publishes" full associated press report COVERS THE MORNING FIELD ON THE LOWER COLUMBIA ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, PRiCE FIVE CENTS BRih Tun. NU. U. i knox mm CONTEST OVER BIE 13 EXPECTED Indicated by Minority Re port From Committee NOT A PARTY ISSUE Although Reported Unfavorably Confidence txpresseu iur Enactment of Bill t road rate law. claming the law . Insufficient to cover the caei in cluded in lti provision. ' jwaauen oi ..-!. ..(.... tn the Increase in Illinois riiiiiv" freight ratei alnce the taw went into effect. Washburn of Massacnue, (avored a modification of the &ner- man intltruit law in order that I might be leas burdensome. nayes of California, attacked the rules of the house. Langley of Kentucky, criticized the administration In the affairs of the laws of the Indians, and Foster of Vermont, pleaded for the adjustment ol tne posm affecting merchandise sent mrougu the mail. The Indian bin was pcu- ing when adjournment was had. HAYES ATTACKS HOUSE RULES Variety of Subject Discussed In House Indian Appropriation Un der Conalderadoa But no Action General Debate Moat of the Day. INSIGNIFICANT MATTER. But American Crowds Are Bump- itoua About Their Flag. NEW YORK, Feb. 13-With the air filled with patriotism during the many Lincoln celebrations yesterday, Gustavus Henning, a consulting en otnrer. who lives in West 142nd St., selected a very inappropriate time to disolav the British Union Jack above the stars and stripes. However, hi I hung the British emblem on the roof, and the Red White and Blue from a second story window. A neighbor indignantly noting the position of the the flags complained to me ponce and whether by strictly legal right or not, detectives were sent to notify Henning that the British flag must be brought down at least to the lev el of Old Glory. Henning complied with instructions and throughout the remainder of the day the fjags flut- . . . . - , . I !J tered in the breeze siueoyuc HUGE RAILWAY DEAL. mi! ROBBERS SEISM IB MIL COL LAPSES: KILLS 5 MEET DEATH FIGHTING int. FLAMES IN MILWAUKEE MANY INJURED. Thrpft lien Instead of Two Holdup D. & R. G. MAKE EASY ESCAPE Railroad and Police Investiga tion so Far is Without uue to the Bandits WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. Al though the bill removing the bar to the eligibllty of Knox to become secretary of state In the Taft cabinet was reported promptly to the house Mlna of the 'minority re- port from the committed on the elec tion of president, vice-president and ,.nr-nitlvei in congress, indi- is to be made ...u.. the osssase of the measure Representative Gaines, author of the house bill. Identical passed by .1. ..-.,-ti to csll ud the measure Monday under the suspen i .i. and motion will b' made to substitute the senate bill, which, if passed, would bring the two houses into immediate agree ment. In spite of the minority. Clark of Missouri, the Democratic floor leader, says the measure will not be made a party Issued therefore enactment of the bill Is confidently ..j fh, mlnorltv members t.u k.4 i.ii. nn Its face the Gaines bill only seeks to fix the salary o secretary of state of $8000 the re. . u whether members of tne United States senate during whose l office salary of secretary of Urresaed from $8000 to $12000 a year can hold the office of secretary of state, any portion of the Z ,!,, the said senate was term , , . elected, provided that the salary of the secretary ot sia.e oc !.-. it .... k.fnre raised. .nMi-Hi were (lis- A variety vi m j u .h. house of represents CU1SCU III " " , tlves today. The Indian sjpropr a- .-!. .,hnlp11v under consm non uein ivv , eratlon. but many members availed i. -i the onoortunity lor i J.h.te Lamar of Florida . .u. .-.nnment of the rail IIHU.U v - MIT.WAUKEE. Feb 13. Five firemen killed, about a dozen Injur ed, two fatally, by the toppling of a brickwall while fighting a fire in the H, W. Johns Manville manuiaaunng plant today. An employe of the con- eern was badly ournea snu ui ... the hospital later. The loss is su.