SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1909, THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. 7! The Daily Market Report ..PORTLAND, l'cb. U.-Tliere ire qulto considerable stocks ol onion in tin South, Oregon prices ore al together (oo high siid unless pricei come down to it least $1 SO, several carloads will be ordered from Cali fornia. Other produce are now well on hand and prlcci the same at yes terday, WHOLESALE PRICES. Grain, Flour, Hay, Etc. Wheat Track pricei: Club, 97c i blue item, $105 110: turkey red, $1 red Ruiilan, 94c; Valley, SI. Floor Patenta, 15.25; itralghti, 4J0; txporti, 13.90; Valley, $5.00; 1 1-4 uck grabam, $4.40; whole wheat, $4.65; ryt, $5.50. Barley-Feed, $38iX); rolled, $28.50 29.50; brewing, $27.50. Oatt-No. 1 white $34.50 gray, $3J. Hay Track prlcen Timothy Wil lamette Valley, fancy, $14.00Ji$16.00; Eaitern Oregon mixed, $17.50; , fancy. $20.00; alfalfa, $14(15; clover, $13(314. MlllstunV-Bran, $26.50; middling, $33; shorts, country, $31; ahorta, city, $30; chop, $22. nA Prowtalftnav Kama 10-12 lb., Hie; 14-16 lbs.. 14c; 18-20 lbs., 131c. Dreiied Meats Hogs, fancy 881c, ordinary 7c((7ic large 6c; vest, extra 9mWc, ordinary 78c, heavy, 6c; mutton, fancy 67, Bacon-Breakfast 17lSl2lc, picnici f)c; cottage roll, lie; regular ahort clears, smoked 13c, do unsmoked 12c; clear backs unimoked 12c, do smoked 13c; shoulders, lie. Lard-Kettle leaf, lOi, I4ic; do, 5s, 15c; do 50-lb. tim, 14c; ateam ren dered. 10s, 131c; do Si, 14c; com pound, 10a. 9 l-4c. . according to quality, 5090c; dry horses, 50cffi$1.50; dry colt, 25c; an gora, 80c$l; goat, common, 10 20e. , ' Mohair Choice, 1819c lb. Oregon Oraperoot Per 100 lbs., $33. Caicara Sajrada (chlttlm bark)- S6c per lb. JOBBERS' QUOTATIONS. Sugar, Coffee, Etc. Sugar (sack basls)-D. O., $5.95; beet, $5.75; Golden C, $5.35; extra C, $545; powdered, $6.05; fruit or berry sugar, $5.95; boxes, 55c cwt. advance over sack basis (less l-4c if psid for In IS days). Turpentine In cases, 63c; in wood barrels, 61 ic; In iron barrels, 59 Jc; in 10-eaie lots, 62c. Lead Strictly purs white lead, In ton lots, 71c; 500-lb. lots. 8c less; less than 500c lbi., 81c; red lead and lith arge, 1c higher than white. Rice Imperial Japan, No. 1, $6.35; Southern Japan, $5.75ffi6; broken, 41c head; fancy, $77JS Coffee-Mocha, 24JD28c; Java, fancy 25jD28c; Java, good. 2024c; Java, ordinary, 1720c; Costa Rica, fancy, 1820c; Costa Rica, good, 1618c; ArbucfcIc.tlr-.30 cwt; Uon. $15.75 cwt; Colombia coffee, 14c lb.; Sal- far ha a been to arouse the opposition of women themselves to the plan to give them the ballot. Mrs. Stuyves- unt Fish whose Influence In New York society is greater than that of any other one woman is the lateit leader to come out strongly againct the plan to give votes to women. Any women of brains can get more for herself and for her sex from men lipilcr present conditions than she possibly could by use of the ballot, is Mrs. Fifth's opinion. Bring in Your Want Ads ToDay TWENTY WORDS OR LESS, ONE WEEK FIFTY CENTS PAYABLE'IN'ADVANCE-1 FORTIFYING A CRATER. How Uncle Sam la Making Uae Of Famous Hawaiian Land Mark Fori Defensive Purposes. THE MORNING ASTORIAN WANT ADVERTISEMENTS! Arc Read Every Morning by 10,000 People. The Want Columns of THE MORNING ASTORIAN art con sulted every morning by hundreds of persons in search of real estate bargains. Articles of sale, lost or found and people looking for em ployment Rates: Twenty words or lens .three times, 25 cents; six times, SO cents; one month, $2.00. HELP WANTED. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. Butler Extras, 3435c; fancy. 