The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 03, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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V V i '"' chiUrthat contains the unpleasant astringent principle
ftanninV. on
'vsn ft which COffce
Jii .'...- tint ,
l" " iuu IP" tut
" - - w f '
YonVul taste the difference ia the first copfub. The chaff has beeo
removed to- thi. cofleeby a wonderful .totting proem. Pack
edby chinery la veiled tln-it i the only pure cotfte, ire from
dost and tan-6erinf chat
A. V. ALLE N ijdgent
poscd by Dr. Joseph L. Howard of
this city, Sidney J. Dabney, formerly
of the Dabney Investment Company
and hit partner, James O'Lone are
ia Jail charged with conspiracy to
make way with James Goodwin, an
aged and wealthy miner of Nevada.
Dr. Howard was oered x one-third
f the fortune of the old miner if he
would consent to give the conspira
tors a death certificate stating that
Goodwin had died from alcoholism.
Several days ago Dr. Howard was
summoned by Dabney to treat a wo
man alleged to be Mrs. O'Lone,
whom he found suffering from alcoh
olism. After treating her he was tak
to into another room where he found
Goodwin, who was so ill from the ef
fects of drinking that the physician
lad to give him hypodermic injection.
At a later call the men disclosed their
plot to make way with the miner
with the assistance of Dr. Howard.
The men had already secured a pow-
r of attorney from Goodwin. They
lad planned to keep him drunk until
he died from the effects, but on run
sing out of funds they brought How
ard into the plot After arranging to
have the men call on him at hit ho
tel, Dr. Howard told the story of the
plot to Captain of Detectives Ander
son. Detectives Freel and . Bunner
were stationed behind a screen- in
ihe Doctor's apartments, and after
listening. to enough of the conversa
tion, to convince them that a grave
crime was contemplated, they emerg
ed from their hiding places and ar
rested Dabney and O'Lone.
The detectives detailed on the
case stated that the woman alleged
:o be Mrs. O'Lone was the decoy used
to keen Goodwin on a continuous de
bauch. O'Lone is a stranger in this
city, but Dabney was the head of the
Dabney Investment Company before
the fire. While serving in that capac
ity he was arrested for embeixle-
ment. but the charge was dismissed
at the time of the disaster. The ar
rested men are held on the detinue
book but they will probably be for
mally charged today.
With the arrest of Sidney I. Danby
and Jay O'Loane and the removal of
James Goodwin, a wealthy Nevada
mining man to the hospital where he
is slowly recovering from a prolong
ed debauch into which he alleges the
prisoners led him, the prosecution in
the conspiracy charges against the
arrested men was suspended until
Goodwin was able to give further in
formation. Danby and O'Loane have
been booked on charges of conspiracy
to cause the death of Goodwin, while
Edith O'Loane, said to be the wife
of O'Loane, have been placed on the
detinue book pending a further in
vestigation. Detectives have run down
every clue of the past lives of the
two men implicated in the plot by
the story of Dr. Howard who inform'
ed the police on Sunday last that
Danby and O'Loane had offered him
a third of the $60,000 estate of Good
win if he wuld sign a death certifi
cate showing the Nevadan had ex
pired from alcholosim when death
occurred from whisky which they
had been plying him by the tumber-ful.
You Are Invitsd to Visit This Place.
. s
' . Tf If ..4 1
mm v r . r w w s
I" 3
This is a view of the laboratory in Lynn, Mass., in which
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is made. '
There is a sign 5 feet long and 2 feet wide attached, permanently,
to the front of the main building which reads as follows :
Public inspection invited from 8 A.BI. to 4 P.M.
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.
h What does this sign mean ?
It means that public inspection of the laboratory and methods of
doing business is honestly desired. It means that there is nothing
about the Pinkham business which is not "open and above-board."
It means that a permanent invitation is extended to anyone to
come and verify the statements made in the advertisements of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made exclusively
from roots and herbs ?
Come and See for Yourself.
Do the women of America continually use as much of it as we
are told ?
Come and See for Yourself.
Was there ever such a person as Lydia E. Pinkham, and is there
any Mrs. Pinkham now to whom sick women are asked to write ?
Come and See for Yourself.
Is the vast private correspondence with sick women conducted
by women only, and are the letters kept strictly confidential ?
