The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 20, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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    TURSDAY. APRIL 20, 1W9.
Ladies :
jY$ f5hc K-
The Store
For Women
We Lave a behtedsbipent of .
which should have been ncrc ouwc
We have put them ou
S A L, E !
Assortment from which to nuke yonr selection.
lastbe one week to give out of town customers an
QFXTTLE. Anril 19-Tlans have
just been made public by the Wash,
inirton Domain of the Knights o
. t.:.. ... k,; ia Seattle thi sum
I yimas i "' -- ----- - ,
mer the famous lola Knight Rank
n... t r...n. Ohio, with it
j cam vi w.jii
spectacular performance of the drama
of Damon and V-thia. the founding
. .1.. rtf Pvthias order at
the ancient city of Syracuse, speual
musical features, and se-
. ,... .k order. The team
crct wurik vi , ,
will give three performances in the
new armory here, on juij o "
i R for Pvthians only
PweeT.t the Alaska Yukon
.-!-.. tr.r,iiion is July 5-12, na
. . ....... vnet fs
the local reception cMnim
"rr -
; . muillMMMin 25.000 members oi tne u.
- - - aavib rttirtnir 1 11 .1 L i' . V v.
ennft tmiiilx. will nroiierlv Itccom
motlate tne attraction. in'i""'
..v... .,,. mi, I the Pvthinn com
mittec are working hand In liana, tor
.1.- I.;.. ...I .Am,., iM lonircim-u win
helii the fair, ami the exposition will
. . .. . ., - t.. i.;...,.
be a big attraction ior me
10 -Profession-
ls will wind up the roller skating
season at River View next ween at a
tournament with events carueu m
.-.!.. t. U
Ati.f IhrfK nines. It l
Ulie. wmi
.i i. ,k. fifty will com
pete. Rodney Peters of St, Louis,
holder of the mile title: Earl Sanford,
...i. . :. ih. (wn m e e ia lipion, mm
WHU l . v ...... .
rum Hamilton, three mile titl
..... -ill k n tin ml lack Wood
(U Mil CM wait " - ( ...
i .k- Ait rtf rhiimpioni win
WUIUl Uiv iV "
frnm Pittsburii and K
Cioni will arrive from New York.
Th - steamer Yellowstone was a Captam Archie t-ann, w rne v.u
Ihe steamer . n;tn rvire. went over to
;nndav arrival trom up-' f - ..
The cost of bringing tne .
Team, with its carloads ot scene.y
and electrical effects, to the Coast
will be $1S.0LX which the kn.fshts of
Pvthias wilt raise by the sale of
.". n members through
ticKets iu nit" - -- ,
out the west.. Grand Chancellor Ot o
A. Case, of Washington, nas
nnlrs amountuiK
'"."v . 7 mill be no
and states uii - -----
. t,. : the entire sum.
trouuic in .
... k lrt1 in cash
l nerc wm ,
, ttst , eomnetitive drill of urn
t,finvwn! nril 10. April
26th U the' date fixed by the imperial
oovernment of Uuna ior i-v--
ial Embassadors on the occas.on of
,l . i i.i ...nn r inr me
tne uunai it'u -
nt Pttinii
.k. lt,.iH States. I h cereuK.
.iu v.- tn onnnn-tinn with the remov
al of the body of the late emperor
.... . hi nil' n will i' ' -
V t , v. " '
resting place.
r i wnnft Reoort On Porto
Rico I Qu tncourgnB
7r from ap-river points, .lmnbta pilot service, wen over w .n,e. - fom , parts
and was under pilotage of cap j cTa' MacFar"- of the west, which will be he.d
r. ltVO-r-ZM.Z,. She is ex- Exposition, pounds. .
l o a nf
a I I I v vr
1 w wv
1 7 1 if
-is m i l
1 nTf ' 1"
II if f f A
!' Hi.
