The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 13, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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    SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1909.
wu WMiMMI MKjHIyMMHW riSih- MAdMHfll
We are showing the most com
plete line of up-to-date, stylish
millinery ever shown in Astoria
The HATS will please you. Our
assortment is so large you will
find just what you have in mind.
Our prices will sell our hats, the
values are the best we have ever
1 Cut Glass
Hand Painted China
30 per cent, discount
See Window Display
A V ALLEN sle AKt for . . .
V Bamnmon Hall Stel Cnt
Phones 731, 3871.
WASHINGTON, D. C. March 13.
Occupying first place on the cal
tndar of events for the week will be
the assembling of Congress in extra
ordinary session Monday. The busi
ness of the session will be confined
to tariff revision.' Important changes
in the existing tariff schedules are
certain. The multitude and diver
sity of the interests affected by the
proposed revision of the tariff ren
ders the task a difficult one, but lead
ing men of both parties are of the
opinion that the work will be accom
plished and the session ended within
ten weeks. The House Ways and
Means Committee, upon which de
olves the duty of framing the bill!
has gone about its work tinder the
impetus of a very strong public
opinion favoring tariff reductions and
with the moral influences of a de
termined President.
President Taft expects to go to
New York Thursday to speak at a
meeting to be held in Carnegie Hall
on the afternoon of that day in mem
ory of Grover Cleveland- Mayor
McClellan will preside over the ex
ercises and in addition to the Presi
dent the speaker will be Chief Jus
tice Fuller of the Pnited States Su
preme Court and Governor Hughes
of New York.
The election of a United States
Senator to succeed Philander Knox,
who resigned to become Secretary
of State, is on the calendar of the
General "Demand
r fee WaU-Informed of &e WorM ha
'reyi been for simple, pleanaat and
ttfSsieat liquid laxative remedy of known
valae; ksMttv which physieian could
aariioa for family us because iU com
penmt part are known ts them to be
whoUoom and truly beneficial in effect,
acceptable to the system and gentle, yet
prompt, in action. ,
In supplying tkat demand with it ex
ee&rat combination of Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna, the California Fig Syrup
Co. proceed along ethical lines and relies
on th merit of the laxative for it remark
able (ueeess.
That is one of many reaaon why
Syrup of Fig and Elixir of Senna i given
tl preference by the Well-Informed.
To git it beneficiii effect always buy
tha genuine manufactured by th Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, anr" "r ale
by all leading druggist. Price fifty oent
per bottle.
Branch Uniontown
Pennsylvania legislature for Tues
day. The choice of George T. Oliver
ithe Pittsburg newspaper publisher,
to fill out the unexpired terra. Is con
ceded. William J. Bryan will be forty
nine years old Friday and the Demo
crats of Nebraska have arranged for
a banquet to be given in his honor in
Lincoln, at which Mr. Bryan will be
the principal speaker.
The heroism of a young girl will
be recognized at the capitol in
Washington Thursday, when a gold
life-saving medal will be presented
to Miss Mary McCann. At the time
of the General Slocum disaster in
New York Miss McCann, then only
a little girl, was convalescing from
scarlet fever on North Brother is
land, near where the ill-fated steam
er was burned. The river was filled
with human beings and the young
girl, disregarding her own illness,
waded into the water and rescued
nine children.
The opening of the great live
stock show in Fort Worth, the
Standard Oil rebate trial in Chicago,
the Cooper trial now nearing its end
in Nashville, the progress of the
Pope's illness and the negotiations
for a settlement of the differences
between the coal miners and opera
tors are other matters that will fig
ure more or less conspicuously in the
news of the week.
Filippino Under Sentence Of Death,
Object Of Solicitude.
