The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 28, 1909, Image 8

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    SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 1909.
Will sell cheap round trip excursion tickets to Denver May 17th,
July 1st and August tith
On June and & 3rd, July and &'3rd and August nth
and lath, very low round trip rates will be made to St.
Paul, Duluth, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago
and all eastern points,
Through Rail'and Steamship tickets sold to all parts of
the world.
For full particulars call or address
Q. B. JOHNSON, Qen'I Agent A. & C R. R.
12th St, near Commercial St ASTORIA, OREGON.
First National Bank of Astoria
Jacob Kamm W. F. McGregor G. C.FFlavei
J. W. Ladd S. S. GorduS
Capital $100,000
Surplus ...... 25,000
Stockholders' Liability 100,000
J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President J. W. GARNER. Assistant Cashiet
O. L PETERSON, Vice-President FRANK PATTON, Cashier
Transacts a General Banking Basinesa Interest Paid on Time Depe
Four Per Cent. Per Annum
Eleventh and Dune Sis. ..... Astoria, Oregon
OUR MOTTO: "Safety Supercedes All Other CoosidsrstiesC
Jaka Fes, Pres. F. L. Bishop, Sec
Keiaoa Troyer, Vice -
Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers
Correspondence Solicited. Foot of Fotsrtfc Street:
Tungsten Electric Lamps
Greatest advance in lighting method a since the invention of incandescent
32 C P. Ordinary electric lamp consumes 110 watts per hoar
32 C P. "Tungsten" electric lamp consumes 40 watts per boor
Saving 70 watts per hoat
By using Tungsten" lamps yon can get 275 per cent increase in light for
tie same cost or in other words can have the same quantity of fllumination
for 35 per cent of the cost of lighting with ordinary electric lamps.
The Astoria Blectrlc Co
Fisher Brothers Company
Marbour and Finlayson Salmon Twines and Netting
McCormick Harvesting Machine
Oliver Chilled Ploughs
Sharpies Cream Separators '
Raecolith Flooring Starrett's Tools
Hardware, Groceries,;, Ship
Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid, Welch Coal, Tar,
Ash Oars, Oak Lumber, Pipe and Fittings, Brass Goods,
Paints, Oils and Glass
Fishermen's Pure Msnilla Rope, Cotton Twine and Sera Web
We Wont Your Trade
First-Class Liquors and Cigars
002 Commercial Street
Corner Commercial and 14th. - ASTORIA, OREGON
a se
Sherman Transter Co.
lacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Tracks sad Fsrmitun
Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped.
431 Commercial Street - Main Phone W
- A M E R I C A N
- -z r.
Astoria Savings
Pres. sad Sept
m as
. . n...HAii air-a.n
lilt LA I til
Directoire Bonnets the N HsasV
star Ltftovsr Fads.
Some of the new dlivetolre bonnets
resotuble those worn by Salvation
Army women. Every dlroetolro pleee
of headgear should be tied with soft
wide strings, aud the most fasotnattng
ones are of black velvet ribbon.
Two fads left over from the winter
are destined to be overdone in the
a viuuio oosTrm coat 4081, axm
spring. The use of coral tints la 00 a
of them, and wide, conspicuous' stripes
to another.
Ail over embroideries in colon to go
ing to have quite a ma this spring tor
best frocks. Some or the shops are
showing It In beautiful coloring and
designs. Many effective robe gowns
are to be had In pure white, with deep
borders of graduated black dots.
Can you Imagine anything prettier
than a white net waist with collar and
cuffs piped In pole blue silk ami the
waist trimmed with white cnx b.'t but
tons with crochet centers of p.i!e blue
silk? This wi-l.-.t v.-. worn over a
white chilon IU:!:.'. b:it ovir ple !!.?
to match the trimtnlr.-i 1' rouV Iv
most efft.ctlvo.
The il!!iintli:'i shov.-s it t- -ir .!
Paris Pattern No. 2583.
