THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTOKIA, OREGON. TUKSDAY, MARCH 3ft l. Special For a Few Days j& 3 CANS OF CONDENSEDIMILK 25 CENTS A. V. ALLEN COFFEE Phones 731, 3871. "BIPEDS II BREECHES" " HE lEilSIIE&T SOUTHERN ORATOR TAKES A SHARP FLING AT THE CHI CAGO SUFFRAGETTES. CHICAGO, March 29. 'Bipeds in Breeches," This ii" the latest defini tion of mere man from the viewpoint of a suffragist advocate as .expounded y John Temple Graves. The South ern orator enthralled for two hours an audience at the Sunday evening Club in an argument for the elective franchise for women. "There are in New York City, by actual count." aid Mr. Graves, 27, 000 women who by the sweat of their brow, are earning a livelihood for these bipeds in breeches, otherwise known as men. "In Washington today we see the spectacle of masters of finance and politicians some of them leaning closely to Standard Oil who are cling to raise the tariff on articles of necessity to women. If woman had the right of the ballot would they dare trespass on these precincts? BLACK HAND AGAIN NEW YORK. March 29 What is believed to be another black hand murder is claiming the attention of the police department The body of a man which wis found in a vacant lot in Brooklyn yesterday morning has been identified as that of Salva tore Melar. The body has been hack ed with a knife beside bearing a num ber of bullet wounds. The victim was young, apparently about 25 years old. WORE A RED MASK NEW YORK, March 29.-The po lice are puzzled to know why a bur glar, who entered the house of Mrs. Lena Crasalitz in Lexington Avenue yesterday, wore a red mask. The woman awoke to find the man grip ping her by the throat and terrified she noted that he wore two masks. Hie outer one a weird crimson. After a struggle, the invader fled and escaped from the house by sliding down a vine. A BAS THE AUTOS NEW YORK, March 29- Sixteen persons were struck by automobiles and left lying in the street while the ears sped on during the past year. So far in 1909 there have been four such victims in New York, the latest Inrvaard Trimble, the 13 year old boy was killed Saturday evening. The j police are still hunting for the occup ants of the car which struck him. A THOUSAND DOGS CHICAGO, March 29 One thou- n A .Vinrnmrh hrpH HrCT are on ex- 11 VI uivivugn ' ' O - , Bibition on the eight annual show of' the Chicago Kennel Club. Winners I will be picked Thursday. J The largest exhibits are those of Boston terriers, bull dogs, French j bulldogs and scotch collies. Lord Ethetstone, a noted English bulldog, makes its first appearance at a local bench show. MORE PENSIONS WASHINGTON, March 29 Re presentative Nicholson, Penna-, is of the opinion that persons who were engaged in the construction of mil itary railroads during the Civil War are entitled to pensions and he has introduced a bill granting pension privileges to them- A number of bills providing for the pensioning of men who have participated in the In dian wars have also been introduced. Mr Ansberry of Ohio, has a bill giv ing a medal of honor for each surviv ing soldier who enlisted under the first call of President Lincoln for-troops- ASK. DIAMOND f FOR 1 I. lnn Sm PeUto -artfewaat Kotl mU Ollm w mm UaoUr U til few Jj to w b as. II ao, mi M i tn jmnv ror&od, vrtM . aivteg um f rur ommlm, w,4 mm will mmm mm m mek.mtmttltrmwT wwli trma for Tmrnt Urcmfrtt, immmm&nmiwm,mmm,mmmm,vw. . . . Sole Agent for . . , Barrington Hall Steel Cut 40 CAN Branch Untontovvo VETERAN DEAD CHICAGO, March 29--Justus D. Andrus, believed to be the eldest member of the G. A. R, is dead here. Mr. Andrus was born in 1814. Dur ing the Civil War he served as sec ond lieutenant in the One Hundred and Twenty Fourth Illinois Volun teers. GRIEF KILLS MOTHER Dies When She Learna Of Her Son's Conviction. NEW YORK. March 29.-The death of Mrs. Verona Bertchey, who died yesterday at Ridgewood Heights N. J., is said to have been caused by the shock of hearing that her son must die in the electric chair. The son Adolph, was convicted of shoot ing and killing a man who was par suing him after he had been discov ered trying to enter a Hotel at Lake wood. On March 16 the aged mother never losing confidence in her boy's innocence, procured a stay of execu tion for thirty days on the ground of new evidence. In the meantime an appeal was filed, but she was in formed yesterday that Adolph would have to die unless the governor in terfered. Soon afterwards she ex pired. MONEY FOR WATERWAYS WASHINGTON. March 29--Rep-resentative Randeli of Louisiana has introduced a bill providing a means for obtaining money for waterway improvements. It authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to borrow $500,000000 but not to exceed $50r 000,000 in any certain fiscal year, to defray expenditures hereafter auth orized for waterway improvements. The Secretary is also authorized to issue two per cent coupon or regis tered United States bonds, redeem able ten years from issuing date, and payable thirty years frorm such date. The bonds will be exempt from all taxes. VACCINATING CRUSADE. NEW YORK, March 29.