i V IIURSIMY, MAY 1.1, WO. The Daily Market Report rOKTUNI), May 12. - The nip y of Citllfoniltt trawberrle today titled cto to 30U0 cases, mid to 10 ourpiiie of many of the dealers ie fruit generally win In good shape jhen put on the market, At the tmo time Oregon berrlei, to the ex em of 50 to 75 crate, came in. and flth the weather on the whole favor ble during the morning hour, ber c were the active feature of the ruli trade. i Yesterday shipment of approxk mately 1200 crotrs of California wat Jelayed by a wreck on the Southern raciiic. and did not reach the eitv flntil late latt evening. When this per crate; pepper, $175 per box; cauliower, $1.50 per crate; aiparagui, 610c per pound; rhubarb, 2i4c per pound. I'olatoei Buying price,' $1.90 per hundred; new California, Htsisl puwm; wect, per nunarea. Oystera, Clams', Fish Oyatera Shoalwater Bay, per gal lon, $2.25; per aack, $4.50; Toke Point. $1.90 per 100; Olympiai (120 pounda). V; Olympiaa, per gallon, $2.25. Fish Halibut, 6c pound; blac' basa, 20c; itriped baaa, 18ci herrlno. 51c; flounder, 6c; catfuh, OT?; ahrimp. uic; torn cou, 8c; perch, 6c; atur THE MORNING ASTOKIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. Bring: in Your Want Ads ToDav TWENTY WOHDS 0 I USS. ONP , vemo fAYAKLc IIN ADVANCE THE MORNING ASTORIAN WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Are Read Every Morning by 10,000 People. The Want Columna of THE MORNING ASTORIAN are con suited every morning by hundreds of per ton in March of real estate bargain. Article of sale, loat or found and people looking for em ployment Rate: Twenty worda or 1ms .three times, 25 cent; six time, 50 cente; one month, $2.00. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. HELP WANTED. WANTED GIRL TO WAIT ON table- Inquire at Irving HoteL WANTED A LADY TO RErRE- ent u at home; good position; Rood pay and tailor-made tuit free in 90 day; experience unnecessary: re liable firm. Address J. E. McBrady Co., Chicago. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework or to assist at summer cottage. Apply or write Mr. A. A, Krast, Seaside. ,,. SITUATION WANTED. run waa opened tlii morning It waijgeon, 12c; eatrout, 15c; aalmon. found to have suffered but little if j fresh ateelhead. 8c; Chinook, 9c; n irtmi me long ueiay, and the anau. Sf5joc. berries told readily, the dollar iroinir n.m.-T it.t. ...l mia. o 51 25 to $i 5( a crate and the Jes-jraior clam, $2 per box; crab, $1 lie. at $ ,o $1.10. 1 1.50 per down. . today consiKiiment of California! Canned Salmon-Columbia River, berries, amounting to more than 150011-pound tall. $2.00; 21b. talis, $3.00; sratea, was alio delayed everal hour ! fancy, Mb. flat, $2.15; Mb. flat, ind by the time it came in. yesterday $1.25; fancy, l ib. ovale, $275; Alaska Oerries had practically been disposed j tails, pink 9Sc, red $1.40; nominal, 2a. M. The cool weather in the south tall, $2.10. the past few day account for thel . ood condition of the last shipment j JOBBERS QUOTATIONS, o Ihle market. From now on until Oregon berrie j Sugar, Coffee, Etc. ome In quantities lb he a fnrtnr In I Sugar (sack basis) D. C.. S6.05: he market, there will probably be;"'' S-M; Golden C, $5.45; extra lenty of California. Large offer-j-'- $S'SS; powdered, $615; fruit or ng of home grown berries are not,brry uJr Jo 50; boxes, 55c cwt. xpected for about a week. The Ore- !'lvanc over sack basis (less l-4c if ions in the market today for the ' I""'1 f"r in ,S toy)- noat part sold at 12 to IS cents. , ! Coffee Mocha, 2428c; Java. Cherries a yet figure in but a small flmcy' 25S28c; Java. good. 2024c; vay, in the market. Limited quantl-! Jv- "'dlnary, 17(20c; Costa Rica, ies have come in from California fmY- NWf20c; Costa Rica, good. 16 lally this week and have sold, accord- '18ci Arbucklc, $17.63 cwt.; Cotum ng to quality, at 75 ccnta to $1.50 a culTce' l4c pound; Salvador, 11) iox, hut the demand f"t cherries has 141c pound. t at yet assumed great Importance, i Rife Imperial Japan, No. 1, $635; I At the higher prices that went into Southern Japan, $5 .75(36; broken, 41c ffect this week butter Is moving head; fancy, $777S. reely. and the market it well sun- Salt-Balea of 75 2s. hit. ir-rted. Whether there will be a bale, of 60-3. bale $225- bales of I a !'