3 THE MOJtNINQ ASTOKIAN, A8TOHIA, UKKUON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 5. 1909. DEADLY MISCHIEF OONEiCRIMES THAT DISGRACE 27i YOUR VACATION & TO GREAT CI ANCIENT RECORDS Ycu are cerdLulv invited NOW at Our Expense cur new :i;:c 1 y2) r llil y ttan uiiu llAJfQ ?AIJi?i; OIiZJSA new on distlay. it V havs tsken ir.e aacr.cv fsr PACIFIC CCASTCHIfiA CO. and KTceully call iftir aiieniicn io j!OjVoa&Ajr 'wcrTe whie ax can alc furnisli and fuaranii ,&e meet Tcrfcci wcrfoKznteij, A. V. ALLEN FOREIGN BOLT FOUND IN THE MECHANISM OF THE SALEM'S TURBINES. STORY OF ITALIAN BRUTISH NESS COMING TO A HEAD IN NEW YORK. VCBBStPBSftSSeglt A CHOICE OF FOUR L TAT T WOULD TAKE! OIY I0T TEA VIRGINIA HOST, HOWEVER. HAD A VERY BIG SUPPLY OF LIQUORS READY WASHINGTON. May 4.-A story f President Taft'a visit to the home ef Representative Carlin at Alexan dria last Sunday has just leaked out. The Congressman is a hospitable rr ' i . i j t . . i . i . 1 nations. He has given $35,000 to the President was on the water wagon ., , . - ,, ... , . .? College of Idaho, at Caldwell This but took no chances. He is said to. . . . ... ... . , . . was contingent npon the institution fcave had on ice plain and vintage I . . .Cftnn j t r.-. . . ,. . i raiding $75,000 additional. The re ehampaignes, red and white wines, . r , . . . , ... . .. . , ti qutrement was met largely through whiles, brandies, beer and malt of g Finney, , T,T f t 1 in the college, who interest! and still waters, Jersey and Hoi? tcin. . " . . . . - , . i Dr. Pearsons in its progress and buttermilk, ginger-ale and sarsapar- , . .... . " . .,, ... I worked dihgentlv to raise the amount, ilia pop and lemonade. j "Would you like some refreshment, Mr. Taft?" the bost inquired. OLD FOLKS WED. "That hot ride has made me thirs- ty." said the President "I would like CHICAGO, May 4 In the latest something to drink." i batch of marriage license issued here "What can I serve you," asked Car- i En, brightening op. "I would like a cup of hot tea." As the story is told, the climax came in the discovery that there was aot a bit of tea nearer than the groc ery store. IN SESSION AT. HELENA. HELENA, Mont, May 4.-Ehus-tasti'c Sunday school workers from all sections of Montana invaded Helena today for the nineteenth annua! con vention of their State organization. A welcome demonstration at St. Pauls M. E. Church ushers in tie conven tion this evening and the session thus begun will continue until Friday. A large attendance and a programme f unusual interest combine to give promise of a successful gathering. BRYAN VISITS WINNIPEG. WINNIPEG, Man., May 4 -William J. Bryan of N'ebrajia is in Win nipeg for a visit of two days. Tonight c4 tCttOrrov tight ks i to be hea'd At3H letrorf lUtt-'-sta fte Central Cfctgretatisal '-J.jJA Scats" for fcoO kx&frsf rtSslel on sale a VSe& tgo i&lltpypiy s practi cHy tii&t4 h44rst y of th sJe. . K M.'C4 A FAKE. Mm'te'Tlfc tS2&' .'He "Advertised" A Sunday School Picnic. ST. LOUIS, May 4.-At the home eoming night of the King's Highway Presbyterian church last night the Dr. Rev. C. Goodson. of the Highland Park Church. Chicago, former pastor The Bad Effects of OOfJStlPATIOfl Impure blood, offensive breath, heavy bead, shortness of breath, bilious attacks, fitful sleep, loss of appetite, feverish conditions, all come from one cause Constipation.' The Good Effects of AM' FILLS remedy these conditions be cause they remove the cause. They star the bowels, work the liver, sweeten the breath, cleanse the blood, tone the stomach, clear the head, im prove the appetite and bring restful sleep. The oldest and best correct ive medicine before the public re Beecham's Pills. bid vrywiitr. la bozos 10c. sod 85c BEECH here, told of a prest agent story that ! won notice for the church several The Rev. Dr. Goodson sought public iiy or the church and