THE MORNING ASTOR1AN, ASTOIillTbllEGON. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1905. AMUSEMENTS. ASTORIA WW x? Heart o' mo, heart o' me, where hut thou flown, Leaving me sorrowing here all alone f Which U the (air one whow char mi have won thee I Heart o' me, heart o' me, where eamt thou bet His Comic Valentine. r ANNIE BOOTH N'KINNCY. fOotryrlf ht, 10W, by American Frets Aase- elation.) ' BAUKL NEWMAN was thoroughly normal dunplte Ucr swty temper, No amount of social Ulljttloii hnd seemed to subdue hur abound ing euiriiU'K and level cbeerlue till now, but on the inurntDg after tb club fotlUoD sho resolved to bring herself 4o a saner outlook, whntever the rout. It huil all begun with Dudley Jones' "ruxtilhB" ttit' eldest Mis liungan. Dudley wrnt over keen after novelty at) J visiting girls. Cotisoqueutly at the dsuce Isabel had nut refuiied Knapp Chilton's t-ouspleuoua attentions, Last night had achieved the crisis. It w a grent relief to be off with tb old low. Isabel told herself th morulng n f i or. Hh would rise in terior to eeiitlment and rugret, be equal to playing rata to hiT own datloy. Hut aa tho'day waxed the saner her mood been ma, lho more complex hur environment. Aa a beginning the household de scended to find Itself breakfast less. Cook was reported 111 and was sent home, fifteen utiles d ta unt. In charge of Mtlly, thn house- BKR OWN WOU L1U11T- ' maid. This meant a servautloss day. In some fashion the children were dispatched to school, and Mrs. New man ventured forth to keep uu engage ment with tho dontlst And then, with seal such as an unquiet soul be queaths, Isabel entered upon the household orgy that was to drown her sorrows. She dung asldo last night's storm and strews, got on her working garb and proceeded to spree In com pany with the latest Improved step ladder, bucket and soap rack. Win dows, blinds, mantels, doors, came un der water. With the disappearance of 'each pall of grimy suds her own woes lightened; hence, with the exception of Dearths and tiling In the reception hall, spotleasness reigned speedily. Another bucket of somber slop to be disposed of sent virtuous thrills riot ing through Isabel's tired body, Its ebou hue being n visible token of her accomplishment. The blacker the acrnb water the more virtuous Isabel. With a commendatory glance about th fleckless kitchen, she went to the Ink and turned th hot water faucet. No out put. She tried tb cold. That, too, was rtbdu rate. She flew to the bathroom. No tope there. What can It menu? "Hello, central! Give me the wa ter company. No water to be had at 1000 Tulip avenue. Whnt'B wrong? 'Water cut off while NO OOTTUT. you're working on the new house U the next lot!' Well, It's mighty un comfortable. Do you understand, we haven't a drop on tho whole place? 'Bend out for some?' Yes, but you see, I can't; not a .servant hero, and I"-r she giggled IrreprosHlbly Into tho receiver-"! can't, that's all. For heav en's sake turn It on as soon as possi ble. 'Not before 8-don't like to prom Iter Horrors r The receiver wint up frith a click. XT Just then Ml Newman caught sight of bet-self lu the full length mirror. "You object!" she shrieked. "Mtlly could aoiin'mault In the cou! cellar and not look like that. Welt, the bouse Is Clean If I'm not. Hut If a prlure came -wooing, 'wtitor, water everywhere' but hero. Not a gill to do-or undo my fo with." Catching up an unemptled bucket of grimy amis. she spread wide the from door fur .'.i Ji'u light and froutledly at tacked hearth and tiling, humming a fragment rp'in last night's one divine waits with hl:s- ft world of sentlmeutul pnlu lu tin1 mtl,i:ig iiH'iinure. Then a t nun lil:ij of gravel as car rtiitf.? brought up in the step was heard, and be fore she could retreat or close tho door a man's voice Inquired of her back, "Is Miss Newman In?" The amateur char woman sprang to her feet, the scrub bing cloth drop ped Into the Inky pall, and she slip ped deftly be "lioiuioimr hind the door, hut not before glimps ing two dulnty figures In the waiting vehicle. Dudley Jones, growlug impatient, asked, "Is Mis Newman luT "Hue ain't at home, sir," the hidden personage answered In a suspiciously thready voice. There wns a twinkle In his eyes, and, stepping within, he pried forward the door aud coolly looked her over, In wardly contrasting this exponent of the grimy side of labor with the blue gowned maiden of tho previous night. "An old friend with a new face," he said tentatively, towering above the girl in his blond lmmaculatcness, his gaco w-auulng the dubious spectacle. "The Ceucl-you recall how I always Insisted on the likeness and wanted you to try It for a masquerade? You have, I see," snld be Jubilantly, In dicating with an ornate gesture a contaminated pillowcase wound tortu ously about her bronze hair, below It the mosaic of a dirt smitten coun tenance, "I hate you," she sold venomously, "and there's no masquerade about It. now dare you com here after last night?" "It's because of last night I'm here. The Ml sues Itcagnn, the club bonorees you observed them? desire to pay their respects before leaving. I sacrl- . 