The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 21, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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    SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1909.
? CP
t VI
Everyone U busy entcrtultilng juit
now, nit they only have a ihort time
brfore Lent is here. A good miny
' dunces are taking place every few
day, and, besides thce, there lire mi
meroiis nilirr affairs, '
A good many people will celebrate
Washington' birthday t Iheit braeli
cotugcn mill the A. A. A, A. wi
give h Country Dunce on Mouthy
eveiiina unci several 't of town
dances' arc to be given to comment
nr.uc the birthday of the illunlrlou
tMitMiiuii, George Wahington.
Birhtdey Party.
Mi Martha Killing give a "lure
well party on Friday evening, at her
home on Jerome, avenue, in honor ot
Mii Elma Annelin, who will ahortly
leave for the, and, who i very
popular with her many girl friend)
who, during the evening preaented
Mi Annelin with a beautiful aignet
Garnet were played during the cv
ening and music wai Indulged In, A
guessing game was introduced, which
win one of the feature! of the even
ing, Miss Annie Larsen and Mill
Rosie Newiuit being the first priie
winneri, and, Mist Josie Feralnd and
Minnie Avianna wer the winneri of
the booby price.
lhe table in the dining room wai
fairly loaded with all kind of the
moit delicious rcfreihmenta to be
had, and the porch and rooma of the
handaome little cottage were hand
somely decorated with mineltoe and
chitKie lanterns.
Tboe ho enjoyed Mini F.dling's
hospitality were: the Mines; Annie
Laren, Louise Drown, Annie Carl
eon, Joie Ferland, Minnie Avianna,
Eiher llogi-li Roe Newqulst Ada
Andrirh and Martha Edllng.
At Logan's .
The dance given at Logan'a hall
lat evening by the soldier of Fort
Steven was very well attended ,and
evrryone had a Jolly time. The Col
umbia Orchestra fnrnlhrd the music
which a enjoyed by all the dancers.
Skamokawi Dance.
Quite a number of Aatorlana left
lat evening on the boat for Skamok
aw to attend the dance given there.
The Pacific orcheatra furnished
the music, nnd, with the excellent
floor at the Skamokawa hall every
one who attended, expressed them
selves as having apent a very pleas
ant evening,
Social Evening.
On February ninth., Dr. and Mrs.
Holt entertained about a doren
friends of the family, the evening be
ing the anniversary of the birthday
of Dr. Holt. Luncheon was aerved
during the evening and the guests
spent a most delightful aocial even
ing. Miacellaneoua Shower.
Miss Amy Rannells entertained on
Thursday evening, with a "miscella
neous" shower in honor of Miss Flo
rence Goddard who is soon to be
A nice luncheon was served, shin
gles and hearts were the decorations,
and ferns and hearta were also artis
tically placed about the rooms.
The gtiests spent most of the time
at the talle in conversation and
reading take offs from married life.
A pig pen made of wood was in
the center of the oom, and contained
beautiful presents of all kinda which
were presented to Mini Goddard
during the evening by her friendt.
Ladiei' Social Guild
lhe oroma of the homo of Mrs,
i'erd. FUlier were thrown open yen
tcrday afternoon to the Ladies' Guild
of Grace church, the ladies' gave the
IiikI of a series of afternoon teas
which were' so popular during the
dreary winter season. The house
was prettily decorated and a most
enjoyable time was had. Those who
took part in the continuous round
of entertainment were Mesdame R,
Carruthers, G. Wood, C Trencliard,
C, Abercrombie, D. McGee, C. Allen,
V, Hatch, B. Van Dimen, E. Fisher,
and the Misses A, Wood, A. KirclmfT,
K. Este . The affair was very
unique and entertaining, and as it
was the last of these socials, a large
number were present,
Lady Macabeea.
The Lady Macabecs gave a very
nice dance on int Saturday evening,
at Hammond, and quite of few peo
ple from this city attended it. A lo
cal orchestra furnished the music,
and almont everybody in the little
city of Hammond was at the dance.
Refreshments were nerved during
he evening and the ladies are to be
complimented upon the success of
the affair,
Knights And Lad lea.
The Knights and Ladies of Secur
ity gave a very present social gath-
ring at their social ball on Duane
street on Thurray mgbt, having a
iterary program, which was followed
by delicious refreshment, which
are always enjoyed at a gathering of
that kind. About sixty-five were in
Native Daughters-
The members of the local organi-
jatioti of the Native Daughters of
Oreuon were entertained by Mrs.