- 000. WINNIPEG. Feb. 13. The Can adian Western Railway, a new cor- nnrntinn. nromoted by Minnesota capitalists, has been granted charter. The company Intended to build 4 milwav thronirh Southern Alberta frnm Caluarv to the international i.nnnd.irv and a branch line from Pincher. Alberta, into the rich lum ber territory of the F.Ik River valley. rtritUh Columbia- The line will DC nntinued south from the boundary, connecting at Dutte, Mont., with the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. I'aul at Helena. Mont., with the Northern Pacific, and at Browning with the Great Northern. Thet final survey will be completed in the spring. The promoters are O- A. Robertson and F. B. Lynch of St. Paul. r. fc.. K.en aston of Minneapolis, and O. L. Boynton of Winnipeg. TALLY'S THE KNOX CASE. TRMTON. N I-. Feb. 13.-A case similar to that of Senator P. C. Knox of Pennsylvannia, concerning whost eligibility of the office of Secretary of State a question has been raised, is that of Ex-Governor George T. Wertsiof this state. Mr. Werts de sired to go on the supreme bench, hut because as a senator he had vot ed to increase the justices salaries. irt nn wan taken similar to mat which is orooosed in Senator Knox case, that is, the salary-increase law was reoealcd and Mr. Werts took hi seat on the bench, mere nas never been any question raised as to his being legally seated, altnougn tne the salary increase law was afterward re-enacted. EVERYTHI AGA BETVJEEtl W UIIBilH MU SH BH W THOUGHT TO BE IN DENVER SENATE WILL have to hur- RY TO COMPLETE PRO GRAM BY MARCH 4. Detective! Think Thieves Are Now Hiding in Denver-Robbery Wat Carefully Planned and Work Indi- II iDIK inns I -ASTOUNDING STATEMENT ." CHICAGO. Feb. 13.--W. E. Cur tis, in a special article in the Record Herald todav. under a Washington date confirms what he characterizes as an "Astounding statement by President Roosevelt recently that 'The losses to farm products due to injurious mammals is estimated at $130,000,000 annually and the loss through insects is estimated at $659,- 000,000 annually. "Th statements, savs Mr. Curtis, "are confirmed by the Secretary of Agriculture and the scientists of that department, who have charge of such matters. MAY BE RUNNING YET. Great Britian and Ger many Rejoicing IT WAS ALL JEALOUSY Diplomats Point Out That In terests of; Two Nations no Longer Clash ACCIDENTAL on KILLS 1, INJURES 3 FATALLY OCCURS AT POPE HOME NEAR ABERDEEN, WASHINGTON. BUNCOED "BLACK HAND." Then A New York Victim Fooled The Would-Be Murderers. NEW YORK, Feb, 13--That mys terious organization known to Ital i,. nnrf the oollce as the "Black Mand" has adopted up to date meth nAm of nnrratinor in New York. An attack from an automobile was made ..trHs on Gus Merino, a Hariem t..nb rUaW. who had been receiving .1. n;n Inters demanding the AWfRnEEN. Feb. 13. By the llll Sfl(i. 1 , I ' " . payment of $5000 for several weeks accidental discharge ot a snotgun . uri,.n M.rinn left his shoo and 1 ,1,. k.Kv of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pope ti.: .tnn thu sidewalk a I..... t,;n.j nJ Mrs. Pons and two WIM l MIM fc'iivu machine dashed up to the curb and 0lher children wounded. The chii- . a aisaann I . . t ft M T n i 'l n one of the tnree occupam h'"b aren seriousiy. n tawny vi out and began firing. With great L the Qinault reservation were go- presence of mind Merino aroppeu " ing up the uuinauit river in the sidewalk, feigning aeain, mus s- whtn tne acciaeni nani:in:u caplng without a scratch. The man d,y 8fternoon. No particulars. Pope . i-.j .v.. miirtclv. turned. n( h hrst Vnown Indians in if AXGELES. Febl3.