The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 07, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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SUNDAY, MARCH 7, 1909.
CITY OF ' 20.000,000
NEW YORK, March 6,-In lit
lie more than one generation from the
present day, that is in 1950, this city,
according to the figures of experts,
will be not only the largest in the
world but one which in population
will surpass anything now dreamed
of. Engineers who have been compil
tag data in this connection assert that
at the half century mark New York
will have a population of 19,250,000.
or more than twice the present popu
Jation of the whole state. These fig-
ares are based on the growth for the
last 119 years, that is. since 1790.
In 1910 it is estimated the popula
tion will be 4,810,000, which will have
Increased to 7,000,000 in 1920, to 9,-
800.000 in 1930, to 13,700.000 in
1940, and finally to 19.250,000 in 195a
Of the five boroughs which constit
rute the greater city, Brooklyn, it is
fienred. will then be the largest with
. 7,000,000, while Manhattan the por
tion of the city below 125th Street
will hare 2,000,000. or practically no
more than at present The Bronx, to
the north of 125th Street, will have
4,000000; Queens, to the eastward of
Brooklyn, 6,000,000 and Richmond,
that is Staten Island, 2000,000. Where
this total population of 19,250000 will
tarry on its business is a good deal
of a problem, and its transportation
will necessitate the honeycombing of
the whole area with subways and
runnels; It appears probable indeed
that the proposal now nnder consid
eration to install continuous moving
platforms in the subways will have to
be adopted. It is somewhat easier to
figure where this enormous popula
tion will live since the report of the
engineers by whom the figures have
been compiled state that within the
present limits of the greater city
there are at present available 172,01X1
acres of laud, not including parks or
swamp lands. This area could accom
modate the whole population at the
rate of a little more than one hundred
to the acre, a figure which while it
mitfht mean congestion in rural dis
tricts is no where near the limit for
skvscraoina auartment houses and
flats. .
Tinkering with the teeth of a full
grown alligator would seem to be
about the last thing that a sane man
would attempt. Nevertheless that was
just what was done at he Zoo his
week when several denial surgeons
got busy with the teeth of Bosco, a
twelve-foot long and exceedingly
uvae alligator. The reason for
treating Bosco was not because he
had a toothache but because ot ms
murderous tendencies. Within the
last two weeks he has killed five other
alligators by sinking his teeth ' into
their brains through the soft spot
which exists in the skulls of these
animals. Accordingly it was decided,
not to draw, but to trim Bosco s
teeth with which he had been so
busily repaying the grudge he has
held against his whole tribe ever since
Mose, a companion, bit off one of his
legs some time ago. The first attempts
to corral Bosco were highly exciting
and resulted in his knocking three
keepers into his pool with a blow of
his tail. He was finally lassoed, how
ever, and dragged struggling into the
dentist's chair, which in this case was
an iron barred cage. After he had
been tickled with a 12-foot crowbar
he opened his mouth so wide that a
piece of timber could be slipped in.
Then he was bound securely on a
gang-plank with ropes two and. one
half inches thick. Taking hach.saws
the men began to saw off his teeth.
Twenty-four saw blades were broken
before the job was finished, but Bos
co finally went back to the pool un
able to continue his career of mur
der. For those persons who have had
experiences with dentists and who
may have pity for poor Bosco, the
Curator of the Zoo says that there
are no nerves in an alligator's teeth
and that there was no suffering.
f illlnery Faneias That Will Bloom In
tha Spring.
Au Interesting piece ot millinery
lews la the revival of the hat with
w rings passed looavly under the ehlu.
This stylo of hat. It la Mid. will be
much In evident1 this summer.
Some of the new straw hat look like
straw beehives. The ouly trlminliur
consists of a otltf altrrot held In place
by a cabuchon. To lx utrU-tly In tylo
thee bat must be luiye, and the way
they come down on the bend uggvt
a te cosy to the Irrvvereut.
The spring iM n of 1000 differ from
that of last season In several rempocta.
Long Unci both back and front are
given by a panel which goes to the
wowkrtvfs of'ld ribbon' are
Inched to hntrultm mid worn nt
side of tli rsyolie knots. They may
b placed. If preferred, above tht ears
la the coiffures that are tint In front
and wide at the aide. The bow may
bo of sliver ribbon or of gold lace
studded with fancy sumo.