32fi)34c; store, lfcVj)20c. Cheese Full cream twins, 151 16c;; full cream triplets, 15tS5l6c; Young America, 17c; cream brick, 18 20c; Swiss block, 1820c; Lim burger, 18 20c. Eggs-Select Oregon, 35(2!37ic vador, lli14tc. Salt-lisle- o,' 7S-2e, bale, $225; Ut. of 60-3i. bale, $2.25; bales of 4tt4s. bale, $2.25; bates of IMOs, bale, 1223; bags, 50s, fins, ton; $15; bags SCc; genuine Liverpool ton, $17; Us, 50c, I ground "$13.50: 100s, ton. $1300; R. S. V. P., 20 S-lb. cartons. $2.25; R. S. V. P, S-lb. csrtons. $1.75; Liverpool, lump, per ton, $20. Raiaina Loose muscatela, 3-crown, 7 cents; 4-crown, 71c; bleached, seedless Sultanas, 9k12c; un bleached seedleas Sultanas, fi cents; London layers, 3-crown, whole Loxes of 20 j ounds, $2.00; 2-crown, $1.75. Nuts Wslnuts, 14c per pound; filberts, 16c; Braxlls, 16c; pecans. 14 20c; hickory. 10c; Virginia row pea nuts, 8 cents; chestnuts, Ital ian 10c, Ohio 25c; cocoanuts. doien. "Octfljl; pine nuts, 10 12c pound. uried fruits Applies, 81c per lb; peaches, 1012c; pears. Illffil4c, HONOLULU, Hawaii. Feb. 13.- The United States Armv Engineers have begun the connection of two wahihu-wki, uk ucrstKAL, lame tunnels throuah the rim of the nouseworic Apply w ming ave. great extinct crater of Diamond Head, just east of the city. The tun- BOY WANTED TO DELIVER nels are an adjunct to the great 12 papers. Apply Circulator, Astorian inch mortar batteries now rearing office completion on the slope of the cone farthest from the ocean. They will WANTED SALESMAN TO CAR penetrate into the big bowl of the ry up-to-date souvenir Post Cards crater, the floor of which includes as side line; money-making proposi some twenty acre surrounded by al-ltion; some of our men making $200 most perpendicular cliffs from fifty monthly; state references. Gartner & to two hundred feet high. Erosion Bender, Chicago nf age has covered this crater floor .i . t . .i wnn a layer oi earin averaging per- SITUATION WANTED. haps six feet in depth, while a small lake occupies one side most of the THOSE WISHING THE SERV- Pouluy Mixed chickens. 131 Italian prunes, 5f?fi6c; California figs, 14c; fancy hena. 14(ftt44c; roosters, hi. ks, 7k per pound: black, old. 10c; broilers, fryers, 2021c; 7e'- b"fjf;,.7Sc225 T boK r J r -- I I'araian uuiKi) live, itnc, iirt , turkeys, live. IfMJlQc: dressed. 20(3) 23c. Oils, Lead, Etc. Linseed Oil-Raw, 5-barrel lots, 64c; 1 -barrel lots, 65c," in case, 71c; boiled, 5-barre! lots, 66c; 1-barrel lots, 67c; in cases, 73c. Gasoline Union and Red Crown. bbla., 151c; cases, 221c. Motor, bbls., Fruits and Vegetables. , Fresh Fruits Oranges, $2-00275; tangerines $1.75 box; lemons, $2.50 4.00; grapes, Spanish Malagaa, $6 7.00 per crate; pears, $1.752O0 perl 161c; cases, 231c. 86 degrees, bbls., year, from rains which find no out let. Within the mountain unusually se cure ammunition magazines will be constructed, and it is possibly that the quarters for troops may also be made within the big enclosure form ed by crater walls. With sufficient water for irrigation ptwposes, the in terior of the crater could readily be converted into a vertable tropical garden. Before the location of the fortifica tion works at Diamond Head, the pro ject of using the big crater as a ceme- ices of a nurse, call on Mrs- E. J Pope, 358 31st, corner Franklin, Phone Main 81. MIDDLE AGED WOMAN WANTS position as housekeeper or for gen eral housework. Miss M- A. Foster, Clatsop, Or-, care B. W. Waterhouse. LOST AND FOUND. LOST CUT LEATHER HAND bag, tan color with green lining, marked R. C. on back; contained coins and return ticket to Ilwaco: tcry by the city was seriously