fin MIAN MHHh. OlthliUM SUNDAY, MARCH 7, 1909. Established 1871 INihlislsed Daily Except Monday by THE J. S. DELUNGER Ca SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Wy Btau, per year Jj) ly carrier, per month ASKING THE SPIRITS Br LULU JOBXSOIt CarmsMM JM. by AMoctataa Literary IYm. WEEKLY ASTORIAN, Ey snail, per year, in advance Il.SO Estered aa second-class matter July 30, 1906, at the pottoffice at Astoria, Oregon, coder the act of Congress of March 3, 1379. Ordera for the delivering of The Morning Astorian to either residence or place of business may be made by postal card or through telephone. Any Irregularity in delivery should be immediately reported to the office f publication, TELETHONS MAIN Ml. jTHE WEATHER Oregon and Washington Fair, with light frost jn the morning. CHEERFUL BANK NEWS. Bank Examiner Jamea Steel, of Oregon, is amhopty for the cheerful statement that the State and National banks are in prime condition gener ally, and that the deposits have in creased, since November last, to the tnne of a round million of money, viih a concordant strain sounding in bch&lf of loans, discounts and securi ties, while a third harmonious note is found in the sums of moneys due from banks. All this has a pleasant touqd throughout the State and no one rares bow long nor how far the echoes range and carry. Tc ibe Oregon taxpayer, especially, it is very comforting, since he will be one of the largest users of bank mon ey (hi year, and is already tuing it to meet the unconscionable burden cast upon him by the courts and com missi. n that have to do with the for mulation of the tax-rolls. Down here in CUtfop, i where the banks never fail and where the best and most conservative banking is done, the taxpayers intend to dispute some of the access imposed by the State and pass the issue op to the Supreme Court before paying the levy of the State in its final sum. For it is very evident that a grave blunder has been made somewhere along the line of levy, when an increase of $&000,000 in values by the State on the Clatsop estimate, calls for but $4,000 increase in the State tax apportionment for thi county. The State having blun dered at some point in the calcula tion, has, in the conception of very many thinking people here, vitiated the entire charge; but the conten tion here will address itself only to the ?4,000. But so long as the banks hold out in safe and comfortable condition as they are now reported to be, the av erage taxpayer may hope to have a OUR NEW JUDGE. We do not care to bore his excel lency, the Governor, but we venture a few more lines in behalf of the new judgeship due 'this county and dis trict and urge once more that it be assigned to the ablest and best train ed mind he can find among the clev er aspirants, as they shall present themselves and their claims. We want no particular man; but the man we get in this relation must be eminently qualified for the place; he must be a judge before he is sworn to the ser vice; he should be a master in law and precedent and practice, for any thing less than this would be an in justice to the incumbent and more than an injustice to the people of to counties. He may take his time about this thing. There is no extraordinary rush impending, and we would rather the fair show if being sold up for his de- - Governor took his time for the sake or Hughes exceeded his lawful au thority when he reduced the sen tence; that the former penalty was far more preferable, and is going in to the Supreme Court of the State to enforce his conclusion and his rights in the case. This is the sort of man that makes good reading. He has always exhibit ed a beautiful nerve, even when he killed the old gentleman whose at torney he was; hia trial was long- drawn-out, and charged with all man ner of startling expedients, pleas, and interveners, for his release from the stress of an intrusive and an intoler ant law; he was a very devil for in genuity and fought like one; and now he thrusts forward his last and keen est play, and it is a "chef d'oeuvre in the way of legal pleading. Of course, it is understood that Patrick does not really wish to die, except, perhaps, as an alternative to spending a long life behind grim prison walls, and that he raises this unique issue in the hope that some point will arise upon which to impinge a successful predicate for ultimate discharge from the purview of the law. He is an adroit scoundrel, and plucky withal. "O basts r repeated Paul