PUBLISHES FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT A M ' COVERS THE M0RN1K0 PIELDOM THE LOWER COLUlifc 86th YEAR. WO. 97. - ASTORIA, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1909 PRICE FIVE;CENT SULTAN MAKES DEM AI1D Fictional Division Among Com rnlttee on Union and Progress Delays Occupation of Capital QUARREL AMONG THEMSELVES Troops Generally do Not Favor Draa- ,fc Meaaur... WUW UW. il mana unconamonai aurrenaer ...j Complete Abdication of Threw CONSTANTINOPLE. April 21. ti. ,...n:-i kiM,n ihn m.w anil ' political idea of the west has brought , with sufficient reward not to discour se Tuklh people to the verge of jaR a nearly return. The season in war. Zeal for ten faith hat unloosen- Washington opened April 1 and nu ed and an adjustment of the Sultan's J merous big eatcbea are already report relations to the committee on unions ed. The largest fih landed o far this mA ...--- will rt.rihahtv nnlv nost- i (.,. I. credited to N. W. Torrey pone armed struggle between the de-iof liverers of the ancient teachings of ih. nrrmheti and those unrinsr the teachings of the prophets and those urging the teachings of Weatern Europe. The Sultan's primary de- mand is to remain constitutional sov'-j roirrn with all spiritual Dowers of ! Calil'iat and liberal allowance for his household. He also aska for various minor which would not be diffi cult to orant The demand of the; committee is that the Sultan offer no resistance and submit unconditionally. The committee ia divided among it self. One faction Insists on no com promise; that the Sultan be deposed and a reasonable prince, for instance. Yusif Inodin be named as hit suc cessor; that the whole administration be dcanesed; that no promise of Ab dul Hammid be trusted and that to establish the system of ten daya ago would be to settle nothing. The conservative membere declare the deposition of the Sultan can be effected only by severe fighting; that it is uncertain whether " the troops tinder the control of the committee ivvi ,, " ...... .... . r - would uptiold uch an act with their liw.ntn! that the wavering soldiers . nf the first infantry corps to a nunv ber of 25.000 to 30.000 would be In flamed and break into open revolt and that to demand too much means the failure of all "The Sultan has got them to quarrel among them selves," said one of the ambassadors today, "and he will have hia own way yet." , Since the army has drawn nearer the city numerout theological stu dents and junior members of the clergy have penetrated the line hold ing out to the men that it was their duty to rid themselves of officers who are no. better than Giacurs scorned the law of the Korean and who open ly argue that the law devised by one archdevil Napoleon sought to be sub stituted for the secred law of all the courts. SELECT UNIVERSITY RECTOR. WASHINGTON. D. C, April 21. In Catholic church circles much in terest is manifested in the annual meeting today of the Archbishops of the United States and the board of directors of the Catholic University in this city. The Interest ia due large ly to the fact that the meeting ia cal led upon to iclect a permanent rector of the university to succeed Bishop D. J. O'Conncli, who was recently placed in charge of the San Francisco di ocese. While it Is generally believed that the present incumbent, Dr. Thomas J. Sha.ian, who was appoint ed by the Pope as provisional rector. SPOKANE CONTEMPT CASE UP FOB HEARING SPOKANE, April 21. Declaring that Prosecutor Hugh is not a fit or proper person to direct th contempt proceedings because his own deputy Is involved and has been cited to. ap pear foj contempt, Judge Huneke has appointed Attorney Frank Graves and P. T. Post to represent the court in the charges of contempt filed .ill h roniinued In office, hit selec tlon it not altogether a certainty, ai it It nece.tary for the Doara to aeicci three names to lend to Rome. Dr. Edmund T. Shanaban and Dr. Charles p. Crannan, both of whom are mem bers of the university facultly, are re garded as the most likely candidates In addition to Dr. Slialian. MANY CHILD EMIGRANTS. NEW YORK. April 21. Of Ihl 290 second cabin passengers who arrived here yesterday on tha Holland Ameri can liner Ryndam, 190 were children between the ages of four and ten years. The Ryndara in gave appear ance of a genuine nursery. To add to the nursery, Mrs Ernest Cabbonie, wife of a Philadelphia druggist be came mother of twins during the voyage. ' TROUT FISHING GOOD. spoKAMI, w, Apfi 2,.St.. ; . . ,,, onrn uancrmcii ism"i"h t . . . . , i . i favorite haunts in .uano, urtRon inu Washington say that trout fishing in the" numerous lake, rivers and moun tain streams in the Spokane country inlTun a v. eater variety of SDOrt than tin w imiir district