A. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1909, Women BEELHIVE0utfittcfs I W AMERICA'S GREATEST FASHION CENTER Mrs. M. S. Copeland is in New York baying lines of gcods for spring and summer trade We will soon be able to show you fashions latest dictates in ladies' Suits, Skirts, Ccats, Millinery, Dress Goods, White Novelties and Notions direct from New York City. OCEAN, BAR, BAY, DOCK AND RIVER The steamship Rose City came down from Portland early yesterday morning, outward bound for San Francisco, and went to sea at an early hour. She took away from here the following named passengers in her cabins: Ernest Loll, J. C Jenser, Thomas Fisher, Thomas Brazel and C Anderson; and in the steerage the following were registered oat of this port: J. F. Seerola, C Christiansen, A. Golden, N. L. Govanovich, Nick Apostad and A. H. Jawnsen- At 4 O'clock yesterday afternoon Opera tor Ferland. of the United Wireless, at Smith's Point picked her tip at a point IS miles southwest of Yaqnina Head, when she reported the weather cloudy and a light rain and the wind blowing from the South at 20 miles an hoar; the barometer read 30:16; temperature 50 min.; small sea, with long swell running. All well on bcaid and making good time, f The derelict Minnie E. Kelton, which has made quite a history in and oat of this port during the past eight months, has been taken on to St. John's where it is proposed to patch her into such shape as to serve for many a year as a rock batge for her owner, Captain Daniel Kffn. She left her last beaching under ihe easterly shoulder of Ton gue Point on Friday night, for the steamers Daniel Kern, Hercules and Samson, standing by and towing. Her lumber cargo which was taken from her water-logged hold 'is safely landed and measures nearly 300,000 feet of pretty fair lumber, consider ing the stress it has been subject to since the day of her wrecking and will go a good way toward paying HIS II go We have arranged to do our killing at T- S. Cornelius', and we are now in a position to supply Astoria with the choicest of home-killed stock at the following prices: Beef ' from 5c to 15c Pork at from 8c to 15c Mutton at from 8c to 15c Sausages at from 10c to 12c Hams at 15c Bacon at from 16 to 17 Jc Picnic Hams at :...l6c Lard, S-lb. pails 65c Lard, 10-lb. pails $U0 Butter at 70c-75c Fresh Ranch Eggs 50c Fresh Smelt, 6 lbs. for 25c. 684 Commercial St for her salvage. The O. R. & N. towing steamer Ocklahama came down the river yesterday morning with the lumber iadt schooner William Bowden on her hawsers, and dropped that ves sel in the city channel, whence she letres out today on her long voyage lo the Peruvian coast and Molendo. The Ocklahama then fastened on to the schoner Lottie Bennett and took her up the river to Westport where she will load lumber outward; and then the big stern wheeler came back and hooked, on to the British ship Glenalvon and left up for the me tropolis. Captain Heating's fine boat Pilot is doing the daily run between the forts at the mouth of the river and this city, now, in place of the steam er Major Guy Howard, the latter vessel being laid op on account of a leaking boiler. The steamer Wellesley arrived in from San Francisco yeterday", and left up stream in charge of Pilot Joe Turner at 3 o'clock p. m- The steamship Roanoke arrived down at 3:30 o'clock yesterday after noon with good business between decks and a goodly passenger list for the California coast, and left out at 4:30 o'clock. The steamer Alliance is due down and out this morning 6n her custom ary run to the Coos waters. She will leave the Callender dock at an early hour. The Portland-Asiatic steamship Nicomedia came down stream yes terday and went to sea on the even ing flood. She was loaded deep and is now pounding her way to the Orient with her usual speed. The steamer Yosemite arrived in port yesterday morning from the Bay City, and went directly on to Rainier for a cargo of lumber fc the return voyage. The oil tank Washtenaw came down stream late yesterday after noon and took her place in the pro cession made up of the Nicomedia, Roanoke and herself, for the outward run to sea, all crossing the bar with in the hour. The steamer Undine of the Kamm fleet arrived down in good time yes terday, and will stay on in the Lur line's place for the balance of this week. She went away at 7 p. m. carrying from here Dr. H. E. Kill ingsworth, E. Gries, Messrs. McBeth and Bullis of the Columbia Trust Company; and Dr. C. W. Barr. Special All This Week Fine Blue and Blue Tripple Enamel Ware Just received. 