The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 24, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Eatablished 187X
faMished Daily Except Monday by THE J. S. DELLINGER CO.
By mail, per year
By carrier, per month
St natl per year. In advance
Entered at aecond-la$a matter July
Oregon onder the act of Congre of
Ordera for the delivering of The
ar place of business may be mad by
Any lrregtflarity la delivery should be
tf pnbQcatio.
rrur uirirurn
Oregon Showers; cooler in north
and east portions.
Washington Fair; west showers
and cooler in east portion.
The ordinary kidnapper of today
has a low conception of his trade.
By limiting the range of his busi
ness to the stealing of children for
money-ransom he leaves the business
upon a low and criminal plain that is
unworthy the fine faculties and ex
ceptional lines along which the ven
ture must be conducted. There is a
wider and ampler play for the artistic
finesse incident to the work, that
should be cultivated; the business in
stead of remaining an offense against
the laws cart be brought within the
pale of the law, as it is yet "unwrit
ten," and popularized to such a pass
that even the prohibitory statutes may
be rendered quiescent
By making a bold stand for recog
nition as a kidnapper of objectional
people, people whom everyone would
delight to know was kidnapped, the
operator would soon attain to an
idealistic standard of service that
would make him and his business a
household necessity and a commer
cial institution of the first class, and
soon lay all legal antagonism now
existant (owing to the exclusive, and
offensive, field now occupied) and re
verse the attitude of society alto
gether toward the cult
If a Kidnapping Trust might be or
ganized, heavily capitalized, and
cleverly energized, to kidnap, secure-
.y saicy. suenuy, w.inoui
r i . . i . t i
for stated period- upon proper guar-
an of safe and timely return,
scathed of mind and body, such peo-,
pleas over-ween,ng cred.tors,bumP -
nuus rivals in love anairrs, ags1""'"1 1
business opponents, strenous political
antagonists; the-man-and-woman-in-the-way
generally; it would do an im
mense, instant and thriving business
and be blessed of mankind, (at least
such of mankind as was unamenable
to its operations) and become one of
the fixed and friendly institutions of
, a day and people that take but little
notice of the ethical side of things,
so long as they serve some defini.e
and useful end.
Keeping well along with the civic
strides of the bigger towns, Astoria
it at last in line with the universal
trend toward police graft. She has
gotten far enough along to have the
charges laid tentatively; to the de
mand that they be made officially; and
to the attitude of waiting for the try
out., A public prosecutor has made the
statement, unofficially, .that three of
the patrolmen are guilty of receiving
cash bribes from fallen women for
specific service rendered; the three
officers severally deny the charges
and demand a thorough expose before
the proper tribunal. And this is due
In a general way a police force is
susceptible of such accusations,
whether any of its members are guilty
Vif tint: it is one of the existing evils ,
of the day, throughout the world, ,
hat rnnstabularv and oolice denart-
n v it i ( i -
3 kHt0 m mi- EkmH Kmwmm
& J4 MitL$m MsoktMjPm
The finest, most tasteful and
wholesome biscuit, cake and pas
try are made with Royal Bak
ing Powder, and not otherwise.
Royal is the only Baking Powder
made from ' '
Royal Grape Cream or Tartar
30, 1906, at the poatoffice at Astoria,
March 3, 1S79.
Morning Astorian to either residence
postal card or through telephone.
immediately reported to the office
MAIN 6$1. ,
ments are rotten to the core, and the
story is told so often, from so many
sources, and proved so conclusively
nine times out of ten, that the people
have become innnred to the convic
tion that no force is immune, even
their own home servitors. It is un
just all of it; but time and circum
stance and record contribute to it day
by day. The man who takes up the
baton of a policeman, takes up the
certain, but indefinable, suspicion that
goes with the business, no matter h's
honesty, manfulness, or previous free
dom from all such suggestion; it is
inevitable and discouraging and
yields nothing of credit to force or
people that it is so.
