7 Established 1873. Published Daily Except Monday by THE J. S. BELLINGER CO, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. WEEKLY ASTORIAN. By mil, per yetr, In advance.. ....,..$1.50 Entered at second-class matter July 30, 1906, at the postoffice at Astoria, Ortyon, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. ' Orders for the delivering of The Morning Astorian to either residence tt place of business may be made by postal card or through telephone. Any irregularity in delivery should be immediately reported to the office f publication. TELEPHONE MAIM 661. Dont forget that James J. Hill owns both banks of the Columbia river to this port, and if thetliiland Empire farmers want their grain shipped out from here, lie is not likely to deny them the privilege, since in an organised way, they rep. resent -25,000,000 bushels of the stuff that freights are made of! THE MOIINWG ASTOlilAJN. ASTOKIA. OREGON. m-mtm ON HAVING A CHANCE TO DISPLAY THEIR PLUCK ON NEW YORK'S NEW BRIDGE ODDS AND ENDS. J.THE WEATHER Oregon, Washington and Idaho Occasional rain. ' ' ! ASTORIA'S WATER BUSINESS. Every thinking man in Astoria will honestly regret the resignation of Asmus Brix from the Astoria Water Commission, even though t was tendered in deference to a de sire to obviate subsequent trouble for the board, on the score of bis al leged untenable attitude as a com missioner. ice water commission cannot afford to lose such a man as Mr. Brix; his experience, his inti macy with its affairs, and his sterl ing merit as a business man and citi ten, made him peculiarly valuable there, and the interests concerned are of such range and gravity as to need just such men as he. We hope the provision in the char ter that stands in the way, may be sifted to a point of ineffkacy as deterrent, and that Mr. Brix may be induced to resume his duties on the board. The good sense of the com mission in tabling the resignation, leaves the matter wide open until a 'judicial ruling can be bad on the issue, and if it shall be shown not to operate against his tenure, then there will be no reason why this clean and able citizen should not go on with his service, to the distinct advantage of his fellow members and the certain good of the community. the Fargo Opera House when one of its craied employes rushed down through the audience howling for ths Fire Chief, causing a mad pan'j among the thousands of women and children, and the stemming of that panic by the prompt singing of "America" on the stage, conveys a huge lesson to those who have the charge and control of these assem blies Whoever was resoonsible for the alert and affective diversion is entitled to the praise of the country and we hope he will get his deserts, along with those who stood by him in the extraordinary crisis. But, the lesson alluded to, dwells in the as certainment of the direct and in stantaneous power of music to sub due the nervous agitation of the mul titude at moments of danger. It should be utilized in every theatre. hall and assembly room of the country, as an organic part of the maintenance and business of the es tablishment in some such way as to meet the grave exigency by the mere touching of an electric button or some swift expedient whereby its soothing and balancing influence may be had on the exact and crucial in stant of need. It can be dons deftly, so as to leave no idea of its peculiar function on the minds of its auditors, and may contribute im mensely and everlastingly to the safety and peace of the pleasure- seeking millions that daily go into the traps that swarm everywhere in this land of ours. Astoria is holding her own with all other cities in the State in a business way, and a strict compari son might demonstrate that she is doinir inst a hit Ki-tti-r in tiimi ways! We never had a monopoly of 'N'EW -YORK. Feb, U.-The long anything, let alone one of business P Jump" or rain" " " ""i depression. We mav think we have evcr maae KRrgiting 35,250 feet this, but it isn't so! w " tr'f,e ,m ,han Mwn miles' mn5' take place here next June. Further The Astoria Wat-r r.-mmii.