The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 27, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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GfjtSfiilfig r : "1 flsiorhro.
Established IS7X
Published Daily Except Monday by THE J. S. DELUNGER CO.
jr snail, per year , , 57.00
By carrier, per month JSC
?jr mil, per year, in advance....... $1.50
Entered as second-clst matter July 30, 1906, at the postomce at Astoria,
Oregon, nadcr the act of Congress of March 3, 1879,
Order for toe delivering of The Morning Astoriin to either residence
r place of business may be made by postal card or through telephone.
Any Irregularity in delivery should be immediately reported to the office
f publication.
Few persons who ever built
house are surprised to hear that the
Panama Canal will cost more than
the original estimate.
Air. noosons new lecture is on
dipolmacy ami the fleet It seems to
many citizens that Mr. fiobson
knows more about a hotfoot lack of
Oregon and Washington Occa
sional rain; colder in the east por
When congress was forced to take
up the secret service question again,
oa account of President Roosevelt's
reference to it in his messages, a de
liberate and palpable effort was made
to obscure the real issue by garbling
the President's words and finding in
them an occasion for taking offense
Congress has shown no disposition
to remedy matters, but instead has
taken further steps to discredit the
president's position on the subject It
could hardly have been supposed
that the misrepresentations would be
allowed to go unnoticed at the
White House.
The letter published Monday morn
fng- discloses some of the devices to
which opponents of the secret serv
ice have been compelled to resort.
To make it seem that a great sys
tem of espionage is being built up
all the men employed in enforcing
the pure-food laws and the safety ap
pliance act, as well as internal reve
nue and postoffice inspectors, in sup
pressing the liquor traffic among the
Indians and in protecting public
lands, have been counted as agents
of the secret service, and then, to
give' good measure, the number has
been shoved 1000 higher.
The discussion ought to be confin
ed to the actual secret service, which
comprises only a few men, trained in
the detection of crime. The Presi
dent has no difficulty in showing that
their assistance is needed in nearly
every branch of government work and
that the use of this service has not
been abused.
It is easy to see that by forcing
each department to hire its own de
tectives the general expense is in
creased. Private agencies must be
drawn upon, and competent men are
not alwas secured. The business-like
course would be to enlarge Chief
Wilkie's force and to attach it to the
department of justice, where it na
turally belonged. Then each depart-
ment might apply to it for men as
they were needed.
The conditions that make a central
secret service dangerous do not exist
in this country. Only criminals need
fear the detectives. Ex.
The woman suffrage workers at
Olympia are overjoyed at their sue
cess in securing the passage of their
bill in both branches of the legisla
ture. But the labors of the women
who are interested have only com
menced. The question will be sub
mitted to the voters at the next state
election, and the indications are that
it will be decided as in the past.
Washingon had woman's suffrage
briefly when it was a territory, but
it failed to stand the test of the
courts, and at the time of the adop
tion of the state constitution the bal
lot was denied' the fair sex. In 1898
the question, was again submitted,
and the suffragists were again de
I ne fortunes of the measure in
Oregon may be an index of what
the suffragists may expect in this
State. In 1900 the majority
against granting suffrage to Oregon
women wis 2137. In 1906, when the
question was submitted again, this
majority rose to 10,173, and in 1908
it waa 21,812.
These figures do not indicate prog
ress of the suffragist movement but
together with statistics from other
states and with the appearance of
organized opposition among the
women themselves, bear out the con
tention of Mrs. Humphry Ward that
the movement in the United States
is "obviously declining. Spokesman-
A bill at Olympia proposes to
garb all the supreme court judges
in lavender gowns- And lavender is
such a trying color for some com
plexions! Another argument for
woman suffrage and milliners in the
The Panama Canal hostilcs are
singularly short of facts when form
ally called upon to produce them-
A habit of reading the national
constitution at least once a year is a
good one even for the commentators.
Governor Hughes has called for a
conference on the subject of fighting
the brown-tailed moth. His exper
ience in downing the machine mi
crobe will be helpful.
If some thousands of Hindoos and
Japanese should drift toward Eng
land each month there would be
coior tine ana race line there as
quickly as in any country in the
Louisiana resents the idea that its
people eat varmints. Those who are
best acquainted with Creole bills of
fare occupy an Oliver Twist position
on the subject.
If he retains the office a year long
er Secretary, of Agriculture Wilson
will hold the cabinet record in length
of service. In point of valuable
work performed his rank will be en
tirely satisfactory.
After a brief experience' in states
manship Oklahoma has exchanged its
mighty telescope for an ordinary
pair of spectacles.
Uncle Sam is satisfied that there is
no trouble of a Tite Barnacle nature
connected with the working opera
tions of the big fleet.