W. Fulton at her home on last
Monday evening in commemoration
admission. On February 14th.
fifty years ago Oregon was admitted
to the Union. The rooms of the home
were artistically and appropriately
decorated in flag and the colors red,
white and blue and evergreens. The
Indies gown which they wore on this
occasion were very pretty being fash
ioned after the old colonial styles.
Six handed euchre was played Mrs.
Albert Dunbar and Captain Geo. W.
Wood being the fortunate prize win
ners of the handsome priaes which
were given. The members of the or
ganization invited their husbands and
a few friends and all praised Mrs
Fulton's ability as a hostess.
prevailed throughout the room of
the home was in yellow, the candle
sticks and flowers corresponding. At
the conclusion of luncheon games
were indulged in and Mrs. Marry
I'lavcl amused those assembled there
with her lovely voice.'
Mrs. R, J. l'iikingtoh gave tone
of the prettiest parties ever given this
season in honor of Miss Winnifrcd
lliggins, who is to become a bride in
April, The charming event was a
stocking shower and Hiss Higgins
received many beautiful gifts. The
game of five hundred was played and
after this entertaining' game the
guests partook of enjoyable refresh
ments. The house was decorated with
heart, cupids and wedding bells.
Each of the 2D guests were given a
mall pot of flowering tulips as a
A piano recital will be given by
Mis Hat tie Wise, one of Astoria's
forcmot musicians. The recital, un
der the auspices of the Epworth
League at the first Methodist church,
will be given on the evening of
March 16.
Must have room for new goods which
are expected daily so will sell you
own piiiG
A party of 24, consisting of 12
young men and 12 young women, all
prominent in the social circles of
this city left on the 5 o'clock train
yesterday for Seaside where they
II he entertained by Mrs. G. V:
I.ounsberry and sons, Merwyn and
Lester. Crow's Nest, their pretty
cottage, will be the scene of a
happy eatherincr for Saturday, Sun
day and Monday.
The price has absolutely no relative proportion to
the values in making our reductions we have been
gijided only by our desire to make space for new goods.
It is utterly impossible for you so appreciate what
marvelous bargains these are, until you see the goods
and the prices together.
D. M. C. D. Club.
The D. M. C. D. club met with Miss
May Utiinger this week at her home
on Bond street.
Mrs. George W. Warren entertain
ed on Friday afternoon at the
Warren family home at Warren
ton, with a sumptuous luncheon. The
invitations had been sent out a week
ago and a great many Astorians were
invited who left on the noon train
and experienced some difficulty in
getting there as the train was held up
by the high water. There were about
seventy five present. Small tables for
four were daintily arranged in the
dining room where a lovely lunch
was served. The color scheme that
Lieutenant Stromberg, who is a
member of the crew of the revenue
utta Terry, which is now in
Alaska waters, is in the city visiting
with friends until the end of his vaca
At the I. 0. 0. F. building Tucs
ay evenins the members of the
'Iks' lodge held a social session at
their lodge room. The F.Iks' orches
tra of 12 pieces, played many popular
selections to entertain the crowd and
etween the intermission of orche-
rial selections several of the mem
bers sang songs which were highly
appreciated. Mr. Gribler i the lead
er of the orchestra.
Th home of Mrs. Frank Gamble in
Upper Astoria was a scene of a very
nrettv Catherine: this week. Mrs.
rank Gamble, Mrs. J. W. Smith
Mrs. A. C Tibbrtts were in charge
the entertainment and a large
umber of ladies were present who
pent the afternoon, being joined by
their husbands in the evening. The
game of five hundred was played dtir
imr the afternoon and also other
eames. The color scheme was car
ried out in pink and green, and re
freshments were served. Later in
the evening 500 was again playe
the prize winners of the day are:
Mrs, N- Burkholder, first; Mrs. II
Graham, second; Mrs. Geo. Nelson
first booby; Miss Anna Campbell,
second booby. The prize winners of
the evening were; 0. G Campbell,
first; Mrs O, G. Campbell, second;
F.. L- Conkrite, first booby and Mrs.
U. w. Morton, second uoony. inis
is said to be he finest enjoyable
party given in Upper Astoria
for some time.