-Held M ond rohbed bv two masked high- - waymen and then forced to beat tne xf...thnn rrrnrd to keeo OUt of not at bullet fired at hiia by I:..... s the nnolea i rescuing ..r.friTvrnTrtxT r r p.fc ft I sant exoerience of one man yesterday Carefullv Planned and Work Indi-L.. ... a k.r. Liominf. The police do not yet ... r . , i nr senate nas inutu iu w iv.w & , - . . ..M Tht Men Were Professionals lnc scl a . ... . n ,k, ma was. and with ran mmnete oroeram DCiorc 1 .!" ... ... ri. i T-k. .t, l.k. m-mnrv of that fusilade of but ournment, on marcu w . . . . .. .. .tilt rrh it is not likely the vie- n.,n u.k it Tk,t the inciuoing aiwu FJ,.r.. ... .... - f-v .... ... : .,t .-v,CTUm will take tne nonce iui holdup of the Denver & Rio Oranae , .. he re.tnlist. dence. train near Denver early ...... is morning was the work of three nt ff the so HU GANS TO FIGHT WHITK mm instead of two, and that tne " . . , .. ...... i j iA sTnn - -Ttnn anu s.uiiasii i . robbery of the mail car gave them t v "; e"e5ven over to BALTIMORE, Feb- . 13.-Joe int of nossiblv $35,000 is indicated ertble time must be given over , Aftirii ni nnure oiut-iaia iuuaj 1 . . nr 1 1 1 v. m i n nniinns. , :.. m " to er important matters on nano we m. seems probable that the men came to J u .fl . -rit o Denver and are now n citv. Eiehteen packages 01 regime- - - - , Dciore aaiourmucui. .A mail .prr sreured. LU .....a " -' - The robbery is remarkable, origin al and daring. It took place within RESULT OF THE KING'S VISIT AFTER AMERICANS. eight miles of Denver, within less WINNIPEG, Man., Feb. 13 The than two miles of Fort 1-ogan tne Canadian Pacific Railway to further it -..J c.... tnilitarv reservation immigration scheme. uniicu swi" ...... j and at a spot where habitations is i.ntif,.l. So thorouah was the worn of the robbers, so well were their plans laid, that they had fully an hour and a half start on tne omc3. A search in the vicinity ot me holdup indicates that a third man and possibly a fourth was engagea in the robbery. That a rubber tired buggy was used in the holdup and .1... . An.. nrl a red sienai nri ma. iuiiivuw - - were used unsuccessfully in the at- . . tn. stnn the train before i"- ,iupi v r ...-m,tir revo vers of tne roooers were brought into play bringing the train to a stop. From the manner the homup accomplished it is thought the rob bers are the same ones wno -w COLrOA INCREASES II VIOLENCE an aggressive immigration stucmt, has sent Assistant Land commission- ,mMTT tm t c VEGE- Doupe and Chief hagny0uajym Forshadd to the chief centers in the Western and Middle states to ctahiuh agencies on a large scale o,ith a view to inducinir aericultural- ists to settle on the company's lands in Western Canada. More man TATION FOR MILES ABOUT N OLIVES YET LUST- MEXICO CITY. Feb in Western vanaaa mure iuu $l,0oS will be spent in this enter- Colima volcano conUnues r ,: an j mrreased in Viol prise- 13--The There Now Seems Nothing at Least at the Present on tne otbo Over Which the Nations Can Quarrel LONDON, Feb. 13.-The king and queen were given an unusually enthusiastic reception after their re- turn from BerUn today. J-ne vii. was certainly wonderful is the effect in the mind of the Bnttsb puDiic an. whose anUgomsm against uernany seems to have disappeared. Berlin' cordial reception of the King anu the mutual satisfaction at the out come of the visit expressed the of ficial life of both countries to have a way for "better feeling was mani fested today All this has been so sudden that the question js already heir,, raised how long it will last. Diplomats who are watching recent developments closely are opurau-- They point out that cruisn Germany interesting do not clash in any part of the world ana mat ui bitterness between the two iiai.u.. really arose over jealousy in the af fairs in the near east, uermany u : ....k. an agreement with . .rHin. Morocco, there ap- in erup-i"-"- ,. '"'"" ' . ... -nthinir on tne nornuu tion and increased in violence today t ,ppear. ..k.. t lmiH snhterranean ae- . k s WYOMING WILL PRO TECT HER