on the continent, White Salmon, Wanh, who, while fishing in a creek near Husum, landed a "inMkled trout measuring 29 inches In length and weighing nine poundi -dresned. Torrey caught the fish on a small hook, but shot it as he was afraid it would break the line. i WIRE IlPliS CUT II ii un WIRE AFFECTED ARE THOSE RUNNING BETWEEN PORT LAND AND THE SOUND. PORTLAND, April 21--Wire tamperers, either for a fancied re venge or vandalism, cut the Western Union wires running between here and Oreaon City tonight. The wires . . - m affected are message wires running between Seattle and Portland ana Western Oreaon and California points; Southern facilic ana san Francisco-Portland leased wires of the Associated Press. The Western Union has several persons under sur veillance and expects to nave arresis made as a result of tonight's perform ance, which ia the total of its kind recently. RUMOR OP WRECK. HONOLULU. Aoril 21. It ia Mmnr Here that the shin Dirigo has gone ashore on the coast of Moloka!. one of Hawaaian islands. . The Diriao is a four masted ateel vessel hiiilt and owned by A. Sewell & Co. of Bath, Me., and bound from Raltimore to the Hawaiian islands with a earoro for the United States Government. Dec. U she arrived at Rio de laneiro leaking badly and sail ed January 26, after making extensiv repairs. WANTS WIRELESS EXPERT. WACriilMr.Tr.M. TV C Anril 21.- In pursuance of arrangements (nade hv the civil service commission com nctitive examinations held today at various points throughout the country to snnnlv Uncle Sam s need for an ex- pert in wireless telegraphy and tele phony. The successful aspirant will be known as an assistant electrical en gineer in the signal service and .al though located in Washington, he will he renuired to do considerable travel ing about the country visiting wireless telegraph stations, .against deputy prosecuting Attorney J, II, Pclleticr. Graves and rost are nttnmevs for M. I. Gordon, formal rim. crea filed ,hv Graves and Post de dare that Pelletier was not appointed a deputy in good faith, but simply to take shorthand testimony before the grand jury in violation of the court's orders. Pe et er is cited for con .roTm iilO Li tempt but Hugh is not. ' i I i ' .. : irmi t?.if . I m . mm m m Mb ate mm TARIFF BILL III THE SEHATE Substantial Progress Made on the Payne Bill and Income Tax Law CONSIDERED BY PARAGRAPHS Various Itema in trie Chemical Sched ule Were Passed Over For Future Consideration and Senator! Permit ted to Call up Any Clause. WASHINGTON. D. C, April 21:- Substantial progress was made by the senate today in considering tti. Payne tariff bill. No senator being prcpyed to speak on the bill as a whole, reading of the measure by iiaraff.aohi was benun. Various items in the chemical schedule were passed ovqr for future consideration. The reading was frequently interrupted by the discussion of amendments and only 18 pages of the bill were dis nned of. Senator Cummins intro ilnr.H his income tax law, but the senate adjourned before giving it any rtiartiasion. i. w.n goreed that anv amendment to' which there should be any objec tion should be passed over with the that any Senator might move at any time to take up any paragraph after it naa oeen reau nni. r auircrested that the reciprO' city and retalitory clauses and draw backs and administrative leaiures -hAi.M he reoorted by the finance committee before the bill was con idcrcd. . THE AUTOMANIAC. CHICAGO. Aoril 21. Rushing throiitrh the downtown district at speed of 30 miles an hour, an automo bile at an early hour this morning struck Joseph Srdenka and hurled him breaking his leg. The driver nut on further speed and escap cd, although the police purauea mm in s - - - ... a cab. KIDNAPPED FOR GOLD. rmrAGO. Aoril 21. Anna May Sheridan. IS years-old and a pupil in the Roman Catholic Assumption Qrhnnl has diaaooeared and her par ents fear that she has been kidnapped. She was injured several years ago in an accident and received $17,000 dam norea and her father believes that someone who knows that, she has tne money is holding her in the hope of - . ... obtaining a part of it. PLEA OF CRIPPLES FOR RESTITUTION VICTIMS OF ACCIDENTS ON NEW YORK CARS TO HOLD A MASS MEETING. NEW YORK. April 21.