SUNDAY, MAY 2, 1909. 20 Mite flora Goods o c. rhln. DnntA anil Rons. Th kind Oil which thl COW" nvi iu vy" ptny off $10 prta (or best tssty, by grammar ichool Kholar. Th kind shown in moving picturs mow at cpr nuuw ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. THE MODEL FOOD BTUKtt HIS 01 1 Second Papers Charlet Bakancn, native of Finland, nd Auguit Johnson, native of Swe den, yesterday made application (or their atcond citiitenihlp pepert. From St, Helena Sheriff Martin White and Edward Miller, atslntant prosecuting attorney, of St. Helens, were In the city yea terday on business. Fisherman Arretted Lid OnTlghtr- It ia aaid that the city of Raymond, over In Washlnaton. hae closed down tight on Ita taloont and gambling and the result ia that the gambler) and othera are leaving town. Many Go Anellw The beautiful day of yesterday gave nearlv everybody the apring fever ana today there will be many who will go out in the country, and many will take their fishing roda with them. Btahop At Qracs Church Bishop Scadding will be preient at Crace Church at the morning service today and will adminiater the rite cf confirmation. The bishop will aim preach the sermon. In the evening he and Rev: Mr. Short will be at Seaside. Alex I..eile, a fisherman more coin monlv known a 'Russian Alex." celebrated the opening of the fnhlng eaon xtcrday by getting arretted. He i charged with having begun fish ing at S o'clock in the morning. In itead of waiting until the noon hour. Hia boat and net were also taken. New Angling Law According to a copy oi me new fUh law received by J. G Clinton, county clerk, from the office of the ttcretary of atate, the new fish lawi will not go into effect untif May 22. instead of on May I. aa many ha I understood. It will be necessary for anglert to secure licenses, many of which arc being applied for now. Dlea of Lunt Trouble ffrerfrrirk Can te o. an Italian, a fisherman who has resided In Upper town, died yesterday of hemorrhages of the lungs. He has been tick for a coimle of weeks. He waa 36 yeara o'. age, and a native of Italy. The funeral will be held today. Dlea In Asylum- Andrew KlaHn, who was tent to the sylutyi at Salem from this county a vaar or ao a (to. it dead there, accord ing to notice that hat been received at the office of the county clerk, Mr. Clinton. Deceased waa well known here, where various relative relde. Home On Visit . Mra. losle E Foster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dealcy, is in Astoria on a visit, coming especially to tee her mother, who hat been more or less ill for the patt month or so Mrs. Foster now resides in Elk Grove. Cal.. about 20 milct south of Sacra mrnto. She i. of course, very well known to many here, Mrs. Dealey is now convalescing. Adair Drain Report- It is hardly probable that any re port on the Adair drain matter will be made to the common council Mon dnv niulit by City Surveyor Tte and T. 11. Curtis, the engineer employed to assist Mr. Tec in formulating some plan for a drainage system into the Adair district. It ia understood that the two men have not taken the mat ter uo vet. and Mr, Curtis has been out of the city most of the week. I the condition was very unsatisfactory all around. It ia said that of law years this difficulty has been oven come in Astoria and also overcome throughout the county. At the meet inn of the ichool board next week the question of the election of the teach- ert for next year will probably be contidered, and the formal election is said to be likely to be made a month later: that la, early In June, Thit is considered early enough. AH of the tenchert who wish to teach here again have put in their applications the last day for doing this having been the end of April. It ia said that few if any changes are probable In the force for next year Important Meeting On Wednesday afternoon next, at the office of the Astoria Electric Com pany in thit city, the will be a met-i ing of the old directorate of the con cern: and this body will elect the ne directors, the new directorate naming the new officers, and both official ae nnrtmpiita will have a majority ot Astoria oeople in their lists. The meetine is a very important one, as it marks the complete change in the per- sonnrl and establishment of mil cot jcern and presages a aeriet of general i,m,rniemrn! throughout the DUSt ness. Official Announcement Circular No. 222. issued by th Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Company, over the signature of Jf M. Adams, O. F. it F. agent, is at hand here, announcing the opening of Tuesday