-m morc' tn,s remarkable jumping, feat made no mistake when it named John '11 n.ot be in distance, but in height, WING SHOTS. DIRT FLYING AGAIN. The Congress is up against anoth er dirty scandal which, apparently, revolves around the New York World as one of its original sources (by the way, the World has been re sponsible for several of these muck raking jobs lately), and there is much acrimony mixed with the dirt as it flies. It has to do with the recent declarations in the House of fraud, chicane, and a general unclean ness in the matter of this country's accession to its rights in the Panama Canal zone; and like all flimsy and inspired scandals, has received its death-blow early in the game. But while this troublous scheme is afoot in Washington, the dirt (of a much cleaner sort), is still flying at the Isthmus, and the huge plans of the government for a lock system canal, are going forward with admirable ""u' "u wunuenui ceienty. it tnere is a man in the world rresiaent Koosevelfs theory '.and I who doubts the love of thk ntrv action of placing the great enterprise J for Abraham Lincoln, let him begin T. 1 , . iwrustrom assistant cieric ana inspec tor in its service. He will do his full and absolutely duty by both assign ments, to the credit of the depart ment and the satisfaction of every citizen in touch with it. By what concievable authority does a council committee assume to issue mandatory orders of grave im- r....,vw, fvviw, nit i.i ((.mil. iciiur r... p .... .. T.,.. of the Common Council, minus the for Jumpll off thj. luiituricuuc ui ms committee col leagues? It is one of the most bar ren assumptions that any public offi cer can arrogate to himself, and liable to get the city into trouble in many ways, and one of the fac tors that, of late years, has created so much opposition and which re sulted in the defeat of certain men here last December. It is enough for a member of the concil to do his charter duty after consul tation with and concurrence by, his confreres in committee and council! in which class the record is now less than six feet and one-half. The pro posed jump, therefore, will exceed the existing mark some five thou sand fold. This remarkable jump, f it really takes place, (and all that is lacking is the consent of the proper authorities) will not occur as a part of any athletic games but in connec tion with the opening if the new Ulackwells Island Bridee over the 12. A mania bridge at it opening seems to have seized New York, since no less than 235 persons have already made application for permission to make the jump into the river at the opening ceremonies. A the clear space between the bridge and surface of the river is 130 feet, the total length of all the jump would be 35.250 feet. The classifica native land for final interment even though some of then! have been bur ied here for so long that only a few imne remain, Ivvery few years a shipment of this sort is made as result of the belief current among Chinamen that to gain future peace they must be buried with their fore fathers. As a result parts of this At Astoria, In the State of Oregon, at the cloce of business, February 5, 1909: RESOURCES. Tnani ai1 .1 ! ........ u t K1IMlAi strnnite canto have I... !.. .T"""' ""......,.... " v " , vveruraiu, secured and un aw ark for weeks from every secured part of the country east of the Miss- U. S. bonds to secure cir- ssippi river The eight thousand L CU1" 1.671.49 silent passenger arc packed between ItLT' " decks, and will be transported with- Due from National Biiiki out trouble unless some of the Chin- (not reserve agents) ese sailors become excited about "H9 'rom Private ghosts. Friends and relative, will .b.a"k, nd .ba"km; , . . "" i rem approved re steamer on its arrival In serve Aeenu ' China, in much the same manner as Checks and other cash though its nasnenuers wr aliu. ,,.t Hems each body will be taken by, them to that spot in the Empire where its ancestors lie. other National 40,000.00 1,200.00 54,430,00 46,307.23 18,145.21 114,190.42 989,99 The fable of the hare and the tor toise received a severe set back this week when a turtle at the Zoo brok all speed records within the munici pal limits either by bird, beast or machine. In fact Adam, a 9m vr old turtle from the, C.albnaon. 1.. and in the Pacific, who weiuhs 300 pounds, and has never before sue- ceded in covering more than a quar- (Continued on page 7) REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK Notes of Banks ,. 1,795.00 Nickels and Cents 430.15 Lawful Money Reserve In Bank, viz.: Specie $166,800.00 Legal-tender notes 135.00 166,935,00 Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) 2,000.00 Hue from U. S. Treasurer.. 33468 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1909. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE. First National Bank Nature provides bat one CALIFORNIA It ) the natural winter horn of many thou nds of the world's best people, Under the gentle influence of Its wild winter climate, every amusement nd recreation abounds. bathlrMT. boating, fit. Ing, driving; such pic. nlci, parties and JolH-fkations :C0 TO: At Artn'a its k C e v"1' tion of the 235 persons who have ex- 31 the ' of bume$. February 5. pressed a desire to make this jump Rr,,nntf rrc at the carnival in connection with the it . ".1"SUUKV-l--' in. ..