Chicago Will Make Comprehensive
Effort To Protect Her Young.
CHICACO, Feb. 2S.-South Chi
cago has launched itself on a crusade
for the protection of its children.
Ministers, saloonkeepers, business
men, priests, attorneys, dorctors, and
police have mapped out a general
line of action and a committee has
been appointed to see that the work
does not lag. The congregation at
night of boys and girls in N'ickel
theatres, penny arcades, fruit and
confectionery stores, and in public
parks is considered one of the prin
cipal causes of juvenile delinquency
and to cure this evil an attempt will
be made to enforce curfew hours.
The police will be asked to visit
the places every night and personal
ly escort home the children found in
them, impressing on their parents
their duties in this regard.'
Automobile shows constantly in
crease in popularity. The population
of the United States is nearing 100,
000,000, all great American travelers.
Mr. Hearst and Mr. Haskell regard
each other as politically defunct, and
there is something to be said in sup
port of both sides of this controversy.
In the disposition of the United
States Navy enough should be left
on the New Jersey coast to form a
mosquito fleet.
CHICAGO, Feb. 26.-Two discol
ored letters, containing orders for
goods, mailed more than ten years
ago by a former salesman in im
cago, have just been received through
the mails by the Adchuler Wrapper
Company, Waukegan, 111. From their
appearance it is supposed they have
been in a mail box all the time. The
postal authorities have made no ex
Pushing clouds is a figurative ex
pression, but -there as no doubt of
King Edward's ability as a lifter of
war clouds.
Unless the Pacific States calm
down down both halves of the navy
will be only a moderate allowance
for that side of the continent. The
first step there should be to get rid
of reckless jingo bumptiousness.
The Philippines Insular Govern
ment is not so slow. It asks Wash
ington for 18 irrigation engineers.
With irrigation and its rainy season.
he archipelago ought to be reason
ably safe from drought.
When the fleet started around the
world Adniiral Evans said it was fit
for a fight or a frolic, and enough has
been proven to satisfy the world that
the 16 battleships are thoroughly
practical in every respect
CHICAGO, Feb. 26.-Federal se
cret service men are searching for a
young man of good "stage presence,"
who has been operating with coun
terfeit gold coins. Two women who
keep stores have in their possession
'spurious $5 gold pieces passed off
upon them by the engaging stranger,
First purchasing a package of tobac
co for five cents, the man paid for
it wth small change.
He inquired the price of cigarettes
and selecting some he paid for them
with the gold, apologizing for not
having smaller change with him.
The coins were made of some
white metal thinly coated with gilt-
L VL The grape
K1 reader of
f Y& tltut gives
IP " A
! WW"V
. 1 IT! UIWM 1 V '
Illustration is to remind the
the fact that thU healthful
to Royal it active and
ingredient. From the grape
erive those prime qualities which L
make it unique as a raising
agent a favorite with all who de
sire the finest, most healthful food.
Royal is the only Baking Powder
to&oe from Royal Crap Cream of Tartar
- "1 III
t M IS
NEW YORK, Feb. 26--Physicians
of the Harlem Hospital are watching
with interest the experiments which
are ebing made on Harry Needleman
tailor's son, who has been stunted
mentally and physicially by the remo
val of the thyroid gland in his neck
when he was six months old. Al
though he now is 26 years old, he is
only three feet 8 inches tall and
while he has the face of a man his
mind is that of a child. Surgeons are
now administering daily an extract
made irom tne tnyroia giana ot a
sheep by means of which it is hoped
to start again the long rewarded de
velopment of mind and body. Results
so far seem to be good, although the
case has not yet progressed to any
extent, where any marked change
can be noticed. Five grain doses of
the extract are given to the patient
order that his wonderful discoveries
may be more generally distributed
and incidentally that his work of dis
covery may not be hampered by busi
ness worries, the bruins and genius
of Luther Embank, the plant wiiard,
have been capitalized for several mil
lion dollars. The men who have se
cured the sole right 'to distribute to
the world the marvelous plant dis
coveries of the Santa Rosa natural-
st are HarthnJ Law, and his brother,
Herbert E. Law, two well known mil
lionaire of this city, and Oscar E.
Dinner, a wealthy eastern capitalist.
There is no limit to the rights whith
these men have secured except one
or two small contracts which Bur-
bank is now fulfilling.
Working alone Burbank has not had
time to give the results of all his ex
periments to the public, but now a
ystematic effort will be made to dis
tribute both his past and future pro
ducts to all the world. One of the first
things undertaken by the new com-
y will be toe fuller developrmtn
of the spineless cactus, which prom-
ses to transform desert wastes into
grazing land for cattle. In this con
nection it is announced that Bur-
Sunk has developed a cactus capable
of producing saccharine matter which
will yield both sugar and alcohol.