Come and See for Yourself.
( Have they really got letters from more than a million women ?
Come and See for Yourself.
Have they proof that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
las cured thousands of these women i
Come and See for Yourself.
This advertisement is only for doubters. The great array of
romen who know from their own personal experience that no
medicine in the world equals Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound for female ills will still go on using and being benefited by it ;
but the poor doubting, suffering woman must, for her own sake, be
taught confidence, for she alsp might just as well regain her health.
WASHNG1TON, Feb. 28.-By
signing the bill for the creation of
the Calaveras National Forest, Cali
fornia, President Roosevelt has com
pleted the legislative act which saves
for all time the most famous grov
of trees in the world. The people of
California, particularly the 500 wom
en of the California Club, have been
working to interest the Government
in this wonderful grove of Big Trees
for more than nine years, but not un
til now has it been possible to ar
range a plan satisfactory alike to the
owner of the land and to Congress.
The Senate Bill passed by the
House of Representatives has just
been signed by the President. Every
one interested in the great natural
wonders rejoices that as a means of
saving the Big Trees, the way has
been paved for a practical exchange
of the timber in the groves for stump-
age on other forest land owned by
the Government. The first Calaveras
Bill was introduced in the Senate four
years ago by Senator Perkins of Cal
ifornia. Bills for the same purpose
were passed in the upper house of
Congress a number of timet, but al-
ays failed of favorable considera
tion in the House untit Senate Bill
1574, also introduced by Senator
Perkins, was called up by Congress
man b. v. smun, ot iautorma. last
Robert B. Whiteside, of Duluth,
Minnesota, a prominent lumberman
operating in the Lake States and on
the Pacific Coast, is the owner of the
Calaveras Big Trees. After his agree
ment to the proposals which are sim
ply a practical exchange of timber for
timber, the entire California delega
tion gave its solid and enthusiastic
support to the bill. No appropriation
is needed carry out the provisions
of the act
The land to be acquired under the
bill incudes about 960 acres in what is
known as the North Calaveras Grove
in Calaveras County, and 3,040 acres
in the South Grove in Tuolomne
County. The North Grove contains
ninety-three Big Trees and in the
South Grove there are 1,380 of these
giant sequoias. Any tree under eight
een feet in circumference, or six feet
through, is not considered in the
count of large trees. Besides the giant
sequoias there are hundreds of sug
ar pines and yellow pines of aston
ishing proportions, ranging to the
height of 275 feet and often attain
ing a diameter of eight to ten feet.
There are also many white firs and
incense cedars in the two tracts- A
government study of the land was
made by a field party under the direc
tion of Fred G. Plummer, United
States Forest Service, in 1906.
The Calaveras Big Trees are known
the world over. The North Grove
contains ten trees each having a dia
meter of twenty-five feet or over, and
more than seventy having a diameter
of fifteen to twenty-five feet. Most of
the trees have been named, some for
famous generals of the United
States and others for statesmen and
various states of the Union. "The Fa
ther of the Forests," now down, is
estimated by Hittcl, in his "Resour
ces of California," to have had a
height of 450 feet and a diameter at
the ground of more than forty feet
when it was standing. "Massachu
setts," contains 118,000 board feet of
lumber; "Governor Stoneman,, con
tains 108,000 board feet, and the
"Mother of' the Forest," burned in
the terrible forest fire which licked
its way into a part of the grove last
summer, contains 105,000 board feet.
Each of these trees named grows as
much lumber as is grown ordinarily
on fifteen or twenty acres of timber
land. The bark runs from six inches
to two feet in thickness. Among the
other large named trees in the two
groves are "Waterloo," "Pennsylva
nia," "James King," "Old Bachelor,"
"Pride of the Forest," "Daniel Web
ster," "Sir John Franklin," Empire
State," "U, S. Grant," "W .T, Sher
man," "J. P. McPhcrson," "Abraham
Lincoln," "Connecticut," "Ohio,"
"Mrs. Grover Cleveland," "Dr. Nel
son," "General Custer," "Dr. J. W.
Dawson," "General Hancock,"
"Knight of the Forest," "Two Senti
nels," and "Old Dowd."
