FRIDAY. Al'im. 0. I'M THE MORNING ASTOMAW, ASTORIA, OREGON. Hi MAGNIFICENT NERVE OF Jv$ X5fic Ladies Outfitters The Store For Women YOUNG M YORKER PRESIDENTS HILL. OF G. N., AND CLARKE OF "NORTH BANK." PASS THROUGH THIS CITY. WHOLESALE EFFRONTRY IN Easter Suit Sale I HIS DEALINGS AND JOKES EVEN THE POLICE. I RAILWAY OFFICIALS j CITY YESTERDAY 1 1 OWING TO THE GREAT DEMAND OVER SALE OF HIGH GRADE LADIES' SUITS WILL CONTINUE UNTIL AFTER EASTER. , THE ASSORTMENT IS THOROUGHLY COMPLETE, IN CLUDING THE VERY LATEST AND SWELLEST NOVLTIES OF THE SEASON. OCEAN, BAR, BAY, DOCK AND RIVER There was a good deal of amuse- mtnt in the office of the Columbia River Bar Pilots Association, yester day afternoon, where somebody (pre- sumably, George Nelson), had started a discussion as to the Apostolic per sonnel; the attempts of the "old sea dogs" present to recapitulate the 12. nd the attendant disputes, claims and denials bandied about, constituted one of the funniest arguments heard there Jn a long while. When all hands bad gotten the subject well man-handled, - . -it i j r:i.i . mi th list, the ana mu nau u i s'- fun was given impetus by potting the question to visitors, including some reporters, none of whom were better posted. The laugh was on everybody, except Nelson, and he had a printed or written list in his clothes, from which, with great unction, he. under took to set the crowd right; but everybody realized that without such a guide he would have been as help less as the last man in the class. . " . . w' t- 1 . - - .1 Unaer aate ot Marco iiu wsi, u wider the seal of Uncle Sam himself. ! v Tnrt VriMtim" namohlet is- U l " w. v - I sued from the Hydrographic Office, with the sanction and authority of the Secretary of the Navy, there is a bit of information of some concern to the people of the Columbia river valley, to the following effect: "Astoria, Or. The depth of the water on the bar at the average of the lower low water is 24 feet. Have not been able to do any sounding for some time on ac count of bad weather. (From infor mation furnished the Branch Hydro graphic Office February 16, 1909, by the Oregon Bar Pilots.)" The steamship Breakwater was among the early craft down the river yesterday morning. She went to iea, with excellent business, bound for Coos Bay points- The steamer St. Helen's arrived in from San Francisco, very early yes terday morning, and discharged near ly 100 tons of local cargo at the Cal ender dock, before leaving up stream. The steamship Rose City is due down the rivex tonight at midnight. n her wav to San Francisco. The change, back to the daylight run down the Columbia, for the S. F. & P. boats, does not begin the outward trip cf the steamship Senator next week- The steamer Areo was among the early outgoing fleet yesterday. She went to sea and Tillamook, with good business in cabins and hold. The new steam schooner Carlos, of San Francisco, will soon be out on the San Francisco-Astona-Portland rim. in ronlunction with the Cas cades Yellowstone and Yosemite of fh Mrformaelc line. The Carlos be longs to H. J. Freitch, of the Bay! City. Th Callender Navigation Com- nanv'n latest addition to it s fleet, the rug Myrtle will be in readiness to take up her share ot tne worn in shout 10 davs. She is a stout, well- made, handy craft, with no "flibs- dibs, just plain good boat. When the Kamni liner Lurline went up stream last evening she had the followinz names on her passenger register: J. L Woods. G. Flecken- stein, J. McKean. S. N. Holsappie. J. Peterson. A. E. Kiljunen. Lhas. t. Morris, T. E. Trafton, and A. Juhrs. The steamer Bowdoin is due down the river sometime today, outward bound for the Bay Ctiy with lumber- The Standard Oil steamship Atlas entered port yesterday afternoon, and went on to Portland without delay here- Captain Peter Johns left out yes terday morning with the stout little launch Rose, for Tillamook Bay and Yaqaina- He had an ideal day for the first leg of the cruise, at all events. Yesterday afternoon at S;20 o'clock the special train of President Louis W. Hill, of the Great .ortnern Kan way, rolled into the A. & C depot here, the "Seven-spot" of the latter road hauling the passenger coach and the "Goldendalc," the private car of President Francis B. Clarke, of the Seattle. Portland & Spokane, or "North Bank" road, from Portland to Seaside. President Clarke was on board, also. Beside the two railway presidents named. General Superintendent D. Russell, of the S. P. & S. ami the A. & C, and Superintendent John Mc Guire, of those lines, were also on the train. There was nothing signm cant in the visit of these officials. President Hill making a run of in soection over this property, and join ing Mrs. Hill and family, who passed through the city in their private car, attached to No. 22, yesterday noon. en route to Seaside for a days out- ine and rest. Messrs. Clarke and Russell accompanying him as his truest. The party will return to this city this morning, and it is barely pos sible, will attend church, at St. Mary's it beine Good Friday; after which the train will move Portland-ward. Mr. Hill is in excellent spirits, and fairly sanguine of the early resump tion of normal business conditions as soon as the present tariff agitation shall have subsided. A special Sunday dinner will be served at the Parker House Restaur ant next Sunday, from 11:30 a. m. until 8:00 p. m. ti On Saturday, April 10th, the senior class of the high school will give a home-cooking sale at Ross, Higgins & Co. Call and see with what you can be pleased. 