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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1909)
I'Cf 111 PUBLISHES PULL ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT COVERS THE MORNINO FIELD ON THE LOWER COLUMBIA 16th YEAR. NO. 77. ASTORIA, OREGON, TU.SDAY, MARCH 30, 1909 PRICE FIVE CENTS oninnnrMf hid uulu mLmiui DEAR FREEDOM Four Desperate "Cons" Attempt to Saw Out From the Salem Penitentiary LEADER CUTS HIS THROAT Thm Conspirator Safely Locked In Their Cells Branton, the Lead er, Once Threatened the Governor's Life. SALEM. Or, March 29. By aw ing their way through the ban of window od the basement floor of the building, four convict made a bold attempt to escape from the peniten tiary ihortty after S o'clock this morning. The prison official knew of the scheme, however, and with five armed guards awaiting their exit the convicti were held up at the point of as many gun as they made the bolt, and with hands held high in the air atl four of them were ordered bick Into the prison through the same hole from which they had emerged. John Branton, the alleged leader leader and principal organizer of the outbreak, lies dead In the prison morgue, having committed suicide by cutting his throat with a butcher knife taken from the prison butcher shop. His three colleagues are lock ed in thei rcelli and will be pun ished according to the rules of the Institution In such cases. Branton, the dead convict, was serving a 10-year sentence for asssult with intent to kill, having been com mitted from Lane County, June 26 1905. He was considered a desperate man, and has been kept under close surveillance by the prison guards and officials for some month. It' was he who wrote the anonymous letter to Dr. Charles Chsmberlain, son of United States Senator Chamberlain, then Governor, which was signed "Comity on Justice," and threatened both Governor Chamberlain and his son Charles with the same fate that was meted out to Governor Steunen berg, of Idaho, and former Sheriff Harvey Brown, of Union county, un less Branton was granted a pardon by February 20, 1908. Thil letter was published in fac simile by the newspapers on February 1, 1908, and its authorship was traced to Branton through identification of the hand writing as that of Branton' oldest daughter, Blanche, who addressed the envelope, and who later confessed to the Governor and the prison official. Branton was serving time in the penitentiary for attempting to kill a man in Lane county early In 1905 in order to secure his life insurance, which had been taken out in favor of Branton. Branton left his victim for dead, but the latter recovered and Branton's arrest and conviction followed. CALHOUN TRIAL IN THREE COURTS SAN FRANCISCO, March 29. The issues connected with the long-drawn-out trial of Fatrick Calhoun, claimed the attention and energies of three legal tribunals, scores of at torneys, an indeterminate flying squadron of detectives, newspaper men and photographers, today. Interest first centered in the police courts, where nine defendants, all of whom are alleged to have worked openly, or secretly, in the Interest of the United Railroads, appeared for arraignment on charges of having abstracted, or received, papers from the ofiice of the District Attorney. There was a hearing later, upon an injunction issued by Superior Judge MILLIONS FOR STEAMERS WASHINGTONTMarch 29.-Sen- ator Flint of California has introduc ed a resolution directing the Secre tary of War to establish a Jine of steamers along the Pacific coast sim ilar to that on the Atlantic coast, the two to be connected through the Pa nama Railroad. He would have the steamers carry both freight and pas sengers and would require them to make regular calls at Seattle, Taeoma, San Francisco, San Pedro and San Diego. The bill provides for the pur chase of ten steamers at the average price of $1,000,000 each. Representa tive MacLachlan of California has introduced i quite similar measure In the House. BANKRUPTCY LAWS WASHINGTON, March 29.-A number of bills affecting the bank ruptcy law, have been introduced In both houses of Congress. One by Representative Clayton of Alabama, provides for the repeat of the entire bankruptcy law of 1898 and also of all subsequent amendments. Sena tors Nelson and Brandegee have bills for the material amendment of the law, lOSEVELT'S LIFE IS SOUGHT BYfiiC LUNATIC CRABBED BY SAIL ORS AND PLACET) IN IRONS -IS PROBABLY INSANE. LONDON, March 29.