MANILA, March 11. An unusual
scene took place at Bilibid, the mili
tary prison today, when Governor
General Smith made a personal call
on Papa Isio, the black Pope of the
egros island tribesmen, who is con-1,
, . ,. . . ,
fined there under the sentence of
death. The constabulary are urging
Governor General Smith to commute
Isio's sentence to life imprisonment,
because they are certain that the mo
ment he is executed one of his fol
lowers claiming to be him resurrected
will start trouble in the mountains of
Negros. The officers of the consta
bulary declare that if he is kept in
prison where the members of his
occasionally can see him undergoing
punishment for his crime it will have
a deterrent effect upon future dis
orders among the tribesmen. Isio,
who seems to believe that he posses
ses supernatural powers, told Gover
nor Smith that he warred against
Spain but not the United States. He
denied the murders and plantation de
structions of which he stands convict
ed. Act Quickly
if yon have sudden chill if you have
e alio, cramp or diairhcea don't wait a min
ute. Take a teuspoonful of Perry Davis'
Painkiller in half a glass of hot water or milk.
You'll be on the road to quir k recovery.
Have this tritd rtniedy on hand t ,x '.. nme.
diate cse. iifcini; prepared is fc:;lf U.o !,),.
tie. Kewsize bcttks 3uc., uko ia & sUu.
NEW YORK, March 12. In order
to obtain for the office of Mayor of
New York, a man of sufficient merit
and honesty to carry out the changes
proposed in the new city charter,
promoters of an independent move
ment for the election of a "Purifield"
municipal ticket proposed to pay him
n annual salary of $125,000 a year,
or for the term of four years a bonus
of $300,000 over and above the regu
lar salary of the office. It is sug
gested that the difference be raised
by popular subscription. A state
ment issued by those active in the
movement, who as yet designate
themselves merely as tax payers,
says in part:
"Such a man for such a job should
be found among the younger genera
tions of the 'Captains of Industry.'
In commercial life such a man could
count his income in the hundreds of
thousands. Therefore let twenty
five public spirited citizens pledge
themselves anonymously so far as
the public is concerned to contri
bute every year during the next four
years an amount sufficient to produce
in the aggregate the sum of $125,000
a year.
If anyone accepts this unique offer
and is elected he must agree not to
be a candidate for reelection nor par
ticipate in any partisan politics dur
ing his incumbency Backers of the
plan assert that radical measures are
necessary because of almost six years
of the worst government that any
This is the Case With Many Astoria
Too many Astoria citizens are han
dicapped with a bad back. The un
ceasing pain causes constant misery,
making work a burden and stooping
or lifting an impossibility. The back
aches at night, preventing refreshing
a : - ,l. : . : i
, , .
,lame P'asters and liniments may give
relief but cannot reach the cause. To
eliminate the pains and aches you
must cure the kidneys.
Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kid
neys and cure them permanently.
Can you doubt Astoria evidence?
Wm. Joyce, 412 Duane Street, As
toria, Ore., says: "At the time I
began using Doan's Kidney Pills, I
was enduring a great deal of suffer
ing. The secretions from my.kidneys
were so frequent as to cause me a
great deal of annoyance and as a re
sult of not getting my proper rest at
night, I would arise in the morning
tired and weak. The slightest exer
tion caused severe pains through my
back and hips and though I tried
liniments and plasters, I did not re
ceive relief. At last my attention was
drawn to Doan's Kidney Pills and I
procured a box at Charles Rogers &
Son's drug store. They entirely cured
me and I am now in good health."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Saturday, R3arch 13
city in any civilised community has
every endured."
James Bronson Reynolds, who was
a special investigator in the Roose
velt administration has arrived in
New York and opened an office in
Fifth avenue. It is said that he has
the backing of Mr. Roosevelt in
bringing about a fusion of all anti
Tammany forces in the mayoralty
campaign this Fall. Mr. Reynolds
names among other possibilities for
mayor on the fusion ticket, Presi
dent Nicholas Murray Butler of Co
lumbia University.
NEW YORK, March 12--One
hundred candles will sparkle on a
huge cake today when friends gather
to celebrate the birthday of Mrs.