-Fifteen hundred patients in Bellevie and other city hospitals, have sore arms which has just been completed. Twenty five bottles of vaccine were required for the task. All patients were vaccinated pursuant to an order from the board of health in order to prevent any possibility of a smallpox epidemic among them. SUNSHINE AND EDUCATION CHICAGO March 29.-War in earnest which has as its chief object the voters' sanction of the proposed municipal sanitarium for consumpt ives, has been declared against tuber culosis in the Ghetto the humanity packed West side district, where the white plague long has taken two fold toll. The open tenement house wind ow is hereafter to be the watchword of the ghetto housekeeper. She is to see to it, too, that sunshine gets into her home and is to spread "Educa tion" among her neighbors. This has been decided upon unanimously at the first of several mass meetings planned for that section. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs quickly, strengthens the lungs and expels colds. Get the genuine in a yellow package. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store- The Man Who Eats. I The man who eats does so with j the expectation of being satisfied. To this end be seeks the best possible place to gratify his normal appetite at most rational expense. These things account for the steady stream of people to and from the portals of the Palace Restaurant in this city. The reputation of the Palace is founded immoveably upon the certainty and amplitude of the service it renders to every purse, and appetite, big and little. Open day and night Com mercial streets, opposite the Page building. Every Woman Will be Interested If you will send your name and ad dress we will mail you FREE a pack age of Mother Gray's Australian Leaf, a certain, pleasant herb cure for Women's ills. It is a reliable regu lator and never-failing. If you have pains in the back, Urinary, Bladder or Kidney trouble, use this pleasant union of aromatic herbs, roots and leaves. All Druggists sell it, SO cents, or address. The Mother Gray Co., Le Roy, N. Y. SEHATORIFULTON FILES HIS1S11 TO CHARGES HENEY HAS LAID WITH ATTORNEY-GENERAL AT WASHINGTON, D. C. WASHINGTON, D. C March 29. Former Senator Fulton has filed with the Attorney-General an answer to the protest made by Francis J. Ifeney against his appointment as Federal judge. It is stated at the Department of - Justice that the en dorsement of Fulton has been general on the part of the Oregon bar, and that protests have been few in com parison with endorsements. Action hinges on the view the Attorne-en- eral will take on the Heney charges and Fulton's defense. It is said that President Taft is leaving the matter to the decision of the Attorney-Gen eral. In addition to the Federal judge ship question, the appointment of T. Cader Powell, as United States mar shal in Alaska, is also suspended on account of charges made by Heney. j Bourne has a candidate for this place in the person of former Customs Col lector Sinnott, of Portland, and if the Powell reappointment is not made, Bourne stands a fair chance of land ing his man. SHOULD'NT TOTE GUNS Chicago Minister Says Citizens Should Be Disarmed. CHICAGO. March 29 Disarma ment as applied to every citizen in Illinois is advocated by the Rev. M. H. Boynton, a Baptist minister. "I do not know of one good reason for the continued manufacture and sale of revolvers." he said. "They have a red history and their victims fill many miles of graves. Chicago has seen enough of the careless handling of firearms even by officers lately. If the sale of pistols is allowed it soon will become necessary for every citizen to carry one." GREEK ALWAYS A GREEK WASHINGTOnT March 29 Greeks do not generally emigrate in the accepted sense of the word, re turning as a rule to settle in Greece This statement was made in a com munication from the American charge at Athens, in transmitting the con clusions of a commission which made a study of Greek emigration. These persons, it was reported, remain in constant communication with their families at home as shown by the amount of money sent back. In 1906 the money orders alone reached the sum of 6.000,000 francs. The com mission decided the state Department ought to protect such an important source of wealth and recommended a stringent supervision of agent of the emigration companies. FORGER CAUGHT. EAST ST. LOUIS UL, March 29. Advices from Kansas City yester day tell of the arrest there yesterday of Roy Horton, who is wanted here on charges of forgery involving $100 (X.I0. Horton and his brother, John L. Horton, who was recently arrest ed after a case of several years, op erated as brokers at the stock yards here- Roy Horton was arrested un der the name of Ryan" and is said to have been in Kansas Cify for the last year working at the stock yards. INVENTOR KILLED ADA, O., March 29,-Doble M. Davidson, inventor of the traction engine, was killed here Sunday by Pennsylvania passenger train. David son invented the traction engine in 1877, and during that year the first engine was put on the market. Re cently after a diligent search David son found his original engine, pur chased it, and shipped it back to his home. TOMMY WANTS A "GO" CHICAGO, March 29.