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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1909)
TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1909. 6 THE MOUSING ASTORIAN, ASTOKIA, OREGON. EE EGG SHORT Hi 13 PROMPTLY MURDERED CHICAGO CHEF VICTIM OF IN SANE TEMPER OF WAITER YESTERDAY. CHICAGO, March 1-In a cell a police station G. C Harbaugh, waiter, awaits formal arraignment for killing Charles Kelly a cook, by plunging carving knife through his heart. Harbaugh had ordered three eggs for a customer, the cook blun dered and prepared only two and the waiter, insanely angry, slew him after a short quarrel. The sergeant who took Harbaugh into custody, gave a metaphysical tiew of the crime when he had dis posed of his captive, Now, when you write this up," he aid, "don't go and say "the two men quarreled over an egg.' Nothing of the kind happened. The egg was just an incident You might as well say that those seventy men were killed oat at the crib by a parlor match. What killed them was dynamite. What killed Kelly was Harbaugh's 'grouch.' The egg just started Har fcaugh'a 'grouch' going. You needn't blame Harbaugh too much for hav ing that 'grouch,' either. Most men hare crouches- Another name for them is deranged nerves. They don't j always bring on a murder, but they re responsible for a big percentage of the minor crime. The average 'grouch" is as dangerous to human life as a ton of dynamite. It breaks up families by causing quarrels at the breakfast table. It makes partners fight and brings on bankruptcy. Its started as many men on the road to ruin as whiskey ; "This murder was committed late, in the day. Harbaugh had been work- j ing since early morning with the I grouch accumulating all the time. , When that customer ordered the eggs ' he was just about ready to blow up. j Finally the eggs came and there were i only two of them. The customer kicks j to Harbaugh, blaming him. There's' the parlor match that lit the dyna mite. The cook and the waiter quar reled. Harbaugh goes for the carving knife. It was the easiest thing within reach. One swing of the knife and its all over. Kelly's on the floor, dead. Harbaugh is standing over him with the knife in his hand, wondering how h all happened. Then in came the po Ece and Harbaugh's on his way to the police station and maybe to the gallows." UHSSI IK Beginning' Tomorrow Wednesday at 9 a. m. STOCK JALOPPSThe Style Store p f GOBS AT RETAIL, SALE -P ? This big stock of fine goods lor Women and Misses will b sold at Forced Sacrifice Sale at such prices as it will bring. In order to settle all affairs retaining to the bankrupcy and future of Jaloff. The stock consists of several thousands of dollars worth of the choicest and most dependable goods ever found in a bankrupt sale Including new Spring Goods bought for season of 1909 No reserve will be made on anything, every pennies worth must be sold regardless of cost, loss or value. The time is short, and the trcmendeous sacrifice of this most elegant stock, will appeal with telling force to every thrifty lady within trading distance of Astoria. j j J j 414 f ( f" worth of Suits, Coats, Skirts, Petticoats, Jackets, Opera Wraps, Waists, Corsets.Under Hk - t wear, Ribbons. Veiling, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Furs, Leather Bags, Silk Embroid ery Yarn, Umbrellas, Gloves, Neckwear Rnssing at 25 to 60 per-cent Off Former Prices Cr IF. Y I1 NATURE'S WARNING. Astoria People Must Recognize and Heed It Kidney ills come quietly mysteri ously, But nature always warns you. Xotice the kidney secretions. See if the color is unhealthy If there are settlings and sedi ment, Passages frequent, scanty, painful. It's- time then to use Doan's Kid ney Pills, To ward off Bright's disease or dia betes. Fred Land rock, living on Third St., Hillsboro, Ore., says: "My wife suf fered from kidney and bladder trouble for a long time and could find no re lief. She suffered from pains in her back and limbs and was lame and tired. She also had trouble with the kidney secretions. At last we heard about Doan's Kidney Pills and pro cured" a box. They helpl her from the first and in a short time she was free from every symptom of the com plaint. I also used Doan's Kidney Pills and the results were highly sat isfactory." For sale by all dealers. Price, 50 cents- Foster-Milburn Cp., Buffalo, Xt Yi rk, sole agents for the United S:ates. Remember the name -Doan's and take no other. Subscribe to the Morning Astorian. ,iJ rents per month. FINE STOCK LADIES SUITS This most superb assortment will appeal to all good dressers, as JalofTs weakness was too many fine goods. The prices quoted below do not in many cases represent halt original prices and places the worlds best within the reach of all. S3.C3 to $16.50 for choice cf all JalofTs fine suits, was $20 to $50 COATS AND JACKETS J,95 and up. but in no case over one-half former price for JalofTs elegant coats. SKIRTS Panama, Vaile, Etomene, Silk clothes, Serges etc., at one-half and lots of them at less. SILK PETTICOATS A most elegant variety of blue, grays, greens, drab brown, black, etc. 52,75 big lot very choice values to $5. 