SATURDAY, APRIL 24. 1909. 3 THE MOltNINO ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA, OREUON. SENATOR ROOT ON THE Li OE NATIONS of these 24 voted against Mayor Ben- JUST ARRIVED bow. The mayor seised the ballots j IMPORTED LIMBERGER (Adler Marke) Imported Swiss FINNAN HADDIE Newpcliatel German Breakfast A. V. ALLEN . . . Sole Agent (or . . . Barrington Hall Steel Cut COFFEE 4 CAN H01BLE SETTLEMENT VERY Pill! SAILWAY TRAINMEN WORK ING HARD TO ADJUST ; THINGS. SAN BERNARDINO, CaL April 23. The officials of the Brotherhood f Railroad Trainmen on the Sante Fe road have received word from the grieveance committee in San Fran cisco that a similar committee from the Southern Pacific, after several audiences with Southern Pacific offic ials has been successful in gaining recognition of the order of conduct of motorcycles on the valley division the ocmpany agreeing to man each motor car with a conductor, engineer and brakeman, all from, the trainmen's rder, at standard wages. Their suc cess convinces the Santa Fe commit tee that the Santa Fe will also grant its demand respecting motor service n the coast division, and the entire matter be settled amicably. OLD CHICAGO STORY. CHICAGO, April 23. A big build ing in course of erection on the west side was badly wrecked early today by the explosion of a bomb. Several adjacent structures were also damag ed. The explosion was heard for 'miles and occupants of nearby houses were thrown from their beds. ' A strike4 has Seen in progress on the building for some time and the po lice attribute the crime to labor troubles. People past middle life usually have some kidney or bladder disorder that saps the vitality, which is naturally lower in old age. Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects urinary ' troubles, stimulates the kidneys, and restores strength and vigor. It cures unc acid troubles by strengthening the kidneys so they that settles in the muscles and joints causing rheumatism. Owl Drug Store, T. F. Laurin. FINE INSTITUTION. . CHICAGO, April 23. The commis sioners of the new municipal Tuber culosis Institute have organised with H. N. Higginbotham as president and Dr. Theodore B. Sachs as secretary. Health Commissioner W. A. Evans, the third member, drew no office, A change in the present law will be ask ed so that patients may be self sup porting if they so desire. The law provides now that residents of Chic ago must be cared for free. NO OWNER FOR PURSE. LOGANSPORT. Ind.. April 23--A purse containing $2,000 in bills and negotiable securities was found in the gutter on April 1 by Dr. William De Hart, and constant advertising has failed to locate any claimant The pocket book was. kicked around the streets by many who thought it an April Foo! joke. Dehart believes the purse fell from an automobile passing through this city for Chicago. NARROW ESCAPE. NEW YORK. April 23--Twenty two New York 'policemen narrowly escaped death by gas asphyxiation early today as they lay sleeping in the dormitory of the West 47th street station. A leaky gas tip flooded the room with poison and the timely call to go on duty probably saved them from death. As it was. every man was dazed and stupefied as he arose, but they stumbled out on their beats glad to get a breath of fresh air and thankful that they were awakened in time. OPENING ADDRESS AT MEET ING OF SOCIETY OF INTER NATIONAL LAW- HARVARD TO MEET NAVY. NEW YORK. April 23.-The crew of the New York University left for Annapolis last night, preparatory to the race with the Navy crew Satur day. A delegation of students ac companied the crew. Shake Into Your Shoes. Allen's Foot-Ease, a oowder. Re- ill strain out the uric acidjlieves painful, smarting, nervous feet and ingrowing nails, and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bt'n ions. It's the greatest comfort dis covery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, cal lous, swollen, tired, aching feet. Try it today. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe Stores. By mail for 25c in -tamps. Don't accept any substitute. Trial package FREE. Address Allen S. Olmstead, Le Roy, N. Y. During the spring every one would be benefitted by taking Foley's Kid ney Remedy. It furnishes a needed Ionic to the kidneys after the extra strain of winter, and it purifies the Wood by stimulating the kidneys, and causing them to eliminate the impuri ties from it. Foley's Kidney Rem edy imparts new life and vigor. Pleasant to take. Owl Drug Store, T. F. Laurin. : tf,zLzJ WASHINGTON, April 23.