! 1 ' y by runl lady jrther break during the flush sea,o ;,(,4s, ba'e "Al MS-IO ale Ifry' T' mama tote seen, but city creamery . hnat en. ... . i l.a"n"fy' c"y' Lll wzz suture & "":- j-i-- -ig; ji: (her lift toward the end of th, j c B"'ne L.verpool. ton, $17; bag, (onth they regard as more likely. I ' . Brouni. $13.50; 100, ton. $13; he activity of Northern buyers, who J' r u S ID- M"rn, W5; e taking supplies for the Alaskan jade, is In a large way reponsible fr the strength of the market at lis time. Though cheee production is at it dght, there is no visible excess in e supply and ome dealers aay they ihrickli 7ScSit22S ner box: Sm,.' I CCZXZ 5 .w..e!" - P-Ai.We lb.! FOR RENT-BUILDINGS. .uts-vvainut. Mic filberts, 16c; Brazils, 16c; pecan, 14 HAIR DRESSING MANICURING. WANTED A YOUNG LADY OF experience would like some kind of office work. Addres X, Astorian. . SOBER. ENERGETIC 'aNd"AM btious younn man. soeakincr Kin- nish, Swedish and English and capa ble to do any kind of office work, bookkeeping and correspondence, de sires position m an office or atore, either at once or from the 1st of June. "J, II. K.,M General Delivery, 1'acoma, Wash. Ladies and Gentlemen. Manicuring, hairdressing, facial mes sage and calp treatment, done by expert Eastern artist Bon Ton Mil linery Store, 483 Bond street. All styles of hair good made from your combings. FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. FLORENCE ' AUTOMATIC 'oiL stoves for warm weather cookinc: second-hand furniture bought and sold. Zaof Furniture & Hardwar Pn NOTICE TO ESTABLISH GRADE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Astoria has AerUrni Urn A: termination and intention to establish the grade on Eighth street fmm the south line of Niagara avenue to the north line of Clatsop avenue, so mar me graae when so established will be at the following elevations aDove tne Dase of grade. a estab lished by Ordinance No. 71 of th City of Astoria, to-wit: At the south line of Niagara avenue at an elevation of 273 feet above the base of grades; at (he north and also the south line of Klaskahine avenue at an elevation of 239 feet above the base of grades; at the north line of uatsop avenue at an elevation of 216 feet above the base of grades; that LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. THE FAST AND C0MH0C.0S3 STEAMER CIIAS. R. SPEHCEO Commencing May 2, 1909 Astoria to Portland Lot 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 anrl in RWk C all in that part of the City of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively and generally known as Shively's Astoria. By order of the Common Council OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. between the points above -''rr-Tt-d i - mtn May 5' 1909- ilt the grade shall be uoon an even and I NOTICE np ovrvTirrxm nmi gradual slope. . .w.. .!.. u.. it . m i cy urucr o. me common council. f 'ot 12 in block 20 which is exempt. That the costs and expense of con structing said improvement shall be defrayed bv soecial a the lot, lands and premises so bene- On the ScefllC Columbia fitted by the same, which 9M tf. llLtt .if1' Astoria. Caflender wharf, si mg all lots, land and premises so 7 p' every exceP Mon' benefitted, to-wit: da' arrive at Portland 9:45 . as. Lots 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 anrf 1 in Rtn.t Leave PortlanH. Innt r. W. I. ;. - i ' ' " I - v 1 mOUHl IA7BB1 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-ROOM AND BOARD m private family by young lady. BATH HOUSES. BATHS TURKISH AND RUS- tian, at the natatorium of George Hill, 217 Astor St.; rational prices; absolute cleanliness; private rooms; separate service for ladies; rheuma tism ami skin diseases treated with perfect success '0-25-tf OLOF ANDERSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. Dated May 5, 1909.' ; NOTICE TO RE-ESTABLISH GRADE R. S. V. P., 3-lb. cartons, $1.75; Liv erpool, lump, per ton. $20. Dried Fruits Apples. 