The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 09, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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    TUESDAY MARCH 9, 1909.
ruMUhed Daily Except Monday by
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" " Emtered u aecond-clasi matter July
Ofegon, wder the ad of Congrcia ot
Order for the delivering ot The Morning Aatorian to either residence
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Oregon, and Washington Fair,
with light frost in the morning.
Governor Wilson of Kentucky evi
dently disagrees with those who think
that it U wise to so arrange matters
that the newspapers of the country
will have to proceed with extreme
caution in discussing public affair.
He declares that the only hope of re
lief from the criminal conditions
which afflict the commonwealth of
Kentucky lies in arousing a strong
and enlightened public sentiment
which can only be done by a free and
untrammeled press. Ex.
Now that Professor M. V. O'Shea
of the University of Wisconsin has
told the Illinois Congress of Mothers
that boys in the schools "suffer for
the lack of something rough," and
that women teachers cause effiminacy,
there probably will be a great lay
ing on of sticks at our institutions of
learning. But, after all there is no
thing very new in what Frotessor U -Shea
says. Soloman said something
very similar, though he courteously
refrained from lingling out women
teachers. Ex.
A recent consular report says that
plague has again made its appearance
in Bombay but that the health depart
ment is doing its utmost to keep down
the disease- To this end about 10,000
rats are being killed weekly. Perhaps
the remedy may prove efficacious,
but the fact that in India most of the
victims of the plague are on the bor
der land of starvation suggests that
a little better feeding would do more
to arrest the ravages of the disease
than rat killing- Ex.
A young woman in Columbus, O.,
was electrocuted a few days ago
fcrnnirli her umbrella comine in con-
----- o - -
tart with a teleohone wire. A dozen
persons who attempted to remove
her body were hurled to the ground
by the shock. The frequency of ac
cidents caused by exposed wires in
cities may have the effect of hasten
ing the day when they will all be or
dered underground; but the American
people suffer a long while before tak
ing steps to defend themselves. Ex-
A committee has been appointed
by the Association of Life Insurance
Presidents to consider the proposi
tion to contribute financial support
to the campaign of education now
being conducted by the Commttee
of One Hundred on National Health.
It has been urged that by the adopt
ion of practical hygienic reforms the
span of life may be increased fifteen
years. If that result can be achieved
it will pay the insurance companies
splendidly to assist in the campaign,
and no one will have more occasion
to rejoice over that fact than those
who by the prolongation of their lives
benefit the companies who are insur
ing them- Ex.
Gets gentlyyet prompt
ly nntKe bowels, cleanses
ftesvstem effectually, ic
Y ' '"S
assists one in overcoming
Habitual constipation
permanently. To get its
beneficial effects buy
. tke Genuine.
Manufactured by the
J. 7 I rk
30, 1906, at the potomce at Astoria.
Mart J,
MAIN 661.
According to recent revelations the
Fish combine is not a local or State
affair, but it has secured a grip on
the fisheries of the Great Lakes and
the Atlantic Coast as well as those
of the Pacific seaboard. On this coast
it forces fishermen to sell their catch
of salmon, bass, shad, halibut and oth
er food fishes at from 2 to 3 cents per
pound and it makes consumers pay
from 15 to 25 cents per pouna. its
baneful effects on the fisheries ot tne
Lakes and the Atlantic seaboard
are manifested by the steps taken
at Chicago a few days ago to proceed
against it as an unlawful trust creat
ed for and conducting its business in
restraint of trade and in violation of
the interstate commerce law. The in
fluence of the trust on the California
ronsumer in resnect to Eastern fish
inportations is illustrated by the fact
that, before it was organized, nnnan
haddies. for example w.ere retailed
in the bay cities at 12 1-2 cents per
pound, and they are now quoted at
17 1-2 cents per pound. Oakland
Tribune. The world conservation congress
will assume that the earth is worth
saving but will keep quiet on the sub
ject of volcanoes.
In one bedv Uncle Sam has grad
uated 14,000 circumnavigators. It will
be a large order that beats this class
in geography.
Col. Bryan has purchased a fruit
ranch in Texas. Does this mean that
he proposes to convert the snicker
snee into a pruning hook?
