TELE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA. OREOON. SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1909. t E&t&tblishcd iis7J Published Daily Except Monday by THE J. S. DELLINGER CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. .$7.00 . .60 Bv mail, ner year. By carrier, per month. WEEKLY ASTORIAN. By mail, per year, in advance..... $150 Entered as se'cond-clas matter July 30, 1906. at the postoffice at As toria, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. V Orders for the delivering of The Morning Astorian to either resi de or place of business may be made by postal card or through tele phony Any irregularity in delivery should be immediately reported to the office M publication. v TELEPHONE MAIN 661. ,THE WEATHER Oreiron Fair. Washington Fair except showers in northeast portion. v ,-, LOCAL LUMBER SITUATION. It is held, by some of the mo-e sanguine people of this section, that the lumber situation here is not to be ijnhe so disadvantaged by the re moval of the tariff from lumber, might have been supposed; and bv way of substantiating this cheerful aspect, they claim that the doubling of the capacity of the Hammond Lumber Company's splendid plant at Tongue Point, in the face of the threatened tariff action is an indica tion of an assured and contracted business there, that in part obviates any dubious promise; again it is held by those acquainted with the immedi ate conditions, that at least three of the biggest logging concerns in this neighborhood are fortified with string of contracts that will keep their camps and affiliated mills going, straight through; and the Clatsop Milling Company is' held to be charg ed with engagements that will keep its people on the jump "all through sating sort. "He laughs best who lauahs last", and it were well to kee, iour mouths set for loud, long laugh! HERE'S TO THEM I There are an even 100 days ahead of the Columbia River fishermen, in the 1909 season, for the taking of the beautiful and compensating game of the sea and stream,, and they enter noon their work with the profoumlest food will of the landsmen everywhere for an enormous catch and a seasoi free from ill lnck and death. They are entitled to every atom of advantage that may come to them, not alone on account of the skill, the strife, the risks, involved in their hardy calling and its successful pro secution, but for the steady and hon est faith they have kept with the tw States, when the compact was torn to tatters by neighboring fishermen who were not men enough to stand by the big industry 'upon a square incentive of its advantage and up building by conforming to that agree ment tacitly, but who took advantage of the shallowest of pretexts m swarm upon the two hatchery streams and slaughter deliberately, whe.e vm instinct of preservation and but with equally glaring and drastic clearness reveals the black and rot ten aspect along her four-mile water front. We again second Mayor Smith's motion that owners along the picr-hcad line get to work and route out the unsightly wreckage of the ages there and make' the city more presentable to the incoming and out going tourist who travels by steamer. Our children are in safe and excel- lant hands so long as we may commit them to the custody of such people as have been our guests for the past three days; even though we are re miss, ourselves, in controlling aim guiding the youngsters. The Astoria Odd Fellows have taken due and honorable notice of the 90th anniversary of their grest order, much to the pleasure of their numerous guests. This is one of the solidest and most dignified of the great fraternities of the land, and -growing rapidly. POSITIVE RELIEF l!t FIVE DUTES THERE WILL BE NO STOMACH MISERY OF DYSPEPSIA. END ALL STOMACH TROUBLES Says n Absolut Cure For All Stom ach Trouble is at the Drug Store Here Waiting For Sufferers Start Now and Rid Yourself of This Misery Forever. 119 pcv,.. " i r , . . t . , .. ... .