SUNDAY, APRII, 11, 1909. You're Going to be Clothed - Ready For - i. 1! 7 V ff, "W- ii iiV.uA . 1 1 j ' M y We Hope THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. AS 1 s f ij :r J .-Vl'- Hut Schffner & Miri .?!' .. : ?! We're ready to give you our help and most serviceable co-operation in LOOK ING JUST RIGHT. If you decide that you need a suit at this time, we want to fit you out in something that will please you as to Fit, Fabric and Pattern Something that will not only please ycu but others also. We have been in the 3 ! t t i J Clot o IE business long enough to know which is best arid right in every particular for our customer. Mo Your Clothier If NOT yflUR THE 10SER HOME OF HART, SCHAFF NER MARX CLOTHES i All 1 mmmmamm I I Ladies Outfitters The Store For Women Easter Suit Sale OWING TO THE GREAT DEMAND OVER SALE OF HIGH GRADE LADIES' SUITS WILL CONTINUE UNTIL AFTER EASTER. THE ASSORTMENT IS THOROUGHLY COMPLETE, IN CLUDING THE VERY LATEST AND SWELLEST NOVLTIES OF THE SEASON. OCEAN, BAR, BAY, DOCK AND RIVER The steamship Rose City made her departure from this port early yes terday morning, for the Bay City, with lots of business above and below. AMUSEMENTS I During her long engagement in !New York City in her present com- The steamer Argo arrived in from Tillamook waters early yesterday morning and went on to the" metropo lis at 3 o clock, after a bref tie-up at the Callender. The steamer Sue H. Elmore, with plenty of business, has arrived in from Tillamook and has gone on to the metropolis. Presbyterian. Easter services, morning: Anthem. i"N"ow is Christ Risen." choir; solo, )"Ring Out Ve Bells of Easter Day," :Mis Irene Simington; violin obligato, 'Mrs. J. T. Allen;; sermon, "Christ is Risen Then What?" Evening; praise service. Duett, "He Did Not Die in V'ain," Miss Irene Siminnton anil ir. Yhoi. Wootcn; violin solo, "The Oregon and Washington Colum- Palms." Mrs. J. T. Allen: anthem. "I 5!S Alderbrook Presbyterian. Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Easter pro. gram 11 a, m ; Chritinn Endeavor, 6:.W p. m-; sermon by Dr. Milligan, p. m to these se pastor. I LUXURIES NOT NEEDED CHICAGO, April 10.-Dry Martini AH are cordially invited j"f " Trl.ih cigarette. .and ben- rvice,. Robert J. Dlvcn. K , ' ''0 T m'- 'V p,rt of the traveling public when they r bia River Entrance The followinn i Will Feed My Flock T. Ros: !.ntie' ftlliirtct. wPrfli V t I i ' ' - v a .iiv bum, missel Christian Science. Services iti rooms 5 and fi, I. 0. O. F. buildinir corner Tenth ami Cn. choir; offertory -merciul street at 11 o'clock. Subject uuu,, ,uuna, were repiacea ; io noann,v j. I, Ros; ladies' 'of the lesson sr.nm, "Ar. Ci n;. TL. 111 . r. tin:,- i,o. Wn i,,.M.ted the oa nt nir to he rtkntavH 5 ' y "among he "noted sons and daughters the lobby of the Liberty Theater, f of Iowa." The actress-prima donna -here it attracted the attention of art , j, I 'TwJ Z , was born at Clinton in that state and critics and even elicited the favorable ' fJ"500 W'th 3 b'g '0ad was christened Helen Louise Leon- . express of the dilletanti. Mr. Dur-j ' ' ard. It was the late Tony Pastor, an has caught the salient charm of t ., . , .. , , ,who selected the euphonious and ''he Russell personality in the present-1 he oil tank steamship Atlas d.d pretty stage name of Lillian Russell. ! ment of the artiste. His portrait re-;fl, g,et out untl1 10 hen a tender slip of a girl, but who! Produces the glorious tints of the oc,ock yestcrdayjnorning. j .was destined to become the greatest i Russell complexion, but what is more, ! . stage favorite of her time in American, counterfeits her beautiful expression,? ?h? American ship Henry Villard light opera, and who is now taking! which is the well-spring of the mar- U fin!sh loading tomorrow and haul first rank amongst American corned- 'velous charm this woman possesses.:1?10 ,the stream; Her people were as follows: Clatsop Spit Buoy, lst-class nun, Taylor. Parker. Ball and Mrs. Allen; April & ! male chorus, "One Sweetly Solemn Peacock Spit Buoy, 0, lst-class can, ; Thought"; anthem, "Praise Ye the April 1. ! Father." choir, assisted by orchestra. L. H. B. List of Buoys, etc, Pacific . At 12:15 special Easter exercises by Coast, pp. 56 and 57. i the Sabbath school. All are invited. Washington Cray's Harbor En-,Wm. S. Gilbert, pastor, trance Point Brown Spit Buoy, 1,1 -lst-class can, reported missing April' Norwegian-Danish M. E. 7, will be replaced as soon as practi-j Easter service at II a. m.; evening cab,e- at 8 o'clock; Sunday school at 10 a. Alaska Revillagigcdo Channel m. Scandinavians are cordially invit Hog Rocks Light reliizhted February ed to worshio with us. StraiiBem wl- 9, having been heretofore reported come. O. T. Field, pastor, extinguished. ease and Death Real?" All are Invit ed. Sunday school immediately after the cloe of the service. The first Wednesday evening in the month fit 7:30. Reading room same address, hours from 2 to 5 daily except Sunday. served with meal on dining cars. Ai a result the table d'hote which has r;ncd for some lime among