For the sake of the officers at in
terest in this ugly premise, and for
the good name of the city, we shalt
be glad to know thai the accuser has
been mis led, that the accused are
absolutely guiltless; beliefs we shall
cherish until facts enough are adduc
ed to compel another, and more disa
greeable, conclusion. And the soon
er the issue is laid the better for As
The Astoria Chamber of Commerce
has not changed its autonomy. It
has re-elected its officers for another
year; and claims to have a program
of exceedine value and variety, to
work out-
The people of this city are a unit
in the hope that it will accomplish
vastly more than it has in the past,
for candor compels the conclusion
that it has done mighty little in the
past two years; but that may not have
been the sole fault of the Chamber.
h has the entire good win
of the city; but even cities are amen
able to fluat-finding when the insti-
un-,. . faa tQ make good
(chainber of Commere the one
i i 1 j..1.,,.,
and it must be so considered at all
times whether success crowns its un
dertakings or not. In the present in
stance the Promotion Committee, the
working force of this body, in its re
port for the year, lays strong stress
on the opportunities awaiting its act
ion during the coming year; therefore
they will be expected to do some
thing of significance, of real import
ance and value, on the hypothesis that
they themselves have vouched for the
things to be done and their ability to
compass them. This is good news.
Their failure to accomplish these
things will constitute bad news.
We believe in the doing of one
thing at a time; of concentrating the
forces at hand upon a specific object
and exhausting every faculty and re
source to that given end; and after
success, or failure, has been recorded,
then pursuing some other single bene
fit to a finality; it beats the scheme
of "covering" more eggs than can be
hatched, and gives a better chance for
occasional success. Anyhow, we hope
-to have a good record at the end of
the year; one that will mean somc-
..thing for Astoria and Clatsop.
The country observes with pleas
ure that the uplift in eggs is not as
pronounced as it was.
The United States is certainly get
ting to be a world power. It is much
interested in the cabclgram stating
afc MMftittimJ
On his Southern trip next fall Pres
ident Taft will visit every Southern
State, including Texas.
United States Senator Morgan C
Bulkcley of Connecticut has given his
friends to understand that he will be
a candidate for re-election on the ex
piration of his present term.
In the State of Washington the
equal suffrage amendment passed the
Senate, 30 to 3. It passed the House
some weeks earlier, by a vote of "0
to IS.
Robert B. Glenn, former Governor
of North Carolina, has taken to the
pulpit and intends to devote the re
mainder of his life to religious work.
A boom has been started for A. B.
Sisson of' Erie as a candidate for the
Republican nomination for Governor
of Pennsylvania. Mr. Sisson is now
member of the State Senate. .
Asher C Hinds, parliamentarian of
Congress, has announced his candid
acy for the Republican Congressional
nomination in the First district of
The judiciary of Montana has been
removed from the domain of politics,
and accordingly from the domination
of political parties, by a law recently
enacted by .the legislature of that
A call has been issued in New York
City for a meeting to effect a combin
ation of influential men of all parties
oppose Tammany Hall at the forth
coming mayoralty election in the me
John Horn, in point of years the
oldest living ex-member of the Penn
sylvania legislature, celebrated his
ninetieth birthday a few days ago St
his home in Easton. Mr. Horn was
a member of the legislature in 1853-i
Former Governor Charles B. Ay-
cock of North Carolina recently de
clined a proposal to identify himself
with a leading law firm in New York.
He expects to be elected to the Unit
ed States Senate two years hence.
In the event of the death or disabil
ity of Speaker Cannon, General Bing
ham of Pennsylvania would in all
probability be elected to the Speaker
ship, in accordance with the custom
of the House to elect the oldest mem
ber in point of service. General
Bingham has served in every Con
gress since 1879.
Major Minnamascot, the mule of
fered by William J. Bryan during the
campaign of last year to the county
showing the, largest Democratic gain,
is claimed by Esmeralda County, Ne
vada. The Democratic vote in 1908
in that county showed the remarkable
gain of 694 per cent, as compared
with the vote in 1900 and 1904.
The anti-saloon element in Vir
ginia is not altogether satisfied with
the working of the local option law
in that State. As the liquor element
ii also dissatisfied with present con
ditions it is not unlikely that politic
ians in the Old Dominion soon will
be face to face with a straightout
that thirty-two lions have just been
seen together, on the Nandi Plateau,
Africa. All right; the trail can't get
too hot.
An uplift in the supply of farm
Llabor ought to result from the pre
vailing price of farm products. The
business opening appears to be one
of the best of the period and Uncle
Sam still has plenty of land for home
steaders. The new secretary of war may not
be so slow getting into action as he
has been in getting into office.
An insurgent Bryan man would be
intelligible. But an insurgent Repub
lican at a time like this is a freak.
Senator Baily has resumed his vis
its to the White House. Another
proof that Mr. Taft is to be the presi
dent of the whole country.
