The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 09, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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    TUESDAY MARCH 9, 193).
The Store HC
Ladies' Spring Hats
la new pastel coloring, personally selected while to New York art
now on display. Our Millinery force ii hard at work preparing for
Sprtof and Summer Millinery campaign. Ladies' tailored suits com
lug in daily. Come around and become familiar with Spring styles
before Easter.
farmers were secured, s it is desired I
send them certain seeds for trial
growth. Efforts will also be made to
have the railroads cut off the extra
that they are now "soaking
gainst this city from Eastern points.
The fine steamship Rose City ar
rived in port yesterday morning and
docked at the 0- R. & N. piers at
U M exactly. She had 286 people on
board all told, and Captain Mason re
ported that he had a fair trip all the
way up with a strong westerly swell.
He brought one of the heaviest loads
of general merchandise ever brought
in here on the up-trip of these ships,
his Astoria and Portland cargo ag
gregating 1700 tons. Off the bar he
passed the oil tank steamship Rose
trans, and the Russian ship Dundee,
bound in. The Rose City is fast tak
ing the place in the popular good
graces of the traveling public former
ly held by the famous old Columbia,
and the advancement of Captain Ed.
Mason to her bridge will soon estab
lish this as one of the pleasant tradi
tions of coast traffic. The Rose City
went on to the metropolis at 1:30
The French ship Desaix, Captain
Chateauvieu, arrived down yesterday
morning on the hawsers of the Ock
lahama ,and went to an anchorage off
the Tongue, keeping company with
the Asinneres and the Donna Fran
cises. On the way down and while
at anchor off Oak Point on Sunday
night last, the carpenter and the
donkeyman of the Desaix deliberate
ly stole the ship's dingy and deserted
The Hammond tug Lottie met with
a mishap yesterday about noon, some
of her machinery going back on her,
up in the neighborhood of the Ham
mond Lumber Company's docks, and
the Callender steamer Vanguard went
after her and towed her to the As
toria Iron Works where she will be
put in order at once.
The four-masted schooner Andy
Xfahoney entered port yesterday
morning under her own canvas and
came to an anchor in the city chan
nel off the Callender dock. She came
up from the Bay Gty in six days,
and will load out of Linton with lum
ber for the return voyage.
The Russian ship Dundee, Captain
Gustafson, from Callao, Pern, arrived
in port yesterday, in ballast and will
go direct to the Columbia mills at
Knappton to load lumber out for
English delivery. She had an un
eventful passage, save that in the
course of one gale en route she lost
some of her top-hamper and was hove
down for nearly a week.
The steamer Lurline came down in
good season yesterday afternoon, and
vent up stream at 7, as usual, and
took away the following people:
Max Mitchell, A. Julian, Richard
Bryan, Mrs. J. F. Koos, J. Powell, W.
in the dead of night Captain Cha-IT. bmitn ana Max strai.
teauvieu is very anxious to recover
his ship's boat as it was a handsome
little craft and of the value of about
$200. The men he cares nothing about
save that their capture would give him
t chance to punish them for the theft
of the boat. The Desaix will sail for
Falmouth, for orders, with her big
cargo of wheat, as soon as she can
get away, probably day after tomor
row. The steamship Breakwater made it
in from Coos in good season on Sun
day morning, and after a brief stay
at the O. R & N. docks, went on np
the river. She had her whistle with
The voyage of the launch Requa
has been abandoned for the time be
ing and she will not go to San Fran
cisco until later in the season, when
softer winds do blow and smoother
seas prevail. Captain Leighton took
her over to the classic precincts of
Skamokawa on Sunday and found her
a snug berth in the pellucid back
waters thereabout
The Standard Oil liner Atlas came
into port on Sunday morning last and
went on up stream with her cargo of
liquid fuel.
The Alliance made her regular get
away from this port on Sunday morn-
The Astoria - Tillamook - Portland j ing for the Coos country, with good
liner Sue H. Elmore went to sea on business on all decks.
Sunday morning, with all the busi
ness she could take care ot, bound
for Tillamook Bay points.
30 cents
Mailed Any
Address 35c
The oil tank steamship Washtenaw
went over the bar on Sunday morn
ing bound for the coast of California.
The steamer Johan Poulsen was
among the get-away fleet from these
waters on Sunday last, going to San
Francisco, with a big cargo of lumber.
