2 THE MORNJXG AST!) II LAN,' ASTOUIA, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1909. fcrtablished 1S7A. Published DaUy Except Monday by THE J. S. DELUNGER CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ky snail, per year Jy carrir, per month $7. .60 .$1.50 WEEKLY ASTORIAN. Py snail, per year, in advance.... . Eatered at econd-clas matter July 30, 1906, at the poatoflice at Astoria, ( Oregon, under th act of Coupes of March 3, 1879. Ordera for the delivering of The Mornin Astorian to either residence ew place of bnsines may be made by postal card or through telephone. Any irregularity in delivery should be immediately reported to the office f publication. TELEPHONE MAIM 661. ..ULLJ! UBS THE WEATHER Oregon and : Washington Fair with light to moderately heavy frosts in early morning; warmer during the afternoon. WHY DANCE HALLS FLOURISH. Jane Addams of the famous Hull House settlement in Chicago tells of a young man who came to her with his sister who, he explained, wanted to go somewhere evenings, because their rooms were "too stuffy to stay in." In the responsible part of elder brother he had token her "to all the missions that he could find, but that gome way she did not seem, to care for the society of the best Christian people. Miss Addams thinks this is a fair sample of about 3,000,000 cases in the United States where young wom en with good red blood and a natural craving for pleasure find no satisfac tion among those church people who frown upon the common amusements. Few poor girls are blessed with a thoughtful elder brother, and the tendency is to follow the procession of their sisters to the public dance halls, where some cities allow liquor to be sold. Miss Addams says: "The classical city provwea tor play with careful solicitude, building the theater as it built the market place and the temple- In the medi eval city the knights held their tour neys, the guilds their pageants, the people their dances, and the church made festival for its most cherished .saints with gay street processions. Only in the modern industrial city have men concluded that it is no longer necessary for the municipal ity to provide for the insatiable de sire for play, and they have therefore entered upon a most dangerous and difficult experiment. Apparently the modern city sees in these girls only two possibilities, both of them com mercial; first, a chance to utilize by ' day their new and tender labor pow ers in its factories 'and shops, and then another chance in the evening to extract from them their petty wages by pandering to their love of pleasure The cities dearly have an obliga tion in the matter which has been neglected in this age, when the re sults are likely to be most woful. But a start has been made in the right direction, with municipal gytnna-. siums, playgrounds, baths and clubs. The 17 Chicago parks have beautiful halls which are given over to any band of young people who wish to conduct dancing parties under city chaperonage. ; j. ; Many social clubs have deserted neighboring saloon halls for the more attractive municipal quarters. And they are glad to go home at 11, I whereas economic necessity obliged them to use the halls of the saloon men until daylight. Exhange. and Canvon counties. Idaho is now : a state well advanced in irrigation, and not alone by reason of national aid and encouragement. In supply ing water to sagebrush lands Idaho has been energetically at work on its own account, beginning with the national cession of 1,00,000 acres of arid lands for homesteamers in 1894. Idaho's land board revenues have in creased in four years to nearly $3, 5G0.O0O, and the net earnings to $1,- 000,000. The irrigation operations are not only self-supporting but have become largely profitable, fn theory, all the irrigation projects undertaken by the United States are expected eventually to repay their cost form ing a revolving fund to extend the work. Idaho is showing that it turns out better than the estimates. St. Louis Globe-Democrat- WHAT SALEM