Orford, with a .mil. To be aure there are ghosts. I hare a personal acquaintance with half a doxen. I was one once. That was when the dramatic club put on Hamlet " "Now ySu are frivol win." reproved Lucy. "It Is a very seriona matter to penetrate the veil that separate the present from the future and cross to that other shore. Mrs. Glendls says that we each should seek to test our medlumistlr powers," There It one thing I 10ce about ghosts.'' said raul. "What's thatr asked Lacy quickly aa be panted. Their answers generally are yes and no," explained Paul meaningly. For nearly a year be had been trying to pin Lucy down to definite accept- snce or dwmSswal of his suit but that taetnil yet uncertain minded young woman would say him neither "yea nor "nay," preferring to enjoy the greater freedom of action which ta the privilege of the unenmpfd. while nt the same time she hold Orford her slave, "Ghosts say lots more than that." Insisted Lory. "Mm. Goya was tell ing all about it. You start wltb the alphabet, and when you come to the right letter they give a nip, and In that way they cpe'.I out words. Mine. Goya say that It Is the duty of t cry earnest thinker to develop nicO!uiuUtk powera, because we never can tell whether we bare the gift until we iry to develop." "She's riht." declnrcd Paul with a greater Interest than he had previous ly shown In the discussion. "Do yon know I hare thought for some time that I eonld develop alone; those lines with the proper sympathetic support?" j "You must Join our clrele." Invited I Lory beamingly. She had been grow ing angry at Paul's covert sneers at Mine. Goya and Mrs. Glendls. The latter had brousrht the adept to the attention of the Tuesday dancing class and bad turned that select little company Into a "circle." The young man found It more inter esting to sit In the darkness of the de velopment room and hold hand, for there were times when something sent thrills through the Investigators and caused the more timid among the girls to clutch more tightly the arms of their escorts. Paul was not a member of the danc- "Then ')! lig," assented Paul "We'll follow al: the process," His hand closed over Lucy's, rest log on the table, and softly Lucy sang owe of the sonjr approved by her cir ri. "Now you must keep very tin," she whispered. "Just concentrate on the desire to obtain a communication. It may be some time before we feel any response.' That' all light." was th ready re ply. Td be willing to watt hours to absolutely make certain." "You don't have to hold my bands so tight sugjeeted I.nry. "Just rest yoor finger tips on mine to complete toe circuit." This is bettor. objected Pant with troth, "We establish a bettor contact or whatever yon ce,ll It" "Pont talk any more," cautioned Lacy, The spirits won't come while yoo are talking." Paul subsided into silence. It was very pleasant sitting there In the half llfht with Lucy's bandit lu his own In the soft gloom be could ut make out the oval of her face and catch faintly the eager gleam In her bine eyes. Fie waa willing to experiment long these lines forever. Outdoors ths rain beat agaliwt the plate glass of the windows with a harp rattle that added to the com fortable feeling of those within, and part from that only the crackle of coal In the grate broke the silence. For twenty minutes ta sign cams, and then there was heard a succession f sharp raps that caused Lucy to rlutctt Paula hand in tighter clasp and somewhat shook his own placid ity. The trial had been an rxruss for holding Lncy'a lam'f lie had not ex pected any manifestation. Tld you do that?" stic whispered. "On Biy wool, no," be replied. "Yoo didn't tap with your fit. did you?" Lucy iibok her head. "1 wouldn't cheat" she insisted reproachfully. This la not a thing to make a Jest of." "Are the spirits proseutr asked rani, raking hU voice slightly. And the response was a series of brisk raps, "That la more than the proper num ber," objected Paul. "One la 'no,' and three U 'yes. " "I supiuse that a lot means under score murks," suggested Lucy, "Ask something else." "Are yon willing to answer mef de manded Paul, and the three raps made an affirmative. "May I ask some personal ques tions?" Again the three raps. "I want to know If Lucy and I are to be married?" explained Paul. And Lucy gapd at this Impertinence to ward the spirits. "They won t nnswer that" she Ul ulated In a whisper, but the three raps lag class In spite of his devotion to,canle 'oua "a "ear. aun. witn a little