The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 19, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1009.
....Something Good....
"Liza" Pancake Flour
Cleveland Baking Powder
i n
Marriage Lktn
License lo marry wai lnued yci
lerdnjf to Nili M. Magnutson and
ChrlMlna Hedlund.
Divorce Granted
At tlie leiulon of the circuit court
yesterday divorce wii granted in
lh cue of France Ddl Carr
gainst George S. Carr.
Orace Church Guild
Th ladle of Grace Church Guild
will hold the last of the aeriei of
Iheir afternoon ten at the home of
Mr. Fred Fisher tomorrow after
noon. Dyking BUI
The bill introduced In the senate
by Senator Scholfleld providing that
dyking district may lsue bondi hat
alo patted tha houae and now only
awaiti the governor a algnature.
Meet Tonight
The Baptist Young People' Union
will hold special meeting thle even
Ing at the residence of the Rev. and
Mre. Conrad Owen. Every member
It urgently requeued to be present
A Big Deal
It It understood that the Union
Fishermen' Cooperative Company
la negotiating a purchase of the
property Jut thi tide of the Scandi
navian Company In Uppertown, from
I. Bergman. The consideration stat
ed it fxm.
To Portland For Treatment
Lait evening'! exprett to Portland
bore from here C. I. Spencer, who
had the inltfortune on Wednesday
evening to have the ball of hit right
eye cut badly by a flying knot from
a board ha waa planing at the Out
top mill. Mr. Spencer tuffcred te
vercly from the wound and wtt con
siderably worried over the threaten
ed lot of hit eye.
Transportation Travelers
There wai a couple of railway men
in the city teeking whom they might
lure into freight contract!, towit
George I,. Morrison, traveling
freight agent for the Canadian Pa
elite lines, at Portland; and H. C
Oliver, who repretenta the 0. R. &
N. in the tame genial and useful ca
pacity. Both gentlemen left up on
the evening exprett for Portland.
when last teen had dealt with the
most of the owner, There are eight
partict interested in the work, which
i done under private contract by
consent of the Common Council,. to
wit, Ceo. C Flavel, Rots, Higgln &
Company, A. M. Mattton, A. M
Smith, Mrs. Jeffries, Kenney and
Grihler, the Hawe Estate, and Mr,
Nurnbcrg, AH thing terminating to
hl satisfaction, - Mr. Lebeck will
commence work on the Improvement
next week, and with good weather,
will complete it in ten day,
that place,
Will Repair The Houte-
, The Masonic Land & Building At
ociation, which own the building at
Commercial and Ninth streets, in
which Temple Lodge, A. F. it A,
M. i housed, ha tecured the serv
ice of Contractori Birch & Jacob-
ton, for the general overhauling and
repair of the property, including
new foundation; and the work wat
ttarted yesterday in good earnest.
Petition To Impro
A petition wai filed In the office of
the city auditor yesterday asking
permission to Improve Bond street
from Ninth to Tenth by private eon
tract. The petition wa tinned by
Frank Patton, G. C. Flavet, Da Lash
mutt & Ford and C L Parker.
Egga Cheaper
Freh Oregon eggs have become
cheaper the past few dayt and are
now quoted wholesale In the Tort
land market! from 22 to 24 centt.
Thlt It a welcome lowering of price,
for many householders were hardly
able to pay the big price that ob
tained during the middle of the win
ter season.
Had Pine Time
The Knights and Ladies of Secur
ity held a social gathering at their
hall on Duaite street, last night, hav
ing a literary program, followed by
delicate refreshment, which all those
who partook of enjoyed immensely.
There were about 65 pretent. Some
of the caket were very kindly sent to
the Astorian office, where ample jus
tice wat done to their fine quality.
And a the country editor tayt,
"Come again."
Country Dance Monday
The Athletic Club will give anoth
er country dance on Monday night,
nd it promise to be at succettful
at wa the one of several week ago.
This will be on the night of Wash
ington' birthday- The informality of
the country dancei teem to appeal to
many, and (hit will present a fine
chance for all those who are looking
for a good time without any frit!
An admission fee of SO cent will be
charged, with ladie free.