SAYS. Those Portlanders, who are desir ous of removing the seat of Oregon's government to East Portland, set up the claim that the present capitol is unsafe. Is it any wonder that the building is weak when there has been so much log-rolling within its walls biennially for 40 years or more? But the capitol at Salem is not in such a condition as those real estate boom ers down the river would like to have it just now. Statesman. Having been denied the boon of statehood, Arizona and New Mexico will have to take a firmer grip of the plow handle and show what they can do as territories. Mr. Taft has traveled over 50,000 miles on official business. Perhaps this is the reason Congress thinks $25,000 cash a year should be con sidered an offset to traveling expenses. England is building a smokeless battleship with an internal combus tion engine, said to be an improve ment on the turbine system. The pace in marine improvement grows more strenuous every year. Uncle Sam's 320,000 acres in the Panama zone will cost $1125 an acre, with a $360,000,000 canal included, also an interoceanic railroad. Where is there another improved farm to compare with it? NORTH SIDE NEWS Him L M. WillUuKHi, oi Ilmeo, to tht acert.titt repmeatMlv ol Th AttorUa and will kk or of all Item, of aewt, order for ubcri(l(i raj tit ktatlt at printing . ILWACO Mrs. J. W. Miller returned recently to her home at the Ilwaeo Beach Life Saving Station from visiting her daughters, Mrs. Soule in Portland and Mrs, Eckhert in Celilo, Oregon. Moses Lugnct of this city was a visitor to South Bend and Raymond the latter part of last, week. Isaac Bclknapp of Chinook was m the city Tuesday with his line team, which he purchased recently from William' Williams. Miss Mildred Morden was confined to the house for a few days this week with a badly ulcerated tooth. Walter Seaborg left recently for a several days business sojourn in the city of Tortland. George L. Colwell of Astoria was a business visitor to Ilwaeo the first of the week, collecting monthly water rents. Miss Alvena Peterson returned Sat urday from Portland where she has been studying spring millinery and investing in new spring and summer stock. Mr, and Mrs. J. D, McGowan are the proud parents of an eight and a half pound bnhy girl born Monday morning at 5 o'clock. Both mother and child are reported doing nicely. J. A. Vaughn returned the latter part of last week to Bear River where he is watchman in a logging camp al that place. The play, entitled "Down In Dixie," ill be presented soon by some of Ilwaco's younger set, who are theatri cally inclined. This will be the sec ond home talent play given recently and we trust this will be the success and draw as large an audience as the former one did. J. A, Kennedy from Cranberry Sta tion, was in the city the latter part of tast week on business. Mrs. A. Dunbar of Astoria arrived Sunday on a launch to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mc Gowan of this city. Mrs. Jim Hughes, accompanied by her aged mother-in-law, left the first of the week for Portland. ST0K1SERY DREAD OF EATING SOME THING CAUSING INDI- GESTION. GET THE STOMACH CORRECT The Brownsville incident is harder to keep closed than a storm door in midwinter. March beams' with a smiling face and mild temperature. Conduct like this is a credit to March at either end or in the middle. The New York auctioneer who sold a first edition copy of Izaak Walton for $3900 is ahead so far in the fish stories of the season. PROGRESS OF IRRIGATION. Five thousand persons recently gathered at the big dam built by the federal government eight miles above Boise, to celebrate the opening of the reclamation works that are to fur nish water to 200,000 acres in Ada Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, who will be 90 in May, still writes poetry. The magazines should inspect it and make the acquaintance of the real thing. Subscribe to the Morning Astorian 60 cents per month by carrier. mm Makes delicious hot biscuit, griddle cakes, rolls and mufTrns, . The