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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1909)
THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1909. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. The Daily Market Report PORTLAND, March 10. -Front street dealer report taut acctiinu luting, the result of heavy offerings mr wecic mui far, a restricted hom demand v and the tbience of outside orders. Quotations for the day ringed from 22 to 24 cents, but It le understood that little business wai done at the latter figure. Some dealers express the belief that while eggi may go to the-20-cent level toon they are hardly likely to drop below that point, and prediction le made that when they get to 20 centi con siderable quantities will be put into storage. Poultry of all aorta waa moderately active at current prices today. Vegetable stocks In the Front street stores are for the time ade quate, but there Isnomrplus sufficient to weaken the market In any line, and prices as a result hold up well. Receipts from the South for the day Included a car each of celery and mixed vegetabtea, Celery holds at $4.50 a crate, and shipments from California will come to an end soon. Cabbage was moderately firm at $275 today. Rhubarb was quoted at $3.25 box, and aeparagus was slightly firmer at IS to 20 cents a pound. WHOLESALE PRICES. Grain, Flour, Hay, Etc. Wheat Track prices: Club, $105; blue stem, $116; turkey red. $110; red Russian, $1.03; Valley, $1.05. IFour Patents, $5.65; straights, $455(34 80; exports, $4.00; Valley. $5 40; li sack graham, $5.20; whole wheat, $540; rye, $5.50. Barley Feed, $28.50; rolled, $3000 (231 DO; brewing, $30.00 0ts-Na 1 white, $36; gray, $35. Hay-Track prices: Timothy Wil lamette Valley, $14(216; Easier Oregon. S1717.S0; alfalfa. $14rtl5; clover, $1314; cheat, $14!$; vetch, $13014. MillstunV-Bren, $25.S026; mid dlings, $33; shorts, $2930; chop, $2028. Bring: in Your Want Ads ToDav TWENTY WORDS OR LESS, ONE WEEK FIFTY CENTS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE eV Oysters, Clams and FUh. Oyster Shoalwater Bay, per gar Ion $2.25; per sack $4.50; Toke Point, $1.60 per 100; Olymplaa (120 lbs.), $6; Olymplaa, per gallon, $2.21 Fish Halibut, 81 cents pound; black bass, 20 cents; striped bass, 18c ! herring, 51c; flounders, 6c; catfish, 9cj shrimp, 121c; perch, 6c; sturgeon, IZic; aea trout, 19c; torn cod, 8c; salmon, fresh, steethead, 10c; Chinook. 15c. Canned Salmon Columbia river, l ib. tails, $2; Mb. tats. $3; fancy, Mb. flats, $2.15; 1 lb. flats, $1.25; fancy, Mb. ovals, $2.75; Alaska talis, pink 95c, red $1.40; nominal, 2s, tails, $2.10. Clams-Llttlo neck, per box, $2.50; rasor clams, $2 per box; crabs, $1(3 $1.50 dozen. Hops, Wool, Hide, Etc. Hides-Dry hides, No. 1, 15i16c lb; dry kip, No. 1, !4e lb; dry salted, one-third less; dry calf, 15il6e lb; salted steere, 89c lb; salted ows, 8c lb; stags and bulls, 5c lb; kip, 7c lb; calf, 12ic lb; green stock, 1c less; sheepskins, shearlings, 1025c; short SIX L0TS IN HUSTLER & AIK wool, 3040c; medium and long wool, eni Addition; caih or installments; according to quality, . 5090c; dry my ,crmi, i, H. n0bon, near horses, 50c$1.50; dry colt, 25c; an- Young's Bay bridge, Farmers 29. gora, WJcC'l' goat, common, 10 THE MORNING ASTORIAN WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Arc Read Every Morning by 10,000 People. The Want Colomna of THE MORNING ASTORIAN art con. suited every morning by hundreds of persona in search of real estate bargains. Articles of sale, lost or found and people looking for em ployment Rateat Twenty words or Ins .three times, 23 cents; tlx times, 50 cents; one month, $2.00. . HELP WANTED. WANTED CI RL TO DO GEN eral housework, including plain cooking in family of six. Address W. D. riue, Rainier, Or. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW WANTED TRAVELING SALES man, to handle as a side line a quick selling article that is used in every home; good profit. Address, The Manufacturer, L. Box 112, Astoria Ore. i FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE CIGAR STQREfONE of the best locations in the city. Address "K. " Astorian office. i Meat and Provision a. Hamt-1012 lbs., Hie; 14-16 tbs, 14c; 18-20 lbs, 131c Dressed Meats Hogs, fancy ftgfc, ordinary 7cfi7c large 6c; veal, extra 10c; ordinary. 