1 L neuu niynuu uu the altar of 11 courtesy. They " await your lady ship without" "Courtesy! Let them wait." "Sure, but I can't, you see." His tnctlcs be came aggressive, and the girl found herself baeke Into the ' lndli alcove which they two hml built niul ndorned. "I've been waiting. and ' T11,; ATTACK so I shall Just tnl:e what belongs to me." A blush disclosed 1'solf nmld la bel's facial decorations. "The how and nrrows over there nre ycurs, and tho What will the: t!)l::l: you're doing In here ko long?" "Their thoughts den't concern mo." he answered suporcllkurly. "Hut If they propound the query I'll remind them of the dny and say I' wns mere ly claiming my Valentine." "The 14th, is it?" "It is." He gathered her Into bis spoclcless embrace and despite her struggles laid a kiss upon one be smirched cheek. "A peck of dirt," he peculated musingly, aotto voc. "It's a peck, isn't it, or a bushel? Wall, no if 0 1 Cupid, 0 Cupid, I beg of you, tell Where it the one who exerteth the spell! Draw thou the string of thy bow; speed the dart Straight to the one that hath captured my heart matter. I'n quite content with both qnnllt.v avd qimntlty." His look deep ened to one of fatuous beatitude as he wlitxpored. "I'd vndo through acres of It to win mj Valentine." "All the same, It's a comic one," Isabel choked hysterically. Mr. Dudley Jones repeated his seal of pos session sud ran down the steps, calling back: "Ion't forgot the curds and be sure to tell Miss New- "sn ain't at home, mull how very SIR." sorry we are to mis her. You might mention 1 search ed for what 1 bad misplaced aud found It. You won't forget?" "No, jdr," demurely replied a bob bing imitation of Beatrice Cencl don In black and white, black predominat ing. As they drove away Dudley answer ed Miss Reagau's arch query: "Valen tines? Oh, yes, one a comic one." "Comic?' What a shame!" "Not at all. I wouldn't exchange It for a Cupldy one; not I." A little later the gravel scrunched again. Isabel tripped to tb door and adjusted a wary eye to the opaque glass panel. It was met by oe equal ly as wary from without. "It's only me." And aa the door swung back Mr. DudleyJoues, ele gante and cotil lon leader, was disclosed bearing aloft a dripping lard can. He plashed a path across Isabel's rr comio okic spotless floor and triumphantly depos ited his burden In the kitchen. "A comlc one' for you, Miss New man," be announced, the remark point ed by a tentative glunce toward hi Uqu Id offering, then down at a moist, disordered person. There .were levea-ot eight, If I counted em straight. As lovely at ever.youll see, With posies and vines And mottoes and lines All printed on . purpose for. me. But the one-mamma made Put the rest in the shade, When the (table for dinner was set, For a qanbeny tart In the shape of a heart Is the jolliest Valentine yet. 1 e wv jvj m r too 9 HI Wi . "You believe in quick returns!" cried ' the girl happily. "Yes a comic one first, then a Cu pldy one, sweetheart." He caught the smudged left band and set a glittering seal of ownership In the midst of hon- ; ornhle grime. 1 "Another chance for quick returns?" he suggested slyly. i 8omwhsr a heart shall be my horn. Love, is it thins? , Than her I stay no more to ream, , Thy Valentine. TOWNSEND ALLEN. Th Tender Passion. - Is love. Oue touch of love will heal ; all wounds that hate inflicts. . i Love Is true, Ingenuous and blind. Nor will it be wed to envy or deceit ! or crouch with fear In gloomy nooks 'of ill foreboding, for love la gentle . eyed and credulous as a suckling babe, ' fears naught nor falters at another's fortune. Love's voice is soft and sweet as is the song of turtledoves, its touch me dicinal ss brew of healing herbs, Air f-MANM M SWTXTt A VALENTINE. I " II I 1 I WmwnWi , 5 : If 4 .. - m Valentine, Valentine, speed thee away Straight unto her who my heart holds, I pray. Swiftly return then to me, Valentine, Bringing her heart back, a hostage for mine. Pagan Origin of Valentine's Day. It would seem that Cupid should choose for his particular festival a day commemorative of some Joyful event. St. Valentine's day is the an niversary of the putting to death of an early bishop of the Roman cbnrch named Valentine, who suffered martyr dom for his faith on Feb. 14, 270 A. D. However, as most young men are will ing to swear that they will die If need be for the love of tbelr maids and as St. Valentine died for the love of his bride, the Christian faith, there Is no great incongruity In using Feb. 14 as the day for the more or less anony mous expression of tender regard. It is not altogether perhaps not at all-the fact of St. Valentine's martyr dom that has caused the choosing of his death anniversary as the day for exchanging tinted, scented missives between young men and maidens. There was an ancient belief that birds began mating on Feb. 14. This belief antedated Christianity. St Valentine's day, therefore, bo far as it is observed by modern youth. Is of pagan origin. In "A Midsummer Night's Dream" Shakespeare alludes to this belief in the mating of birds thus: St. Valentine la past; Begin thew wood birds but to couple now. In his "Hesperides" the tender Her rick sang: Oft have I heard both youth and virgin ay Birds