If the various governments in Africa
are vieilant they will lose no time in
calling a congress for the conserva
tion of the white rhinoceros.
Mr. Taft thinks the tariff revision
will be complete by June 1- One of
the best facilitators of the job will be
the first Washington hot spell.
Uncle Sam's big fleet had to visit
all of the principal nations of the
world before it could make much of
an impression upon the home coun-
It ha.; 'aken eighteen years to clip
a day from the run across the Atlan,
He ,but as less than five days are lett
the progress made gives a high per
Manv exoeriments are eoing on in
makine naner from the stalks of vari
ous plants, and some promise well.
Their success would be a long step
in forest conservation.
Two Democrats who have never
voted for Mr. Bryan will be in the
cabinet. Mr. Bryan will say they are
not Democrats, but Mr. Cleveland
was in the same classification.
Mexico is not afraid of big dams
One is to be built for irrigation in
that country that will form a reser
voir with four times the capacity of
any other in existence.
Great Britain has a postal law
which oermits the sending of a wom
an by mail- This may be thought to
be a novelty, but under the United
States law it is possible to frank
a typewriter.
The kind things now being said
by the Japs about the American na
tion and the big fleet denote anything
but a warlike disposition. In fact,
(there is onthing more serene and
jpeaceful than a Japanese compliment.
In Pittsburg a city official who ac
cepted a bribe has been tried and con
victed. But a banker who bribed a
councilman has also been tried and
convicted. The laurels in dealing wish
boodlers belong to Pittsburg.
If You Are a Trine Sensitive
About the size of your shoes, it's
some satisfaction to know that many
people can wear shoes a size smaller
by spirnkling Allen's Foot-Ease into
them. Just the thing for Dancing
Parties, Patent Leather Shoes and for
breaking in New Shoes. When rub
bers or overshoes become necessary
and your shoes pinch, Allen's Foot
Ease gives instant relief. Sold Every
where, 25c. Sample FREE. Address
Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Don't accept any substitute.
MUa I. M. WHHm. wl llwueo, U lh rtlt rwrwftiUllT ot Tht Mtorlia J
tk cr oT til Itemt of w, rder for rabaerlnUMi nl almti ot pristlng.
Mrs. M. M. Hawkins and her son,
W. B. Hawkins, departed the first of
the week for the Collins Springs
Ore., to spend several days. Mrs-
Hawkins will visit her daughter, ftirs.
Allen Carmichael in Vancouver, be
fore returning home.
Mrs. A. A Seaborg of this city was
a visitor to South Bend, for a few
days during the past week. She re
turned Wednesday and was accom
panied by her husband, who had been
spending several days in that city on
J. A. Vaughn of Bear River, was in
the citv for a day or two tne, latter
part of the week. Al Simmons, took
his Dosition. a watchman
in the logging camp, during his ab
Cant. Stuart of Cape Disappoint
ment was among the passengers on
the Hulda I .Wednesday, morning
enroute to Astoria.
fr. H Kavlor of Lons: Beach,
was a guest of" her friend Mrs. Parks
for a few days the last ot tne weeu.
l anil Debie Bois. both
traveling salesmen of Portland, were
in the city the first of the wees.
Mrs. Roy Moralce of the Breakers
arrived Tuesday afternoon, and spent
a short time visiting wiih her mother
Mrs. Matt Potano. She returned home
the following day.
Al Simmons and Fred Gold, two
of Ilwaco's most enthusiastic sports
men returned Tuesday from Hear
River where they enjoyed a short
outing. They report a large catch of
Main Street was the scene of some
excitement Wednesday evening about
6 P. M. when the city drug store
caught fire from a defective flue. The
firemen arrived on the scene almost
instantly and in a very short time
had the fire under control. A hole
was burned in the roof but other than
this no damage was done.
H. Williamson and his son John
left the last of the week for the Xa
sel where they will engage in logging
for the next lew months.
