! 1 TIU'KSPAY, At'RIt, 22. 1W- A : , l THE MORNING ASTORI AN, ASTORIA, OREGON. ! I 1 1 on J 1 L. 4 . . . n UL in 1(1 if in n n l( nil to f fill !i Mt V V-WtNi ' -- i 5 If 11 J , ! ui if p II Mkm &&s& us U p Jl p lUULJ U UliJUU'fsf JJU u u Watch Our Windows JSk We are closing out bur tremend ous stock of high grade, stylish and up-to-date vefjiig a Bargain Hairdressing, Manicureing, Facial Massage and scalp treatment, done by an expert eastern ar tistall styles of hair goods made from your own combings. M ILL AT I Swell French Pattern Hats from $35 to $50 NOW $10 TO $10 One Entire Table of Hats YOUR CHOICE l!ne of Sailors 19c BIG LINE OF HATS from $9.00 to $20.00 NOW $3.00 TO. $7.50 Our immense line of assorted FLOWFRS AT COST Our entire line of swell SHAPES COLORS ALL AT COST BON TON MILLINERY STORE. 483 Bond Street ; Ladies : Outfitters beeIIIhive The Store ForWomen Children's and Misses' Wash Dresses Prices ranging from 25c to $5.75 The New Styles in Jumper, Dutch Neck and Sailor Suits. MESSAG EOF LOVE. LOS ANGELES, April 21. Ac cording to a dispatch received by the Times from Chicago, a message, probably a final one, is on its way from Chicago to the Pacific Coast in charge of a 6-year-old girl. It is a message from a mother who is ill in New York to a father believed to be dying in Los Angeles. The little tot who is bearing it is Margaret Bidwellr daughter of A. G. Bidwell, a former Chicago man. Mother and daughter who had iust returned from a Europ- arrived here to engage in debate to ean tnnr. received a teleeram in New ; nittht with representatives of ithe law York stating that Mr. Bidwell was I school of Georgetown College. The not expected to live. Mrs. Bidwell I subject of bank guarantees is to be became suddenly ill on receipt of the 'discussed. '' new sand could not travel. Dictating a message to her husband, she sent her little daughter West with it. In her race with death, railroad officials say, she is making a record breaking trip for a girl of her age. She is due to arrive here Saturday morning. TO REBATE BANK GUARANTEE WASHINGTON, D. C, April 21.- A debating team from Notre Dame OCEAN.vBAR, BAY, DOCK AND RIVER chinery. .The Undine business both way. did a good Last evening's Portland Telegram Company, accompanied by Mrs. says: iPlummer, arrived in the city yester- "Captain Charles F. Pond. light- j day. This official is in Astoria to house inspector of this district, will .have a look at the company's fine have command of an armored cruiser tug T'atoosh, now in service here un in the Pacific squadron within the der lease to the O. R. & N. Corn next 60 days. She will be of the type !pany, and to size up the situation, of the Washington or Tennessee, j and prospects, for his business and larger than many of the battleships, .company, on the Columbia bar. He and he will have under him from 30 made no declaration of a positive sort to 40 officers. It is an important as to what his company intended to promotion which has fallen to the lot la save to intimate plainly that it of but few of the lighthouse inspec- j was in the towing business and might tors in recent years. j operate on this bar and river if .it "In this district Captain Pond will decided to do so. He was greeted be succeeded by Commander J. M. here very cordially by Captain Bail ey, of the Tatoosh. The British steamship Clan Mac Farlane arrived in port yesterday from British Columbia waters after t a cargo of grain for Asiatic delivery. For a couple of months he will act She had a crew of 68 men, 56 of whom f in the capacity of assistant to Captain were Lascars, and about the worst ) Pond until he becomes thoroughly set of "lookers" ever seen here; j familiar with the district. Then he they were of, the very lowest type of ; will assume full charge, and Captain their race and the master of the ship Ellicott, who is in charge of the sup ply ship Solace, which is now at Charleston, S. C, being converted in to a hospital ship. Commander Elli cott is expected to arrive in Portland from Charleston in about a week. The steamer Yellowstone arrived in from San Francisco last evening, and after a brief stay in this harbor, went on to Portland. The steamer South Bay arrived down at 1 o'clock this morning and docked at the Standard Oil Go 's