All Seams Allowed
Developed in dark green serge, this is a simple and serviceable little
frock for every day and school wear. The model is a slight variation
the usual style of Russian dress and is extremely becoming to the growing
girl. The front is gathered and three box-plaits, stitched a few inches
below the waist line give the required fullness to the back. The sleeves
are gathered into shapeed cuffs of the material and the dress is fastened
at the left side of the front with serge-covered buttons. The norrow belt,
which is passed through straps at the urtder-arm seams, may be of the
material or of leather. The pattern is in six sizes 2 to 12 years. For a
girl of 8 years the dress requires 31 yards of material 27 inches wide,
2 7-8 inches wide or 2j yards 42 inches wide. Price of pattern, 10 cents.
el for a walking costume to be carried
out In broad-loth or cheviot.
Umpntss the Ksynote of the Smart
Spring Costumes.
Revere and sleeve cuffs on suits are
nnllned. Revert often fall quite limp,
forming folds, and hems of skirts are
lined with heavy but qulle limp linen.
In earring the stud ts no longer the
modish choice. A long drop pattern
WAIST 444ft,
Is more popular, owing to Its agree
ment with the classic lam that prevalla
in dress. The woman past the first
brilliancy of youth should know also
that diamonds are less becoming to her
than pearla and emeralds unless bet
hair be white, and then she cannot do
wrong In choosing diamonds for her
The costume Illustrated may be mad.
of cloth, linen, pique or any material
with considerable body. The back gore
of the skirt sod girdle are cut In one,
which la a feature of the spring mod
els. The wstst Is simple and ran be
fashioned either with bnttoned leg o
mutton or shirt walut rli-eves.
JtTtC CrUM.t.ET.
Morning Astorian, 60 cents per
month, delivered by carrier.
NKW YORK. March 2?.Thcre is
still great uncertainty in regard to
the change of ty' wnle" Spring
and Summer will bring. Authorities
disagree In many Important points
and features and the large mas of
women who imitate, but do not or
inmate fashion, is anxiously awaiting
levclonments, Induing from the
model which have arrived here from
Paris the fashions (or tlie coming
Surinir and Summer, although still
showing Directoire Influence, will
represent a greatly modified and far
more practical form of that style.
The plain ikirt, many fashion ex
perts think, has come to stay, at least
until thinner fabrics prove Impracti
cable for such development, and the
four gored one is the newest type.
This means that the gore will be
wider at the top, giving less Hare at
the bottom than the former many
gored models. Skirts will still he
clinging, but not quite so much as
they used to during the winter.
They fit over the hips as smoothly
as ever and show very little trimming,
The inevitable fold is absent from the
bottom of the skirt, but a plainer,
possihly more severe effect, it seen
in its place. For instance, the gores
at about flounce depth are so cut that
last extends some inches over the
width next to it and these widths
overlap the next ones and so on. The
seams arc sometimes sewed outside
that is, the edges turned under lap
fashion, and again, they overlay with
a narrow strapping. It may he stat
ed that much of the narrow strapping
or short tab straps are in evidence on
a number of the new models.
The new coats are from 34 to 36
inches long, are semi-fitting and fin
ished with long sleeves. The very
latest comers are collarlc. even in
severely tailored style, and the necks
are trimmed with flat pieces of velvet
satin or silk about two inches wide.
This is either -strapped in with the
goods or with braid a little less than
an inch ide and black in tone.
The most noticeable thing among
the new materials for tailoring is the
invasion of the silk and wool mixtures
and the ilk which here a in other
provinces of fashion are demanding
recognition and deserving it. Silk
and wool bengalines in one tone bay-
adere stripes-a silk stripe or group
of stripes on a fine wool ground are
shown in all the modih shades and
are particularly good in soie of the
gravier or beinre tones and the grays.
These are often matched with plain
fine wool, thf -.tripe material being
used only for the coat.
