THE MORNING ASTORI AN, ASTORIA, OREGON. THURSDAY, ATRIL, 1,' 1909. Bailor - $stmmi Established 187X bliihed Dully Except Monday by THE J. S. DELLINGER CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By snail, per year ...$7.00 By carrier, per month .6C WEEKLY ASTORIAN. ly nail, per year, ia advance $1.50 Entered at second-class natter July SO, 1906, at the poatoffice at Astoria, Oregon, voder the act ot Congress of March 3, 1879. Order for the delivering of The Morning Astorian to either residence or place of business may be made by postal card or through telephone. Any irregularity in delivery should be immediately reported to the office f pnbScatioa TELEPHONE MAIN 661. i THE WEATHER Oregon Showers in west followed by clearing weather; showers in east portion; probable frost in early morn ing in exposed places in west portion. GOVERNOR COSGROVE Ia spite of the fact that Samuel G. Cosgrove, Governor of Washington, had been a dangerously sick man for many months, and that he was the victim of one of the accepted incur able maladies, his death comes as a shock to the people of the great Northwest where his name and work are buildcd in on the rugged face of the record this section is making in the book of progress. He was so sanguine himself, so plucky, and am bitious to be and do and score some thing among his fellows, that the hope was begotten, that even in the certainty of the inevitable, something might occur to give him leeway and make it possible for him to serve his people. - All the country rejoices that he was permitted to live until he received the crowning honor of his life, until he reached the summit of his personal and professional ambition. He died as Governor of his State, though it is of the Northwest; she is far more at tractive than any of the coast resorts within 250 miles of her boundaries; and nothing should be left undone to make her notable for the charm she boasts; especially where the duty de volves upon her own people to main tain and manifest the record. The "unwritten law" seems to hold its own against all other codes in the country. Hut why must the man be always the victim of its implacable reprisal? The twentieth-century wo man should be held accountable for something of responsibility in these fearful affairs! Many a man goes to his death, on this score, for the smile of a wanton, the lure of a woman who should never have been wife nor mother. The sex-law seems to tran scend even the grim sanctity of the code that is not written. THE UBIQUITOUS CRANK. The crank we have with us always! His latest appearance was on board the liner Hamburg in mid-ocean; his latest assignment (?) was the killing of ex-President Theodore Roosevelt; his inspiration is unguessable, as yet' But he is with us, alright; we cannot escape him, ashore, nor afloat; and the only relief to be had is that he shall be duly executed, confined, or put in physical restraint of some sort There is something pitiful in the fact that he is always, and eternally, an alien. Always he is some poor wretch from an oppressed land, who has borne the weight of centuries of concentrated and vicious oppression, in comparison with which the social ills of this land are as nothing; and whose mind, diseased and contorted by the vengeful venom of generations, must find some outlet for its disorder ed spleen and takes the first and most very doubtful if he would have been j prominent figure hit eye and hand honored any less had he died a priv ate citizen; but he wanted to be Gov ernor of Washington and the people wanted him, and nature withheld her hand a few weeks until the honest longing of the one, and the prideful consent of the many, might be achiev ed. It is believed that had be lived out his administration he would have become one of the foremost men of his rank in the country; for he cherished very high ideals and possessed the calm, courageous faculties- for carrying them out His was a strong, clean, helpful nature that always asserted itself on the side of genuine and pro gressive movements and lent its own energy to the fulflment of the best plans and predicates of civic life and i society. His death is a misfortune, I not alone to his State, but to the coun try. SUMMER-DRESS THE CITY This is the accepted time for put ting Astoria in clean, healthful and attractive shape for the glad summer time.' She needs a very thorough overhauling in many ways; her build ings need painting; her sidewalks are crying out for repairs; her yards and gardens and parks and squares are de mandng care and clearance; her docks and warehouses want a good deal of attention including