I IB f ;f I XII t
1 . Iilil'K m
in .,.,- I" -iwiwf -""""-' "Tn
Our suit tjepaftmcnt is full of new snappy
Plain, tailored an
new colorings,
navies, gfiyMetc.
42, 44, 46 Sizes
Simington s
Toe Turner. It is reponea : - - " .
the i goi lntu -7 Lected to arrive here today, if noth
tf rWilWlelLg has interfered with her departure
.""'""s v. tiU.irom there.
fishermen, the iauer cmj- -
brutal cursing of the ship ana n..
: t..Ai h mlot. bv firing
three revolver shots at the vessel m
the night It will be made very in
teresting for the fisherman f his
identity is ever discovered. f
The steamer Nome City was
among the arrivals here from San
Francisco early yesterday mortnng,
'and dropped a heavy SVof'
freight at the Calender dock. Vvhen
she was off Tillamook Head on Sun
day afternoon, she broke a valve
. ' v... mic-rhance was clev-
, stem, ' . , .
erly handled by her engineer and she
came in port in good fashion after
some delay.
The steamship Rose City docked
at the O. R- & N. piers here at 11
: o'clock yesterday morning, with near
ly 300 passengers on board, urt
Cape Blanco the Rose City passed
the ocean dredge Clatsop, on its way
to the mouth of the Columbia, and
Captain Mason said the vessel should
be in port this morning, as she was
making good time.
illnre went to sea
inc si-caui. ......
and Coos Bay on Sunday morning .
Tt,. ttMm Lurline went up
ctrosim last evening with plenty of
business on all decks. Among net
passengers were noted C H. cal
UnAr K C Chase. Miss Hamraer-
strom, C. N- Olsen, and ueorge
North Star, of
i lie - - ,
t, Alaslta Fishermen Packing Co. a
nmrtirallv all readv for
sea but will not get away ociore -mi-...A
nr Mnndav next Captain
lit UU J J - f
tt.-. : ;n .Amiit.iwt. and she will
take on her crew this weeic
T. fSt1tidr Kavicration Com-
1 11 v. ' -
tnr Mvrtle went over to
trnnntvn nn a trial run yesicruaj
and behaved finely. She will go into
commission in a few days.
The steamer Cascades arrived down
the river yesterday afternoon aooui
4 o'clock, lumber laden for San Fran
cisco, and will depart over the bar
this morning.
The steamship Breakwater entered
on the,. - .
Excursions dv specia! n - -----
.. . . C....1- (fnm manv parts Ot
run to . . i .. .I.-
the wct during Pythian Week at the
Fair One from Montana.
, r..i:t.; ,ml a third from the
Yakima Valley have already been ar
ranged. Others will come
. n...i..l R.llinvham and oth
kane, rur" " . . ti.-
Wenatchee Valley win prUU.
I.. 1a.
an excuiai"
. f-hnrplifir ricnij,
Supreme -
r.' t rih,im. Texas, wm ai-
Drownc. ui ..vw , .- .
. .v- of Pvthians in
Seattle, and has promised to make
.V. Tmlrnenaence uay iu'- --
r . - n .
. ?. Air. DIW"H
tXpOSUlon Bi"" .
4 national reoutation, ano
an oraiur v. ' , .
will deliver his famous address en
titled "The American Flag . ln i su
preme chancellor ana otner
officials of tne oruer -
.... .Mi4 .v, Pnffet
on several trips " " -
Sound country at the close o.
ceremonies here, and the gathering,
while largely western, will take on a
:mortnnre. No Special
natiuiiiii ni'i"' . , ,
ft, whole oenod of tne
event uun" - - .
y p exposition Will oe niJ':
tfcnn the neriormautc
lliltui t
local team, and thejMwjrnorj
N'EW YORK. April lO-Glowlng
reports of Torto Rico's prosperity
and Press are being brgh h.
Major General-uconaru . - -
manner i "v
!-. nrfiiT, liere yr,v. ...... , .
ntter immn
(r,;r nn the inland.
