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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1909)
THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1909. Special For a Few Days .7 3 CANS OF CONDENSED IlK . 25 CENTS A. V. ALLEN Thones 731, 3871. .'. , Sole Agent for . . . Barrington Hall Steel Cut COFFEE 40 CAN Branch UmontowD VENEZUELAN FLUB-DUBiJESUITS ill STUDY at mi mi CASTRO'S CONSUL GENERAL TO MAKE TROUBLE FOR HIS SUCCESSOR THERE. CITY'S FINANCES IN GOOD SHAPE Facts and Figures in the Quarterly Report by City Auditor Anderson Olof Anderson, city auditor and police judge, has prepared a statement of the finances of Jhe city. The statement shows the liabilities, resources, and other matters of interest as follows: Liabilities. General fund (old account), outstanding Dec, 31, "08.,$ 58,00 Paid during quarter none ' TO INSTALL APPARATUS IN EACH OF THEIR AMERI CAN COLLEGES. NEW YORK, April 7.-The Jesuit Fathers .acting upon the suggestion that more study should be given to seismic disturbances, have decided to install complete apparatus for this purpose in each of the 12 - colleges controlled by the order in this country. The geology service of America has endorsed the plan, and Dr. Thomas A Jaggard, professor of geology at ths Massachusetts Institute of Technol ogy, declared that with such a system of stations as projected by the Jesuit Fathers, it would be possible to fore cast earthquakes with great accuracy. The importance of the study of earthquakes has been particularly em phasiied In the recent diaster in Italy. NEW YORK, April 7. Senor Jac into Lopez, the newly appointed Ven ezuelan consul general to this city was among the arrivals last night or. the Red Liner' Philadelphia from Venezuela and Porto Rico. Senor Lopez is a poet and s, writer and is accompanied by his wife and three ehitdren. It is predicted that the new consul general may have troubles before he assumed his duties, for it is under stood that Febres Picon the appointee f former President Castro, will in sist on carrying out every legal detail before he relinquishes the consulate. This will include the obtaining of Senor Lopez exequatur from Wash ington. As Venezuela cow has no diplomatic representation at Washing ton to attend to this it may be some time before the new consul general will be formally installed in office P. E. Rogas, the new Venezuelan minister to this country will not ar rive for two weeks and in the mean time Senor Lopez will have to wai. A passenger on the Philadelphia who has just returned from Venezu ela, speaking of conditions there says: "Nobody knows what is going to happen in Venezuela. The friends of Castro remain in office and his chief enemies who were invited back to Car acas by Gomez are still without office. Gomez seems to be aMid to make any decided move against the Castro people." Senor Lopez is inclined to think i FOOT-EASE Sanitary CORN-PAD, that Castro will land in prison if he a new invention, address Allen S. attempts to come ashore anywhere 'n Olmstead, Le Roy, N. Y. Outstanding March 31, 1909 General fund warrants. 1903: Outstanding, Dec. 31, 1908 . . 89.156J4 Drawn during quarter 1M53.01 58.00 100,611.35 Paid during quarter 23.15674 Outstanding March 31, 1909 . Bond Interest Warranto . Outstanding Dec 31, 1908 . none Drawn during quarter 3,699.22 Paid during quarter , 3,699.22 Street Repair Warrant. Outstanding Dec. 31, 1908 312.88 Drawn during quarter 1,19470 $72,454.61 1.507.58 Paid during quarter.... 1,380.30 Outstanding Marsch 31. 1909 Street Improvement Warrant. Outstanding Dec- 31. 1908 61.10445 Drawn during quarter ' 944.58 127.08 62,049.0J Paid during quarter.. 5427.75 the vicinity of Venezuela. He thinks that he will be forced to debark at La Gnaira from the steamer Guadeloupe and that he will be promptly seize! He added that the new government would merely imprison and not shoot him. Use Allen's Foot-Ease A powder to be shaken into the shoes. If you have tired, aching feet, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It rests the feet and makes new or tight shoes easy. Cures aching swollen, hot, sweating feet. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain ad gives rest and comfort Try it today. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c Don't accept any substitute. For FREE trial package, also Free Sample of the Jehn Foa, Pres. K. L. Bishop, Sec Astoria Savings Treaa Nelson Troytr, Vice-Pres. and Sunt ASTORIA IRON WORKS DESIGNERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE LATEST IMPROVED . . . Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. orrespocdence Solicited. . Foot of Foartk Street Outstanding March 31. 1909 . Total amount of warrants outstanding March 31, "09. Municipal Bonds (Except Streets) Outstanding Dec- 31. 