81c per lb; peaches, 10Jj!l2c; pears, 111014c: Italian prunes, 5(?6c; California figs, TO RENT-HOUSES. TO RENT-SIX-ROOM HOUSE: good neighborhood. Apply Bank ing. Savings & Loan Assn., 166 Tenth street. MASSAGE AND SHAMPOOING. SCALP MASSAGE ' OR SHAM pooing. Will call at your residence or you can call on me at the Megler House after 3 p. m. Mary M. So- prenant. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN A good six-room house and full lot and a half, 50x150, for anly $1250. Apply at 287 38th street. , FOR RENT-ROOMS. TO LET ONE LARGE AIRY room with closet, to ocntlrman nf wljite, in sacks, 7k lb.; black, 65J7c; steady habits. 253 Commercial St. Prices bid fair to bid up well for some time. WHOLESALE PRICES. Grain, Flour..IIay, Etc. jWheat Track price: Club, $1.18: lie-stem. $l.271ffll.JO; turkey red. 18; red Russian. $1.15; Valley, $1.17. Flour Patients, $6.05; straights, .805.20; export. $4 70; Valley. 60; 1 1-4 sack graham, $5.60; whole heat, $580; rye. $5.50. parley-Feed, $3435; rolled. $36 patsNo. I white. $39(240; gray, llay Track prices: Timothy Wil- fciette Valley, $I516; Eastern Ore k fancy $18 19; mixed $1617.50; alia, $12; clover, $12; grain hay, M5I Millstuff-Braln. $2S26; mld- nga. $31.50; short, $2829; chop. f)25. per pound; jF0R RENX BUILDINGS JUST Ef-'s. tk yl J "W rt are now for rent; front, will u.r" ' in. ' Aii T ' l,,",m,"-;be arranged to suit tenant DYE AND CLEANING WORKS CITY STEAM DYEING & CLEAN ing Works, Herman Enke. proprie tor. Dry cleaning and dveintr of every description. Main works. East Third and Ash streets, Portland, Or. Ioen, 90c(JI$1.00; pine nuts. 10 12c; almonds, 13c pound. Raisins Loose muscatel, 3-crown, 61c 4-crown, 7c; bleached seedless Sultanas, 91c. Apply to Welch Bros., 65i Commercial. Meats and Provisions. Ilams-10-12 lbs., 151c; 1416 lb., c; 18-20 lbs., 151c. Dressed Meats Hogs, fancy, 9 ordinary 78c, large 6c; veal, a, 819c, ordinary 71(8c, heavy mutton, fancy 67c aeon Breakfast, 15122c; picnics ; cottage roll, He; regular short rs, smoked 141c, do unsmoked clear backs, unsmoked 121c, do iked, 141c; shoulders, lie? brd-Kettle leaf, 10s, 15c: do IS l-8c; do 50-lb. tins, 141c, steam cred. 10a, 14c: do. 5. 13 7-8c: pound, 10s, 9 l-4c. Butter, Eggs, Poultry, tter City creamery, extras, 25 fancy outside creamery, 2426c; , 1820c pound. gs Select Oregon, 24241c. eese Full cream twins, 17tfS full cream ' triplets. 17?B171c: hg America, 18c; cream brick, j Swiss block, 20c; limburger, 18 fultry Mixed chickens, 1415c; hens, 15c; roosters, old 10 toilers 2530c; dressed poultry, :r pound higher; ducks, live, 18 i; geese, livef 910c; turkeys, I7119c; dressed 20221c.) Fruits and Vegetables. sh Fruits Oranges, $2.503.25; rines, ,$1.251.50 box; lemons, 4; bananas, 551c per pound;' berries, $11.50 crate; cherries. 1.50 box. Ies Best, $22.50 a box; sn, $11.75. ins Bermudas, $2 per crate. :tables Cabbage, $2.504; hot lettuce, $1.25 per box; cucum- 1.251.50 dozen; celery, $3.50 per crate; artichokes, 80c per peas, 67c pound; tomatoes, n 51.75. Florida" J3.Z53.50 LOST AND FOUND' LOST-A GENTLEMAN'S OPEh" face gold filled watch; Howaid movement; finder please leave at As torian office and receive reward. i Oils, Lead, Etc Bcnaine V. M. and P. Vsptha, cases, 201c; iron barrels, 131 . x Linseed Oil Rsw, Sbsriel lots. 66c; 1-barrel lots, 67c; in csse,'73c; boiled, 5-barrel lots,' 68c; 1-barrel nt. o. . 1 nr. T ' , , LOST-A SPITZ DOGy REWARD Turpentine-In cases, 62c; in bar- ;n K. :,, , j -n i v. j'uiu sua t I.IUI II IU f CIC LOST-GOLD NECKLACE AND locket with initials "A. T." Return to Astorian office; reward. Durell's, cor. Sixth and Astor. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 25-FOOT FISHBOAT, two nets and two casoline launrhn Apply to Georrt Chutter. 618 Com mercial street. rels, 591c gallon. Coal Oil Pearl and astral oil, cases, 181c; per gallon; water white, iron barrels, 11c; eocene and extra star, case, 211c; headlight oil, cases, 20c; iron barrels, 18c; elaine, cases, 28c. Turpentine In cases, 65c; in bar rels. 621c Gssoline Union and Red Crown, barrel, 15c; cases. 