At the meeting Xf the Chamber of
Commerce last night the proposed
amendment to the constitution,
.herein it is Drovided that all of the
power and authority of the organisa
tion shall be exercised, and all its
work done, by n executive commit
tte of nine members, was introduced
by Mr. Whyte the manager. If
adopted by the Chamber this amend
ment will mean that in the future the
regular bi-monthly meetings of the
orjranixation will cease, for the gen
eral membership would then have no
further voice in the workings of the
bodv. Everything would be carried
k thr executive committee of
nine. ,
Naturally the proposed amendment
provoked no little discussion, though
it was only introduced last night in
accordance with the terms of the con
stitution, which provide that any
proposed amendment shall be intro
duced and spread on the minutes at
least two weeks before being voted
upon. The matter will be voted upon
at the next meeting, two weeks hence.
The big commercial bodies all over
the country are carried on in this
WAV. The idea is that it is not
readily possible for a large and di
verse bodv to act in a business-like
manner, while a small and active com
mittee can do much. It is apparent
that the smaller executive committee
is the only possible way of carrying
on the business of large organizations
as in New York and Chicago. Na
turally the question arises whether
the same reasoning would apply to
Astoria. Some will probably think
that it will not, for in the Astoria
Chamber the body is not large and
heterogenous, but on the contrary,
the active membership is usually
quite small and homogenous. Never
theless it is apparent the proposed
change will be favored by a goodly
number, who' will perhaps think the
work can best be done by the execu
tive committee of nine, for reasons
of secrecy, etc. One objection to the
proposed change was voiced last
night. It is pointed out that if the
whole work is placed in the hands of
the executive committee of nine there
is the possibility that the generaj
membership may fall off very largely
on the ground that some may thin
they will pay nothing into the coffers
of the organization as long as they
can have no active and personal voice
or part in the transactions. Thus
arguments pro and con were ad
If the amendment does carry at the
next meeting, when it is to be voted
upon, it provides at that meeting
the committee of nine is to be elect
ed. Hence it will behoove all those
who are interestd in the matter
be present at the next meeting. It
to be the annual meeting, also, and
is particularly desired that the at
tendance be large. Questions affect
ing the whole Chamber of Commerce
will then arise for settlement.
President Scholfield presided at th
meeting last night, his first appear
ance since the legislature .convened
No other matters of importance
arose. The names of a number of
Soaks Some Censors Who Objected
To Sweethearts Kissing.
NEW YORK, March R'-S'ot only
is it no crime to kiss your sweetheart,
but you sre entitled to kiss uninter
rupted, according to a decision
Magistrate Corrygan, renuerea yesier-
.lav in the lefferson Market I'once
Maxwell Meditch and Carmen Kig-
r were aavim? flood night when
three Frenchmen passed by and objec
ted. Meditch complained to a polic-
man and they were arrested. When r-
raineed yesterday the magistrate
heard the testimony and then said:
That's no crime. I m going to nne
vou each S3. iext ume yuu
acrors two lover saying good night,
you'll know how to behave. We've
got too many censors ot conauci m
this town already.
Tailored Waists
Astonishing low prices
small inquisitive rat demoralised the
tttvrt car service ot tms cy tor a
short time, out a power house out of
business and left his own body a car
bonized connection for 16,000 volts of
The rat crawled scross i
two of the main wires of the Beach
Power House which supplies part of
the Ineal street car system with pow-
. -- t ,.
er, and wnen mc repair
uower company investigated the
cause of the mysterious snui uon
of the nlace thev found only a bit of
carbon in the snape 01 ri
Special Sale Fancy
Heatherbloom Petti
coats $1.19 to $3.75
$15-00 to $50.00
Kenyon Gabcrine
We have just received the Spring Models In the
new 1909 Raincoats in all the late ntaterialat
Gabcrine, Muscline, Cravenette and etc.
Price $12.50 to $18.00
Night Gowns
Made of estra fine
lung cloth, Uce and
embroidery trimmed.