next, of through freight and passenger traffic over this new an! already famous line, to Spokane. It promises a double passenger tram service daily between Portland and Spokane, and that the time, both ways, will be materially snonene.i. along with other data of direct inter est to the shipper and traveler. DUE Hi TAKEN 01 "LABOR SUNDAY" REV. C. C RARICK INAUGU RATES FRIENDLY DEPART URE IN CHURCH WORK. On a "Kelton" Quest Hon. Wallace McConunant, one of tlio kadina attorneys of the mctropo lit arrived in this city yesterday, as the representative of the salvors .t interest in the case of the tteamer Minnie E. Kclton. He is securing vldenee for use at the trial of th-; issue between the owners and the sal- ti!h to be heard in the federal court at Portland on Wedncs luv next, Mr. McCammant has hosts of friends in this city who were glad to greet him. Partnership In Work C. 0. Palmberg. the contractor, has to much work on hand that he can't conveniently care for all of It, and he haa formed a partnership with A. c. Wentlar. The partnership, how ever, It only on ttreet Improvement work. The two bidt 01 ycsierunv which will be awarded to Mr. Palm berg will also be carried out by the partnership. . Seamatreaaei Wanted. At JalotTs Store to make altera- ions in garment!. Seamatretaee Wanted. At Jaloffa Store to make altera tiorjs in garmenta. Judge McBride't New Office Tudee McBnde rencned his posi tion as circuit iudge on Friday night at a late hour, and at noon yesterday he took the oath of office as supreme justice. 1 hus for the hrst tune in i years he was out of office though for half a day only, between the tune of his resignation and the taking of the oath for the new place. Dunn i 29 years he has alwayt held office, either as district attorney or as judge. Judge .McBride was expected to have come down to Astoria to straighten out or uive decision on some matters .ending here. Just what effect his resienation as circuit judge will have on certain important litigation pend ing before him is said not to be quite clear as yet. Some cafes may have t. be tried over. For the first time in Astoria due and definite notice it to be taken of what it known at "Labor Sunday,'' alwayt the tecond Sunday in the month of May. Labor Day itself comes in September, but thit especial Sunday It aet apart, by the labor fra ternities of the country as their own particlar rcligioui day. With the ministerial perspicuity which marks all hit work, in thi. city, Rev. C. C. Rarick, of the First Methodist church, has issued the fol lowing letter to the secretaries of th; 12 labor organizations of Astoria, an 1 is hoping to make the day one of ex ceeding interest to hit parishioners, to those who thall attend from the var ious unions, and to himself, as mark ing a needed and appreciated depart ure in the observance of Labor Sun day, hereafter. The letter speaks for iUelf: "Astoria, Or., April 28, 1909. "Mr. , Astoria, Or. "Dear' Sir and Brother As Sunday. May 9th, is Labor Sunday, I desire that the day be appropriately observ ed in Astoria, and am therefore ad dressing' communication to all the labor organizations of the city invit ing them to attend the services at the Methodist church at 8 oclock p. m. on that day. I hereby extend to thi organization which you represent, an invitafion to attend, either at indi viduals or as a body. The sermon on that evening will be of special interest to laboring men. Fraternally yours. "G C RARICK. Birthdav In Quar!"tine Little Walter Ziegler, the eight year-old son of Mr. and Mra. O. Ziegler, celebrated his birthday anni versary in bed yesterday. The two little Ziegler ladt are under quaran tine, at both are laid up with the scarlatina, but neither is badly 6ff and the anniversary yesterday waa ob served in fine ttyle that is, under all the circumstances. While Mra. zieg ler and the two boyt are virtually prisoners within the house, Mr. Zieg ler it practically shut out, at he s only permitted to "sneak" into one room which is isolated from the othera. Fire Call Yesterday At 2:20 o'clock yesterday afternoon an alarm of fire wat turned in. calling the department to one of the tecond hand clothing store on the west side of Ninth street, just below Bond. A working? in front of the es tablishment is said to have cast i't sparkt abroad and one of them reaching the rotten old roof of the house, tet it on fire, but the Chemical .o .nnn mi the soot and had it sub dued before any appreciable damage waa done. You Can't Look FOOLISH IN A WISE SUIT Finished Last' Evening The work on the new dock facili I! of