Satin stripped prunelles are another
and not too expensive silk and wool
class of tailor fabrics and at a higher
price one finds what the manufac
turers have called a satin serge, a
beautiful material extremely soft, yet
firm, woven like wool serge with a
fine twill, and having a satin finish,
This satin serge is an admirable ma
terial for the one-piece frock and coat
models through which the tailorrs are
now making inroads upon the dress
makers' territory, and the new silk
and wool satin cloth, a very light
weight, soft fabric with high satin
lustre of surface and wool back is
another material much favored for
dressy costumes of this type, though
according to old traditions, it has not
the accepted tailor air of the satin
Directoire cloth, slightly heavier
than satin cloth and with a lustre
less pronounced, is also popular with
the tailors and there are many corded
materials in silk and wool all grouped
under the head of cotelc and some of
them practical for tailor costumes,
while others arc excessively sheer
This cord idea extends into the all
silk fabrics too, ranging from the all
wool stuffs of Bedford cord type
through the silk and wool bengalines,
etc, to the all-silk bengalines, the
Ottomans, the failles and the cotele
shantungs and tussors.
Ottoman will be extensively used
not only for trimming of tailored
costumes, but for whole costumes as
well, and indications are that we shall
see a very large number of Ottoman
silk coats in combination with one
piece frocks of lightweight wool or
plain silken stuff. Attractive sepa
rate coats of Ottoman are being made
by some of the authoriative tailors
and while cut on the newest lines are
as a rule severely tailored in air,
though they are frequently adorned
by handsome buttons and ornaments
made from the silk or of a passemen
terie sort. Braiding embellishes some
of these Ottoman coats, but some of
the best models of such coats were
decorated only with stunning buttons
and fastenings.
All of the pongee weaves are very
popular and they fully deserve their
popularity. The material is shown
in an amazing variety this season,
and while many of the weaves are
too light and soft for practical tail
ored uses, there are plenty of others
admirably adapted for such purposes.
v f J
wbh So oooUnn. It Will jmaenly
will no ItitMler wlin jmir wiiri
ultor It wtah. ud I will v
Uli.HU or lrnauUr Mw.irull..n In lll. t'lwl" l"ll rlfr-im
Ml mj ir Ih.l U.U. Mm twtlrll ZZn,lTJiX TUwm
rlhM.Bu.Wiit-wlUrl. j1 -
MK3.M. SUMMERS, BeaH " NotfO Domo, Ifld., u. .
Iron and Brass Founders, land and Marine Engineers.
Up-to-Dats Sawmill Mschlneiy Prompt attention given to all repair
Uth and Franklin Ave. work. TeL Main 1411
Color blending of Furniture,
Draperies, Carpets, Woodwork,
Walts, make home life happier.
Our expert decorative ipeclaiUl will your city soon. Without ohIU
gating you ht will dUrwu the fur
nulling" lor your new home.
WtM Im ttninfcn
J. O. Mack k Co.
Furniture and Carpet
One of the very latest and most ef
fective things of this class is a diag
onal shantung, which is offered in a
long line of beautiful shades and
looks like the wide diagonal serge
so much in use during the winter, but
with silken softness and lustre.
It is pretty certain thst there will
be many collarlcts waists worn later
Inn. The new arrivals iliow this
Mylc in various ways. Many of the
low necks have no other finish than
the edge of the lace itoelf, which
makes up the yoke and will be worn
without any collar whatever. Others
have a finish for the Dutch collar,
which is to be had in as many styles
as the mind of the designers could
conceive. Real Irish crochet collar
with plain meh ground dotted at in
tervals with raised petals of roses
nuiy be purchased at a comparatively
low price, v
Collars made of sheer linen with
hand embroidery and real Cluny lace
are in great demand and are always
suitable and practical. Along with
these arc shown stocks and collar
that are high enough to touch the
lower parts of the ears.
The work of making lingerie is
very much lightened this seaon by
combinding three pieces into one.
The slim as well as the stout woman
approves of this plan. After a wo
man lias worn the three-piece comb
ination, which fastens down the front
is without belts, drawstrings, plaits
or gathers, she can not return with
satisfaction to wearing the three
separate pieces. The new garment
is worn over the corset, which is
placed over a thin lisle-thread skirt
or a knee-length Combination suit.
