THE MORNING ASTOMAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1009. I The Store pte SMC T j: f x Ladies I Women DEEL: ii3VE0utfittcrs ! z " I New Things From New York City Mr. Copland's selection Iron America's greatest fashion center. Strictly tailored waists, In plain white, polka dots, stripes, hair line, etc Long close-fitting tlceves, starched cuffs and cellars. Ladies' sutia-i r receiving daily the very newest things in suits, per. feet In workmanship materials and trimmings. 5 Dress Goods To this department we art adding constantly the X approved fabrics for the Spring of 1909. OCEAN, BAR, BAY, At 11 o'clock yesterday morning Operator Ferland, of the United Wireless station on Smith's Point picked up the oil tank steamship W. S Porter, 125 miles off Yaquina Bead, en route to Juneau, making excellent time and with all well on board. About the same time he caught the Alliance which left Sfarshfield at 11 o'clock, and expect ed to be in this port at an early hour this morning. The State fisheries pat0' boat, the Astoria, arrived in this harbor yes terday morning, with Captain Ben Hayden in charge, and Deputy Fish Warden . Frank C Brown represent ing that department They will make s sharp run of these lower waters and do their full duty during the dosed season, as that is what she is here for. She docks at the westerly end of the 0. R- & N. pier. The motor schooner Delia is again in commission and thoroughly over hauled and repaired for the new year's work on the coast It is not known as yet who will be her officers. The steamer Eureka entered port yesterday morning from Eureka, and went on up the river after a brief eaU at the Callender. The steamer Northland arrived in from San Francisco yesterday morn ing and docked at the Callender where she put off about IS tons of local freight before ascending the several rivers 'twixt here and Port land. ' The steamer Shoshone was another arrival from the Golden Gate yester day. She goes to Rainier for anoth er load of lumber. The steamer Nome City came down the river yesterday morning and proceeded directly to sea, bound for the Bay City. The steamer Tamalpais came down the river yesterday, and left out at once, for San Pedro, with a big lpad of lumber. The British steamship Boveric went to sea yesterday morning, bound for the Orient with a huge cargo of lumber. The steamer Majestic arrived down yesterday and sailed at once for San Pedro, with a cargo of lumber. WORLD'S ALMANAC 1909 30 cents Mailed Any Address 35c WHITMAN'S COOK STORE DOCK AND RIVER The Lnrline came down with big load of local stuff on her decks last evening. When she went op Mr. A. C. Ogren was among her passengers The steamer Argo is due down from Portland this evening en route to Tillamook Bay points. The steamship Breakwater is due to said for Marshfield. from the docks of the O, R, S N. at an early hour this morning. The steamer Yellowstone, lumber laden for San Francisco, is due down the river this meriting at an early hour; and will leave out at once. The French bark Asineres, with 1.420.000 feet of lumber for Austral ian delivery, loaded at the Hammond Mills dock, will haul to the stream today, and take tow to the 'high seas at the first practicable moment- Notice to Mariners. Captain Neumann of the German steamship "Arabia" reports that on February 22, 1909, in Lat. 42 02 min. Long. 133 53 min. W. he passed a broken yard to which a sail was at tached. Notice is also given that Seal Isl and Buoy No. 3, Suisun Bay, CaL, a first class spar, was permanently dis continued February 25, 1909 as no longer of use as an aid to navigation since the establishment of Seal Isl and Beacon No. 3- NEW TO-DAY Mirrors made in Astoria. We re plate your old mirrors and make new ones. Phone us about it. Allen Wall Paper & Paint Co. Notice to the Public. I desire to inform the public that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by the firm of Olsen & Ecklund doing business at 110 Fifteenth street unless same is au thorized by me personally. CHAS. ECKLUND. Feb. 26, 1909. ,. Try our own mixture of coffee the J. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegetables Badollet & Co., grocers. Phone Mair The Modern. The best and most up-to-date ton sorial parlor in the city is The Modern. Perfect comfort and service guaranteed to all. Excellent baths. Wood and Coal. If you want dry fir cordwood, in side fir, bark slab, or boxwood, ring up Kelly, the Wood and Coal Dealer, the man who keeps the prices down. Coal at $7.00 per ton in your base ment or $6.00 at yard. Main 2191. Barn, corner 12th and Duane. The Proper Place. Go to the Occident Barber Shop if you are particular and desire first class service. Satisfaction guaranteed. An expert bootblack and porter has also been engaged. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E W GROVE'S signature is on each box 25c. The very best board to be obtained in the city is at "The Occident Hotel." Rates very reasonable. CASTOR FA lor Infants and Children. lit Kind Yea KanAtesjsEsigJ Bsas the signature El PRESIDENT POPU LAR WITH HANHATTAfiS PRTPAR1NG TO RECEIVE THE x FLOWER OF THE NAVY AT BROOKLYN. NEW YORK, March 3--On the eve of Inauguration Day the flying visit of the President elect has set alt Gotham astir today. With Wall Street whirling its market down to diary depths over steel trade talk, the presence of Big Bill Taft has proved a welcome reminder to the public here that the curtain is rising m Washington on a new administration, new times and new faces. New York has become a familiar way-station in j the travels of Taft, and every hour of his final days of private life at his bro thers home here has brought about I him scores of old and new friends as well as the ubiquitous crew of office seekers. Already the thrill of the na tional ceremonies at Washington has spread over this island and hundreds on hundreds of its residents are hur rying off to represent it at the capi tol. It is years sinch such general ex citement has been shown in any out side event by this self-engrossed town. With every foot of its docks and shops put in readiness to receive Un cle Sam's globe-girdling men-of-war, the Booklyn Navy Yard is to-day roused to the top notch of sctivity and anticipation. There only a little over s year ago the finishing touches were put on the flower of the fleet preparing for the record voyage, an army of men and tons of machinery to-day wait its overhauling. Already a few bronzed sailormen from the war vessels are beginning to be seen about the streets of the metropolis and within the week New York ex pects to be entertaining whole de tachments of the tars who rounded the world. Not since the days of the return of victorious crews from Ma nila and Cuba has the public here been ready to extend as hearty a wel come to the man behind the guns as is today everywhere prepared throughout this town. If a call were made for grateful pa' tients to follow the body of brave Dr, Bull to the grave, Broadway could be lined from end to end with the ranks of men, women and children who to day mourn the surgeon as a friend as well as a source of renewed health and health. In the forty years of this master operator's association with the hospitals in this city, thou sands have benefitted by the expert touch that routed the gravest bodily ills. Hardly an hour in all this time had Bull devoted to much else but fitting himself to constantly do yeom ans service in his profession. In the tragic ending of this career by the very disease toward which it had been of late directed New York has lost one of her most useful workers.. Cannon Made Of Glass. One of the last things in the world, sas a writer of the March Strand Magazine, which one would expect the glass-worker to create would be a cannon; yet Messrs. Thomas Webb and Sons, of Strourbridge, England, recently built two cannon out of the finest cut glass. The guns weigh, with their limber, forty pounds each and measure twenty-four inches in length They wheel easily and move on their trunnions like ordinary cannon. Th( axle-tree and bearings are of ornz- mental brass. The creations may claim to be of some historic interest in that they are exact models of the famous ordinance with which Major-General Baden-Powell successfully defended Maleking. I he old cannon was dug up m that place during the siege, and investigation has since shown that this old cannon was cast in Staf fordshire, at an iron works within ten minutes walk of the glass-maker's es tablishment. During the siege the gun was known as "The Lord Nelson" and "Skipping Eally," the officers us ing the former name and the men the latter. An Old Wheel Of Fortune. In the village church of Comfort (near Pont-Croix), in Western Brit tany, is a very good specimen of the now rare "Wheel of Fortune." It is made of wood, with a row of bells on its outer rim and pivoted between a couple of rough beams-altogether very primitive workmanship. By means of a rod attached to a crank the wheel can be made to revolve and set all the bells a-jangling. I have often heard that the peasants believe that it has miraculous power of healing when rung over the head of a suffer er who has placed a sou in the box to which the rope is padlocked. I re ceived remarkable confirmation