Come in and
Ste them
Warner and
Red Fern
OS 1 I
I ,.-mm i mmmmmmmmmmmiMmmmmmuJUMm m "'"UJ
sn ir-nrrarm,Ulrnlnr.n, ,. ,,lT-''r--i
A welcome announcement for the
patrons ot the Astoria meant .
nf the return of Mr. Daniel
Sully in his Wesicrn comedy drama
The Matchmaker." next Sunday ev
sumate acting, ana this wnnaui an
exception. It was extraoruuiary, ,u
much so that it has since proven to
be the main element of comment in
relation to the play and the players
Of course the honors of leadership
fall to Mr. Gilmore and to Mis Jane
Aubrey, the central figures of one of
the daintiest, cleanest. wholeomest
society plays of the day. They led
the interest ami kept it unceasingly,
while the ladies and gentlemen of the
cast, by the careful and constant work
assisned them, accentuated the rare
acsfng of the and the real
hoantv of the lines, nlot and story
In these days ot the nurry uy . ,,,, has Astoria
drama, when plays are hastily thrown I ,,,:,,,. ,, eamnletelv
. . V I. , . in m..j
together and put on me bv u". Uatisfying than "The Hoys of Corn
few days-' notice, it is refreshing in- w. bc adm,eJ
. . . .i,nini. . n Ic h I . . .
aeca to wune y .v. lo herei 4 one o( the ben and un
bears the marks of care and !urd.' j forgettable presentments of the thea
evidences ot auem.un ......... trjcaJ year o j 005.1909.
and the inieuigeiu
those fundamental dramatic rules
which make all the difference between
t,nnA nrrformance and the kind
universally described as "rotten.
When a play receives the unani
mous endorsement of the press, the
pulpit and the public, it is safe to
conclude that there is something out
of the ordinary either in the play it
self, the manner of its presentation
or the actors who appear in it. o( old-time court life, in which the
In "The Matchmaker" each of each ,ourt.f0ol, father of a lovely daugh-
these three elements of interest ,efi 5acrifjcel her, to his tfassion of,
may be said to contribute to the sue- rage anj reVfnge upon the gallants
cess of the play, but the great draw- of the j1Icaj courtf who, to create di
insr oower ot this comeuy orama
comes from its faithful portrayal of
the characteristics of widely diverg
inir types of human nature. Each
character in the cast is a study in it
self, from the degenerate half-breed
"Injun" to the Reverend i-ather Daly
Mr. Sully's conception of the role
of th frontier oriest anneals most
strongly to clergymen, without re
gard to denomination or creed; the
brethren of the cloth recognize in
Father Daly a type of the missionary
who is fiehtinir the eood fight not
Never since the Jewel opened its
doors in this city, has it presented
clearer or more beautiful films than
it is unreeling today and this even
ing. They are wonderful instances of
photography as well as rare stories
of human interest They art: "The
fool's Revenge," a brilliant picture
Fisher Brothers CompanyJ
Marbour and Finlayson Salmon Twines and Nettif
McCormick Harvesting Machines
Oliver Chilled Ploughs
Sharpies Cresm Separators
Rsecoliih Flooring Starrett's Tools
Hardware, Groceries,; Ship I
Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid. Welch CotJ,.T.
Ash Oats, Oak Lumber. Pipe and Fitting. Brase Goods,
Paints, Oils sod Glass
Fishermen's Pure Msnills Rope, Cotton Twine and Seiw Wsb
Wo Want Your Trad
Jean Foa, Pres.
F. L. Bishop, Sec Astoria Savings , Tre
Nelson Troytr, Vice Pre, and Supt
ateni-. . .......... r 1 J nli..
version that shall mend the melancholy 0111112 iViaCillllCry, mUUZ CDglllCJ dM DUIIU3
of their prince abduct her and in "
Correspondence Solicited. Foot ol Foartfc I tree
The steamer Coaster went to sea
and the coast of California on Sun
day with a heavy cargo of lumber.
Yesterday morning at 9:30 o'clock
(Operator "Fuzzy" Ferland, of the
United Wireless, up on Smith's Point,
caught the steamship Watson, off
Cascades Head, Puget Sound bound;
expecting to tic up at Seattle at 4
o'clock this afternoon.
The steamer R. D. Inman arrived
in port last night from San Francisco
and will go direct to Knappton to
load lumber from the Columbia mills,
for the return voyage.
The Modern.
The best and most up-to-date ton
sorial parlor in the city is The
Modern. Perfect comfort and service
guaranteed to all. Excellent baths
For Infants and Children.
Vj fki Yea Haia Alwajs E::;JJ
Iteaus the
We replate your old' mirrors and
make new ones; phone us about it
Allen Wall Paper and Paint Co.