A most generous showing
Spring Models,
Suits, Dresses, Jackets
NOTE I Kenyon, Gabardine Raincoats
Simington Dry Goods Go
At the home of Mrs. W. E. Tal
lant on Franklin avenue on Tuesday
afternoon Mrs. Tallant and Miss
Harriet Tallant entertained a num
ber of friends. Five hundred was the
feature of the evening, the prize be
ing awarded to Miss Alice Wood for
high cards.
Mrs. Nelson Troyer on Monday
night was given a surprise by the
members of the Seven Hundred
F.uchre Club of which she is a mem
1 Mil t m m
tier. A lie occasion ot the surprise
party was Mrs. Troyer's birthday. A
real enjoyable birthday celebration
and session was held. Mrs. Lounsber
ry won the honors for the holding
of high cards.
On February 22, Washington's
birthday, the Astoria Amateur Ath
letic Club announce that their next
dance will be given then. The last.
dance they gave proved a great suc
cess, and was thoroughly enjoyed by
every one who attended. It seems
ike their dances arc growing very
popular, and so they are looked for
ward 'to with great anxiety.
Miss Esther Gearhart and Mary
Gregory charmingly entertained the
members of the Wikc Wike Club at
their regular session on Thursday
evening of this week at the Gearhart
residence on Grand avenue. Green
and pink were the color decorations.
The entertainment was a "recipe"
shower in honor of Miss Winifred
lliggins who is a member of the club
Miss Myra Laveridge of Eugene won
the prize in a guessing game. Miss
Lois Parker is going to entertain the
club at its next session.
Famous Hermanvile Suits
ANY SUIT SpllJ.IJ.iJ --.
Balance of Suits in stock from $7.00 to $8.00
Overcoats, Topcoats and Raincoats $10.00
We have decided to discontinue carrying the same, while they last
you can get $2.00 to $3.50 Shoes for
$1.50 per pair
518 Bond Street
., Pipe Organ Recital. j
The pipe organ recital at Grace !
Episcopal church will be given on 1
the evening of Tuesday, February J
23. and many are looking forward to
this musical event with delight. Mrs.
Brenham Van Dusen will be the
principal figure of the recital, as she
will give the pipe organ selections.
Following is the program in full, now
announced for the first time:
Processional Hymn 516
(a) March from Tanhauser, Wagner
(b) "Andante" ..Batiste
Mrs. Brenham Van Dusen
Vocol solo, "Face to Face" (violin
obligato) Herbert Johnson
Miss Bess Reed
(a) "Offertoire in A Flat")..... Read
(b) "Elevation" Batiste
Mrs. Brenham Van Dusen
Violin solo (organ accomp.), "The
Evening Star" Wagner
Mrs. John T. Allen
Vocal solo, "O Loving Father"....
. .. Del Reigo
Miss Irene Simington
(a) Prelude in D Flat" Lachner
(b) "Guide Me, O Thou Great
Mrs. Brenham Van Dusen
Vocal solo (a) "Rest In the Lord..
(b) "The Lord ns Mindful of His
Own" Mendelssohn
Mrs. Frank Spittle
(a) "O Be Joyful in the Lord", Danks
(b) "Angel's Seranade" (violin
obligato) Braga
Mrs. Brenham Van Dusen
Recessional Hymn 398
Chruch Services!
Christian Scierfce.
Services in rooms S and 6, I. 0. O
F. building, corner Tenth and Com
mercial streets at 11 o'clock- Sub
ject of the lesson sermon, "Mind."
All are invited. Sunday school im
mediately after the close of the serv
ice. The first Wednesday evening
m the Month at 7:30.. Reading rooms
same address, hours from 2 to S daily
except Sunday.
Norwegian-Danish M. E.
Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.;
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Scandi
navians are cn'dially invited to wor
ship with us O. T. Field, pastor.
Sunday school, 10 a. m.; preaching,
11 a. m., "Power to Turn the Battle."
B. Y. P. TJ-, 6:30 p. m.; evening wor
ship, 7:30 p. m, subject, "Out and
Out Christians." Everybody welcome.
Conrad L Owen, pastor.
Alderbrook Presbyterian.
Sunday school, 10:30 a. m.; preach
ing, 11:3". a. m.; christian Endeavor,
6:30 p. m.; preaching, 7:30 p. m. All
are welcome. Robert I. Diven, min
A Notre Dame Lady's Appeal.