Captain Oble Heard, From
Captain Richard Obie, who wa in
thi city for tome montht last year
endeavoring to work up a practical
interest in the deep tea fitherle of
the northwest coast, ha been In
Portland for sometime, and haa or
ganlaed a company in thi behalf, of
which he it an officer and stock
holder. They have launched the first
of three schooner intended for the
trade, and will soon make a tart in
the businet.
Cloaing Negotiations
Contractor Leander Lebeck wat
busy yesterday closing negotiations
for the work of re-docking and re
timbering the 350 feet of Bond
street lying between Eleventh and
Twelfth treet, for which, hi bid
of $800 a foottiad been the lowest
and best out of the several ubmitted
In this behalf on Wednesday last; and
It Doesn't Hurt a Fact
to Hammer it !
Scholfleld Mattson
phone mi GOOD GOODS
Fatt Shaping Up
The plant and territory of the A
toria Lumber Company, at the foot
of West Bond street, are rapidly
taking on regular and business like
shape after the confusion and disar
ray consequent upon the fire that
brought the business to a standstill.
The works are all being lined up a
of old, and the machinery is being
set up and geared, and every provis
ion made lor the resumption of
trade and business, which it is hoped
will begin soon and prosper abund
Haa Taken Full Command
The fortt at the mouth of the Co
lumbia river, Stevens, Columbia and
Canby, are now in command of Ma
jor George T, Bartlett, U. S. A. It
i said he it peculiarly fitted for this
command owing to his intimate
knowledge of the technique incident
to the installation of the fire-patrol
system to be inaugurated at these
posts. The major will headquarter
at Stevens, and it is likely that Cap
tain Percy Willis will remain at Fort
Columbia, as commanding officer at
My Spring Line
is Here !
I invite your inspection
of the finest imported and
domesticfabrics in the city
Leave your order before the
best arc picked out.
Carl E. Franseen
179 Eleventh St. Phone Main 3711
four Batloa North &ck
No. SIS.
Suit For Timber
In circuit court yesterday the suit
of James Finlayson against Frank
Patton and others who formed the
Moore Logging Company was set
for trial on February 26; and a simi
lar suit brought by G. Wingate
against the same defendants was set
to follow the first action. The
defendants ere alleged to
have taken tome of the timber
off from plaintiffs' lands, though the
amount involved is not large. It is
understood the defendants justify
their action on the grounds that they
deemed they had properly purchas
ed the timber.
Died on the Way Home
When the O. R. & N. steamer T.
J. Potter, from Portland, docked at
her berth here yesterday morning,
the bore the mortal remains of F- P.
Moon, of Hammond, who had died
in his stateroom on the way home.
Mr. Moon had been at The Dalles
for several weeks, and has been a
sick man for sometime past. He was
accompanied by his daughter, Mrs.
W. Chilton, and had he lived, would
have sought treatment at the post
hospital at Fort Stevens. Mr. Moon
leaves a wife and two daughters to
mourn his demise. The funeral will
take place from the home of Mrs.
Chilton on Sunday next, at Ham
The Man Who Eats.
The man who eats does so with
the expectation of being satisfied. To
this end he seeks the best possible
place to gratify his normal appetite at
most rational expense. These things
account for the steady stream of
people to and from the portals of the
Palace Restaurant in this city. The
reputation of the Palace is founded
immoveably upon the certainty and
amplitude of the service it renders to
every purse, and appetite, Dig ana
little. Open day and night. Com
mercial streets, opposite the Page
Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days
PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed
to cure any case of Itching, Blind.
Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to
14 dayt or money refunded. 50 centt.
A jury in the circuit court yester
day afternoon found William Nyberg
guilty of having told liquors in
dry precinct that it, in Uppertown,
where Nyberg conducti the Imperial
cigar ftore at 1361 Franklin avenue.
Judge McBride did not impose sent
ence at the conclusion of the mat
ter yesterday afternoon but probab
ly will announce the tentence this
morning. On the preceding day An
ton Kuljit of Clifton was fined $300
for an offense of a tomewhat similar
The jury wa out less than half an
hour, and It i understood that they
arrived at their verdict without any
difficulty, all voting for conviction
upon the first ballot. The jury was
composed of John Nordstrom, Jacob
Heblack, John Chitwood, A. W. Ut-
zinger, Feter GuIIickson, Hugh
Cameron, W. G Shaw, S. Abraham
ton, F. W. Preston. George Hills, W.