J ... . -.. - .i ttniiti
"I do not think I nave
........ ;,-l Uln,l tnan inai i
a mure ijti,i"". .,-
... r: it it now. said On-
eral Wood. "It my first visit to the
island and with Colonel Robert Lee
Howse. the new commamier oi n.
troops there. 1 visited all sections of
the island. The peopic - -
. :...nreci(! me
"The native iroip - - -
favorably and they are wo, u.-v..,
. tindv of men. toi-
onel Howse is familiar with For o
. . .-A , nleased with
Kican conumuH r-
. . inn m Tl t
pected to profit by a record breaking
sugar and tobacco crop.
THROWING Hi 5 u v .k son
VKVV YORK. April 1" I'
' naalitclicn. Ku"u vice
iCoiiMil in Chicago. wa rratly sur
prised when he arrived on tne
er Moltke of the Hamburg American
line late yesterday and wa '
a few day beiore nis ir a.......
from Europe two weeks a no that
several newspapers nan tclcincu
tcrs announcing his intention to seek
divorce. These letters wimn "."
of her friends said resenimcu
i had been mailed irom
iiwi viiiii
Will sell cheap rou.ul trip excursion ticket to Denver May 17th,
July int ami August llth
Ou June and & yi, July and & id audi Ant nth
and lath, very low round trip ratcwill be made W 5L
Paul, Uuluth. Omaha. Kansas City, St. tonk Chicago
and'oll eastern points. ,
Through Rail'and Steamship tickets sold to; all Farts of
the world.
For full.'particulars call or address
0. B. JOHNSON, Oen'l Agent A. & C. R. R.
Mib Su r-ar Commit ASTORIA. OREGON.
The British ship Aberfoyle went to
sea on the steel hawser oi mc
and Coos Bay on suhuj ..." .morning o... - -
last usual, with plenty of business on at the q. R. & N. went on to the
The steamship Breakwater eniereu sea on ,he steel nawser
port from Coos Bay on Sunday on Sunday morning last, loaded
morning last and after a short stay with ,umbcr for South American de
all decks.
The steamer Tamalpais was among
the get-aways over the Columbia bar
on Sunday last, bound for the Golden
399 Bond Street
Will Continue Under the Manage
ment of
tu Vnrth Kinir. tender
for ihe Portland-Alaska Packing Co.,
due down from roruanu im
I morning, en route to ner siau"
N'ushagak, Alaska.
The lighthouse tender Columbine
passed the mouth ot tne oiumu,
yesterday morning, on her way to
the Sound ports ana station.
The Manzanita went out over the
bar yesterday morning early on an
I official trip to nearby stations m the
lighthouse service.
The Finest Meals Served in Astoria.
Your Patronage Solicited.
Treatment to All-
The Norwegian steamship Jethou.
Ibound for Comax. for a cargo ot coai
ri Mn rin delivery, ieu i" -
LOU! iui '
on Sunday morning.
The steamer Grace Dollar went to
sea. bound for San Francisco, on
Sunday morning last.
The steamer Argo left out for Til
lamook waters on Sunday last, with
Rood business on all decks.
ioined the
outward bound fleet on Sunday, lum
bcr laden for the Bay Uty.
Mr F. G. Fritts, Oneonta. N. Y..
writes: "My little girl was greatly
benefited by taking Foley a Orino
Laxative, and I think it is the best
.j . t .MiiiMtinn and liver
remeoy i" i.i.'---" ,
trouble." Foley's Onno Laxative is
best for women and children, aa it t
mild, pleasant and ettective, ana is
splendid spring medicine, as it cleans
v ,lr the complex
es tne sysicii, urn. ... - - .
: Al Driii? Store. T. L. Lannn
vr ii Th Wood Man.
tr V..1W. the wood and coal
dealer, i prepared to supply the pub
lic and all his old customers with the
t.... .i.kut that Astoria has ev-:r
oeai ow - - t
m nrnmiset not to join any
SCCH. V" . I
,mhination to raise the price ot
nnA mnA he
"the man who keeps the price oown.