0-quart Dish Pans, Regular price, 75c; will sell for 50c Covered Kettles (Enamel Covers) ' 45c Wash Basins .....20c, 25c and 30c Pudding Pans 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c BIG BARGAINS, ALL OF THEM China Salad Bowls, Special Offer, 50c article for 25c while they last. The supply is limited, so come early. NOTICE Cash checks, from our store, amounting to $10 worth o' trade are good for 25 cents in cash to ANY ONE. : 1NINTH AND COMMERCIAL ST& IV Ml YORK CARED FOR 'finer IN THE SPLENDID EXAMPLE OF READY CHARITY IN THE GREAT SEAPORT. . NEW YORK, Feb, 12. That has- bands and fathers have just been re stored to 84 wives and 135 children at the homes of seamen and stokers of the sunken steamship "Republic" in Liverpool was reported at the headquarters of the American Sea men's Friend Society in this city to day. The census of the home folks who so narrowly escaped becoming widowed and fatherless was taken when over a hundred of these ship wrecked seafarers flocked from the "Baltic" to the new Seamen's Insti tute here sick, half naked, penniless and barfoot. Only by quick applica tion of an emergency fund 12 hundred dollars were they able to clothed and shod, the officers of the society declare. No shipwreck in the present gen eration has demanded such immedi ate and extensive measures for relief as that of this big ocean liner, it is asserted by expert workers of this seamen's organization which has for eighty years succored stranded sur vivors of ocean disasters in forty of the principal ports of the world as well as in this city. While a thou sand dollars was spent by them dur ing the year 1908 to set on their feet the victims of the coast wrecks about this port, they say, more than this J same sum was required in one night to provide the men of this one ship's stoke hole and fo'castle with the clothes to their backs. Only by the fortunate chance that its $300,000 Seamen's Institute had just been opened and by the instant contribu tions of scores of its friends here was the society able to relieve the crowds of shivering seamen, who came trooping to its doors from this shock of the seas that had left them without money or employment in a foreign harbor To fit America's chief seaport with a ready refuge for such stranded out casts of the ocean, the officers of the American Seaman's Friends Institute have to-day decided to appeal to the people of every section of the land for a fund to be devoted to just such emergencies as the sinking of the "Republic." In every town in the country they believe the families and friends of seafaring sons will readily lend a hand toward providing means to instantly succor the victims of fu ture great sea tragedies. Where es tablished Red Cross and relief or ganizations make the shores of other countries thoroughly prepared to care for large companies of stranded sailors, America is to-day sadly up prepared, they believe the recent wreck of the "Republic" has shown. "If the home folks" of every moth er's son who risks the seas will give up their help for this purpose, I be lieve a splendid reserve fund can be laid up against such emergencies on American shores," said G. McPhe'r son Hunter, at the headquarters of the American Seamen's Friend So ciety, 76 Wall Street, to-day. "The instant contribution of $1,000 by the people of this -city to meet the needs of the poor fellows of the "Republic" shows, I think, that the succor of the seafarer is close to the hearts of our countrymen. If the whole people respond to our call, I know we shall soon be equipped to meet the most disastrous shipwreck that can come to the doors of any of our dozen sta tions at American ports on both the Atlantic and the Pacific coasts." Half a million sailors come into port and embark each year within a stone's throw of the new Seamen'? Institute on the waterfront here. With thousands more seafarers con stantly exposed to the coast dangers of the country, shipping experts in this city declared to-day that every provision should be made at once for the results of such extensive shipwrecks as that of the ill-fated "Republic." Piles Cured at Home by New Ab sorption Method. If you suffer from bleeding, itch in, blind or protruding Piles, send me your address, nd I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treat ment free for trial, with references from your own locality if requested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write today to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P, Notre Dame, Ind. isplay Moim day ) ( tl A - 5K Copynjnt 19CI by Hart Schiffner & Marl First showing Spring and Sum mer line Hart Scliaffner & Marx Suits The best assortment of styles and patterns we have ever shown. Up-to-date cuts and newest colors. Suits that give the wearer that "dress distinction" that characterizes the good dresser. No freakish crea tions, but all nitty, perfect fitting suits, made of the best all-wool materials and every suit guaranteed to hold its shape and color or money refunded. Sold at what they are really worth to you. $20.00 to $35.00 HATS ! - HATS ! Spring and summer lines, new and snappy colors and only the best blocks. Soft and Stiff $3.00 and $3.50 DON'T FORGET THE "STOKES GUARANTEE WITH EVERY ARTICLE WE SELL , MtmtHMtoiim DUNLAP HATS MtMM ! "The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes" DRESS SHIRTS IMMMIMMIMMMMM ILWACO Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Inman, of Fort Canby were visitors to Ilwaco Wednesday, returning to the fort Thursday. Glen Buck, traveling for the Port land flouring mills, and Mr. Hayci traveling for Honeyman Hardware Co. of Portland were in the city Thursday. Wilson Graham returned to hit work on the Nascl, Thursday, aftet spending a few days with his chil dren in Ilwaco. J. J. Brumbach, returned Tuesday from South Bend Wn., where he spent a day on official business. , A social dance was given Tuesday evening in the opera house, by A. A. Seaborg and some of the Ilwaco boys. The dance was arranged in a very short time, and although the crowd was not so large as usual, a good time was experienced by all The large phonograph belonging U H. B. Woodruff, furnished the music and it was the best. The Ilwaco General Electric Com pany have fitted up offces in the rea' of the Fraternity Hall, building, and expect to commence operations soon at this place and Stock-pole harbor, just below Oysterville. Owing to the beautiful weather, Thursday several Ilwaco ladies were visitors to North Head Wash, among whom are: Mrs. Kelsay, Mrs. A. A. Seaborg and Mrs. Drew ery. Mrs. Chas. Eckert and daughter returned Tuesday to their home in Celilo, Ore., after a week or more spent with friends and relatives in Ilwaco, and at the Ilwaco Beach Life Saving Station. ALASKA INSANE. Appropriation Required To Care For Numerous Cases. WASHINGTON. Feb. 13 -The problem of dealing with the rapidly increasing Alaskan insane has again been presented to Congress-' j Secretary Garfield of the Depart mcnt of the Interior has requested an additional appropriation of $75, (XW to be made immediately for prac tically all the money provided for contract obligations has already been expended. The Alaskan insane, un der contracts, are now being cared for by a sanitarium at Portland, Oregon, at a cost to the government of $384 a year per capita. Secretary Garfield reported to Con gress that the number of insane from Alaska is increasing constantly and the reason advanced is the extreme cold and the isolation from civiliza tion of many of the inhabitants of that territory. There is no place in Alaska where the insane can be cared for. MORE ANTI-JAP TALK. HELENA, Mont., Feb. 13. While there is a consensus of opinion that the Anti-Japanese memorial which has been introduced in the House by Representative Norton is too dras tic for adoption, it seems certain that with amendments which will be of fered it will pass the House. The Silver Bow County delegation, 12 strong, and most of the Democrats favor it and enough Republicans have signified their intention to sup port such legislation to make it al most certain that the House, which has a Democratic majority of five, will send the bill to the Republican Senate. There is seems probable the memorial will be killed. NEW TO-DAY Try our own mixture of coffee the J. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegetables Badollet & Co., grocers. Phone Mai" The very best board to be obtained in the city is at "The Occident Hotel." Rates very reasonable. The Modern. The best and most up-to-date ton sorial parlor in the city is The Modern. Perfect comfort and service guaranteed to all. Excellent baths. MMtHHMMMIIIIIIMMIHMMXMtMMttmMMtM f ..... fSV V! ,.. I HERALD THE NEWS I We have a large mipply of the famous Golden State Cherries I in Maraschino the most delicious preserved fruit X on the market 50 Cents the quart bottle AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. f Importers and Wholesale Liquor Dealers " MMIMIIMMMMMMIt . . . . FOR A . , , . VICTOR OR AN EDISON PHONOGRAPH -)GO TO(- Johnson Phonograph Go, r'ariori second floor over Bchoiheld a Mattiutn Co. The Proper Place. Go to the Occident Barber Shop if you are particular and desire first class service. Satisfaction guaranteed. An expert bootblack and porter has also been engaged. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bougfcl Seara the Cigoature of Fisher Brothers Company SOLE AGENTS Marbour and Finlayson Salmon Twii.e and Netting McCormick Harvesting Machines Oliver Chilled Ploughs Sharplea Cream Separators Raecolith Flooring Starrett's Tools Hardware, Groceries,;, Ship v Chandlery Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid, Welch Coal, Tar, Ash Oars, Oak Lumber, Pipe and Fittings, Brasi Goods, Paints, Oils and Class Fishermen's Pure Manilla Rope, Cotton Twine and Seinr Web Wo Wotit Your Trade FISHER BROS. BOND STREET