89c; heavy, 7c; mutton, fancy 67. Bacon Breakfast 17i$21c, picnics tic; cottage roll. 11c; regular abort clears, smoked 13c, do nnsmoked c; clear backs nnsmoked 12c, do smoked 13c; shoulders, lie. Lard-Kettle leaf, 10s, 141c; do, 5s, 15c; do 50 lb. tins, 14c; steam ren dered, 10s, 131c; do 5s, 14c; com pound, lOt, 9 l-4c. Butter, Egga and Poultry. Butter Extras, 35836c; fancy, 35c; store, 1820c Cheese Full cream twins, 17c; full cream triplets, 17 cents; Young America, 18c; cream brick, 20c; Swiss block, 20c; Limburger, I8($ 20c Eggs Select Oregon, 22221c Poultry Mixed chickens, 15l5tc; fancy hens, 1516c; roosters, old, 10c 11c; broilers, 22i(ft25c; dress poultry 1c per pound higher; docks. five, 2021c; geese, live, 8(S9c; tur keys, live, 17l8c; dressed, 2022c Fruits and Vegetable. Fresh Fruits Oranges, $1.752.75; tangerines, $2.00 box; lemons, $1.50(3 4.00; grapes, Spanish Malagas, $6(3 7.00 per crate; pears, $1.75200 per .box, cranberries, $15.00 per barrel; bananas, 516c per pound. Apples Best Oregona, $2.0002.50; common, $1.25(31.75 per box. I 20c Hopr-1908, choice 78e, prime 6 7c, medium 56c; 1907, 23c lb. Tl , 7, PIANO FOR SALE; COST $565; iier, meaium, umiijic -in ...n r, tvn :. ri,,,!.. w I " - WV IMI fMW. WW VIIBIIV V i io. coarse, iww, Eastern Oregon, Pl.u,mA to ruir CK0.1OC as to mnnkage. Oregon Craperoot Per 100 lbs., $3S. Cascara Sajrada (cbitthw bark)- 56c per lb. LOST. LOST-SMALL GOLD CHASED band ring and small ring set with blue stone; engraved inside ."From Brutus"; reward if returned to this office. CARPENTERS." Oils, Lead. Etc. Terpentine In cases. 63c: in wood barrels, 61 k; in iron barrels, 59ic; in tu-caie lots, 6Zc, Lead-Strictly pore while lead, in ton lots, 71c; 500-lb. iota. 8c leaa: leu than 5(0c lbs, 81c; red lead and lith arge, Ic higher than white. Linseed Oil-Raw. S-berrel lots. 64c; 1-barrel lots, 65c; in case, 71c; boiled, $ barrel lots, 66c; 1 'barrel lota, 67c; in cases, 73c Gasoline Union and Red Crown. bbls, I5ic;. cases, Z2ac. Motor, bbls,, 16ic; cases, 231c 86 -degrees, bbls, WANTED RESPONSIBLE TEN in.. m . . ... I .... - wci cases, oic tngme Uistillate, ant desires to rent 3 or o room. bbls, 9c; cisea, 1 6c house, at once, north of Grand ave- G. O. AND G. N. STADIN BROS- carpenters, builders and contrac tors, Ninth and Duane street, will give prompt attention to all orders; terms reasonable; satisfaction guar TO RENT HOUSES. m. Address P. O. Box 4. This Will Interest llothera. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for i niuireit, a certain relief for Fcver ishne!. Headache, Bad Stomach. teething Disorders, move and remt- fnte the Bowels and destroy Worms. ihey break up Colda in 24 honrs. They are so pleasant to the taste and harmless as milk. Children like them. Over 10,000 testimonials of cures. They never fail. Sold by all drug gists. 25c. Ask today. Don't accept any stiDStitute. GUSTAF A. HEMPLE -Attorney-at-Law Suite 9-10 Odd Fellows' Building Tenth and Commercial Streets HOWARD M. BROWNELL, AT torney at Law, Deputy Diatrict Attormy. 420 Commercial Street. DENTISTS DR. F. VAUGHAN, DENTIST, Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. DR. W. C LOGAN, DENTIST, Commercial Street, Shanahan Bldg. OSTEOPATHS. DR. RHODA C HICKS, OSTEO- path. Office: Mansell Bldg, Fbone Black 2065. 573 Commercial Street SWEDISH MASSAGING. TYRA KOHLANDER, ROYAL graduate in Swedish movements, physical culture and massage; office, 545 Franklin ave, second flat; boors 9-11 a. m, 3-5 p. m, or Central Drag Store, Telephone Main 218L HOUSE MOVERS. FREDR1CKSON BROS.-We make a specialty of house moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing prompt attention to all orders. Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES. COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. WANTED-A GOOD RANCH IN The Nehalem Valley; state lowest figure and best terms; giving loca tion and improvements. Address 'A 10" Astorian Office RESTAURANTS. NOT ELIGIBLE MANILA, Marcb 10. Governor General James Smith has decided that Dominador Gomex, the labcr leader recently elected a member of the municipal board is ineligible on the grounds that he is not a citizen of the CAMELLIA RESTAURANT, 612 Commercial street; first class meal, 15 cents; coffee and cake, 10 cents. U. S. RESTAURANT, 434 BOND street. Coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents; first-class meals, 15 cents. Notice, If you want an exceptionally good brand of carbons and ribbons "or your typewriter, see Lenora Benott, Pub lic Stenographer, 477 Commercial street. ' TOKIO RESTAURANT, 351 Bond street, opposite Ross, Higgina & Philippines and has been convicted of Co wi,n "e or cake W vegetables Turnips, $1.50 per sack; beets, $1.50; parsnioa, $1.50; cabbage, $2.75; heai lettuce 75 cents per doaen; cucumbers. $175 $2.25 per doaen; celery, 90c$1.00 per doten; artichokes, $1.40 per dozen; beans, 25c per pound; peas, 15c per