a lot of whitewash and paint; her water-face needs a combing to rid it of the hideous growth of black and broken piling; lier streets need cleaning and fixing up, and things want straightening up, digging-out, and putting-in, and all the touches of interest that conserve the order and beauty of a community after a long and dismal winter when things are permitted to run at hazard. (All exceptions noted). Astoria is one of the beauty-spots can reach. He is one of the burdens of civilization as we know it today, and, perhaps, the very worst expres sion of the imperfection of that civil ization. We wish these misguided, unhappy folk could understand, however, that Mr. Roosevelt, it one of the latest, best and happiest examples we pos sess, of the new and healthful democ racy of thought and action in this country, and that his death would be the worst possible blow to the cause of human freedom and civic up-life that could be dealt the people of this land: there are thousand of others in power, and out of it governmen tally speaking, who might more logically come under the insane fiat of the foreign crank, if there must be a killing, but he is not of them; he has done more to lighten the burdens of the poor man in this country than any man since the day of Lincoln, and the people of America have further use for him in the high places and ex alted tasks yet to be performed in the name of a free people Keep your hands off such Ameri cans as Theodore Roosevelt, or the people will find a way to make it im possible for the alien to live in peace in this country; and that is what the alien is supposed to have come here for, peace, and oportunity ,and the right to live rightly. The month of March has developed a multitude of actors and actresses in this city who never knew, before, what real talents they possessed. Astoria is going to have that new hotel no matter what she has o do to get it. It is worh many various efforts and some sacrifices. There may have been a body at tached to that head that was seen floating in Young's Bay last Sunday. That it was a woman's face and head and hair adds interest to the story and if extreme care is not taken by the authorities, in the case, something of tragic interest may develope in the matter. An officer and a launch should have been despatched to the scene of the discovery when the thing was reported by Mr. and Mrs. Badal let; their information was entitled to more consideration than was given it. HI ARISES III CONSTITUTION IS MODELED GREATLY AFTER THE ONE IN THE UNITED STATES NEWS AND NOTES OF SPORT LONDON", March JO.-The new South African Commonwealth is soon to become an accomplished fact. Today, according to cable dispatches from Cape Town, the parliaments of Cape Colony, the Transvaal, Natal and the Orange River Colony will take action on the constitution re cently formulated by a special body of representatives. Next June the union convention again will meet to put the finishing touches to the plan of government, which then will be brought to London for imperial approval and for the Kings signature. Indications are that the new gov ernment will be strongly centralized. It will follow the Canadian rather than the American or Australian plan in reserving all powers not specially lclegated to the provinces. Tract! cally alt the interests and affairs of J the provinces are placed in the hands of a central parliament, the purely local and administrative business of each province only being in the hands of a provincial council, which also is subject finally to the authority of the central parliament. This plan is radical departure from the methods of the home country and of the other colonial federations, and was decided upon evidently' with a view to avoid ing the confusions, the contraditions d at any time by a two-thirds vote of the assembly and senate in joint session. Both English and Dutch are nmdo official languages. All laws and documents tire to be published in each alike, mid cither mny be used in debutes or court proceedings. The parliament will meet in the as sembly building at Cape Town. The government officers arc to be at Pre toria, the capital of the Transvaal, while the supreme court and other high courts will be established in the chief city of the Orange River Col ony, Hlocmfontcin. Tho railroads. seaports, etc., arc to be managed by a commission at cost, nnd foreign commerce is to be apportioned; the Transvaal, through Dclngoa Buy, getting 50 per cent, Natul 30 and Cape Colony 20. 