-The opening address at the third annual meeting of the American Society of International law was made today by Senator Elihu Root of New York, president of the society. He took for his subject "The Relation Between International Tribunals of Arbitra tion of National Courts." Particular reference was made to the Drago doctrine, Senator Root contending that the submission to in ternational tribunals implies no im peachment of sovereignty. Senator Root admitted that where there has been a denial of justice in national courts decisions are not to be held conclusive and arbitration and other further action may be called for. The better rule would be to avoid the danger of denials of justice and to prevent the belief that justice has not been done, which must always possess the parties defeated in a tri bunal suspected of partiality, said he, "by submitting in the first instance to an impartial tribunal all such cases as are liable to be affected by the con sideration I have mentioned." The reason of such rule, he explain ed, would require that when such cases had already been decided by National courts and the impartial justice of decision seriously question ed, they should be re-submitted to an arbitral tribunal, not for proof that justice had been denied, but for re hearing on their merits. Senator Root argued that in inter national controversy the only ques aion is "What is just in this cause," Sovereigns and presidents, ministers and department officers are not insul ted by a provision for a court to as certain what is just, he added, because the common sense of justice recog nizes that their relation to the ques tion which arises between the govern ment which they conduct and others, is such that they cannot well be im partial. If recourse to arbitration is a reflec tion upon national courts, the people of the United States have been strangely obtuse. Nowhere in the world, surely, is greater honor paid to fhe courts of justice, yet we have embodied in the fundamental law which finds the states together in a recognition of the liability of courts to be affected by the real sentiment, prejudice and pressure." He told how the proud common wealths, like Virginia and Pennsyl vania and New York and Massachu setts revered their judges. they were prepared to eive and did give their courts a deeree of au thority over therri and the executives and legislatures without precedent in the history of free governments; but they also revered justice; they prized peace and concord and friendship and brotherhood between the states and their citizens. When the ever recur ring dispute arises between submis sion of controversies to international arbitration on the one hand and in sistence of jurisdiction of national tribunals on the other, the nations look to the framers of the Constitu tion as an example of high construc tive statesmanship and wisdom should not fail to find in their judg ment matter to arrest their attention I and influence their action." and refused to let go his hold on the executive office. The present condi tion of affairs arises from that. COURT MARTIAL FOR DEBT MANILA. April 23. Captain James D. Renins of the 30th infantry will be tried by a general court mart ial of which Colonel Granger Adams is president, on a charge of having failed to pay his personal indebted ness. Captain Reames is a native of Kentucky. Major General William P. Duvall has arrived at Manila and assumed command, of the division. Brigadier General Arthur Murray, chief of the coast artillery, also arrived today and proceeded to inspect the defenses on Corregidor island, in Manila Bay and at Subig, at the head of ubig Bay. ARMY OFFICER DEAD. - A Mysterious Case Comes To Light In Manila. MANILA. April 23. Lieutenant Albert N. Brunsell of the First Brig ade Marines, was found dead in the rear of his quarters at Olongopo with his throat cut. It is not known whether the young officer committed suicide or met with foul play. The naval authorities are investiga ting both the theories. Lieutenant Brunzel had just suc cessfully passed an examination for promotion to captain. ' He was ap pointed to the marine corps from Ida ho, his native state, in February, 1900. ANNOUNCEMENT : Selka's the new jewelry store is now ready to supply your wants in the line of Jewelry, High Grade Watches, Hand : Painted China, Rich Cut Glass and Beautiful Silverwear, suit able for all occasions. t r i We Cordially Invite the People of Astoria ! to come and look through cur stock and grt acquainted with our reasonable prices which will be the assurance of our success, we will be pleased to show you goods at any time whether you purchase or not. Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing Headquarters for Wedding Gifts SELkA'R 507 COMMERCIAL ST. - .S) . the JEWELER X? INSPECTOR NAILED THEM. CHICAGO. Anril 2.1. Custom In spector O'Gallagher has seised two Chinamen in a box car in the Wabash to Chinese immigrant Inspector Plumer. the prisoners will be given a hearing next week.' Inspector Hummer began an investigation at once in an attempt to discover the identity ot tne smugglers who are sending Chinese immigrants across tne v.anatuan horcirr. i tie two pns oners came in a sealed car of mer i-hanHUi, from Winitsnr Panada They were well provided with food anu water ana were touna compiac ently lunching when the car was open ed. itfie Kind You Have Always Bought, and wiilils ttiv, niv In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and haa been. madi under tiu oer- jyi'-J'j,, Boual supervision since its infancy. "CCCCnVH AllnWnn film t.wtlwiit.-a T-fll In All Counterfeits, Imitations and"Jast-as-good"are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Casloria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other JiarcotJe substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic, lb relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the) Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALYAYQ Bears the Signature ot The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. VMI OIHT.UH OOMNNVi TT tHIHMV (TaUT, Htm 0 OUT A VILLAGE WAR. L Back In Illinois There Is A Squabble Over Mayor's Election. BEXBOW, 111., April 2,1-In a typical Venezuelan revolution the government of Eenbow City has been snatched from A. E. Bcnbowv its founder, and president. The enemy is entrenched inside the city hall and violence will follow any attempt of the deposed president to gain control, according to a manifesto issued. This morning Bcnbow is to the village what Castro is to Venezuela, except that he has control of the city treas ury. The trouble is this: The Illinois Legislature recently passed a law by which villages of a certain class shall elect officers on the odd year. Mayor Benbow was elected prior to that law for a term of two years and when the opponents called an election this year the mayor declared it illegal and re fused to give up when he was beaten. Out of a male population of 500 Ben bow City has 24 voting citizens, the remainder being foreigners. Sixteen PETER P. COLLIER DEAD. NEW YORK. April 23-Peter F. Collier, founder and publisher, of Col tier's Weekly died suddenly tonight of apoplexy. SEEKS 10 ESCAPE IN NIS GARB DRESSED LIKE A LADY. SOL DIER NEARLY SECURES HIS LIBERTY. Mr. F. G. Fritts, Onconta, N. Y.. writes: "My little girl was jrreatly benefited by taking Foley's Orino Laxative, and I think it is the best remedy for constipation and liver trouble." Foley's Orino Laxative i? best for women and children, as it is mild, pleasant and effective, and is a splendid spring medicine, as it cleans es the system and clears the complex ion. Owl Drug Store, T. L. Laurin- SAN' FRAN'CISCO, April 23.-A novel attempt at scape from the military prison has just been reported at Alcatraz. a small island in San Francisco Bay. The island is devoted entirely to the incarceration of army convicts and as life is irksome for the members of the guard, occasional dances arc xiven to which the girls of the cities bordering on the bay are invited. Tuesday ight one of these affairs was in progress when the alarm was sounded, indicating that a prison er was missing. Deserting their fair partners the guards searched the prison buildings and the rocky dhores of the island for an hour before they located the fugitive. He was discovered hidden in a locker, dressed from head to foot in a woman's garb. The toilet was complete, even to a large hat of the latest style. The prisoner, Henry Gallagher, who is serving two and a half years for desertion, from the const artillery at Fort Barry, has been noticed sitting among the "wall flow ers" in a secluded corner earlier in the evening. Now Gallagher obtained his fem inine apparel is a mystery to the authorities. Foley's Honey and Tar is a safe guard against serious results from spring colds, which inflame the lungs and develop into pneumonia. Avoid counterfeits by insisting upon having the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar, which contains no harmful drugs. Owl Drug Store, T. F. Laurin. FIGHT TO FINISH. CHICAGO, April 23.