- kIm. " " r. . :oa" ant! counts $1 13,66473 v I' " wiv ill lUgC ICV vl 1 S Total $902,322.18 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in.. ....$100,000,00 Surplus fund ., 25,000.00 Undivided profit, . less ex penses and tae paid.... 17.08558 National Dank notes out standing 40,000.00 Due to State and private banks and bankers 951.53 Dividends unpaid 1.000.00 Individual Deposit subject to check $600,015.98 Demand Certificates of de posit $118,269.09 718,285.07 SERIOUS BLUNDER, IF TRUE. UIIC'AUO, Feb. 13.-States At torney Wayman has begun an inves tigation into the case of James O'Ne ill, who asks release from the Jolict penitentiary on the grounds that an ,mp,y ,0 commit suicide, error was made in fixing length of his term. Judge Kersten has receiv ed a letter from the prisoner, in which he states that he pleaded guil ty to a charge of larceny two years ago with the understanding he wa to be committed to the penitentiary for one year. When he arrived ai some rather interesting figures. One hun dred and sijity-eight of the appli cants are professional iumners and diver, looking for free advertising, thirty-four are freaks, twenty-four are persons whose only avocation is jumping whenever and wherever the opportunity offers while nine desir- Thirty of tne applicants are women, whoso ages range from eighteen to thirty two. So far as the committee in charge of the bridge opening has not become enthusiastic over these ap plication and it is possible that all j may be denied and New York de Bonds, securities, etc 32,91442 Banking house, furniture, and fixtures 4,457.69 Due from banks (noj re serve banks) 2,000.00 Due from approved reserve lanl 7,465.04 Cnecks and other cash items fieri Cash on hand 12,430-97 wnen tfle U. b. engjneers, the Port of Portland Commission Engi neer and Captain John Reed, of the bar tug Wallula, solemnly assert that there is 26 feet of water at low tide, on the Columbia river bar; and every pilot in the Columbia River Bar Pilot Association asserts, with equal solemnity, that there is 22 feet there, at low water, what is a poor devil of a landsman to think, or know or guess? It is one of those issues that can onlv he dptArmin.t by the extended action of a first-class dredger there. When that work shall have been done, they will all have a chance to quote even better figures than these; and that, without ref erence to the lumps (and bumps) tnat intervene! t if t ' t f , i:' tnder military aegis was one of the wisest things he ever did, and ths country will thank him for it all in due time, and with a fervor that will not lack justification. The farther the President's ene mies go with their campaign of abuse and vindictive interpolations, the worse off they become in the eyes of the country. If the program is maintained until the 4th of March, Theodore Roosevelt will leave the White House with such a mantle of honor as even his most ardent ad- ', i , mirers had scarcely conceded a detailed review of the American newspapers of the day. He will end by loving the man himself. it is too bad we cannot think of Lincoln without recalling John Wilkes Booth and the group of traitorous assassins that egged him on. Happily the thought of his great victim, if dwelt upon long enough, actually disarms the ugly remem brance of the evil Booth did. A few more blunders like th him: ! "sea-level-ranal-at-Psn-jtv,.," u...: i ', .... ... . ... . """0,,, UUMIICSS, itii, iiaaiy nit ui mis son out win Deget tn nriveit nf a Jol.et he discovered that the sentence human snow storm. was A) years, Hereafter the tailor's bill is to take its place on an equal footing with the coal bill, the grocer's accounts and the butcher's charge as obliga tions that must be met with reason- K,PuRT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Astoria National Bank At Astoria, in the gon, at the close of mary 5, 1909: RESOURCES. State of Ore business, Feb- able promptness. That at least was the decision of the Merchant Tail ors' National Exchange representing leading merchant tailors in all parts Total $173,018.56 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund 3,500.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid.... 367.J3 Individual deposits subject o check 45.805.51 Demand certificates of de- Ps't 2,705.73 nine certihcates of de- Total $902,32218 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, as. : I, S. S. Gordon, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. , S. S. GORDON, Cashier.. , Correct -Attest: JACOB KAMNf, G. C. F LAV EL, W. F. McCRF.GOR, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of February, 1909. V. BOELLING. Notary Public. WIRELESS TORPEDO. " CHALONS-ON-SAONE, France, Feb. 13 A wireless torpedo invent ed by an engineer named Cabet was - v" - ..