-j W notlnrnmise forbade the rata. least there is a very general impres- This square deal is never likely .o sion that the duty on lumber will not be removed, anyway!. This is the tone of things in th? 1..l wnrlit and it mizht b--' cvau .u.uvw. - - -- be foreotten. and h will serve its best ends In days to come when the inter ests of the lower river shall com. arain before the electorate of the . 0 When vour stomach is weak or May the Min.cs and Morrisons cocking in Gastric juice, anything that May ins difference what it is, W old Clatsop never grow less nonv, W bers nor less n influence tor goo,i , -" - ., oers nir . j ,,,,. acids to cover your food like oi. and mav the aavs OI me eiurrs , . HZ, be extended far into the d water causa,, uu , n D new years. j Be,fhing ol ,our poisons, which pro- . ,, k. 'duce foul odors, nasty taste, bilious Thr Astoria housewife will soon of ul1" 11 v r ' . . The Astoria nou . ' hich i headache, Heartburn. Intestinal grip- wield nr a broom the stick ot wnici;' ktrLJTS:- Tk L- "f" ? ngnt next ar iu , , overcome with ordinary directed its swing mav be in certain va" v aireciea " 1 digestive medicines. It is caused bv inevitable cases. fermentation of your food, which -THIS DATE IN HISTORY" ; icdicd l once by PaPe . Diapepsin. a preparation pleasant t i take and as harmless as candy, 1607-Xewport landed and ()i am, epf for Old IPont 0. Virj Sil;uion into the I.Uhh all the 1652 Governor Berkley ot v ir .... ! food you eat. gmia ucpoea. , , j. tjon , MMI not a cag,e 171 Kooen joniisoii uamv , , , . . i. tof vour troubtc If the Stomach is ernor 01 juuih 17S9-Washington inaugurated first President of the United States. 1798 Navy Department of the United States established by act of Congress. 1S02 The people living in Northwest Territory north of Ohio River were authorized to ganize themselves into a State. PROHIBITION DEBATE. CHICAGO. 111., April 30-Or-lifstra Hall, spacious though It is. promises to be entirely inadequate U accomodate the crowd that wilt seek admission tonight to hear the debate on the prohibition question between President Samuel Dickie ot Aimon College and Mayor David S. Rose o! Milwaukee. No event of a similar nature that has ever taken place in Chicago has attracted so much atten tion. In order to insure a represen tative attendance the tickets wer given for distribution to the Board of Trade and othrr commercial organ!' latlons and to the leading dubs. The supply of tickets was exhausted sev eral days ago and though liberal pre miums are being freely offered none is to be had today. Many requests for tickets were received from poinM throughout Illinois, Wisconsin and neighboring States. The debate tonight will be tns second In the series between Dr Dickie and Mayor Rose, in which thr former speaks in favor of the total prohibition of the liquor traffic and th Milwaukee executive takes the opposite view. The agreement pro vides for a series of three debates The first w held In Milwaukee sev eral weeks ago and the third and final debate wilt probably be held in some city in the South the latter part of May. much more lugubrious. Then there state. It pays to be manly and dr are certain foregone improvement that are practically pledged, that will nave something to do with keeping the lumber market aliee, such as the projected improvements and exten aions of the Astoria Electric Comp anyhe building of the new Astoria High School; the construction of one. and nerhaos. two new hotels; th: construction of the Coast tlectn- line; and a big access of county 'road If we are not altogether mistaken bnildine: all aside from the lively, the Astona Regatta conditions are it cent, and we hope the men of this region will begin to reap the harvesi of dues with their boats and nets and gear from high noon this day. an t that it will continue to the last hour of the season, and then some. Here's to 'em! A REGATTA HUNCH. promise of hundreds of new homes lm anil ahntit the ritv. So. takinit it such shape as to require over-hauling from the verv base. The old and sour and unhealthy, your food be comes taincd, and that's what i causing the Indigestion and