BERKELEY, CaL, March 2.-Tk-ing
refuge in n place so small that she
could not be followed, pretty nineteen
year old Kate Foley of this city defied
three of the huskiest officer! of the
local force to serve a warrant for her
arrest which they held. When the po
lice officers invaded her home Mis
Foley tied toward the attic and with
a mocking laugh dared the policemen
to follow. When the reached the at
tic the girl was safely esconced be
tween the wall and a chimney in a
space so small that although the po
lice could see her and hear her taunts
they were prevented from reaching
her by their superior avoirdupois. The
police considered smoking the girl out
and the use of ammonia fume to
dislodge her, but when her father ap
peared and offered $500 cash bail for
her appearance in court the three of
ficers left after complimenting Miss
roley on her gamencss. Miss Foley
was charged with battery on the per
son of Mrs. J. J. Hallahan.
OSSINING, N. Y March 2.-WI1-
liam Green, who gained considerable
notoriety by his novel plea that he
was too fat to rob a man in an alley
in which it was alleged that the crime
was committed, added another fea
ture to hi eccentric defense yester
day when arraigned for sentence.. lie
submitted 1 petition signed by ninety
women of this place, which read
"We do hereby certify that we al
ways felt safe in passing the section
while William Green was in that
neighborhood beause he would never
let any Italians bother us. We believe
that he has made this place safe for
ladies to pass by without any inter
ference or fear and we pray for le
niency for Green."
The prosecuting attorney showed
that Green had a bad record, how
ever, and he was sentenced to serve
four years and six months in prison
despite his petition.
For Infants and Children.
IS3 Kind Yea Haw Always EosgJ
egoature of
HONOLULU, March t -Jack
Johnson, champion heavyweight pugi
list of the world, arrived here today
on the steamship Makura from Aus
tralia. He will give an exhibition
here tomorrow, after which he will
depart for Vancouver, From Van
couver he wilt go to Chicago and
then to his home in Galveston, where
he will visit his mother. After a
brief visit there he will go to New
York and then to London, where he
has a series of music hall engage
ments. The conqueror of Tommy
Burns stated on his arrival here that
he stands ready to fight any man for
a purse and a side bet of $5000.
Johnson says that he was badly treat
ed in Sydney. He complains that the
Australians are bad losers, but says
that he was well received in the mu
sic halls of Melbourne, Perth Kal
goorlie and Adelaide on a tour which
he made just before sailing for home.
WASHINGTON. D. C, March 2-
The credentials of Senator Stephen
son of Wisconsin were laid before
the Senate today and ordered printed
and to lie on the table. Senator La
Follette said the credentials do not
state all the facts since the legisla
ture is still balloting.
MADISON, Wis., March 2.-There
will be no election of United State
Senator until after March 15 when
me investigation committee is sup
posed to conclude the work accord
ing to anti-Stephensonites.
juror was accepted on both sides in
the Calhoun trial today, again bring
ing the total in the jury box up to 11.
Eilers' Piano House Will Make Lib
eral Term to Secure Second-Hand
Organ Either For Cash Or On
Exchange Basis.
Being in a position to dispose of a
number of second-hand Organs at
once, we will take your old instru
ment either for cash, or as part pay
ment toward any piano in our stock,
rather than wait for these instru
ments to come in through the usual
course of business.
If your Organ is in good playable
condition, or can readily be put in
saleable shape, we would like to have
you call on us at your earliest con
venience and we will be glad to make
you an attractive offer. In case you
live too far out to make us a per
sonal call, write us giving a 'full de
scription of your Organ, when our
mail-order department will immedi
ately write you giving our most lib
eral terms.
Remember, it is necessary for us to
have these Organs at once, so call or
write today. Eilers Piano House, 353
Washington street, Portland, Ore, ,,,
A4 9 a. mm. SKarp
begins the greatest sale of ladies' wearing apparel
and furnishing goods ever held in the state of Ore
gon. The entire stock of Jalcff s fine goods has
been assigned to us for quick disposal, and if prices
are an object to the ladies of Astoria it should be
sold out before the end of the week.
H Take Advantage of Our Offerings
Shop Early to Avoid the Afternoon Rush
American Business Chance and Investment Co.