F.. Blackstock. Mr. Nordstrom was
made foreman.
There had been two indictments
returned against Nyberg upon one
of which he wa yesterday tried, and
to the surprise of some the grand
ury yesterday returned even more
true bills against Nyberg. all accus
ing him of telling liquor at hi
Uppertown ciagr ttore. Convicted
on the first, Nyberg (till has eight
other indictment to face. That Dis
trict Attorney Tongue and hit assist
ant, Mr. Brownell, are going after
the illicit sale of liquors in hammer
and tong fashion is indictated by the
seven new indictment ' returned
gainst Nyberg yesterday, and the
force and vim with which the case
esterday wa prosecuted. '
Attorney Curtit appeared for the
defendant and "waa not backward
last evening in calling down anathe
ma on the heads of the two prosecu
tors for the seven extra indictments
against his client. Mr. Curtis said
that every indictment will be fought,
no matter how many convictions are
The complaining witness in the in
dictment on which Nyberg was tried
yesterday was John Poukkala, who is
now in Finland. The absence of
Poukkala made a conviction more
difficult but other witnesses were
called in who testified to purchasing
drinks in the place. Some said they
had bought or saw whisky sold there,
and others testified that beer was
sold there. The evidence tended to
show pretty clearly that Nyberg had
a trade in something.
Fbr the defense it was said that
nothing but "Maltonia" was sold by
Nyberg. "Maltonia" is manufactured
by the North Pacific Brewing Com
pany and was defined' by the presi
dent of that company as being a
non-alcoholic beverage, containing
merely 14 per cent of alcohol; "Mal
tonia is beer with the alcohol eva
porated" A sort of "near-beer " The
jury evidently thought that some
thing else beside the "Maltonia had
been sold there, however, as had
been testified to by witnesses for the
prosecution. If .Judge McBride
should impose a fine of the same
amount as in the Clifton case, and
the fact that this was in a dry pre
cincts would perhaps appear to make
the circumstances ' even more aggra
vating, and if the same fine were
imposed after a conviction in each of
the eight other indictments, Nyberg
would have an aggregate of $2700 to
The court room was well crowd
ed yesterday during the trial of the
Nyberg case, quite a few from Up
pertown being there, and the crowd
also included several saloonkeepers.
No criminal cases are set for to
day. Tomorrow the case against v-
Falangos of Clifton, accused of sell
ing liquors without a license, will
be heard.
Running The Gauntlet
David Kirk of Chippewa Falls,
Wis., arrived in the city yesterday
for the purpose of looking the coun
try over with a view to purchasing
property in thi tection. Mr. Kirk
it a civil engineer by profession- At
the Chamber of Commerce yesterday
Kirk atated that he had stopped over
in Portland and while there had at
tempted to make various inquiries
about Astoria, and that in every case
the Portlander "knocked" Attoria
right and left, and even went out of
their way to conceal information
about thi city. Thia complaint ha
been heard o often that it no longer
teem new, and yet why busine
men of the metropoll fear to give
stranger information about thi
place 1 now easy to understand, un
less it arise from fear and jealousy.
Judge McBride Explains
When asked by a representative of
the Attorian yeiterday if he had re
ceived the communication from the
Astoria Water Commission, asking
him to interpret the provision of the
charter relating to the qualifications
of it members, Judge McBride said
that he had. "I received the com
munication," he aid, "and turned
the matter over in my mind, but I
didn't see that I could properly
grant the request. It perhaps looks
a if there is omethwir there that
requires interpretation, but of course
the matter might arise before me in
an official capacity, and to I didn't
see that I could reply with the re
quest But if the question needs
clearing1 up, it will be easy enough to
ddl it. Let it be presented in court and
then of course I will be glad to give
it close attention." Judge McBride
said he was sorry that he had not
felt able to comply with the request,
and also said he had meant to see
some of the gentlemen of the com
mission In relation to the matter but
had not yet been able to do so. The
water commission at its recent meet
ing Instructed the city attorney to
bring the matter Into court, ia the
manner now ugested by Judge Mc
Bride, so that There Is hope of bavfng
decision on the vexed question
fairly soon.