The latter is more acceptable than
any other garment under the corct.
The skirt can not be kept down, and
wrinkles around the edge of the cor
set, making a ridge that show
through the outer skirt.
Notwithstanding the designers' dic
tum in favor of one-piece gowns the
girdle bids fair to be an important
factor in good gowning for the spring
and bummer. Buckle and belt, to be
fashionable, must prove an artistic
whole. The leather belts must have
buckles covered with the same ma
terials, while metal clasps are used
with the gold and silver elastic belts
and jewelled fastenings adorn the
more ornate girdles.
With the deep hip yoke the Mer
ovingham line there has come the
dropped girdle that fastens with a
jeweled clasp and ends in long
fringes of cut leather. The girdle of
that period follow naturally in the
wake of the long, loose and now
lightening waist lines,
Frort to You nnd Evory Sister Sua,
ring from Woman' Ailments,
Ism iH"mi,
kivw wiuiinii's anffaruis.
ivu (imiihI lliii nnr,
III uisil. tr.w l Mir ehui, Syr Urn In
StMlftilh rull llMtruntliitmtoftiijf nuirnrM Iimiii
wtMun'lliiiit. 1 wont to Ml t iuii l.,t
Oil miro-n. ewntor, t'-r (uurnolt, jrimr
tMihti-r. jrriiillir.f tuurUlr, ImwiIiu
t.'ll mi now ui rir 7uur.t,nrm iimiiv with
(til Uii- w t ttititi r, i n Hml uihIvioImhI
iiiiii'mlrliti, whlttiiiiii lannw Ima
HH'lw, iii twllw thnn il, J
kii.. tlutt nit tiin lrlm4it w,r. iuut mir
tr lot IHMnm "' tlHlM, WM.IHM
flMMMot 1 tmft H IM SMI, flllH,, Hut, Pl
rwiMt, KltiiM SiSiU 1mm, M IniHii in stww
tm. Wrt t4 IwnW, SMiaf SM tln, Mmnmi.
in Hmi as Nm . MNrnM. mm to i. M
IWih.,. moMM, "" "' kwlM Ml IWH
I) natMtm Wimr .
I wait! tu mmI yuu s mmkk h Sw'l tNimn
fnt k iiniwt l Wl Jf f ef
nir ilVn, .Mjf, qiiUalf will
nrelr. fMnmnnnr, in,, 9m n iw wnMitM
,o lh trttml wmliillJ ; aiitt II feu
U)e Quelle
Opposite the jBaetronlan
HOME-MADE, and of the c holes
Ingredients; put np under supervis
ion that guarantees their perfect
freedom from all deleterious matter.
Foley's Honey and Tar cures
coughs quickly, strengthens the lungs
and expels colds. Get the genuine
in a yellow package. T. F. Lam-in,
Owl Dni Store.
I4m re mim, mm
M shia mi fMrw tVast
From the East
During March and April
reduced rates will be In ef
fect from
Eastern Points to As
toria. - via the
O. R. & N.
Money can (be deposit
ed her and we will
wire our eastern repre
sentatives to deliver
tickets to passengers
at any point in the east
Cash can also be trans
mitted to passengers by
wire without extra cost
For further information call on
or addrens
General Passenger Agent
O. W. ROBERTS, Agent
atmut llowto "' 1 " " 'r- i
1 . . u Ai.ia wil ni hum vihi
, iiLirnn."-.!! f- r'"i'""",r",',":'Lf,,"i,,!,E'?!i',,,"r
1 nmWIMl, t Pnl" "" "
sW fMr. ) Mit4rii)M
fH sttiaif ssS a. I Ssswi sWa:1m laSiWUtk
hubs, it nwmlf f rm tbtomtmwi.wrMm
mm, alsM ta mim, mm wm will mM
ffsstmi ipamhilf