con- libcral reward if returne(j to this udered. The difficulty of securing 0fjjce, tunable land convenient to Honolulu for burial purposes led to the sugges- TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES. lion, which might have been carried out had not Uncle Sam decided that Notice. he needs the big land-mark for his H you want an exceptionally good own uses. brand of carbons and ribbons for your The batteries of eight big motars typewriter, lee Lenora Benoit, Pub- VETERINARY COLLEGES. BULLETIN SAV V FRANCISCO Veterinary College now ready; mailed free. Dr. C. Keane, 1818 Market street BATH HOUSES. BATHS-TURKISH AND RUS sian, at the natatorium of George Hill, 217 Astor St.; rational prices; absolute cleanliness; private rooms; separate service for ladies; rheuma tism and skin diseases treated with perfect luccess. 10-25-tf RESTfU RANTS. U. S. RESTAURANT, 434 BOND street Coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents; first-class meals, 15 cents. TOKIO RESTAURANT, 351 Bond street, opposite Ross, Higgins & Co.; coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents; first-class meals; regular meals 15 cents and up. HOUSE MOVERS. FREDR1CKSON BROS. W make a specialty of house moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention to all orders. Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. Notice is hereby given that the as sessment made for the construction of a sewer on Irving avenue from manhole at the crossing of Irving avenue and lltb street to a point 150 feet east of the east line of 11th street, as per assessment roll number 187, was made by an order of the com mon council of the city of Astoria, due and payable on the 15th day of February, A -D. 1909, by ordinance number 3730, confirming said assess ment rolL That the following are the names of the persons sgainst whom the assessment is made, and the amount owing by each to-wit: Basel, Rudolph .. ..$ 58.90 Douglas Land & Trust Co.... 58.89 Fulton, G. C 5859 Hamilton, John F. 117.79 Montgomery, Emma T. 58.89 Short, Emily C 58.89 By order of the common council. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. Dated February 7, 1909. ,,. MISCELLANEOUS. H a MEDICAL. m N lit J 1 iV- Unprecedented Successes of awn TEXeilAl caorssx doc tots Who is know throashont t ha ?' lUnited States on account of his wo- derful cures. No poisons or drugs used. He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung and throat trouble, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney, female comDlaiata. and all chronic diseases. SUCCESSFUL HOME IMiTKIIT If you cannot call write for symp toms blank and circular, inclosing 4 ' cents in stamps. - THE C GEE WO HZDICTHX CO. 1621 First St., Corner Morrisoa PORTLAND, OREGON Please mention the Astorian. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. box, cranberries, $15.00 per barrel; bananas, 5S51c per pound. Apples Best Oregons, $2.002.7S; common, $1251.75 per box. Vegetables Turnips, $1.50 per sack; beets, $1.50; parsnips, $1.50; cabbage, $2.502.75; head lettuce, 90c $1 per dosen; cucumbers, $1.75 $2.25 per doien; celery, 90c$1.00 per dozen; artichokes, $1.40 per dozen; beans, 20c per pound; peas, 15c per pound; tomatoei, $1.50(22.25 per erne; iguMii, tc per puunu; peppen. 75 per box; cauliflower, $2-00 r dozen. Potatoei Buying prices, $1.10 $1-35. Onions Buying prices: $2.00 per hundred. Oysters, Clams and Fish. Oysters Shoalwater Bay, per gal lon $2.25; per aack $4.50; Toke Point, $1.60 per 100; Olympiss (120 lbs.), $6; Olympiai, per gallon,' $2.25. Fish-Halibut, 11c' lb; black cod, 7 8c; black bass, 20c; striped bast, 18c; herring, 51c; flounders, 6c; ft . s l IMi a m catnsn, yc; snnmp, use; percn, oc; sturgeon, 121c; aea trout. 