the Astoria Fuel Supply Com .nv at the foot of Second street was completed last night at 6 o'clock. The romnanv has snent m the neignoor hnnd of 42500 on the improvement, and the work involved the recapping nt Rfl feet of the old dock, and an ex tension, brand-new, of 70 feet, thus -uimx them nractically 150 feet of rtiinn inn solid wharfage, and with the balance of the yardage fixed up n mairh. the company is now prepared to handle any amount of busines's and is out after it. Teamstera Dance The Teamstera' Union gave a dance last evening at the Athletic Club hall which was well attended and very well enjoyed. The Pacific orchestra furnished the music. The Hindus Let Out There have been many of the Hin dus employed at the Hammond Mills seen idling about the streets the past couple of days, and it "is said that all of them have been let out. though whether this is only a tempo rary lay-off or not is not stated. Fire Commission At the reffular meeting of the fire and water committee, and ex officio fire commissioners held last evening The resignation' of A. Leinenweber as driver of hose No. 3 and of V. BaKo New Babiet In Astoria A fine little daughter wat born to the wife of Captain Frank Lewis cf the launch Florence yesterday morn ing, and both mother and little one are Betting along admirably. I he captain is on the high-road to re covery. The home of Mr. and airs. Hans B. Lund, on Thirty-ninth stree", was also madt very happy yesterday hv the safe arrival of baby brother. and in this case the happiness of the family is complete. All are doing well. Dr. Estes lent the stork a friendly hand at the Lund home On Irvine Slide At the last meeting of the council the city attorney was asked to make a report on the question of the cttya tiahilitv. if anv. bv reason of tne irv . , 1 1 " :M v. ing avenue snaes. cspn-uuy of Foard & Stokes and J. v Giacona, who have put in claims for mnntarv damages. Yesterday Mr. Abercrombie filed his opinion, briefly stating that in hi opinion the city is not liable. Naturally it wou'd have, been expected that the city at torney would hav admitted liability on the city's part even if there is a r ha nee of it being liable. It has beea stated recently that litigation is very likely to arise soon. HERMAN WISE 1 depaTts for her new home in the Had Hi. Leg Brokenr- , metropoli. which will be sometime in - Edward L.ndfoss, a fishermen for October. The work ha. been let to , the Union . Co-opera ComP. George Adams, of San Francisco, a was run aow , " contracting carpenter lately arrived in night, while he was out fishing. He the county8 and'who intend, to mak, had his net ou, n U the job as fine an example of mi j proper , "V"-"V, 4 handicraft a. possible. Her renter,, j paid no attention to them. As re Messr" Tucker and Beebe are taking j suit the two boat, came together, great interest to the new -work and Lindfoss catching hi. leg betwee. B '. v. j-... n hoar breaking it and throw the doctor feels tnar u win uc v.-. - - ,4 squarely up to the mark. Mr. Adams ing him into the river. He managrf SLhf with him from the south tw to get out and on hu boat and was Drougm wuo uu. ,K..t,t ashore He stated last night verv competent workmen, Dromer e."- - . byVeTme of Sextons, who will he would bring , suit against the ,b i,h h m on this and suose-i w """ ouent contracts. Dr. Adair has reserv .a 1(1 arres of "Sunnymead" and a cot tage, at a refuge against the monot ony of Portland, and to which she can turn when she can no longer re sist the call of the soil. . O. R. & N. Official Here r.eneral Manager O'Brien, of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Com pany, accompanied by Mrs. u erien, d XJTAJ to go into busi- ALLUREMENTS of Spring are now at their height, and Summer is on its way. How about a NEW SUIT? My tables are full of the nob biest suitings ever shown. Come in and have a suit made to your liking. Carl E. Franscen . "Maker ol Oood Clothe for Men" 1 70 Ele veuth . Phone Main 37 n ft-Wfrinn Of Tetchert A, iI.a Teachers' fnstltute me m..tion of the time of electing teach discussed, and a resolution adopted asking the school officials to choose the teachers as early as pos sible. It eeems that in some coun ties, and formerly in places in th.s county, the school officers would de lay half through the summer oeiore choosing the teachers. As a result the teachers were kept in a quandary, and and incidentally, Mr. O'Brie.t made a flying trip on the Naticotia along the Harriman water-frontage In Youngs Bay. ' On his return to in: k; dork of his company, mrs. O'Brien joined