At The Grand.
At the Grand theatre for today
there is a fine bill, made up of some
thing new in every part of the show.
"The Marathon Race," a stirring pic
ture of the long distance runners, is
. . ami. T -
one Of the views; ine ucacuu s
Love Letter" is another; and these
are followed by "The Brazilian Ring"
and "They Lead the Cops a Chase."
The songs are "Good Evening, Caro
line," and "Somewhere." The views
are of interest too, and this time are
of picturesque Italy.
S Dan ziger of San Francisco ar
rived in the city yesterday on a busi
ness trip, and to look after his inter
ests in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Van Tuyl of
South Bend are in the city, guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Van Tuyl.
Mrs. J. C Denton of Ilwaco ar
rived in the city yesterday and is
domiciled at the Occident.
Mrs. Matilda Sharp departed on
yesterday morning's train for Breck
enridge, Mich., for a protracted visit
with friends and relatives.
H- E. Shipe, formerly well known
in this city, was a business visitor in
this city yesterday. He is now em
ployed with the Oregon Electric line.
C. B. Partridge of Portland is in
the city and is registered at the Occident.
W. H. Moser of Portland was a
business tourist in this city yesterday.
R. W. McLeod of San Francisco,
arrived in Astoria yesterday, on a
business quest, and is quartered at
the Occident.
C. A. Davis of Denver reached this
city yesterday on a business trip.
Hon. Swepson Morton of Knapp-
ton and the Lolumbia amis, was in
the city yesterday morning on a
business errand.
Plenty of smelt, spare ribs and ten
derloins every day at Braden-Adams
Meat Market. See ad, page 4. n
Columbia Harbor Land Co to Ma
bel Fisher Holgate, lots 7 and 8,
block 75, Warrenton Park; $550.
Columbia Harbor Land Co to John
Kanode, lots S and 6, block 1UJ,
Warrenton Park; $400.
Columbia Harbor Land Co to John
Kanode, lots 1 and 4, block 108, War
renton Park; $600.
Walter C. Smith and wife to Eliza
beth M. Fnsbie, lot 4, block , ine
Plaza; $275.
Walter C Smith and wife to Eliza
beth M Frisbie, lots 9 and 10, block
36, The Plaza; $500.
ELMHURST, Cal., Feb. 18. Al
though Mrs. V- Alves of this place
screamed lustily when she awoke at
4 A. M., and found a burglar in the
room she was not able to awaken her
husband, who snored serenely while
the housebreaker, terrified by the
woman's screams made his escape as
rapidly as possible. In his haste the
burglar overlooked a case of jewels,
but he carried away a valuable watch.
Yesterday morning at exactly
10:05 o'clock, in the presence of
about 60 invited guests, the fine and
powerful motor launch "Nora," be
longing to Messrs. Struckmier &
Morton of Stella, Wash., complete
in every detail fore and aft, alow and
aloft, slipped from the Vayt at the
yards of J. Driscoll & Company, in
thit city, to the waiting tide of the
majestic Columbia- She presented
very handsome appearance in the
shops, but on the water the was a
veritable beauty for line and poise,
and rode the tide as though the has
been developed from it Mr. Nel
son Troyer, Miss Hattie Utzinger
and Miss Nancy G. Reed were on
the deck of the "Nora" when the
passed to her own element, along
with Mr. Troyer, Mr. F. C Fox, and
several other gentlemen interested,
but neither of the owner of the fine
craft were present owing to pressure
of business matters up the river.
The "Nora" is 58 feet long, with a
beam of 11.6 feet and draws four and
one-half feet. She is equipped with
a splendid a Horsepower iroyer-
Foic engine, of the latest type, and
has commodious quarters and freight
room. She has all the essential
equipment carried by boats of her
class, and every detail is of the best.