15c; torn cod, 8c; salmon, frozen, 7c; smelt, 2c. Canned Salmon Columbia river, l ib. talis, $2; 2-lb. tats. $3, fancy, 1-lb. flats, $2.15; Mb. flats, $1.25; fancy, 1-lb. ovals, $2.75; Alaska tails, pink 95c, red $1.40; nominal, 2s, tails, $2.10. Clams Little neck, per box, $2.50; razor clams, $2 per box; crabs, $1 $1.50 dozen. 30c; cases, 37k. Engine bbls., 9c; cues, 16c. Distillate, Bridge Jumpers Insist (Continued from page 2) Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. Hops 1908, choice 771c, prime 6 7c, medium 56c; 1907, 23c lb. Wool Valley, medium, 14151c; lb.; coarse, 12 13c; Eastern Oregon, 816c, as to shrinkage. Hides-Dry hides, No. 1, 15116c lb; dry kip, No. 1, 141c lb; dry salted, one-third leas; dry calf, 15116c lb; jlUA afaara OOfl Ik. .nl,. ..nn,. fin "lb; stags and bulls, 5c lb; kip, 7c lb; calf, uic lb; green stock, lc less; sheepskins, shearlings,' 1025c; short ter of a mile. Indeed for the first time in the history of the species a turtle came near being arrested for exceeding the speed limit. The whole affair came aa a result of Adam's es cape from the reptile house at the Zoo which was discovered less than an hour after it happened. There was no excitement over the escape for Keeper Twomcy explained that the old party traveled about a mile a day ao that his capture would be easy. As a matter of fact, Adam was tracked through the snow by the two keepers, who shortly came upon him at the top of the park's steepest and longest hill. Adam got there first by about a second and the next thing that the keepers saw was the ancient turtle sliding down hill at a rat which before the coast was stopped became almost two miles a minute. Once the slide was over it was an easy matter to capture him, but be cause of his 300 pound weight it was necessary to bring the turtle back to the Zoo in an automobile, thus giv ing him in addition to his speed re cord that of being the first turtle to ride in an auto. . arc almost entirely concealed from lie Stenographer, the sea by the bulk of the mountains street. behind which they are placed, which not only makes them difficult tp lo cate accurately from hips, but will protect them to a considerable ex tent from battleship fire. Their own fire will be controlled by electric in dicators operated at some convenient point of observation, not necessarily near the motars, and as this class of artillery depends on its "dropping fire" the mountain J)ftw,7cn the fort and the sea will offer no obstacle. 477 Commercial CARPENTERS. G. O. AND G. N. STADIN BROS-, carpenters, builders and contrac tors, Ninth and Duane street, will give prompt attention to all orders; terms reasonable; satisfaction guar anteed. FOR RENT-HOUSES. FOR RENT-Furnished ing and single rooms. HONOLULUS" FLORAL PARADE Exchange street housekeep Apply 677 In spite of all the agitation, in fa vor of women suffrage, that cause is not gaining ground in the United States, according to the conclusions of Mrs. Rossiter Johnson, wife of the historian, whose book "Woman and the Republic" summing up the re sults of this work is soon to be issued for the Civic Education of Women. In a summary giving the results of attempts to enact equal suffrage laws in various parts of this, country during past 12 years, Mrs. Johnson shows that this proposal has been once in every twenty-seven days during that period.1 Apparently the wool, 3040c; medium and long wool, result of the suffragist campaign so IfA-v ? I it. i- s 1 I uu.vwuut.L, nawa.i. rco. ' FOR RENT-Furnished