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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1909)
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1909. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. v The Daily Market Report PORTLAND, March 16. -High price and itrong demand previtl on Front ilret (or fruit and vegetable of ill kind, and farmer who have anything to dispose of need not worry over telling It., Eggs Art Plentiful Freh egg are quoted at 20 ceuti long Trout aiiect thli morning, and an absence of demand from Puget Sound and Spokane had a tendency to depres prices, Cold torage men re not willing to put egg by for Winter ue until the produce geti down to 18 cent or below, and thii walling on their part further tendi to full ttocka on hand, to be worked off within the week. A carload of Eastern, ordered by big retail home, itlll Incllnet the market to un aettled condition, ai the Eaitern eggi will probably be offered t fe centi doaen let than the home product, ' California Vegetable. A goodly shipment of California vegetable! i expected by the steamer due from San Francisco today, and a heavy demand awaita them. A car load of Imperial Valley cabbage li rJta of 60-Js, bale, $2.25; bales of 40 4. bale, $2.25; balei of , 15-10., bale, $2.25; Uga, 50a, fine, ton; f IS; bag Sic; getnin Liverpool too, $17; bags, 50c, If round 113.50; 100i, ton, $13.00; H S. V. P., 20 lb. carton., $2.25; R. S. V. P J-lb. c.r'oni, $175; Liverpool, lump, per ton, $20. Raialni Loom ntuacatela, 3-crown. 61 centi; 4-crowa, 7c; bleached, seedless Suttanai, 9lc(SJ12c; un bleached leedlets Sultanas, 6) cent; London layers, 3-crown, whole Uses Wheaf-Track price.: Club, $1.08; fllw,. 1A. 71 blue-team. $1.20, turkey red, $1.10; YZZ .M T' -- JT ' Bring: in Your Want Ads To Day TWENTY WORDS OR LESS, ONE WEEK FIFTY CENTS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE being got up for thii market, and thii it expected to tell at 4 cent a pound. The Oregon cabbage ha nearly all disappeared and what i left it idling at 3 cent. WHOLESALE PRICES. red Ru.ilan, $1.05; Valley, $1.10. IFour Patent, $5.65; itraighti, H35ffi4.80; export, $4.00; Valley, $5 40; I Hack graham $5.20; whole Lmondii ,3c, nut, 8 cent; cheitnuti, .Ital ian 10c, Ohio 25c; cocoanuti, doten, 90c$l; pine nut, 1012c pound; THE MORNING ASTORIAN WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Are Read Every Morning by 10,000 People. The Want Column of THE MORKINO ASTORIAN ax coo. Milted every morning by hundred of persons in search of real estate bargain, Article of Bale, loat or found and people looking for em ployment Rates: Twenty word or Ion .three times, 25 cents; six times, 50 cents; on month, $2.00. PLUMBER. 1. A. WHY PLUMBER Heating ContrictorJlnnei -AND- Sheet Iron Worker .LL WORK CUARANTEEr 425 Bond Street- TRANSPORTATION. The MK" U Steamer - Lurlinc Night Boat for Portland ant Way Landings. Leaves Astoria dally sscept Sanday st 7 p. m. Leaves Portland Dally Eacept Suaiar at 7 a. j. Landing Astoria Flavcl Wharf Landing Portland Pool Taylor I J. J. DAT, Agent Phone Main 2?0 wheat, $5 40; rye, $5.50. Barley-Feed, $30; rolled, $3233; brewing, $31.50. Oat-No. 1 white, $38; gray, $37. HayTrack price; Timothy Wil lamette Valley, $14(216; Eaitern Oregon, $I7I7.50; alfalfa, $14(815; clover, $I314; cheat, $14(315; vetch, $13(5)14. Milltufr-Bran, $2S.5026; mid dling, $33; ihort, $2930; chop, $2028. HELP WANTED. Dried Fruit--Applies, 8ic per lb; e-eache. 0Ol2c: near. llliffilJ.