choose their mates and couple, too, this day. But by their flight I never can divine When I shall couple with my valentine. Love's Supremacy. Love refreshes all the soul, quickens the cockles of the heart and parities the murky currents of the blood. . , . Love forgives ere it is asked, seeks but good in all, la forever blind to evil, condemns not nor In aught would Judge. It knows not saint nor sinner, for to It all hearts that hold the hidden Jewel for which It seeks are sacred caskets, hallowed by the breath of God.. CARDINAL NEWMAN'S VALENT1NB. Little msldsn, dost thou pine For a faithful VaUntlnsr Art thou scanning timidly Every faee that meets thine eye Art thou fancying there may be '. Fairer face than thou dost soeT Little maiden, scholar mine, Wouldtt thou have a Valentinet Go and ask, my little child, Ask the Mother undefiledi Ask, for the will draw thee near And will whisper in thine eai Valentlnel To name is good, For it oemes of lineage high And s famous family, And it tells of gentle blood, Noble blood and nobler still, For its owner freely poured Every drop there was to spill In the quarrel of his Lord. Valentine! I know the name. Many martyrs bear the same, And they stand in glittering ring -Round their warrior God and King, Who before and for them bled, With their robes of ruby red And their swords of cherub flame. Yes, there is a-plenty there, Knights without reproach of fearj Such St. Denys, suoh St. George, Martin, Maurice, Theodore And a hundred thousand more) Guerdon gained and war'are o'er. By that sea without a aurgs And beneath the eternal sky And the beatifio sun In Jerusalem above, , Valentine Is every one. Choose from out that company Whom to serve and whom to love. Indians and St Valentine. By JAMES A. EEGERTGN. tCopyrlght, 1S03, by American Pres Asso ciation. YT O one would suspect the noble rs-l red man of stocplng to send I frivolous Valentines through ' the malls. Yet there is a case recorded In Washington of some wealthy Osage Indians doing this very thing. It was Chief Jim Bigheart and three of his braves who bought the delicate creations and sent them to leading government officials. Perhaps the chiefs name bad something to do with his liberality. Indian namea are bestowed because of qualities and not at haphazard, as with us. So "Big heart" may have meant that Chief Jim was that kind of an Indian. This happened a few years ago when some of the Osages were in Washing ton to see the "great father." One day the chief with his braves, dressed in all of their finery, with red blan kets, blue trousers trimmed with por- "HBAF VALKNTIXBBl" cuplne quills and hats with silver or naments, stalked Into a Washington department store. "Valentines! Heap Valentines!" said Chief Jim. When conducted to the counter and soma ot the cheaper ones were shown him he repeated "Heap Valentines!" with much emphasis. So, with a wink, the clerk trotted out one worth 5. "Me take," said Chief Jim right off the bat, or whatever Is the Indian equivalent of that expression. Then he was shown forty more of the same expen sive pattern. "Me take." was the la conic expression of Chief Jim in each case. Finally the store was ransacked from cellar to garret and every high priced Valentine in the house was pro duced, the Indians grunting approving "Ugbs!" and adding "Me take" until the bill reached $520. The chief never batted an eye as he was informed of the amount, but paid it from an Im mense roll of bills. Then he asked that the Valentines be sent out itt him. The manager kindly offered to mail them from the store. Asking the names of the ladles to whom they were to be directed, he was Interrupt ed by Bigheart: "Injun ladles no get Valentines. In jun ladles work. Squaws! Ugh!" Then Chief Jim rattled off the namea of senators, representatives and lead ing men In all parts of the country, even sending one to the president of the United States. TOM CZ1 THEATREEZU Wednesday, Feb. 17 Engagement of the Eminent Actor CHARLES 6. HANFORD ACCOMPANIED BY MISS MARIE DR0FNAH In a Brilliant Production of The Greatest of All Comedies THE TAMING OF THE SHREW Preceded by the One Act Napo leonic Play "THE OLD GUARD" An Event of Exceptional Interest 30 People in th8 , Cast 33 Seats on Sale Prices: $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c eh oof Books,. Tablets Pencils Pens Composition Books Erasers Note Books Book Straps and Bags Everything complete for pupil in any grade Buy where you can get the assortment at the lowest price. '' WHITMAN'S BOOK STORE IT MAKES YOU LAUGH When you find out how easy it is to do a good job of painting with a good paint and a good brush, call and' see our line. We are headquar ters for paint and painters' supplies. Prices always right. Allen Wall Paper and Paint Co. COR ELEVENTH AND BOND. HARMONY IN YOUR . NEW HOME Color blendine of Furniture, Draperies, Carpets, Woodwork, Walls, make home life happier. Our expert decorative specialist will visit your city soon. Without obli gating you he will discuss the fur nishings for your new home. .Write lor putkoUH : J. G. Mack & Co. v pUmiture and Carpets " ' portlaNo. 6regon Singh Rmmi Furuishtd Tastefully .JlL-lAilW,!;