3 VVS.VNvvlvL,x.vvl 11o Kind You Have Always) Bought, aud which liatt X)ow In um fur over 80 years, lw borne tho nlKiinturo of 4 1M bam iitntta under M per CcC&J onaX "PWV'lulon afneo lbs Infinity. uw Allow no no to thrive you lathi. AH Counterfeit, Imitation mid" Jut-ttiroHl "nre but -Experiments Mint trlflo with and eudiuiger tho health of IafkaU and CbUdreju Experience ngalut lSxpwlniuaU What Is CASTORIA 1 1 THE LAGUNA DAM Celebration Of It Completion Now On. I.I The Annapolis ballteam close its season at a game at West Point May 29. Blame Durbm, the former t-ub, isi showing a nice line of goods with the Cincinnati Rods. Seldom has Packey McFarland done better work than he did in his i and th frequent arbit.iry effects of recent bout with' Leach Cross. 'Party government. The Swiss Aero Club has fixed Oct. I The suffrage in the new common 10 as the date for the international balloon race for the Bennett cup. Ned Hanlon says tltat his Balti more team got the worst of the East errn league schedule on every break. W. F. Waller of Dover, Del., has been signed to manage the Ports-1 mouth team in the Virginia league. The two Philadelphia baseball teams will play the first game in the inter-league series April 2. wealth is to be exercised throughout, in all elections, local and general, and in the secondary elections for mem bcrs of the upper house of parlia mcnt, in accordance with the prin ciple of "proportional representation with the single transferable vote. I By this principle a voter, for instance in the Transvaal, with thirty-six rep resentattves, could vote either once for each candidate or give two votes Addie Joss and Cy Young, both ofifor the eighteen he should elect. The WING SHOTS. ttaVitual Constipation Nay he pertruinetu'ly overcome ry proper personal efforts vttHiKe assistance tsf'theonf truly ijenejicial laxative remedy, Syrup of figs ami Ettr efSewa, whlcK enableft one toorm rejgiifor kabit& daily So that assistance to na ture may be gradual) dispensed with, xhen no ton&er needed astKe Ustof remedies, when reauired, are to assist taWe and not to supplant the hatmv ft! functions, vhicn hiust depend ulti mately upon proper nourishment, jWjver eforts,and rlkt livin generally. Io get its benecial effects, always Guy the genuine 6yrut?KgsJEluir,fetina ' SnwutfaeWril by Uie California Fig Syrup Co . oniy tJLD BV ALL LEADING DRUCRISTS cue Jae only, rUr price 50f fn Bottle j The A. & C. has made a direct cut in its local fares in and out of Astoria of form ,10 td 20 per cent, which, while it may not, upon the face of things, seem to be an extraordinary conces sion, should be as readily acknow ledged and appreciated, as an advance of the same sort would have been pro tested, and contested, and rowed about!. Mr. Harriman's ambition to merge the railways of the nation into one organic whole is truly Napoleonic; but it bears the ear-marks of an inter est that presages a Waterloo for the people. If the seggregated railway concerns of the land can raise and maintain a hateful uproar of which the people are sickening, what, in the name of Fate, would a "combine" do for us?. Cleveland, hold the record of retir ing consecutively 27 batsmen in a league game. There will no wearing of numbers by the major players this season. But the chances are that it will come later on. Ira Thomas of the 4 Athletics has asked all of the 22 games scheduled J with Detroit. Who is he sore at, Philadelphia or Detroit?. Pitchers Barger, Thielman and Ehmann of the Boston Americans will likely receive an invitation to re port to some minor league. And no wonder Jack Johnson won'? meet Sam Langford. The better Sam fights the more difficult it is for him to get a show with the stars. It is said that Manager Cantillon of the Washington team is not entire ly satisfied, with the showing made by Ganley and Clyraer. Manager Stallings says that Roy Dermitt, the new outfielder of the Highlanders, will develop into an other Ty Cobb. Every team has one or more Ty Cobbs before the season opens. Rowing in the middle West will likely receive quite a boom through the decision of the National Associa tion of Amateur Oarsmen to hold its 6 and 7 are the dates fixed for the big meet. American Association teams are all on the job. Milwaukee is training at Champaign, 111., Minneapolis at Des Moines, Toledo at Columbus., Ca., Indianapolis at West Baden, St. Paul at Hot Springs, and Louisville, Columbia and Kansas City are get ting into condition at home. Crazy Snake and his crazy cohorts have made their little play and the flash is over. They are the joke of the hour, and will be forgotten in a few days. How mutable are the lofty aspirations of the whisky-soaked-ig-noramus of an Indian chieftain, back ed by the booze-courage of a lot of spineless and sodden nigger-derelicts, in the game of war!. The sentimen talists of the country have the oppor tunity of their lives to indulge their peculiar cult over the woes of these foul beasts of Oklahoma!. FOLLOWING THE FAD NEW YORK, March 31.