- Italian prune, 5(T06c; California fig, WAWinu-iJiAvnwwu dais hite, in ack, "sc per pound; black, 6 7c; brick, 75c2.25 per bos; Oil, Lead. Etc. Benzine V. M, and P. Naptha, case, 201c; iron barrel, 131c, Linseed Oil Raw, 5-barrel lot. 66c; 1 -barrel lot, 67c; in catet, 73c; boiled, 5-barrel lot, 68c; 1-barrel lot, 69c; in cam, 75c. Turpentine In cases, 62c; in bar rel, 591c gallon, Coal Oil Pearl and astral oil, man, to handle s a tide line a quick telling article that i used in every home; good profit. Addrea, Th Manufacturer, L Box 112, Astoria, Ore. VETERINARY COLLEGES. WANTED A GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. Apply 528 Frank lm avenue. WANTED GIRL TO WORK AT general housework. Apply to Mrs- A. V. Allen, corner Eleventh snd Franklin, Meats and Provisions. Hsms-1012 lb., 141c; 14-16 lb, 14c; 18-20 lb., 131c. Dressed Meats Hog, fsncy 91(21 10c, ordinary 89c, large 7c; ml, esses, 181c; per gallon; water white, WANTED A FEW MEN TO extra lOGjlOk, ordinary 8(9c, heavy iron, barrels, 11c; eocene and extra board in private family; Scandinav 7c; mutton, fancy 67c- tnr, case, 2Uc; headlight oil, case, ian preferred; good home-cooking at Bacon BreiikfHit 17i($21c, picnic 20c; iron barrel, 18c; dame, cases, I $18 per month. Apply at 149 Third 91c; cottage roll, lie; regular ihort 28c. street, between Commercial and clear, moked 131c do unimoked Turpentine In cac, 65c; in bar- Duane. 121c; clear back, unsmoked 121c, do rels, 62ic- smokeil 131c; shoulder, lie. Lard-Kettle leaf, 10s, 14c; HOT OR COLD Golden West Tea Just Right closset:& devers, PORTLAND, ORE. P j3 I carry the best Lowers Shoes in town at the low est prices. My stock of men's and bcy'i shoes is unsurpassed for qua lity. Close buying; and low expenses enable me to sell the best qualities at lowest prices. S. A. GIMRE 543 Bond Street. do 5s, 14k; do 50-Ib. tint, 141c; steam rendered, 10s, 13c; do, 5s, 131c; com pound, 10, 91c Butter, Eggs and Poultry. Butter Extra. 35 36c; fancy, 35c; store, 18 20c Cheese Full cream twin, 1717; full cream triplet, 17171c; Young America, 18c; cream brick, 20c; Swii block, 20c; Limburger, 18 20c Eggs Select Oregon, 20c. Poultry Mixed chicken, 15151c; fancy hem, 1516c; rooster, old, 10c llc; broiler, 221($25c; dres poultry lc per pound higher; duck. live, 2021c; geese, live, 89c; tur--key, live, 1718c; dressed, 2022c. Fruits and Vegetable. Fresh Fruit Orange, $l.752.75; tangerine, $2.00 box; lemons, $1-50(3) 4.00; grapes, Spanish Malaga, $6 7.00 per crate; peart, $1 .75(32 00 per box, cranberrie, $15.00 per barrel; bananas, 3i6c per pound. Apple Best Oregon!, $2.002.50; common, $1-25I.7S per box. vegetable turnips, per sack; beet, $1.50; parsnioa, $1.50; cabbage, $3.25; head lettuce 75 cent per dozen; cucumber, $1.75 $2.25 per dozen; celery, 90c$l,00 per doten; artichokes, $1.40 per doaen; beam, 25c per pound; peat, 15c per pound; tomstoe. $2002.2S per crate; squsih, 2c per pound; pepper, $1.75 per box; cauliflower, $2.50 per crate; asparagus, lH20c per pound. Potatoes Buying price, $1-23 1-40; weeti, $2.75J.0Q. Onion Buying price; $1.751.85 per hundred. Oytters, Clams and Fish. Oysters Shoalwater Bay, per gal lon $2.25; per aack $4.50; Toke Point, $1.60 per 100; Olytnpia. (120 lbs.), $6; Olytnpias, per gallon, $2J?5. Fish Halibut, 9 cent per pound; black bass, 20 cent; striped ban, 18c; herring, 51c; flounders, 6c; catfish, 9c; ahrimp, 121c; perch, 6c; sturgeon, 12c; sea trout, 19c; torn cod, 8c; salmon, fresh, steelhead, 10c; Chinook, 15c- Canned Salmon Columbia river, Mb. tails, $2; 2-lb. tals. $3, fancy, Mb. flats, $2.15; Mb. flats, $1.25; fancy, Mb. ovals, $2.75; Alaska talis, pink 95c, red $1.40; nominal, 2s, talis, $2.10. Clams Little neck, per box, $2.50; razor clams, $2 per box; crabs, $1 $1.50 dozen. Gasoline-Union and Red Crown, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS barrels, 151c; case, 221c. Motor, bar rels, 16ic; case, 23k. 86 degrees, barrels, 30c; case, 371c. Engine dis tillate, barrels, 9c; cases, 16c. Lead Net weight, packages ton lot 71c; 500-Ib. lots, 8c; less than 500 lbs-, 81c; red lead and litharge, lc higher than white. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc Wool Eaitern Oregon contracts, 16(218c per pound; Valley, 1516c. Hop 1909 contract, 10101c; 1908 crop, 718c; 1907 erop, 3c. Mohair Choice, 20 22c lb. Csscara Sagrada (chittim bark) 5 6c per pound- Oregon Graperoot Per 100 lbs.. ms. Hides Dry hides, No. I, 1617c SIX LOTS IN HUSTLER & AIK- en Addition; cash or installment; eay term. J. H. Hobton, near Young' Bay bridge, Farmer 29. FOR SALE-CIGAR STORE; ONE of the bet location in the city. Addrest "K. " Astorian office. n PIANO FOR SALE; COST $565; will sell for $300. See Charles W. Ecklund, 491 Third street TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE OR RENT. A SMITH PREMIER AND NO. 7 Remington; both in first-class con dition. See Lenora Benoit. Public lb; dry kip, No. 1, 1516c; dry salt- CfenoirraDher. 477 Commercial street ea, one-ttiira less; ary can, tet&iyc; salted steers, 99k; salted cows, 8c; stag snd bulls, 5c; kip, lOQllc; calf. 14f(i'19c; green Mock, lc per pound less; sheepskins, shearlings, 25(3 30c; I short wool, 50fj0c; medium and long wool, according to quality, 75c$l; LOST. LOST-ON COMMERCIAL ST.. between 14th and 16th, a ladies' cold mounted back comb. Finder will leave at Astorian office and re dry horses, 50c$1.50; dry colt, 2Sc; ceiy reward angora, 50c$l; goat common, 10(a) 20c. CARPENTERS. "Quit 8o." When tin- lute Louise Chandler Mool- ton was In Loudon In the late seven ties Blie notlctxl the servility, as a rule, of the shopkeeper. It la a comfort to be sure not to be bullied luto buying things not really deelred, but strongly recommended by the tradesmen. In her volume of "Itandoin Rambles" she recalls an Incident In which th clerk's tongue got away with him. "Quite so!" Is a favorite formula with the London shopkeeper, and this habit lend him sometimes Into ridicu lous blunders. For Instance, I went one day luto the shop of a London druggist, or chemist, aa they say there. MI want a toothbrush," I said. "Quite so, madamf "And some smelling salt trong." Quite sor "Oh, and Ink. Have yon good black tnkr "Quite sol" Presently my parcels were put up. and I began to count out the pay for them. My Yankee arithmetic G. O. AND G. N. STADIN BROS, carpenters, builders and contrac tors, Ninth snd Dusne street, will give prompt attention to all orders; terms ressonable; sstisfaction guar anteed. TO RENT-HOUSES. WANTED RESPONSIBLE TEN- ant desires to rent 5 or 6 room, house, st once, north of Grand ave nue. Address P. O. Box 4. tmt FOR RENT 7-ROOM MODERN house; good neighborhood; furni ture for ssle. Apply to Jsmes Fin layson or B. L Ward, 377 Commer cial street. ia COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. n-gj i 1 1 i i '-1 ASK. fo&AMCtto V51 JH JOBBERS' QUOTATIONS. Sugar, Coffee, Etc. Sugar (sack basis) D. G., $5.75; best, $5.55; Golden C, $515; extra C, $5.25; powdered, $5.85; fruit or berry sugar, $5.75; boxes, 55c cwt. ad vance over sack basil (lets l-4c if paid for In 15 days). Rice Imperial Japan, No. 1, $6.35; Southern Japan. $5.756; broken, 41c head; fancy, $77.7S scarcely equal to the shillings snd six pences, not to say farthings, of this unaccustomed currency, and I said: "I am nwkward with your money." "Quite so, miulnni," came the