4.1 Notice. Notice is hereby given, that the un dersigned Mang Hing, did on the first day of April, 1909, sell all of his right title and interest in and to the Astoria Restaurant. 899 Bond street to Lung Kee, and from and after the first day of April, all bills will bi paid by Lung Kee. and all bills prior to said date, will be paid Oy Mang Hing. The business will be conducted by Lung Kee, under the name, The Astoria Restaurant. MANG HING, LUNG KEE Astoria, Or., April 5, 1909- NEW TO-DAY Kelley, The Wood Man. Wm. Kelley, the wood and coal dealer, is prepared to supply the pub lic and all his old customers with the best slabwood that Astoria has evsr seen. He promises not to join any combination to raise the price of wood and he will keep his old title of "the man who keeps the price down." Ring up Main 2191 for particulars. NF.W YORK. April ft A young man who said he was Hamilton E. Crampton, 23 years old, a clerk, but who. the police say, is Carl N. Day. alias Richard N. Stevens, once an in mate of the Elmire, N. reforma tory, is held by the police today after having been arrested in West Sfith Street last night at the home of a young woman. Several and various charges of larceny were responsible for his arrest. "Beauty" a $ot) bull pup j was taken into custody along with the young man. The youth went to a cell; the pup was tied to a desk at headquarters. It is alleged by the police that Day wrote many letters from Chicago to New York merchants, giving 137 Michigan Avenue as his address and saying that he was agent for a pub lishing firm and was about to visit New York to purchase $1500 worth of books. I When he arrived here it is said, he deposited a check on a Chic ago bank for $497 and then launched on a series of mysterious operation. He acquired offices in two different buildings and scattered checks broad cast Each of the checks in turn wis turned down by the Plaza Bank with the endorsement, "Drawn against an uncollected account." Adding further complications to his enterprise, the young man took rooms at several hotels simultaneously, reg istering under a different name at each. Now comes the bull pup that was indirectly responsible for his downfall- On April 5, when having his boots blacked at a stand, he took a fancy to the bootblack's dog and bought the animal. Hut instead of taking the dog away with him, he got a boy to deliver "Beauty ta the young woman at whose house he was arrested. When the boot-black couldn't get the check cashed he no tified the police and through the boy who had delivered the dog detectives traced Day. The man was placed un der arrest. He said, "It was lucky for you that you didn't wait a week longer. I would have been on the high seas with my bride. Instead, he will appear in court some time today. A grand ball will be given at Deep River in the Deep River hall, Satur day, April 10th- Music will be furn ished by an Astoria orchestra. The steamer Gen'l. Washington has been chartered to carry the merry-making crowd from Astoria to Deep River, leaving Astoria at 8 p. m. and return ing after the ball. Fare 23c return. , . i FLORISTS. PLANTS OF ALL KINDS-Choice roses, flowering shrubs, cut flowers, artistic boquets furnished weddings and funerals. Columbia Nurseries. 516 Bond. 4tr Phone 221. For Rent One five-room furn ished flat, down town, with water, $20. Inquire Sloop's 10c store. i Phone Or Write. ! Phone Main 881 or write F. A Fisher, Twelfth street, about Ideal Vacuum Cleaners. Earl A. Fisher 1 JUST SELL All of Our Easter Post Cards by Sat. Evening, So we are having a sale on them, all 10c, 5c, and 2 for 5c cards are selling at 3 for 5 cent, Come early and get your pick, 3 FOR 5 CENTS. Real springhas come.witb it has come warm weather and so have our Wash Skirts, etc. Come in and see them, you are not asked to buy, just look at them, and buy you are sure to, for prices are right, and low too. CARPETS AND RUGS. FINE NEW FULL LINE CARPET, j samples just rerceived. See them. Also agents Fluff Rug Company. Zapf Furniture & Hardware Co. tiw The very best board to be obtained in the city is at "The Occident Hotel." Rates very reasonable. Once WATER'S And You Will ALWAVS BUY THERE L a AAtaaAAAA'kAtii444Hlttil 4f fSJ ff tftff f ttf ?f f -w w-W'W'v-r-r-w t IT! don't pay you to keep your papers at home when you can get' a Deposit Box at $2.25 a year with THE BANKING SAVING & LOAN ASSOCIATION 108.10th Street. ' ' Phone Black 2184 Wood at the Same Old Price. While the Astoria Fuel & Supply Co., is not talking much, it is still delivery fine inside spruce and fir wood and all kinds of cordwood at the same old price. h The Modern. The best and most up-to-date ton sorial parlor in the city is The Modern. Perfect comfort and service guaranteed to all. Excellent bafhs. Try our own mixture of coffee the I. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegetables Badollet h Co.. grocers. Phone Mai- The Proper Place. Go to the Occident Barber Shop if you are particular and desire first class service. Satisfaction guaranteed. An expert bootblack and porter has also been engaged. CASTOR I A for Infants and Children. His Kind You Kavs Always BoagfJ Its) . Jl tkrfu-s lb A STOCKING CHARGE WASHINGTON, Ind-, April 8 Suit has been filed by Miss Laura Britt Clark against Rev. E. K. David son. The complaint recites the story of an alleged fake marriage at St. Louis in December last and prays that it be declared valid; that Davidson be ' i-nininerl frnm renuriiatin? the mar- I riage and that he be compelled to maintain the woman. Service was obtained and the case will be heard at the next term of the Daviess Cir cuit Court. The minister protests his innocence. OUT FOR SENATOR LAPORTF,, Ind., April 8. Friends of Former Governor J. Frank Hanley say that formal announcement will be made of his candidacy for United States Senator against Albert J. Beveridgc. Mr. Hanley, it is asserted believes his battle for temperance will give him a lead in the Legislature. AMERICANS UNHAPPY Chicago Professor Gives a Few Rea sons For This. CHICAGO, April. 8- "We modern Americans are the most unhappy peo ple that have ever lived on the face of the earth. Why? "1 Because we are the most pros perous people. "2 Because we are the freest peo ple. ".V-Because we are the most highly educated." So says Professor Albion W. Small of the University' of Chicago in a communication to the Chicago Wo man's Club. "Freedom and education," continues the professor, "make for unhappiness. They bring serious responsibilities. They make the individual see and feel the actual inequality of men, They flood society with problems that tax the mind and sear the heart. "But let us not despair. The talent for misery is the fountain of progress. It is only when men can picture to themselves what they lack and what they want and can work up enough genuine dissatisfaction to get them selves into action that they accomp lish anything worth while.' ,1 J ft ' EASTER TOGO Our showings for this liaster are better than ever. Som.' vpry swell fabrics styles and patterns. H. S. & M. CLOTHBS are all-wool under a guarantee. 18.00' TO $40.00 Fictpr Tipq Some very swell dSiei l ICS patterns this year Easter Hats !cn0Tan 01ive' FnctAr hirtQ Swell Patterns MSIgLMiU? $1.00. $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 DUNLAP HAT OPENING "YOUR CLOTHIER" If Not Your the Loser FEARFUL LAPSE NEW HAVEN', April 8.-HCharU:s Austen Osten, the man who has mystified and puzzled the physicians here by his lapse of memory and loss of identity, will be taken to New York today in order that he may see the streets and scenes with which he is supposed to have been familiar. In this way it is hoped that the mist may be cleared from his brain. While hypnotized Osten lias talked incoher ently of his former home in New York, but otherwise he remembers nothing. When not hypnotized his mind is blank but enough as been learned through the experiments , made on him to indicate that he came from New York. TOREADORS IN NEW YORK ! SENSIBLE AND AMUSING ! LOUISVILLE Ky., April 8.-lt is declared fitting by the Chili Con Ciirne Club of Louisville, which boasts the most illegible writers in I the world, barring China, that J. F. 1 Walker, of St. Louin should have in j angiirated a new custom of stamping , names on hotel registers in this city. I Mr. Walker said he startled the J clerks at a local hotel last night by ' affixing his name with a rubber stamp upon the register. NEW YORK, April 8.- Terzettl and Ybarra, two Spanish toreadors arc in New York- They arrived here yesterday from Havana, jubilant over the. rc'CNtuhlishment of bull fighting in Cuba which followed the withdraw. ! al of the American troops. In a few days the toreadors will sail for Cadiz I nnd later will return to Cuba to take 1 part in the rejuvenated sport. Ameri cans in Cuba, they think; soon will take to the bull ring as enthusiastic 'ally as to baseball. ?? 111 '.lii.i.JSST Suits and Millinery for less. Where? At'jaloffs. FOR RENT-NICE FURNISHED room on sunny side of street for one or two gentlemen. Apply at 577 Commercial street. efcre ILaste Sales 1EW SPBIHB WAISTS ,K ,39 1 ti . imington Dry Goods Co, COR. FOURTEENTH AND COMMERCIAL 1 '