NEW YORK, March 2-Through
the eonfessionei made by Moy Lee
and Wong Scu, two Chincie who
were captured on Sunday as they
were being smuggled ashore from
Hamburg-American liner, federal au
thorities believe they have obtained
strong evidence of a well organised
system for smuggling Chinese into
this country. For many mouths
agents of the Department of Com
merce and Labor have been keeping
an eye on the steamer service be
tween this port and the West Indie,
but with little avail until Lorenzo
Cardo, an Italian storekeeper on the
Hamburg-American liner Priiu Sig
ismund, was arrested in the act of
taking the two Chinamen ashore. Af
ter an examination before Commis
sioner Shields yestesday the Italian
was held in $1,000 bail for further
hearing Saturday, while official! turn
ed their attention to the frightened
Through interpreters, Moy Lee and
Wong Sou said that they had come
from China by way of Canada, first
going to Montreal, thence to thi
city. They felt so insecure that they
later took passage for Kingston, Ja
maica, with the idea of being smug
gled into this country,
On arrival at Kingston the China
men said that they were met by an
other Chinaman and agent of the sys
tem, who carta ,or them and assist
ed them on board the Prinz Sigis
mu"d, when the ship Mopped at
Kingston. They said that the Italian
storekeeper hid them in the store
room and that their names were not
recorded on the ship's manifest. When
the steamer reached Savilla, Colom
bia, they were put ashore, where they
waited until the Sigismund again
made the port before sailing for New
York. They were smuggled again in
to the store room, where they were
concealed, they said, by the Italian
until the steamer arrived at this port.
By the aid of the alleged confession
of the Chinese, the authorities think
that they can establish a chain of ev
idence which will lead to many ar
rests, some on the Canadian border
and others as far west as the Pecific
Tungsten Electric Lamps
Greatest advance in lighting method sine the Invention of InctndtKMt
lam p.
W C P. Ordinary electric lamp coiuumet 110 watt per kow
32 C P. "Tungsten" electric lamp coiuumet 40 watts per boar
Saving 70 watt per now
By using "Tungsten" lamp yon can get 27S per cent Increase ia light for
the tame coat or la other word can b ave the tame quantity of 01 um (nation
for SS per cent of the cost of Hghtln g with ordinary electric lamp.
The 'Astoria Electric Co
Fisher Brothers Company
Marbour and Flntayton Salmon Twine and Netting
McCormick Harvesting Machines '
Oliver Chilled Plough , .
Sharpie Cream Separator '
Rsecolith Flooring Starrett't Tool
Hardware, Groceries,; Ship
Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid, Welch Coal, Tar,
Ash Oart, Oak Lumber, Pipe and Fitting, Bras Good,
Paint, Oil and Cits
Fishermen' Pur Manilla Rope, Cotton Twine and Seln Web
We Wo tit Your Trade
WASHINGTON, March 2. With
the inauguration near at hand the
population of the cit yis from 75,000
to 100,000 greater than usual and by
tomorrow night this surplus probab
ly will have added 31,000 members of
the civic and military organization
which will participate in the inaugu
ral parade, about a third have1 arrived.
The West Point cadets will reach
the city tomorrow afternoon and An
naplis "middies" Thursday mornintr.
Thtrc is every indication that the
weather will be favorable.
Will sell cheap round trip excursion tickets to Denver" May 17th,
July ist and August nth
On June and & 3rd, July and & 3rd and August nth
and lath, very low round trip rates will be made to St
Paul, Duluth, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago
and all eastern points,
Through Rail and Steamship tickets sold to all parti of
s i the world.
For fullparttculars call or address
Q. B. JOHNSON, aen'I Agent A. & C. R. R.
12th St, near Commercial 8t ASTORIA, OREGON.
How to Operate a Movinrf Picture Machine t! Horn
How to Rent or Buy a Moving Picture Machine,
How to Make Big Money at Entertainment and Amusement.
How to Obtain Position Which Pay $35 Per Week.
Tow to Become a Finished Operator.
We Give Intructlon That A re Simple and Interesting.
We Have the Neweit Method of Teaching by MafL
We Send You on Receipt of $1.00 Complete Instruction.
We Teach Operators How to Pass All Examinations.
We Represent the Leading P 11m Exchange.
Remittance to Independent Theatrical Exchange.
400-403 Burke Building, Seattle, Waih.