at a picnic was raanged that a boy should rescue from drowning another youth. A boy was pushed into the water mi sated. The scheme worked sucoMptaly and the church picinic got a first eage scare- head. The newspaper were told of the rescue but at the time were not advised of the prearranged plans. MONEY FOR IDAHO COLLEGE- CHICAGO. May 4-Dr. D- K. Pearsons benefactor of small colleges ! has made the first of his promised do- are five couples, whose combined ages as reported, are 601 years- The ban ner pair was Hugh Hains and Alice Bransett. both of Rossville, Ind.. and both 75 years old. Geo. Searle of Northfield, Minn, who is 60 years old, took as his wife Lizzie Beardsley, five years his junior. The other three were Chicago couple whose ages rang ed from 44 to 64 years. DEAF MUTE TRAVELS. BOSTON. May 4. Melvin Lien, a deaf mnte 21 years of age, has started to walk from south Boston to the Chicago City Hall. He will begii the trip without a cent in his pockM and is not to take a cent of charity (faring the journey. If all goes well on his trip to Chic ago. Lien intends to go on to San Francisco, and then, if able, to get j work on a ship, to cross the Pacific j continuing his way around the world j and earning his way back across the Atlantic to Boston. DIRECT TO MANCHURIA. j ! VICTORIA. B. C, May 4.-Vhen I the Osaka Shosen Steamship Comp- j any starts its trans-Pacific service j next month with the sailing of the j steamer Tacoma Maru, a through ! traffic connection with Manchuria and ; Asiatic Russia to Europe will be ef ' fected under a Russo-Japanese Traffic convention which has just been com- ' pleted according to advice received ; here today. Cor.n.-ction will be t made via Japan with the steamers ! running to uainy, me lerm.nai, o, me , Southern Machurian Railway Comp-j ?.ny and via. the Japanese Government j railroad to Tsuruga and the Russian volunteer steamship line from there to Vladivostock. . BACK TO KOREA. ! lions of sour undigested food, Nau Prin Ttn Will Ain Trv To Ouiet ! sea' Headaches, Dizziness, Constipa- Things There. TOKIO, Saturday, March 27. Prince Ito, the resident general of Korea, who is now traveling for his health in the Southern part of Japan, it is believed will return once more to Korea. This means that the few thousand Koreans who are roaming through the country creating distur bances are now to be given one more chance to behave. But in the event oif continued opposition to Japan con trol and reforms in Korea, Prince Ito will take his hands off the whole mat- j ter. Conditions have undoubtedly i improved in Korea since September, j 1905. A peaceful development is go j ing on at the principal centers. The j new courts are working more smooth- ly all the time, the educational system I is steadily developing and the people j are beginning to unaerstana mat every man has rights that will be protected. QUINCY. Mass., May 4-The builders of the turbine scout cruiser Salem have issued a statement that will cane the U. S. Government to investigate the crippling of one of the turbines on the war vessels; an iron bolt, which had no connection with the turbine and which was not em ployed in that part of the vessel was found in the engine. It was this that hammered the buskets fiat and prac tically crippled the cruiser. Commander Baily of the navy has arrived here to make the investiga tion on behalf of the Government. "We can account for the presence of this stray bolt in the turbine only by saying that it was put there with malicious intent", said Secretary Mc Quarrie of the constructing Company. 'We have made four or five examin ations of the Salem's turbines. Last Saturday we made further examina tions of both port and starboard tur bines. When we opened the port tur- bine we found a bolt which aroused considerable suspicion. That grade of bolt was never used in constructing the turbine. It was never used tn a part of the boat near the turbine" WOMEN HELP POLICE. CHICAGO. May 4.