SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 1909. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. The Daily Market Report PORTLAND, Match 27.-The flrst straight curtoad ol Florida tomatoes, ever brought to this market arrived bit night. The product it of fin quality mid cum through In good hope. At $.150 a crate of tlx baskets these tomatoes are In good demand, while the Inferior products from Mexico lit, a much lower figure, arc generally neglected. Five cars of banana came In to day. The bulkof the ihlpment was In good condition on arrival. The first shipment of telephone peas for the season reached the Front street market today. They were quoted at 171 centi a pound. A carload of Winmngttadt cabbage was reported in from Lot Angeles. The cabbage market wai firm at $.1.50 to $4.00. Outlook For Potatoea Good. Trade in potntoea continues quiet, becaune of the fact that the Southern market! ire Mill more or less loaded with river Mock, but there aeema to be little doubt that the market out look on the whole la favorable and that activity will prevail in the near future. Onion have moved in a Mcady way thii week w.lth $175 a hundred the prevailing price to growers, Butter May Decline Again. Thnuuli aome of the cltv creamer- let today reported the current make abort of actuitl requirements, there wai still some talk of a probable i lurtner nccune in otmer price nrxi week. The Southern markets show a ,,hLtna iFiitthtirv. fttut this nattir. lly bat some effect here. Standard city creamery butter is now selling at 4 cents a pound higher in this market than at this time a year ago, Chrese stocks are still very light Mid it will be weeks before there I anything like an adequate supply. No changes in price were made today, llama and Bacon up Half a Cent An advance of half a cent a pound ou alt grades of ham and bacon were announced in a new provision list issued by one of the leading packing concerns today, Other meats were unchanged. WHOLESALE PRICES. Grain, FIoor..Hay. Etc. Wheat-Track prices:, Club, $110; bluestem. $1.20; turkey red. $1.12; red Russian, $1.08; Valley, $1.10. Flour Patents, $565; atraighta, $4,536:4,80; experts, $4.00; Valley. $5 40; 1 1-4 sack graham. $5-20; whole wheat. $5 40; rye, $5.50. Barley-Feed, $.1050; rolled. $J2 33; brewing. $31. 50. Oats No. 1 white, $39; gray, $38. Hay Track prices: Timothy Willamette Valley. $14((J16; Eastern Oregon. $17.50; alfalfa, $I415; clover, $13(314; cheat, $14315; $13(2:14. Mlllstufrs-nran. $25.5026; mid dling. $33; . shorts, $29(5530; chop, $20f328. Meati and Provisions. Hams-1012 lbs., 141c; 14 16 lbs,., 141c; IS 20 lbs., 141c. Dressed Meati Hogs, fancy 91 10c, ordinary 89c large 7c; veal, extra 10 cents, ordinary 89c, heavy 7c; mutton, fancy 67c DENTISTS. Gi Piss Dentists TEETH If you need any work to be really well done, come here and be sure about it. We make a specialty of painless ex traction, and supply the best of teeth, either on plates or bridge-work. Painless extraction ...50c Silver fillings , 50c to l.uu Gold fillings 'l,so "P 22-k. Gold Crowns $5.00 Best rubber plate made $10.00 Nervous people and those afflicted with heart weakness' can now have their teeth extracted and filled or bridgework applied without the least pain or danger. All work guaranteed for 10 years. Chicago Painless Dentists OVER DANZIGER'S Lady attendance. Office houre 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m, Sunday 10 . m. to 12 m. Evening work by appointment Bacon Breakfast 17i21e, picnics 91c cottage roll, 11c; regular short clears, smoked 131c, do unsmoked 121c: clear backs, unsmoked 121c, do smoked 131c; shoulders, He. Lard-Kettle leaf, 10s. I4c: do 5s, 141c; do 50-Ib, tins,. 