Following the decision of Judge
Anderson in the Standard Oil rebate
case John D. Rockefeller's respiration
will again become normal.
In addition to facing the ordinary
perils of Africa Mr. Roosevelt will
have to meet the hazard of the scien
tists. Col. Bryan is a good loser in poli
tics, but he might not be if he were
not such a good winner on the lect
ure platform.
If truth is stranger than fiction how
can the Roosevelt hunting facts be
toned down so as not to suggest na
ture fakes?
Mr. Bryan would be better pleased
with some of the cabinet selections if
they had been greenback Democrats
instead of Grover Cleveland Demo
crats. If Congress works to the best ad
vantage it is clear that a carefully
digested tariff law can be passed by
Junel. But filibusters could waste a
whole summer.
prohibition contest.
George T. Oliver, who is to succeed
Philander Knox of Pennsylvania in
the Senate, has had an interesting
career- He vi born in Ireland in
1848, while his parents were visiting
that country. He practiced law in
Pittsburg for ten years and then re
tired from the profession to engage
iron and iteel manufacturing.
Since 1900 he has been interested
largely in the management of his
newspaper properties in Pittsburg,
He is reputed to be a millionaire sev
eral times over.
NEW YORK, March. 2J.-A reduc
tion in grain rates from the Great
Lakes to New York to meet the "for
eign water" was decided on here yes
terday at a meeting of the Trunk
Line Association, according to tho
Times today.
The reduction was made because ol
the protest of shipping interests here,
of Boston, Baltimore and Philadel
phia, The new rate was not an
nounced, but will be made known to
day. It is predicted that the New
York and other Atlantic ports will
get their share of the grain trade of
which they were deprived last season
because of the preferential rate em
ployed by Montreal which was the
basis of a subsequent complaint of
shipping interests in the East The
new rate will be effective when navi
gation opens on the Great Lakes in
the latter part of April.
Because of the failure of the trunk
lines to meet the rates of the Cana
dian lines running from the wheat
ports of Montreal last season, practi
cally no wheat was shipped abroad
from this and adjacent ports, except
to Europe and markets which the lo
cal lines do not reach- As a result
the White Star and other steamship
lines withdrew vessels from New
York and put them in the Montreal
service and so great was ttie trattic
from the Canadian ports that great
numbers of tramp steamers were at
tracted there, which took the tonnage
that the regular lines were unable to
NEW YORK. March 23.-Abe At-
tcll, the featherweight champion of
the world, outboxed and outfought
Frankie Neil, of San Francisco, in a
fast 10-round bout this evening in
Golden West
Just Right
The Cornelius
"The House of Welcome'
Corner Park and Alder,
Alhotel where the North
west people will find a hearty
welcome and receive
Courteous Treatment
at moderate prices.
Our free Omnibus mee
all trains.
Under management of N. K. Clarki
C. W. CORNELIUS. Proprietor.
&fe Quelle
Opposite the Bakronian
HOME-MADE, and of the
ingredients; put up under supervis
ion that guarantees their perfe.i
freedom from all deleterious matter
Foley's Honey and Tar cures
coughs quickly, strengthens the lungs
and expels colds. Get the genuine
in a yellow package. T. F. Laurin,
Owl Drug Store-
v Absolute and Safe Cur Will be
Found in the Use of Dia pepsin
Which Correct Stomach Disor
der and Digestion in the Moat
Obitinatt Cases.
If what you just ate is louring on
your stomach or lies like a lump ol
lead, refusing to digest, or you belch
Gat and Eructate sour, undigested
food or have a feeling of Ditrinest,
Heartburn, Fullness, Nausea, Bad
taste in mouth and Stomach head
ache this is Indigestion.
A full case of Pape'i Diapepsln
costs only 50 cents and will thor
oughly, cure the worst case of Dys
pepsia, and leave sufficient about the
house in case some one else in the
family may suffer from Stomach
trouble or Indigestion.
Ask your pharmacist to show you
the formula plainly printed on these
SO-cent cases, then yon will under-
tand why Dyspeptic trouble of all
kinds must go, and why they usually
relieve a sour stomach or Indiges
tion in five minutes. Get a case now
.iiul eat one Triangule after your
next meal. They are harmless and
taste like candy, though each con
tains power sufficient to digest and
prepare for assimilation into the
blood all the food you eat; besides,
it makes you go to the table with a
hearty, healthy appetite; but, what
will please you most is that you will
feel that your Stomach and intestines
are clean anil fresh, and you will not
need to resort to laxatives or liver
pills for Biliousness or Constipation.