-To arouse interest and to bring about relief if possible for J5,000 cripples, widows ml orphans which hold judgements o-o-retratinir $2,000,000 against the Mew York Citv Railway Company, it is proposed to hold a great mass meet ing in Cooper union. Because ot tne i.rnn...tion s bankruptcy the homers of judgements are unable to collect their claims but lawyers believe that a few thousands of cripples and i.nfnrtmiates are brought together it would bring the plight vividly before the public, judges of Federal and States Courts, the State legislature and Congress and perhaps result in some form of relief. It is asserted that Congress has full jurisdiction in the matter. The company which controls by lease several surface traction lines, wen. into the hands of a receiver in the Fall of 1907, when thousands of damage suits were pending against it for deaths and injuries, in street railway accidents since 1903. The ag gregate amount sued for was about ,$50,000,000. RADIUM AGMN CURES. T H 1 I fl M I cathu cnVcon- J U L H L I1 A L i i ri i a a ; Wonderful Substance Ii Inserted In I II II II M J II I 19 A Malignant Tumor. I Vlllll ll W. W 1 11 NEW YORK. April 21 -Surgeons at the Flower Hospital have Just ef fected a remarkable cure of i patient suffering with a malignant tumor, by means of the injection of gelatin im tir. inciter! with radium. Onlv one r. D . , other similar case is on record, accord ing to the hospital authorities and was trateil in Eurooe recently bv means of radium in a glass tube, which was sewed up in the tumor. In the Flower Hospital case, the tumor was ai laree as a grape fruit and was first reduced by use of the x-ray. Then the radio activio gelatin was injected and at the end of five weeks the growth was so materially reduced that the patient was allowed to go home- It is expected he will recover completely although the tumor was in the abdomen and his death was ex pected six months ago. ' No official report Has been made on the case nor has the name of the patient been made public. He is resident of Westchester County and w?nt to the hospital with the dread of an operation. The history of the case ill be uublished in the official journal of the New York Homeopathic Col Ictff in a short time BREADING TROUBLE FOR HER NEAR FUTURE NICARAGUA MISTREATING AM ERICAN CITIZENS GROSSLY AND DELIBERATELY. CO VINA. Cat. Aoril 21.-ftecent dispatches concerning the lamentable conditions in Nicaragua are confirmed by Prof. J. J. Morgan Principal of the Covina Union school, who has just returned from that country. His statements of the treatment accorded American citizens there are startling- "The time is approaching rapidly, said he, "when the United States Gov ernment must aet aside the Monroe doctrine, or establish a patrol of sold iers in Nicaragua. The outrages com mitted asainst Americans are more aggravated than the annoyances Suf fered by subjects of 'other countries, for the Nicaraguan government holds the United States in contempt, in spite of the fact that the protectorate makes possible he maintenance of that gov ernment. American citizens are suf ferinir in the iail there on trumped in rhnri.e without any means of redress. Prof. Morgan says he was constantly shadawed by detectives of President Zelays and on one occasion came near to death through being mistaken for an American plantation foreman who had become unpopular with the government Hundreds of Americans who have invested capital there are harassed by the president and business transactions are difficult and hazardous. RAILWAY SCRAP. Great Northern And Milwaukee After Same Lands In Far North. KALISPELL. Mont., April 21.- four deeds for right of way in the vi cinity of Coram in the North Fork River territory were filed yesterday by an agent of the Chicago, Milwau kee & Tuget Sound Railroad Comp any. The instruments were the first evidence of any transfer for right of way purposes since the contest be tween the two roads was begun. An hour later an agreement for sale of righUof-way to the Great Northern of land in the same district was filed in the Recorder's office. Last night the Milwaukee road stole a inarch on its competitor, the Great Northern Railway taking the clerk of the court on a fiting trip in order to secure the papers in comendation proceedings to secure richt of way through the im portant property owned by a score of land owners lying in the line ot tne most important pass on the North Fork of the Flathead River. The company evidently decided not to trust to the filing of deeds alone ana soncrht the courts to aid it in securing the desired right-of-way through the North pork Pass. "HARVEY SCOTT DECLINES. TACOMA. April 21. A special dispatch to the News from New York stntpa that Harvev W. Scott has de clined the ambassadorship to Mexico. Henry L. Wilson, now minister to Belgium will probably be promoted to the Mexican post i , r w n m 111 I III I II III I faiicncrs looK upon mts as goou vign i 111 111 "1 1 1 .1 HIM IllJ I lor the H-ringcrop. The ground re K J . I" II I Ml I Hill I ceived an abundance of winter rain I II fill 1 1 Loss of life and Considerable Damage Done to Property Throughout City ESTIMATED MILLION DOLLARS Tornado Was Moat Severe at Cleve land and Considerable Damage Was Done Throughout Northern Ohio Many Buildings and Live Destroyed CLEVELAND, April 21.