Franklin D. Cottle of Ml West Fifty
First Street. Mr. Cottle was born in
(Martha's Vineyard, Mass, but in 1852
'she went to San Francisco to make
:her home, where the remained until
I after the earthquake through which
ishe passed unscathed despite her
! advanced age. Two years ago she
was a member of an automobile
party, which made a trip from this
city to Boston.
CHICAGO, March 12.-The Tri
special cable from Lisbon, Portugal:
says: Chas. P. Bryan, the American
minister to Portugal, has forwarded
his resignation to Washington. Mr.
Bryan, who is a Chicago man, ha
been in the diplomatic service since
1897. In that year he was appointed
minister to China and one year later
he was transferred to a similar post
at Rio Janeiro. In 1902 Mr. Bryan
was sent to Switzerland and two
years later he appointed min
ister to Portugal.''
BOSTON, Mass., March 13.
Forty thousand member of the labor
unions of Boston and vicinity will
march: tomorrow afternoon to Fa-
neuil Hall to attend a meeting of
protest against the sentencing of
President Gompers, Vice President
Mitchell and Secretary Morrison of
the American Federation of Labor,
the alleged encroachments ' of the
judiciary on the rights of free speech
free press, trial by jury and other
rights guaranteed by the constitution
and to make further steps to secure
legislation to define and limit the
powers of judges in injunction cases.
It is expected that the demonstra
tion will exceed in numbers any of
its kind ever held in this country.
The labor organizations will assem
ble in ten divisions and march to
Faneuil Hall, each division to be
headed by a big volunteer band from
the musicians' unir.-.
FORT WORTnTTexas, March 13
With a record-breaking number of
animals in the burns and pens, the
annual exhibition of the National
Feeders and Breeders' Show is
ready for its opening in the spacious
grounds and handsome buildings in
North Fort Worth. Fattened, pam
pered and groomed until they look
their best, the mighty assemblage of
cattle,, horses, swine and sheep are
awaiting the admiration of the thous
ands of spectators who will visit the
exhibition during the coming week.
The poultry show, which has been
made a leading department of the
exhibition this year, comprises a
chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys and
pigeons. In connection with the ex
hibition the Texas Cattle Raisers'
) Association will hold its annual con-
day and continuing for three dayi.E
TOPEKA. Km., March 13. The
management of the Santa Fe ex
pects to send its first trains over the
Belen cutoff line next week, though
it may be several weeks later before
the full service is in operation. All
the through freight traffic is to be di
verted from the main line to the
Belen cutoff. Thi will route all the
freight business from the main line
at Newton via Mulvana, Wellington,
Amarillo, and the Belen branch to
the main line at Rio Puerco, N. Y.
By this means the Santa Fe will
avoid the Raton and Glorietta moun
tains in northern New Mexico, which
are the steepest and mast difficult
grades on the entire system. The
change of route will apply only to
the freight traffic, no change being
contemplated in the passenger busi
j MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., March
1 13. Two months of hard work on
.the part of the automobile dealers of
.Minneapolis has resulted in the
1 gathering of the great show which
lis to undergo the first test of the
I public's critical gaie in the Armory
tonight. It will be the second ex
hibition of its kind given in this city
land from all indications it will be the
'most notable ever given in the
j Northwest.
; The show will continue through
; the coming week. The Armory has
een tastefully decorated and every
.provision has been made for the
j comfort of visitors. The main floor
and basement have been entirely
filled with exhibits. The display
embftices the 1909 models of the
leading makes of motorcars, both
American and foreign, together with
a large and varied assortment of au
tomobile accessories. Motorcycles
also are well represented at the show
WASHINGTOMarch 12. -The
first business of importance to be
taken up by the Senate at the begin
ning of the extra session next Mon
day will be the admission of Senator
Stephenson of Wisconsin. Im
diately after the Senate convenes the
certificate of the Governor of Wis
consin, declaring Mr. Stephenson's
election will be presented, and unless
there is objection he will take the
oath of office. There it no dispute
as to the regularity of the creden
tials committee and some of the
older lawyers in the Senate say that
he could not be prevented from tak
ing his seat even by objection, So
far as can be learned, the plan of
Stephenson's opponents is to post
pone the presentation of objections
until the investigation by the Wis
consin Legislature into the Stephen
son election is concluded.
