The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 07, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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For refined expression in the man
ufacture of furniture and all other
forms of interior decoration, mahog
any is undoubtedly the peer of the
hardwoods. No wood is so universal
ly used to-day for this purpose in
every city and county of the world;
no wood is so freely and successful
ly imitated.
America's architects and men of
the furniture and cabinet-making in
dustries draw heavily upon the mar
kets of the world in the struggle to
supply an ever increasing demand
for genuine mahogany. Hundreds of
tons of logs annually are imported
into this country and worked into
beautiful forms to grace fine homes
or dignify the interior of public
Imildings, large hotels or railway
A few years ago mahogany was re
garded as a very precious wood, and
was employed only in the interior of
the finest houses and in the manu
facture of the most expensive furni
ture. During the past few years, how
ever, there has been a wonderful de
velopment in mahogany importation
and use.
The total quantity of mahogany
imported last year was nearly forty
two million board feet. Of this large
amount North America supplies 65.6
Cut Glass and
Hand Painted China
30 per cent, discount
See Window Display
A V AIIFN SoJe Agent for . . .
'-A-A1l Harrington Hall Steel Cut
Phones 731, 3871. Branch Uniontown
per cent and Europe 18 per cent
Though Europe supplied only a little
more than one-fourth as much ma
hogany as there -was imported from
North America its average ralue per
thousand feet was more than twice as
much, due to finer quality. The re
mainder of the imports came from
Africa, South America, and Asia.
Mexico furnished 46.2 per cent of
the mahogany coming from North
America, Nicaragua followed . with
19.2 per cent, British Honduras with
15-S per cent, Cuba with 8 per cent,
and Honduras with 7-4 per cent. Oth
er Central American countries fur
nished the small remaining percent
ge. Immediately following the war
with Spain, lumbermen of the United
States exploited the largest and most
accessible of the Cuban mahogany
forests. For a few years the forests
of Cuba contributed more largely to
the supply in this country than at
the present time, largely owing to
the. rapidity with which this valu
able timber was logged and shipped.
An engineer employed by American
authorities during the recent inter
vention in Cuba claims that nearly
all of the available supply of mahog
any of that island has been exhausted
and that what now remains in any
considerable quantities is far remote
from transportation facilities.
The number of buyers of mahogany
in this country's hardwood market is
now exceeded only by those of oak,
maple, poplar, basswood, ash, birch,
chestnut and cypress. The principal
reason for the popularity of mahog
any is that the importers of the logs
and the manufacture of lumber have
never advanced its prices beyond a
modern profit and it is relatively so
low that it now makes little differ
ence in price whether an office build
ing or a home is finished in mahog
any or quartered white oak.
Another reason for its popularity
is because it improves in tone with
age. After much experimentation car
builders finish practically all of their
cars in mahogany, as it withstands
satisfactorily the severe usage and
also holds its finish. The chief cen
ters of mahogany importation and
manufacture are Boston, New York,
Louisville, New Orleans, Chicago and
The mahogany is the wood of a
tree of Swietania, of the natural fam
ily of Cedrelacvea, named by Jaquin
in honor of J. Van Swieten. The tree
is one of the most majestic and beau
tiful, with large spreading head and
pinnate shining leaves. The trunk is
often forty feet in length and six feet
in diameter and is divided into many
massive arms.
In the London Timber and Trade
Journal there appeared recently an
interesting historical reference to the
mahogany trade in England. Accord
mg to this writer mahogany wood
was first imported by England in
1724, although in 1507 Sir Walter Ra
leigh demonstrated the great value
of this wood which was used in re
pairing his ships in Trinidad. From
1724 until the discovery of the mahog
any forests of Africa by Stanley, Eng
land and Continental Europe were
heavy purchasers of mahogany from
the West Indies, Honduras and Mex
ico. A great part of the mahogany
used in this country in early years
came from Europe, it having first
readied there from the West Indies,
Mexico and Honduras.
The Proper Place.
Go to the Occident Barber Shop if
you are particular and desire first
class service. Satisfaction guaranteed.
An expert bootblack and porter has
also been engaged.
j To Cure a Cold in One Day
jTake LAXATIVE BR0MO Quinine
(Tablets. Druggists refund money if
lit fails to cure. E W GROVE'S
signature is on each box 25c.
The very best board to be obtained
in the city is at "The Occident
Hotel." Rates very reasonable.
For Infants and Children,
lia Kind Yea Have Always issgfj
etnrs of (ZffiZ&U
It costs you no more to wear
than styles that are out of date in the fashion center,
because we sell
The prices are the same that you pay for the ordinary kind
of clothes you have been buying.
Do you know that there are more of the well dressed
men of your city wearing Benjamin Clothes than any other
make. Why? Because they know that they are the best
clothes for the money on the market. Now with facts in view
why do you take chances in buying you clothes. Come to
Church Services!
First Methodist
Mr. B. Lee Paget, of Portland, one
of the prominent laymen of the Lay
men's Association of the Oregon
Conference, will occupy the pulpit at
11 a. m., and tell of the work of that
association. In the evening the ser
mon theme will be "Struggles and
Victories." Specially interesting and
helpful will be both services- Chorus
choirs will furnish the music. .C C
Rarick, pastor.
Morning worship, 11 a. m., "Men
of Vision." Sabbath school, 12:15;
Y. P. S. C E-. 6:30; evening worship,
7:30, "A Contrast." All are invited.