- Tommy Burns has come to the front in a let ter just received here from Australia by L. B. Baily, with an offer to box Jack Johnson once more. He ex presses confidence that he can put up a winning fight. Wanted. All chronic sufferers to call and see Dr. Eva Marsh. No matter what your ailments are, or of how long standing, there is still hope for you with this wonderful drugless system. I am able to reach all diseases and remove the cause. Call and inves tigate. EVA MARSH, D. C Room 38, Hotel Irving - Astoria, Or. TWO HOUNDS; MALE AND FE- male; 10 months old; $35 for both. Address "L- O.," Astorian office. A HATCHET PARTY. A Appropriate Gam For Washing ton' Birthday. For your Wnahlugiou'a birthday wlobratlon try a Imuliot party, wulon ft somewhat Ilk a donkey party, On I white sheet stretched acroaa the room draw roughly in charcoal a lnrg cherry tree, Iu the trunk of the tree represent a good big chunk cut out. then cut out of cardboard a ntm!tr of hatcbeta about three tuchea long. Decorate these hatchets la red, white and blue. Leave room for the name of each guest, which I written in red on the hatchet. At the end of the batrhet tie red, white ami blue ribbons. Each player la blindfolded, turned around three 1 hues and told to pin tha hatchet i s v ! . a possible to the notch. The player who comes nearest the mark is ;he wU.ucr. FUN WITH PAPER BANOS. Qur Reiulti Produced by Twitting and Cutting. Try thU trick with paper band. Take three strips of paper tlx Inches long and about an Inch wide and mark dotted lines lengthwise down the mid dle of escb. Pasts the two ends of the first one straight and squarely, as shown In Fig. 1. Before pasting the second give the strip s twist, as shown In Fig. 2. The third strip you twUt before pasting. Now cut each band along the dotted line, and yon will have ss a result two separate rings from No. 1, ss in Fig. 4; from No. 2, one ring naif as wide ss the original, but with twice the diam eter, as in Fig. 8. snd from No. 3 two rings linked together, as tn Fig. & Hers Is a peculiar trick. Qet a small piece of sine and place it on top of the BKTOhE AND AFTZB. tongue. L'nder the tongue place ell ver coin. Keep them there for a few minutes until yon become used to the taste of the two mi'tals, and then bring their edges together over the tip of the tonjrue. A peculiar taste will st once be felt ou the tongue, tbe sensation be ing produced for an odd reason. The two pieces of metal, with the tongue between them, form a miniature elec tric battery, and when you "close the circuit," as when you make the two metals touch over tbe tip of the tongue, a very Hllubt current passes through the tongue, which gives the sensation of a peculiar taste. If you have the zinc under tbe tongue, InHtead of on top of it, and the silver on top. the taste will in each case be different, being slightly acid In one Instance and alkaline in tbe other. Boldiart of Undo 8am. March, march, march I Tha drums bat, beat I Tha soldier boys do coma Adown tha village street. Tom la In the lead; -Tim la In the rear. March, march, march 1 Thar ara coming naar. Tootaey bear, tha banner A flag blue, white and red. Bravsly he doii wava It Abova hia llttla head. March, march, march! Tha drums beat, beat I The ooldli-r boya do coma Adown the village street. Tho Tartar'a Manner. When a Tartar Invites an honored guest to dine with him he will take tbe guest by the ear and lead him to tbe table. BOYS LOSE I'l SALT LIE DEBATE FIRST OF ANNUAL DEBATES HELD AT SALT LAKE CITY SUBJECT OF INTEREST. SALT LAKE CITY, March 29, The first annual debate between the University of Utah and the Univer sity of Oregon was won by the form er here tonight, The question was; "Resolved, That Municipal Govern ment by Commission is Preferable to the Prevailing Form of American City Government.'' A GHASTLY IMPOSITION CLEVELAND, 0-, March 29, For several hours Walter Johnson, Jr., carried the dead body of a baby girl about Cleveland in a basket, thinking it contained groceries. Hi father peered into the basket when the young man reached home and dis covered the corpse. Johnson w taken into custody by the police. Johnon went shopping, buying gro ceries at several markets. He start ed home, but meeting friend on the way, was delayed until morning. He then hurried to bed without opening the basket leaving it In the center of a dining table- Hie father opened the basket to lift out the groceries- The police believe the body was left in a basket in one of the markets visited by Johnson. Death it said to have been due to exposure. BANK REALTY LOANS WASHINGTON. March 20.