Bert Robinson, returned to llwaco
Thursday from Cathlamet Washing
ton where he has been for a few days
Last Mondav the three year old
baby of Mrs. C L. De Long, of Long
Beach, swallowed some carbolic acid
and for a while its life was despaired
of. Dr. Paul, of this city was hurried
ly summoned and administered anti
dotes. After two or three hours, hov
ering between life and death, the child
began to show signs of recovery, and
soon all the danger was over. At pres
ent the baby is reported all right ex
cept lor a badly burred moutn.
Kenneth Coulter was a visitor to
Astoria Thursday, returning in the
afternoon on the Hulda I.
Sol. Michael is able to be up and
That the readers of this paper ap
preciate advice when given in good
faith is plainly demonstrated by the
fact that one well-known local phar
macy supplied the ingredients for the
"vegetable prescription" many times
within the past two weeks. The an
nouncement of this simple, harmless
mixture has certainly accomplished
much in reducing the great many
cases of kidney complaint and rheu
matism here, relieving pain and mis
ery, especially among the older popu
lation, who are always suffering more
or less with bladder and urinary
troubles, backache and particularly
Another well-known druggist asks
us to continue the announcement of
doing so much real good here, he
continues, that it would be a crime
not to do so. It can not be repeated
too often, and further states many
cases of remarkable cures wrought.
The following is the prescription,
of simple ingredients, making a
harmless, inexpensive compound,
which any person can prepare by
shaking well in a bottle: Fluid Ex
tract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Com
pound Kargon, one ounce; Compound
Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Any first
class drug store will sel! this small
amount of each ingredient, and the
dose for adults is one teaspoonful to
be taken after each meal and again
at bedtime. There is enough here to
last for one week, if taken according
to directions. Good results will be
aparcnt from the first few doses.
around aagin, much to the surprise of
his many friends, who understand
that it would take about ten days for
his recovery, from the fall he re
ceived while at work in the Aberdeen
Krnest Samules. Williard Jenkins,
ami Hcmlrixson, were in the city a
few hours Thursday on business til
ler w hich tlicy returned to the Vaughn
lodging camp on the Kascl.
The llwaco Fraternity Rebekuh
Lodge No. 78, entertained a large
number of guests, Wednesday even
ing in thevFraternity Hall. Progres
sive whist was the game of tne even
ing but those who did not play man
aged to indulge in various other
games. The following persons were
awarded prixes, the best ltuly player,
Mrs. Ed. Hawkins, a sterling silver
cuticle knife; Chas. Seamore the best
gentleman player, a silver stamp case;
Gladys Graham, a rattle and Forest
Heath a pig's tail, as booby prim.
At the conclusion of the game a
lunch consisting of cake, candy and
punch, was served in the banquet
room. The decorations were in pink
and green crepe paper .draped from
the center of the hall to the corners.
In the banquet room, the decorations
were similar, with an addition of
ferns and roses for the tables .mak
ing the effect very beautiful. The
committee on arrangements was as
(ollows; Mildred Morden. F.leanore
Heath and Ida Williamson and the
sueress of the nartv. was nartlv due
to a dilig nt effort on their part. The
ituests dispersed at midnight after
having spent a very"pleaant evening.
One Ikiuton of Chinook, has been
engaged for the past week in repair
ing the telephone lines oi the llwaco
Telephone Co., between this city and
Nahcotta, also installing several new
George Ross and Ralph Grabble,
returned home Thursday, from the
N'asel, where they have been employ
ed in a logging camp for the past
few weeks. In the future they expect
to find work nearer llwaco.
Orison Swett Mardcn, writing in
"Success Magazine." asks and answers
two very pertinent ii("tions:
Why is it that many of the cash
iers, bookkeepers, bank tellers cor
poration clerks, and people who serve
the public through glass windows or
across counters, are so pert and un
obliging? Why is it necessary to make
a customer feel that he is a nuisance?
Public officials, clerks, and attend
ants in our public buildings and mu
nicipal offices arc proverbially curt,
short, and snappy. Though you arc
paying them through your taxes for
their services, they make you feel
that they are doing you a great favor
by giving you what belongs to you
and by doing what you are paying
them for doing.
How nuicklv you notice the atmo
sphere of a business house a great
department store, for example.