Try our own mixture of coffee the
J. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegetables
Badollet & Co., grocers. Phone Mai"
Wood and Coal
If you want dry fir cordwood, in
side fir, bark slab, or boxwood, ring
up Kelly, the Wood and Coal Dealer,
the man who keeps the prices down.
Coal at $7.00 per ton in your base
ment or $6.00 at yard. Main 2191.
Barn, corner 12th and Duane.
Pile Cured in 6 to 14 Days
PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed
to cure any case of Itching, Blind.
Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to
14 days or money refunded. SO cents.
The Proper Place.
Go to the Occident Barber Shop if
you are particular and desire first-
class service. Satisfaction guaranteed
An expert bootblack and porter has
also been engaged.
The very best board to be obtained
in the city is st "The Occident
Hotel." Rates very reasonable.
which the acting of the father is a "
marvel of mimicry. "The Mad Miner"
follows with a weird and strong tale of
gold mining in the West, and carries
a convincing tale of love, money-lust
and justice. The third film offers a
spirited and amusing picture of ath-
letic sports'and pastimes in Colorado;
the three constituting one of the best
attractions on the boards in this city
at this time. Accompanying these
splendid films, is the latest and best
song offered by George Haigh, "The
alone in the outlying districts of this Go0(j Qld Dollar Bill," one of those
country but in every land and clime. 80r)gs that goes straight to the heart,
Their svmcathv BOes Out to the
Idaho pastor in his trials and tribula
Hons and, better than anyone else,
the clergyman appreciates the realism
of his cares and perplexities,
Fortunately the serious element of
the play is not allowed to predomi
nate, as under the rich humor and
delicious vein of comedy may be seen
the stern, unalterable laws of every
mind and pocket of the last soul that
hears it.
Bottom of the Florida Will be Laid
NEW YORK, March 8.--At the
Brooklyn Navy Yard, tomorrow
day life, and while the average thea- morning there will be BPPropnate
... , (,;, ceremonies at the laying of the keel
ter-gocrwdl carry away with him Qf b,h, Florida
only the memory of a delight ul com- which .f ,)y (he goyern
edy, the observant student of human ment The ceremonie9 wil bcgin at
nature will note how cioseiy me m 0-c ock when she aoes into corn-
comedy is allied to tragedy, and how missj0n the Florida will have a dis-
often in the humor the smile mingles placement of 21,825 tons and will car-
with the tear. ry a main armament of ten 12-inch
guns in addition to her secondary
PAUL GILMORE. battery. This is the lirst of the Dig
n q, fast, at the As- vessels of the ureaonaugnt type to De
toria Theatre, there was presented, by bjiilt by the government. Rear Admir-
a. vuuuiii.11 aim unit. wci. Ruun
Paul Gilmore and his accomplished
troup of players, the fascinating com
edy-drama, "The Boys of Company
B," than which nothing more delight
ful has been seen in Astoria thi
When twenty people are collective
ly endeavoring to entertain the hun
dreds on the far side of the footlights,
and succeding severally and unitedly,
it is difficult to aportion the mede
of merit, bit by bit; and this was the
case on Sunday night. Every one of
the people suporting Mr. Gilmore
were letter-perfect in their work, and
gave it with the vim arid go of con
naval officers will be present when
the keel is laid. Naval Constructor
Baxter will supervise the work.
Attention Eagles.
All members of Astoria Aerie, F.
O. E., are requested to attend the
funeral of our late brother, Jas. N.
Laws, which takes place from his
late residence on Grand avenue near
Eleventh street at 1:30 o'clock to
day (Tuesday), March 9.
Worthy President.
C. E. FOSTF,R, Secretary,
U!lio Kind You Have Always Bought, wad whfdt bai ticer
in me for over SO years, bat bomo tlio nltrnnturo of
and baa beeanuuie under his per
tonal aapervulon afneo 1 W Infancy,
J-UCUl' Allow no one to deceive Toulu thin.
AH Counterfeit, Imitation and " JuKt-ftA-KHl "are but
Experiment that trifle with and endanger the health of.
Infanta and Children Expcxfcnc against Experiment.
Castorla ! a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Fax
goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It hi Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Harcotts
substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays FeYerhthness. It cures Diarrhoea and Win
Colic It relieves Toothing Troubles cures Constlpatloa
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates th)
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleeps
She Children's Panacea TliO Mother's Friend
coriuiriE CASTORIA Ai,7AYO
Bears the Signature c!
le Kind You too Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.