1908 189,050.00 Paid during quarter none Outtanding March 31, 1909 Municipal Street Bonds Outstanding Dec 31. 1908 4,783.12 Paid during quarter none Outstanding March 31; 1909 Total amount of bonds outstanding March 31, 1909. Total liabilities Resources Outstanding 1892 taxes Dec. 31. 1909 10,638.44 Paid during quarter none Outstanding March 31, 1909... Outstanding 1902-1905 taxes Dec. 31, 1908 Paid during quarter -. 120.43 none Outstanding March 31, 1909...... Outstanding 1906 taxes Dec 31, 1908. Paid during quarter 106.84 none Outstanding March 31, 1909. Outstanding 1907 taes Dec. 31, Paid during quarter 1909. 566.34 379.94 , I ll ri 'J - H "l "A ' ft Outstanding March 31, 1909 Outstanidng Jan. 2, 1909, 1908 taxes 36.440.02 Paid during quarter 32.025-06 tCsjfir 1 n i- Fnrfrfv 3 Ti rr urn mi Always Bears the Signature of ALC OHOL 3 PER CENT. AvcgelabkRtpartfionrorils-simiiaiingihcFoodandRefiula-totlieStoniadisafldBwdsof Promotes Diestiontafii ness and Rest-Contalns Kite- Opium-Morphine nor Mineral.! ISOT NARCOTIC. MptefMBeSMTinima. Pmpi'm Sad" AxJama fttmmkt UiUuiunitSiia harm Settl Claaiird Sugar Viuiufmi tlimr. AperTect Remedy forConsfija-i non , sour aomacn.iJiarra WorrasA.onvulswus.reva'isn nessmidLossOFSLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. r-) Gutir-uUceii under lli I octM n Enact Copy of Wrapper, Outstanding March 31, 1909 Total amount of taxes outstanding March 31, 1909.. Real Estate With Improvements Thereon. As appraised by the Committee on Ways and Means: Lot 4, block McClure's $ 5,000-00 Brick engine house on same 10,000.00 Lots 5 and 6, black 120, Shively's.. 4,000.00 City Hall on same . 41,000.00 Lot 4, block 4, Shively's 2,500.00 No. 3's engine house on same . 3,000.00 Cemetery with improvements thereon 700.00 56,721.28 $129,360.97 189.050.00 4783.12 193,833.12 323,19409 10,638.44 120.41 106.34 186.40 4,41496 15,467-07 New York Style Show . Today's Correct Clothes 1 for Men and Young Men ' BUY Clothes made by a house ' of reputation and so be sure you are getting best values. njariin Clothes jVczv Tori for us bv Alfred Benjamin & Co., have been approved by critics of Style and Quality for a third of a century. Sold exclusively at the New York Fashion Centre JUDD BROS. 557 Commercial Street The Prices are moderate Total realcstate with improvements thereon .... Street and Sewer Assessments (Good) 66.200-00 Outstanding Dec. 31, 190 59,964.22 Confirmed during quarter and warrants drawn 944.58 AW IK In Use For Over Thirty Years 60.908-80 Paid during quarter 5,223.49 ch --i.n : i , i r.- . ' f Vfcwamj y-'tvin-liiiiinnfflfrT-T-nirr-iTiriiii-- mm r-ivn-tr'-T-wi ill i il. gmi. n-fimr fiin'iin -- M Vii)ii)-M.iinTf iytt. Ki-r'" -munmmif Outstanding March 31, 1909... Cash on hand with City Treasurer. Summary Liabilities 323,194.09 55,685.31 25,258-45 162,610.83 Resources Excess of liabilities. 162,610.83 .$160,583.26 BEAT HER WITH CARE. "Poor Jim was always very consid erate mum, "Considerate! Why, the brute tier to beat you." True, mum; but he never bit me where the marks could be seen by the neighbors, mum." liiHton Transcript. "THE GINGERBREAD MAN." ' UNAT.TIAL. THf tTUB COMPANr, HtW VOM CfTV, SCANDINAVIAN-A M E R I C A N SAVINGS BANK ASTORIA, OREGON OUR MOTTO: "Safety Supercedes All Other Consideration" J. Q. A. BOWLBV, President O I. PETERSON, Vice-President J. W. GARNER, Assistant Csshiei FRANK PATTON, Cashier ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - $232,000 ' Transacts s General Banking Business Interest Paid on Tims Depos Four Per Cent. Per Annum Eleventh and Duane Sts. .... . Astoria, Orejon 1 People past middle life usually have some kidney or bladder that saps the vitality, which is natiirallv lower in old age. Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects urinary troubles, stimulates the kidneys, and restores sireiiKin ana vigor, it cures isrii-sjacid troubles by strengthening the kidneys so they will strain out the uric acid that settles in the muscles and joints causing rheumatism. 0i DniK Store, 1. t. Laurin. first rMioiial Bank ol Astoria DIRECTORS Jacob Kamm W. F.' McGrkgor G. C. I'uvel J. W. Ladu S. S. Gordun : Capital ',l.WKi0 Surj)u8 05 000 Stockliolders' Liability JOO.'oOO Foley's Honey and Tar i a safe guard against . serious results from spring colds, which inflame the lunes and develop into pneumonia. Avoid counterfeits by insisting upon having the genuine Foley's Money and Tar, which contains no harmful dnics. Owl Drug Store, T." F. Laitrin. Morning Astorian, 60 cents 60 cents per month by carrier. per IT don't pay you to keep your papers at home- when you can get a Deposit Box at $2.2,3 a year with THB BANKING SAVING & LOAN ASSOCIATION 1 08-1 0th Street. Phone Black 218. 4