-f it i i . posit 30,496.00 u y lallncled on tne river Savings deposits ! 36 14420 yesterday. The torpedo is said to be Bill- . . . .. mm payaoie including cer tificates of deposit for money borrowed 4,000.00 i Total .$173,018.56 Loans and discounts $373,016.45 M h country at its annual conven Overdrafts, secured and un secured inmi? U. S. bonds to secure rir. 47,500.00 tion here this week. .The tailors de clare that many men, even among those of wealth and btisi ness nrom- inence, have made it'their habit to let their accounts with their tailors run for months or even for years al i i- ,i . , ..... ... Premiums on U. S. bond,. 4 mm P ' coul1 not ""nk of doing nc?i,a in culation U. S. bonds to secure U. S. depostts Tnnnnm Uther bonds to secure U. S. apos'ts 34,0OO.fW 89,573.38 Bonds, securities, etc Banking house, furniture and fixtures 4,000.00 Other real estate owned ... Due from State banks and bankers mi7i Due from aooroved re serve agents 92,439.56 Checks and other cash items 7 11 Notes of other Nati onal Banks Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz-: Specie ; $72,601.95 Legal-tender notes 475 0ft 7in70? Redemption fund with TT. S. Treasurer C5 oer cent circulation! Due from U. S. Treasurer. other than 5 per cent re demption fund 1,260.00 463.58 Total ',, ' accentuates 11 I'll! Ill the victory he snatches e attack, and blazons the failure of the tricksters. The right -will prevail, especially when this Sparticualr gentleman and officer in- : uyvu uo yi CVdlCIICC. tie notion in this countr that the New York World is not so great and influential a newspaper as some people think it. I MUSIC AND TRAGEDY. The story from Chicago, yesterday of the frightful risk that was run in , ijr. -viT : iM,'-iia. B- 1 ASIC siw vDIAMOND xBQAND Even the Southern California para dise of Pasadena is getting an over dose of moisture. When a dry ar royo in that section becomes a foam ing torrent, the well-posted citizen begins to hunt for the high spots on the landscape for the purposes of escape! x r L' JshhuT J jLsousaj XHi&uJ Ormm for lrtflr NurthwMt BoU n 01lml nir oadlmlartalllMWt dwlBn. Auk for Cata It.u. If got ub ial in your ni.lifliborho.xl, writ ho. ti -In nuinaof juur lt-Hl-r, nd will mall joo ,rkt of flowrr km! free fur ywr ronll trntlum im to., FMiutit, mm, tm Stoium, tm. Keep your ear open for the new proposition to raise the saloon li cense in this city to $600 per annum! It's coming! Pure air and pure water are what make for the wonderful hfuu " "U1 ... Astoria! $765,466.06 LIABILITrpc;. capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplus fund 55,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid.... National Bank notes out standing Individual deposits sub ject to check .$274,53098 Demand certificates of de Posit $20,112.82 Time certificates of de Posit $264,948) Certified checks.. 291.75 U. S. deposits... 40,000.00 599,884.1 the case of any other necess ity that they might purchase. Even in the comic papers, they complain 8,233.4' have made jokes of the way in which trusting tailors are "stung" by delin quent customers. To put their busi ness on an equality with other im portant industries in this respect the national organization of the clothes builders has established an extensiv.- credit bureau which will make a busi ness of securing the prompt collec tion of the bills of its members and their protection from professional "beats" of whom it is said that there are several thousand in the country. inese men make it a practice to change the scene of their activities frequently, running up heavy bills in each place they ifisit. Henceforth their operations will be restricted, if not stopped entirely, by the fact that the tailors credit bureau will warn its members against them. Now that the tailors have adopted the methods of a commercial age about the only remaining victims of the man who dislikes to pay bills apparently are the doctor and the minister. 