pound; tomatoes, $2-002.25 per crate; squash, 2c per pound; peppers, $1.75 per box; cauliflower, $2.75 per crate; asparagus, llj20c per Buying prices, $1.25(51 1.35; sweets, $2.75S3.O0. Onions Buying prices: $1.752.10 per hundred. a .crime. Gomez was identified with the radical Filipino party which was led by Simon Villa at the late muni cipal election. More recently he has been the leader of the dock strike which has been in progress for some time. first-class meals; cents and up. regular meala 15 BATH HOUSES. Near Death In Big Pond. It was a thrilling experience to Mrs. Ida Soper to face death. "For years a severe lung trouble gave me intense mtlTerlng," she writes, and several times nearly caused mv death. All remedies failed and doctors said I was incurable. Then Dr. King's New Discovery brought quick relief and a cure so permanent that I have not been troubled in 12 years." Mrs. Soper lives in Big Pond, Pa. It works wonders in Coughs and Colds, sore Lungs, HemorrhaRes, La Grippe, Asthma, Croup,, Whooping cough and all Bronchial affections. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Chas. Rogers & Son, druggists. BATHS TURKISH AND RUS sian, at the natatorium of George Hill, 217 Astor St.; rational prices; absolute cleanliness; private rooms; separate service for ladies; rheuma tism and skin diseases treated with perfect success . 10-25-tf ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. Inquire over Fishers store, corner 12th and Bond Sts. m. FOR RENT ONE SET HOUSE-i keeping rooms. Apply 485 Com mcrciaJ. t n ' PROPOSALS WANTED. bFFi'oncror,M7"vcou ver Barracks, Wash March 10, 1909. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock a. m. April 10, 1909, for furnishing fuel, fuel oil, gasoline, dogfood and mineral oil at posts in this Depart ment for the year ending June 30, 1910; for furnishing forage and bed ding for posts in Alaska for year end ing June 30, 1910. Deliveries of sup plies to commence July 1, 1909. In formation furnished here or by Quartermasters at posts. United States reserves the right to reject or accept any pr all proposals, or any part thereof, Envelopea contain ing proposal should be marked: Pro- osals for at addressed John E. Baxter, C Q. M. MEDICAL. ' throu AUCTION AND COMMISSION. PLUMBERS. .1. ft. Hill PLUMBER Heating ContractortlTinnei AND Sheet Iron Worker ,,LL WORK GUARANTEE!" , . 425 Bond Street, , STREET DUEL EMrORIA, Virginia, March 10.- In a street duel here late last nieht. J. Thomas Grantlcy, ; a police ser geant, was shot and instantly , killed and P. B. Hcffield, a cotton mill oper ator, was so badly wounded died later. 1 Simple Remedy For La Grippe. La grippe coughs are dangerous as they frequently develop into pneu monia. Foley's Honey and Tar not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs so that no ser ious results need be feared. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar con tains no harmful drugs and is in a yellow package .Refuse substitutes. EVERY SATURDAY AT 11 A. M, we will sell to the highest bidder a large consignment of furniture; make your own prices; during the week furniture will be sold at auction prices; see Martin uisen tor up-to- date upholstering work, mattress making, etc, will repair your bed in that he I ua7 vamiig lis, u ua iuc luuimit ana returning it in tne atiernoon; will sew and lay carpets- Olsen & Ecklund, Commission and Auction House, 110 Fifteenth street. VETERINARY COLLEGES. BULLETIN Veterinary mailed free. Market street. SAN FRANCISCO College now ready; Dr. C Keane, 1818 Unprecedented Successes of i. i 11 i TBI GREAT CEnncsx doctm j Who is know ghout the States ow wii lli- accoant of bis won derful cures. No poisons or drnsy used. He guarantees to cure catarrh asthma, lung and throat trouble rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney, female complaints and all chronic diseases. SUCCESSFUL HOME TKKATKXrC If you cannot call write for symp toms blank and circular, inclosing cents in stamps. THE C GEE WO MXDIOHI CO. 1621 First St, Corner Morrison PORTLAND, OREGON Please .mention the Astorian. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY given that Geo. A. Nelson, J. E. Ferguson and T. R. Davies, have been appointed yiewers to view and assess the damages and benefits re sulting from laying out a street through Block 69, in that part of the City of Astoria as laid out snd re corded by John McClure and extend ed by Cyrus Olney, and that Satur day, the 6th day of March, 1909, at the hour of 10 o clock a. m. at the in tersection of the west line of Shively's Astoria with Grand avenue in the City of Astoria, Clatsop County, Stste of Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place of the meeting of said viewers snd that the portion of said block opened as such street is as follows: Said street being laid out to a width of 25 feet and in sucb manner that the Northerly and Southerly boundaries running through Lots 1, 2. 