THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1909 THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. (I WWHWMMMWHH The Store Lad FOR QSi ' ' I Wt-, '1 1 I Women. BEELi lies 'lUVEOutfitters 1 in AFaERICA'S GREATEST FASHION CENTER Mrs. M. S. Copeland is in New York buying lines of gcods for spring and summer trade We will soon be able to show you fashions latest dictates in ladies' Suits, Skirts, Coats, Millinery, Dress Goods, White Novelties and Notions direct from New York City. OCEAN, BAR, BAY. DOCK AND RIVER HAS FAITH II ALASKA BUT GLAD HE'S HERE WILL CURTIS TALKS INTER ESTINGLY OF GREAT TER-, RITORY UP NORTH. There is a report current in packing and shipping circle in this city thai the Alaska Packers, of San Francisco, las purchased the American bark Homeward Bound, formerly the Brit fch ship Zemindar, and again former ly the German ship Gildmeister, for the Alaskan fleet of carriers, and that the will go to wort for them during the coming season. The Homeward Bound is of 2,131 tons gross, and 1587 torn net; 284.7 feet long; 39.7 feet in width, and 23-5 feet depth. She carries a crew of 21 officers end men, tad was buUt in 18S5. at Belfast, Ire land, and is registered out of San Francisco. The oil tank steamer Asuncion, Contain Brideett. was off the bar last ninr inri will enter nort this aiornirig. She is now equipped with wireless telegraph instruments and will make good use of them. The steamer Johan Poulsen is still finirering in port after the Astonan M her out for San Francisco. She eame up from the lower harbor yes and docked at the Callender for the purpose of fillinf her water tanks. She will leave out as soon as the bar is passable. The steamship Breakwater is due down this morning on her way to Coos Bay, and will leave the O. R. & N. docks at an early hour. The steamer Alliance is due to ar rive in from the Coos country dur ing the day, as usual. The steamer Shoshone arrived down from Rainier yesterday and docked at the Callender pier. Her scuppers were awash with the load and she will have to work her way to tbe f acinc metropolis if the weather is as rough as it frequently gets to b The steamer Argo has arrived down from Portland, en route to Til lamook Bay points, with plenty of cargo. She is not yet prepared to carry passengers; at least she has not yet secured her federal license for the business. The schooner Hugh Hogan was re ported off the mouth of the Colura bia river yesterday evening at a late hour. It is not known whether she was bound in or not The steamship Geo. W. Elder is expected to arrive in this port today. from the California coast. She is 60 hours behind her schedule. The four-masted schooner Robert R. Hinds, lumber laden for San Fran cisco, cleared from this port yester day, and is now in the lower harbor waiting a chance to go over the bar The R. Miler has been thoroughly overhauled and has now taken the run of the steamer Julia B., of the Babbidge fleet, which will go on the ways for needed repairs. The steamer Undine left up on time last evening, and among her passen gers were H. T. 2!immerman, J. R. Durkee and J. Boyson. HUB 1ST a We have arranged to do our killing at T. S. Cornelius', and we are now in a position to supply Astoria with the choicest of home-killed stock at the following prices: Beef from 5c to ISc Pork at from 8c to 15c Mutton at from 8c to 15c Sausages at from 10c to 12$c Hams at "c Bacon at from 16 to 17Jc Picnic Hams at 10c Lard, S-lb. pails.... 65c Lard, 10-lb. pails Butter 70c , TftrCTI 30C Fresh Smelt, 6 lbs. for 25c. 684 Commercial St- In a talk with Will Curtis, last evening, he expressed himself as de lighted to get back to Astoria and civ iiiMiion. after nearly three years in that bleak, rich, and rough domain. Mr. Curtis served as electrician in the Federal mines near Juneau for some time after he had made his open-sea trip to that place in a small launch sent out from here for delivery to the American Coral Marble Company; and then went to Ketchikan, where for a year he was with the Citiiens Light, Water & Power Company, in the same capacity; and afterward took over the editorial and business mnai.ment of the Ketchikan Miner. filch he ran successfully for 13 months, or, until he turned his face hnmeward. He savs that copper is the touch stone of progress up there; that as it varies in value, so goes all eontin- rnt renditions, all around through th conntrv. and that the supply is absolutely Incalculable. He says, also, th.t New Encland Fish Com tot !nt onened uo a huge fish packing plant at Ketchikan, and will conduct the largest husiness ot ne Unit n the eosat: the concern oper- .,; t,lf a dozen steamers of its own. and is now building 7S cottages for Its emnloyes, and hopes to have all things