221c. Motor, bar rels, 161c; cases, 231c. 86 degrees, 0gden. Knappa, Or. uaucia, jut; cases, otc. engine dis tillate, barrels, 9c; cases, 16c. Lead Net weight, packages ton lots 71c; 500-lb. lots, 8c; less than 500 lbs., 81c; red lead and litharge, 1c higher than white. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc, Wool Eastern Oregon contrscts. 1618c per pound; Valley, 1819c Hops 1909 contracts, 10c; 1908 crop; 771c; 1907 crop, 3c. MohairChoice, 23231c Cascnra Sagrada' (chittim bark) 5 6c per pound- Oregon Grspcroot Per 100 lbs., $35. Hides-Dry hides, No. 1, 1617c stags and bulls, 5c; kip, 10llc; calf, 1419c; green stock, lc per pound less; sheepskina, shearlings, 2530c; short wool, 5060c; medium and long wool, according to quality, 75c$l; dry horses, 50c$l.S0; dry colt, 25c; angora, 80c$l; goat, common, 10 FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND Up right Fisher piano; fine tone; Rood shape; $125 bcrfore June 1. W. A. SWEDISH MASSAGING. THYRA KOHLANDER, ROYAL graduate in Swedish movements, physical culture and massage; office, 545 Franklin ave., second flat; hours: 9-11 a. m., ,1-5 p. m.. Telephone Main 4641. Bad Attack of Dysentery Cured. "An honored citizen of this town was suffering from a severe attack of dysentery. He told a friend if he could obtain a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic, ' Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, he felt confident of being cured, he having used this remedy in the West. He was told that I kept it in stock and lost no time in obtain ing it, and was promptly cured," says M. J. Leach, druggist, of Wolcott, Vt. For sale by Frank Hart and Leading Druggists. ' PRIVATE LESSONS GIVEN IN SHORTHAND AND typewriting; terms reasonable. See Lenora Benoit, Public Stenographer, 477 Commercial street HOUSE MOVERS. FREDR1CKSON BROS.-We make a specialty of house moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention to all orders. Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. RESTAURANTS. CAMELLIA RESTAURANT?!? Commercial street; first class meal, 15 cents; coffee and cake, 10 cents. U.STRESTAURANT, 434 BOND street. Coffee with pie or cake. 10 cents; first-class meals, 15 cents. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common Council nt tt City of Astoria, has declared its de termination and intention tn lish the grade on Twelfth street from the south line of Harrison avenue to the south line of Kensineton avenue. so that said grade -arhen so re-established will be at the following "Wa- tions above the base of grades as established by Ordinance No. 71 of the City of Astoria, to-wit: At the south line of Harrison ave nue at an elevation of 137 feet above the base of gradea; at the north line of Irving avenue at an elevation of 149 feet above the base of the south line of Irving avenue at an elevation of 151 feet above the base of grades; at the jrbrth line of Jerome avenue at an elevation of 166 feet above the base of srrades; at the south line of Jerome avenue at an elevation of 169 feet above the base of grades; at the north line of Kensington ave nue at an elevation of 189 feet above the base of grades; at the south line of Kensington avenue at an elevation of 192 feet above the base of grades; that between the points above desig nated the trade shall be UDon an even and gradual slope. By order of the Common Council OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. Dated May 5, 1909. day, returning same day. 9:45 o. m. Way Landings between Astoria an Portland as follows; Altoona. Pillar Rock, " Brookfield, Skamokawa, Cathlamet, Eureka, Oak Point, Stella, Rainier, Kalama. St Helens. Through Freight accepted for Port land and The Dalles. Fare, $1.50 Renowned for Speed. Comfort and Agents, Astoria, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE IS " HEREBY filVRN - cuowne T that the Committee on Streets and , lrea,ment Public Wava of the fnmmnn