the rail roads between Chicago and the Twin Cities and between Chicago and Kan a City, h;n come to an end. The war started as' a meaur of competition to attract trade, but ac cording to the general passenger agents it was a dismal failure, Tem perance advocates complained that the railonds were tempting people to drink. The great jungle scene in "Class-j "A young American actor in a mates" has received more notice than young American play," is Jules Mur any other scene In any other play on ry's announcement this season. The the road this season, Norman Hack- 'actor's name is Norman Hackett. Th ett plays the leading part mj the play wincn is booked at the Astoria Thea tre for April 24th. play is "Classmates." Both will be seen at the Astoria Theatre on Sun day, April 24th. fennel. Th hew State Copitol Building at Des Moines, Iowa, which is nearing completion, will have a Hall of Fame, and the Commissioners recently re- THE JEWEL SCINTILATES. signed on yesterday at the office of I the Alaska Fishermen's Packing Co. j She will get away for the north about j mid-week, along with the Berlin and The Jewel Theatre has been beauti-! St- Nicholas. Church Services Today. quested Miss Russell to send them ! fully adorned by Manager Newman . her favorite photograph for a place 'and in such fashion as to creat pleas-1 The stear Majestic arrived in ure with his biz cliente e. The wa s 'c'lc"J" evening arm uulkcq ai ine i in the honored collection. The diva I did better, for she has generously i taken from her private collection her favorite portrait. It is the painting i by the distinguished Carolus Duran, j which was done in Paris in 1900. The painting is valued in excess of $5,00. ( but will be .Miss Russell's contribu tion to her native state. have been marbled and the interior Callender pier to discharge several ; j f . : ASK. . DIAMOTO -n tm Fartfle NotMkmm Kail uii oilman. 4 &m&mA wf IWvrcr mmM tnm tor rami ucmci , ww, urn imuxu wum overhauled to the point of ideal com- tons of Iocal fre'ght; then leaving up fort and enjoyment, and the lobby (stream has been set with plateglass mirrors until it looks like a snowv maze to1 The American ship Berlin cleared the visitor. The attractions have been at t,,e custom house here yesterday, increased by the engagement of the for the north, with cannery supplies famous Hawaiian Roval Orchestra and a11 the impedimenta of the annual and Glee Club so popular in Portland .cruise to Alaska. for the past three years, and last : night when the cozy little amuse-! The Lurlinc was as busy as usual ment house threw open its doors af-, 'as' evening, and on her departure up ter a week of retirement, it was al-stream, took with her, S. Whcll, B. most impossible to handle the throngs j B- Shreve, A. G. Armstrong, Mr. and that invaded it. It was filled and j Mrs. McKirchner, H. T Butler, L. emptied time and again, and the Cer-'Thorr, Gus Johnson, E. S. Hunting tainty of the success of the new at-' ton. traction is fixed beyond all cavil. Mr. Newman has catered freely and very i Notice to Marine. successfully to this public and is en- Oregon Yanuina Bay Entrance -1 titled to the largest possible recocni- ' Outside Bar Whistlincr Buov. PS. First Methodist The Sunday school will have charge at the morning hour and will render an Easter program. At 7:30 p. m. the program is as follows: Voluntary. Hymn, "Christ the Lord is Risen To day." Prayer. Anthem, "Hallelujah! Christ is Risen." Responsive Scrip ture Reading. Gloria. Anthem, "They Have Taken Away My Lord." Scripture Lesson Offering. Solo, "The Resurrection" Shelly, by Miss McCann. Hymn, "Lift our Glad Voices in Triumph on High." Ser mon, "Christ Today." Prayer. Hymn, "Look, Ye Saints." Benedic tion. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to attend these services. C. C. Rarick, pastor. ..Easter Greetings.. THIS WEEK AT WATERMAN'S tion and patronage, and from the look of things last night, is going to get all that is due in that .line He de serves it. "Y," replaced March 22, having been reported missing March 19. L. H. B. List of Buoys, etc, Pacific Coast, pp. 46 and 53. Memorial Lutheran, Easter Day. Sunday school meets as usual at 10 a. m- Sacrament of Holy Baptism at 10:45. Morning serv ice at 11 a. m,, theme for the sermon, "Resurrecton and Life." Both the mixed chorus and the little girl's choir will assist at the service- Chil dren's service at 7:30 p. m. A good musical program will be rendered. A cordial welcome to all. Our motto: "The Faith of our fathers in the lan guage of our country." Gustaf E. Kyd'juiiit, pastor. , ; Waists . 50c, 75c, $, up to $6 Petticoats . . 5Qc"Pt$7 Kimonas . . 5QcuP$2 Dress Skirts . S3 "P to $12 Wash Skirts . 05c up to $2-75 Shirt Waist Suits . $ -50 to $5 Fancy Veiling 5, 25 35 40 50c Bordered Qalateas . I8cyd Silk and Linen Suitings 50c yd. Polka Dot Suiting . Qc yd. Men's Up-to-Dati Hose Rcre'veM Yesterday, 25c a Pr. Soft Milrt . . 50c 5a, Work Shirts . 35c to $3 Overalls, Hunter Brand, $ a Pr. Don't Forget Our Guaranteed Hose, 25c a Pr Boys' "Jack & Jill" Suits 25c Ea.