Ring up Main 2191 for particular.
The very best board to be obtained
' 1L. f
. .. . 1. at ' I fir I ILLI11E1I.
. a rirv is a . a
II, 111. ... ".J . .
Hotel." Rate very reasonable
i7i ,ft''T
Europe just iH-iore nc m-m.u .
iSS, :::,';?,:;; :,r"r:; rannlns Machinery. Marine Engines and Boilers
. t. . I. il -i i-r . 1 . 1 1 . tfn
Tv.:. u li,w-k to me and a com-
1 111? -- w-..-."-
plete surprise." he raid, and I can
only conceive that someone is at
tempting to play a practical juke, but
one of doubtful taste. I must say.
ri. tr;,v. .in. I have lieen nap
.....-- ftiiTClTI VTT-MllHEn Solicited. ,n
WMtM I ."
o raise the pnee o - - We
' keeP h,S ,d f : 0l have been staying with friends in the I
Phone Or Write.
Phone Main 881 or write F A
-:.L T.ifth street, about IdeaJ
risnci, - , ,
,r ri-n-r.. Earl A. Fisher-
vacuum .-.
i i. -- a a ''''""' J
SitT n7ts 9th and i
Comm rl
Infants' White Silk Hose, Pair... 25C
New Line of Table Linen
Napkins, All Prices.
Boys' Wash Suits 50c to $1.00
New line of Ladies' Belts, 50c and up
New Line of Misses' Tan Hose,
Per Pair 25 and 30C
New Line of Tailored Shirt
Waists $1.50 $1.90 and up.
White Dotted Swiss in All Prices.
White Dimities. All Prices.
Embroidered Mull, 25c a yd. and up.
Fancy Jabots, each jOC
Tfor, Ties, each Z5C
X vj - It
Th Modern.
The best and most up-to-date ton-
rwivi wvv.. v..,...r.
South of France, and ann'mmi
returned before 1 did. it was nreansr
was detained on a luisines matter
Accompanying the Prince was nis
iKht year old . lhey will J"'n
the Princess in Chicago, wnnt
was born, the daughter ot a
and influential family.
CHICAGO April 10 .-The 1 nmine
in a news article umay
..i.. ,i,. l'rinreii Nicholas r.ngani-
cheff. wife of the Russian vice-consul
... rhi.-:iiro or New ork?
Still more doubt as to the Princess
whereabouts was spread when innce
r- i:. nrr vn at New Iirs
First-Class Liquors and Cigars
102 Commercial Street
j n ,,.. .,.,,- rnnn.i.iin.iiirN,,,, .
t?n t',J v,,,l,.. hv the Hamburg-Aineri-
, in the CUV IS 11" .... u.l.l.. .I,.,l:,r,.l 1C was
soriai - , ...:- can nncr -
Modern. Perfect comfort and service Js w ,0 Chicago to meci
miaranteed to all. CXCeiicm
1. I .
on his way to Chicago to inret n.
wife. That would seem to indicate.
that the Princess is in Chicago, un
!".-rj! jsb r,.:L,;:r
P. B. Fresn trui. "'-"V .. k not in Chicago and mar
- . . . . i . t .i..
he knew nothing ot tne arrival. u. ui
Prince in New York.
This is the first news I Have re-
. .. ...l c ,1,A Vrinfiv"
ceived ot tne arrival m m.. .
aid Mr- Partridge. 'Ihe i'r.nccss
r- ,:.I,(T it nnt ill ClICilRO. I
Ml (It.s-1 riflH II
' 'y a .. v 1 - a 1 t 1 1 1 B IW
S''f V.'... .. . .V . V '. . ..w.
wi r. j
M W f. .
I P H. rresn nu"
Badollet & Co.. grocers. Phone Mar
a ruantr That Cleans.