141c; steam rendered, 10s, 131c; do, 5s, 132c; com pound, 10s, 91c Butter, Eggs and Poultry. Butter Extras, 34c; fancy, 3234cj store, lBjtiZOc. Cheese-Pull cream twins, 17I71; full cream triplets, 1717ic; Young America, 18c; cream brick, 20c; Swiss block, 20c; Liinburger, 18 20c. Eggs-Select Oregon, 2021c. Poultry Mixed chickens, 1515ic; fancy hens, 5Q6c; roosters, old, 10c lie; broilers, 221&25c; dress poultry lc per pound higher; ducks, live, 202lc; geese, live, 8(fi9c; tur keys, live, 17(518c; dressed, 2022c. Frulta and Vegetable. Apples-Best, $2.002-50 a box; common, $1,25175. , Potatoes Buying prices, $140 1.50 per hundred; tweets, $2.25t2.50 per hundred. 1 Onions Buying prices, $1.75 per hundred. Fresh Fruits Oranges, $22.75; tangerines, $2 box; lemons, $1.50(34; grapes, Spanish Malagas, $67 per crate; pears, $1.752 per box; ba nanas, $51&tc per pound- Vegetables Turnips, S1.50 per tack; beets, $1.50; parsnips, $150; cabbage, $J.50(4,00; head lettuce, 75c per dozen; cucumbers, $1.754fc2.25 per doaen; celery, 90c(Jj$l per do.; arti chokes, $1.40 per dozen; beans. 25c per pound; peas,, 15c per pound; to matoes, Mexican, $1,00(31.75; Flori da $3.50 per crate; squash, 2c per pound; peppers, $1.75 per box; cauli ower. $2.50; asparagus, 8lUc per pound. Oysters, Clams and Fish. Oysters Shoalwater Bay, per gal lon $2.25; per tack $4.50; Toke Point, $1.60 per 100; Olympias (120 lbs ), $6; Olymptas. p? gallon. $2.25. FishHalibut, 7 cents per pound; black bass, 20 cents; striped bass, 18c; herring, 51c; flounders, 6c; catfish, 9c; shrimp. 121c; perch. 6c; sturgeon, 121c; sea trout, 15c; torn cod, 8c; salmon, (resh, steelhead, 10c; Chinook, 121c; frozen salmon, 8c Canned Salmon Columbia river, l ib. tails, $2; 2-lb. tals. $3. fancy, l ib. flats, $2.15; i lb. flats, $1.25; fancy, l ib. ovals, $2.75: Alaska tails. pink 95c, red $1.40; nominal, 2s, talis, $2.10. Clams Little neck, per box, $2.50; raior clams, $2 per box: crabs, $1(3 $1.50 dozen. Hope, Wool. Hldea, Etc, Wool Eastern Oregon contracts, I618c per pound; Valley, 183ll9c. Hops 1909 contracts, 10c; 1908 crop; 771c; 1907 crop, 3c. ' Mohair Choice. 2223c lb. Cascara Sagrada (chlttim bark) 5 6c per pound. Oregon Graperoot Per 100 lbs., $35. Hides-Dry hides, No. 1, 1617c lb; dry kip, No. 1, 1516c; dry salt ed, one-third less; dry calf, 1819c; salted steers, 991c; salted cows, 8c; stags and bulls, 5c; kip, 10llc; calf. 1419c; green stock, lc per pound less; sheepskins, shearlings, 2530c; short wool, 5060c; medium and long wool, according to quality, 75c$l; dry horses, 50c$150; dry colt, 25c; angora, 80c(g$l; goat, common, 10 20c. JOBBERS' QUOTATIONS. Sugar, Coffee, Etc Sugar (sack basis)-D. G-, $5.90; best, $5.70; Golden C, $5-30; extra C, $5.40;' powdered, $6.00; fruit or berry sugar, $5.90; boxes, 55c cwt advance over sack basis (less l-4c If paid for in IS days). Coffee Mocha, 2428c; Java, fan cy, 2528c; Java, good, 2024c; Java, ordinary, 17g!20c; Costa Rica, fancy, 1820c; Costa Rica, good, 1618c; Arbuckle, $17.63 cwt.; Columbia cof fee, 14c lb,; Salvador, ll14jc per pound. Rice Imperial Japan, No. 1. $6.35; Southern Japan. $5.756; broken, 41c head; fancy, $77.75. Salt-Bales of 75-2s, bale, $2.25; bales of 60-3s, bale, $2.25; bales of 40-4s, bale, $2.25; bales of 15-10s, bale, $2.25; bags, 50s, fine, ton, $15; bags, 50c; genuine Liverpool, ton, $17; bags, 50cJ genuine Liverpool, ton, $17; bags, 50s, 1-ground, $13-50; 100s, ton, $13; R. S. V. P., 20 5 1b. cartrons, $2.25; R. S. V. P-, 3-lb. cartons, $1.75; Liv erpool, lump, per ton, $20. Dried Fruits Apples, 81c per lb; peaches, , 1012c; pears, lli14c; Italian prunes, $6c; California figs, white, in sacks, 71c lb-; black, 67c; bricks. 