3, 6, 7 and 8 of said Block 69, are parallel with the center line of the block running Easterly and Westerly, and the Northerly bound ary is 121 feet North of the said cen ter line and the Southerly boundary is 12) feet South of the said center line. The boundaries of said street through Lots 4 and 5 in said Block 69 are described as follows: Begin nine at a point on the boundary line between Lots 3 and 4 in said Block 69 which is 12 feet Northerly from the Southwest corner of Lot 4, thence Northeasterly a dioUnce of 52 and 8-10 feet to a point on the claim line which is 25 and 2-10 feet Northerly from the South line of Grand avenue in Shively's Astoria where the same intersects the said claim line; thence Southerly along the claim line a dist ance of 25 and 2-10 feet to the South line of Grand avenue thence South west and parallel with the North boundary a distance of 52 and 8-10 feet, to a point on the boundary line between Lota 5 and 6; thence North erly along the bounds.;? line between Lots 5 and 6 and 3 and 4 a distance of 25 feet to the place of beginning. Ibat the following portions of Lots are to be appropriated for the laying out and opening of said street to-wit: A strip 121 feet North and South by 50 feet East and Weat off the South end of Lots 1, 2 and 3, in said Block 69; a strip 121 feet North and South by SO feet East and West off the North end of Lota 6. 7 and 8 in said Block; a strip in Lot 4 in said Block 69 as follows: Beirinninir at the Southwest corner of said Lot 4, thence Northerly on the West boun dary line a distance of 121 feet; thence Northeasterly a distance of 52 8-10 feet to a point on the East boundary of said Lot, which is 25 2-10 feet Notherly from the South line of Grand avenue in Shively's. Astoria; LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. foot outside of either rail thereof, by removing the existing street decking and renewing the same with 4-inch by 12-inch red or yellow fir lumber from curb to curb. . That the costs and expenses of constructing said improvement shall be defrayed by special assessment upon the lots, lands and prem ises so benefitted by the same, which said lots, lands and premises are in cluded in the special assessment dis trict including all lots, lands and premises so benefitted to-wit: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 2 in Block 136 in the Town now City of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively, and run ning thence East along the south line of Blocks 136, 135, 134 and 133 in said Shively's Astoria to the South east corner of Lot 1 in Block 133; thence North along the West line of 17th street to the Harbor line as established by the United States Government on the South side of the Columbia river; thence Westerly along said Harbor line to a point where the same would be intersected by the East line of 14th street ex tended Northerly on a straight line; thence boutberly along the East une of 14th "street to a point thereon 5 feet North of the North line of Com mercial street; thence West across the said 14th street to the Northeast corner of Lot 5 in Tract "A" of Mc- Clures Astoria as laid out and re corded by the Astoria Real Estate & Exchange Company and trenerallr known as Lot 5 of iract A of the Astoria Real Estate & Exchange Lompanys Addition to Astoria: thence West along the North line of Lots 5 snd 6 n said Tract A" to the NortBwest corner of said Lot 6 in said Tract "A"; thence South along the West line of said Lot 6 in said Tract "A" to the Southwest corner thereof; thence on a straight line to the Northwest corner of Lot 2 in Block 136 in Shively's Astoria; thence South along the West line of said Lot 2 in said Block 136 to the point of beginning, all in Clatsop County, state of Oregon, and includ ing all lots, lands and premises and water frontage therein, excepting streets, all of which are benefitted by said improvement By order of the Common Council. OLOF ANDERSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria,-Oregon. Dated, February 23, 1909. ... and at 190-5 ' feet on the south side above the base of grades; that: between the points above designai'd the grade shall be upon an even an gradual slope. By order of the Common Council. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police fudge of the City of Astoria, Oregon. Dated, March 3, A. D. 1909. NOTICE TO ESTABLISH GRAD13 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Astoria, has declared its de termination and intention to estab lish the grade on Grand avenue from the east line of Third street to the west line of Fifth street so that the grade when so established will be at the following elevations above the base of srrades as established bv Or dinance No. 71 of the City of Astoria, to-wit: At the East line of Third street at an elevation of 235 feet above the base of grades; at the west and east line of Fourth street at an elevation of 210 feet above the base of grades; at the west line of Fifth street at as elevation of 197-5 feet on the north, side and at an elevation of 200.5 feet on the south side, above the base of grades: that between the Doints above designated the grades shall be upon an even and gradual slope. isy order ol the Common Council. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, Oregon. , Dated, March 3, A. D. 1909. NOTICE TO ESTABLISH GRADE Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the city of As toria, bas declared its determination and intention to establish the erade thence Southerly on the East boun-Jon 35th street from the south line of dary a distance of 25 2-10 feet to the Franklin avenue to the north line of South line of Grand avenue: thence I Harrison avenue, so that the trade Southwesterly a distance of 14 7-10 feet to a point on the South boundary line of said Lot which is 36 3-1U feet East of the place of beginning, thence Westerly along the South boundary line a distance of 36 3-10 feet to the place of beginning. A strip in Lot 5 in said Block 69 as follows: Begin ning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 5; thence Southerly along its West boundary a distance of 12 5-10 feet; thence Northeasterly 38 1-10 feet to a point on the North bound ary line which is 36 3-10 feet East of the place of beginning; thence Westerly along the North boundary a distance of 36 3-10 feet to the place of beginning- ' That the property benefitted bv said laying out and opening of said street and within 100 feet thereof ! and half the distance to the next nearest street shall be assessed for the amount of the benefits resulting from opening and laying out said street. By order of the Common Council. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, Oregon. Dated, February 23, 1909. ,. when so established will be at the following elevations above the base of grades as established by Ordinance No. 71 of the City of Astoria, to- wit: At the south line of Franklin ave nue at 67.4 feet abov.e the base of grades; at the north line of Grand avenue at 125.6 feet above the base of grades; at the south line of Grand avenue at 125.6 feet above the base of grades; at the north line of Har rison avenue at 148 feet above the base of grades; that between the points above designated the grade shall be upon an even and gradual slope- By order of the common council , OLOF ANDERSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, Oregon. iateo, reDruary ii, lyuv. LAUNDRIES. NOT THE ONLY ONE We want it well known that wi don't compete with our fellow cits sen, the "Chinee." , , Our methods bear comparison witV his to his disadvantage. Have your laundry work dona bt the light of day. Your clothes will be pore, clean and satisfactory, if done hers. TROY LAUNDRY , Tenth and Duane Phone Main 1991 .NOTICE TO IMPROVE STREET Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of As toria, has declared its determination and intention to improve 39th street from a point 15 feet south of the center line of Franklin avenue to the center line of Grand avenue, by grad ing the same to a width of 371 feet along and through the center thereof and by planking the same to a width of 16 feet with 3-inch by 12-inch lumber through the center thereof, and the construction of a 4-foot side walk upon the east side of the street and the necessary provisions foi drainage. That the costs and expenses of constructing said improvement shall be defrayed by special assessment upon tne lots, lands and prem ises so benefitted by the same, which said lots, lands and premises are in cluded in the special assessment dis trict including all lots, lands and premises to benefitted to-wit: The East 1-2 of Block 33 and the West half of Block 32, all in Adair's Port of Upper Astoria as laid out and recorded by Jdbn Adair. By order of the Common Council. OLOF ANDERSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, Oregon. Dated, February 23, 1909. ... NOTICE TO ESTABLISH