house; sne annual i-.ora. raraue, ceieorat- room8. corner Fourth and Bond, mg Washington s Birthday, the ZZnd Apply 122 Fourth. oi .mis monin, win tins year oe tne most elaborate event nf the kind tver b,U in Unnnlnt.,. Th -nrnmin... CITY REAL ESTATE. which have been at work for some time past have outlined a procession FOR SALE BUSINESS BLOCK; of automobiles and carriages to be the Waldorf, Kinney and Gribler, decorated in even more elaboration corner Eigth and Astor, two lots, and variety of design than even those 100x110; house 100x110, 40 rooms up of last year. One of the features of stairs; 1 hall 40x100. J. F. Nowlen. the affair will be the completion of 473 Commercial. 10-4-tf Island Princesses" young women representing the several islands of rwlv wvi the group, wearing the old native on Astor ,reet; coz,y crner; M" pa-u, or flowing riding costume, and Ioon nxtum; turmsnea rooms; competing in horsewomanship. Price' 5s500- J- F-' Nowlen, 473 The parade will start from the Commercial lU-4-tf Capitol Grounds in the morning and L will conclude its march in the Oahu FOR SALE-ONE HOUSE, TWO- College campus, several miles diis- story, $5250; one house, one-story, tant, where it will be reviewed by the $2250, or both for $7000; property judges. In the evening the business adjoins SE. cor. 34th and Franklin, streets of the city will be turned over Apply to J. F. Nowlen. uu to masked DRESSMAKING. revelers. There is an unusually large number of tourists in Honolulu at -the oresent time, quite a number of -which have I CHILDREN'S SCHOOL DRESSES, automobiles here which have been aprons, ladies waists, etc., done in entered for the oarade. The event the neatest and latest design; will go has been well advertised on the coast out in the country if desired; very and there will be many more visitors reasonable rates. Address 461 Duane to come within the next few weeks, COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH FOR sale; takes both long and short records, with attachment to make rec ords; violin, mandolin, harp, banjo. zither, guitar, mandolin and guitar, cello and flute solos; some can not be duplicated; many fine band selec tions; many Italian and Spanish selections, songs and trios; many opera pieces; about 65 records in all fine cabinet; practically new; all for $75 cash. Address Phono, Astorian office. I carry the best Lowers Shoes in town at the low est prices. My Stock of men's and bey's shoes is unsurpassed for qua lity. Close buying and low expenses enable me to sell the best qualities at lowest prices. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW GUSTAF A. HEMPLE , Attoraey-afLaw Suite 9-10 Odd Fellows' Building Tenth and Commercial Streets JOHN C McCUE, ATTORNEY AT Law. Page Building, Suite 4. HOWARD M. BROWNELL, AT- torney at Law, Deputy District Attornry. 420 Commercial Street DENTISTS DR. F. VAUGHAN, DENTIST. Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. DR. W. C. LOGAN. DENTIST. Commercial Street, Shanahan Bldg. OSTEOPATHS. DR. RHODA C HICKS, OSTEO path. Office: Mansell Bldg., Phone Black 2065. 573 Commercial Street. SWEDISH MASSAGING. COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. The island of Oahu. on which FOR SALE-RANCH AT SVEN Honolulu is situated, has two rail- sen, 25 acres; 8-room . house; good roads, one of which is 71 miles in barn and out buildings and orchard; length. An idea of its importance partially improved; $3000. Apply J. may be gained from the fact that for F. Nowlen. the year ending June 30, 1908, pass engers to the number of 446,318 and FOR SALE-157! ACRES LAND, freight amounting to 389,448 tons gection 4, township 5, range 6, on were handled. Nehalem River, two and one-half million feet of timber, 35 acres cul tivated; price $6000. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial street. 10-4-tf In Hawaii there are 154 public schools with an enrollment of 18,564 children employing 467 teachers; and 51 private schools with an enrollment J. p, NOWLEN, REAL ESTATE of 4,881, employing 218 teachers. At- and Employment Office, 473 Com tendance is compulsory, and no pri- mercial St., Phone . Have' fine vate school is accredited unless En- list of Astoria and country property. ghsh is the language 'of instruction. I All clases of labor furnished, TYRA KOHLANDER. ROYAL graduate in Swedish movements, physical culture and massage; office, 545 Franklin ave., second flat; hours: 9-11 a. m., 3-5 p. m., or Central Drug Store, Telephone Main 2181. MATTRESSES MAKER. HAvTYOuTol31SSTliESSES made over new for the spring by Bob Davis, 59 Ninth street. m, Notice. THE TRAVELING PUBLIC WILL please take notice, that in order to make repairs to the Walluski Draw Bridge, it will be necessary to close the bridge for travel from 9 o'clock a. m. to 4 o'clock p. m. each day, be ginning Monday, February 15, 1909, and continuing until further order from the Court. By order of the County Court. J. C. CLINTON, Clerk. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine it fails to cure. E W GROVE'S signature is on each box 25c. '. Tablets. Druggists refund money if S. A. GIMRE 543 Bond Street. HOT OR COLD Golden West Tea Just Right CLOSSET & DEVERS, PORTLAND, ORE. MISCELLANEOUS. Plate Racks, Wall Pockets- Music Racks Clock Shelve Just in See us Hildeirand & Gor Old Bee Hive Bldg. ; ; LAUNDRIES. NOT THE ONLY ONE We want it well known that w don't compete with our fellow dtt- sen, the 'Chinee. ; Our methods bear comntriion with his to his disadvantage. , Have your laundry work done by the light of day. 'Your clothes wiH be cure, deem and satisfactory, done here. TROY LAUNDRY , Tenth and Duane Phone Main 1991 ' DENTISTS. TEETH UHBXSTAXXSa. J. A. GILBAUGU & CO Undertakers arl Embalmen Experienced Lady Assistant When Desired. Calls Promptly Attended Day or Night. Tatton Bdg. 12th and, Duane Sts ASTORIA. ORE.GON Phone Main 2111 The Cornelius "The House ;of Welcome' Comer Park and Alder, r m 1 1 i Gold Crowns, 22-k ....$54 Bridgework 22-k... ........ .....S&Qt Gold Filling .. ..... .. ...... ..$L59 np Enamel Filling ......$14 Silver Filling 50c, $U Best Plates ..fll Painless Extraction .....50c Lady attendance. Office hours 8 JO a. m. to 6 p. m., Sunday 10 a. m. to 12 m. Evening work by appointment Chicago Painless Dentists OVER DANZIGER'S PLUMBERS. iliilllEil PLUMBER i PORTLAND, Alhotel where the North west people will find a hearty welcome and receive fji Courteous Treatment at moderate prices. Our free. Omnibus mee all trains. Under management of N. K. Clarke C. W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor. OREGON i Heating Contractor, Tinner ' ' -AND- ' Sheet Iron Worker Uye Quelle ELEVENTH STREET Opposite the Bakcronian HOT CHICKEN TAMALES EVERY EVENING HOME-MADE, and of the choicest ingredients; put up under supervis ion that guarantees their perfect freedom from all deleterious matter. MRS. F. WOOLLEY LL WORK GUARANTEED 425 Bond Street TRANSPORTATION. The K" Line Steamer - Lurline Night Boat for Portland and Way Landings. Leaves Astoria daily except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland Daily Except Simcty at 7 a. a. Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf Landing Portland Foot Taylor f i J.J. DAY, Agent Phone Main 270 PROPRIETRESS