc fejJ beeCshive The Store ForWomen :HLLIBERY SALE ! Great reduction on Ladles Trimmed Hats All newest designs put in this sale. This spec- X ial sale begins ! Saturday, May 15th and lasts until :: Wednesday of the following week. i it GQDFL OF DARRAH ON CAUSE DEATH ALLEGES THAT THE TYPHOID GERMS ON TUG SAwravm WAS PRIMARY CAUia. OCEAN, BAR, BAY, DOCK AND RIVER Last evening's Portland Telegram says that '"Negotiations are under way by the Puget Sound Tugboat Company, it is understood, to sell or lease the rug Tatoosh to the Port of Portland Commission. Captain W. H. Plummer, general manager of the tugboat concern, has been in Port land for the purpose of ascertaining what sort of craft the port requires to assist the WaTiula at the mouth of the Columbia- The terms on which she can be secured will probably be made known at the next meeting of the commission." The British steamship Invertay, of London, arrived in yesterday after noon, from Guaymas. bound for Comox. She ran short of coal being reduced to 20 tons in her bunkers. She went alongside the Elmore bunk ers, and proceeded to take on 60 more tons, to see her through with the voyage. She is under charter to Frank Waterhouse & Company, and will load wheat at Seattle, for Aus tralian delivery. Capt James Hough ton is in command, and he hopes to get to sea today sometime. She left Guaymas on the 4th instant, and had head winds all the way up the CWt c.h,. i a monster and an ex-transport in the British service, and a fine ship with, Captain Wicklund, with several of his crew, and the fine new life boat -cr-iriurd" deoarted yesterday morn ing for Seattle, and will remain there during the season, for exnmiuon pur poses, at the A. Y. P. Exposition. The steamer Lurline left up last evening on time with, the following people registered out of this city: W. Moses, B. A. McCreary. Silas Brown. E. L. Babbidge, F. Jacobson. B- G- Courthead. Tamalpais entered port yesterday and went on up the river for another load of lumber for San Francisco. Th steamer Alliance is due to sail from the Callender pier at an early honr this morning, for Coos waters, with freight and passengers. Ti. n tender Armeria, Captain William Gregory, in command, enter ed port yesterday, from Aiasxa ana Puget Sound ports, alter an aosence wrflcs. with all well on board. Nothing of note transpired on the cruise of the flagship ot trie Ugnt- hoose squadron. t ! uM tVtat the steamer Geo. R- Vosburg will at once be remodelled .n - tft arrnmmodate sucn a passen ger list as the federal authorities shall allow her. pu. f Charles E. Darragh at the hospital of typhoid fever has caused considerable comment a w .v.- ,.,if3rv condition of the tug Sampson. Coroner C.ilbaugh slates that Mr. Darrah is the sixth man he v., v.,,;..,! .uiim from tvphoid fever the Sampson. This has n..f,.rr-.t within -the r-ast two years. ! ti n4 K,il have nlied the Co- jlumbia during the past few years, but jno typhoid or deaths have been re 'ported and it is claimed that there imust be something wrong with the i ..;.,.. ..NM,litinn rf th.n hoat. As lsliflu.J vuuu.. I to whether it was inspected last year is not known by the local authorities here. The report that city health Officer Clara Reames would have the ht eamined as to its sanitary condt- t.'nnc ic nrnhahlv nremature. as it is doubtful if she has any jurisdiction over vessels plying on the Columbia river. Again, the tug is owned in Portland and that is her home port. T nral hp.ilth officers there misht con- duet an examination, provided any complaint is made to tnem-- It would seem that if the com plaints have any foundation, some of the employees on the tug woum ask for an examination. It is claimed that I the water tanks contain germs, while others claim germs lurk in the hold nf the vessel. As a matter of nrecau- tion it would seem that the owners would want to have it put in a sani tary condition as a safeguard against any possible suits for damages. It is contended that none of the officers have ever been sick, but it is possible that water is not indulged in as a beverage. NEW TO-DAY """"""f i WE afe glad to have any and all possible light turned on the question of what clothes you'd better buy. The more you know of Hart Schaffner & Marx i clothes the more certain you are to buy them and that means you. For all wool quality, for perfec tion in style, fit and thoroughness of tailoring, there are no other clothes to equal them. Suits, $18.00 to $40.00 Overcoats, $15 and Up. No Name Hats, $3.50 any Style. I m m r. . , , . . , ..