-A real "beauty squad" feminine instead of masculine had been added temporarily to the police force to sit on the lid- Girle and women have been re cruited by Assistant Chief Schuettler to act as detectives in seeing that the shutdown order is obeyed in places where there is known to be in search of refreshments with their escorts after midnight. They will be a true "flying squad ron, as they have no regular hours or days for work but will be sent out whenever the man in charge desires to send them or believes it necessarv. WHERE DID IT GO? ALL MISERY OF INDIGESTION VANISHES PROMPTLY. STOP THE FOOD FOMENTING Free Yourself From Dread Stomach ; Trouble by Taking a Little Diapep- sin Which Digests All Food and Stops Fermentation An Absolute , Cure For All This Misery is Wait-; ing For You. . .u., :. r.. . : ...... I , . v . .... ... f ,-. n in:iy wno stirrers an aitacs or inui- gt lion or some form of Stomach ' roi h ; why don't you keep a case of i , . . 1 r J This harmless blessing will digeu anything you can cat. without th-: s,ightest (Jiscomfort( and rcguhUc a Stomach fiye minutes after. T vor riharma(.:. to ,pt vol. jread (he formu,a p,ainly j)rinte(J m thcse 50.ccnt ca,cs of t)ape.g DiapelJ. I sin, then you will readily see why jthey cure Indigestion, Sour Stomach, j Heartburn and prevent at once such miseries as Belching of Gas, Eructa- uun aim outer louidLii uiauruct. Some folks have tried so long i i c 1. .i: i to find relief from Indigestion with th common evcry-day cures advertised that they have about made up their minds that they have something else wrong, or believe theirs is a case of Nervousness, Gastritis, Catarrh of the Stomach or Cancer. This is a serious mistake. Your real trouble is, what you eat does not digest; instead, it ferments and sours, turns to acid, Gas and Stomach poi son, which will putrefy in the entire digestive tract and intestines, and, be sides, poison the breath with nauseous odors. A hearty appetite, with thorough digestion, and without the slightest discomfort or misery of the Stomach, is waiting for you as soon as you de cide to try Papc's Diapepsin. One candy-like Triangtile, taken after eating, will promptly digest all your food, the same as a strong, healthy stomach would do it, NEW YORK. May 4. -Believing that kidnapers killed seven-yen r-old Antonio Malfctti and threw hi body into the East River on discovering that no reward would be paid for his recovery, the Brooklyn police last nijht arrested two men on suspicion Antonio disappeared March 14, and his body was recovered in the river two days later. On two different occasions follow ing the disappearance of the hoy, two strange men foreigners, called on th? lad's mother am! questioned her con cerning the case, asked her how much money she had in the hank and if she had decided to offer a reward for the recovery of her son. When the body was found there were Indications ac cording to the police, that the boy had been frightfully beaten and pos sibly killed before being thrown in the water. This, and the fact of the visits of the two men to the Malfctti home led the police to investigate, and while the detective were at the house last night, two men, stranger : to the family, called- On the sugges- tion of the dead boy's relatives they were taken into custody. The parents of Antonio believe that when the kid- jnapers found that they were unable to i pay a reward they kilted the boy and ; ",r'w M ,n, ,he r!vf r CLUB CAN'T SELL, EITHER. Decision Against Elks Lodge Canon City, Colo. In DENVER. Col., May 4-The Su preme Court of Colorado held Mon day that Clubs in prohibition towns have no right to dispense liquor even to their members. The case involved primarily the Elks lodge of Canon City, which sought to make a test case of the matter. HE "EXPLAINS" FAITH CURES- CHICAGO, May 4.