-A dispatch to the Standard from Horta says that when the Hamburg arrived it was , learned that an attempt bad been made on board to attack Mr. Roose velt, but that It was frustrated and his would-be assailant was placed in irons. NEW YORK. March 29.-Giueppi Tosti, a steerage passenger on the Hamburg ii the man who threatened ex-President Roosevelt' life, accord ing to a special, from Horta, to the World. The incident occurred soon after the Hamburg left America. Then Tosti broke from his com panion in the steerage and started for the upper deck where Roosevelt and his son were standing, "He has let them take away my child," he it taid to have ihouted, in English. "Now he shall pay for it." The sailor quickly mastered Tosti and carried him below, where he was placed in irons. The incident it it said, was known only to Roosevelt and a few passengers. Tosti, after his imprisonment, refused for four days to seat, crying "Roosevelt is try ing to poison me." AFTER BUCKETSHOPS CHICAGO. March 29,-John A. Bunnell, president of the board of trade announces that Bucketshops will be considered at the directors meeting tomorrow. In case bucket shoping is found rife along LaSalle Street, steps may be taken to lay the i evidence before the states attorney. "We are watching the situation all the time," says Mr. Bunnell."In view .of newspaper agitation it appears to I me to be only proper that we should 'consider the! matter." Frank J. Murasky and just before the actual Ural was postponed for the day, the 12th seat in the jury box was filled, subject to peremptory chal lenge. Proceedings in police court were postponed until Wednesday. Further interest was added, tonight, when it became to be known that Judge Law ler, who is presiding over the Cal houn trial, had issued an order citing an unnamed defendant to appear be fore him tomorrow and show cause why he should not be punished for contempt. , The man is said to be a saloonkeeper, who is charged with having approached some of the jurors. CRAZY SHAKE TAKES IE At the Approach of the Military Alleged to be Headed for Washington' LEAVES HIS RABBLE BEHIND Number of Prominent Tribesmen Arrested Yesterday and Worit of the Trouble Is Probably Now All Over. OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., March 29. Chitti Harjos (Crazy Snake) was surrounded at midnight in the north Canadian Bottoms, near Pierce. Three hundred militiamen, cowboys and deputy sheriffs were closing in upon him ,and his capture at day break is expected. OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla, March 29. A detachment of Crazjr Snake's band of belligerent Indians were sur rounded by deputies this afternoon near Crazy Snake's home and a battle ensued. One Indian wat killed and eight captured. The rest fled, with the deputies In pursuit There were about 15 Indians in the band, which had taken refuge in the house. The depu ties had tracked them for some dist ance and were informed by a farmer, of their location. Advancing on four sides, the posses made for the house, and the Indians rushed out and scat tered among the trees and made a valiant defense. The posse all the while advanced and soon routed the band. None of the captured are ser iously injured. Besides these, it is known that a number of Indians were hit by bullets. Crazy Snake's band had, apparent ly, broken up into numerous small groups. It seemed at nightfall that each war trying to accomplish his own escape, without any regard to the grand dreams of their chieftain. All effort at organized resistance seemed to have been dropped with the setting of the sun. The militiamen scattered in bands, and invaded the hilly and wooded section of the Creek Nation and by 7 o'clock tonight had captured eight of Crazy Snake's band. It is reported that a posse of farmers near Chico tah, fought a large band of renegades and killed 20. This, and similar re ports, cannot be confirmed. Scores of cowboys and frontiersmen, who know the country, have joined the militia and they declare if Crazy Snake is in the country, 'he will be run down before morning. The militia has been unable to find any one who has seen Crazy Snake since Saturday morning. KANSAS CITY, March 29 A talk with Henryetta, the nearest telegragh point to the scene of the Indian up rising, brought the information that up to late this afternoon no news had been received there of any fresh en counter between the state militia and the band under Crazy Snake. The troops are still believed to be pushing after the Indians, but