2,375.00 1,000.00 14,781.91 45,800.01 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, 39. : I, J- M. Anderson, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to tne best of my knowledge and belief. J. M. ANDERSON, Correct Attest: GUST HOLMES, AUG. DANIELSON, C. G. PALM BERG, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me tnis nth day of February, 1009. OSWALD GUSTAFSON, Notary Public. ten times more nowerful than th Whitehead. It measures 30 feet In length, weighs 8.000 pounds and car ries an explosive weighing 1800 pounds. Lot Angeles, Paio Roblea Hot Springs, Hotel del Monte, San ta Barbara, Sin Diego, Santa Monica, Venice, ,Long Beach, Santa ' Croi, or tcor vf similar resorts and you - will find health, , opi genial surroundings, hospitable associates, faultiest accommoda tions and numberless ttractioni trtd con venience. The O.K. Co. COKNKCTIKO WITH The Southern Pacific Co. Makes , Inexpensive roand trip excursion rate to Cal ifornia. A six months stopover ticket Portland to I.os Angeles andreturn is $55.00 Corresponding rates arc in effect to other point. We have some very distinc tive literature covering Cali fornia's winter resort, and will take pleasure In giving you all of the Information snd assistance at our command. For ticket, sleeping car reser vation, etc., call on, tele graph, or write WM. McMURRAY, Gen, Paj Agt Portland, Oregon. ' uuimm FINANCIAL. REPORT OF THE CONDITION j UI THE Astoria Savings Bank First National Bank of Astoria DIRECTORS Jacob Kamm W. F. McGregor G. CFlavkl J. VV. Ladd S. S. Gordon $100,000 Surplus 25000 Stockholders' Liability : . . . lOo'oOO KHTABLIHHKO XHmi. 'i At Astoria, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, Feruary 5, 1909. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $481.2fil 24 uveraratts, secured and un secured 1.18? V. Bonds, securities, etc 23.044.20 Banking house, furniture, and fixtures SO.O.Vi.57 Other real estate owned.. 9,475.00 Due from banks (not re- reserve, banks) 852.75 T-V I . . ivuc irom aooroved re serve banks l.moos.n Exchanges for clearing house 15.l8.fVi Cash on hand 70.827.80 J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President O. I. PETERSON, Vice-President J. W. GARNER, Assisunt Cashier FRANK PATTON, ashler ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . .. $232,020 Transact a General Banking Bisineu . InUre.t Paid on Tim Depea : Four Per Cent. Per Annum Eleventh and DMMStt. . . . . . Astoria, Oregon When in danger, sing "America"! Or get someone else to sing it! It isn't always a clear day in As toria when it doesn't rain! Tlal $765,466.0(5 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, ss.: L J' E. Hijfgins, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement in true to the best of A I -.1 " E. JUGGINS, Cashier. Correct Attest GEO. H. GEORGE, A. SCH ERNECKA U, F. L. WARREN. , Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of February, 1909. G. C. FULTON, Notary Public. The most wholesale deportation of Chinese ever attempted will take place this week when the largest and at the same time the most curious passenger list in the history of this port will become a matter of record with the sailing of a British steamer for the Far East. In point of num-1 bers there will be 8000 of those pass engers, far more than the largest boat now afloat can accommodate. In point pf curiosity it was one of the strangest cargo which has ever left any port. Not one of the 8000 will MC r occupy cabin or steer age place, since each and all of them are dead. Some 'indenl h-., Un,. lead for several years, and al! of the eighty thousand are Chinamen whose remains are being taken back to their Total $800,120.31 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $125,000.00 Surplus fund 113,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid... 14,563.33 Due to banks and bankers 4,168 86 Individual deposits subject to check 287,957.08 Demand certificates of de posit lysiLM xime certincates of de posit 144 840.0; Certified checks 6,000 savings deposits 87,276.49 SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN ! SAVINGS BANK ! A t s ASTORIA OREGON ' f ' - 'i i . k OUR MOTTO: "Safety Supercede All Other Ccmsideratfoa." Total $800,120,31 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, an. ; t, f rank I'atton, Cashier of th anovc named bank, do solemnly swear mat tne above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and uenei. FRANK PATTON, Cashier, Correct Attest: J. Q. A, BOWLBY, J. W. GARNER, FRANK PATTON, Directors, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of February, 1909. ' FRANK J. TAYLOR, Notary Public. ..t mi mi hi in i.i THE TRENTO First-Class Liquors and Cigars ' M2 Commercial Itrcet Corner Commercial and 14th, : ASTORIA, OREGON MIMMMMIIIUI IIMHHItMtHI SCO W BAY BRASS & 111 tOI A8TOKIA, OUEOON Iron md Brass Founders, Land and Marine Engineen. Up-to-Date Sawmill Machinery Promnt " - r,-.. sjiTwsa IW fang tVfcfHUT Machinery 18th and Franklin Ave. work, , Tel, Main 34C1