The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 27, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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I The Store J phe T
I . -,'rKy x Ladies
Women BEELuXHIW0utfittcrs
I New Things From New York City
Mrs, CopeUnd't selection fro-n America" greatest fashion center.
Strictly tailored waista, in pUlt white, polka dots, stripes, hair lines,
etc. Long close-fitting sleeves, starched cuffs and collars. Ladies"
utia ws are receiving daily the very newest things fa suits, per
feet la workmanship materials and trimmings.
Dress Goods To this department w are adding constantly the
approved fabrics for the Spring of 1909.
The' British steamship Boveric
cleared from this port yesterday, for
Manila and Singapore. The 250,000
feet of lumber she loaded here, from
the Hammond Lumber Company's
dock, is for the Government, and will
be delivered at Manila- She will
probably get out on the early flood
this morning. ,
Captain Simon, of the British bark
Donna Franceses, lying off the Ton
gue, has purchased a fine little launch
from Robert Carruthers, for the
service of the slip. The crew of that
fine vessel will be paid off on the
12th of the coming month as their!
articles expire at that time.
The dandy Columbine, of the light
house fleet, came back in to port yes
terday, after a 12-day run to .the
lower Oregon coast The weather
has been so inclement she could do
practically nothing that she went out
to do.
The steamer South Bay entered
port yesterday morning from San
Francisco, and went direct to the
Hammond Lumber Company, for
cargo of lumber, for the return voy
age. ...
The steamer Tamalpais arrived in
yesterday from the Bay City and
went on to the metropolis for an
other load of lumber.
The oil tank steamer Maverick
came in from the California 'coast
yesterday morning, and went on up
stream without any loss of time at
Hampton Roads has just welcomed
her fleet of white lighters aud the
whole world has encored her magnift
cent outburst of joyous pleasure in
the great event Astoria Roads, in
a minor way, has a welcome for the
lesser fleet of lighthouse service ves'
sets that have made the 14,000 mile
voyage around from the Atlantic to
jthis, their home-port on the Pacific,
and the four fine craft are now snug
ly berthed at the commodious docks
; of the Government buoy station un
der the westering shoulder of the
famous Tongue Point.
The fleet was visited officially yes
terday by Captain C F. Pond, U. &
The steamers Nome City and St. X, commanding this, the Uth light
Helen s are both due down from the house district, and duly inspected;
Willamette river sometime tomor- and at the same time, Captain Pond
row, en route to San Francisco. adjusted the various assignments of
officers and ships and made all ar-
The Astoria Lumber Company's rangements for the dispatching of the
steam launch Viking has been duly officers who came out with the ves-
mspected by the federal inspectors I el from the East, under contract, to
The steamer Argo came down yes
terday morning early from Portland
with a big load of freight for Tilla
mook waters and went to sea almost
directly, Captain G. S. Dexter in
The steamship Rose City came
down the river a little after midnight
last night and will leave out for the
Bay City at 4 o'clock this morning.
The steamer Sue H. Elmore went
to sea and Tillamook Bay yesterday
morning, with plenty of passengers
and a good line of general freights.
The steamer Saginaw is due down
this morning from Portland, laden
with flour and lumber, for San Francisco.
The steamer V. S. Porter is due
down from up river points this
morning, outward bound for San
When the steamer Lurline went up
stream last evening at 7 o'clock, she
hadon her register J. E. Davis, L- VV.
Morton, the Misses Stoner and Wal
ler. E. B. Taylor and W. S. Wood.
and passed.
The steamship Arabia has reached
San Francisco from the Orient and
is due in this port on Monday next.
Capt. J. A. O'Brien of the Ameri
v.,, aitauiiiiip ivortnwestern re
ports that in Hinchembrok entrance,
their homes on the Atlantic seaboard,
and they will all depart in the course
of a very few days. Superintendent
R. C Hart, accompanied Captain
fond on the tour of inspection.
The assignments of the vessels
was as follows: The Manzanita, ten
der, to this port, for general duty,
along with the Armeria. Columbine
Alaska, passed throuch laree field of and Heather; the "Columbia River'
ice both going in and coming out (Xo" 88)1 10 the pIac now occuPiei1
Also on February 14, 1909, in Lat by li8h,shiP No- so: the "Swiftsure
SO 30 min. N. Lone. 139 10 min W w. the Swiftsure Banks, off
took off the crew of the sloon W the SM nd of the Straits of Fuca;
get" which was abandoned. The and th "Relief (No. 92), to this port
ot the Nugget" reports having
sighted a two-masted schooner dis
masted in the same ncinitv. Tohn
lIcNuIty, Nautical Expert.