completed by the end of the winter season. Ataka. he savs, is an inexhaustible rcirion of surprising wealth, and that development is going forward there without cessation; but that the peo !. .tin tivi pone there are so wrapped in their peculiar and per sonal pursuits that they are not dis posed, or have not time, to cultivate the social amenities in any of the more refined ways, and therefore it is a bit lonely for anyone who goes there without a wide range ot ac quaintance. What the country needs most, ac cwrtln to Mr. Curtis, Is transports- .; formic of readier sort, wider range and quicker delivery, to offset the paralysis engendered by the pro tracted winters and the impediments of snow and ice on all sides. This, he says, is counted as the severest winter in those latitudes, in many years, and is felt in every line of buflness. excess of those recorded during the original ruu is going aonte and proves that the former uneen of com ic opr na mttie ,e0 trike by B' ing into" straight, comedy work. On March 1st Lillian Russell leaves Chicago and jumps direct to Den ver. Colo., where she brains her sup plemental Spring tour of the West In Wildfire," the racing comedy which has so completely established the former queen of comic opera as a star of the first magnitude in straight corned v characterisation. Miss Rus- ell will stay out until Jul in order to present "Wildfire" in the territory that cave her such genuine encour agement during her hrt venture as a star in more serious work. She will visit the Pacific coast cities and re turn via way of the Northwest and i booked for an early appearance San Francisco. TWO EXCELLENT MEASURES PENDING IN THE EVER GREEN LEGISLATURE. GRUESOME GUN. KnMiera. dinlomat and sportsmen are to-day making frantic efforts to find out how Hiram Maxim will in troduce the silencing device for guns ith which he electrified a crowd in the office of his lawyer the other day. Those who saw the heaviest rifles tamed to noiseless and kickless ac tion by the application of a tiny tube to the barrel are declaring that the test has marked a revolution in the ways of war and sport. Throughout this sort of sterilized Buffalo Bill Show to which Mr. Maxim treated his select audience no one could help thinking of the possibilities in crime that the introduction of his invention must onen. There was something cold blooded in the stillness through which the high power projectiles of lead were hurled with force enough to nierce ten men. To day no imlica tion has been given by the holders of this magic device as to the field or limitations of its use- NO LIEN ON CHILD. Court Demands Return Of Babe To . Its Parent. INSUFFERABLE PENALTY. Chiciga Divin e Eatables a lence Room" For Women. "Si- CHI CAGO, Feb. 17.-Tbe Rev. Johnston Myers, has established a ''silence" room for women at the Em manuel Baptist Church. It is in the rear of the Church. He says those who cross his threshhold will be per mitted not a word, even in a whis per A "woman attendant will alwajs be on hand to see that this rule is ob served to the letter. Anyone violating it will be requested to leave immedi ately. The room is fitted with large lea ther couches and lounging chairs, and the women who make use of it may take a nap when they choose. "I know women who are on the verge of t breakdown for the simple reason that they have no place where they can remain absolutely quiet. I think our room will solve the prob lem" said Dr. Myers. If the "silence room" proves a sue cess, a similar apartment for men will be fitted up in another part of the church. WITH THE PLAYERSAND THE PLAYS LILLIAN RUSSELL IS COMING WEST WITH HER LATEST RACING PLAY. Special All This Week j Fine Blue and Blue Tripple Enamel Ware Just received. 10-quart Dish Pans, Regular rrice, 73c; will sell for 50c Covered Kettles (Enamel Coders) 45c Wash Basins . 2 2Sc and 300 ' Pudding Pans 10c, 15c, 20c 25c, 30c BIG BARGAINS, ALL OF THEM China Salad Bowls, Special Offer, 50c article for 25c while they ; last. The supply is limited, so come early. NOTICE Cash checks, from our store, amounting to $10 worth o trade are good for 25 cents in cash to ANY ON'E. NINTH AND COMMERCIAL STS. hroke all world's records as a producing center of interest in the theatrical field last week when no less than seven important attractions opened there in as many different theatres for the mid-winter carnival of dramatics in the Windy City. The importance of these is apparent at one glance over the list of stars that included: Lillion Russell, Viola Allen, Mrs. Fiske, Marie Cahill, Kyrle Bel- lew, Joseph O'Lara and the several stars of a new musical play at the La- Salle. The only star of that galaxy to be seen in a familiar play was Lillian Russell, who brought