-By sub mitting to an operation for the re moval of his veriform appendix. Henry B. Halsey village trustee of South Orange, N. J., achieved for his family the novel distinction of being collectively appendixless. Within the last year Mr. Halsey's wife and both of his daughters have undergone the same operation. result would be that no considerable minority would be without represcn tation fairly proportioned to its strength. The principle of equality in the upper house, as in the United States Senate, is applied in the South Af rican constitution, but not complete ly. Each of the four provinces chooses eight senators through the vote of its provincial council and its members of the assembly, or lower house, and to these are added eight senators nominated by the Governor Genral in Council. The member- of the house of assembly are chosen by the provinces substantially according to the adult male European popula tion. The natives who now have the vote are not to be deprived of it, but none can attain it in the future, and they are not eligible to the parlia ment. The constitution is necessarily in the form of an act of the British Par liament, but amendments to some of its provisions may at any time' be made by the parliament of South Af rica, and any of them may be chang- YUMA, A., March 31. The cele bration of the completion of the L- guna dam is in full swing here. Ex cursion trains have brought large crowds from all territorial point and California, Governor Kilbey and other territorial nnd reclamation ser vice dignitaries have arrived. The mile of cement pavement which crosses the bed of the Colorado river at Laguna had been prepared for the inspection of the public, and special rains will be run across the entire surface of the dam for the conven ience of sight seer. A giant barbecue was provided for the guests at the close of the cere monies. The streets were lined last night wit hthrongs of merrymakers and mingling with them were Indians from the reservation. A parade depicting the progress of the Yuma project was reviewed by the governor. One hundred Cocopah Headed the procession in war paint and war feathers. Castorln Is a harmlcu latMtltate fbr Cantor Oil, Pare gorlc, ))rop and Suotlilnff Syrnps. It lit ricnmuit. It contains neither Opium. Morphine) nor othvr Nnreotlt ubatAiioo. It Ago U Its guAni&tee. It destroy Worm and Allay Fererlshnesa. It Cure Dhtrrhwii and Wind Colic it rollove Teothtiitf Troubles, cure Coitntlpatlos ivnd Fmtuloncy. It HMsliutlnto tho Food, rrgrulutes th Gtonuicu nnd Howola, gtvlng boolUiy and untural sleep tho Children's rauaccATho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA AU'ATO Bears tho Signature ot MM The Kind You Hare Always In Uso For Over 30 Years. la Man. MantaVt rt aww iTMif. em SCOW BAY BRASS & ffOBP RUSHING AFTER HEALTH AHTOK1A, OHKOON , , ' , ,., . (, Iron and Brass Founders, Land and Marine Engineers. up-to-uau aawmui Macnint Prompt attention gw to all repair tl and Franklin Avs. work, Tel Main 341 Sherman Transier Co. HINRY IHESMAK. lfsmamr. ' Hacks, Carriage Bag gage Checked and Transferred Tracks sad Fnraitar wagoae llasoi Moved, Boxed and Shipped. 4M CwnsnarclaJ treat . Uiin Pk m FINANCIAL. First National Bank of Astoria DIRECTORS and he at once chartered the special Jacob Kamm W. F. McGregor G. CFlavrl J. w. Ladd S. S. Gordun Capital $100,000 Surplus 25,000 Stockholders' Liability ...,100,000 BSTAHMNIIKO IMHit. CHICAGO, March 31.-Chartered at a cost of $3000 and ordered to break all records, a special train hai left Santa Fe. N. M., for this city carrying C. L. Tallmadge of the real estate firm of Tallmadge Brothers, Chicago and Denver. He It traveling under the care of Dr. J. H. Sloan, and several servants. Mr. Tallmadge was taken ill in a Santa Fe Hotel on Mon day, while on his way to the Pacific Coast. Physicians who were called pronounced his case hopeless, unless he could be taken to a lower altitude. and placed under a specialists care. B. II. Tallmadge was notified by wire train, which will stop only to change engines. Subscribe to The Morning Aitoriaa delivered by carrier. LAME EVERY MORNING. Bad Back is Always Worse in the Morning Astoria People Are Finding Relief. Children Who Are Sickly Mothers who value their own com fort and the welfare of their children, should rfever be without a box of Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, for use throughout the sea son. They Break up Colds, Cure Feverishness, Constipation, Teething Disorders, Headache and Stomach Troubles. THESE POWDERS NEV ER FAIL. Sold by all Drug Stores, 25c. Don't accept any substitute. A trial package will be sent FREE to any mother who will address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. A back that aches all day and causes discomfort at night is usually worse in the morning. Makes you feel as if you hadn't slept at all. Can't cure a bad back until you cure the kidney. Doan'3 Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys make you feel bet ter, work better, rest better and sleep better. Permanent cures in Astoria prove the merit of Doan's. Mrs. E. Nettleblade, 133 Astor street, Astoria, Ore., says: "For a long time I felt weak, tired and de pressed, and would arise in the morning so lame and stiff that I was hardly able to perform my house work. There was a bearing-down sen sation through my hips and loins and at times I would suffer so intensely that I would be forced to lie down. The kidney secretions were unnatural and gave me much annoyance. I finally learned of Doan's Kidney Pills and procured a box at Chas. Rogers & Sons drug store. The results of their use were satisfactory and I gladly recommend them," For sale by all dealers. Price SO cents. I'oster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Cheap Passenger Rates From the East During March and April reduced rates will be in ef fect from Eastern Points to Astoria. VIA THE O. R. & N. AND CONNECTIONS Money can be deposit ed here and we will wire our eastern repre sentatives to deliver tickets to passengers at any point in the east Cash can also be trans mitted to passengers by wire without extra cost For further information call on or address Wm. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, ORE. Q. W. ROBERTS, Agent O. R. N. DOCK ASTORIA, OREGON J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President O. I. PETERSON, Vice-President J. W. GARNER. Assistant Cashier FRANK PATTON, Cashier ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS , $232,000 Transacts a General Banking Basinets Interest Paid on Time Depoa . Four Per Cent. Per Annum . Eleventh and Daane St. . . Astoria, Oregon SCANDINAVIAN-A M E R I C A N SAVINGS BANK ASTORIA, OREGON OUR MOTTO: "Ulttj gupmM AH Otfaw CwuUmlW TIDE TABLE FOR MARCH MARCH 1909. MARCH 1909. High Water. Date. Monday ,. Tuesday .. Wednesday Thursday . Thursday . Friday ... Saturday . SUNDAY Monday 8 Tuesday 9 Wednesday ...m Thursday 11 Friday 1Z Saturday ;13 SUNDAY .....14 Monday 15 Tuesday . t .... 16 Wednesday ...17 Thursday. .....18 Friday 19 Saturday 20j SUNDAY 21 Monday 22 Tuesday 23! Wednesday ,.iZ4 T.iursday 25 Friday 26! A. M. h. m. ft. 8:25 9:35 10:351 0:05 11:23 0:38 1:05 1:30 1:55 2:20 2:45 3:12 3:45 4:20 5:05 6:05 7:17 8:35 9:48 10:50 11:43 0:32 1:10 1:48 2:271 3:07 3:50 Saturday 27 4:401 5:35 SUNDAY Monday ... Tuesday . . . Wednesday ..28 ...29 ,..301 ...31 6:40 8:00 9:12 7.91 7.9 8.0 7.3 8.1 7.61 7.8 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 7.9 7 7.6 7.8 8.1 8.6 9.01 8.71 9.2 9.4 9.51 9.4 9.1 8.6 8.1 7.7 7.4 7.31 P. M. Low Water. h. m. 10:301 11:25 12:05 12:43 1:17 1:50 2:25 3:00 3:45 4:30 5:28 6:45 8:15 9:30 10:27 11:13 11:55! 12:351 1:25 2:13 3:03j 3:57 4:57 6:07! 7:30 8:53 9:57 10:45 ft. Date. 375 Monday ... 6.9 Tuesday .... Wednesday .... Thursday ..... 4 .... Friday 5 8.2 Saturday 6 8.2 SUNDAY .... 7 8.1 Monday 8 7.9 Tuesday 9 7.7 Wednesday ...10 7.5 Thursday 11 7.7 Friday 12! 6.6 Saturday 13 6.1 aUNDAY . ..14 5.5 SUNDAY 14 5.8 Monday 15 6.8 Tuesday 16 6.8 Wednesday ...171 7.4 Thursday 18 8.1 Friday 19 .... Saturday 20 9.2 SUNDAY 12 9.1 Monday 22 9.0 Tuesday 231 B.4 Wednesday ...Z4 7.7 Thursday 25 7.0 Friday 261 6.5 Saturday 27 0.3 SUNDAY m 6,4 Monday 29 6.8 Tuesday 30 7.2 Wednesday ...31 A. M. h. m 2:40 4:00 5:05 5:55! 6:35 7:12 7:45 8:08 8:33 9:05 9:43! 10:151 11:07 1:05 2:40 4:05 5:05 5:58 6:42 7:25 8:101 9:00 9:48 10:42 11:42 0:55 2:25 3:4!) 3.81 3.8 3 3.1 2.8 2.4 2.2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.21 1.1 1.1 4.3 4.2 3.7 P.M. h. m. 3:50 4:45 5:35 6:15 6:53 7:23 7:50 8:10 8:33 9:00 9:301 10:05 10:45 12:08 11:40 1:20 2:35 3:45 4:45 3 M S:35 2.1 1.2 0.4 0 -0.3 -0.4 0.2 0.1 3.8 3.9 3,7 6:20 7:00 7:42 8:22 9:08 9:50 10:40 11:38 12:50 2:00 3:10 4:10 ft. 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.2 -0.1 0.2 0.7 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.3 2.8 3.4 1.0 3.9 0.9 0.7 0.3 6.1 0.3 -0.4 0.2 0.0 0.6 1.3 2.0 2.7 3.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6