Her power was tried out on the in
stant the touched the water and re
sponded promptly and adequately,
and the subsequent trial run proved
her to be in the best of order, barring
the newness of everything about, and
the long-distance trial will follow
this morning in final confirmation of
ber excellence at all points.
She will cost, all told, in the neigh
borhood of $7000 and her builders
are naturally, and justifiably, proud
of her, as her owners are bound
to be.
At practically the same hour, there
was launched from the ways of Wil
son Brothers, in Uniontown, the As
toria Lumber Company's new and
spanking steam launch, the "Viking,"
a fine SJ-toot Doat mat win oe maac
the best possible use of by the com
pany when it resumes business in
the course of a few weeks. She is
of heavy beam, being nearly 15 feet,
and is driven by the engines once in
the steamer Volga, which should
give her all the energy needed in her
business which will be in towing rafts
and -doing general utility work
around the company s mill and
Thus Astoria waters are still
further marked with two excellent
craft that will be notable in the
local commerce.
Try our own mixture of coffee the
J. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegetables
Sadollet & Co., Rrocers. Phone Mai-
Frank L Smith
12th St bet. Bond and Commercial
253 Taylor St. (Uniontown)
Sirloin Roast Beef ., 10c
Sirloin Steak ......... ..JOe
Roasts of Veal 8c, 10c, 12Jc
Veal Cutlets I2jc, I5e
Roasts of Pork..
Roasts of Beef .
Pork Chop ....
Beefsteak ,
Boiling Beef ....
Roasts of Lamb.
..10c, 12e, 15c
...8c, 10c, 12Je
12Jc, lie
..10c, 121c 15c
5c, 6c, 7c
..10c, 12Jc, 15c
Lamb Chop 12ic 15c
Smith't Sugar-Cured Hams 15c
Half a Ham, tame price .....15c
Smith's Sugar-Cured Breakfast
Bacon . 16c, 17Jc
Smith's Simon-pure Lard, no beef
fat nor any other adulteration; 5
pound pail ....!... .....65c
Creamery Butter, per roll. ..65c, 75c
Fresh Oregon Ranch Eggs, dozen 30e
The very best board to be obtained
in tne city is at lot ucciaem
Hotel" Rates very reasonable.
. The Modern. .
The best and most up-to-date ton-
sorial parlor in the city is The
Modern. Perfect comfort and service
guaranteed to all. Excellent baths.
Wood and Coal
If you want dry fir cordwood, in
side fir, bark slab, or boxwood, ring
up Kelly, the Wood and Coal Dealer,
the man who keeps the prices down.
.Coal at $7.00 per ton in your base
ment or $6.00 at yard. Main 2191.
Barn, corner 12th and Duane.
The Proper, Place.
Go to the Occident Barber Shop if
you are particular and desire first-
class service. Satisfaction guaranteed.
An expert bootblack and porter has
also been engaged.
Our stock of candies includ
ing "Lowneys" and
"Gunthers" famous Choco
lates are the best.
.Home Hade Candies...
They are healthier
and better and don't cost
any more.
483 Commercial St, Astoria, Or.
$5.10 FOR
Burr Mcintosh $07S
Recreation .75
Field & Stream .45
Cosmopolitan . AS
Smart Set '75
Metropolitan , .45
Travel Magazine .45
Pearson's AS
The Woman Beautiful .45
Youth's Companion, 3 weeks... .IS
Grand Total Value tJIB
..Our Special Offer, All. Ten to One
Address, Just as Above for only $L
April 1st Delineator will increase to
AND VALUE. You can add it to
the above rombSnation for ONLY
50 cents for six months or $1.00 for
thirteen months.
few fi it'"T!,""'IM"!T-? .
When you find out how easy it is
to do a good job of painting with a
good paint and a good brush, call
and See our line. We are headquar
ters for paint and painters' supplies.
Prices always right.
Allen Wall Paper
and Paint Co.
The Cornelius
"The House of Wejcoiac"
Corner Park and Alder,
A hotel where the North
west people will find a hearty
welcome and receive .
Courteous Treatment
at moderate prices.
Our free Omnibus mee
all trains.
Under management of N. K. Clarke
C. W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor.