6 THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. . THURSDAY, APRIL 1, WW. ash c o . One-half of our enormous stock to be closed out at actual cost. We need room for our new stock of goods that is coming. A fine line of davenports, couches, rockers, sewing baskets, library tables, extension tables, dressers, rugs and carpets are to be on the market Wednesday Morning, March 31st, at Bedrock Prices, and Continue Until TBRMS-STR1CTLY CASH, GOODS PROMPTLY DELIVERED Saturday LADIES' DESKS $12.00 Ladles' Desks $ 8 50 15.00 Ladies' Desks 10.00 18.00 Ladies' Desks 12.00 20.00 Ladies' Desb 15.00 30.00 Ladies' Desks 20.00 35,00 Ladies' Desb 25.00 DAVENPORTS $45.00 Davenports $33.00 30.00 Davenports 20.00 35.00 Davenports 22.50 Kitchen Utensils at One -half Price DRESSERS $18.00 dressers $13.50 22.50 dressers - 16.75 25.00 dressers - 1800 28.00 dressers - 21.00 30.00 dressers - 23.50 35.00 dressers . 25.00 40.00 dressers - ' 25.50 COUCHES $12.50 Couches - $10.00 15 00 Couches - 11.00 18.00 Couches - 13-50 22,50 Couches - 1685 55.00 Ccuches - 35.00 LIBRARY TABLES $15.00 Library Tables $10.00 24.00 Library Tables 18.00 29.00 Library Tables 22.60 30.00 Library Tables 23.00 $100.00 Circission Walnut Bedroom Suit at HQ.OO Any 9x12 Rug in the house FOR $25 SEWING BASKETS $3.50 Sewing Baskets $2.00 5.00 Sewing Baskets 3 GO 6.00 Sewing Baskets 4.00 8.00 Sewing Baskets 4.75 12.00 Sewing Baskets 7.50 " ROCKERS " Arm Rockers, Sewing Rockers, Nurse Rockers, Wood Scat Rockers, Gobbler Seat Rockers, Upholstered Rockers, from UP An opportunity of a life time to buy high grade furniture at such ridiculously low prices. NO ACCOUNTS CHARGED DURING THIS SALE FURNITURE C 0 559-565 COMMERCIAL STREET. I SECT! 4 Special For a Few Days . 3 cis of mmm 25 CENT5 t A. V. ALLEN Phones 731, 3871. . . . Sole Agent for . . . Barrington Hall Steel Cut COFFEE 40c CAN Branch UniontowD GOVERNOR COSGI LAID AT REST STATE'S DEAD RULER friends. Trains arriving at 11:30 brough hundreds of persons here,- including representatives of fraternal societies, cities, friends of the family and Na tional Guard companies from Gray": Harbor and from Northwestern (Washington. Boats arriving during UTO CROWD nOES ANn'the noon hour brought other mourn- tmpwkrstve HfiKORS to I ers and the guardsmen from Tacoma ana Seattle At 2 o'clock in the House chamber of the Capitol the funeral exercises were held, following which the re mains were escorted by the troops and bands of friends to 'Masonic iarv nomn anH reremonv anil in the . . . . . , c I funeral took place, presence of a large assemblage from . all narta nf thp Northwest, the hnrlv ! .T i . c i n ji r ' If vou nave backache and urinary of the late Samuel Godlove Cosgrove itroubIes you should uke Foey,5 Kj was laid to rest here this afternoon ney Remedy to strengthen and build at the Masonic Cemetery. jup the kidneys so they will act prop- The special funeral train from Port- ie,rl'a3 a serious kidney trouble may I. OLYMPIA. March 31. With mil- land, accompanied by members of the bereaved family, state officers and personal friends, arrived at 6 oclock this morning. Two hours later, es orted by a detail from Troop B., N. 6. W, the casket was removed from the train, placed in a hearse and taken to the State Capitol building. There, in the rotunda on the main floor, just beneath the glass dome ot the capitol, guarded by troops, the &ody lay in state until afternoon. During the morning great quantities f floral pieces arrived and were ar ranged about the bier. Among the oticeable pieces was a great bouquet f lilies of the valley and hyacinths from former Vice-President and Mr?. C. W. Fairbanks. He was a class mate of the late Governor. A giant wreath, arranged with rare artistic skill, was sent by the Japanese Asso iation of Washington. A floral empty chair came from Pierce county, and develop. Laurin. Owl Drug Store, T. F. MINISTER ARRESTED. INDIANAPOLIS, March 31-Wm. D. Owen, whose arrest at Aueusta. Ga., was reported today, operated in Mexico in bonanza land schemes. More than a million dollars were in vested in small parcels of stock. Four of his companies crashed. Owen was a Christian minister. Lived 152 Years. Win. Parr England's oldest man married the third time at 120, worked in the fields till 132 and lived 20 years longer. People should be youth ful at 80. James Wright, of Spurlock, Pa., Kv., shows how to remain young. "I feel just like a 16-year-old I hoy, he writes, after taking six bot tles of F.lectric Bitters. For 30 years Kidney trouble made life a burden, but the first bottle of this wonder ful medicine convinced me I had found the greatest cure on earth GOVERNMENT T NEARLY ONE MILLION RATS KILLED IN SAN FRANCISCO DURING EPIDEMIC ADMIRAL EVANS LEC TURES AT SEATTLE GGEAT FIGHTER STANDS FOR HUGE NAVY WELL DISTRIBUTED. WASHINGTON, D. C-, March 31. The story of the long, hard fought campaign to rid San Francisco of its recent epidemic of bubonic plague is told in an interesting report of the marine hospital service. Nearly one million rats were killed; nearly 100, 000 rats were examined and of this number more than 300 carried fleas which were infected with the disease; there were 2796 steamships disinfect ed, requiring the use of 620,000 pounds of sulphur and 4342 gallons of alco hol; S320 house were disinfected; 1680 suspected cases examined and 3973 inspections of the dead to deter mine whether they had died of the plague. Up to June 30, 1908, there were 159 cases of plague and 77 deaths. TREMENDOUS EXPLOSION. liuntfreds of other pieces came from , a i t .i m . ,. . . , down or old people. Try them. SOc argamzations, associations and manyjat Charles Rogers & Son's drug store. NEW YORK, March 31. -A heavy charge of dynamite said to have been placed by disaffected laborers recent ly employed in the construction of a steel viaduct over the Hoboken via duct, was exploded with a tremend ous crash at 3:15 this morning, wreck ing one of the supporting pillars of the structure and shattering every winaow in tne neignDornooa tor a radius of a quarter of a mile. A number of persons are known to have been cut by flying glass and fal- ing plaster, but as yet no word has been received of any fatalities. The rumble of the explosion was l heard throughout Manhattan, and far into the Long Island suburbs and for hours the various police stations were busy answering questions as to the I nature of the explosion and its where- bouts. As soon as the source of the de tonation had been proved the reserves from the Hoboken police stations were sent to the scene as were a number of ambulances from various hospitals. The neighborhood of Willow Aven ue, where the explosion took place, was thrown into a panic and scantily dressed men and women rushed into i the streets in terror. An investiga-, tion showed that the charges of dyna-, mite had been placed at the base of one of the steel upright supports and that the force of the explosive had completely torn it from its concrete foundation. It is said that recently there had been minor troubles among the work men employed in the construction of the viaduct and that the outrage may have been perpetrated by some of the . malcontents in revenge for a fancied wrong. SEATTLE, March 31. Rear Ad The viaduct which has been two miral Robley D. Evans lectured at years in building, is a stone structure, the Moore Theater last night and in nearly a mile long, connecting Hobo- the course of hil talk on how he ken with East Hoboken over a wide brought the fleet, "From Hampton area of sunken meadows. No esti- roads to San Francisco," he stated: mate has as yet been placed on the "The one weak spot in the Ameri- damage caused, by the explosion, but can navy is the lack of ships. There it is believed it will amount to several should be a fleet of 24, first class bat- thousand dollars. tleships on the Pacific all the time, 16" in commission and eight in reserve, ENEMY THE TRUSTS. . all of the lesser craft and trimmings CHICAGO, March 31. "From the that make up a fleet. You should headquarters of the commander in have more naval stations. You have chief, general orders have gone forth one, the navy yard of Puget Sound, that augur ill for the 'enemy' the and half of one at Mare Island, San trusts, says the Tribune today. Francisco. The trouble at Mare Is- "Soft pedal on the noise," fays the lanil is that the bottom is too near orders, 'Cut out the talk and get re- the top and the government should suits; take lessons from the enemy; either fix it for good or sell it. Un- maintain absolute secrecy about your til you have these things you will maneuvers; deploy your forces in never be safe from worry and alarm ambush, conceal your movements, and to get them you will have to pull and spring from unexpected quarters, your Senators and Representatives Let your glory be in results, not in down from the stars until they get prophecies of what you are going to their feet on the grass." do.' "This is the substance of the bill REPORTED FAVORABLY, ii "1,1 lilt CACIUUVC UllltC ML UiC VV1JUC House to be promulgated through the office of the Attorney General to every district attorney and every (special attorney engaged in the 'trust busting' war now being waged by the I United States government. I "The campaign is authentic, coming jas it does from no less authority than wane r.ius, attorney-general in charge of prosecutions against viola tors of the anti-trust and inter-state commerce laws. Mr. Ellis is due to day in commons, unio, wnere tm- 0f the law jportant government cases are pend- ; ing." Smashes All Records. ,,. , , 1 As an all-round laxative tonic and We often wonder Jiow any person health-builder no other pills can can be persuaded into taking any-, compare with Dr. King's New. Life thing but Polcys Honey and far for , pms. They tone and regulate stom coughs, colds and lung trouble. Dolacn, Hvcr and kidnevs. mirifv the the more or lets fragrant weed be low the top step of the subterranean stations is now a crime, according to the suddenly awakened conscience of the guardian police, and arrests of upwary smoke puffers are becoming daily occurences. No one is sorry that the subway atmosphere is to be freed of this addition to its heaviness, though stale smoke it the least of the underground pilgrim's troubles now-; adays. More subways rather less subway smoking in Gotham's crying need at present. Ulu itrar Iiuiirll fctrtrt ait jFranrtoro r The Morning Astorian, 60 cents per month, delivered to your residence or ! business office. ALBANY, N. Y., March 31.-Sena-tor Agnews' bill designed to prevent publication of racing tips and betting odds was favorably reported today. SUBWAY SMOKE For the first time in the history of the dingy 'subway tube the smoke of stale tobacco is today beginning to be cleared up by the strong arm To ligth or linger- with not rc tooled into accepting own make" or other substitutes. The gen uine contains no harmful drugs and is in a yellow package. Store, T. F. Laurin. mood, strengthen tne nerves; cure Constipation, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Jaundice, Headache, Chills and Ma- Owl Drug laria. Try them. 25c at Charles I Rogers & Son's drug store, AFTER FOURYEARS OF MISERY Cured by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound Baltimore, Md. "For four yean y life was n misery to me. I suffered Irregular!. i -1,i!t ! f t l1' ' !-!' ' .; i u: ! j ' j Beit location In ih Cltjr. Flrtproot Bulldlnf All Modem Convtnltnoft. Buroptta Plan. Ratta from f 1.00 par day aid up. Raiaa wlib bath, 1 1.90 par day and up. " " u. '.simuuim.m if tios, terrible drag- Shoes in town at the low glng sensations, c extreme nervous. tS1, P1-"' , ana mat all , , , , , , ! feeling in my My stock of men's andbcy'i lach. I had ' nuns, and that all gone feel Mtomiiili. given up hope of shoes is unsurpassed for qua- itVAr liitltiir null ' rakdlaffln,11 C1Se WK low SSiufi'Sffi Pcnses "able me to sell the new life had been best qualities at lowest prices. given me, and I am recommending It to all my frlendo," Mrs. W. 8. FonD, iwoo i.uiiwiowiiH pic, j mm more, ma The most suecesHful remedy In this ' country for the cure of all forms of female complaints is Lydla B. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound. It )m I stood the test of years and to-day is more widely and HitccesHfully used than any other female remedy. It has cured ! umiiHitnuH or women wno have btn troubled with displacements, Inflam mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir regularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feellnir. llutnliincv indigestion, and nervous prostration, after all other means had failed. If you are siifferinar from aiivnf tlmim ailments, don't give up hope until you have given Lydia Ji. J'inkliain's Vege table Compound a trial. If you would like Hnpcinl ndvlr write to Mrs, I'inkhitm, Lynn Mass., for it. Wli has guided thousands to health, free of Charge. C 1 O.m A. Ulf 54H Bond Street. nDIAMOSO Ms tjiv IF 1 KM m I r fill k 3 i r ! w i-MtM nortnm Ml ui nil. Pw mm mHwtw aa ail bail iMia. , . . , ' U t ! t roar nntaliliMbl. Mao aa44iUraoiMwMllMkS i I