ELK I A UUUWV tonations followed by rain and hot sand which completely killed vegeta tion over a large area. Neighbor ing towns and villages are covered with dust and ashes. A stream oi lava a mile long is flowing from the I double crater, no loss of life has yet been reported. k ftrerl the shot Quickly, turned, pumped Into the machine and whiix ed away. MTSS HOPPER MARRIED, NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 13. It s renorted here that A. O. Brown and rj. w.iinre Honner have an u ne of the best known Indians in this section. He is education and well to do. A doctor has been sent to the scene of the tragedy. MISTAKEN IDENTITY. he Denver & Rio Grande last May r ppoMPT GOING TO THE GRAND JURY. when Express Messenger wr.gru LMilbiAi-" L.a.i7r i vkH-. T?-k 1?Afica Aarnes Wallace Honner nave - lhivaw, rcu. .- nonnecd their marriage which is said Crider is at the County Hospital suf- nttnrk made uoon her to have occured six month ago. WATERS-PIERCE CO. WANT MORE TIME fcring from an attack made upon her k.. niHentified man. She was -atltino- alon. the street when sne " O v with a hatchet, her jaw being broken and a large gash cut in her rheek. When she became con scious she said she did not know the man who attacked her Fine of Fifty Thousand Dollars Assessed Against Corporation Will Not be Contested ST. LOUIS, Feb. 13,-The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Waters-Pierce Company will be held Tuesday and probably will be made the ground for argument for the ex tension of time. The attorneys for the corporation saying they see no recourse from this portion The penalty is predicted unofficially that Comnany will ask tne . - . the court to declare the holding of .. t... ...nlarrl Interests, al- its stock oy """ . ... . . 4k- -rminn that such hold legeo on me - , ...nts the orinclpal laid jnK vumi o v..-- -- . down by. the federal P"mec0"; ..i. .Axxrittea casei i MADE OLD SOLDIER PA NEW YORK. Feb. 13. Robert Unrmn. nn aired veteran of the Civ : Wir anit a member of the G. A- R- was, the victim of a cruel joke wnicn resulted first in his humiliation in rActanrant and later in his arrest. attitude is adopted one of the great- The old man was accosted last even- . . ... t . MAmnra. I Tt...1. ...... k n ctr-mtrer nrhA est legal battles oeiwecn v.... mg on Biuauj uj i.-.-B. - tions in history of the country may jnvited him to dine but who brazenly . i.t. kim tn cettle with the waiter who IOIIOW. icii iiuii . . .i r tko hill for the meal. When That Waters-Fierce uh vuuiymij mC,cllvv of Missouri will on Monday ask the the old soldier was taken to the West supreme court of this state ir win o . .;. k" 1 .. .Mn - -A iinnrACCAii With M1Q further stay on tne (mcbuuu w.... . ....r.-- - that portion recent decree agains.t it story and his plight that he paid the . . . i u:tt -,kih nrns for a trivial amount. renuir n? It to loose itseii ihmu uiu, ni..v.. .-. - was killed. T-k. i narltacres of reeisterea man 4 11V. v o- mi ! 1.. .1 a hve were secured, inere rauu from Salt Lake addressed to ureeiy, Colo., Georgetown, Colo-, Waco. Texas, White Freight, lexas, anu Denver; one from Peublo to uenver, one from Colorado Springs to Den ver; one from Taylor, Wash., to c...-,hnat Snrinsrs. Colo.; one irora Winfield. Wash., to Sterling. Colo.; one from Leadville to Denver, anu others from Glenwood Springs ann .k.. Pnlnrado towns. uiiivi ' - - , , The exact amount secured Dy tne All... ...ant he ascertained. It IS rODUClo vmi"v , known, however that the registered mail sack from Colorado Springs to Denver was empty and that i"" of value was in the Pueblo-Denver sack. The sack from Portland, to Denver, however, contained $400 ' . A 4a money order funds consigns - Denver. ACTION AFTER HEARING WF.PORT OF THE ELK. CPHKANE. Feb. 13. Superior Tudne J. D. Hinkle yesterday announ J . ... ,1 j i.k: ced a grand jury would oe caucu t- investigate the