Lucv, and he rather resented these ; crT. Lucy gprang to her feet and turned seances. j on the pis. "I think." suggested Pant "that It ! ion were cheating," she cried, "loo Iinqnencies on the tax rolls. It ought to be a first-class year for the banks; and if they flourish, there will not be much else to worry about in a gen eral way. CLAIMS THE RIGHT TO DIE. Murderer Albert T. Patrick, now in Sing Sing, doing a life sentence, un der commutation from the death pen alty originally imposed, for the crime of killing Millionaire Rice insists that he has the right to die; that Govern- AMUSEMEMTS. ASTORIA THEATRECZZI of making due inquiry, than to make the appointment under undue pres sure; it is sure to signify that he wants this end of .the district to be properly served. "We 'uns" know how to select a Secretary of State and we believe, now that he is Gov ernor, he will know how to select a real judge for us. It is up to him! GEORGE TAKES HIS SEAT. f .,--"S Sunday, March.7 MESMRM PRESENTS PAUL MORE -IN THE BOYS OF CDHBUIY ORIGINAL N. Y. PRODUCTION. A comedy of New York National Guard Life, by Rida Johnson Young, and as presented at Lyceum Theatre, New York City, an entire season. A college-military play. Prices: $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c, 25c. Carriage at 11 p. m. Full of music, youth life and vigor. ft mi) Ex-Governor George E Chamber- Iain, of Oregon has been seated in the United States Senate, and occu pies the particular chair of his Dem ocratic friend and appointee, John M. Gearin. He's there, alright! He has nothing to strive for, now, but the Cabinet or the Presidency both of which are a bit remote, even for the limitless range of George's indubi table ambition and political sagacity. He is at the end served by political chicane and Republican mugwumpery in Oregon. He must rest satisfied for the time, and probably a very long time. ' He will get credit for all he achieves in the Senate; but nothing much is expected, and his failure to do any thing will be used at home as a spur to herd recalcitrant Republicans back to the lines and duties they have ig nored so long; and for the re-organi zation of the party upon a new and tangible basis, and the resumption of Republican dominance, upon clean, healthy and effective ba,e:-, made bet ter and honester, and more stable, by the lessons wrought and taught of the inexplicable mess from which it emerges. The seating of George Chamberlain at Washington may prove a blessing in disguise to Republican Oregon. might be well to try me out before I seek to display my powers In public. It will be an hoor before yonr mother gets back from the Pradleys, and your father Is too busy wltb that new book he borrowed to Interrupt Suppose we hold a sitting now?" "I never heard of a altting wttn only j two, objected Lucy. "Even with the fifteen or twenty of our circle we get scarcely any return yet, and I do not believe that the two of os could get any responae at all." "We can try It" pleaded PauL "We cannot do more than fall, and there might come some slight Indication that one or the other had mysterious power." "Yes, we can try It" assented Lncy j brightly, glad to see Paul's Interest. "Of course you must promise that If there Is no development you will not be discouraged." "I'll promise that" assented Paul promptly. "I'll not be discouraged," Then we'll try," agreed Lucy as abs cleared the magazines and books from a light table and bronght It Into ths center of the room. She placed chairs on opposite hides, disregarding Paul's suggestion that they be placed aide by side, and then, taming down the light, she took her place in one seat and called to him to take the other. Tiigy almost al-v slog." aba he he belonged to me, he shouldn't a step; there now." stir After a dozen encounters in the tribunals of this land, high and low, the ten years of unwavering contest between the forces behind the ex- cummunicated priest, Father Murphy, of Seward, Nebraska, for possession of the church from which he was cast out, and the interests of the pre lacy headed by Bishop Bnnnacum, the verdict falls to the doughty bish op, irrevocably. He is of the church militant, sure enough. WING SHOTS. "Teddy" makes his get-away on get-away-day, the 23rd. It's a case of "skidoo" with him, and it will be "skidoo" for the bier came whe n he reaches the African wilds. The con census of opinion among the good American wives, who think these things out for themselves, is, that "if We