dock where she will take on fuel oil. She has a full cargo of lumber loaded at Portland for California. She expects to cross out at high water tomorrow forenoon. Marine Danger. Pinnacle rock, an obstruction to navigation, 14 feet under sea surface, has been discovered S. 19 deg. W. (true) from Point Tasco, Santa Mar garita Island, Lower California. John McNulty, nautical expcj-l. MAY BUILD TO EUREKA. President Ripley Will Now Mak An ' Investigation There. SAN FRANCISCO. April 21. E. P. Ripley president of the Santa Ft who arrived at Point Richmond in his private car from the East yester- day will make a tour of inspection over the Northwestern Pacific to de termine whether or not to complete that line to Eureka- In addition to the filling in of a gap between Wil litis and Shively, the construction of a line to Albion, on the coast, to llealdsburg, is one of the mutter that will be discussed-at a conference to day. According to the estimates fur nished RipK'y by his engineers it would coat $9,000,000 or $10,000,000 to make the proposed improvements. "That is a good deal to risk in rail road building In view of the attacks that have been on railroads in the last few years," he said-. Personal Hontion EVKRYBODY'S MAG-' AZINK has come back to town on a visit, after nearly two weeks' absence. He says he hopes to stay quite a while -with a number of the best families ; he brings with him a lot of new stories good ones ; his health is much improved. O. W. WHITEMAN. EVEN SEN'S BOOK STORE, AND1 UTZINGERS' NEWSSTANJ2T H L.L I , ULL. HEW ILK HQS SALE silk hose on sale now. Just the colors of the season to match the 1 $1.50 summer gown .... Have you seen our new line of Dimities and Embroidered Mulls. 89c University, at South Bend, Ind., has Pond will take the new position was instructed by Inspector Bonham, awaiting him on one of the armored of the Immigration service here, to cruisers, the name of which has not be rigidly careful that none of them yet been made known. . got ashore under any circumstances. "Commander Ellicott is 46 years of She went up stream almost imme- agc, and entered the service in 1879. diatcly. after having graduated at the naval f ' academy at Annapolis. He has been The steamer Alliance arrived in awarded a, number of medals for from Coos Bay yesterday afternoon, bravery displayed in the face of great with plenty of passengers and freight, danger during the Spanish-American a goodly grist of the latter being dis- war. His predecessor gives him a charged at the Callcnder dock here,: high recommendation and says he is before the steamer went up the deservedly popular. Baltimore is his river. ' native city. On the arrival of Captain Pond at Tile steamshio Breakwater is due Portland July 1, 1908, to assume tn )! tnr fnns Bav waters from! charge of the lighthouse district em-the q. R. & N. piers at 4 o'clock this! Dracing rne coasts 01 uregon, wasn- m0rning; and among her passengers ington and Alaska, he ranked as a from thj3 port, is J. H.' Harrison, an commander. in less man tnree 0fficer 0f the department of Com months later the title of Captain was mcrce and Labor, who is visiting this conferred upon him by the depart- COast officially. ment. Since then it has only been regarded as a matter of time until he ; The steamer Argo arrived down would be ordered to report for sea rom Portland yesterday morning at duty, and consequently the news did 5 0.clock and took on reight ad not come as a surprise. But it is not paMenger, at the Callender, and left often that a promotion to the com- om oycr the bar at 7 0.cIock, mand of one of the best ships in the 1. , navy comes so quickly. ,. j . x1nAinf .veA f1own yesterday evening at 5:15 in place of Captain George E. Plummer, sec- ( the Lurline which has gone into, the retary of the Puget Sound Towboat shipyard for some repairs to .Tier ma- 1 . M&$Ss i ,1 m m i mm iuj ,ui 1 umw v ;,v m I ff 1 ' 1 smm i 11 1 limit nmW 1 line our COATS .6 More smart styles in good tailored spring suits and coats, late express arrivials of the later and better styles now on display in our suit section and you get lower prices as well as better style, you had better drop in and see them. Sale Continues all This Week. ( SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Simington s