...--- - -
... i cit.a the turniturr man,
w. n. i-c'ii-i . , .
. .l. the caroet cieanmK
is at wis ,ii-o v - .
industry in Astoria, because ne pos- F-nRRlitcriett is not v.,,....B
inaustry n- n .... v.., Mr. I . . ' but believe
sesses the best ana omy !' cannot say wu-- - - .
S" J.:"!. .h. ritv. He will sen-l Lw. i. :,t the resilience of her sister
pet cieanci in -j - .
.. t..,.. nn demand at moa-
II to any nu . -
crate rates, and ciean yum
pearing anywhere in the process, and
to the saving of household drudgery
in this line for tne women
homes. It i the cleaner that ci. " - " . r,ovcrnor
and operate. qcKy anemiy. -' a '' williaI1) Jenl,iK, Bryan'
mirauiy. '"i' - - , hnru. uP wanted. In live nun
order. ,,..!,. rnwav reception was for
tr nrv.m was deep 111
TU. Prnncr Place. IK . ' . . xt.....U.;, failed. I
Xiiv ,,i- hnrtp trai L. lCK'"il,'",J '
Go to the Occident Barber Shop it whi)c wcrc . prot!rcSs the
are parncumi
'ihe Kind You lTavd Always Bought, and which Iuh )o
M vsrr a on run. tiaa tmrna the signature Of
Ul uno wr v - - --
- knnn mn1i tlllllfF IllH Wt
auu to gvvi.."."
(3 Bono! itipervlHloii Bfnco lUtnfiuiey.
TJ'jysJzjA.t . ....iinivni-iiii in thin.
imh ,vw-w Allow nouiiewi"';j"v"
All CoantorfcltM, Imitation and " JtiHt.aH.gMl "
Exporlmcnta thut trifle with and endanger the lmiUli of
Iafunta and Clillilren-Experlcnce ftgalnHt ExpcrlmonU
Ciwtorla la a harmleM Bubatltate te.fMtor OU, Paw
rorlc, l)rop and SootMn Syrupa. It "V
wntalns neither Opium, Morputoo nor other Narcottt
aabfltanco. Its age i lt guarantee. It deatroya Worms
-luimAna. It cure Dlarrhosa and Wind
MEMPHIS, Tcnn., April 10 -j rcllovea Tecthlngf Troublea, curea CoiiHtlpattoB
and Flatulency. IC aHBiinuawsa- uro '" "
etoroacu a.14 Boweht, glvtog liealthy and natural aloe
too n juu rcu iv
I she is at the residence
in New York."
.in,,(? T.
M KM 1 11 I a, "
While en route from Mot Springs to
A '
vou are parin-umi - . tr fnr (jonway . nau
m... viee. Satisfaction guaranteed. .
. .. . . ... I... MICIIU -- . , ...
An nert bootDiacn una l(mM,iiP and Mr. liryan arnveu in
I (U HJlllviii- ---
r.i- V,o ncrared. I.:. mnlep nn address.
dl,1 - i I inn- iu -
ochuine CASTORIA "7AT0
Vnr Infetnts and C-ildren.
Ttem Yoa Haw Always Bo
. ... .1.. o.r nnp WOllld
IljurinR inc , , . .
be benefitted by taking Foley s Kid-
ney Kemeay. it
tonic to the kidneys after the extra
strain of winter, and it purifies the
blood by stimulating the kidneys, and
causing them to eliminate the impuri
ties from. It. roieys rvmny
5X4 X V
The Kiiid You HaYe Always Bought
' ''. . Hk p i ,,
Use For Over 30 Years.
thi .urnum eoKMuir, n .imm .tmikt, nra oirr.
edy imparts new life no
Pleasant to taice. uwi uiuB ..v, -
X . f - - -r . -ataaaat
aaaa1 iJ"'"' f
F. Laurin.
Betu tha
rr i