htm and tne rancor sped them over the Meghler's. whence Superintendent E. K. BuuU. ot tne 1. R. R. Company, accompanied them o Longbrach, where they win . spent today, and return to the metropolis tomorrow. There was nothing :f .m-rinl significance in the trip. Mr. O'Brien's private car awaits him her. in the A. & C. yards. Knth men resigning to go into busi ness for themselves. C. Karlson wa appointed driver of No. 3. J. Settcm pipeman, and F. Cearns pipeman of No. 2, and V. Bakotich was appoint :d as extramen of the department. Bids Are Awarded RiM were ooened yesterday after noon by Councilmen Wilson and Fox of the committee on streets tor in? of a drain in Tmllinger' addition, and for the improvement 01 39th street, Franklin to Grand. The bids for the drain were as follows: James Edison, $452.50; W. A. Goodin, $565; C G. Palmberg, $435. and the bid of Mr. Palmberg will be recom mended for acceptance. There were only two bids for the 39th street im provement, as follows: W. A. Goodin, $1219; C G. Palmberg, ?1U3. ana m; bid of Mr. Palmberg will be recom mended for acceptance. Telephone To Cathlamet A local company has been tormea th ouroose of running a tele phone line from Clifton to Cathlamet, and in all probability tne line wm uC in operation by May 15, or very soon .w.aftr All that is requisite is to lay a cable across the river-or that at least is the main work to De oonc. The line will extend from Clifton to Cathlamet and Skamokawa, and it will fill a want that has been earnest ly felt for a long time. These towns have been practically shut on nw. the rest of the world, and at the same time it should mean not a littie o the merchants and residents of this city. Heretofore much of the trade of those two Washington towns na . turally gone to Portland, as the com munication to that city was wtu.7 j:,-t .nd sneedv. Now, howeve- as uii . 1 , .t. -..chants there can phone aown IMC IUViv- - - here for an order and It will go u? on the next boat Of course the ej . t.i.i.. . f thu line across the laDiiaoiutuv - t j river means that the people of Cath-; lamet and Skamokawa will have corn-, munication with all the places on th- 1 long distance lines of the Pacific j T.i.nhnne Company. The line is be-, ing conatructed now. 1 The Human Appetite. Of all the whimsical, shifting, unre liabletreacherous, exacting thing. ' the world, the human appetite for tie right thing to eat is, perhaps, the most unreasonable and imperious. There are those who humor it; oth ers who defy it; and all men are neore or less inclined to treat ft witn con sideration. To find a place where these varying attitudes may be fos tered, at the least cost in each case, and yet keep the appetite in proper and peaceful subjection, la always desirable information. One place that is conceded as perfectly adapted ta this, is the Palace Restaurant, jnst opposite the Page building, on Com mercial street, in this city. Try " once, and patronize it always; that u. the rule of the Palace. WITHOUT LINES ;crypto A Vis rflSJ' ; " wmfOTITl At UflU IN THE LENS n- nrjinfl-far class that can be universally warn without discomfort, and witiwel May Day- . ' that suggestively old PPfr Yesterday was May nay, au j ance Ultocals Uiai 100 beautiful day it was in Astoria; the , w(Jar jjj pjain glasses, but gw fmnenhere ! Ja,,U wmce. skies were omc, r 1 f ou pensu u" balmy, and a hint of summer in the , . . . , - - m. iemmnp in lit.- . 3-4 , - air. mere was n . . OUR JOINT OFFERINGS. FORREST CANDIES Our stock oi candies includ ing "Lowneys" and "Guntners" famous Choco lates are the best. ' ...Home Made Candies... They are healthier and better and don't cost anymore. ALEX. TAGG 83 Commercial St., Attoris, Or .1 the tenderest and jute aic uiwnj" v.. - iest kind. We handle none but fine f..j ,i anrl our meats, conse- quently, is of the very highest qu rty in avor and taste, ah om ... inss are strictly fresh and pure, and we base our reputation upu -t tt,. mpnis we offer. Beef 1. t .f, Venl. Mutton and Poul trv of nil kinds in season, mho moderate. Choice Butter, 45, 50 and 60c Fresh Ranch Eggs, Z5c. The Teachers' Inatitute J. H. Ackerman, state superintend ent of schools, stated to one of the Astoria school board .directors that the Clatsop county institute was one nt th. most interestina and most suc cessful he had ever attended and Miss Warren and the teachers of the coun t.. tab that as a pretty fine com nliment. Of course no smau pan oi th. success was due to Mr. ackci- mnn nd R. L. Alderman and A. R c..,..t.r. of the state university, and L. R. Travers of