There is as much difference between
the feeling you have in walking
through two crcat establishments as
that you experience in talking with
the different heads of these houses.
In one, refinement, courteousness,
consideration for others, a feeling of
good will, permeates the very atmo
sphere. You have a feeling that ev
ery employee in the place would be
glad to serve you if he could, and is
anxious to please, whether you buy
or not. There is evidence that the
employer thinks a great deal of the
character as well as the ability of his
clerks, and that manners and deport
mcnt are never left out of considera
tion in their selection. In another
house, only a few blocks away, you
arc ill at ease. Carelessness, indiffer
ence, and chilliness pervade the place.
You do not feel at home. There is a
lack of harmony, a sense of antagon
ism in the atmosphere. The em
ployees make vou feel that they are
doing you a favor in letting you see
the goods, or giving you the oppor
tunity to purchase them with your
The man who thinks he is going to
make a fortune without considering
the man at the other end of the bar
gain is very short-sighted, In the
long run the customer's best good is
the seller's best good also; and, oth
cr things equal, the man succeeds best
who satisfies his customers best and
whose customers not only come back,
but always bring others with them.
Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure
any case of kidney or bladder trouble
that is not beyond the reach of
medicine. Cures backache and irregu
larities that if neglected might resuh
in liright's disease or diabetes. T. F.
Laurin, Owl Drug Store. '
"My three-year-old boy was badly
constipated, had a high fever and
was in an awful condition, I gave
him two doses of Foley's Orino
Laxative and the next morning the
fever was gone and he was entirely
well. Folev's Orino Laxative saved
his life." A. Woikush, Casimer, Wis,
T, F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store,
Myriad of Microscopic Animal In
fest the. Skin of the sutierer.
When the kin of an ecacma suf
ferer itches and bums in uimmi
agony, do you know what is going on
within the pores oi that skiiu
Myriads of microscopic animals are
gnawing at the flesh, breaking down
the line cell and causing festers, thick
scales and that terrible itch. The
germs multiply faster tlnvn Nature
can throw them off.
Now, there is only one way to get
rid k'f these germs they must be
killed in their lodging places. Dos
ing the stomach or trying to cure
the blood will not, of course, kill the
germs, and that is why all the blood
remedies fail In eciema; that is alo
why salves which do not penetrate
can do no permanent good.
Ordinary oil of wintcrgreen prop
erly compounded in liquid form will
penetrate the pores of the kin and
kill the ecxeina germs. If properly
mixed with thymol, glycerine and
other ingredients (as in D. D. 0.
Prescription) this wash will miua up
the tissue of the skin ; loinote its
healthy growth, giving Nature
chance, while killing the germs faster
than they can multiply.
Charles Rogers & Son. druggists ot
this city, carry D- I. D- Prescrip
tion, also D. D. I), Soap in stock.
Tvan Pul, of tha Autocrat of the
Parliian Flat Houio.
The "concierge" I cmiaUlered to be
the banc of tbo PnrMiin flat dweller"
exlsti'iuv. lilt funrtloim nr tuppom
to bo the following:
The flint and nuwt Important to to
collwt the rout on nunrtor day; after
that he must nee Hint tbo tonante do
not aurrentltltiusly remove. The latter
nrecautlon w'l'tnil to tie amnewbat uu
noeewuiry. aa rents In Pari are always
na!d In advmn-c.
Ho abuuM also bring up your lettera
at least twk-e n day. but aa the con
eierira la eenvrally a stout, mlddla aged
woman who Una n dwdded objection to
climbing atulrn the Inlter regulation re
mains iomew lit of dead letter.
In ParU the front door of moat
houxea !h cenerully chwed nt 10 o'clock
After that time mliulttanre ran ouly be
obtained bv rlnk'lnit a boll. Tn con
clerge Is) obliged tit open the door, and
he does. this, ns looti aa she ta awake,
by pulling a rope which Imnga by her
If Kite la a Mound sleeper and yon are
aceiiHtomod to come bomo late at nignt
the bent thlnir to do la to look for an
other flat aa the concierge will put you
dowu aa a 'bad tennnt" and make
thing na unpleasant for you ae poaul
If you never atop out lute at night
receive very few friends and fee her
heavily nt ClirlatmiiH, the concierge
will consider yu aa a "good tenant"
until you give notice to leave, when
her Inlervat In you suddenly vaulshea.