of tliis belief, for while making a photo graph a well-to-do sailor's wife and her husband esma into the church and looked round. The woman asked me if I thought three could be any truth in this belief, as her child was very backward in learning to talk, Her nurse, who came from those parts, had advised her to bring the baby and ring tne bills of comfort over his head, when he would be sure to talk. As she was passing, she had looked in to see if it was worth trying! March Strand Magaiiue. THREATS TO STRIKE. MANILA, March 3,-The latest development1 in the labor difficulties now agitating this city is a series of demands presented by the street rail way employes today to the company. The demands were accompanied with a threat to strike unless the conces sions are made or the company con sents to a conference. The car com pany has expressed its willingness to treat with the employes individually but it declines to meet the union. It is betieved that a strike will be de- lared tonight or early tomorrow morning. AUTHORITIES PONDER. Do Not Know What Charge to Bring Against Stuart. PORTLAND, March 3,-Although R. W. Stuart, s patrolman in the police department, was suspended over a week ago following s raid on the Hotel Quelle, planned apparently to catch the officer in a compromising situation, the case against him in the police court is rapidly degenerating into a farce. When the case was called .this morning it was found that no com ptaint had been made out by the city attorney's office. The deputy on duty sit the police court does not knoyr what formal charge can be laid against the policeman, for Stuart was not in a compromising position when he was discovered by the raider. Not only was there no complaint against the officer but none of the witnesses, the officers who raided the house, (appeared, so Stuart's attor neys, who, it is understood, will be raised for the purpose and to which large proportion of the police de partment contributed asked that the hearing be postponed until tomorrow The wife of the officer is standing by him. She came to the police court with him today in spite of his ob jections. "If I am willing to overlook this I cannot see that it is anyone else's business," she declared. She announced her entire willing ness to go on the witness stand in his behalf. Two Beautiful FUms. The Grand moving picture house is presenting two of the most beautiful and realistic flms seen in this city for a long time, to-wit, "Ruy Bias" the exquisite love story of a Queen of Spain for a lacquey, who by the inspiration of his love for her, rose to the Premiership of that nation, only to suicide in order to save the Queen's honor; and "Where Is My Wandering Boy Tonight?" one of the most vivid and potent pictures ever seen and one that gets into the heart and conscience of all who see it Both are on tonight's bill and neither should be missed. The Grand has swung into line on the four changes a week now and its bills are changed every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Mr. Daniel J. O'Sullivan, the expert typewriter, will be at the office of A. R. Cyrus, 424 Commercial street. where he will demonstrate the Oliver Typewriter, which is, without excep tion, the best machine on the market Call and see him, or phone, snd he wnl call on you.. ruicys nonev and lar cures coughs quickly, strengthens the lungs ana expels colds. Get the genuine in a yellow package. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drui? Store. THE POWER OF CASH WHEN BUYING MERCHANDISE. During his recent trip Herman Wise picked up between 300 and 400 mens Jf all buits made to retail at $13.50, $15.00, $17.50 and $18.50. But the manufacturers, while preparing for Spring trade were anxious to dispose of their Fall stock, and this the opportunity many merchants ed. In the evening at 8 o'clock Dr. are looking for as they then get hold "My three-year-old bov was badlv constipated, had a high fever and was in an awful condition. I gave him two doses of Folev's Orino Laxative and the next morninir the fever was gone and he was entirely well. Foley's Orino Laxative saved his life." A. Wolkush, Casimer, Wis. T. F. Lanrin, Owl Drug Store, AGliNTSl'OR KINO Tailored Waists I 150 SPRING MODELS Every Suit the New Spring Models NOT EVEN ONE CARRIED OVER) Materials are serges, prunlka, dirtctry cloths, and etc, Jackets are cut from 30 to 36 inches long, hipless or serai fitted lines. The (909 skirts ire al! 0! the gored style and are beautifully tailored and strictly in keeping with the lines of this season's models. Prices $15, $18, $20 and up SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Simiigtoii Dry Goods Co 1 0. a. c. is DOING PGR STATE IS MORE THAN MERE SCHOOL OF TECHNICAL TRAIN ING. CORVALLIS. Or., March 3.