-That the Emanniiel movement, new thought faith cures and all other systems of mental healing utilize electricity found in the human body, is the as sertion of Andrew McConiieU of New York, in a communication to the League of Ri?ht Living. "This curative principle can be proved with scientific exactness to he electricity." he says. "This is pro duced through digestion and assim ilation. P,y this power most of our so-called faith cures are made." LUXURIOUS. BUT NEW YORK, May 4 -Accordina ; to the f sures of the Customs offic (the luxuries imported into this coun ! try (hiring April indicate a return of prosperity. During the month dia- monds, pearls and other precious stones aggregating an appraised alui of $2.41f,242 were imported through itlus port This is six times the quan tity imported during the same month tncf vpir itift ia mnpD h neurit lintf .... ', , , a million more than value of the prec- lions stones imported during April, i IW. lit the same month 172 auto- mobiles of the .-'ooraised value of r;i siff.tH'fi imnr,rtif1 Hnrlflff Ann!, !$.1I5j2, were imported, while in I April I90R. there were only seventy one automobiles, valued at $181,496 brought in. HONORING THE WRIGHTS. NEW YORK, May 4-Thc reccp tion of the Wright Brothers in th's country will not suffer by comparison with their treatment abroad, if the plans of the Aero club of America, as announced last night, are fulfilled, When Wilbur and Orvillc Wrigh' with their sister, Miss Katherinc, ar rive at New York probably on May 14, they will be met down the bay by representatives of te Aero Club and aviation committee of Automobile Club of America who will take them off the steamer at quarantine and bring them up to the city. Here ttr.y will be tendered a reception at the automobile club or at , a hotel, and a dinner will be given them at which distinguished persons will be invited to speak. On June 10 President Taft will present to the brothers the Acn Club's medal in the East room of the White House. After the presentation of the medal the Wrights will begin trial for Government contract. DEAD MAN'S MONEY. NEW YORK, May 4.-A fight over the estate of Dr. Thomas W. Evans, Yellowstone national park YOiSEMITE VALLEY LAKE TAHOE ALL YOUR EXPENSES PAip IF YOU HAVE FRIENDS IN THE EAST WHO WANT TO VISIT UQ PACIFIC COAST WE CAN ARRANGE IT s lyrnmtiou amkm va the famous dentist, who assisted Km press Eugenie to escape from he palace in Paris at the time of the icge by the Prussians, attracted fully seventy live lawyers to the Supreme Court yesterday to hear the argu ments. Dr. Evans, a native of Phil adelphia, left about $4,000,000. of which $500,000 was to go to his heirs and relatives, and the balance to found the Thomas V, Evans Museum in Philadelphia, but the heirs object ed and tlie matter was compromised ly giving them an additional $H00.OO0 This settlement was effected with all the heir except two J. Roland Kno and Juliette C. Henderson, who have since died. The arguments were io aid in determining what amount hotild be paid to the estates of the two deceased heirs. TRIBUNAL REVERSED. WASHINGTON, May 4 The Supreme Court of the United States Mondav decided the case of Mn. Eleanor Strong of Manila versus Francisco Gutierrez Rapide of the same city, involving a charge of fraud incidental to the sale of the friar lands in the Philippines, in favor of Strong thus reversing the decision of the Philippines Supreme Court. The suit grew out of the sale to Rapide of 800 shares of stock of the Philippine Sugar Estate Company which be longed to Mrs. Strong. This comp any controlled the Dominican lands, and' Rapide was the owner of a ma jority of the stock in the company a-, well as its managing director. CATARRH MICROBES. A Dead Microbe "is the Best Microbe -Hyomei Kill. Them All. ilyomei (pronounced High-o-mc) is a killer of catarrh . germs, because when yotl breathe it in, its antiscptit and germicide properties reach every nook and crevice of the mucous mem brane, from the mouth and nose deep into the lungs, Hyomei brings tho Australian forests of pine and eucaly ptus to your home. It is made of the rtttivc principles extracted from these trees. No one who lives in or near these forests suffers from catarrh. No one who breathes in Hyomei the real forest air of Australia, will have catarrh for long after the treatment j starts. ! If you want to cure catarrh, crou.i, bronchitis, couch, colds, asthma, hav fever, or relieve consumption try I tiyomei, tne common-sense cure, tni cure that reaches the spot. j A .nrnnl,... TTtnmni kiitfit. tnnli.l. mg a hard rubber inhaler, costs only $1.00, and extra bottles of Hyomei, if afterwards needed, cost but 50 cents. Guaranteed to cure, or money back. Sold by leading druggists everywhere. Sold and guaranteed by T, F, Laurin, Owl Drug Store. IS OFFERED YOU b!T ATTI IT DURING OMX I I JLJC YUKON E YUKON EXPOSITION Your Opportunity JLvJV- l a A Js V. A WUJLi M.IK,, Sail Froncisco Summer Rates JLast During the Season of 1909 Oregon Railroad $ Navigation Co. OREGON SHORT LINE & UNION PACIFIC Railroad KKOM Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Tnc oma, Walla Walla and all points on the O. R. & N. line To Omgha and Reuin - - S60.00 losmisiReii-n I Iti M tie - $72.50 and to other principal cities in the East, Middle West and South Correspondingly low fares On dale June a, y, July a, j; August ii, is lo Da On 5ale Hay 17, July 1, Aug;. 11 doing trinmlt 10 tliiyii from ifuUt of wilo riiiHl return limit Ociobur ilt. Thee llelu-t prmant. nonin very t (mi ll v ri-iitiin-H In tht) wny ol nlijpnvnr prlv-licit-", nnl rliuloo roiit.-: tliereliy cmill IhK linxKetiKiirii m niiikv uliln trl toiimny luU'ntnUnil point. Kmitlnic on tho rnturn trip throiiKh Cul Ifiirnlii limy un Imit at llhl H'lvniice over th rutin quoted. Full prtlciilur, utaiiiilim ctr eiurvi tlina and tickets will be furn lulled Iiy ny Of H. IN. local ttinjjt, or Wm. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, ORE. til OES Dr.lReeds CUSHION SHO Easiest Shoe on earth AGENT FOR BeffilllJin'S L022finCT -r-x-- dilVI! A. 1 5. A. riTTATTTV i" V ""w G1MRE Opposite Ross, HigginsCo. 534 Bond Street, Astoria, Ore. TRIP'S ALASKA- Room 1 6, Flood TRANSPORTATION. THE FAST AND COMMODIOUS STEAMER CHAS. B. SPENCER Commencing fay 2, 1909 Astoria to Portland On the 5cenic Columbia Leave Astoria, Callender wharf, at 3:00 p. m. every day except Mon day, arrive it Portland 9:45 p. m. Leave Portland, foot of Washington street at 7 a. m. daily except Moo day, returning same day, 9:45 p. ra Way Landings between Astoria aid Portland ai follows: ( Altoona. Pillar Rock, Brookfield. Skamokawa, Cathlamet, Eureka, Oak Point, Stella, Rainier, Kalanu. St. Helena. Through Freight accepted for Port land and The Dalles. Fare, $150 Renowned for Speed, Comfort and Unnteoua Treatment. For further particulars ice CALLENDER NAVIGATION CO. Agent Aatorla, Oregon. The "K" Hue Steamer - Lurline Night Boat for Portltnd anc Way Landings. Leaves Astoria daily except 8undr at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland Dally Except Sun? ry. j. Landing Aforia FUvel Wharf Landing Portland Foot Taylor J . J. J. DAY, Agent Phone Main 270k MONUMENTS ATA BIG REDUCTION During the months of April and May a reduction of 35 per cent will be made on monuments and tomb stones at Oscar Laurel's Monument Works, 1195 Franklin avenue (corner 26th street). Those who Intend boy Ing anything in this line should do ro at once, to insure delivery before Decoration Day. Phone Red 24JK5 ., OSCAR LAUREL CASTOR I A for Infanta and Children. Ha Kind Ycu Have Always iongfj