-Hugo Kelly and Billy Papkc, who are matched to ligth at Colma, Cal.. May IS, will battle for 45 rounds instead of 20, as was originally scheduled. People Know It Is Good else they wouldn't use, as they do, two mil. lion bottles every yoar of Perry Davis' Pain, killer. It will cure sprains, strains, colds, cramps. Take a bottle home to-day and have it ready for an enmrgenoy 35o. (the now size) or U;. u bottle. Tell your drug, gist you wnut Perry lnn-la' Puitikillcr, tlu remedy whi h hm beer- tested for 70 yearn STILL PIBI AFTER THE SMUGGLER MILLIONS PRESUMABLY ARE BROUGHT IN TO COUNTRY WITHOUT PAYING DUTY GREAT SPECIAL OFFER SAN FRANCISCO. April 2i mat members of tour of the most prominent families in the fashionable millionaire colony at Burliiiguiiie and a modiste of this city who-caters to the smart set may be subpoenaed as witnesses in the investigation of an international smuggling syndicate is the report publihrd here this morn ing. According to this authority, Collec tor Loeb and United States Attorney Wise of New York are preparing to place evidence before the federal grand jury that millions of dollars worth of Paris gowns and foreign made laces and millinery have been smuggled into this country by the syndicate and that heavy shipments upon which adequate duty had not been paid have found their way to Burlingame. EARTHQUAKE AT LISBON. LISBON, April 2.1 There was a violent earthquake shock here today. The ground rose and fell wave-like undulations. Buildings were swayed and a number partially demolished- The populace fled in panic to the streets. ilEV. J. Q. DUKES 'Vritet: My tvift hat bten in a vtry bad state of health, Nothing itemed to do her any good until she began TO USE PERUNA. - k ; lyw , y - ,. "' ''' H'i K - ' ' tv , , '' , -? v fy i i- r , h V'', --"'4 v" ;'! V'. V A Mi An Edison Standard Phonograph Sent to You on 10 Days' Free Trial And Tlmt U Nut All-hrrt ire I lie fll li Jut-, lift 1" r tin )iv- tCVCMT DOWK-w M)lli rilghl uliuw )ou right ni(nil' line In -nut givr you TEN DAYS' FRU TRIAL In )uur owu'tutm of iM Mn1.rl,! dlcn; mni. Tim llluairaltim bnv li our Mo, T Killxin thilflt tmili i twS Bil li eliidr 0NC IDIS0N ISTANDAR0 PHONOGRAPH, Ofcl IHUTlFll HACK HORN, ONI 00KN 101 ION GOLD MOUNTED RECORDS to be .rlrcti J t ou ONE lOItll OP Oil. ONI Oil CAN and an AUTOMOBILE BRUSH ATTACHMENT Could )nu In Hgltic ! vrr llhrisl oHrit You IkktstMolulrly N0RISK In ordering Ililt uuim Hi limy )u tax ro noiinocd It lh BEIT OFFER EVER BADE Ui'm. dial know ) tllillr n. fill nut llio roil poll with tlio tinin and gdiimu. mutt It to ikIy, and w w til tiid full (wrtlrulanb; miurn mall. CUT THIS OUT AN0 MAIL TODAY Eilers Piano House Portland, Oregon . I r.n. P.clflc ('.! Iirulrri In lulling Mat-hliiM, Kooordu, I'lum, Organn, H" EILERS PIANO HOUSE 111 WASHIN0T0N IT. FUHTLAND, - ORROON PHON0ORAPH DEPARTMENT loiitlMiiiMi i I'lmuo avnil ramluauni and mil parllou armf your KdTmo t rw trial ortur. Nam Addrrta SCOW EAI Bli ASS & mi A'l Ol IA, tKK(;ON Iron and Bratt Foundtrt, land and Marine Engineen. Up-to-Date Sawmill Mai-.- Trompt attention given to all rtpalr ISO- and Franklin Ave. work. Tel Main 3411 MRS. J. G. DUKES. Rev. J. O. Dukes, Pastor of the Uni tarian Church of Plnetown, N. C, writes i , "My wife has been in a vitry bad st:it of health for several years, and nothing seemed to ilo her any good until the lgan to use Pur una one month ago, Mince then tlio color has returned to her fee, and she Is gaining in flesh ovory day, and I believe she l a well woman to-day. My littlo boy, ten years old, was pnii; and had but littlo llfo. He begau to UH8 Peruna th-J day bis mother bigan. To-tiny his face is rosy, and lie Is out in tlio yard running anil jumping with the rest of the- children." Stomach Trouble Relieved. Mrs, T. J, Ballard, Pryor Ooek, Indian Territory, writes: "lam happy to tell you that I keep freo from my old stomach trouble) fl no catarrhal symptoms at all, I am ablu to do my work, eat and drink what I want, and rejoice that I found a sure euro In your valuable medicines, which I tailed to find in the bent of homo physicians." ASTORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER R. R. Will sell cheap round trip excursion tickets to Denver May' 17th, July ist and August nth On June and & 3rd, Juiy and & ,3rd and August nth and lath, very low round trip rateswill be (made to Jt. Paul, Duluth, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago andall eastern points, Through Rail'and Steamship tickets sold to Jail parts of the world. Por full 'particulars call or address G. B. JOHNSON, Gen'l Agent A. & C. R. R. 12th St, ner Commercial St ASTORIA, OREGON. Jkn Fos, Prea. F. L. Biahop, Sec. Astoria Savings Baa; Treat Nelion Troyer, Vice-Prei. sod Supt ASTORIA, IRON WORKS DESIGNERS AND MANUF4CTURERS OF THE LATEST IMPROVED ... Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. rorrcapondence Solicited. Foot of Foirtk Street THE TRENTO First-Class Liquors and Cigars 102 Commercial Street L Corner Commercial and 14th. . ASTORIA, OREGON t