-A few years ago $I0,)0 were invested in durum wheat which was sowed in a country where one steer required 30 acres for his support. Five years later 3,000,000 acres of this land were sown in durum wheat and produced over 45.000,000 bushels. An invest ment of $10,000 in the beginning brought forth a crop worth $30,000,- 000 in approximately five year. Ore gon has many thousands of seres of land, part of which is producing l crop every ten years and part is sup porting a few steer. Statistics prove that from nine to twenty per cent of the dairy cows arc infected with tu berculosis. It has been proved beyond doubt that tuberculous cows are re sponsible in a great measure for the prevalence of tuberculosis in the hu man family, The Department of Agriculture of the Federal Government, through the and Agricultural Colleges is trying medium of the Experiment Sations to solve many problems of which these are two examples. In order to do this work many hundred thousand dollars are expended annually in car rying on experiments. By virtue of the progress made in these matters many hundred million dollars are saved and earned, and human life is made more stable. The State of Oregon with its wealth of undeveloped natural re sources and its great area of rich land needs more than most states the help of this great movement. Th Uregon Agricultural college is an agent in this great work. It is prepar ing the young men and women of Oregon In cope iv:'.!i the problem of industrial and agricultural life. If its work stopped here it would be deserving of the State's most liberal bounty. But in this it has only its be ginning. In its laboratories experts are studying soils and seeds, the life and diseases of plants and animals, the construction of roads and the ir rigation of lands, methods and means best adapted to the needs of the peo ple of this slate. The information so derived is given freely to those who come for it and as freely sent to those who cannot come, In other words the college is working constantly, intelli gently and effectively to advance the welfare of the people of this great commonwealth. The people of the state are just beginning to appraciate the practical value of this great work. This year their Legislature has appropriate! over three and one half hundred thousand dollars to make possible an extension and improvement in its scope and effectiveness. A hundred thousand dollars more were asked for and several hundred thousand more were needed. It costs money to send a state to college, but it pays. In other words the institution, social. ndustrial or educational, which can be fed on a hundred thousand dollars nd made to produce a million dollars s worth feeding. allot ot Suits NOW READY MMIMItMMMMHMMMMMMtMHIMMMIIIMM w AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. I Importers and Wholesale Liquor Dealers ; tMMM4HMMlM4HIMHHHMMMMIMmt LET US TELL Tungsten Electric Lamps Greatest sdvsncs In lighting method s since the Invention of incsndeaceat lamps. EXAMPLE 32 C. P. Ordinary slectrie lamp c onsumss 110 watts per how 32 C, P, "Tungsten" electric Ismp conimss . .... 40 watts per bow living , 70 watts per bow By using "Tungsten" lamps you can get 275 per cent increase In light for the same cost or In other words csn h sve the same quantity of Uluminsttoa for 33 per cent of the cost of lightin g with ordinary electric lamps, The Astoria Electric Co iSWfe) J vUJ nil If Alio Kind You Have Always Bought, and which Iina boon In use for over 30 years, has homo tbo signature of jrrf (. i ! ond h&a been made under his per CytfjJrfr., nal supervision slnco Its Infancy, Allow no one to deceive you In this, AM Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jimf-nx-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and ChUiken Experience against Experiment. What Is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is riwwant. It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other NarcotSe substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays FeverbthncflS. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Fopd, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, She Children's Fanacea-The Mother's Friend. eswuiriE CASTORIA alwavo Bears the The find You Hare Always -Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. " ceurAHi, t nwMt tmtn, w ran ant. AGKNTS l'OR OOSSARI) C O R S IJT S Direct from Norway another shipment of CHRISTIAN Bocft Beer i $2.00 per doz. 11 i.,J..W,U! YOU ABOUT Signature ot