are inclined to the un-American indulgence of sympathizing with the man in California, who goes to the Supreme Court of his State with a plea to set aside a verdict render ed against him by a "jury that could not spell." There is too much of hu man right and interest and liberty and life, resting in the incompetent hands of ignorances of the jury room. The right of a man to be judged by a jury of his peers, is one thing, but, the liability of his subjection to the idiosyncracies of a bunch of boors, is quite another. were klckli jr the table kg." "See for yourself," be retorted, tnm Ing the light table so that she might see that there were no scratches on the polished legs. "1 am more mysti fied than you are. There must lie some thing In it, after all." "There must be," she assented soft ly. "And you will accept their decree?" be naked. "You will marry me?" "I suppose that I murt, since It Is the will of those 'over there,' ' assent ed the girl. "I meant to some time, anyhow," she added half defiantly aa Paul caught her In his arms, and the world beyond waa forgotten In the Joy of the life right here. Late that evening Paul smoked his good night cigar In the comfort of the big armchair. At his feet lay Punch, the English bulldog that was Paul's constant companion. Bunch was fast asleep on a nig. but he roused when bis master stirred.' 'Hunch," cried the Jubilant Orford, "there was something In It after all. I thought that spirit thing was largely a matter of Imagination, but I'm cer tain that Lncy did not do the rapping, and I know that I didn't It waa a clear case of spirits." Bunch blinked an Intelligent eye and wagged his stumpy tall In assent. Paul started as the familiar rapping came again. Bunch's tall waa pound ing against the hardwood parquet border. "So you were the ghost You wag ged your tall when we asked ques tions because you thought we were talking to you?" Bunch's stumpy caudal' appendage made answer again, and Paul's face was wreathed In smiles. "We must never tell Lucy," he cau tioned, and Hunch, almost asleep, made an Instinctive effort to reply. Feebly the tall wavered, and only once did It strike against the floor. "'s 'no,' nnd that goes," assent ed Pnul, "You're all right, Bunch." And Bunch solemnly rapped ont "Yes." Brer' Bill, he's busy, already. But he will be busier yet before he has mastered the mountains of stuff that have been cut out for his especial at tention by friend and foe. Chinese Maritime Mottoes. John nenry Grey In bis "China" tells of the mottoes which decorate a Chinese vessel. On the must of the seagoing Junks are fastened strips of red paper in scribed with Chinese characters. Some of the mottoes follow: "The mast is ns a general command ing IO.'iOO soldiers." "From every Hide of the compass may fair winds blow." "May this mast worn tempests from whatever quarter of the heavens they may come." On the poop a pavilion Is built, and over lta doorway Is a chance for more mottoes. "May the wind not cause angry wa ters to rise." "May this vessel brave the storms of a hundred years." There Is always a shrine on board, and here the Chinese gods aro ap pealed t.. " newer this ship may salt, grant ber a nriwwna voyage "Enable ns by trading to acquire wealth." The very names of th Juuka would bring good lu k If uiHrtltlon could weave an actual fortune -flood ' Sue cess, Golden Profits, Never Ending Gains. Didnt rail Quick tntvah. In a room on the top floor of a large factory a boy waa amusing himself by gutng through the bayonet sxrcls with a long handled brush In Hsu of a rifle. III boss, coming quickly upon him. cave him a box on lbs ear for wasting his time. The sudden Mow caused ths lad to lose his Uitance and fall down the hoUf shaft; but, fortunately, hs kent his bold on the brush, ths haudls of which, getting acrM ths shaft broke Mi fall and enabled htm to grasp ttto chain, down which he slid in safety. The boss was horrified at ths effect of his action ami rushed breathless and gasping with fear down ths sight flights of stairs to the basement x porting to find a mangled body for which he would have to account He was, however, Just In tltns to i the lad drop on hi feel unharmed; so, recovering his self possession and his breath, he exclaimed; "Wnt to be a soldier, eh? Well you're- too alow for that Why, man. I can walk down all those stair quick er than you cm fall down ths hoist baft."