75c$2.25 per box; Smyrna, 16171c lb; dates, Persian, 617c lb. Raisins Loose muscatels, 3-crown, (k; 4-crowii, 7c; bleached seedless Sultanas, Pl($12c; unbleached seed less Sultanas, 61c; London lawers, 3 crown, whole boxes of 20 pounds, $2; 2-crown, $1-75. Nuts Walnuts, 141c per pound; fil berts, 16c; Brazils, 16c; pecans, 14$ 20c; hickory, 10c; Virginia raw pea nuts, 8c; Japan, BQWc; chestnuts, Italian 10c, Ohio 25c; cocoanuts, doz en, 90c$!.00; pine nuts, 1012c; al monds, 13c pound. Oils, Lead, Etc. Benzine V. M. and . P. Naptha, cases, 204c; Iron barrels, 131c. Linseed Oil Raw, 5-barrel lots, 66c; 1 -barrel lots, 67c; in cases, 73c; boiled, 5-barrel lots, 68c; I-barrel lots, 69c; In cases, 75c. Turpentine In cases, 62c; in bar rcls, 591c gallon. Coal Oil-Pearl and astral oil, cases, letc; per gallon; water white, iron barrels, 11c; eocene and extra star, cases, 211c; headlight oil, cases. luc; Iron barrels, lBc; eiaine, cases, 28c. Turpentine In cases, 65c; in bar rels, 62ic Gasoline Union and Red Crown, barrels, 15k; cases, 221c Motor, bar rels, 161c; cases, 231c. 86 degrees, barrels, 30c; cases, 371c. Engine d tillate, barrels, 9c; cases, 16c Lead Net weight, packages ton lots 71c; 500-lb. lots, 8c; less than 500 lbs., 8k; red lead and litharge, lc higher than white. AS IT SHOULD BE WASHINGTON. March 27.- Ilercafter colored men only will be appointed chief musicians of colored regiment in the United States army. An order to that effect was issued to day !y liencral Bell, duet Ol stall, by direction of the President. White chief musicians previously serving with colored regiments have been transferred to white regiments. WEEK IN STOCKS NEW YORK, March 27--Stocks have risen in price during the week with resulting effect on the tone of speculative confidence tempered by the knowledge that professional charge of shorts was making the principal demand. Scanty supplies offered to meet this demand had a confirmatory effect on confidence. Reports from the atcel trade showed continued depression in all depart ments with exception of further cuts in prices and wage reductions to come- there was some Dettcrment in the demand for copper, but it was not maintained. The outgo of gold was without serious effect on money rates, and the easing off in the ex change rates indicated a check to the gold export movement. PURCHASED FAMILY HOME NEW YORK, March 27.-Mrs. Russel Sage has purchased the old Nathan Sage place the home of some of her ancesters at Poxabaguc, L. I., near Sag Harbor. It is said to be re built in the sime style of architec ture. It is said that Mrs. Sage paid an almost prohibitive price for the place because of its associations. ' In! I carry the best Loggers Shoes in town at the low est prices. My Stock of men's and bcy'g shoes is unsurpassed for qua lity. Close buying and low expenses enable me to sell the best qualities at lowest prices. S. A. GIMRE 543 Bond Street. TRANSPORTATION. The" K" Line Steamer Lurline Night Boat for Portland am Way Landings. Leaves Astoria daily except Sundaj at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland Dally Except Sun? at 7 a. j. Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf Landing Portland Foot Taylor I J. J. DAY, Agent Phone Main 270 Bring in Your Want Ads ToOay TWENTY WORDS OR LE55, ONE WEEK FIFTY CENTS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE THE MORNING ASTORIAN WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Are Read Every Morning by 10,000 People. The Want Column, of THE MORNING ASTORIAN are con sulted every morning by hundreds ol persona in aearch of real aetata bargains. Articles of sale, lost or found and people looking for em ployment Rates; Twenty words or less .three times, 25 cents; six times, 50 cents; one month, 12.00. HELP WANTED. WANTED GOOD PAINTER EN quire at Banking, Savings & Loan Assn., 10th street. MIDDLE AGED OR ELDERLY lady wanted to assist in taking care of baby. Apply at Jaloffs store. WANTED-A FEW MEN TO board In private family; Scandinav ian preferred; good home-cooking at $18 per month. Apply at 149 Third street, between Commercial and Duane. LOST. LOST-PUP ABOUT 8 WEEKS old; black with tan marks. Return to 475 Duan. i LOST-GOLD RING MARKED "O. C." to "S. C Finder return to Otto Carlson at Haukes store and re ceive reward. ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT ONE SET HOUSE- keeping rooms. Apply 485 Com mercial. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISH- ed front room, in private family; central location. Address 'D. , this office. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISH- ed rooms suitable for an office. 491 Bond street, corner of 11th and Bond. FOR RENT-DESIRABLE SPACE, ground floor; suitable for real es tate commission or smau store Apply 571 Commercial Street, im TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE OR RENT. A SMITH PREMIER AND NO. 7 Remington; both in first-class con dition. See Lenora Benoit, Public Stenographer, 477 Commercial street WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT ABOUT 3 furnished housekeeping rooms; private house preferred or a small furnished house by man and wife; no children; best references. Address MV' this office. CARPENTERS. G. O. AND G. N. ST AD IN BKU5 carpenters, builders and contrac tors, Ninth and Duane street, will give prompt attention to all orders; terms reasonable; satisfaction guar anteed. COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. WANTED-A GOOD RANCH IN The Nehalem Valley; state lowest figure and best terms; giving loca tion and improvements. Address "A 10," Astorian Office. RESTifURANTS. CAMELLIA RESTAURANT, 612 Commercial street; first class meal, 15 cents; coffee and cake, 10 cents. U. S. RESTAURANT, 434 BOND street. Coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents; first-class meals, 15 cents. TOKIO RESTAURANT, 351 Bond street, opposite Ross, Higgins & Co.; coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents; first-class meals; regular meals 15 cents and up. VETERINARY COLLEGES. BULLETIN SAN FRANCISCO Veterinary College now ready, mailed free. Dr. C Keane, 1818 Market street. SWEDISH MASSAGING. THYRA KOHLANDER, ROYAL graduate in Swedish movements, physical culture and massage; office, 545 Franklin ave., second flat; hours: 9-11 a. m-, 3-5 p. m., Telephone Main 4641. -' HOUSE MOVERS. FREDR1CKSON BROS.-We make a specialty of house moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention to all orders. Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. BATH HOUSES. BATHS TURKISH AND RUS sian, at the natatorium of George Hill, 217 Astor St.; rational prices; absolute cleanliness'; private rooms; separate service for ladies; rheuma tism and skin diseases treated with perfect success. 10-25-tf PROFESSIONAL CARDJ. ATTORNEYS-Al-LAW GUSTAP A. HEMPLE Attorney-at-Law Suite 9-10 Odd Fellows' Building Tenth and Commercial Streets HOWARD M. BROWNELL, AT toroey at Law, Deputy District Attorney. 420 Commercial Street. DENTISTS DR. F. VAUGHAN, DENTIST, Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. DR."W. C LOGAN, DENTIST, Commercial Street, bhanahan Bldg. OSTEOPATHS. DR. RHODA C HICKS, OSTEO- path. Office: Mansell Bldg., Phone Black 25. 