-Sen- ator Nelsop, lu himself failed to discover any good reasons why real estate may not be made the basis of loans nude by national banks, as is the case with loan made by other institutions and has introduced a bill authorizing ittch banks to let out a limited amount of their funds upon such security when the land i im proved, occupied and cultivated farms. TOBACCO GROWERS Laws Suggested In Favor Of Tha Producers. WASHINGTON, March 29-The tobacco grower is a subject of legis lation proposed by Representative Stanley of Kentucky and Representa tive Hull of TenneKce lu have in troduced bill permitting free and un taxed commerce in tinstemmed to bacco in the natural leaf. Mr. Stan ley has another bill providing that growers of tobacco shall have the right to sell "In the raw and unadulterated stage all tobacco of their own grow ing or cultivated upon their own lands or to hand stem and twist the same if manufactured in a form de sired," such tobacco to be "Exempt from any tax or charge of any kind whatsoever or other statutory regu lations on the part of the United States." Near Death In Big Pond. It was a thrilling experience to Mrs. Ida Soner to face death. "For years a severe lung trouble gave me intense suffering," she writes, "and several times nearly caused my death. AH remedies failed and doctors said I was incurable. Then Dr. King's New Discovery brought quick relief and a cure so permanent that I have not been troubled in 12 years." Mrs. Soper lives in Big Pond, Pa- It works wonders in Coughs and Colds, Sore Lungs, Hemorrhages, La Grippe, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough and all Bronchial affections. 50c and SI. 00 Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Chas, Rogers & Son, druggists. WASHBURN MANDOLIN; COST $35; will take $18; fine tone and ex cellent condition. Address "L. O " Astorian office. iintel jSjoUmtf- Ellin war pmutll film. 0an JfranrinrrJ ' -'Ml M tli i j f'i t3 if 14 . h i su'" Best locitlen In (hi City, Fireproof Building Alt Modern Conveniences. Europein Plin, Rifei from $1.00 per d end up. Duel wiih buh, f 1,50 per diy end up, A STOP I A 2atR TWO NIGHTS TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY M arch Aiftoria Lodge B. P. O. E. WILL PRESENT A E1I6IIT I A Two Act Jluilcal Comedy by Thomas P. Oct BUILDING FUND BENEFIT Reserved Scat Sale Open Monday, March 39U1 BB IN LIINB BARLY ASTORIA & COUA RIVER R. R. Will sell cheap round trip excursion tickets to Denver May 17th, July 1st and August 11th On June jnd & jrd, July and & jrd audi Augttnt nth and lath, very low round trip rates will be made to St Paul, Duluth, Omaha, Kansas City, St, Louis, Chicago and. all eastern points, Through Rall'-nd Steamship tickets told to allj'parts of the world. For full particulars call or address O. B. JOHNSON, QeiTI Agent A. & C. R. R. 12th 8u near Commercial St ASTORIA. OREOON. 1, .1 ii m. -n., a u wum mmumiui FINANCIAL. First National Bank of Astoria DIRECTORS Jacob Kamm W. F. McGregor G. CFFtAVRi J. W. Ladd S. S. Gordwn Capital $100,000 Surplus 25,000 Stockholders' Liability 100,000 l-HTAIIMttllKO 1MKU. 11,11,., . 111. .ijm...i .,..,. - .-1. .. i.ui. . wam ii.iujiijMMiw!W-win-r. J. 0. A BOWLBY, President J. W, GARNER. Assistant Caskief O. I. PETERSON, Vice-Preside.! FRANK PATTON, Cashier ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS S232.CC3 Tranaacts a Oeneral Banking Bbsumms Interest Paid on Time Departs Four Per Cent. Per Annum Eltvintii and Dnane Sta. . . . . Astoria, OrefO SCANDINAVIAN-A A E R I C A N SAVINGS BANK ASTORIA, OREOON e w OUR MOTTO: "Safety lapercedsa All Other ConsideratlM." Joan Fox, Pres. P. L. Bishop, Sec. Astoria tarings -, Tress Nelson Troyer, Vice Pres. sad Snpt ASTORIA IRON WORKS DESIGNERS AND MANUP4CTURERS v OF THE LATEST IMPROVED ... Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITI FURNISHED, rorastpondencs Solicited. Foot of Fourth 8 treat Fisher Brothers Company SOLE AGENTS , Marbour snd FinUyson Salmon Twliict and Netting McCormlck Harvesting Machine Oliver Chilled Ploughs Sharpies Cream Separator! Raecolith Flooring Starrett'i Tools ' Hardware, Groceries,;, Ship Chandlery Tan Baric, Blue Stone, Muristic Acid, Welch Coal, Tar, Aih Oars, Oak Lumber, Pipe and Fittings, Brass Goods, Paints, Oili and Glais Fishermen's Pure Manilla Rope, Cotton Twine and Selnr Web Wo Want Vour Trade FISH BR BROS. BOND STREET 30-31 BO IA I