it is not be lieved that any action has taken place since early Sunday. Henry Scott, a sub-chief of the Snake band, and three other Indians, all charged with aiding and abetting the recent disturbances, were arrest ed today four miles southwest of Hickory Grounds. It is believed this will have the effect of hastening a surrender on the part of the bands. MUSKOGEE, Okla., March' 29. Up to noon today there has be,en no encounter between the state militia, marching upon Crazy Snake and his band of Creek Indian and negro allies according to the best information available here, and the troops were still pursuing the reds. It is reported that Crazy Snake, fearing arrest, had made his escape, deserting his fol lowers, and is now on his way to Washington to intercede with the great father. One hundred Creek Indians, half breeds and negroes, under personal command of Chief Crazy Snake, kept up their march on the warpath early today, but were failing utterly to spread abroad the terror among the people at large that like events in earlier day caused. i Rather, they are retreating before five companies of determined Oklahoma militiamen' in an effort to reach a stronghold in the Tiger Mountains before making a final stand against the troops. The militiamen ordered yesterday by Governor Haskell as a result of the uprising that came after a clash at the home of Crazy Snake, in which Marshal Baum, and Deputy Sheriff Odom were killed, camped for the night at Hickory Hills, the camp which had been hastily evacuated by Crazy Snake at their approach. At break of day they moved forward to give battle to the redskins. Mean while, the chief, through the agency of his sleepiest scouts, had been watching every move, and he led hit forces away, apparently not daring, or at least not caring, to fight the white foes in the open. The militiamen at this juncture pushed forward at double quick time. The Indians were 10 miles away from them, but they were determined they should not be allowed to choose the battleground and thus gain an ad vantage. The troops outnumbered the Indians three to one, and the officer knew that could the opposing forces meet in the open there could be only one outcome the Indians would have to surrender or be killed. Once the "redskins gained the shelter of the Uiills, though, the result would not be so sure. At the rate of progress they were making, the troops were in a fair way to overhaul the Indians shortly after noon and force them to fight under conditions unfavorable to the army of Crazy Snake. SETTLED AT LAST BRIDE NOW A SUBJECT OF JAPANESE GOVERNMENT RESIGNS FROM MINISTRY SEATTLE. March 29.-Mrs. Gun- jiro Aoki by her marriage renounced all rights as a native-born American woman when she stood before the al tar of Trinity Episcopal Church. The laws of the United States provide that when an American woman mar ries a foreigner she becomes a sub ject of the governing power to which the husband owes allegience. In this case Helen Aoki becomes a subject of the Emperor of Japan. Rev. H. H. Gowen, of Trinity Epis copal Church, has been severely criti cised for uniting the couple. He says he opposes Japanese, but with the consent of the girl's parents and a li cense to wed he considered it has duty to perform the ceremony. Augustus Armstrong, the attorney, who sued Archdeacon John Emery for $4i999.99 for fees in connection with the marriage, this morning with drew his suit. He announced that if he was not paid he would bring a similar action against Emery in the home county of the archdeacon. OAKLAND, March .-Archdea con Emery, who for almost a decade has presided over the missionary field of this jurisdiction, has resigned. His formal resignation, together with a letter eplainingx his reasons for de siring to sever his connection with the diocese of California, has been placed in the hands of Bishop Nich ols, who has, however, not yet seen fit to act upon it or to make the let ter public. The notoriety coming at this time through the marriage of his daughter, Helen Gladys Emery, to Gunjiro Aoki,"has been a source of great worry to the clergyman, and because of the interest and criticism it has excited throughout the state, he thought it best to resign. The resignation, however, is in a sense a mere formality, and Bishop Nicholas may not see fit to accept it In the event that he desires his pres- HESS IS ELECTROCUTED Mrs. Mary Farmer Dies In the Electric Chair for Revolt ing Crime 2ND WOMAN ELECTROCUTED Killed Another. Woman at Browns ville, New York, One Year Ago Function Carried Out Without Any Sensation, AUBURN, N .Y., March 29.