- .. miumnfftr-f " ft fy I Vt ; - J . '1 It It I 111 Copyiliki 190 .by Hut ScatTo Mm V Chance To Clean Your Carpets Yourself Rent our electric carpet cleaner, $2.50 per day. Anbody can handle it. Apply to W. A. EIGNER Teleohone 221. ' The Claremont entered port yester day morning and went direct to the O R. & N. docks, where she dis charged 800 sacks of cement for Fisn-j morning and wtnt on up er Bros-; ana wen nwvcu lu u. . . foT a return cargo ot ium- j . ni v fnncirnmfnt I . The steamer Shoshone arrived in C. dock and put another consignment of her 18,000 sacks ashore tor nous ton & Ferguson, and lastly left a big lot for the Astoria Fuel & Supply Co. She then departed for Portland, where the bulk of her cargo is due. C. H- Dean, ex-mate of the Elmore motro schooner Gerald C. will depart t,;. mnminor fop Coos Bay on the ..-..r Alliance. Mr. Dean is of o""' the newly organized company here ber. The steamer Charles R. Spencer was doing business as usual at the Callender dock yesterday afternoon. She went up at 3 o'clock with a good passenger list. The Hitman Appetite. Of all the whimsical, shifting, unre- 5"!? the -v,r ;hh wiih.ii v vv . , .'y.t ty,-. tn .9t ig. nerhaos. th 200-tonner, with gasoline engines of 200 horse power, for coast trading between this port and all the lower points on the Oregon coast. The will be built bv Kruse & Banks, of North Bend, and it is the hope of ' her owners to have her on the run by the first day of August next. The steamship State of California docked at the O. R. & N. piers at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, with over 200 passengers for the Bay City, ana right thing to eat is, perhaps, the most unreasonable and imperious There are those who humor it; oth ers who defy it; and all men are more or less inclined to trest it with con sideration. To find a place where these varying attitudes may be fos tered, at the least cost in each case, and yet keep the appetite in proper and peaceful subjection, is always desirable information. One place that is conceded as perfectly adapted t3 this, is the Palace Restaurant, just Keller. The Wood Man. Wm. Kelley. the wood and coal dealer, is prepared to supply the pub lic and all his old customers with the best slabwood that Astoria has evr seen. He promises not to join tny combination to raise the price of wood and he will keep his old title of 'the man who keeps the price down. Ring up Main 2191 for particulars. Atttention, A. O. U. W. Seaside Lodge, No. 12. The funeral of our late brother, Andrew 'Berry, will be held from the family residenc: 1380 Grand avenue, Sunday (tomor row), at 1:30 o'clock p. m. All mem bers are requested to attend meeting at A. O. U. W. hall at 1 o'clock. GEO. KABOTH. Master Workman. rr 'W Nobby Clothes. PATRIARCHS fflTUlE FOR ASTORIA CANTON CLATSOP NO. 22. DE PARTMENT OF OREGON IN- ST1TUTED LA&l mum and filled soon as possibti. Fisher. to these were added Mrs. JUA opposite the Page building, on Com- mond and Cody Vandme, from this , . . . . port, in the cabin, with seven others mercial f eet' ,n X 11 f' J . in the steerage. She sailed hence at'once, and patronize it always; that is 5 0'ciock. the rule of the Palace. A New Train de Luxe. The Canadian Pacific has placed r commission its service de Luxe be tween Portland and St. Paul. This train will run solid between St. Paul and Portland, making the run in tw- davs and 13 hours. It is the fineit equipped train in the West For rates and full particulars, apply to James Finlayson, agent, 377 Commercial street, Astoria. SPECIALS AT Astray Notice- Notice is hereby given that two bay mares have been seized by the pound master and are now at the city pound. Owners can have same by proving nmnrrtv and oavinff costs. Otherwise the animals will be sold as required FRED OBERG. Chief of Police. AGREEMENT REACHED. Free All This WeeK One pound of Candy, your choice, FREE with 50-cent purchase at our store. I Chance For An Outing. r,mon Clatsoo No. 22. Patriarch j 0n Sunday next the fine, staunch Militnnt of the Department of Ore-:aunch Hulda l, will leave the Lur . . j hv !iin Hnrk. for Fort Canby and Ilwaco, Prof Wm'crowhurst, colonel and j a 8:30 a. m, with excursion and pic-aide-de-camp on the general sttff of jmc parties, returning