573 Commercial Street MASSAGE AND SHAMPOOING. SCALP MASSAGE OR SHAM- oooing. Will call at your residence or you can call on me at the Megler House after 3 p. m. Mary M. Su- 'prenant AUCTION AND COMMISSION. EVERY SATURDAY AT 11 A. M. we will sell to the highest bidder a large consignment of furniture; make your own prices; during the week furniture will be sold at auction prices; see Martin uisen tor up-to- date npholstering work, mattress making, etc, will repair your bed m one day, calling for it in the morning and returning it in the afternoon; will sew and lay carpets. Olsen & Ecklund, Commission and Auction House, 110 Fifteenth street. PROPOSALS. OFFICE OF CHIEF QUARTER- master, Department of the Colum bia, Vancouver Barracks, Wash., Feb. 27, 1909. Sealed proposals in tripli cate will be received at the office of the Post Quartermaster, Fort Stev ens, Or, until 2 o'clock p. m., March 29, 1909, and then publicly opened, for the supply and tnstallation of one new "Mosnei" or equal waier todc boiler in Quartermaster Steamer Ma jor Guy Howard. Full information can be obtained at th Quartermas ter's Office. Fort Stevens, Oregon. The United States reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing pro posals should be marked "Proposals for Boiler" and addressed The Quar termaster, Fort Stevens, Or. mi MISCELLANEOUS. TO ALL TO WHOM THESE Presents Shall Come, Greeting: Notice is hereby given that the Ore gon State Board of Fish Commis sioners, by the authority vested in said Board by law, has closed all of the Youngs River and Lewis & Clark River to the taking, catching, and fishing for salmon fish and sturgeon, except with hook , and line, between 12 o'clock, noon, April 15th, and 12 o'clock, noon, May 1st, for the pur pose of creating an additional closed season on said river and to comply and correspond with the Spring closed season established on the Co lumbia River by act of the Twenty fifth Legislative Assembly of said State and it shall he unlawful for any person to take, catch, or fish for sal mon and sturgeon in any of the waters of said rivers during the time hereinbefore specified. (Signed), F. W. BENSON, Governor and Secretary of State. (Signed), GEO. A. STEEL, ' State Treasurer. Constituting the Oregon State Board of Fish Commissioners. Attest: H. C McALLISTER, Master Fish Warden. m LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE TO ESTABLISH GRADE NOTICE IS HEREBY 1 GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Astoria has declared its de termination and intention to estab lish the grade on Cedar street from the east line of Fifty-fourth street to the east line of Fifty-seventh street so that the grade when so establish ed will be at the following elevations above the base of grades as establish ed by Ordinance No. 71 of the City of Astoria, to-wit: At the east line of Fifty-fourth street at an elevation of 145 feet above the base of grades; at the west and also the east line of Fifty-fifth street at an elevation of 173 feet above the base of grades; at the west and also the east line of Fifty-sixth street at an elevation of 221 feet above the base of grades; at the west and also the east line of Fifty-seventh street at an elevation of 1st feet above the base of grades; that the grade be tween the points above designated shall be upon an even and gradual slope. ' By order of the Common Council. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. Dated March 18, 1909. .... NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the assessment made for con structing a sewer on Fifty-first street from the south line of Cedar street to the beach on the north line of Birch street as per assessment roll number 186, was made by an order of the Common Council of the City of Astoria, due and payable on the 31st dav of March. A. D. 1909. by ordinance confirming said assess ment roll. I hat tne toiiowjng are the names of the persons - against whom the assessment is made and the amount owing by each to-wit: Abelson Gehardine J 12.00 Erickson, Andrew 26-32 Kelley, Mary M 4.80 Nelson, John A... 7-20 Pearson, George 92-12 Schamberger, Joseph 276.36 Soderstrom, Helraer 39.48 Soderstrom, Leonard 4.80 Sorensen, Antone .......... . 