-London Answers. MEETING OF MINE WORKERS. WILKES BAR RE. Pa.. Match 6 I noma L- Lewis, president of the U nited Mine Workers, completed to day the arrangements for a meeting between the Mine Workers and the anthracite coal operators in Philadel phia next Thursday and will make a new agreement between the men and employers. Preiidcnt Cake of the Individual Operators' Association has agreed to attend. At present there are three agreements to etnire on March 31. CHOPS DOWN TREES. OYSTER BAY, March 6 -No callers were received by ex-President Roosevelt today. He spent the morning attending to hi correspond ence and the afternoon in chopping down trees in the woods hack of the house. Colonel Roosevelt continues the policy of refusing to talk for publication. Plans are being made by resident at Oyster Bay to hold a farewell reception to the ex-Preii- lent on the eve of hi departure for Africa Nature provides bat one CALIFORNIA It is the natural winter home of many thou sands of the world's best people. Under the gentle influence of its mi!d winter climate, every amusement and recreation abounds, bathing, boating, fish ing, driving; such pic nics, parties and "Jollifications." :G0 TO: Lot Angeles, Pa to Robles Hot Springs, Hotel del Monte, San ta Barbara, San Diego, Santa Monica, Venice, Long Beach, Santa Crux, or a score of similar resorts and you will find health, con genial surroundings, hospitable associates, faultiest' accommoda tions and numberless attractions and conveniences. The0.B.(aN.Co. COKNECTINO WITH The Southern Pacific Co. Makes inexpensive round trip excursion rates to Cal ifornia. A six months stopover ticket Portland to Los Angeles and return is $55.00 Corresponding rates are in effect to other points. We have some very distinc tive literature covering Cali fornia's winter resorts, and will take pleasure in giving you all of the information and assistance at our command. For tickets, sleeping car reser vations, etc., call on, tele graph, or write WM. McMURRAY, Gen, Paaa Agt Portland, Oregon. SPRING OPENING Mrs. R. Ingleton will have her An nul Spring MUinery Opening on March 15 SO Day Sale on Spring, Hats Also commencing Monday, Mrs. Inglcton will hold a thirty-day sale on all Spring Hats. A grand oppor tunity to secure an Easter hat cheap. Don't fail to call on the Fifteenth and see the excellent line of Milli nery on sale. MRS. R. INGLETON'S f1IIUnery and Notion Store Commercial and Fifteenth Street. Elltu nrar liuitrll filrrrt im yrmiflurii K i ' ' ' ' t ) i ,i i! .''r''( .(tin? , M nti ; i h m t - f $ Heal It ill Ciif. All Mrnttrs CislffM. flnfmal RvWis Hallt Ittiw II 60 Ml I Msim silk Uik, t.lpr if 4 . The Cornelius The House of Welcome" Corner Park and Alder, PORTLAND, OREGON Alhotcl where the North west people will find a hearty welcome and receive Courteous Treatment at moderate prices. Our free Omnibus mec all trains. Under management of N. ft Clark C W. CORNELIUS. Proprietor. ut If ; i f!'ias;"l r- io -3 HARMONY IN YOUR NEW HOME Color blending of Furniture, Draperies, Carpets, Woodwork, Walls, make home life happier. Our tM'frt dccomlva iUiin will vuii your riiy toon. Without Kiting you h will dlwuM tht (ur mhiiti lor youi new hum. Witt, Im Mkkit J. G. Mack & Co. Furniture and Carpets roxmKt,otiaoM SingU Mtmt hnuiM TsuUff ha Fax, Prtt, F. L. Bishop, Sc Astoria tartan Ihi. Traaa Ntlaoa Troyar, Vic Prrs. aad Supt ASTORIA IRON WORKS DESIGNERS AND MANUF4CTUIERS OF THR LATEST IMPROVED . . 7 Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFIT! FURNISHED. Corraapoodtnce Soliclwd. . . Foot of Foank 8mwl " e s THE TRENTON First-Class Liquors and Cigars IM CommaMal ttrtat I Corner Comroarclal and Htk . ASTORIA, OREGON 'W I hums 601 BAY BRASS & 11 101 s A8TOKIA, OltKOON Iron and Brass Founders, Land and Marine Engineers, Up-to-Date Sawmill Machinery Prompt attention given to all repair llth and Franklin Ave. work. TeL Main 3441 FINANCIAL. First National Bank of Astoria DIRECTORS JacobKamm W. F. McGregor G. CFFlavel J. W. Ladd & S. Gordon $100,000 Kurplua . , 25 000 Stockholders' Liability 100 000 ESTABLISHED ' '. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President O. I. PETERSON, Vice-President J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier FRANK PATTON. Cashier ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - $232,000 Transact. , General B.nkinf Business IttfMl p.u M Tlm. nM ,v . Four Per Cent. Per Annum Eleventh and DuaneSti Aatorla, Or.go , SCANDINAVIAN-A MER I C; A N SAVINGS BANK ASTORIA, OREGON OUR MOTTO: "Safety Supercede. All Other Consideration.-