Thi Will Interest Mother.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for
Children, a certain relief for Fever
ishness, Headache, Bad Stomach,
Teething Disorders, move and regu
late the Bowel and destroy Worms.
They break up Colds in 24 hours.
They are so pleasant to the taste and
harmless as milk. Children like them.
Over 10,000 testimonial of cures.
They never fail. Sold by all drug
gists. 25c. Ask today, Don't accept
any substitute.
and you will be pleased, your
husband will be pleased, he pays
for them. We guarantee our
Says an Absolute Cure For AU Stom-
' ach Trouble i at th Dru 8 tor
Here Waiting for Sufferer Start j
New and Rid Youreelf .of .Thi i
Misery Forever. I
When your stomach is weak or
lacking in Gastric juice, anything
that you eat, no difference what it is,
will tour on your ttomach, raise the
bile and acids to cover your food
tike oil and water, causing indiges
tion, Dyspepsia, Stomach nervousness
and Belching of sour poisons, which
produce foul odor, naity taste, bil
ious headache, Heartburn, Intestinal
griping and make you an object of
misery. This is stomach trouble which
can not be overcome with ordinary
digestive medicine. It is caused by
fermentation of your food, which
will be remedied at once by Pape'
Diapepsin, a-preparation pleasant to
take and as harmless as candy,
though it will digest and prepare for
assimilation !r,' the blood all the
food you eat.
Indigestion is a result, not 1 cause
of your trouble. If the Stomach is
sour and unhealthy, your food be
comes tainted, and that's -vl-t is
causing the Indigestion and gas on
stomach and other miseries. Pape's
Diapepsin is an Antacid, most pow
erful digestive and thorough regula
tor for weak stomaches. These
Triangulcs will digest any kind of
food you eat and will cleanse the
stomach and intestines in a natural
way, which mfkes you feel fine five
minute afterwards.
Any good Pharmacy here will
supply you with a case of Pape'
Diapepsin for 50 cent. Just reading
about this remarkable stomach prep
aration will not help. You should
go now and get a case. Put your
Stomach in full health and by tomor
row you will forget the misery of
Stomach trouble. Your case is no
different from many others. It isn't
Stomach Nerves or Catarrh of the
Stomach, or Gastritis, or Dyspepsia.
It is Food rotting Food Fermenta
tionthat s all and takes about five
minutes to overcome.
Subscribe to the Morning Astoria,
the local news; full Associated Press
repTts. Delivered by cirrler, 65 cent
per month, Cover the entire lower
A Religiou Author' Statement
Rev. Joseph H. Fesperman. Salis
bury, N. C, who is the author of
several books, writes: "For several
years I was afflicted with kidney
trouble and last winter I was sud
denly stricken with a severe pain in
my kidneys and wa confined to bed
eight days, unable to get up without
assistance. My urine contained a thick
sediment and I passed same fre
quently day and night. . I commenc
ed taking Foley's Kidney Remedy,
and the pain gradually abated and
finally ceased and my urine became
normal. I cheerfully recommend!
Foley's Kidney Remedy." T, F. Lau
r'n, Owl Drug Store.
i Astoria Theatre
The BeJl Southern
1 Play
' I
Qlven by the
Ladies of the Q. A. R.
PRICES 50 and 75c
His Greatest Comedy Success
By Gerrold Shepard
A Breezy Romatic Story
of 603 Laughs
Full of Hearty Laughs that
Prices, 25c to $1.00
Seat Sale Opens Saturday
Uta ttrar tawrll $tmt
0att Jraitdnrtr
Ben loctilon In lbs Clijr. Fireproof Bulldlnf
All Modern Conveniences, European Pita,
Ruts from f 1 .00 per de ind up.
Rum with tub, 1 1. SI par dirend up.