Win. S. Gilbert, pastor.
Norwegian-Danish M. E.
Morning worship at 11 a. m. and
evening at 7:30; Sunday school at 1Q
a. m-, Mr. Albert Carlsen, superin
tendent. On Tuesday evening, March
9th, the Pacific Coast District of the
Western Norwegian-Danish Confer
ence will commence their meetings
which will continue during the week,
with open sessions forenoons from
9 to 12 and 2 to 4 in the afternoons.
Preaching services each evening at 8
p. m. A reception will be given in
the 'church basement on Tuesday
evening after the service. All wel
come. O. T. Field, pastor.
Christian Science.
Services in rooms 5 and 6, I. O- O
F. building, corner Tenth and Com
mercial streets at 11 o'clock. Sub
ject of the lesson-sermon, "Man."
All are invited. Sunday school im
mediately after the close of the serv
ice. The first Wednesday evening in
the month at 7:30. Reading rooms,
same address, hours, from 2 to 5
daily, except Sunday.
Alderbrook Presbyterian-
Sunday school, 10 a. m.; an illus
trated sermon for the children, 11 a.
m.; Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m.;
evening sermon, 7:30 p. m. All are
cordially invited. Robert J. Divcn,
pastor, 2347 Cedar street.
Memorial Lutheran.
Sunday school, 10 o'clock a- m.;
morning service, 11 0 clock The
Power of Faith." Evening service, 8
o'clock, "A Tempting Opportunity."
mmi n a
'- IT- M II iiM I
Our motto: "The Faith of our Fath
ers in the Language of Our Coum
try." The public is cordially invited
to attend our services, Gustaf E.
RydquUt, pastor.
The Rev. W. S. Short will conduct
services at Holy Innocents Chapel
the third Sunday in Lent March 7,
at 9 a. m.; at Grace church at 11 a.
m.; the Junior Auxiliary at 4 p. m.
Evening service at Calvary Chapel at
Regular services at this church to
day. All are welcome.
Pittsburg is the industrial center of
whence come the United States Steel
Corporation, public labraries, and
Pittsburg stogies, and millionaires. It
is a dingy, dirty, smoke-clad city,
where a few pretty intelligent peo
ple live who can help it, and half a
million Italians, Slovaks, Poles, Syr
ians, Bohemians, and negroes who
can't, because they never learned to
out coupons or to live without eat
ing. Somebody has just turned on the
light in Pittsburg, and a few trust
magnates and some other very re
spectable citizens are blinking un
comfortably. It seems that the Steel
Trust, concerned about ovcr-popula
tion, has been killing some five hun
dred men every year, givin'g on each
occasion a few warm words of con
solation to the bereaved relatives. An
other five hundred human beings
were being yearly swept off bv tv-
pnoia, Because certain gentlemen
who drank spring water and whiskey
did not want the general water supply
reformed. Nobody was keeping track
of the thousands of poor fellows an
nually manned, or of the other thou
sands who were being sent off into
hospitals, jails, orphanages, and in
sane asylums. The city took care of
the trust s cripples, and when the
steel business was dull the hospitals
were empty. The whole report is a
sickening story. It makes us feel that
f we can hot do better than this, our
recent little controversy with the late
George the Third was not of much
Foley's Honey and Tar cures
coughs quickly, strengthens the lungs
and expels colds. Get the genuine
in a yellow packaere. 'T. K. I.anWn.
Owl Drug Store.
lit "U J La i
id ifltw
1 II II H 111
i ji
B llliLO
For Stomach Troubles
When there is distress after eating or drinking, or your food
doesn't "set well," the OiRestion if deranged and the stomach needs
to be toned and strengthened. A natural apjirtile and a perfect di
gestion can be assured and you will enjoy your food U you will get
box of
and use them according to the simple directions printed on the wrapper.
Acute indigestion, lassitude, flatulence, "qimlmlshnrss," and other
uncomfortable and distressing sensations alter eating, are quickly
righted with a dose or two of these little wonder workers for a weak
digestion. In all acute forms ol stomach trouble lkechnm'i Pills
Are Wonderfully Effective
la boxea tOe. and lie with toll UetloM
Will sell cheap round trip excursion tickets to Denver May 17th,
July ist and August nth
On June and & 3rd, July and & 3rd and August nth
and lath, very low round trip rates will be made to St
Paul, Duiuth, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago
and all eastern points,
Through Rail and Steamship tickets sold to all parts of
the world. '
For full particulars call or address
O. B. JOHNSON, Qcn'l Agent A. & C. R. R.
12th St, near Commercial Et ASTORIA, OKEQON.
Tungsten Electric Lamps
Greatest advance in lighting methods since the invention of Incandescent
32 C. P. Ordinary electric lamp consumes 110 watts per how
32 C. P. Tungsten" electric lamp consumes 40 watts per hour
. - iv wara par now
By nsing Tungsten lamps you can get 275 per cent Increass in light (or
the same cost or in other words can have the same quantity of illumination
or 35 per cent of the cost of llghtin g with ordinary electric lamps.
The Astoria Electric! Co
Sherman Transicr Co.
Hacks, Carriages-Baggage Checked
fragon Jtia
43J Commercial Street
SUNDAY, MARCH 7, 1909.
H lira Ta
70 watts per how
and Transferred-Trucks a Fwafcwe
Vaia FIukm tf