Like most men of genius,
is decidedly averse to the worries and
routine of business affairs and he wel
comes the incorporation as the best
means of ridding him of this handi
cap to his experiments.
Luther Burbank when asked re
garding the formation of the new
company made the following state
It is a fact that Mr. Herbert Law
and his brother and Mrs. Oscar K.
Dinner have obtained the sole right
to the handling of my products with
the exception of a few varieties I hav
already sold I am glad to be rid of
the business end. It will give me so
much more time for the development
of more fruits and flowers."
ie comptay vfH be called "The
Luther Burbanks Products Incorpor
Great Companies To Enlist The Sym
pathies Of Employes.
CHICAGO, Feb. 26,-The Chica
go, Burlington & Quincy railroad i
preparing for circulation among it
J8.0QO employes a pamphlet contain
ing an address by Vice-President
Daniel Willard, of which the key note
is a plea that the railroads be given
a rest from further anti-railroad leg
This, he declared is necessary in
order that they may adjust them
selves to the, conditions imposed by
the host of new laws passed within
the last two or three years.
Mr. Willard, asserts there are now
in Congress or in the Legislature of
the eleven states traversed by the
Burlington, 372 proposed law regu
lating the railroads and the employes
are ssked to co operate with the
management by using their influence
to oppose such legislation.
WASHINGTON, Feb. :6--Don
Gonzalo de Quesada, Cuban minister
to the United tSates. left Washing
ton on Wednesday night for Havana,
for a conference with President Go
mez of Cuba, it is reported. It is be
lieved there that Mr. Qncsada will be
transferred to a European post, pro
bably Madrid. It is said that he will
be succeeded here by Carlos Garcia
Velez. a son of General Callxto Gar
cia, one of the Cuban revolutionary
generals and a former minister to
Portland Embezzler En Route Home
To Answer Old Charge.
LOS ANGELES. Feb. 26.-D. H
Williams of Bisbee, Az., was taken
through Los Angles on his way
Portland, Ore., to answer a charg
of embezzlement which is alleged to
have been committed five years ago,
Sheriff Stevens of Multnomah Coun
ty is in charge of Williams, who is
accused of having stolen $2000 from
the funds of the Leatherworkers
Union, of Portland.
The arrest of Williams created
sensation in Bisbee He had enjoyed
an enviable business reputation there
and had been quite active in political
His record in Bisbee has been clean,
Starting out there four years ago.
unknown, as a workman in the
Hughes Harness shop he slowly
worked his way upward1. At the time
of his arrest he was manager of the
Mason Vehicle Factory, the largest
establishment of its kind in the terri
Following his arrest Williams was
released on $1500 bonds. Bisbee
friends willingly signing the bond
That night he made an ineffectual atr
tempt to get across the border. His
bondsmen at once asked to be ex
cused and since then the man has
been kept under close guard.
Revolts at Cold Steel.
"Your only hope," said three doc
tors to Mrs. M. E. Fisher, Detroit,
Mich., suffering from severe rectal
troubles, lies in an operation, "then I
used Dr. King's New Life Pilli" she
writes, "till wholly cured." They pre
vent Appendicitis, cure Constipation,
Headache, 25c at Charles Rogers &
Son's drug store.
The Secret of Long Life
A French scientist has discovered
one secret of long life. His method
deals with the blood. But long ago
millions ol Americans had proved
Electric Bitters prolongs life and
makes it worth living.. It purifies, en
riches and vitalizes the blood, rebuilds
wasted nerve cells, imparts life and
tone to the entire system. Its a god
send to weak, sick and debilitated peo
ple. "Kidney trouble had blighted my
life for months," writes W. M. Sher
man, of Cushing, Me., "but Electric
Bitters cured me entirely." Only 50
cents at Charles Rogers & Son's drug
For Infants and Children.
Tk Kind Yoa Kaira Always isogt
Tokio Artisan Revoke Their Decis
ion Not To Exhibit At Seattle.
TOKIO. Feb. 26.The Athikaga.
an organization of weavers, have re
traded the resolution which they
adopted several weeks ago, not to
participate in the Alaska-Yukon-Paci-fic
Exposition, be held at Seattle
this Summer. 'Ihe retraction states:
"We desire to retract the resolution
not to participate in the Seattle fair
on recognizing that we have been
misled. We desire to reciprocate the
sympathy and good will exhibited by
the people of America and particular
ly of Seattle."
Are Appreciated by Astoria People.