-Mur-muring a prayer for her tout Mrs. Mary Farmer was quietly led to the electric chair in Auburn prison short ly after 6 o'clock this morning and executed for the murder of Mrs. Sarah Brennan at Brownsville last April . p-i!fJ3 The execution of Mrs. Farmer, the second infliction of the death penalty on a woman by electrocution in this state, was effected without sensation al incidents. Five women, two of whom were prison attendants, were witnesses. Father Hickey, spiritual adviser of the condemned woman, fol lowing the execution, gave out a statement signed by Mrs. Fanner, in which she declared that her husband. James Farmer, was entirely innocent and knew nothing of the crime until it had been committed. Led by Father Hickey, and with Mrs. Dunigan and Mrs. oGrman, who have attended her constantly since she was brought to Auburn prison, Mrs. Firmer walked unfalteringly to the death chair, her eyes half closed and clasping a crucifix in her hands. As she was being strapped in the chair. Father Hickey stood at her side and offered prayers for the dy ing. Dr. John Gerin, the prison physi cian, said that the woman was dead after the first shock, but as there was still a tremor of muscles reacting, two succeeding contacts were given. State Electrician Davis said that 1840 volts and 71 ampheres was the strength of the current that passed through the woman's body. Hoping she might save her hus band from the fate that befell her, Mrs. Mary Farmer, convicted of the killing of Sarah Brennan, last April, in Brownsville, left a confession, made public after her execution by electricity in Auburn prison, early to day. In this she declared her hus band, James Farmer, now under sen tence of death, was not guilty of the crime and knew of it until after it had been committed. Three contacts were given Mrs. Farmer before she was officially pronounced dead- The woman walked quietly to the death chair and died with a prayer on her lips. ent archdeacon to continue his work in the diocese, it is thought that Dr. Emery will agree to remain. ENORMOUS ICE BERG NEW YORK. March 29. Officers of the Anchor Line steamer Cale donia, which arrived yesterday from Glasgow, report sighting the record iceberg of the season. According to Captain Baxter the berg was fully Mi tect above the water. It was sighted on last Thursday. BORN ON TRAIN NEW YORK. March 29.-A stork visited a northbound Ninth Avenue elevated train yesterday and Mrs. Lena Josephs is the mother of a fine baby boy. When the news spread through the cars that a wee visitor was about to arrive, an official of the intcrborough Rapid Transit Company who chanced to be abroad, had the train emptied and shunted to the middle track where it was converted into a temporary hospital. An am bulance was summoned and mother and child were taken away. BIG DOG JUMPS NEW YORK,March 29.-Two small girls who were standing be neath the Brooklyn Bridge near the East River late yesterday, narrowly escaped injury when a large body came hurtling through the air and struck the sidewalk almost at their feet They screamed and when a crowd collected it wat teen that the body was not that of a man or a wo man, but a big St Bernard dog which had jumped from the bridge to its death. REPULSED WOOER SHOOTS CHICAGO. MaTch 29.-His love. making repulsed by Mrs. Concote Scahda, Frank CasiIIa opened fire on the woman and her protesting hus band, slightly iniurina- the husband and probably fatally wounding the wife last night STATE GUIS LID OF IlIifMCO. ATTORNEY-GENERAL FILED A SUIT YESTERDAY MORNING . TO RECOVER 300 ACRES. PORTLAND. March 29.-Three hundred acres of land, covered by sloughs and being filed at the site of the Union Meat Company's packing plant on the peninsula, are claimed by the state, and suit was filed in the Circuit Court this morning by Attorney-General Crawford against the Union Meat Company, Kenwood Land Company and others to have the state declared the owner of the land. There are three lakes, in which the water is so shallow as to be unnavi- gable. The Union Meat Company, having bought the land, claims to own the lakes to the center of the stream. The state says the meat company's claim stops at the water's edge, and that the state by reason of its sovereignty owns the bed of the lakes. It is admitted that it is a close question whether th8 state or the packing company owns the land. The