gas on stomach and other miseries. Tape's Dl.niciisin is an Antacid and mo.t tn. powerful digestive and thorougn th j regulator for weak stomachs. These or Triagules will digest any kind of Ifood vou eat and will cleanse the , - A Card This i to certify that nil druggUM or n(hrir,l to refund vour monrv if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure vour cough or cold. It stops the cough, heals the lungs and prevent ........,.,;, nn.l rotiMimntion. Con- n,i .i,,i:itr The eemiinc is in 4 vellow package. T. l.aurin. Owl Drug Slore-. INAUGURATION CEREMONIES. WASHINGTON. D. C. April JO. President Taft attended at Alexan dria. Ya this afternoon the celebra tion nf the 120 anniversary of the first inauguration of George Wash ington and the dedication of the park in honor of the first President. 1803 Purchase of Louisiana from France concluded. 1812 Louisiana admitted to the Union. 183S Congress passed an act conditionally admit Kansas to Union. 1863 Federals repulsed by CnnfeAmtes at FairtTtOUnt, W. 1874 The first agreement to railroad rates in the East made New York. to th- the Va. fix t stomach and intestines in a natural way, which makes you feel fine five minutes afterwards. Any good Pharmacy here will sup ply you with a case of Pape's Dia- ; pepsin for 5U cents, jusi reauing about this remarkable stomach prep aration will not help. You should go now and get a case, rui your Stomach in full health and by to morrow you will forget the misery of Stomach trouble. Your case is no iiniruiwii hrnnchitis and other throat troubles are quickly cured by Foley s Honey and lar as h soomes ,,,.( hit the inflamed throat and hial tnhes and the most obsti nate ConRh disappears Insist upon Vi-ii'intr the centime Folev's Honey and tar. f. F. l.aurin. Owl Drug Store. t , rr . i ,k... Tt itn'l 1884 Iowa Republican convention . ' ' 1 1 . . . itomneh Nerves or Catarrh of the Arr. fnr Tames O. Hlaine tori President. 1891 The new Dominion Parlia ment opened by Lord Stanley afte- by and large, we have no reason to,capable committee has either form- j "en J ' Ul-9 anticipate too dull particular field. a season in ally, or tacitly, resigned, and a new staff must be selected before any- t. j . v. trtrt 9err Uliinfr nf Imnnrtnnre can be done fo." 11 aocs iiui ytty vv uv wj s- t .'"o about the untoward things. Time j the 1909 season. Therefore, .it is m enough to deplore them when thev , order to begin casting about for a arrive Astoria has as much to build chairman and committee that shall be npon, and to, as any of the North western cities; and perhaps she has more than she realizes, of a compen- MONUMENTS ATA BIG REDUCTION During the months of April and May a reduction of 35 per cent will be made on monuments and tomb stones at Oscar Laurel's Monument .Works, 1195 Franklin avenue (corner 26th street). Those who intend buy ' ing anything in this line should do eo at once, to insure delivery before Decoration Day. Phone Red 2416 OSCAR LAUREL 1894 The Vaughn library building at Ashland, Wis., destroyed by fire. 1904 The Louisiana Purchase Ex position opened at St. Louis Stomach, or Gastritis, or Dyspepsi.1. It is Food rotting Food Fermenta tionthat's all and takes about five minutes to overcome. FRANCE FEARS MAY DAY. PARIS, April 30- France is look WW-Jimt. E. Boyd. ,x-Cov.rmr Inn lormt w.ih udiM;rt VP"- Punched of xawuii ...Nt.ff Lace b, Oiioti &tw v is the fciishffl2i touch for the 's "faddish" man. S5yj ... . . t . I L- willing ana competent iur mc ui,; annual task. There is not much time to lose, either, since the season is on for engaging the people and features that are essential to a fine program: and it must be a fine program, for the Astoria Regatta is a fixed institution and more is expected of it year by year. Just to start the ball rolling, as h were, and without any intention to get in any good man's way, we re SDectfullv sueeest Dr. Frank Vaugh- an for the post of Regatta Chairman, j provided he will accept it. He is the i president of the Astoria Motor Boat 'Club, and devoted to water sport ir- all its livlier and cleaner1 lines and an ! ardent friend and supporter, always. !of the annual festival, and will make an admirable leader, j But, whosoever may be chosen ii this relation, it is time to make the J choice and get in harness for the new jwork; there is much to do, and as things stand, no one to do it. As toria must not forego the event that is now famous all over the Northwest and the sooner it is taken up in the Droncr quarters the better will it be jfor.the city and its guests, at the en-1 of the fishing season. of Nebraska, died. Born Sept. 9. 