Thousands who suffer from back
ache and kidney complaint have tried
one remedy after another, finding
only temporary benefit. This 1 dis
couraging, but there is one special
kidney medicine that cures perma
nently and there is plenty of proof
right here in Astoria.
There is the testimony of one who
used Doan's Kidney Pills years ago,
and now states that the cure was
D F. Duncan, Astoria, Ore-, says:
For years I suffered -from kidney
complaint. 1 had a constant, dull
ache in the small of my back, and
the kidney secretions were too fre
quent causing me much annoyance.
Hearing of Doan' Kidney Pills, I
procured a box at Chas. Roger drug
store and received immediate relief.
1 continued taking tnem and was
soon free from the complaint."
(Statement given Feb. 14, 1903).
A Permanent Cure.
On Sept. 3, 1907, Mr. Duncan con
firmed the above saying: "I can add
nothing to my statement made in
1903 except that I have not had the
slightest symptom of kidney com
plaint since."
For sale by all dealers. Price, SO
cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo.
New York, sole agent for the United
Remember the name Doan' and
take no other.
Truth and
appeal to the Well-Informed In every
tralk of life and are essential to permanent
suoceM and creditable standing. Aoeor
tagly, It Is not claimed that Syrup of Fig
and Elixir of Senna I the only remedy of
knows value, but one ot many reason
why U I the beat of personal ami family
laxative I the fct that It cleanse,
sweeten ami relieve the Internal organ
on which It acta without any debilitating
after effect and without having to Increase
lbs quantity from time to time.
It sU pleasantly and naturally and
truly as s laxative, and it component
part are known to and approved by
physicians, a It I free from all objeetion
able sulMtance. To get lU beneficial
effect alway purchase the genuine
manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co., only, and for sale by all leading drug-
When you find out how easy It Is
to do s good job of painting with s
good paint and a good brush, call
and see our line. We art headuuar-
ter for paint and painter' supplies.
Prices always right.
Allen Wall Paper
and Paint Co.
Uye Quelle
Opposite the Bakeronian
HOME-MADE, and of the choicest
ingredients; put up under supervis
ion that guarantee tbtir perfect
freedom from all deleterious matter.
Nature provides
bit one
It Is the natural winter
dome of many thou
sand of the world's
best psopl. Under the
tentlt Influence of It
salld winter cllmstt,
very smusemtnt snd
recreation boa ads.
bathing, boating, nth
Ing, driving; such pic
nlct, parties snd "Jollification,"
Los Angeles, Psso
Roblfi Hot Springs
Hotel del Monte, San
ta Barbara, San Diego,
Sants Monies, Venice,
Long Beach, Sants
Cms, or 'score of
similar resorts snd yoa
will find beslth, eon
genitl surroundings,
bospltsbls sstoclstst,
faultiest accommodi
Hons snd numberless
sttrsctlont snd convenience.
The Southern. Padtlc Co.
Mskc Inexpensive round
trip excursion rates to Cal
ifornia. A six months stopover
ticket Portland to
Los Angeles and return
is $55.00
Corresponding rates sre in
effect to other points.
We have some eery distinc
tive literature covering Cali
fornia' winter retorts, snd
will take pleasure In giving
you all of the Information
snd staiitsnce st our command.
For tickets, tleeplng car reser
vations, etc, call on, tele
graph, or write
WM. McMURRAY, Gen. Psssj
Agt Portland, Oregon.
First-Class Liquors and Cigars
03 Commercial Street '
Comer Commercial snd 14th! . ASTORIA, OREGON
- " nBtammsmrmmm
m nw
Subscribe to The Morning Astorian.
delivered by carrier.
Iron and Brass Fovtnders, Land and Marine Engineers.
Up-to-Date Sawmill Machinery Prompt attention given to all repair
tStk and Franklin Ave. work. TsL Mala 3411
hdai-a the
carry the best Loi&ers'
Shoes in town at the low
est prices.
My stock of men's andbcy'i
shoes is unsurpassed for qua
ky. Close buying and low
expenses enable me to sell the
best qualities at lowest prices.
543 Bond Street,
First national Bank of Astoria
Jacob Kamm W. F. McGregor G. CCFlavbl
JJW. Ladd S. S. Gordon
Capital $100,000
Surplus 25,000
Stockholders' Liability ....100000
kntabmhhkii ihm. '" '
J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President
O. I. PETERSON, Vice-Pretident
J. W. GARNER, Atsittant Caibier
Transacts s General Banking Bntines
Interest Paid on Tims Depof -
Four Per Cent. Per Annum '
Eleventh and Duane Sis.
Astoria, Oregon '
OUR MOTTO: "Safety Supercedes All Other Consideration."