-Three are' known to be killed and at least six perhaps fatally injured and at ! least 50 more less seriously injured and $1,000,000 damage resulted in a severe sale that swept through Cleveland and over a large portion of Northern Ohio today. The storm arose suddenly and without any warn ing and lasted just five minutes. At 12:30 the sun was shining brightly. At 12:33 the city was dark. From the northeast of Lake county came a 60- mile an hour followed by a heavy rain. A number of people were hlnwn off their feet and hurled against buildingc in many places, to be struck down by flying bricks blown from many buildings and timbers that filled the air. Roofs were lifted off the houses. walls hurled down, strongly braced smokestacks nicked up and blown hundreds of feet away, and many chimneys were demolished. Twelve school huildines in Cleveland were damaged, and it was fortunate that the eale came during the noon re cess, else many children might have been killed or injured. Many of the pupils had remarkable escapes, but nine were seriously hurt lhe tele phone and telegraph service ia ser iously crippled. No damage ts re- nnrteif nn the ake. The St Manitus church was demolished with a loss of $125.000. ' ' . REFORMED CROOK SAYS IE TWO BOYS CHARGED WITH IT, HOWEVER ARE RELEASED AFTER THE TRIAL. CHICAGO, April 21. A thief with a. "New England conscience", has placed the following advertisement in a hicago newspaper: (Personal) "C C Boys must not suffer for crime I committed. Tell Judge Kersten I confessed to you. "Harry" It was not necessary to carry out the injunction of the advertisement because the two defendants on trial proved an albii, but if it had been needed "Harry" was ready to furnish an affidavit admitting his -guilt and proving the innocense of the men un justly accused "C. C. refers to Charles Cattern, attorney. "Harry" is a reformed crook, who, with three companions broke into a plumbing shop and stole the proprie tor's overcoat. The bovs" refers to Frank Jan- schowski and John Pesch, who have been acquitted after a two days' trial before Judge Kersten. The court recognized the weakness of the prosecution and called the at torneys before the bar. "I don't believe the man on trial committed this crime," he said, "and if the jury was to convict them I would have to set the verdict aside." The jury thereupon returned a verdict of acquital without leaving their seats. EXPECT BIG CROP. SPOKANE, Wash., April 21.-Wheat-growers in the Palouse coun try, south of Spokane, which with the Big Bend district, taking in IS coun ties in eastern Washington, yielded 4ft7?n mn bushels in 1907, are in a happy mood, as the prospects for a bumper crop have not been better since the sorine of 190L Fall-sown wheat came through in excellent con dition and Spriag sowing is nearly comnletcd. The season is fully two weeks in advance of former years, and ranchers look upon this as a good sign for the spring crop. The ground re ceived an abundance of winter rain and the moisture has penerated to a greater depth than at any time m tne last five years. While the crop of 1908 was under 30.000,000 bushels, most of the farmers received more for their grain than in the banner year of the country, because of hiah prices. Others who held their grain during the winter are now reaping toe benefit of the unusually hi eh price. There is little wheat in the district this spring and with the combination ot the pro ducers in Idaho, Oregon and Wash ington this means that buyers will have to increase their bids to bring out any grain. Elevator men and mill buyers predict that all kinds of good wheat will bring top prices next fall. KETHEL BOUT OFF. Johnson Will Look Forward Only To Jeffrie Fight NEW YORK, April 21.-Willus Rritt manager for Stanley Ketchel, the middleweight champion has just heard from Pittsburg that Jack John son intends to sidestep his match with Ketchel now that Jeffries has an nounced his intention to meet the negro, said last night he was willing to let the match go, but he and Ket chel would certainly claim the $5,000 that Johnson deposited as a forfeit When Britt was shown the Johnson interview he said. "Tohnson aereed the money went as a forfeit and you can bet I'll collect it for my man. Johnson agreed to everything and we will hold to it" raiawTo EIESTIGATEB EVANS OBJECTS TO ANY OTH ER PERSON KISSING HIS WIFE. VALLETO. Cal, April 21.