GRADE Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of As tona, haS declared ike determination and intention to esliblish the grade on' 36th street from the south line of Franklin avenue to the north line of Irving avenue, so that the grade when so established will be at the following elevations above the base of grades as established bv Ordi nance No. 71 of the City of Astoria, to-wit: At the south line of Franklin ave nue at 86 feet above the base of grades; at the north line of Grand avenue at 174.6 feet above the base of grades; at the south line of Grand avenue at 174.6 feet above the base of grades; at the north line of Harri son avenue at 181 feet above the base of grades; at the south line of, Harri son avenue at 181 feet above the base of grades; at the north line of Irv ing avenue at 205 feet above the base of grades; that between the points above designated the grade shall be upon an even and gradual slope. iJy order of the ommon council. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the Citv of Astoria, Oregon. Dated, February 23, 1909. NOTICE TO ESTABLISH GRAD2 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Astoria, has declared its de termination and intention to estab lish the grade on Grand avenue frota the east line of Thirty-third street to the west line of Thirtv-einhth street so that the grade when so established will be at the following elevations above the base of grades as estab lished by Ordinance No. 71 of the ItV f$ A tlifXt'x AWBSt) At the east line of Thirty-third street at 70 feet above the base of grades; at the east and West line of Thirty-fourth street at 98 feet above the base of grades: at the east and west line of Thirty-fifth street at 12S 6-10 feet above the base of grades; at tne east and west line of Thirtv-sixth street at 174 6-10 feet above the base of grades; at the west line of Thirty seventh street at 182 2-10 feet above the base of grades: at the east line of Thirty-seventh street at 179 2-10 feet above the base of grades; at the west line of Thirty-eighth street at 149 2-19 feet above the base of grades; that between the points above designated the grade shall be upon an even and gradual slope. By order of the Common Council. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, Oregon. Dated, March 3, A. P. 1909. ,, NOTICE. NOTICE THERE IS MONEY IN the city treasury to pay all war rants indorsed prior to January 23, 1908; interest will cease after this date. , THOMAS DEALEY, 1 City Treasurer. ' Astoria, Or., March 2, 1909. ... CALL FOR WARRANTS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GtVENT that there is money in the treasur- to pay all Clatsop County General Fund Warrants, endorsed prior to December 1, 1907, and all outstand ing Court House Fund Warrants; in terest will cease this date. WM. A. SHERMAN. ? Treasurer. Clatsoo Countv. Or. Dated Astoria, Or-, March 8, 1909. m TRANSPORTATION. The it, NOTICE T9 ESTABLISH GRADE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Astoria, has declared its determination and intention to establish the grade on Irving ave nue from the east line of Sixth street to the west line of Eighth street so that the grade when so established will be at the following elevations above the base of grades as estab lished by Ordinance No- 71 of the K"Line Steamer - Lurline Night Boat for Portland act Way Landings. Leaves Astoria daily except Sundew at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland Except Suaasw at 7 a. j. Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf Landing Portland Foot Taylor t J. J. DAY, Agent Phone Main 27fe DENTISTS. NOTICE TO IMPROVE STREET p;,J nf Ltn, -Notice is hereby given that the U7 LA!,:A0" Common Council of the City of As toria, has declared its determination and intention to improve Commercial street from the West line of 14th street to the West line of 17th street, excepting that portion used by the Astoria Electric Company for street railroad purposes and for one At the east line of Sixth street on the north side at 223 feet and on the south side at 226 feet above the base of grades; at the east and west line of Seventh street at 208.5 feet on the north side and 211.5 feet on the south side above the base of crades: at the west line of Eighth street at an elevation of 187-5 feet on the north Gold Crowns, 22-k... ......... ...$51 Bridgework 22-k 51 Gold Filling ..Juo ef Enamel Filling ....$LfJ Silver Filling ,....50c, $U Best Plates , t Painless Extraction .5Jg Lady attendance. Office hours 83 a. m. to 6 p. m.( Sunday 10 a. m. to 13 m. Evening work bv nrmointnu.rrt ' ' Chicago Painless, Dcntis OVER DANZIGER'S