For belt there are endless lovely
If- llFQ
I carry the best Loggers
Shoes in town at the low
est prices.
My stock of men's and bey's
shoes is unsurpassed for qua
lity. Close buying and low
expenses enable me to sell the
best qualifies at lowest prices.
543 Bond Street.
&fe Quelle
Opposite the jBafceronian
HOME-MADE, and of the choicest
ingredient; put op under supervis
ion that guarantee their perfect
freedom from all deleterious matter.
The vagaries of the law, it practice
and administration were illustrated
here this week in a case which so
far as can be learned is unique in the
history of the local bar. One man. a
local lawyer named Stevens, appear
ed before a jury in the triple capac
ity of plaintiff, attorney for the plain
tiff and chief witness.-The spectacle
of a plaintiff or defendant acting as
his own attorney is of course noth
ing uncommon, but to hear Mr. Ste
vens as council in behalf of himself
as plaintiff, putting questions to him
self as a witness and then answering
himself, was something entirely new.
He even put questions in his capac
ity as attorney to himself as witness
which he couldn't answer in any ca
pacity, and then asked himself as to
whether he could refresh his mind by
reference to documents and told him
self that he could. When it came to
a question as to when witness Ste
vens had seen a certain man, the fol
lowing conversation ensued on the
part of the lawyer in his various
"On what day did you see him?"
"I don't recall the exact date."
"Have you any memorandum that
will refresh your memory?"
"I have."
"Will you please produce it?" in
quired Lawyer Stevens.
'I will," promptly replied Witness
Stevens, as he took from his pocket
certain appers.
i'Are those the memoranda?" asked
the lawyer. He then answered "yes."
"With those notes before you, can
you refresh your memory as to the
"I can."
And so the examination proceeded
for some time. The three in one com
bination seemed to be highly pleased
with the results of its triple capacity
with one exception. That occurred
when through Lawyer Stevens wit
shoulder. In this way a much more
satisfactory fit Is obtained over the
blp and a prettier fullness given the
waist than were possible In the gown
formally, worn. This la done by a
fitted girdle that apparently goea un
der the princes panel In front. Illus
trative of n pretty frock Is the one
shown In the cut. The skirt I gored
and trimmed with button covered
with the material. Shaped bands of
the tome finish the short tucked sleeve
cap. jluiu t:uuLi.a.i'.
t ji)..i.iumii.iiiiisiiin..,
ribbon by t:;p ynrd. some lu plain cc.:
on, potd and silver mid some In pbild,
flowered nntl strip; d tltvdjrns.
The -iH.ltifs" of cloves, the stitching
down the harks, are mui h heavier this
season tlmn they liuve Imnph for a lonjj
The wnlxt llluntroted may be made
from nity mnterlt.l suitable for surh a
garment, and the design afford oppor
tunity for the combination of various
materials. JTJDIC CHOULET.
8ilvr 8lippart Mska tht Foot
Small and Dainty.
Silver slippers are a new showing
for wear with evening gown. They
are less conspicuous than those of gold,
and they have the added advantage of
muMnr the feet. I,k smaller.
Th Pannltr Gown May Appear A
Girlish Evoning Gown.
A fashion authority predict the re
turn of the pannier gown In the near
future. The disappearance of the pres
ent style, she also saya, will be slow,
but the first blow ba been struck, and
gradually will appear modes reminis
cent of the late seventies, the char
ness Stevens demanded payment of a
witness fee from plaintiff Stevens.
The matter was finally settled by
Stevens as plaintiff giving a cigar to
himself, in his legal capacity, which
ne again turned over to nimscit as a
Free to You and Every Sister Su
erlng from Woman's Ailments.
I am a woman.
I know woman's nffcrtngi.
I have found the cure.