the Monmouth nor mal Thev lent weicht and enthusiasm to the sessions, and perhaps it also mav be stated that these three pro fessors gave their time and services free of, all charge. Their mere ex- naid in coming down here. Miss Warren had sought to get one or more of the state educators to help oiit, and her letter stated tht it would hardly De possioie ui y "j thing, and the three men graciously volunteered their services free. Of course in a way their coming was a sort of remote duty, and an advan- ., tn thpir resnective institutions, but perhaps not all men would have seen it in that way. At an even.s tw holned much in making the meet ing the fine success it was. and As- tnri wishes that it could Have mor: university and normal professors as visitors. Stava Bv The Church- Rev- G. E. Rydquist, of the Me morial Lutheran church of this city, and one of the popular pastors of As tm has asain been called to the Lutheran Couer d'Alene College, at deference to the fine progress made upon the project for the building of the new church in As toria, of which he is an aracut sponsor, he insists upon standing bv it until it is finished and dedicated, when he will perhaps give ear to tne calls from abroad; all of which, by the way, is just exactly like him. BE CI 684 COMMERCIAL 8T. Will Improve "Sunnymead" Dr. B. Owens-Adair was in tne ,:, v.t.rdav. and made the an- nn,,nr.ment that She has given oraeri rr th. immediate erection of a fine barn on her big "Sunnymead" farm -r t.. w.ct SMe. The barn will be 40 bv 100 feet and three stories in heigh I ' ..mak . ASAAA PL. and will cost from Jsuu to ww. on hopes to see it completed before sh? t.. r th. dav. however, not even in the schools. In some of the Oregon towns and cities there were May day celebrations. It was on the first day of May, 11 years ago. that Dewey sailed into Manila harbor. T. O. WITHERS , OPTOMETRIST Over Jewel Theatre, Com'l St. Phone Main 4691 Lenses as low as $1.50 jFishermeh Attention ! Seamstresses Wanted. At Jaloff's Store to make altera tions in garments. Business Picks Up Business men tip and down Com mercial street nearly all wore a smile of contentment yesterday, for busi ness nicked up finely. During-the past few days there has been a no ticeable improvement m conditions and it is believed from now on As toria will assume its usual activity as one of the best business towns on the coast. The fine weather and the open ing of the fishing season both had a tendency to revivfy things yesteraay. For the past month things have oeen llttl. dull, but Astoria was like all other towns in the northwest in that ,.cnwt With the advent forward to a weather all are looking forward to a decided improvement. All day yes terday and last night up to a late u th. downtown streets were HUUl crowded. Indies and Gentlemen. Manicuring, hairdressing, facial mes- s.-,rre and scalp treatment, done, by expert Eastern artist. Bon Ton Mil tinery Store, 483 Bond street. Subscribe to the Morning Astoriat. month, delivered bj UU v... carrier. . We can supply your wants OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT We have a complete stock ot 1 OILED CLOTHING RUBBER BOOTS MACKINAW CLOTHING -WOOLEN UNDERWEAR HEAVY SWEATERS WOOL SOCKS, ETC, ETC r l OHITU HCHTPPn r. 1 . a ii n iiiumuu a 9 m "FIGHT THE BEEF TRUST" 12th St, Near Bond 253 Taylor St. tumoniowni Maket a point to buy your lard at Smith's. Other concerns are askinc as much as 7Sc and 85c a pail for t ... t..j thot Mnt eomoare m purity : and freshness with Smith own put up. we as - S-lb pail. It does not contain an ; ounce of beef drippings or any other adulteration. Here are sum good things at Smtih's: Loin and Rib Mutton Chops., lb.. 15c Leg of Mutton, per id...... Shoulder ot wuuon, p ,u Pigs Feet, per lb...... sc Beef Tongues, cacn Corned Beef, .e and 8c Dry Salt Pork ---ic Pickled for ; irmh,,r Steak luc ! Smith's Famous Pork Sausage 12e Smith's Sugar-curea naras Smith's Breakfast Bacon.... ; Veal Cutlets Ill' XT? IT. Roast Veal luc' ,,!,', C Pork Chops - 21c, 5c Roast Pork J" ' YL Z lflc. 12c. 15c Roast Beef 8c, 9c, 10c, 12ic, 15c Beef for boiling Razor Clams, per dozen ic Deep Sea Halibut. ............. -0c Fresh Willamette Kiver aaiiiiun..-v Unnch Eees. per dozen 25c Fresh Creamery Butter, square.. 55e E3 PER - CENT DISCOUNT." ' QN OFFICE SUPPLIES SOLD Thursday Friday or Saturday THIS WEEK WHITMAN'S BOOK STORB S. Danziger & Co Astoria's Greatest Clothiers 490-500 Commercial Street GO TO THE- NEW HIGH GRADE HARNESS SADDLE SCC? for your harness. Work guaranteed. MOORE & MARKS 14th and Duane Sts.