company asked the State Land Board to make a deed to the lakes, so there would be no question as to their title- The land board was not sure that the state does not own the beds of the lakes, and the suit was brought this morning by the Attorney-General to test the question. The Union Meat Company and the Kenwood .Land Company own the land all around the lakes, and the plans for the stockyards include the filling of the lakes so as to make it all solid ground. The value of the lake beds is problematical. The suits are in the nature of suits to quiet title, and the value of the property is not alleged. Attorney-General Craw ford said this morning (hat the lakes and sloughs cover about 300 acres. GOV. COSGROVE FREED BY DEATH PASQ ROBLES HOT SPRINGS, Cal., March 29. The body of Gover nor Cosgrove, of Washington, who died in this city early on Sunday morning, was sent to Olympia today on the 5:10 train. The body had been embalmed and a beautiful mahogany casket provided. Howard G. Cos grove, son of the dead Governor, wired that arrangements are being made for a state funeral at Olympia. Mrs. Cosgrove left on the funeral train, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Anderson. Governor Cosgrove's death came so suddenly he had no opportunity to say good-bye even to Mrs. Cosgrove, thought the latter has kept constantly near him for months. Fear that the disease would suddenly cause his death through heart affection has long been felt. It has also been known for three weeks that he was growing worse instead of better, although the last public statement given out by in n THE TARIFF President Taft Opposed to All Schedules That Advance Cost of Food Stuffs HE SAYS TAX CORPORATIONS Senator Hale Seeks to Confine Work of Extra Session to the Tariff and Census Bills and Executive Measures- WASHINGTON, D. C March 29. President Taft talked tariff today with Senator Hale, .Representatives Dalzell and Hinshaw, and John Bar rett director of the Bureau of Amer ican Republic. It'is said that the President is let ting it be understood that he strong ly favors a reduction of the tariff on all necessities of life- The Payne bill has repeatedly been attacked in the House debates as imposing too heavy a burden upon the poor, and favorinar the richer classes- The impression created by such talk is not pleating to the administration. Taft it known to be strongly opposed to the pro posed tax on tea which is expected to yield about $8fl00,00a The President believes that the sum could be made up by an excise tax on corporations or by some method of stamp taxation. He is said, also, to believe that the House Ways and Means Committee must not insist on counterveiling the duty proposed on coffee. . In the Senate, today, Su'.itor Hale. chairman of the FjhiL' aa caucus, introduced a resolution to confine th business of the extra session to the consideration of the tariff bill and the bill providing for the 13th census; , but afterward amended it so as to f permit the introduction of bills and transaction of executive business. The resolution went over until Thurs day. Elkins criticized the disturbance of the Republican's membership of the finance committee, declaring that while New England had three mem bers on the committee, the South had been denied representation. The tariff question was attain dis cussed today. Not one of many speakers favored the Payne bill en tirely, while the Democrats found much in it to criticize. The maximum and minimum features of the propos ed measure were especially obnoxious to them. The Republicans urged higher duties on lumber, iron, not ary and zinc ore, as well as the duty on coal. Dr. F. W. Sawyer, medical director of Paso Robles Hot Springs Hotel, was favorable. Two days ago he grew so weak he could leave his room no more. Mrs. Cosgrove was called at midnight Saturday, but retired again. Death came at 3:30. after a period of intense suffering. OLYMPIA, March 29.-The suc cession of Lieutenant-Governor Hay to the Governorship of Washington, is not altogether a settled matter. Former Lieutenant-Governor Coone has attacked Hay's qualifications to the office in the Supreme Court on the ground that he had violated the advertising restrictions of the prim ary law, in securing his nomination on the Republican ticket. The case was decided in Hay's favor by one majority in the Supreme Court. An appeal is now pending and has been since the former hearing. The Su preme Court will act on the petition for a rehearing. -