r...a I,or further particulars see of the City of Astoria, Oregon, will, CALUSNDER NAVIGATION CO. on tne istti day of May, 1909. at the hour of 2:30 o'clock p. in the office of the Auditor and Police Judge of the said City, in the City nan, receive bids for imorovine Hume avenue from a point 121 feet south of the north line of Duane street (west) to a point 10 feet south of the center line of Commercial street (west), according to the plans and specifications and Ordinance No. 3759, which said Ordinance was ap proved the 20th day of April, 1909. The right is hereby reserved to re ject any or all bids. A. L. FOX, CHARLES WILSON, Committee on Streets and Public Ways. Plate Racks, Wall Pocket, Music Racks Clock Shelve! Justin-Seeus,. Hildebrand & Gcr Old Bee Hive Bldg. NOTICE OF RECEIVING BIDS- LAUNDRIES. ROUGH DRY FAMILY WASHING May We Call For a Trial Pacaxga NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN . . 15. -.r. .1 that the Committee on Streets as mm- w and Dnane Sts. Public Ways of the Common Council of the City of Astoria, Oregon, will, on the 15th day of May. 1909, at the hour of 2:30 o'clock p. m.. in the office of the Auditor and Police Judge of the said City, in the City Hall, receive bids for improving Duane street (west), from a point 12 feet east of the center line of Lincoln avenue to a point 12i feet VHBXRTAXZSa. J. A. GILBAUGH & CO. Undertakers ap4 Embalmere Experienced Lady Assistant When Desired. Calls Promptly Attended Day or Night. lit, f .""f lT ! Hum! Tatton Bdg. 1 2th and Duane SU ASTOKIA, OREGON TOKIO RESTAURANT, 531 BOND street, opposite Ross. Higgtns & Co.; coffee with pie or cake. 10 cents; first-class meals; regular meals 15 cents and up. PROFESSIONAL CARD). ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW NORBLAD ft HEMPLE Attorneys-at-Law Suite 3 and 4, Page Building 12th and Commercial Streets HOWARD M. BROWNELL, AT torney at Law, Deputy District Attorn, y. 420 Commercial Street. DENTISTS DR. F. VAUGHAN, DENTIST, Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. 1, DR. W.VC LOGAN, DENTIST. Commercial Street, Shanahan Bldg. Morning Astorian contains all the Associated Press reports, all the local news, deliver by carrier, 60 cejits per month. The MKM Line . Steamer - Lurline Night Boat for Portland ace Way Landing's. Uaves Astoria daily except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland Dally Except Simisr at 7 su Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf Landing Portland Foot Taylor t i J. J. DAY, Agent Phone Main 27N OSTEOPATHS. DR. RHODA C HICKS, OSTEO path. Office: Mansell Bldg., Phone Black 2065. 573 Commercial Street. BLACKSMITHING. ASTORIA WAGON & BLACK smithing Co., Twelfth and Duane. are fully equipped to handle all wagon and iron work. Horseshoeing a specialty. AUCTION AND COMMISSION. frTsaturd atTi X U. we will sell to the highest bidder a large consignment of furniture; make your own prkes; during the week furniture will be sold at auction prices; see Martin Olsen for up-to-date upholstering work, mattress making, etc.. will repair your bed in one day, calling for it in the morning and returning it in the afternoon; NOTICE TO RE-ESTABLISH GRADE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common f!niinr!l nf h City of Astoria has declared its de termination and intention, to -1 establish the grade on Cedar street I from the east line of 50th street to tne west line of 52nd street, so that he grade when so re-established will be at the following elevations above the base of grades as established by vjrainance no. n ot tne Uty Of As toria, to-wit: At the east line of 50th street at an elevation of 40 feet above the base of grades; at the east and also the west line of 51st street at an eleva tion of 49 feet above the base jf grades, at the west line of 52nd street at an elevation of 79 feet above the base of grades; that between the points above designated tne grade shall be upon an even and gradual slope. By order of the Common Council, 1 " ' OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. Dated May 5. 1909. NOTICE T.O RE-ESTABLISH GRADE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common Council nf th City of Astoria, has declared its de establish the grade on 51st street from the south line of Birch street to the north line of Date street, so that the grade when so reestablished will be at the following elevations above the base of grades as established by Ordi nance ivo. n ot the City ot Astoria, to-wit: At the south line of Birch street it an elevation of 30 feet above the base of grades; at the-north and also the south line of Cedar street at an eleva tion or 49 feet above the base of grades; at the north line of Date street at an elevation of 100 feet above the base of grades; that be tween the points above designated the grade shall be upon an even and gradual slope. By order of the Common Council. OLOF ANDERSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. Dated May 5, 191)9. ,, NOTICE TO IMPROVE STREET. avenue, according to the plans and specifications and Ordinance No. 3758, which said Ordinance was ap proved the 20th day of April, 1909. The right is hereby reserved to re ject any or all bids. A. L. FOX, CHARLES WILSON, Committee on Streets and Public Ways. Notice- There is money in the following special street funds to pay the follow ing numbered warrants: Melbourne avenue, Alameda to Columbia, No. 25549 to 25551, inclusive. Columbia avenue, Melbourne to Lincoln. 25539 3nd ixm, inclusive. Tenth street Irving to Kensington, No. 25619 to 25622 inclusive. Interest will cease after this date. THOMAS DEALEY. City Treasurer. Astoria, Or-, May 3, 1909. Phone Main 21 1 1 PLUMBERS. WW I IIM. fl. riiUilM! PLUMBER Beating Contractor.'Jinnei -and- . Sheet tron Worker VLL WORK GUARANTEED 425 Bond Street The,Cornelius office of the construct- House of Welcome mg Quartermaster, Fort Stevens. PROPOSALS. Or., May 12, 1909. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received at this office until 2 o'clock pSm., May 26. 1909, and then publicly opened for the construction, plumbing and elec- Corner Park and Alder, PORTLAND, OREGON Alhotel where the Mnrtli. . ,. - . I - - i MW trie wiring of a frame fire station at wec nennle will fina t,on Fort Stevens. Or. Plans can be seen, We.St wlU tnd a hearty specifications obtained and full infor- wecOnie and receive mation furnished at this office. The United States reserves the right to CniirtPnilQ TrAdtmant reject any or all bids or any part ""COUS 1 featmeilt thereof. Envelopes containing pro posals should be marked "Proposals. for construction and addressed to the Constructing Quartermaster, Ft. Stevens, Oregon. at moderate prices. C. W. CORNELIUS. Proprietor. MEDICAL. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Astoria has declared its de termination and intention to improve Irving avenue from the east line of Fourteenth street to the ceiiter. line of Fifteenth street, by grading the same to the proper sub-grade and macadamizing the same with crushed rock from gutter to gtttter to a thick ness of nine inches throughout, and will sew and lay carpet. Olsen &the construction of cement sidewalks F.cklund, Commission and Auction I wltl? P?rk. fPa9, curb and gutters tt fin r-it. l . . on bth sides of the street excepting House, 110 Fifteenth street. , the sillcwalki curh and guttcr jn 'r0Ift Unprecedented Successes of t Vs5j-v' throughput tht i; United States ot W2i4if-;. account of his wes derful cures. No poisons or drug used. He guarantees to cure catant asthma, lung and throat troubU rheumatism, nervousness, stomao liver and kidney, female complaino and all chronic diseases. SUCCESSFUL HOME TBEATMTTn If you cannot call write for symp toms blank and circular, inclosing cents in stamps. THE C. GEE WO MEDICHI CO 162i First St., Corner Morrison PORTLAND, OREGON Please mention the Astorian. Dr. Reeds - . . . . I! (. HI CUSHION SHOE i Easiest Shoe on earth AGENT FOR TSE G3IA1 CHIKESK DOCTOi Who is knowr j Bergman's Logging SHOE 1 QUALITY S. A. GIMRE Opposite Ross, IIigins";Co. 534 Bond .Street. Astoria, Ore