1834. MAY BE DIAMOND THIEF. Young Man Arrested In San Fran cisco Held On Suspicion. hension to the May Day demonstra tions tomorrow. Not in years has such a oeneral condition Of unrest prevailed among the working classes in all parts of the republic. The strikes of late have been both numer ous and disastrous, notably those of civ tuivncrn. Am-il 30. ! the postal employes and telegraph Kenneth Williams, a young man whi operators in the government service was arrested while carrying a valise ami tne nutton wonters a. ..cru, containing about $3000 worth of dia- j-where the strike 'was accompanied bv monds. is being held in the city jail ; bloodshed. on suspicion of being connected i l i That serious labor disturbances some way with the robbery of the I will De inaugurated tomorrow VVw r ..a.. : c,nr in this- ritv 'certain in view of the action of th abotu a vear ago. when safebreakcr; General Federation of Labor and the got away 000. ipith jewels valued at $48.- Green, Tan or Oxblood in colore; also Dull Black Calf and Patent. Something different for the stylish dresser. Priced at $5.00. j CBas. V. Brown The Family Shoeman WING SHOTS. Scandalous gossip has been known to lead to murder; and it is never in dulged that it does not leave its sting in some heart and its shadow on some life. The Angel Cake riddle is still un solved. There is a strange reluctance on the part of someone to claim the cake; but no earthly reluctance on the part of the innocent Elks to make good for the unwitting feast furnished them. Speak up, somebody! The cake surely belonged to someone. The brilliant sunshine now pervad ing Astoria not only brings out in vivid details the illimitable beauties of her land and water environment, United Unions of Paris in calling upon the unions throughout the coun The prisoner has refused to tell the! try to join in a general'demonstrativi nnlire where he ot the eems but I strike. 1 he authorities in rans ann thev have been identified by a clerk of the victimized firm as a portion of the valuables taken last April. other industrial centers of France, acting on general orders from the central government, are taking every Circulars describing the missing , precaution to suppress tne tnrearcnen jewelry were sent all over the coun- riotous outbreaks try but until the arrest of Williams no clew was discovered. ATHLETIC MEET. One of the Essentials CHICAGO, April 30.-Morning i of the happy homes of to-day Is a vaat Side College, Sioux City, Iowa, is the first Western college to enter a ten day conference meet to be held in June at Marshalfield. Eleven men are on the list. Stanford University it is almost certain, will send a team but it is understood that the athletes from the University of California will not be able to take the trip East. If you want to feel well, look well and be well, take Foley's Kidney Remedy. It tones up the kidneys and bladder, purifies the blood and re stores health and strength. Pleasant to take and contains no harmful drus. Why not commence today? T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. If you desire a clear complexion take Foley's Orino Laxative for con stipntion and liver trouble as it will stimulate these organs and thorough ly cleanse your system, which is what everyone needs in the spring in order to feel well. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drill Store. ' fund of information as to the best methods of promoting health and happiness and right living and knowledge of the world's best products. Products of netual excellence 'and reasonable claims truthfully presented and which have attained to world-wide acceptance through the approval of the well-informed of the World; not of indi viduals only, but of the many who have the happy faculty of selecting and obtain- ing the bent the world affords One of the products of that class, of known component parts, an Ethical remedy, approved by physicians and com mended by the Well-Informed of the Worldas a valuable and wholesome family laxative is the well-known syrup of I'lgs and Elixir of Senna. To get 'its beneficial effects always bur the genuine, nianu facturcd by the California Fig Syrup Co., )uly, end for sole by all leading druggist. Nature provides bat one CALIFORNIA It is the natural winter home of many thou sands of the world's best people. Under the gentle influence of its mild winter climate, every amusement and recreation abounds, bathing, boating, fish ing, driving; such pic nics, parties and "jollifications." :C0 TO: Lot Angeles, Psso Robles Hot Springs, Hotel del Monte, San ta Barbara, San Diego, Santa Monica, Venice, Long Beach, Santa Crni, or a score vt similar resorts and you will find health, con genial surroundings, hospitable associates, faultless accommoda tions and nnmberless attractions and conveniences. The0.B.aN.Co. CONNECTING WITH The Southern Paciiic Co. Makes Inexpensive round trip excursion rates to Cal ifornia. A six months stopover ticket Portland to LosAngeles andreturn is $55.00 Corresponding rates are in effect to other points. We have some very distinc tive literature covering Cali fornia's winter resorts, and will take pleasure in giving you all of the information and assistance at our command. For tickets, sleeping car reser vations, etc., call on, t' graph, or write WM. McMURRAY, Gen. Pace, Agt Portland, Oregon. - n -m 1 AU'UltOL 1 ttH CkNT Av,ciuUfIVrrwrj(brtrAj slmllnilinlrtvnxxIanlRrtiii llngllSmwKtetBJlkwbii MB Promote DtittonrWJ nesstimlRt'-wrunlaL-isnefflH Ommu.Mta-phii nurrtetLl Vv V a iirnfir I MM! ,iaiiviivi .-T JOT SMI ArvcnVcl Benifdv forConi8p tlufl.SouT&unuch.Dtarfrn VorrosfwMHwijewna ncssandLOSSoraixw fteSunfe Sifnawttf , NEW YORK.. J 0 It For Infants nnd CMMra. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars Signature th9 AA w In Use For Over Thirty Years SHS lOltllt Rsact Copy of Wrapper. Jln Fax. Pres. t. L. Bishop, Sec Aatoria laving! -. Trsu Nelson Troyar, Vice Pres. and Sapt ASTORIA IRON "WORKS DESIGNERS AND MANUF4CTURERS OF THE LATEST IMPROVED . . . Canning Machinery,-Marine' Engines and Boilers COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFIT! FURNIIHED. Correspondence Solicited. Foot f Fosutk Itratl Sherman Trawler Co. HENRY IHERMAN, Maaaajar. Hacks, jarriags--Baggage Checked and JransferredTrwIts a FaraJtan Warms-Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. 41) Commercial Street fain Hwm 1" ..JJU JIH,t MtMIMMllIIIMt'Mtt1MIMIftlMMIMM i THE TRENTON First-Class Liquors and Cigars 102 Commercial Street. , t Comer ConuwireW and 14. ASTORIA, OREOON w . LET US TELL YOU ABOUT T ungsten Electric Lamp Greatest advance in lighting methods sine the invention of Incandescent lamps. EXAMPLE- 32 CP. Ordinary electric lamp consumes 110 watta per boat 32 C. P. Tungeten" electric lamp consumes , 40 watts per hoar Saving , 70 watta per own- By using Tungsten" lamps you can get 275 per cent Increase in light for the same coat or in other words can have the same quantify of illumination for 35 per cent of the cost of lighting with ordinary electric lamps. The Astoria Electric Co FLO T OR COLD Dr.'Reeds CUSHION SHOE Easiest Shoe on earth AGENT FOR Bergman's Logging SHOE A. 1 QUALITY S. A. G1MRE Opposite Ross, Higgins Co. 534 Bond Street. Astoria, Ore. MISCELLANEOUS. Plate Racks, Wall Pockets, Music Racks Clock Shelves Just in See us Hildebrand & Gor Old Bee Hive Bldg.' Golden West Tea Just Right CLOSSET & DEVERS," PORTLAND, ORE. PLUMBERS. i. A. win PLUMBER Heating ContractorTinner -AND- Shcet Iron Worker VLL WORK .GUARANTEE! 425 Bond Street