19.20 Smith, Daisy B.... . 3948 Simonsen, Andrew 26-32 Thompson, William 26.32 By order of the Common Council. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of i the City of Astoria. Dated March 18, 1909. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice is hereby given that there is monev in the treasury to pay all ' Clatsop county general fund war rants, endorsed prior to June 1, 1908. Interest will "cease this date. WM. A. SHERMAN, Treasurer, Clatsop County, Or. Dated, Astoria. Or., March 20, 1909. NOTICE OF RECEIVING BIDS , 'BY CITY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That up to the hour of 2 o'clock p. m, on Saturday, tne in oay oi March, 1909, the Committee on Streets and , Public . Ways of . the Common Council of the City of As toria, will receive sealed bids for im proving 18th street from - the south line of Exchange street to the north line of Grand avenue, as ordered im proved by ordinance No. 3740, ap proved on the 4th day of March, 1909. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. A. L. FOX, L. O. BELLAND. CHAS. WILSON, Committee on Streets and Public Ways. PLUMBERS. i.i iron PLUMBER Heating Coairactor.'Jinnei -AND- Shcet Iron Worker V.LL WORK GUARANTEEI 42S Bond Street HOT OR COLD Just Right CLOSSET & DEVERS, POKTLANDt'ORE. Golden west SMI Tea MEDICAL. Unprecedented Successes of at Era TEX GRSAt CECfXSX C0CTC2 Who is know I V"-'; throughout f 1C: United States VLiilSiMcoont of his ta OS W0 derful cures. No poisons or drag) used. He guarantees to core catarrh asthma, lung and throat trouble rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney, female complaints. and all chronic diseases. SUCCESSFUL HOME TXSATKZST. If yon cannot call write for sywa toms blank and circularinclosing 4 cents in stamps. THE C. GXE WO KIDICIXX CO. 162i First St., Corner Morrison PORTLAND, OREGON Please mention the Astorian. LAUNDRIES. ROUGH DRY FAMILY WASHING May We Call For a Trial Package? TROY LAUNDRY Phone Main 1991. 10th and Duane St. MISCELLANEOUS. Hate Racks, Wall Pockets, Music Racks Clock Shelves Just in See us ilildebfand & Gor Old Bee Hive Bldg. . , J. A. GILBAUGII & CC Undertakers ar4 Emhalmers Experienced Lady Assistant When Desired. Calls Promptly Attended Day or Night. Tatton Bdg. 12th aud Duane 8t ASTORIA, OREGON Phone Main 21 II Nature provides bat one califo;rnia It is the natural winter home of many , thon- ; sands of the world's best people. Under the gentle influence of its snild winter climate, every amusement and recreation abounds, bathing, boating, fish . lag, driving; such pic nics, parties and "jolli fications.1 :GO TO: 5 If .' - 'j' S Los Angeles, Paso . Robles , Hot , Springs, Hotel del Monte, San ta Barbara, San Diego, Santa Monica, Venice, Long Beach, Santa Cruz, or a score of similar resorts and yon will find health, con genial surroundings, hospitable associates, faultless accommoda tions and numberless attractions and con veniences. TheO.E.N.Co. CONNECTING WITH The Southern Pacilic Co. Makes- inexpensive round trip excursion rates to Cal ifornia. A six months stopover ticket Portland to Los Angeles and return is $55.00 Corresponding rates are in effect to other points. We have some very distinc tive literature covering Cali fornia's winter resorts, and will take pleasure in giving you all of the information and assistance at our com mand. For tickets, sleeping car reser vations, etc., call on, t'! graph, or write WM. McMURRAY, Gen. Pass! Agt Portland, Oregon. m r