Notice To Mariners.
xhe following information affects
the aids to navigation of the 1.1th
Lighthouse District.
Washington Columbia River La
Du Light was temporarily replaced.
February 14. on the single-pile dol
phin from which it was formerly
for special duty, in the event her
services are needed in place of the
lightships now, or to be, on duty off
the coast.
Captain Olsen, now master of the
ightship off the Columbia bar, No.
50, takes commsnd of No. 93; and
First Mate Rasmussen, of No. 50,
goes to the command of No. 88.
Captain Byrne, of the Heather, it is
said, will take command of the new
Manzanita, but who will succeed him
on the Heather is not yet announced.
The Relief lightship has had no
assignments made to her as yet, and
List of Lights, etc., Pacific Coast 1,1 y not have, until necessity arises
1908, page 38, No. 145. for it
List of Buoys, etc. Pacific Coast, A representative
1908 page 65.
Washington Columbia River St.
Helen's Jetty Light. February 15
this light was temporarily replaced
on the jetty in the position from
which it was formerly shows.
List of Lights, etc. Pacific Coast,
1908, page 42 No. 166.
List of Buoys, etc- Pacific Coast,
page 69.
Oreeon and Washington -Coh.m- Llst of Buys' etc., Pacific Coast,
bia River The following buoys found 1908 Pa8"e 8a
missing have been replaced.
of the Morning
Astorian had the pleasure of visiting
the new ships and was given carte
blanche by Captain Pond to inspect
them from stem to stern, a privilege
that was gladly used, and one that
resulted in more than a cursory "look
in, he being made cordially welcome
previously been reported miss-
Martin Island Bar Buoys 2 and 4,
February 14.
Reeder Crossing Buoys, 4 and 6,
February 15.
List of Buoys, etc, Pacific Coast.
1908, pages 68. 69 and 70.
Oregon Willamette River Coon
Island Light. February 15 this light
was moved to the edge of the bank
on Loon Island, and will hereafter
be shown, 10 feet above the water,
from an arm on a white stake, at a
point about 225 feet 271 deg. 00 min.
true (NWN. mag.) from its former
List of Lights, etc, Pacific Coast,
1908, page 44, No. 187.
List of Buoys, etc Pacific Coast,
1908, page 72.
Washington Gray's Harbor En
tranceOuter Buoy, a PS lst-class
can, was replaced February 21, hav-
Notice to the Public
I desire to inform the public that
I will not be responsible for any
debts contracted by the firm of Olsen
& Ecklund doing business at 110
Fifteenth street, unless same is au
thorized by me personally.
Feb. 26, 1909. ,,
Try our own mixture of coffee th'
J. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegetables
Badollet & Co., grocers. Phone Main
The Modern.
The best and most up-to-date ton
sonal parlor in the ,city is The
Modern. Perfect comfort and service
guaranteed to all. Excellent baths.
Ladies' Tailored Waists $1.50
White Dress Linen 35c to 50c a yard
Bed Spreads $10 to $3.00
Curtain goods 15c to 50c a yard
Dresa ginghams , 12 Jc a yard
Tan Hose (regular 50c value), double soles 35c a pair
Black Lisle Hose (regular 50c value), double soles 35c a pair
14-jt Enamel Dish Pan, our regualr 65 center (1 to family), 35c ea.
Another 10-cent Enamel ware. assortment to sell at 7c each
Wood and CoaL
If you want dry fir cordwood, in
side fir, bark slab, or boxwood, ring
up Kelly, the Wood and Coal Dealer,
the man who keeps the prices down,
Coal at $7.00 per ton in your base
ment or $6.00 at yard. Main 2191.
Barn, corner 12th and Duane.
The Proper Place.
Go to the Occident Barber Shop if
you are particular and desire first
class service. Satisfaction guaranteed.
An expert bootblack and porter has
also been engaged.
The very best board to be obtained
III the Cltv IS at "The OrrirUnt
Hotel." Rates very reasonable.
Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days
PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed
to cure any case of Itching, Blind.
Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to
14 days or money refunded. 50 cents,
Subscribe to the Morning Astorian.
60 cents per month.
by the officers of the little ships in
severalty. The Maiuaitita was, of
course, the center of attraction, being
the biggest and handsomest of the
quartette. She is a modem and beau
tiful vessel of steel, frame, decks and
spars, equipped with every new and
useful thing that can be incorporated
in a strictly up-to-date government
Captain Albert Barron brought
her out, and she was officered for the
voyage by the following staff First
Officer, E. W. Bartow; Second Offi
cer E. G. Freeman; Chief Engineer
V. L. Brown; First Assistant Engi
neer Thomas McGrath; and Second
Assistant Engineer L- S- Brooks.
She carries a crew of sailors and fire
men numbering 23 besides these gen
(lenient. The Maruanita is elegantly and
comfortably quartered throughout,
with every possible convenience,
being principally done in mahogany,
maple, brass and plate-glass; she has
patent baths and toilets; steam heat
ing raditors; electric lights and fans
in all quarters; powerful patent
winches, sounding machines, and
cranes for handling all the utilities of
the service and the finest of launches
and boats; her life launch being a 35
horse power automobile which eas
ily makes 12 knots an hour in any
kind of a sea a boat my venture in.
She has steam steering gear, with
telegraph engine indicators, Hyde
windlasses, and all modern appliances j
for systcmizing and simplifying her
work in all directions.
Her engines are of the latest pat
tern; being triple twin-screw type,
with piston valves employed through
out; one condenser for both en
gines; duplicate feed pumps, one cir
culator and one air pump; fresh and
salt water sanitary pumps, separate:
and an fire and general utility pumps.
along with steering engines. She has
two turbine driven dynamo, one of
10 horsepower and the other of 120
horse-power, for lighting the ship;
and an evaporating and distilling
plant that produces 2000 gallons of
imon-?pure drinking water every' 24
hours. She has a one-pipe heating
systes with radiators all over
the vessel, the first of its kind
to be installed on these vessels, and
fine bank of Scotch boilers; and
her proud chief reports that every
detail of her mechanism worked like
charm for every mile of her vast
journey around the "Horn."
She is a "pippin", and will be an
ornament, as well as a splendid
utility, on this big station. On the
way out she demonstrated her caps
city for towing by hauling the No-
88 for a distance of 1475 miles at
single stretch, to save the fuel of th
plucky little snip she was convoying.
The bunker capacity of the Manza
nita is 125 tons for a 12-day run.
In describing one of the other
three, the fleet of lightships are
practically covered. They are "all
of a piece," class, build and equip
ment; stout and sturdy and sea
worthy to the last degree; clean and
irderly and possessing every device
They do n6t differ radically from the
hips now in service here, save in
such later utilities s have been de
vised and applied in the course of
their newer construction. They are
officered as follows:
No. 88 Captain, S. M. Tonning
hrst officer, Charles Ward; second
officer, Charles A. Modaar; chief en
gineer, Walter Cassell; first assistant
engineer, ueorge tsnnn; second as
sistant engineer, Ernest Lof. Her
crew numbers 11 besides these off)
cers. She makes eight knots an hour
at sea, and carries 100 tons of coal.
No. 92 Captain, George H. Toon;
first officer, Fred R. Bergman; sec
ond officer, Jacob Nelson; chief engl
neer, Charles Harrison; first assist.
ant, Fred Valden; second assistant,
George Frey; crew, coal tonnage, and
speed the same as the other lightship.
No. 93-Captain, W. H. Phillips;
first officer, Eric Nelson; second offi
cer, Charles kludge; chief engineer,
Charles Steele; first assistant, W. C
Farnham; and second, assistant, Ed'
ward Meyers. In all respects she is
the mate of her sisters, differing from
mem only in oeing painted a warm
buff instead of a flaming red.
These gentlemen are all looking for
an early departure for the East, all of
them being men of families, and
thouRh they each and all have the
kindliest word possible for the Pa
cific, San Francisco, and Astoria, they
ire a unit in their desire to get back
home. They are, in the main, all
young men well trained to their posts
'and competent in the last degree, as
their success in bringing this frail
fleet over the vast course they did,
without loss of maty bolt or spar.
The Morning Astorian wishes them
luck and safety on the return journey.