To all known sufferers of rheu
matism, whether muscular or of the
. . ...
joints, sciatica, lumbago, backache,
pains in the kidneys or neuralgia!
pains, to write to her for a home
treatment which has repeatedly cured
all of these tortures. She feels it her
duty ot send it to all suffcrJrs FREE.
You cure yourself at home as thou
sands will testifyno change of
climate being necessary. This simple
discovery banishes uric acid from tha
blood, loosens the stiffened joints,
purities the blood, and brightens the
eyes, giving elasticity and tone to the
whole system. If the above inter
ests you, for proof address Mrs. M.
Summers, Box R, Notre Dame, Ind.
Morning worship, 11 a. m., sub
ject of sermon, "More Blessed to
Give Than to Reecive." Sabbath
School, 12:15; Y. P. S.'C. E-, 6:30;
evening worship, 7:30, subject of ser
mon, "Four Closed Doors." Miss
Irene Simington, choir director.
Male chorus at night. All are invit
ed. Wm. S. Gilbert, bastor.
First Methodist.
Sermon themes Jor Sunday: 11
a. m., "The Law of Increase." At
7:30 p. m., "When God Laughs At
Us." Other services: Sunday School
at 12:15 p. m., Epworth League at
6:30 p. m., mid-week service at 7:30
p. m., Wednesday. For the Sunday
services especially interesting music
is prepared, a cordial invitation js
extended to all to attend. C C.
Rarick, pastor.
Grace Episcopal.
Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.;
Sunday school, 12:30. Services at
Holy Innocents Chapel, Uppertown,
at 3 p. m.
Proposition To Make Sluggers Of Il
linois Wimen And Girls.
CHICAGO, Feb. k-An Evans
ton Club has gone on record in fa
vor of instruction of girls in the man
ly art of self defense, by an over
whelmingly affirmative vote on the
"Resolved, that girls should be
taught to box."
Mrs. Caherine Waugh McCulloch
woman justice of the peace, introduc
ed the resolution.
Aside from the immense advantage
accorded to wives in handling their
husbands, one member of the club
thought that such preparation would
be good training for housework. An
other suggested it would be zenefi
cial in the event of attacks by holdup
One caused a murmur of dissent
by asking to amend the resolution to
read, "Taught to defend themselves
in a ladylike manner."
This was voted down.
$5.10 FOR
31. OO
Burr Mcintosh ...$075
Recreation 75
Field & Stream .45
Cosmopolitan .45
Smart Set 75
Metropolitan . .45
Travel Magazine .45
Pearson's . .45
The Woman Beautiful..... 45
Youth's Companion, 3 weeks... .15
Grand Total Value,
CHICAGO, Feb. 20-Miss Grace
Davis, 23 years old, a trained nurse
was last night dragged into an a!
ley where she was knocked down and
threatened with a revolver. The cries
of the young woman attraced the
attention of scores of people. Miss
Davis told the police that her home
was in Denver, and that her assail
ant, whom she met last Summer, at
Belknap, Mont., induced her to come
to Chicago, where she said she dis
covered he was a "white slaver.
Some days ago she notified the pol
ice to be on the lookout for him.
NEW YORK, Feb. 12.-Becoming
conscience stricken in a hospital be
cause he had not returned a $5,000
necklace which he found nearly
a year ago and retained, although he
saw advertisements for its recovery,
young man whose name is withheld
communicated to a friend that he
wished to return the jewels before
dying. In this way Mrs. Max Bern
stein of West 126th Street received
her necklace last night. The jewels
were lost on February! 15, 1903 .
Our Special Offer, AH Ten to One
Address, Just as Above for only $1.
April 1st Delineator will increase to
AND VALUE. You can add it to
the above comUination for ONLY
50 cents for six months or $1.00 for
thirteen months.
Subscribe to the Morning Astorian.
the local news; full Associated Press
reports. Delivered by carrier, 65 cents
per month. Covers the entire lower
Color blending of Furniture,
Draperies, Carpets, Woodwork,
Walls, make home life happier.
Our expert decorative ipecialist will
visit your city oon. Without obli
gating you he will discuss the fur
nishings for your new home.
Write lor partioiltri
J. G. Mack 6c Co.
Furniture and Carpets
Singh Roami Furnished Tajhfiilfy