only Baking Powder f.tasle from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Why Not Begin Today and Forever Rid Yourself of Stomach Trouble Which is t Detriment to Anyone It Is Merely a Matter of Taking Little Diapepsin. You can eat anything your stom ach craves without fear of a case of Indigestion or Dyspepsia, or that ycor 'food will ferment or sour on your stomach if you will take Diapep sin after eating. Your meals will taste good, and anything you eat will be digested; nothing can ferment or turn into acid or poison or stomach gas, which causes Belching, Dizziness, a feeling of fullness after eating, Nausea, In digestion (like a lump of lead in stomach), Biliousness, Heartburn, Water brash, Pain in stomach and intestines or other symptoms. Headaches from the stomach are absolutely unknown where this effec tive remedy is used- Diapepsin really does all the work of a healthy stom ach. It digests your meals when your stomach can't. Each triangule will digest all the food you can eat and leave nothing to ferment or sour. Get a large 50-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from your druggist and start taking today and by tomorrow you will actually brag about your health, strong Stomach, for you then can eat anything and everything you want without the slightest discom fort or misery and every particle of impurity and Gas that is in your stomach and intestines is going to be carried away without the use of laxa tives or any other assistance. of sugar was then developed .until today over $100.10,000 are invested in it, some 42.200 men are directly employed, and the annual output has reached 521,000 tons. Rice is the sec ond product in value. Sisal is being planter extensively and promises great things. Pineapple culture is firmly established; white rubber to bacco and diversified agriculture are attracting much attention and capital. OREGON NEEDS ONE. SHE CAN, BUT WONT. Program Blocked Out By Man Who Does Not Know Women. CHICAGO. March 9-N'o woman need remain a mental lightweight in this age of progress. She can cure herself of her intellectual inferiority by getting a job, forgetting romance and costly raiment, mixing in politics and freeing herself from "Incarcera tion in the house," according to state- manes made by Professor W. I. Thomas of the University of Chicago, whose views concerning the "Adventi tious character" of woman, have been widely disseminated. "Incarceration within the house is the greatest curse that could overtake the nervous system, and mind of wo man," says Professor Thomas in a communication to a women's Club. "From this standpoint our girls and women are in a vicious psychological situation, as vicious as political or ec clesiastical despotism. Women are coming more and more to rely less upon the will of the men. "It is not so much that the occupa tions need the women as the women need the ocupatkms. Ordinarly the woman abandons all Intention of entering an occupation at the altar. Even in our universities, where wom en prepare for usefulness, they keep a wavring eye on the subject when it comes to matrimonial aspirations." HAWAII MAYCAN BANANAS. HONOLULU, Hawaii, March 9. One of tht local canning companies has been experimenting with bananas as a canned product, with very pro mising results thus far. So far as is known here canned bananas are a new thing in the fruit trade, but there would seem to be no reason why they should not take well, once they be came properly known. Of the fifty or sixty distinct varie ties of bananas, only two of in different quality are known in the markets of the temperate zones. Up to the present time it has been im practicable to introduce many of the more delicately flavored and delici ous kinds of the' fruit, owing to their very poor shipping qualities, which, however will be overcome in a lare measure if the canning experiments prove successful. INFANT MURDERER. LOS ANGELES, March 9.