I will mall, free of any charge, my hum fmf
Ml with full Irmtrrjctlonntoaiiy sufforer from
woman's aliment. I want to tell aa womt-n about
thto care-tot, niy reader, for roorueU, your
daughter, your mother, or your Bfater. I want to
tell you how to cars youmelvt at home with
out the help of a doctor. Men marl undemtaud
women Huff erinf. What we women know (too
aiparianea, we know better than any drjetor. I
kuow that my'home treatment In nafi and nre
cure ior uucorrngaa or nomsn aioclsargn, Ulcaratto 0ia
Blictffltnl or falling ot tht Womb, Profutt, Scanty or Paioful
hriodt, Ultima or Oiaritn Timwi, or Siowths; tlto aaiaa hi
MM', back lid fewtlt, kaanai ton fiiliatj. aarrcaaeaat,
crnoioi (tiling o tlx ooini, aulaachofr, Sttirt lo err, riot
flaiatt. nirlMK, Mot), in tlwotr tronolit tturi cauitV
sir t Mlntitti ttculiar to our Bex.
I want to eod you a cwtpltli bo Uf't rrulaMi
otlrarf (rao to prove to you that you can euro
yourself at home, eaoily, quickly and
Kememoer, that.rl till cnl m naltiing to
. . lI'Lli-i1 T , v . ,TB k' treatment a complete trial : and If you
WM W COTMnne, It will corn yon only about 12 cento a week or lew than two cent a day. It
wlli not Interfere with
oiler u yon wlh, ai
jar. by return mail.
iiwuioofiyononlyBi)oulzcentawe;k or lew than two cent a day. It
adth your work or occupation, lint uotMrwr nma tat1 aSaVau, tell roe how you
and I will aend you the treatment for your caw. enMrelr fri,in plain wraii-
il. I 11 alao lumA VIM iraaicMl. m-r hnnlr"lniliK'C nwa urnill utuicrnH ...i.l.
explanatory Uluatratlona ehowing whj women tuner, and how thev can eaaily cure themBelvrw
i noma, c-yerf womanahould hare ft, and learn to ttiak (or MnaH. Then when the doctor wiyi
x m, ,7? "n operatton," Ton can decide for youmelf . TbouHandH of women have ci?r d
It!TLW. fT line femedy. It cure. tH oW or mac To Molhtrt of taafhtan, I will explain o
simple home treatment which rnieedlly and effectually cureg Leucorrhoea, Green Slcknai.d
Ur MaT W u Menntruation In young Ladled, Plumpnew and health alwayn renulta from
Wherever yoj Eye, I can refer you to ladles of your own locality who know and will gladly
tell any sufferer that thla Hnta TraalMal really curat all women's dUeanes, and mak. women well,
strong, plump and robuat. Jail taof now aodraat, and the free tenday'o treatment ly,nir,al)
he book, write to-day, aa you may nut soe tula offer again. Adrlreas
wrs.m. summers, Bo h Notre Dame, Ind., u.s.A.
While honesty may be the best pol
icy, tattler Knickerbocker has just
recorded indubitable proof that it is
sometimes an expensive policy, so
far as municipal affairs are concern
ed. The present illustration while on
ly on a small scale indicates in a start
ling manner what the cost of similar
honesty might be in a transaction of
any size. At any rate the city has just
refunded an overcharge of twenty
cents after five years labor involv
ing many departments at a cost of
just one hundred times the amount
involved. The whole transaction which
bids fair to bqcome a part of munici
pal history had its origin in nothing
more extraordinary than an assess
ment ofr special improvements on
certain property. A clerk with a me
ticulous mind in the assessor's office
discovered nearly a year after the
whole matter was completed and
closed that one of the assessed prop
erty owners, a woman, had been ov
ercharged by the sum of twenty
cents. When the matter was called tn
her attention she asserted her wil
lingness, amounting to anxiety, to
present the city with the sum in ques
tion. This, however, did not com
port with Father Knickerbocker's
reputation for honesty and conse
quently this week after five years of
labor to accomplish the result, a
check for twenty cents was placed in
her hands. To arrive at this conclu
sion the clerks in nine departments
has been called into service at vari
ous times and one hundred and eighty-seven
letters and communications
had been written,, making the total
cost of the minute refund, aside from
the loss of time, more than twenty
dollar. ,
ill lM4
A Complete Line of
1 ice Fuurmitare
We can suppy anything in office furniture.