Aa there U nothing iimro to be ex
pected from you and tliu Incoming ten
ant Is ob!lgi-d to give aubaiantlal tip,
called a "denier a Meu," she la anx
ious to "HM'il tha parting gueat" aa
much aa poKxlhte.
Tlio concierge does sometimes nmko
a flnnl effort to extract Boinetlilng mora
from you by attempting to nmlu ynti
pay a franc for every rial! !:n'keil In
the walla of your Am, but tl'.N Iium been
deelded to lie llleiiil mid r.niy be rifely
Hut the IVirlvl in v:.v : In really
unpopular beenuse r.-pnueiita u
landlord. Loudon Mull.
Simple Remedy For La Grippe.
La grippe coughs are dangerous as
they frequently develop into pneu
monia. Foley's Honey and Tar not
only stops the cough but heals and
strengthens the lungs so that no ser
ious results need be feared. The
genuine Foley's Honey and Tar con
tains no harmful drugs and is in a
yellow package Refuse substitutes
T. F. Laurin, Owl Druo Store.
1 1 ijdn
"Two year ago a severe cold aettled on my lunga and o completely prostrated me that I wa
unable to work and scarcely able to stand. I then waa advlaed to try Dr. King's New Discovery, And
after using one bottle I went back to work, a well a I ever waa."
W. J. ATKINS, Banner Spring, Tenn.
Nature provides
bat one
It li the natural winter
koma of many thou
. aands of tht world'
best people. Under tha
gentla Influence of it
rtild winter climate,
every amusement and ,
recreation abonnds.
bathing, boating, fiih
Ing, driving; lucb pic
nics, parties and "Jolli
fications," :C0 TO:
Lot Angel, Paio '
Robles Hot Springs,
Hotel del Monte, San
u Barbara, San Diego,
Santa Monica, Venlca,
Long Beach, Santa
Cms. or a score of
similar resorts and you
will find health, con
genial surroundings,
hospitable associates,
fauttlesa accommoda
tion and numberless
attraction and con
venience. The0aR..N.Co.
The Southern Parillc Co.
Make Inexpensive rovnJ
trip excursion rate to Cal
ifornia. A six months stopover
ticket Portland to
Los Angeles and return
is 155.00
Correaponding rata art in
effect to other point.
Wt have aomt very diitlnc
tivt literature covering Cali
fornia' winter retort, and
will take pleasure in giving
you all of tha Information
and assistance at our com
mand. For ticket, sleeping car reser
vations, etc, call on, tele
graph, or write
WM. McMURRAY, Cen. Peae
Agt Portland, Oregon.
h(M. jor MihbofhCKl, writ
m ml twm mmtU trm for ror IroW
FirstClass Liquors and Cigars
Comer Commercial and 14th..
f ' vi I ' I
dr. nm&Q
I c.irrv the best Loiirfor
ShoeH in town at the low
est prices.
My stock of men's and bcy'i
shoes is unsurpassed for qua
Uty, Close buying and low
expenses enable me to sell the
best qualifies at lowest prices.
643 Bond Street.
S6c Quelle
Opposite the JBskerortlan
HOME-MADE, and of tht choices
ingredient; put op nnder uprv4
ion that guarantee their perfect
freedom from all deleterioua matter.
tMaaaisawajam.iu juuj,jajMiMaiaaaaai
Golden West
l Tea
1 Just Right
Plate Racks, Wall Pockets,
Music Racks Clock Shelves
. ,.. T. ,
J. A. (ilLM At (ill .V ( C.
Umlrirtnkr-ra m'I Kuibitliiicrs
KspcrloiKcd l.uily AaMlNlHtil
Mieii !)irl.
(Julia Promptly Attended Iny
or Night.
Tntton Hdg. liilimil,IiiHiicHta
Phone) MitliiUlil
.jx -J J u. -i-i. mutuii j j j j
C2 Commercial Street
Q V'
AND $1.00
and LUilS