- The Unique defense in the trial of Edjar Nichulus, a 16 year old boy who shot and killed Frank Rigpetti, whom he attempted to hold up on the night of February 15 last is that he has grown so fast that his brain has been dis eased. The boy is six feet two inches in height and very narrow. The trial began yesterday and attorneys for Nichulus repeatedly called atten tion to his body, and his apparent lack of brain power. HE DID HIS BEST, NEW YORKMarch 9 John Vant, a truck driver, is dead today, after having sacrificed his life to save a six year old boy who darted in front of the horses in East 22nd. Street. In an endeavor to turn the team aside Vant was thrown from his seat fall ing under the wheels of his truck and being crushed. He died two hours later in liellevue Hospital. , HAWAIIA'S TRADE HISTORY. Hawaii's economic history shows three periods. The first, when trade was confined to the exportation of sandalwood, being completely under control of the Kings and Chiefs' Dur ing the second the immense North Pacific whaling fleet made Hawaii its outfitting and trans-shipping station. After the war of the rebellion the use of petroleum caused the decline of the whaliny industry. The planting PIONEER CHICAGOAN DEAD. ; CHICAGO, March O.-Mrs. Mar garet Ellen Liscott, the first white child borit in Chicago after its incor poration as a city, is dead in Bloom ington, 111. She was born on March 3, 1836, an(J was surrounded at her ( birth by squaws. Her first bath was taken in a tub made from a hollow log ;She was rocked to sleep in a cradle of i bark. Mrs. Liscott's parents were j Mr, and Mrs. James Kinney who came jWcst soon after their marriage in l Virginia and settled in Fort Dearborn. LANSING, Mich., March 9,-An "economy committee" to see that no state department or institution ex pend more money than it should is provided in a bill Introduced in the lower house of the state Legislator last night by Representative Duscn hcrry. The committee will be author ised to scrutinize the number of em ployees in any department or insti tution and prescribe their hours of work. Representative Farmer introduced a bill providing that bank directors must sign their names to the records ot ihe directors meetings they attend. Nature provides bit one CALIFORNIA It it tht natural winter , loin of many,, thou sands of the world' best people. Under the gentle influence of its , anlld winter climate, every amusement and recreation abounds, bathing, boating, fish ing, driving; such pic nics, parties and "Jollifications." :C0 TO: Lo Angeles, Paso Robtei Hot Springs, Hotet del Monte. San ta Barbara, San Diego, Santa Monica, Venice, Long Beach, Santa Cruz, or a score of similar resorts and yon will find health, con genial surroundings, hospitable associates, faultless accommoda tion! and numberless attractions and con venience. The0.R..N.Co. CONNECTINO WITH The Southern Paciiic Co. Make Inexpensive round trip excursion rates to Cal ifornia. A six months stopover ticket Portland to Los Angeles and return is $55.00 Corresponding rates arc in effect to other point. We have some very distinc tive literature covering Cali fornia's winter retorts, and will take pleasure in giving yon all of the information and assistance at our command. For tickets, sleeping car reser vations, etc., call on, tele graph, or write WMi McMURRAY, Oen. Pa Agt Portland, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. Plate Racks, Wall Pockets, Music Racks Clock Shelves Just in-See us Hildebrand & Gor Old Bee Hive Bldg. mfDIRTAOM. J. A. GILBAUGII & CC Undertakers ar4 Emhalmer Experienced Lady Anfataiit When DeHlred. 1 Call) Promptly Attended Day ' , or Night. Tatton Bdjr. 12thaiidtI)uai)eHt A8TOKIA, OKE.GON Phone Main 21 II DIAMOND ASK FOR Ualf X. v-jrar m m i &) mmm a. ! ' i f r .i I f ; 1 inn tot FmMi Hortlnraat Mi ml Ollmata, paw aa dtaplar M all bart aaJr. A-k lor Cat. Inaai IoMliyratborbMl,wrtB a, gii Mama at you. daajar, and ww will aati aa a aarVat af flwwaraaad fraa tor rmt trrmbla ranUMVIaWHu aMTUAM, ofa Quelle v J ELEVENTH STREET Opposite the BaKeronlan HOT CHICKEN MIMES EVERY EVENING HOME-MADE, and of the choice Ingredients; put up under supervis ion that guarantee their perfect freedom from all, deleterious matter. MRS. F. WOOLLEY PROPRIETRESS HOT OR COLD Golden West Tea Just Right CLOSSET, & JDEVERS, , PORTLAND, ORS. The Morning Attorlan. 