-Orders for a board of inauinr to convene next Tuesday to investigate charges of conduct unbecoming an othcer ano gentlemen, preferred against Lieuten ant F. W. Osborne by Naval Con structor H. A. Evans were received today. Evans charges tht he saw Osborne kissing Mrs. Evans, the day after last Christmas. The board will not try Osborne but merely mvesti rte the matter, and forward recom- mendatidns to the navy department regarding the advisability ot a tna by court martial LUCK AGAINST HIM. CHICAGO, April 21. Friends here have learned of the circumstance sur rounding the death of George W. Poole, a former horseman, who killed himself in Los Angeles, Throughout the Winter Pool and his string of horses met defeat after defeat. When the season ended several days ago he found himself stranded on a southern California ' circuit without money enono-h to move his horses. He turn ed them over to a stableman and end ed his life. Poole was a pioneer rail road contractor associated with J. G. Carlisle and J. J- Shields, Twenty- five years ago, he entered the horse U't jr-.w " (S . - racing business and raced at the old tir. CM,. -1. TVia Kac hrtrc4 he vvcm oiue -.. . .v- ..- owned was Pilgrim. Then he pur- chased Irish Lady. Poole trained the stable for M. H. T. Trechner, which included the famous 3-year olds Flo hod ana no canine. 1 MACON, Ga., April 21.-The an - mial meeting of the Georgia State Medical Society convened here today for a session of three days. SEIZURE OF CAN WASHINGTON. D. C. April 21- The seizure of the American schoon er fharles Lew Woodbury for al leged poaching will have a tendency to hasten a definite understanding between the American and British governments concerning Hecate strait which Canadians desire shall be re garded as "Enclosed Sea," and the Roinstein and Breslauer Arres ted for Mutiliating Public Records at Portland PUT UP $2,000 BAIL EACH Arrested on a charge of Forgery ia Altering Name on Initiative Peti tion Giving Excis Board Control of the Saloons of the City. PORTLAND. 4 Aoril 21. Morris Reinstcin, president of the Portland Brewing Company and 5- Breslauer, bookkeeper of the same company were placed under arrest today on a charge of forgery in connection with the alleged altering of a number of names signed as petitioned to the in itiative and referendum petition mea with the city auditor for safe keeping. Reinstein and Breslauer were re leased by the circuit court upon fur nishing bonds in the sum ot .iaw cash. As a result of the discovery of the mutilation, Deputy City Auditor W. S. Lotan has been suspended. Th nerttion alleged to have been tampered with is one outlining and providing or an excise Doara wmca shall have control of the saloons of the city. It has been strongly op posed by the liquor interests of the city. It has been strongly opposed by the liquor interests of the city. It is alleged "that Rubeinstein and Breslauer made certain erasures of names and adresses with the alleged object of destroying the validity the document. . . "No person connected with this affair in any way shall escape pun ishment if it is possible for my ef forts to bring him to justice," said Francisco I. McKenna. "I regard Sam Lotan as being, if anything, guiltier than Reinstein and Breslauer. fr.r hart it not been for him no such crime would have been committed. I do not care what view the City Auditor or anybody else may take of it Lotan must be punished, the same as the others, and any agreement on his part to be a witness tor tne nrosecution will not prevent my fore- ling the issue against him. Nor do I care, how much it may cost, new equally." . HAS BROKEN DOWN. 1 Boston. Pastor Goes. The Human Limit and Has to iGve up. BOSTON, April 2L -The Rev. Et wood of Worcester Emmanuel Church and leader of the Healing movement which bears the same name of that church, has broken down from over work. The only message that comes from the sick room is that he is ap plying the methods which he has been advocating from the pulpit to himself. The recorder it is said, ran too hard against that "barrier of weariness beyond which Professor James, of Harvard, savs is the second wind of energy of mental and physical ac UVliy, 11 W1C nVHl-Ufc p i . .... J t there. xr. Elwood did not get .. ... ,, I u. .f..r tivity, if the wornout person can omy Qyer tne. Darner anu uuw ma v"3 sjcjans ten h;m that he must quite all wor) for at jeast s;-. months. ' H; vestry ,as given him leave of absence for that length of time and ;as soon as ne ,s abie to travel ne win (go to some secluded spot He may accept the invitation of some friends iwho are going to the Arctic Circle, or ,he may take a wagon journey through I Northwestern Canada. AJVIERI- SCHOONER right of Americans to fish there de nied. The state department has tor ten years vainly tried to obtain from Great Britain a. definite settlement regarding this body of water. The United States insists that the strait is open sea and should a contrary prevail it would have a serious effect on the fishing interests on Puget Sound.