transac- ImumiiiB o tions for which Former Counsel M. i V.ftrdnn of the Great Ndrthern, nw of winter retuge, is pru- the domination of the Standard Oil Company pf New Jersey was inti mating from oflicers ot tne locai con cern today. The fine of $50,000 which was assessed against the Wat- ... -L.LI.. ers-Pierce Company win prooauiy not be contested. wk.n the white haired veteran was v released from custody he hurried to his lodgings and procured the money, then returned and reimbursed his the nolice station. The straneer who perpetrated the joke disappeared. MAY BE ACCIDENT. www VOPK. Feb. 13 An exhibi . r . .k:k tion of revolver snooiing -- sounds like tales of "Deadwood Dick," and the Wild West, were giv- in RronHvn vesterday when uae r.-n.iii. a saloonkeeDcr, after IUIIU vvmii") - ' tar..tnrv hppn held ud as he stood De l:j ki. hor hiHed his time and with Hum i.,a ' . t a quick motion grabbed nis pwnn ch-t the weanon trom mc man HltU vissw - - who held him up. The shot attracted . ,ii,.emnn and the wounded man and a companion were placed under .arrest. ior vi ".. - , .nM enntained in the memorial IU..U was to congress is asking that the track of land south of Yellowstone Park be set for that purpose. The sug- v ... sir ! gestion comes from the wyomu.B legislature and has also memorializ ed legislature of Idaho reguesting that similar refuge be provided in ,k,t tate alon. the Wyoming, iu siia- ai-" , . . ho, boundary line. The action is the outcome of a report that 20,000 elk are starving in the mountains oi Western Wyoming. SAYS FRENCH ENGINEER.' MTf.W YORK. Feb. 13. The con struction of the Gatun dam now be ing built by the United States win .....n in the greatest disaster to any public work, probably, that has ever been built. This was tne siaiemcm bv P. Buena Varilla, a French envrineer who arrivea ner.- from France today. T Cordon of the Ureal INormcm Milo Root, former Supreme juage and the great Northern Company :...u kw heen subiected to criti cism since the investigation by the deavors State Bar Association. ance of Angio-uennan l.l..w ment it is recognized largely oe- pends npon that between uermauy and France, for m recent years iu difference between Germany and Great Britain is largely from Ger many's supposed hostile attitude and Great Britain's new tounu ...v.. friend. Germany Pleased. tufwT.TN. Feb. 13- Chancellor Von Bulow is hopeful for good re sults by the recent visit to c by King Edward. He said the result of the visit was an understanding of the political aims of both country which will be strengthened and de- clared "The discussion oi me question revealed tor reacii.i.s 1 .t nf hnth in regard to en- a81...v.u. - ---- - . - -r i;rear oniaiu "u (Continued on page 8) THE PORTSMOUTH TREAT AGAIN Uf .... j American Consul Fasher Expresses Dissatisfaction of Russian Attitude at Harbon BLIZZARD IN COLORADO. DENVER, Feb- 13.--A terrible blizzard is raging in the mountains - Colorado tonitrht, and as a result trains will be tied up for some time. LONDON, Feb. 13. mimicioal administration bin which China alleges contsitutes the establishment of Russian terri torial jurisdiction in violation Forts mouth treaty is again receiving atten tion in the British foreign office but Great Britain being without a con sul at Harbin has been unaoic to establish the facts. If however they are found as China alleges the tor- eign office officials state that Great Britain and the United States will Russian fact together to represent to Russi, of Har- the necessity ot observing tne tern tory. It is understood that mi Fasher the American consul at Har bin has expressed his dissatisiactioi at the attitude of Russia. The dtp lomat who is well versed on fa eastern affairs said tonight, whil the effort of Russia to impose tr,xr upon the Chinese at Harbin appear a small matter, the real affects r the whole question is of the ope doors in Manchura " in norinci" vv" - -