60 cent per month, delivered lo your residence or burin office. Fisher Brothers Company J SOLE AGENTS . ' ' ' ' 5 Marbour and Flnlaywn Salmon Twine ami Netting , McCormick Harvesting Machine Oliver Chilled Plough . Sharpie Cresrh Separator ' R.ecollth Flooring , Starrctt't Tool 4 Hardware, Groceries,!, Ship Chandlery Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Add. Welch Coal, Tar, Ash Oars, 0k Lumber, Pipe and Fittings, Bra is Good, Paint. Oil and Clasa i Fishermen' Pure Manilla Rope, Cotton Twine and Seln Web r.u Vo Wntit Vour Trndo FISHER BROS. BOND STREET " IA & COLUF.l Will sell cheap round trip excursion ticket to Denver May 17th, ;x , July tit and August nth On June and & 3rd, July and & 3rd and August nth and lath, very low round trip rates will be made to St Paul, Duluth, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago nd all eastern points, Through Rail and Steamship tickets sold to all parts of the world. For full particulars cull or address a. 13. JOHNSON. Gen'! Agent A. & C. R. R. 12th St, near Commercial St ASTORIA. OREGON. SCOW BAY BRASS & M MP AMTOKIA, OK KG ON Iron and Brass Founders, Land and Marine Engineers. Up-to-Dit Sawmill Mschineiy Prompt attention given to all repair llth and Franklin Ave. work. Tel. Main 3411 THE TRENTON First-Class Liquors and Cigars X 103 Commercial Street I Corner Commerchd and. 14th. - ASTORIA, OREGON , ; H4 HIM.44nai;taMe TIDE TABLE FOR MARCH MARCH 1909. MARCH 1909. High Water. J A. M Date. h. m Monday . . , Tuesday . . . Wednesday Thursday . Thursday . Friday .... Saturday ., SUNDAY , Monday , , . Tuesday , ., Wednesday Thursday . . I'riday .... Saturday . . SUNDAY . Monday . . . Tuesday . . . Wednesday Thursday .. Friday ,1,., Saturday , . , SUNDAY .. Monday . , , Tuesday . . . Wednesday T.mrsday . . Friday Saturday .. SUNDAY . Monday Tuesday . , , Wednesday .. 9 ,.10 ..11 ..12 ..13 ..14 ..IS ,.lfi ,.17 ,.18 ,.19 ft. 8:25 9:35 10:351 0:05 11:23 0:381 1:05 1:30 1:55 2:20 2:45 3:12 3:45 4:20 5-05 '6:05 7:17 8:35 9:48 10:50 20111:43 211 0:32 1:10 1:48 2:271 3:07 3:50 ,22 .23 .241 .25 .2( 7.9 7.9 8.0 7.3 8.1 7 7 8 8.1 8.21 8.1 8.1 8 8.1 7.9 7 7 7.8 8.1 8.6 9.01 8.71 9.2 9.4 9.5 9.4 9 P. M. Low Water, h. m.T ft. 10:30 11:25 12:05 12:43 1:17 1:50 2:25 3:00 3:45 4:30 5:28 6:45 8:15 9:30 10:27 11:13 11:55 12:351 1 :25 2:13 3:03 3:57 4:571 Date. 6.5 6.9 .27 4:40 8.6 6:07 ..29 6:40j .30 8:00 .31 9:12l 8 7.71 7.3 7:30 8:531 9:571 10:45 8.2 8.2 8.1 7.9 7.7 7.5 7.7 6.6 6.1 5.5 5.8 6.8 6 8 7.4 8.1 '9.2 9.1 9.0 8,4 7.7 7.0 6.5 6.3 6.4 6.8 7.2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday , Thursday ... Friday Saturday SUNDAY . . Monday Tuesday .... Wednesday . Thursday ... Friday Saturday SUNDAY , , SUNDAY ... Monday Tuesday Wednesday . Thursday .,, Friday Saturday SUNDAY ... Monday Tuesday Wednesday , Thursday Friday Saturday SUNDAY ... Monday Tuesday Wednesday ., A.M. h. ni, :S ..121 ,.13 .14! ,14 ,15 .16 .17! .18 ,.19 .20 ,.12 .221 .23! 24 .25 ,26' 2:40 4:00 5:05 5:551 6:35 7:12 7:45 8:08 8:33! 9:05 9:43 10:15 11:07 1:05 2:40 4:05 5:05 5:581 6:42 7:25 8:10 9:00 9:48 10:42! 2711:42 .28) : .291 0:55 .30 2:25 .311 3-AV 3.81 3.81 3.5 3.1 2 2 2 1 1 1.4 1.21 1 1.1 4.3: 4.2 3 3.0' 2.1 1.2 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.4 0,2! 0.1 3.8 3.9 3.71 P. M. h. m.Qt. 3:50 0.3 4:45 0.0 5:35-0.2 6:15-0.2 6:53 -0.1 7:23 0.2 7:50 0.7 8:10 1.0 8:33 1.4 9:00 1.8 I 9:30 2.3 10:05 2.8 10:45 3.4 12:08 1.0 11:40 3,9 1:20 0.9 2:35 0.7 3:45 0.3 4:45-0,1 5:35-0.3 6:20-0.4 7:00-0.2 7:42 0.0 8:22 0 6 9:08 1.3 9:50 2.0 10:40 2.7 11:38 3.4 12:50 0.4 2:00 0.6 3:10 0,6 4:10 0, Cores Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation, Pleasant to taKo Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow comnlfixkma of Laxative Fruit Syrup '&T T. F. LAUREN OWL DR JO STORE.