Single pedestal flat tops, roll tops; roll top desks
or typewriter desk.
Double pedestals.ln 50,54,60,66 or 72 inch desks.
These can be had in plain oak, quartered oak
or with raised panels and range in price from
1 t ill
fl , a. -A I mmu in 1
v 11
$ 1 3. 5 0
in flat tops to
in roll tops
III 'ibaU--aJ r-f
Give us a call and
let us show you
our line.
r -H i
Astoria Furniture Co. I
559-565 Commercial Street
three and one-half of iiK'T at seven
cents; six boxes of cocoa at twenty
four; two dozen cukh at thirty-two,
and four pound of butter at forty
centi. How much doc it come to?"
"Four dollar's and eighty-three
cents, my little man," said the grocer.
"What addrrsa plra(?"
'Gee; Thanks" said the schoolboy
as he made his ecape. "That was the
only one I couldn't do" From "Suc
cess Magazine ")
acterlstlct of which were the pannier
drapery, drooping fullneaa at the back
and trimmed train.
Evening footgear la every day get
ting more elaborate. Some dainty
shoes seen recently were In empire
green embroidered lu laurel wreaths
and adorned with exqnlalto empire
buckles in old paste.
A girlish evening gown hj that of
white net with tiny plaited rufflei of
dotted net edged with light blue baby
ribbon. The aleeves are quite tight,
and the gown l cut to give the figure
absolutely straight lines.
It Is the fad Just now to appear at
evening functions without glores, but
the hands are elaborately made np and
are as white as alabaster outside and
pink and rosy Inside.
The petticoat illustrated of the "heath
variety la aa close fitting as a skirt can
comfortably be. The kimono seen In
the same cut Is in every way a aatis
factory model. JUDIC CHOLLET.
Golden West
Just Right
CLOSSET & ;devers,
amL "i 1111 i'IIiiw f""1""!""
u.rect from Norway
another shipment
Bocll Beer i
$2.00.per doz.
Importers and Wholesale Liquor Dealers
ASK. .
mo trr A t "n.
nmm tot Pmitnm North wM Ml tut OUmaaa.
HDtoT at all bart mim. AaklnrOala.
;. UaoliaaallaroBrolciiborrMMMl,wnia
fc aam at jour dlr, mni wa will rU
m a af4h nt florrar fraa for roar ironbla
Karua urn M Narmai, kaiaaa, aa Inun, Wua.
"Say mister," said the small boy,
breathlessly, "take down this order
quick; I got to go to school. Two
pounds of coffee at forty-five cents;
Plate Racks, Wall Pockets,
Music Racks Clock Shelves
Just in See us
Hildebrand & Cor
Old Bee Hive Bid.
Fisher Brothers Company,
Marbour and Finlayaon Salmon Twli.ei nd Netting
McCormick Harveiting Machine
Oliver Chilled I'loughi
Sharpie Cream Separator! '
Raecolith Flooring Starrett'i Tool
Hardware, Groceries,!, Ship
Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Murittic Acid, Welch Coil, Tar,
Ash Oarj, Oak Lumber, Pipe and Fitting, Bran Good,
Faints, Oils and Class
Fishermen's Pure Manilla Rope, Cotton Twine and Seln- Web
We Wont Your Trade
How to Operate a Moving Picture Machine at Home
Undertaker and Ernlalmeri
Experienced Lady AHHlMtam
When DeHired.
CallH Promptly Attended Day
or Night.
Tatton Bdgr. 12thaiid,Iiiaiio8tH
Phone Main 2111
How to Rent or Buy Moving Picture Machine.
How to Make Big Money at Entertainment! and Amusements.
How to Obtain Positions Which Pay $35 Per Week.
Tow to Become a Finished Operator.
We Give Instruction! That Are Simple and Interesting.
We Have the Newest Method of Teaching by Mafl.
We Send You on Receipt of $1.00 Complete Instructions.
We Teach Operators How to Pass All Examinations.
We Represent the Leading Film Exchange.
Remittances to Independent Theatrical Exchange.
400-403 Burka Bullrllnrr Roattl Wa.1i