This city will have many Diapcp-
sin cranks, as some people will call
them, but you will be cranky about
this splendid stomach prescription,
too, if you ever have Indigestion or
Gastritis or any other Stfuunch mis
ery, and eat just one Triangule of
CHICAGO, March 2J.Detective
Sergeant Howe will leave for San
Luis Obispo, Mcx, tonight to bring
back William Ncal Smith, former
secretary of the San Luis Land &
Cattle Company who is under indict
ment here on the charge of embez
zlement of $5000 from the company.
From the East
During March and April
reduced rates will be In ef
fect from
Eastern Points to As
toria. via the
O. R. & N.
Money can be deposit
ed here and we will
wire our eastern repre
sentatives to deliver
tickets to passengers
at any point in the east
Cash can also be trans
mitted to passengers by
wire without extra cost
For further information call on
or address
General Passenger Agent
Q. W. ROBERTS, Agent
! Bakeronian
Clever Little 5oubrette '
In Latest Songs and Dances
A complete change of pictures with no
W if!
An Edison Standard Phonograph
Sent to You on 10 Diyi' Free Trial
And That b Kut All-bere are the ajwrlal lixlucwmettti we oiler you-HO etONIT
DOWN-wcpty tliefreWtat liw jouelglil months' lime la pa.) -end give jnu
TEN Om'FmTIUl In jrourawii bumeoMhlMlantlard OuUIU
The lllutmttou above U our No. T KilUoa OmuH eoatliif 13 at and Inrludo
ION 0010 MOUNTED RECORD Ui h. nelveled br ou ONI I0TILI Of Oil. ONI 011. CN ,
aud an AUTOMOBILE BRUSH ATTACHMENT. Gtiuld you Imagine a ore llher.l ulTvrf
You takeabaolulrly NO RISK In ontertu td'e outfit. Ha many people have pro
nouAwd It Hi. BEST OFFER EVER i0I (batn. that w. know you will do the tame.
Fill out Ihf mtipon with the nam and
wild mil pnttleulan by return matt.
Eilers Piano House
Portland, Oregon
Uri.ii Parlflp fowl Di-alrr In Talking
Machine., Kvrord., I'lnnue, Ornmi, Hto.
First-Class Liquors and Cigars
X 102 CernmarcU) I tract.
X Comer Commercial and 14th. ASTORIA, OREGON
Sherman Transter Co.
Hacka, Carriagev Baggage Checked and Transferred Tmrki and Furaurar
Wagona Pianoi Moved, Boxed and Shipped.
4U Commercial Street. . leatn Ptmoa X .
Iron and Brass Founders, Land and Marine Engineers.
Up-to-Date Sawmill Machinery Prompt attention given to all repair
llth and Franklin Ave. work. Tel. Main 3441
Will sell cheap round trip excursion tickets to Denver May 17th,
July 1 st and August nth
On June 2nd & 3rd, July and & 3rd and August nth
and lath, very low round trip rates will be 'made to St.
Paul, 'Duluth, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago
and; all eastern points,
Through Rail and Steamship tickets sold to all parts of
the world. ,
For full particulars call or address
Q. B UOHNSON; OenM Agent A. & C. R. R.
12th St, near Commercial 8t ASTORIA, OREGON.
READING. Past, present and future; givei val
uable advice on all event of life,
business, love, marriages, changes or
travels; can read your inner most
thoughts through the cards; can tell
the work you are gifted for through
Palmistry; will be here for one week
only. Reading, 50 cents to $1.00.
Ladles or gentlemen. Room 112, 578
Commercial street. tat
a'ldr. mall It In ua today and we wilt
tui i tin ou i una aaa todays.
iou(lmn riitaMM-itdeaiahifiiri
ami Ml partlnuinriuf yuur Kdlton
dee trial utter.
Name ,, ' .
Addrrat ,
I M MM f
few fwina NorihMM Bm41 ul flllnaak.
e Upu.r M ail tmrtemlen. Mlnlnia.
hmlf- IliteelelareiarMitlboiluHHt,wrlu
a, gmai iuh or four daM, tud will miM
ewe a eotifcM tf ftawr m rrae fr ytmr tronide
hemm aw W., Paaium,, awt tmua, HOI
"'jiT HI! V