out "Wildfire" in Chicago the season before. It was her return after a triumphal tour of the east and with even such unheard of opposition in every quarter the fa mous American beauty captivated the town, and her eneaeement at the Il linois theatre was the most successful she ever played in Chicago. This sneaks volumes for the personal pop ularity of Miss Russell and it also il lustrates the hold that her racing comedy "Wildfire" has upon the peo ple. To play a repeat engagement in the face of the most widespread op position any city has shown in years and return box office statements in NEW YORK, Feb. 17. A child cannot be bartered to settle a debt according to a decision just rendered by Justice Greenbaum in the Supreme Court here. The case came before him on a writ of habeas corpus and in volved four year old Hanna Blueme, the daughter of Morris Bleume and wife, who are destitute. The Bluemes about a year and half ago left the little girl in the charge of a Mrs. Jennie Cohen after making arrangements to make pay ments of $1 weekly, for her care Then after finding himself out of work the father was unable to make the payments as agreed and when af ter a few months he acquired some monev which was presented to Mrs. Cohen for oavment. Mrs. Cohen an nounced that, not having what was due her, she had sold the child to Mr and Mrs. Frank C Dnell for $50. Mr and Mrs. Duell flatly refused to give un the child and as the little girl's parents had since gone to San Fran cisco. relatives here began proceed ing to recover her. In a decision o- t handed down yesterday the court, in restoring the child to her parents, said in part: "Mrs. Cohen had no lien upon the child for unpaid board and lodging and no legal right to dispose of it to a stranger. Mrs. Cohen simply had a money claim against its father. It mav be that the respondents have be come attached to the child duing the few months that they have enjoyed its society and it is unfortunate that they may be unable to be re-imbursed for the expenses in its behalf incurred during the time that they have main tained it. but they were not deceived, Thev fully understood that Mrs. Co hen had not the slightest right to dis pose of the child and the monetary considerations urged in behalf of the respondents cannot for a moment be entertained by the court. WASHINGTON IS FOR TUNATE IN HER BILLS MM M M M M urn ii n Tlir I HI HtKALU lilt Ii SEATTLE. Feb. 17.-A bill has been Introduced in the legislature which, if it becomes a law, will give the counties of the state a good chance to advertise themselves in a nnanner that will probably mean a great increase in immigration to this state in the course of a year. Repre sentative Bell, sf Pierce county, is the author of the measure. The la coma Chamber of Commerce ha In- Jorsed the bill and the Seattle Cham ber will likely do so at its next meet ing. The bill authorizes county com missioners to levy a small annua! tax for advertising purposes. At present there is no fund for that purpose and the average county must depend up on the newspaper pre. of the coun ty for the exploitation it receives. As a matter of fact, the press of the state gives up hundreds of columns of space every year, free of charge, to exploiting their particular section. While it is true that this line of work; eventually means more business for the newspapers, at the same tune the average newspaper editor could af- j ford to conduct a more elaborate ays-: tern of advertising for his county if j the county were in a position to bear part of the expense. j We hv Inrge supply of tbe famous Golden State Cherries in Maraschino the mcMit delicious preserved fruit on tho market 50 Cents the quart bottle AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. T,rtrr. onil Wholesale Liquor Dealer! ft MM IHMMI. If a bill that ha been introduce! in the legislature by Representative j L P. Palmer, of King county. Pe onies a law the telephone and tele graph companies of the state will i.ive to come under the direct stiper iion of the tSate Railway Cotnmis ion, the same a are the railroad There is, of course, a big opposition o the hill," said Mr. Tatmer while n the city this week, "but the fact remains that the measure is the best thing that the public could possibly get from the legislature. I shall do everything to put through the bill. State regulation of this dais of cor- porations must come sooner or la ter and it might well as come now." Fisher Brothers Company SOLE AGENTS , , Marbour and Flnlayaon Salmon Twines and Netting McCormlck Harvesting Machines Oliver Chilled Ploughs , Sharpies Cream Separators Raecolith Flooring Surretfs Tools Hardware, Groceries,; Ship Chandlery Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Add, Welch Coal, Tsr, Ash Oars, Oak Lumber, Woe and ratings, Brass Goods. Paints, Oils and Class . . , w Fishermen's Pure Manilla Rope. Cotton Twine and Wo Wsb Wo Wont Your Trodo FISHER BROS. BOND STREET ASTORIA IRON WORKS DESIGNERS AND MANUF4CTURERS OF THE LATEST IMPROVED . . . Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFIT! FURNISHED.' Correspondence Solicited. tool (4 Fowt Street CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Ha Kind Yen Have Alwajs Bougl hdsun the Signature of The new receiving home of the Washinuton Children's Home Soci ety in this city has been completed nd will be opened on Washington s Birthday- The building com $J().0t)O, all of which was given by the people of the state. Five thousand dollars are yet needed to complete the light ing, heating and other detail, and at appeal has been made by the com mittee on furnishings to the people the Sundav school and the church societies of the state to aid in fur nishing the home by contributing furniture or cash for the purpose . The Children's Home Society is one of the largest and the most wor thy charitable organization support ed by the people of Washington Costing only about $15,000 annually for running expenses, the society cares for homeless children and plac es them in private homes, saving the state every year the $150,000 which California pays for supporting or phanges. With its new building com plete, the society is in a position to in crease its efficiency throughout the state. & COLUIIA RIVER ' R. R. Will sell cheap round trip excursion tickets to Denver Msy 17th, July 1st and August nth On June and & 3rd, July and & 3rd nd August nth and lath, very low round trip rates will be tnsde to St. Paul, Duluth, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and all eastern points, Through Rail and Steamship tickets sold to all parts of the world. For full particulars call or address O. B. JOHNSON, Qen'l Agent A. & C. R. R. 12th St, near Commercial 8t ASTORIA, OREOON. COMMENDS HEROISM. WASHINGTON, Feb. 17. Secre tary Newberry has written a letter to Charles Daty, a seaman on the U. S. S. California commending him for his heroism for jumping into the sea while the vessel was at full speed, and assisting in the rescue of two officers who had fallen overboard. If You Are a Trifle Sensitive About the size of your shoes, it's some satisfaction to know that many people can wear shoes a size smaller by spirnkling Allen's Foot-Ease into them. Just the thing for Dancing Parties, Patent Leather Shoes and for breaking in New Shoes. When rub bers or overshoes become necessary and your shoes pinch, Allen's Foot Ease gives instant relief. Sold Every where, 25c. Sample FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Don't accept any substitute. KEV Try our own mixture pf coffee the J. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegetables Badollet & Co., grocers. Phone Main The very best board to be obtained in the city is at "The Occident Hotel." Rates very reasonable. The Modern. The best and most up-to-date ton- sorial oarlor in the city is The Modern. Perfect comfort and service guaranteed to all. Excellent baths Wood and Coal. If vou want dry fir cordwood, in side fir, bark slab, or boxwood, ring up Kelly, the Wood and Coal Dealer, the man who' keeps the prices down. Coal at $7.00 per ton in your base ment or $6.00 at yard. Main 2191 Barn, corner 12th and Duane. The Proper Place. Go to the Occident Barber Shop if you are particular ana desire first class service. Satisfaction guaranteed. An expert bootblack and porter has also been engaged. . 3 D I K7 81 'tA $ 4 k:1 m. Y'P .C f - . w , -am' tyv. fwj. 'Alio Kind Ton Ilave Always Bought, and which lias been m use lor over uv years, 11 as uomo mo eipiiaiu-o or. JI .1 - . L.I- uu ims pccanuiuuiiAicr iwa per fennAl innAmrlRtAn BfnA If t I iifnttjw r A llrtYJP fl fill A fwl Aiitf VA VAII 1ft tlila. All Counterfeits, Imitations ftnd " JuHt-ftN-gowl M are but Experiment that triftd with and endanger the health of Infanta and ClilldrcnExpcrlenM agalnat Exporlnient What Is CASTORIA Caotorla Is a harmless aubstltute for Cantor Oil, Pare gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It l l'hwuuit, It contain neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Nareotla substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcverlshncss, It cures Dlarrhwa and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures CoiiMtlpation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tha Stomach and Bowels, giving1 healthy and nuturol sleep The Children's ronacea-The Mother's Friend. CEHUME CASTORIA ALVAYO Bears the Signature o! m JUT aV . JSKKI- M Jrr f J le Kind Toil Have Always Bought ? a.. II. n in use For over 30 Years. U MMNV,naiMVTMUIT, MIWVM