Captain Pond said yesterday that
the Heather would be down from
Portland in the course of a few days,
ready for sea, and the task of setting
the new bar range-light that is to
figure in the approved plan for aim-
3 71
Spring 1909 Special
Made of French sergeJackets 30 inches long
trimmed with Ucngaline straps hiplcst or semi
fitted effect, skirt is gored, trimmed with buttons
and bias fold, lined throughout with liberty finish
ed satin colors navy old Rose reseda-Copenhagen
ton Dry Goods Co
plitying the entree of steamers over
the Columbia barrier; after which she
will proceed to the mouth of the Co
quille and put in a whistling buoy in
place of the minor aids now there,
following this with the setting of an
other whistling buoy to mark the
Duncan Rocks, off Cape Flattery.
Captain Pond returned to Port
land on last evening's express, hav
ing come dawn from the Buoy sta
tion on the Manianita, which tied up
at the foot of Ninth street and was
visited by scores of people glad of
the chance to imped her.
On Sunday evening next at the
Astoria Theatre, Arthur Cunning
ham, who in the past few seasons has
won an enviable reputation for bis
singing of the baritone roles with the
best organization' in the country
Mr. Cunningham has demonstrated
thoroughly that he is also an actor
of no mean ability, and has been se
lected by Joseph Murphy the veteran
actor as his successor in his famous
Irish play, "The Kerry Gow." It
will be in this popular play that Mr.
Cunningham will be seen in this city.
Mr. Cunningham is ably supported
by a large company and complete
scenic production.
Direct from Norway
, another shipment
Boclt Beer
$2.00 per doz. f
Col. Sawyers' great pack of gen
uine Siberian bloodhounds are be
yond fticstion the finest lot of can
ines of that strain ever found in this
country. They are somewhat larger
than our Rocky Mountain lions and
much more strongly made but, when
aroused or on a trail, have all the
fleetness and activity of these ani
mals. These famous hounds are tour
ing with Stetson's "Uncle Tom's
Cabin" Company this season and will
appear at the Astoria Theatre on
March 1st when this great organiza-
tion plays here.
Importers and Wholesale Liquor Dealers
Jefca Foa, Pres. P. L. Bishop, Sec Astoria livings Trt
Netaoa Troyer, Vice-Pres. tad Sopt
Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers
Correspondence Solicited. . Foot of Foartft Street
Sherman Transler Co.
Hacks, CsJTisges-Baggage Checked and Tranaferred-Trtwke and FaraJtw
Wagons Pianos Moved, Boned and Shipped.
414 Commercial Street . If-us rtume 1
atom 1 M
fyyy ww , mwwm, x
if &
Another Big Drop,
dozen Fresh Oregon $1.00
2 dozen Fresh Oregon 45c
1 dozen Fresh Oregon 25c
Butter, per roll 65c and 70c
Chickens to fry, roast or boil 22c
Choicest of half or whole hams, 15c
Choicest of bacon ..,..17jc
Lard, 5-lb. pails 65c
We have nothing but choice steer beef,
prime mutton, pork and veal. We do
not buy the refuse of old cows, bulls
and stags of the Portland Stockyards
that will not stand inspection and
ship them to Astoria with a substi
tution of burlap for fat. Of course,
75 out of 100 buyers don't know the
difference when such meat is cut up
and laid out on the counters. Ask
your doctor if that kind of meat is
wholesome. There is just as great a
ifference in the quality of meats as
ry goods, dress goods, or anything
you wear; but you should be more
particular what you cat. The best
can always be had at the
: 14...,
684 Commercial St
ilio Kind You nave Always Bought, ond nldch ban been
in me for over SO years, bos borne tho slfrtiuture of
. nd boa been motle nnder his petv
(2&jrfrA, ' sonal supervision ginco U infancy.
' Allow do one to deceive you In this.
All Counterfeit, Imitatloni and" JiiKt-ns-good" nre but
Experiment that 'rifle with and endanger the health of
Infant and Children-Experience against Experiment.
Castorta Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. IS
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotle
substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays FeverlHhncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
I!c,leve8 Teething Troubles, euros CoiiHtlpatloa
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
mach and Bowel-, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacca-The Mother's Friend,
Boars tho Signature cl
Tto Kind You Haro Always Bougl
In Use For Over SO Yeara.
fit trus Manor, Tt mum mcrr, utrn nm tm,