shop man's reply with the accustomed sweet readiness, and It wits only by the smllo I could not repress that he was reminded of his unintentional discourtesy. The 8acret of 8ucess. The motto of success wns given In this tnle, told at n banquet: A Swede nmnng the miners In the west wns noted for always striking pay dirt. His fellows thought that there must be some secret to the un usual success of the Swede and ques tioned him as to how he always suc ceeded in finding the spot where the gold cropped out. "Veil, Ay don't know ef Ay csn tell anytnng 'bout dnt," answered Ole. "Ay only know dnt Ay yust keep on dlgRln"--Mtlwnukoe Free Press. WANTED-A GOOD RANCH IN The Nehalem Valley; state lowest was fig and best terms; giving Iocs tion and improvements. "A 10," Aitorian Office. Address RESTAURANTS. CAMELLIA RESTAURANT, 612 Commercial street; first class meal, 15 cents; coffee and cake, 10 cents. U. S. RESTAURANT, 434 BOND street. Coffee with pie or cske, 10 BULLETIN SAN FRAJJCISCO Veterinary College now ready; mailed free. Dr. C Keane, 1818 Market street. , PROFESSIONAL CARD). attorneystXaw gustaf a. hemple Attorney-at-Law Suite 9-10 Odd Fellows' Building Tenth and Commercial Streeta OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCT ing Quartermaster, Fort Stevens, Or,, March 18, 1909,-Sealed propo sals, in triplicate, will be received at thi office until 2 oclock p. m., April 16, 1909, and th n publicly opened, for the construction of a frame store house at Fort Stevens, Or. Plans can be seen, specifications obtained and full information furnished at this office. The United States reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes con taining proposals should be marked "Proposals for Construction," and ad dressed to the Constructing Quarter master, Fort Stevens, Or. i MEDICAL. MISCELLANEOUS. HOWARD M. BROWNELL, AT torney at Law, Deputy District Attorney. 420 Commercial Street DENTISTS DR. F. VAUGHAN. DENTIST. Pythian Building, Atori, Oregon. DR. W. C. LOGAN. DENTIST. Commercial Street, Sbsnahan Bldg. OSTEOPATHS. DR. RHODA C HICKS. OSTEO- path. Office: Mansell Bldg., Phone Black 2065. 573 Commercial Street HOUSE MOVERS. FREDR1CKSON BROS--We make a specialty of house moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention to all orders. Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. MASSAGE AND SHAMPOOING. SCALP MASSAGE OR SHAM- pooing. Will call at your residence or you can call on me at the Megler House after 3 p. m. Mary M. Su- prenant SWEDISH MASSAGING. TYRA KOHLANDER, ROYAL graduate in Swedish movements, physical culture and massage; office, 545 Franklin sve, second fiat; hours: 9-11 a. m., 3 5 p. m, or Central Drag Store, Telephone Main 2181. AUCTION AND COMMISSION. EVERY SATURDAY AT 11 A. M. we will sell to the highest bidder a large consignment of furniture; make your own prices; during the week furniture will be sold at auction prices; see Martin Olsen for up-to- date upholstering work, mattress making, etc-, will repair your bed in one day, calling for it in the morning and returning it in the afternoon; will sew and Isy carpets. Olsen & Ecklund, Commission and Auction House, 110 Fifteenth street. WOOD WANTED. cents; first-class meals, 15 cents. TOKIO RESTAURANT, 351 Bond street, opposite Ross, Higgins & Co.; coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents; first-class meals; regular meals 15 cents and up. BATH HOUSES. Even Poetry. "Why do you think. Mr. Pennington, thnt your new book of poems will have a targe snlc?" "My publishers have hnd tho wis dom to tmt a picture of a beautiful BATHS-TURKISH AND RUS- sian, nt the natatorium of George Hill, 217 Astor St.; rational prices; absolute-cleanliness; private rooms; separate service for ladies; rheuma tism and skin diseases treated with perfect success. 