3,25 for choice lot to $6 values. 4.25 for vefy select lot, Jaloff 's to $7.50 ones 7,95 best silk in house, originally $15. WAISTS Lot No. 1 Special Great Bargains 25fi to 95c originally 75c to $2.25. White, fancy, blacks, flanneletts, satins, etc. Hundreds of Fine Waists at Different Prices $1.25 t0 $3.95 for choice of the finest silk or net waist, former prices to $12.50. Select CORSETS styes, very desirable, values 75c to $7.50 Just one-half original prices. VAILS Face and drape at just one-half price. OXOVES 65c fr s'ik gloves worth $1.50. $1.10 3 A last kid street and dress gloves. 1.75 fr long kid $3.50 gloves; several colors. 2.25 choice of our $4 kid gloves. WHITE COTTON PETTICOATS 60C choice of all values to $1.5u. FURS A splendid variety of winter furs! in the very new est and best styles and kinds. The original price will be left on them all. Just select the ones you wish and pay one- half, that's all. UNDERWEAR Greatest Bargains Ever 25c takes choice any lot union suits, vests, pants worth to $1.50. Other underwear bargains worth your while. 25 PER-CENT OFF on Carlson & Curries Embroidery Silk now 8 for 25c all shades and colors. SPOOL SILK Carlson & Carrier, now 4 spools for 25c RIBBONS A large stock of fashionable shades in silk ribbons one-half price UMBRELLAS Great Half-price Sale of all Umbrellas, including both cotton and silk. Hosiery, Ruchings, Handkerchiefs, Collars,Purses, Hand such prices as it brings at FoicedBank rupt Stock Sale also Silk Embroidery Pieces for pillow tops and laundry bags, are all on the bargain tables and must be sold low prices must do it. hi 1 .. r".TV ? H 1 . i j L -WW -.1 ' 1. n . 1 7 ,11 L m , . m t i 1 V 1 A 1 1 ' J - f S3 rfK j, t) hi:. '"A- i t, NOTICE This vt trt conulns many goods not mentioned hert for wn ol tlmf nd tptct. The Jalof itock it nt of tht finest stocks in Ore gon. A bonl fide bankrupt tock on forced acriflce. retail wle, at such price a it will bring in order to dote it out at once. Bf"' N. L SOIIAFER, Mngr. American B. C. & Investment Co sssn FASHIONS FOR BABIES. ing, the distinction between baby's every-day clothes and his dresses for 'Perhaps the young mother may oest wear s mereiy in me quality 01 think that when she comes to make me mono v nen oaoy is exprcica 10 clothes for her baby she won't have to worry her head very much as to what's the fashion of the day," says Grace Maragret Gould in the Wom an's Home Companion for March. "Perhaps she thinks that baby clothes are always the same. If she does, she is a very mistaken little lady, for clothes for the little fo!ls show from time to time many of the innovations which makes the garments for grown ups in the mode. This is especially so this spring. Even the long dresses for infants show the Princess and Empire lines, and sleeves have dim inished greatly in size. The vogue for hand embroidery is also emphasized in baby clothes; not only is it used on the little dresses, but on the long cloaks and the dainty little flannel wrappers and sacques. '"It goes without saying that if ba ')ys mother is the sensible little wom an that she is quite sure to be, baby v ill have no frills and furbelows on his clothes. Simplicity is the fashion to-day. And baby clothes reflect the trend of the modes. Generally speak- jlook his nest his dress is of the sheer est of nainsook, lawn or longcloth and sometimes washable cotton chiffon." II vft '.- 1 1 1 i m a - - A. LOOK AT A KERNEL.OF COFFEE t..l,t .ntinehowmuchofitli chaE It ! this chaff that contains the unpleasant astringent principle (tannin), on ec-1 TT If ccmntofwhichcoffee llfirtMnOTAfl Tllll drinking does not "Vvwv Yon trill taste the difference in the first cupful: The chaff ha been removed from this coffee by a wonderful steekmtting process. Pack idby siachinery in sealed tins-it is the only pure coffee, free from dust and tannin-bearing chaff. PBICE, PER POUND, 40 CENTS V. ALLEN Sole Agent A PROSPECTIVE SHELTER. A well-known Senator was asked wh some politicians were always mak ing such a howl about the preserva tion of our forests. "Oh," he replied, ""they probably never know just when they may have to take to the woods." Success Magazine. HARD WORDS. you feel like the frosted Canadian actor. "A Canadian actor once had a cold reception here in New York, but he told me, one night, that at last he felt rather complimented. A scene shifter from a rival house had spoken of him in a way that seemed, by com parison with the newspaper criti cisms, splendid. "And in asking for two free seats : this is what the scene shifter had j said : I " 'It ain't for meself I want em. Oh igee! no. I seen 'im wunst, ye know. ; They're for the old woman. Like all i the women, she just wants ter say ! she's seen 'im. Don't worry none 1 about the kind o' seats they are. Any old thing'll do. On'y put 'er near the door, so's she kin git out in esse she don't like 'im.' " Ex. LOST SEASONS.' Oscar Hammerstein was discus-1 sing the extravagances of the Metro-, politan Operahouse . I "They have tried to corner opera," j he said. "They have on their pay rolls j more stars than they can use. That is why they hand out weekly thousands i of dollars to singers who haven't I sung. "I know that they tried to corner I opera in order to cripple me, but I I will say nothing against them," re sumed the famous manager. "They j have heard hard words enough. In the production of opera hard words are more the rule than soft ones; and ! Near Death In Big Pond. j It was a thrilling experience to I Mrs. Ida Soper to face death, "f'or years a severe lung trouble gave me intense suffering," she writes, "and several times nearly caused my death. All remedies failed and doctors said I was incurable. Then Dr. King's New Discovery brought quick relief and a cure so permanent that I have not been troubled in 12 years." Mrs. bopcr lives in J5ig J'ond, Pa. It works wonders in Coughs and Colds, Sore Lungs, Hemorrhages, La Grippe, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough' and all Bronchial affections. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Chas. Rogers & Son, druggists. Paul Gilmore as "Tony Allen" in "The Boys of Company B." "My three-year-old boy was badly constipated, had a high fever and was in an awful condition. I gave him two doses of Foley's Orino Laxative and the next morning the fever was gone and he 'was entirely well. Foley's Orino Laxative saved his life." A. Wolkush, Casimer, Wis. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. Cleveland Morlctt, journalist snd playwright, said the other day of I French associate. "He has a regular annual failure, hasn't he? His failures come round as regularly as the cold weather or old Blank's farewells "Old Blank, the tragedian ,you know, heard sad news from his doc tor last week. , " 'Yoti"il have to give up the stage in seven or eight years, sir," the doc tor said. 'Your organic trouble is slowly gaining ground. I've known it for a long, long time.' " 'Then why didn't you tell me?" said Blank angrily. You have cheated me out of several farewell seasons,'" Ex. LlixirtfS enna Cleanses the System El UQUvsDisneU tol acnes due to Constipation; Acts naturally, acts Truly as a Laxative. Best for Mcnromen and CKua- rert-youno ana Ula. y i ii v i fit 4. ei us lieneTictaiLTfecis Fisher Brothers Company SOLE AGENTS Msrbour snd Finlsyson Salmon Twines and Netting McCormlck Harvesting Msohinei Oliver Chilled Ploughs Sharpies Cream Separators ' Raecolith Flooring Starrett's Tools Hardware, Groceries,;, Ship Chandlery Tsn Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid, Welch Coal, Tar, Ash Oars, Osk Lumber, Pipe and Fittings, Brass Goods, Faints, Oils and Glass Fishermen's Pur Manilla Rope, Cotton Twine and Seln Web Wo Watit Your Trade FISHER BROS. BOND STREET 3 e aenutne which 1 ri r j r a& The full name of me torn- Always buy. the bi he nanv ' CALIFORNIA EgStrupCo. by whom it is manufactured . printed on the front of every package. SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS, one size only, regular price 504 p. Utile. & COLUMBIA RIVER R. R. Will sell cheap round trip excursion tickets to Denver May 17th, July tst and August nth On June and & 3rd, July and & 3rd and August nth and lath, very low round trip rates will be made to St , Paul, Uuluth, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and all eastern points, Through Rail and Steamship tickets sold to all parts of the world. For full particulars call or address O. B. JOHNSON, OeiVI Agent A. & C. R. R. 12th St, near Commercial 8t ASTORIA, OREGON. Subscribe to The Morning Astorian