to this city the sovereign grana iook ui - irom tnere at a:ou u v O O. F. This branch of Odd Fellow- js a chance for a delightful outing. rretnnnAi to the Knignis r; r ,r:n. Jl.OO. mi Templar of the Masonic Order- At , some time in the near future its mem- The yery best boar(J t0 be obtained hers will procure the biautifu uni- j . . UThe 0ccidenl form pertaining to meiuu..... this highest degree of the oraer. Modern chivalry is one of the lead ing ideas of the Patriarchs Militant. The decoration of chivalry-granted only by permission of these brethren be conferred on 'Bl r . .u,. (.,.. vnrinns localities in Oregon. The ceremony will take place Albany during the annual sc. ... J aH'nmn. t ip o-rand OOBe, granu vi.v.....,' Ubor Matters st Great FUs Are Practically setueo GREAT FALLS. MONT., May 15. An arbitration agreement of far reaching importance to this commun ity was finally agrceu io im the Central l.abod body of th city and through its operation no labor liitstiirt are likelv to arise in great r..ii. the nr I iree vears. imtc IUI 'v agreement which was offered by the Cascade County 1 rades ami Assembly to the board of commerce lino the emuloviiiB and busi- nes inicresis of the city, ana includ ing 2XK) union men provides hat for the next three years there Shall De no ,,rrete or reduction of wnoe. that employers signing it shall employ union labor and that all disputes aris ing. between employers and employes shall be submitted to a board of ar bitration consisting of 12 members, six of these to be selected by the Board of Commerce from among the employers and business men, and six from the labor unions- The findings of this board shall be binding on both sides. : grana loage, .. , . n - h fruit and vegetables mcnt, Kcbekan Assemu y. ... ...v . r ... Phone Main .n ,nril of this state, ana i . Ninth and Commercial Sts. M H H I it We have a fine line of Chambreys at IS cents a yard. Have you seen our fine line of Shirt Waist Suits, from $1.50 up- We sell silk and linen suiting at SO cents a yard- We are offering all this week our regular 3S cent ladies' hose, at 25 cents a pair. Be sure to buy a pair, 25 cents. All the week 15-cent Mignon China cup and saucers, will sell at t 10 cents a cup and saucer. We sell Hunter's Brand Shirts, PatH,Ovcrolls,etc. DON'T FORGET THE POUN1J Ur wnui maa. Hotel." Rates very reasonable. - The Proper Plsce. Go to the Occident Barber Shop If you are particular and desire first Satisfaction euaranteed. An expert bootblack and porter has also been engaged. Try our own mixture of coffee the parimeui tuuim,vi - will be performed by Patriarchs Mili tant selected from the various tuu..- f Oregon, presided over by Loi. Ifantz of Baker City, depart ment commander of Oregon. PAit.tuintr are the officers ot the new Canton in Astoria: Captain, John hn; lieutenant, A. Y. Anderson; T T ensign, h. X ounce; cicir. j. accountant, B. J. bloop; stand ard bearer, W. F. Jonas; guard, A. L. Anderson; sentinel. Alex tagg, picket, J. W. Babbidge. The first three oincers, logetner Olof Anderson, delegate-elect. I represent Astoria at the council Albany this, week. with wil in CASTOR I A for Infants and Children. Tfca Kind You Hava Always Booi Uetus tbt. S Corner Ninth and Commercial There are carpet cleaners and car pet cleaners, but unless you have an Ideal Vacuum, you cannot clean your tairs. furniture, mattresses, wans, or get at the corners; especially is this by far the easiest operated- 1 am unable to deliver any hand machine for at least two weeks, on account ot the factory being unable to supply! FOR BEST CANDIES Our stock ol candies includ- ltirr "Lowiievs" and "Gunthers" famous Choco lates are the best. fcfV',1 ...Home Hade Candies... They are healthier and better and don't cost ., any more. ALEX TAGG ALCOIIOL 3 PfcK CENT. A&fJ el :ibl Prrnjii-ntlnn fnr 4 slmilnl DOihpFhmfnmlRMinls. ling Hie Siomachs andflowclsof Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature Promotes DileslionCbtrfiJ nessaiHlR'strontalnsiKluwr1 Dnmm.Mnrpliine norma. NOT NARCOTIC. M-cSnm lMtUtUf jtniicM WtmSeti' (limMSmrr' Ytinlttyttm Hum IIOll,JUU JlUlinJ""- , , Worms jConvulstonSiFewrisIi ratSWIe SijMtu" of virWYtTRK. the , Jr For Over Thirty Years "W Exact Copy OI wrapper. mm i mum AJf Fa wm mm . mm m wm THK .HTUH OOMMNV. HtW YOM OITV. tlie lactory Dang unai- . rir the demand. Order will be booked 3 Commercial St., Aitori., Or.