10-25-tf irlrl nn the onvnr. It la mv belief that Coffee Mocha. 2428c; Java, fancy even poetry enn be sold If one goes ii(al8c; Java, good. 2024c; Java, about It In n buslnessuka way."-Mln- ordinary, 1720c; Costa Rica, fancy, neapolls Journal. 1 18J20e; Costa Rica, good, 1618c; Arbuckle, $17.13 cwtj Lion, $15.75 ROOMS FOR RENT. tJSLmSrSSE&tSttll Colombia coffee, 14c lb.; Sal- zrtzss&zssszz, arsari'sai vador, mowe. fZiLurnm,bum,mUMm.u. 1 Salt Bale- ot 75-2s, bale. $2.25; The Morning Astorian, 60 cents per month, delivered to your residence or business office. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. Inquire bver Fisher's store, corner 12th and Bond Sts. y FOR RENT-ONE SET HOUSE- keeping rooms. Apply 485 Com mercial.! i SEALED BIDS WILL BE RE- ceived by the Committee on Sup plies of the Astoria School Board, at the office of W. A. Sherman, Clerk, 501 Duane street, Astoria, until April 1909, for furnishing wood for the Astoria public schools as follows: Alderbrook school ... 20 cords 2-cut Adair school 65 cords 1-cut Shively school 60 cords 4-Ft. McClure school 125 cords 4-Ft. McClure school 10 cords 2-cut Taylor school 75 cords 4-Ft. Bids must state kind and price of wood to be delivered at the several schools. Contractor will be required to furnish bond that wood will be de livered on or before August 1, 1909, with forfeiture for each day thereaf ter, if not so delivered. FRANK J. TAYLOR, J. N. GRIFFIN, Committee on Supplies. Dated, March 16, 1909. mi PROPOSALS WANTED. reOPSALs" lBEEF ""AND mutton, Vancouver Barracks, Wash., March 16, 1909. Sealed proposals for furnishing and delivering fresh beef and mutton for six months be ginning July 1, 1909, will be received here and at offices of commissaries at Fort Stevens, Ore., Boise Barracks, Idaho, Forts Casey, Columbia, Flag ler, Lawton, Vancouver, Walla Walla, Ward, Worden and George Wright, Wash, until 10 a. m., April 16, 1909, and then opened. Envelopes con taining proposals should be indorsed, "Proposals for fresh beef and mutton to be opened April 16, 1909," and addressed to commissary of post to be supplied, or to Major H. J. Galla gher, Chief Commissary. m t TO ALL TO WHOM THESE Presents Shall Come, Greeting: Notice is hereby given that the Ore gon State Board of Fish Commis sioners, by the authority vested in said Board by law, has closed all of the Youngs River and Lewis & Clark River to the taking, catching, and fishing for salmon fish and sturgeon, except with hook and line, between 12 o'clock, noon, April 15th, and 12 oclock, noon, May 1st, for the pur pose of creating an additional closed season on said river and to comply and correspond with the Spring closed season established on the Co lumbia River by act of the Twenty- fifth legislative Assembly of said State and it shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch, or fish for sal mon and sturgeon in any of the waters of said rivers during the time hereinbefore specified. (Signed), F. W. BENSON, Governor and Secretary of State. (Signed), GEO. A. STEEL, State Treasurer. Constituting the Oregon State Board of Fish Commissioners. Attest: H. C McALLISTER, Master Fish Warden. .(. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; that the Committee on Streets and Public Ways, the Superintendent of Streets and the City Surveyor have filed a certificate of completion of a sewer on 51st street, from the South line of Cedar street to the beach on the north line of Birch street, by Charles E. Johnson, the contractor, in accordance with general ordinance No 3678 and the contract therefor, i That unless objections are filed against the same, the same will be accepted by ordinance at the next regular meeting of the Common Council. OLOF ANDERSON. Auditor and Police Judge of x the City of Astoria, Or. Dated, Astoria March 12, 1909. tat Unprecedented Sncceise of C3. fE n TEX GSXAI CBXITXSX D0CTO1 Who it known oughout tho .United States om fr! . .... iiirL' oi nis won derful cores. No poisons or drag) osed. H guarantee to care catarrh asthma, lung and throat trouble. rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney, female complaistta, and all chrome diseases. ucoEssnn kotui Tmrazirt If you cannot call write for symp torn blank and circular, incloiing 4 cents in (tamps. THE C GtZ VTO HEDXCIXX CO. 1621 Firt St, Corner Morrison PORTLAND, OREGON , Please .mention the Astorian. '" ..... - -LJ-Jl LAUNDRIES. ROUGH DRY FAMILY WASHING May We Call For a Trial Package? TROY LAUNDRY Phone Main 1991. 10th and Duane Sts. MISCELLANEOUS. Plate Racks, Wall Pockets, Music Racks Clock Shelves Just in See ns Hildetranl & Gor Old Bee Hive Bldg. 0TOZ2TAXXS3. J. A. OILBAUGH & CC Undertakers ai"l Embalmert Experienced Lady Assistant When Desired. Calls Promptly Attended Day or Night. Tatton Bdg. 12th and Duane 8ta ASTORIA. OKE.GON Phone Main 2111 CALL FOR WARRANTS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that there is money in the treasury to pay all Clatsop County General Fund Warrants, endorsed prior to December 1, 1907, and all outstand ing Court House Fund Warrants; in terest will cease this date. WM. A. SHERMAN. Treasurer, Clatsop County, Or. Dated Astoria, Or., March 8, 1909. it Notice. There is money in the Astor street fund from 6 to 8 street to pay war rants No. 26702 to 26710 inclusive. Interest will cease after this date. THOMAS DEALEY, City Treasurer. Astoria, Ore., March V 1909. , Notice. There is money in the general fund to pay all warrants indorsed prior to April 1, 1908. Interest will cease after this date. THOMAS DEALEY, City Treasurer. Astoria, Ore., March 11,. 1909. u DENTISTS. Gold Crowns, 22-k .tSJH Bridgework 22-k .....$54 Gold Filling $1.50 uj Enamel Filling $1.5f Silver Filling 50c, tl.CC Best Plates '. $1 Painless Extraction .....50 Lady attendance; Office hours 8:3C a. m. to 6 p. m-, Sunday 10 a. m. to 12 m. Evening work by appointment. Chicago Painless;' Dentists OVER DANZIGER'S Mature provides bat one CALIFORNIA It is the natural winter home of many thou sands of the world's best people. Under the gentle influence of its mild winter climate, , every amusement and recreation abounds, bathing, boating, fish ing, driving; such pic- . nics, parties and "jollifications." :G0T0 Los Angeles, Paio Robles Hot Springs, Hotel del Monte, San ta Barbara, San Diego, Santa Monica, Venice, Long Beach, Santa Crux, or a score of similar resorts and yoa will find health, con genial surroundings, hospitable associates, faultless accommoda tions and numberless attractions and con veniences. The 0.R.aH.Co. CONNECTING WITH The Southern P&cilic Co. Makes inexpensive round trip excursion rates to Cal ifornia. A six months stopover ticket Portland to Los Angeles and return is $55.00 Corresponding rate are in effect to other points. We have some very distinc tive literature covering Cali fornia's winter resorts, and will fake pleasure in giving you all of the information and assistance at our command. For tickets, sleeping car reser vations, etc., call on, tele graph, or write WM. McMURRAY, Gen. Pass Agt Portland, Oregon, ,